Exploring the Americas: Guided Reading Lesson 1: …

EXPLORING THE AMERICASLesson 1 A Changing World?Guided Reading?ESSENTIAL QUESTIONHow do new ideas change the way people live??New Ideas, New NationsOutlining: Reading the section and completing the sentences below will help you learn more about the changing world. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks. (When answering online, separate multiple responses with a comma and one space.)?1.?The Growth of Trade???A. European merchants knew they could make a lot of money ____________.???????1. From Asia, people wanted to buy ____________, ____________, ____________, and ____________.???B. European merchants wanted to find a different route to the East.???????1. This was because they ____________.???C. Italian cities that became wealthy were ____________, ____________, and ____________.?2.?The Growth of Ideas?A.??????? The newly powerful merchant class in Italy studied the classical works of ______________________.?B.??????? The period of great intellectual creativity and discovery is called ______________.??????????? 1. _____________ means “rebirth.”??????????? 2. It spread throughout _____________ over the next two centuries.?C.??????? This era set the stage for an age of ____________ and ____________.??3.?The Rise of Powerful NationsA.??????? By the 1400s, strong ______________ rose to power in Western Europe.?B.??????? Two countries that searched for sea routes to Asia were _________ and _________.?The Effects of New TechnologyDescribing: For each item below, write sentences discussing the technology listed. Remember to use details to support your discussion.?4.?Maps5.?Instruments6.?Ship Design7.?Printing press8.?Synthesizing How did technological advances make exploration of distant lands possible?Kingdoms and Empires in AfricaDirections Place a checkmark in the box that describes each African kingdom. (When answering online, type the kingdoms in the space provided. Separate multiple kingdoms with a comma and one space.)?KingdomGhanaMaliSonghaiMade money from trade????Trade helped Islam to spread in that region???Made money from gold trade or gold mines???Followed Islamic law????Located in West Africa????Ruled by Mansa Musa???Built up Timbuktu????9.?Made money from trade __________10.?Trade helped Islam to spread in the region __________11.?Made money from gold trade or gold mines __________12.?Followed Islamic law __________13.?Located in West Africa __________14.?Ruled by Mansa Musa __________15.?Built up Timbuktu __________Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.16.?Differentiating Which features were part of all three kingdoms???a.?Made money from trade?b.?Trade helped Islam to spread in that region?c.?Made money from gold trade or gold mines?d.?Followed Islamic law?e.?Located in West Africa?f.?Ruled by Mansa Musa?g.?Built up TimbuktuEXPLORING THE AMERICAS?Lesson 2 Early Exploration?Guided Reading?Essential Question?Why do people trade??The Search for New Trade Routes?Reading for Accuracy Select True for the statements that are true. Select False for statements that are not true. Rewrite the underlined portion of statements that are not true.?Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, change the identified word(s) to make the statement true.17.?When Columbus's three ships made landfall in October 1492, he found himself in the East Indies.Indicate whether the statement is true or false.18.?Early explorers' maps showed three continents—Europe, Asia, and Africa—merged into one huge landmass and bordered by oceans.?a.?True?b.?False19.?Portugal was the first European power to explore the known world by sea.?a.?True?b.?False20.?Explaining Read the question below. Rewrite it as a statement. Then give two details that support the statement.?Why did Portugal want to find a sea route to Asia?Statement:?Detail # 1:??Detail # 2:21.?Use your textbook to help you fill in the blanks in the following sentences.?In 1420 __________ set up a center for the study of exploration.22.?It was located at Sagres, on the southwestern tip of __________.23.?He is known as __________.24.?At his school, astronomers, geographers, and mathematicians came to share their knowledge with __________.25.?Portuguese vessels sailed south along the coast of __________.26.?In 1487 Bartolomeu Dias sailed as far as __________.27.?Vasco da Gama is the one who finally __________.28.?In 1498 da Gama reached __________.29.?Cause and Effect What were four effects of the voyages of Pedro ?lvares Cabral??????A.B.C.D.?Columbus Crosses the Atlantic?Sequencing Use your textbook to note and order information about early explorers that took place during the following time periods.??30.?1490 - 1499a.b.c.d.?1500 - 1519e.f.?1520 - 1522g.h.Answer Key1.?A. selling goods from Asia?1. spices, perfumes, silks, precious stonesB.?1. ?did not want to pay high prices to Arab merchantsC. Pisa, Venice, Genoa?2.?A. ancient Greece and RomeB. the Renaissance? 1. ?Renaissance??2. EuropeC. exploration, discovery3.?A. monarchsB. Portugal, Spain4.?Possible answers:Maps improved in accuracy.Maps showed lines of latitude that measured distance north and south of the equator.Maps showed the directions of ocean currents.5.?Possible answers:Sailors could find their latitude while at sea by using an astrolabe.An astrolabe measured the positions of stars.Europeans acquired the magnetic compass in the 1200s.Europeans got the compass from China.The compass allowed sailors to determine what direction they were sailing.6.?Possible answers:Advances in ship design allowed sailing vessels to make long ocean voyages.The stern rudder and triangular sails enabled ships to sail into the wind.In the late 1400s, the Portuguese developed the three-masted caravel.Caravels could sail faster and carry more cargo and supplies than earlier ships.7.?Possible answers:Marco Polo’s Travels was printed in 1477More people had access to books and to new information.8.?Possible answers: The printing press made people aware of the world beyond their borders. Better maps and navigation instruments made it easier to find one’s correct location. Better ships could carry enough cargo to go far and could explore coastlines.9.?Ghana, Mali, Songhai10.?Ghana, Mali, Songhai11.?Ghana, Mali, Songhai12.?Songhai13.?Ghana, Mali, Songhai14.?Mali15.?Mali16.?a, b, c, e17.?False - North America18.?True19.?True20.?Statement: Portugal wanted to find a sea route to Asia.Detail # 1: Portugal wanted to trade with China and India.Detail # 2:?Portugal did not have a port on the Mediterranean Sea, so it could not use existing trade routes to trade with Asia.21.?Prince Henry22.?Portugal23.?Henry the Navigator24.?sailors, shipbuilders, and mapmakers25.?West Africa26.?the southern tip of Africa27.?sailed around Africa to reach India28.?Calicut in India29.?A. Cabral sailed so far west that he reached Brazil, which he claimed for Portugal.B. Cabral reached India and returned with spices, porcelain, and other cargo.C. Portugal set up its first permanent forts in India, and fleets began to make yearly voyages.D. Lisbon, Portugal, became the marketplace of Europe.30.??a. 1492 - Columbus’s first voyageb. 1493 - Columbus’s second voyagec. 1498 - Columbus’s third voyaged. 1499 - Amerigo Vespucci’s first voyage along South American coaste. 1502 - Columbus’s fourth voyagef. ?1513 - Balboa sees the Pacificg. 1520 - Magellan sails around southern tip of South America into Pacific Oceanh. 1522 - Magellan’s crew circumnavigates the world ................

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