Course Name: Social Studies, Grade 5

Course Name: Social Studies, Grade 5

In Grade 5, instructional time should focus on the development of a foundation of understanding of the Ancient World.

• Students develop an age-appropriate understanding of the Ancient World by studying a wide variety of different societies in relation to geography, government, economics, and history. Understanding the Ancient World will give students working knowledge of the following strands of the Social Studies Standards:  (A) Civics, Government, Human Rights (B) Geography, People, and Environment (C) Economics, Innovation, and Technology (D) History, Culture, Perspective.

Grade 5: Overview

• Beginnings of Human Society

• Mesopotamia

• Egypt

• Indus River Valley

• China

• The Hebrews

• The Americas

|Domain |Assessment |Resources |Methods |

|Standards: | | | |

|6.2.8.A.1.a Compare and contrast the |-Venn Diagram leading to |-Textbook & supplementary |-Reading, Class discussion, |

|social organization of early |essay of Compare & Contrast |materials |essay writing |

|hunters/gatherers and those who lived in | | | |

|early agrarian societies | | | |

| |-Journal writing from point | | |

|6.2.8.B.1.a Explain the various migratory|of view of migratory |-Textbook & associated maps|-Reading, map discussion, |

|patterns of hunters/gatherers who moved |hunter/gatherer | |map drawing, creative |

|from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and | | |writing |

|the Americas, and describe the impact of | | | |

|migration on their lives and on the | | | |

|shaping of societies. |-Poem for Two Voices: Nomad|-Textbook & supplementary | |

| |& Farmer |materials |-T-chart, class discussion, |

|6.2.8.B.1.b Compare and contrast how | | |Creative writing |

|nomadic and agrarian societies used land | | | |

|and natural resources |-Elapsed time mural: stages|-Textbook & supplementary | |

| |of civilization development |materials |-Textbook reading, class |

|6.2.8.C.1.a Relate the agricultural | | |discussion, notes, |

|revolution (including the impact of food | | |non-linguistic |

|surplus from farming) to population |-Persuasive writing: most |-Textbook & supplementary |representation |

|growth and the subsequent development of |important advancement |materials | |

|civilizations. | | |-Non-fiction reading, notes,|

| | | |discussion, writing about |

|6.2.8.C.1.b Determine the impact of |-Time line or wheel to show | |important advances |

|technological advancements on |relative lengths of eras |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|hunter/gatherer and agrarian societies | |materials | |

| | | |-Non-linguistic |

|6.2.8.D.1.a Demonstrate an understanding|-Writing for modern | |representations |

|of pre-agricultural and post-agricultural|connections: how do we | | |

|periods in terms of relative length of |convey ideas through |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|time |language today? |materials | |

| | | |-Discussion, reading, |

|6.2.8.D.1.b Relate the development of |-Simulated archaeological | |notetaking, fact-based |

|language and forms of writing to the |dig; journal from view of | |historical writing, writing |

|expression of ideas, creation of cultural|archaeologist |-Textbook & supplementary |for modern connections |

|identity, and development of more complex| |materials | |

|social structures. | | |-Creative writing, |

| |-Newspaper writing from | |discussion, simulation |

|6.2.8.D.1.c Explain how archaeological |different civilizations | | |

|discoveries are used to develop and | |-Textbook & supplementary |-Think, Pair, Share about |

|enhance understanding of life prior to |-Writing for modern |materials |government in river valleys;|

|written records |connections: today’s laws | |Fact-based creative writing |

| | |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|6.2.8.A.2.a Explain why different ancient| |materials |-Primary source Hammurabi’s |

|river valley civilizations developed |-Journal writing; poetry | |Code; discussion |

|similar forms of government | | | |

| |-Expository writing: Affect|-Textbook & supplementary | |

|6.2.8.A.2.b Explain how codifying laws |of geography on various |materials |-Class discussion textbook |

|met the needs of ancient river valley |aspects of society | |reading; |

|societies | |-Textbook & supplementary | |

| | |materials | |

|6.2.8.A.2.c Determine the role of slavery|-Essay of comparison & | |-Class discussion textbook |

|in the economic and social structures of |contrast between ancient | |reading; paired drawings; |

|ancient river valley civilizations. |river civilizations; | |think-pair-share; Jigsaw |

|6.2.8.B.2.a Determine the extent to which|creation of maps |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|geography influenced settlement, the | |materials | |

|development of trade networks, | | |-Guided map anaylsis; |

|technological innovations, and the | | |partner drawing; Jigsaw |

|sustainability of ancient river valley | | | |

|civilizations. | | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.B.2.b Compare and contrast physical| | | |

|and political maps of ancient river |-Technology murals; skits | | |

|valley civilizations and their modern | | | |

|counterparts (i.e., Mesopotamia and Iraq;| |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|Ancient Egypt and Modern Egypt; Indus | |materials |-Textbook reading; class |

|River Valley and Modern Pakistan / India;| | |discussions; notetaking; |

|Ancient China and Modern China), and |-Journal writing/ poetry | |illustrations; writing |

|determine the geopolitical impact of | | | |

|these civilizations, then and now. | | | |

| |Expository writing |-Textbook & supplementary |-Textbook reading; class |

|6.2.8.C.2.a Explain how technological | |materials |discussions; notetaking; |

|advancements led to greater economic | | |illustrations; writing |

|specialization, improved weaponry, trade,|-Draw a timeline of rise & |-Textbook & supplementary |-Textbook reading; class |

|and the development of a class system in |fall of civilizations |materials |discussions; notetaking; |

|ancient river valley civilizations. | | |illustrations; writing |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.D.2.a Analyze the impact of | |-Textbook & supplementary |-Reading; discussions; |

|religion on daily life, government, and |-Persuasive writing: most |materials |notes; writing |

|culture in various ancient river valley |important legacy | |illustrations; |

|civilizations. | | | |

|6.2.8.D.2.b Explain how the development | | |-Jigsaw; Think-Pair-Share; |

|of written language transformed all |-Governmental methods mural;|-Textbook & supplementary |discussion |

|aspects of life ancient river valley |panel discussion |materials | |

|civilizations. | | | |

|6.2.8.D.2.c Analyze the factors that led | | |-Discussions; reading; |

|to the rise and fall of various ancient | |-Textbook & supplementary |comprehension & extension |

|river valley civilizations and determine | |materials |questions |

|whether there was a common pattern of | | | |

|growth and decline. |-Panel discussion skit; | | |

| |mural; Voices poem; journal | | |

|6.2.8.D.2.d Justify which of the major |writing | | |

|achievements of the ancient river valley | | | |

|civilizations represent the most enduring| |-Textbook & supplementary |-Reading of text & primary |

|legacies. |-Annotated map of |materials |sources; writing activities;|

| |civilizations; expository | |discussion |

|6.2.8.A.3.a Compare and contrast the |writing | | |

|methods (i.e., autocratic rule, | | | |

|philosophies, and bureaucratic | |-Textbook & supplementary |-Reading; guided map |

|structures; communication and | |materials |analysis; discussion |

|transportation systems) used by the | | | |

|rulers of Rome, China, and India to |-Creative writing | | |

|control and unify their expanding | | | |

|empires. | | |-Reading; guided map |

| |-Writing for modern |-Textbook & supplementary |analysis; think-pair-share |

|6.2.8.A.3.b Compare and contrast the |connections: use of |materials | |

|rights and responsibilities of free men, |currency today; Market Place| |-Reading; Creative & |

|women, slaves, and foreigners in the |Skit |-Textbook & supplementary |expository writing; |

|political, economic, and social | |materials |note-taking; graphic |

|structures of classical civilizations. |-Technology Hall of Fame | |organizer |

|6.2.8.B.3.a Determine how geography and |Booklet: each student to | | |

|the availability of natural resources |research an advancement and | |-Internet & library |

|influenced the development of the |create class booklet; Oral |-Textbook & supplementary |research; writing; reading; |

|political, economics, and cultural |presentations |materials |discussion; creation of |

|systems of each of the classical | | |booklets; oral reports |

|civilizations and provided motivation for| | | |

|expansion, |-Cause & Effect writing | | |

|6.2.8.C.3.a Analyze the impact of | | | |

|expanding land and sea trade routes | |-Textbook & supplementary |-Reading; graphic |

|through the Mediterranean Basin, India, | |materials |organizers; writing |

|and China. |-Triple-panel annotated | | |

| |illustration: students | | |

|6.2.8.C.3.b Explain how the development |create a 3-paneled drawing | | |

|of a uniform system of exchange |of the factors of decline |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|facilitated trade in classical |with accompanying |materials |-Reading; graphic |

|civilizations. |explanatory text | |organizers; Jigsaw; |

| | | |Non-linguistic |

|6.2.8.C.3.c Explain how classical |-Panel discussion : groups | |representations; expository |

|civilization used technology and |to research cultures and | |writing |

|innovation to enhance |present speakers to discuss | | |

|agricultural/manufacturing output and |each age |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|commerce, to expand military | |materials |-Guided research: Internet |

|capabilities, to improve life in urban |-World Religions mural: on | |& library; Jigsaw; |

|areas, and to allow for greater division |butcher paper or on | |collaborative work; writing;|

|of labor. |blacktop, create a mural of |-Textbook & supplementary |self-reflection |

| |symbols and key facts of |materials | |

|6.2.8.D.3.b Relate the Chinese dynastic |major world religions | |-Collaborative work; |

|system to the longevity of authoritarian | | |reading; non-linguistic |

|rule in China | | |representations; writing |

| | | | |

| |-Poems for Two Voices / | | |

|6.2.8.D.3.c Determine common factors that|Journals: fact based |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|contributed to the decline and fall of |creative writing from |materials | |

|the Roman Empire, Gupta India, and Han |perspective of empires on | |-Reading; guided map |

|China |effect of geography | |analysis; writing: |

| | | |expository and creative; |

| |-Writing for modern | |illustrations |

| |connections: impact of |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|6.2.8.D.3.d Compare the golden ages of |highways on trade & growth: |materials | |

|Greece, Rome, India, and China and |how did Route 80 affect the | |-Reading; writing for modern|

|justify major achievements that represent|growth of Allamuchy?; Trade | |connections; non-linguistic |

|world legacies. |route mural | |representations |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.D.3.e Compare and contrast the |-Posters / slide show & oral| | |

|tenets of various world religions that |presentations: | | |

|developed in or around this time period |environmental changes. |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|(i.e., Buddhism, Christianity, |Students research a change |materials | |

|Confucianism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, |and present to class orally | |-Think, pair, share; |

|and Taoism), their patterns of expansion,|with visual aid. | |research; creation of visual|

|and their responses to the current | | |aid; oral report |

|challenges of globalization. |-Poem for Two Voices: Japan| | |

|6.2.8.B.4.a Explain how geography |& China discuss relationship|-Textbook & supplementary | |

|influenced the development of the | |materials | |

|political, economic, and cultural centers| | | |

|of each empire and well as the empires’ |-Ancient Americas Map: draw| |-Reading; Jigsaw; Expository|

|relationships with other parts of the |a map of the Americas | |& Creative Writing |

|world. |including the major empires |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|6.2.8.B.4.b Assess how maritime and |and landforms; Journal |materials | |

|overland trade routes (i.e., the African |writing from each empire | |-Jigsaw; Reading; Journal |

|caravan and Silk Road) impacted | | |writing; Non-linguistic |

|urbanization, transportation, |-Create a graphic organizer | |representations |

|communication, and the development of |(ie: flow chart) that | | |

|international trade centers |depicts the connection of |-Textbook & supplementary | |

| |factors |materials | |

| | | |-Reading; class discussion; |

|6.2.8.B.4.e Analyze the motivations for | | |guided, fact-based writing; |

|civilizations to modify the environment, |-Expository writing: | |graphic organizer creation |

|determine the positive and negative |develop an essay that | | |

|consequences of environmental changes |discusses factors impact on |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|made during this time period, and relate |development |materials |-Reading; class discussion; |

|these changes to current environmental | | |note-taking; graphic |

|challenges. | | |organizers; essay writing |

| |-Create an illustrated, | | |

|6.2.8.B.4.f Explain how the geographies |annotated flow chart that |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|of China and Japan influenced their |depicts open exchange |materials | |

|development and their relationship with | | |-Reading; writing Flow |

|one another. | | |chart; illustrations |

| |-Argumentation: enduring | | |

|6.2.8.B.4.h Explain how the locations, |legacies. Written & oral |-Textbook & supplementary | |

|land forms, and climates of Mexico, |arguments |materials |-Reading; expository |

|Central America, and South America | | |writing; argumentation |

|affected the development of Mayan, Aztec,| | | |

|and Incan societies, cultures, and | | | |

|economies. | | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.C.4.a Explain the | | | |

|interrelationships among improved | | | |

|agricultural production, population | | | |

|growth, urbanization, and | | | |

|commercialization. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.C.4.b Analyze how trade, | | | |

|technology, the availability of natural | | | |

|resources, and contact with other | | | |

|civilizations affected the development of| | | |

|empires in Eurasia and the Americas. | | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.D.4.g Analyze the immediate and | | | |

|long-term impact on China and Europe of | | | |

|the open exchange between Europe and the | | | |

|Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty. | | | |

|6.2.8.D.4.j Compare the major | | | |

|technological innovations and cultural | | | |

|contributions of the civilizations of | | | |

|this period and justify which represent | | | |

|enduring legacies. | | | |

Course Name: Social Studies, Grade 6

In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on the development of a foundation of understanding of the Early Modern World.

• Students develop an age-appropriate understanding of the Early Modern World by studying a wide variety of different societies in relation to geography, government, economics, and history. Understanding the Ancient World will give students working knowledge of the following strands of the Social Studies Standards:  (A) Civics, Government, Human Rights (B) Geography, People, and Environment (C) Economics, Innovation, and Technology (D) History, Culture, Perspective.

Grade 6: Overview

• Greece

• Rome & Christianity

• Africa

• The Middle East & Islam

• Japan

• The Middle Ages

• The Renaissance

|Domain |Assessment |Resources |Methods |

|Standards | | | |

|6.2.8.A.3.a Compare and contrast|-Compare & contrast writing |-World History text (Holt) & |-Forms of Government video; |

|the methods (i.e., autocratic |task; non-linguistic |supplementary materials |Think, Pair, Share; Venn diagram|

|rule, philosophies, and |representations | | |

|bureaucratic structures; | | | |

|communication and transportation| | | |

|systems) used by the rulers of | | | |

|Rome, China, and India to | | | |

|control and unify their |-Poem for two voices |-World History text (Holt) & |-Non-fiction reading; multimedia|

|expanding empires. | |supplementary materials |resources; class discussion; |

|6.2.8.A.3.b Compare and contrast| |-Multimedia resources; United |creative writing; social pyramid|

|the rights and responsibilities | |Streaming; videos |drawings |

|of free men, women, slaves, and | | | |

|foreigners in the political, |-Three-panel chart: Athens, |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|economic, and social structures |Rome, U.S.; Expository |supplementary materials |-Non-fiction reading of text; |

|of classical civilizations. |writing about the development| |class discussion; Jigsaw |

|6.2.8.A.3.c Determine the |of democracy | |activity; non-linguistic |

|foundational concepts and | | |representations; expository |

|principles of Athenian democracy| | |writing |

|and the Roman Republic that | | | |

|later influenced the development|-Create a graphic organizer |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|of the United States |to categorize rights & |supplementary materials | |

|Constitution. |responsibilities | |-Text reading; note taking; |

| |-Social Pyramid illustration | |creative writing; non-linguistic|

|6.2.8.A.3.d Compare and contrast|-Poem for Two Voices | |representations; graphic |

|the roles and responsibilities |--Journal entry from | |organizers |

|of citizens in Athens and Sparta|perspective of young Spartan,| | |

|to those of United States |Athenian, and American | | |

|citizens today, and evaluate how| |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|citizens perceived the |-Write a Compare and Contrast|supplementary materials | |

|principles of liberty and |essay that examines Athenian,| | |

|equality then and now. |Roman, and American forms of | | |

| |government | |-Think, Pair, Share; text |

|6.2.8.A.3.e Compare and contrast|-Legal Word Wall to highlight| |reading; Expository writing |

|the American legal system and |key terms shared between | |(Compare & Contrast); Word wall |

|the legal systems of classical |American and classical legal | |creation & maintenance |

|civilizations, and determine the|systems |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|extent to which the early | |supplementary materials | |

|systems influenced the current |-Natural resources murals | | |

|legal system. |-Creative, fact-based writing| | |

| | | |-Text reading; discussion; note |

| | | |taking; creative writing; |

|6.2.8.B.3.a Determine how | | |illustrations; mapping |

|geography and the availability | | | |

|of natural resources influenced | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|the development of the | |supplementary materials | |

|political, economic, and | | | |

|cultural systems of each of the |-Write an ode that traces the| | |

|classical civilizations and |rise and fall of the | | |

|provided motivation for |city-state |-World History text (Holt) & |-Text reading; discussion; note |

|expansion. | |supplementary materials |taking; poetry writing |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.B.3.b Explain how | | | |

|geography and the availability |-Expository writing; map | | |

|of natural resources led to both|drawing |-World History text (Holt) & |-Text reading; map analysis; |

|the development of Greek | |supplementary materials |illustration; writing |

|city-states and to their demise.| | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.C.3.a Analyze the impact | | | |

|of expanding land and sea trade |-Create a pamphlet that | | |

|routes through the Mediterranean|details social hierarchies in|-World History text (Holt) & |-Text reading; Think, Pair, |

|Basin, India, and China. |classical societies |supplementary materials |Share; KWL chart; TriFold |

| | | |Booklet (pamphlet) |

|6.2.8.D.3.a Compare and contrast| | | |

|social hierarchies in classical | | | |

|civilizations as they relate to |-Write a series of newspaper |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|power, wealth, and equality. |articles about the decline |supplementary materials | |

| |and fall of the Roman Empire,| |-Text reading; Discussions; |

| |Gupta India, and Han China. | |Writing; Illustrations |

|6.2.8.D.3.c Determine common | | | |

|factors that contributed to the | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|decline and fall of the Roman |-Make a persuasive argument |supplementary materials | |

|Empire, Gupta India, and Han |to justify the importance of | |-Text reading; Creative and |

|China. |major achievement of Greece | |expository writing; |

| |&Rome | |Non-linguistic representations |

|6.2.8.D.3.d Compare the golden | | | |

|ages of Greece, Rome, India, and|-Create a word splash that | | |

|China, and justify major |details key elements of major| | |

|achievements that represent |world religions | |-Venn diagrams; graphic |

|world legacies. |-Create a multi-media | |organizers; expository writing; |

| |presentation about world |-World History text (Holt) & |text reading |

|6.2.8.D.3.e Compare and contrast|religions |supplementary materials | |

|the tenets of various world | |-Selected myths: see Literature | |

|religions that developed in or | |textbook | |

|around this time period (i.e., | | | |

|Buddhism, Christianity, | | | |

|Confucianism, Islam, Judaism, | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|Sikhism, and Taoism), their | |supplementary materials | |

|patterns of expansion, and their|-Read an original myth and | | |

|responses to the current |write a paragraph that | |-Read & discuss classic myths; |

|challenges of globalization. |explains its role in the | |Creative writing & |

| |classical civilization of its| |non-linguistic representations |

|6.2.8.D.3.f Determine the extent|origin; Write an original |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|to which religions, mythologies,|myth and explanation. |supplementary materials | |

|and other belief systems shaped | | | |

|the values of classical |-Write a journal entry from | |-Text reading; creative writing;|

|societies. |the point of view of a | |expository writing; |

| |conquered person and a | |illustrations; discussions |

| |conqueror that discusses the |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|6.2.8.A.4.a Analyze the role of |role of religion |supplementary materials | |

|religion and other means rulers | | | |

|used to unify and centrally | | |-Discussions; note-taking; |

|govern expanding territories | | |expository writing; text reading|

|with diverse populations. |-Create a Venn diagram that | | |

| |compares and contrasts | | |

| |Japanese and European | | |

|6.2.8.A.4.b Compare and contrast|feudalism | | |

|the Japanese and European | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|systems of feudalism and the | |supplementary materials | |

|effectiveness of each in | |-Textbook maps |-Text reading; expository |

|promoting social, economic, and | | |writing; comprehension and |

|political order. |-Design a flow chart or | |extension questions |

| |graphic organizer that | | |

| |depicts the connection | | |

|6.2.8.A.4.c Determine the |between medieval practices | | |

|influence of medieval English |and modern democracy |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|legal and constitutional | |supplementary materials | |

|practices (i.e., the Magna | | | |

|Carta, parliament, and the | | | |

|development of habeas corpus and| | |-Map-making; creative writing; |

|an independent judiciary) on |-Draw a map of Africa and | |expository writing; guided map |

|modern democratic thought and |write a series of entries | |analysis |

|institutions. |that detail the challenges | | |

| |and opportunities of | | |

|6.2.8.B.4.c Determine how |different regions and areas. | | |

|Africa’s physical geography and | | | |

|natural resources posed | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|challenges and opportunities for| |supplementary materials |-Text reading; Think-Pair-Share;|

|trade and development. |-Multi-media presentation | |Jigsaw; class discussions |

| |about Middle East | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.B.4.d Explain why the | | | |

|Arabian Peninsula’s physical | | | |

|features and location made it | | | |

|the epicenter of Afro-Eurasian | | |-Text & supplementary reading; |

|trade and fostered the spread of|-Write a poem that depicts | |creative & expository writing; |

|Islam into Africa, Europe, and |the importance of | |lecture |

|Asia. |Constantinople |-World History text (Holt) & | |

| |-Take me back to |supplementary materials | |

| |Constantinople: song & slide| | |

|6.2.8.B.4.g Explain why the |show available from YouTube | | |

|strategic location and economic | | |-Flow chart design; discussion; |

|importance of Constantinople and| | |writing tasks; reading |

|the Mediterranean Sea were a |-Write and perform a skit | | |

|source of conflict between |that traces the development | | |

|civilizations. |of the merchant class and the|-World History text (Holt) & | |

| |rise of new business and |supplementary materials | |

| |banking systems | |-Comparison writing; |

|6.2.8.C.4.c Explain how the | | |illustrations; reading of text |

|development of new business | | |and supplementary materials |

|practices and banking systems |-Trace trade routes on a map | | |

|impacted global trade and the |of Africa | | |

|development of a merchant class.| | | |

| | |-World History text (Holt) & |-Text reading; read-alouds; |

|6.2.8.C.4.d Analyze the | |supplementary materials |writing; non-linguistic |

|relationship between trade | | |representations |

|routes and the development of |-T-chart illustration of | | |

|powerful city-states and |Islamic & European | | |

|kingdoms in Africa. |influences; fact-based | | |

| |creative writing | | |

|6.2.8.C.4.e Determine the extent| | |-Think, Pair, Share; Jigsaw; |

|to which interaction between the| | |Reading; Writing tasks; |

|Islamic world and medieval | | |Illustrations |

|Europe increased trade, enhanced|-Journal writing |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|technology innovation, and |-Poetry writing |supplementary materials | |

|impacted scientific thought and | | | |

|the arts. | | | |

| | | |-Point/Counterpoint discussion; |

|6.2.8.D.4.a Explain how contact | | |reading; writing tasks |

|between nomadic peoples and | | | |

|sedentary populations had both |-Expository writing; | | |

|positive and negative political,|Creative, fact-based writing | | |

|economic, and cultural |-Writing for modern |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|consequences. |connections (Current Events) |supplementary materials |-Current event discussion; text |

| | |-Current events articles |reading; illustrations; writing |

|6.2.8.D.4.b Analyze how religion|-Argumentation: written and | |tasks |

|both unified and divided people.|oral…most important | | |

| |influencing factor in | | |

| |development of each empire | | |

| | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

|6.2.8.D.4.c Analyze the role of | |supplementary materials |-Reading of text and |

|religion and economics in | | |supplementary materials (fiction|

|shaping each empire’s social |-Newspaper articles; | |& non-fiction); creative & |

|hierarchy, and evaluate the |argumentation: oral and | |expository writing; |

|impact these hierarchical |written | |non-linguistic representations |

|structures had on the lives of | | | |

|various groups of people. | | | |

| | | | |

|6.2.8.D.4.d Analyze the causes | | | |

|and outcomes of the Crusades | |-World History text (Holt) & |-Reading; writing tasks; Jigsaw |

|from different perspectives, | |supplementary materials | |

|including the perspectives of |-Pamphlet or multimedia |-Multimedia resources; United | |

|European political and religious|presentation about the plague|Streaming; videos | |

|leaders, the crusaders, Jews, | | | |

|Muslims, and traders. | | |-Think, Pair, Share; class |

| | | |discussions; text reading; |

|6.2.8.D.4.e Assess the |-Annotated timeline and | |creative and expository writing |

|demographic, economic, and |expository writing | | |

|religious impact of the plague | | | |

|on Europe. | | | |

| | | | |

| | |-World History text (Holt) & |-Reading; videos / United |

|6.2.8.D.4.f Determine which | |supplementary materials |Streaming; writing tasks |

|events led to the rise and |-T-chart |-Multimedia resources; United | |

|eventual decline of European |-Panel drawing |Streaming; videos | |

|feudalism. | | | |

| | | | |

| | |-World History text (Holt) & |-Reading; collaborative work; |

| | |supplementary materials |map work; writing tasks |

|6.2.8.D.4.h Determine the extent|-Non-linguistic |-Multimedia resources; United | |

|to which the Byzantine Empire |representation; expository |Streaming; videos | |

|influenced the Islamic world and|writing | | |

|western Europe. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |-Jigsaw; Think-Pair-Share; |

|6.2.8.D.4.i Explain how and why | |-World History text (Holt) & |reading; writing tasks; |

|Islam spread in Africa, the | |supplementary materials |illustrations |

|significance of Timbuktu to the |-Argumentation: most |-Multimedia resources; United | |

|development and spread of |important enduring legacies |Streaming; videos | |

|learning, and the impact Islam | | | |

|continues to have on African | | | |

|society. | | | |

| | |-World History text (Holt) & | |

| | |supplementary materials | |

|6.2.8.D.4.j Compare the major | | | |

|technological innovations and | | | |

|cultural contributions of the | | | |

|civilizations of this period and| | | |

|justify which represent enduring| | | |

|legacies. | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |-World History text & | |

| | |supplementary materials (Holt) | |

| | |-Multimedia resources; United | |

| | |Streaming; videos | |

Course Name: Social Studies, Grade 7

In Grade 7, instructional time should focus on early American history and culture.

• Students develop an age-appropriate understanding of early America by studying a wide variety of different societies in relation to geography, government, economics, and history. Understanding early American history and culture will give students working knowledge of the following strands of the Social Studies Standards:  (A) Civics, Government, Human Rights (B) Geography, People, and Environment (C) Economics, Innovation, and Technology (D) History, Culture, Perspective.

Grade 7: Overview

• Early Americans

• Colonization and Settlement

• Revolution and the New Nation

• Expansion and Reform

|Domain |Assessment |Resources |Methods |

|Standards | | | |

|6.1.8.A.1.a Compare and contrast|-Expository essay of comparison |-United States History: |-Textbook reading; Jigsaw; |

|forms of governance, belief |& contrast |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |non-linguistic representations; |

|systems, and family structures | |textbook & supplementary |expository writing |

|among African, European, and | |materials) | |

|Native American groups. | | | |

|6.1.8.B.1.a Describe migration |-Create a migration & settlement|-United States History: |-Textbook reading; guided map |

|and settlement patterns of |map; fact-based journal writing |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |study; map drawing; creative |

|Native American groups, and |to discuss settlement factors |textbook & supplementary |writing |

|explain how these patterns | |materials) | |

|affected interactions in | | | |

|different regions of the Western|-Map-based journal writing / | | |

|Hemisphere. |expository writing |-United States History: |-Guided map reading; discussion;|

|6.1.8.B.1.b Analyze the world in| |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |note-taking; creative and |

|spatial terms, using historical | |textbook & supplementary |expository writing |

|maps to determine what led to | |materials) | |

|the exploration of new water and| | | |

|land routes. |-Exploration Effects Display: | | |

| |create a bulletin board or hall | |-Textbook reading; research; |

| |display that highlights key |-United States History: |display creation; expository |

|6.1.8.C.1.a Evaluate the impact |innovations & developments in |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |writing; informal oral |

|of science, religion, and |the exploration period |textbook & supplementary |presentation |

|technology innovations on | |materials) | |

|European exploration. | | | |

| |-Writing for modern connections:| | |

| |connect trade to shopping & |-United States History: |-Reading; writing; discussion; |

|6.1.8.C.1.b Explain why |commerce today |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |note-taking; multimedia |

|individuals and societies trade,| |textbook & supplementary |resources |

|how trade functions, and the | |materials) | |

|role of trade during this |-Panel discussion: students | | |

|period. |research elements of Native | | |

| |American society and present to |-United States History: |-Internet, textbook, and library|

|6.1.8.D.1.a Compare and contrast|class |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |research; oral presentation; |

|gender roles, religion, values, | |textbook & supplementary |collaborative brainstorming |

|cultural practices, and |-Create a visual representation |materials) | |

|political systems of Native |(poster, slides, etc) to depict | |-Research; reading; writing; |

|American groups. |the interaction between groups ;|-United States History: |non-linguistic representation |

|6.1.8.D.1.b Explain how |Expository writing |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|interactions among African, | |textbook & supplementary | |

|European, and Native American | |materials) | |

|groups began a cultural |-Poem for Two Voices: Columbian| |-Textbook reading; class |

|transformation. |Exchange from point of view of | |discussion; note-taking; |

| |New World & Europe |-United States History: |creative writing |

|6.1.8.D.1.c Evaluate the impact | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|of the Colombian Exchange on | |textbook & supplementary | |

|ecology, agriculture, and |-Panel discussion: develop and |materials) | |

|culture from different |present a skit that depicts | |-Textbook reading & research; |

|perspectives. |religious freedom and | |discussion; collaborative work; |

| |participatory government in |-United States History: |oral presentation |

|6.1.8.A.2.a Determine the roles |various colonies; Reflective |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|of religious freedom and |writing |textbook & supplementary | |

|participatory government in | |materials) | |

|various North American colonies.|-Colonial government booklets: | |-Textbook reading & research; |

| |create a pamphlet that presents | |illustration; expository |

| |the ways government developed in| |writing; explanatory writing |

|6.1.8.A.2.b Explain how and why |the colonies |-United States History: | |

|early government structures | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|developed, and determine the |-Perspective-based journal |textbook & supplementary | |

|impact of these early structures|writing: write from various |materials) |-Textbook reading; Jigsaw; class|

|on the evolution of American |points of view at different | |discussion; note-taking; |

|politics and institutions. |times in the colonial period | |fact-based creative writing |

|6.1.8.A.2.c Explain how race, | |-United States History: | |

|gender, and status affected | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|social, economic, and political |-Emigration, Settlement & |textbook & supplementary | |

|opportunities during Colonial |Identities Map: Draw a map of |materials) |-Jigsaw or Think-Pair-Share; |

|times. |the colonies that highlights | |Reading; Explanatory writing; |

| |patterns of colonization; | |Map drawing |

|6.1.8.B.2.a Determine factors |Explanatory writing/ Panel |--United States History: | |

|that impacted emigration, |discussion |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|settlement patterns, and | |textbook & supplementary | |

|regional identities of the | |materials) |-Reading; discussion; |

|colonies. |-Compare & Contrast essay | |note-taking; expository writing |

| |writing | | |

| | | | |

| | |-United States History: | |

|6.1.8.B.2.b Compare and contrast| |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|how the search for natural | |textbook & supplementary |-Reading, discussions, |

|resources resulted in conflict |-Labor System Panel Drawing: |materials) |illustrations, annotations |

|and cooperation among European |depict the levels of labor in | | |

|colonists and Native American |illustrations & annotations | | |

|groups in the New World. | | |-Textbook research; |

|6.1.8.C.2.a Relate slavery and |-Graphic organizer creation: |-United States History: |non-linguistic representation; |

|indentured servitude to Colonial|define mercantilism and |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |expository writing |

|labor systems. |illustrate its impact |textbook & supplementary | |

| | |materials) | |

|6.1.8.C.2.b Explain the system | | | |

|of mercantilism and its impact | |-United States History: |-Reading & research; writing; |

|on the economies of the colonies|-Panel discussion/ skit; Hall of|Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |oral presentation / |

|and European countries. |Fame / Hall of Shame award |textbook & supplementary |argumentation |

| |writing |materials) | |

| | | | |

|6.1.8.C.2.c Analyze the impact | | |-Reading & research; discussion;|

|of triangular trade on multiple |-News broadcast / newspaper |-United States History: |collaborative work; newspaper |

|nations and groups. |about European power struggle: |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |writing or broadcast creation |

| |each student develops an |textbook & supplementary | |

|6.1.8.D.2.a Analyze the power |interview or feature |materials) | |

|struggle among European | | |-Reading; expository writing; |

|countries, and determine its | |-United States History: |non-linguistic representations |

|impact on people living in |-Immigration Pamphlet: |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |(symbols) |

|Europe and the Americas. |highlight the experiences of 3 |textbook & supplementary | |

| |different groups and develop an |materials) | |

|6.1.8.D.2.b Compare and contrast|overarching, written comparison | | |

|the voluntary and involuntary |of experiences | | |

|migratory experiences of | |-United States History: |-Primary source reading & |

|different groups of people, and | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |analysis; expository writing; |

|explain why their experiences |-Declaration of Independence |textbook & supplementary |memorization |

|differed. |memorization; expository essay |materials) | |

|6.1.8.A.3.a Examine the ideals |about women, African-Americans, | | |

|found in the Declaration of |and Native Americas in the time | | |

|Independence, and assess the |period | |-Class discussion of key |

|extent to which they were | |-United States History: |principles; reading and |

|fulfilled for women, African |-Constitution argumentation: |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |research; argumentation (oral |

|Americans, and Native Americans |how have we done with key |textbook & supplementary |and written) |

|during this time period. |principles? Research-based |materials) | |

|6.1.8.A.3.b Evaluate the |argumentation | | |

|effectiveness of the fundamental| | | |

|principles of the Constitution | | | |

|(i.e., consent of the governed, | |-United States History: | |

|rule of law, federalism, limited| |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|government, separation of | |textbook & supplementary | |

|powers, checks and balances, and| |materials) |-Textbook and primary source |

|individual rights) in | | |reading; Jigsaw; collaborative |

|establishing a federal |-Expository writing: The | |brainstorming; expository |

|government that allows for |Constitution and Compromise | |writing |

|growth and change over time. |(Great Compromise, 3/5 | | |

| |Compromise, Federalists / | | |

|6.1.8.A.3.c Determine the role |Anti-Federalists) | | |

|that compromise played in the | | |-Textbook and primary source |

|creation and adoption of the | |-United States History: |reading; Discussion, |

|Constitution and Bill of Rights.| |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |note-taking; chart |

| |-Illustrative, annotated chart |textbook & supplementary | |

| |of powers of the Articles of |materials) | |

|6.1.8.A.3.d Compare and contrast|Confederation & Constitution | |-Textbook reading; fact-based |

|the Articles of Confederation | | |creative writing |

|and the United States |-Journal writing from two | | |

|Constitution in terms of the |perspectives about the Alien & |--United States History: | |

|decision-making powers of |Sedition Acts |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|national government. | |textbook & supplementary |-Textbook and current event |

|6.1.8.A.3.e Determine why the | |materials) |(newspaper, news magazines, |

|Alien and Sedition Acts were |-Political Party Flow Chart: | |websites) reading; flow chart |

|enacted and whether they |Trace the development to the |-United States History: |with illustrations & annotations|

|undermined civil liberties. |modern day and highlight key, |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

| |defining issues and opinions |textbook & supplementary | |

|6.1.8.A.3.f Explain how | |materials) |-Textbook and current event |

|political parties were formed | | |reading; reflective writing; |

|and continue to be shaped by |-Panel discussion/ news | |development of group discussion |

|differing perspectives regarding|broadcast about the Constitution|-United States History: |or skit |

|the role and power of federal |in today’s world; written |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|government. |reflection |textbook & supplementary | |

| | |materials); newspapers and | |

|6.1.8.A.3.g Evaluate the impact | |online resources for current |-Reading; discussion; |

|of the Constitution and Bill of | |events |note-taking; writing activities |

|Rights on current day issues. | | | |

| |-Journal writing / Poem for Two |-United States History: | |

| |Voices; Expository (Cause & |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |-Textbook and primary source |

| |Effect) writing |textbook & supplementary |reading; discussion; |

| | |materials); newspapers and |Think-Pair-Share; editorial |

|6.1.8.B.3.a Assess how conflicts| |online resources |writing |

|and alliances among European |-Editorial writing: New Jersey | | |

|countries and Native American |& Virginia Plans | | |

|groups impacted the expansion of| |-United States History: | |

|the American colonies. | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|6.1.8.B.3.b Determine the extent| |textbook & supplementary | |

|to which the geography of the | |materials) |-Map study; textbook and primary|

|United States influenced the | | |source reading; collaborative |

|debate on representation in | |--United States History: |brainstorming; Think-Pair-Share;|

|Congress and federalism by |-Battle analysis: Write a |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |battle plan creation |

|examining the New Jersey and |battle plan and outcome analysis|textbook & supplementary | |

|Virginia plans. |on a particular battle of the |materials) | |

| |Revolutionary War with an | | |

|6.1.8.B.3.c Use maps and other |emphasis on geography (Example: | | |

|geographic tools to evaluate the|Battles of Bunker Hill, | | |

|impact of geography on the |Saratoga, Yorktown) | |-Reading; map study; battle |

|execution and outcome of the | | |study; discussion; writing |

|American Revolutionary War. | |-United States History: | |

| |-Essay to highlight 3 key |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

| |events/ developments in the |textbook & supplementary | |

| |American Revolution based in New|materials) | |

| |Jersey | |-Reading; writing; political |

|6.1.8.B.3.d Explain why New | | |cartooning; editorial review; |

|Jersey’s location played an | | |discussion; note-taking; primary|

|integral role in the American |-Editorial writing/ political | |sources: editorials & cartoons |

|Revolution. |cartoon drawing based on taxes | |(historical and current) |

| |and regulation in the colonial | | |

| |period |-United States History: | |

|6.1.8.C.3.a Explain how taxes | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |-Reading; discussion; |

|and government regulation can | |textbook & supplementary |note-taking; creative, |

|affect economic opportunities, | |materials) |fact-based writing; |

|and assess the impact of these | | |non-linguistic representations |

|on relations between Britain and|-Non-linguistic representation |-United States History: | |

|its North American colonies. |based on inflation and debt; |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |-Reading; writing; multimedia |

| |Journal writing |textbook & supplementary |presentations; collaborative |

|6.1.8.C.3.b Summarize the effect| |materials) |brainstorming; discussions |

|of inflation and debt on the | | | |

|American people and the response|-Create a pamphlet, write an | | |

|of state and national |essay, or create a multimedia | | |

|governments during this time. |presentation that highlights | |-Reading; research; |

|6.1.8.C.3.c Evaluate the impact |the impact of 3 major |-United States History: |argumentation (written and |

|of the cotton gin and other |innovations of the time period |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |oral); DBQ |

|innovations on the institution | |textbook & supplementary | |

|of slavery and on the economic |-Cause & Effect Flow Chart for |materials) | |

|and political development of the|the American Revolution; written| | |

|country. |/ oral argumentation: most |-United States History: | |

| |important cause of the American |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|6.1.8.D.3.a Explain how the |revolution |textbook & supplementary | |

|consequences of the Seven Years |-DBQ (Document-Based |materials) |-Textbook and primary source |

|War, changes in British policies|Questioning) activity | |reading (Declaration of |

|toward American colonies, and | | |Independence); discussion; |

|responses by various groups and | | |writing |

|individuals in the North |-Journal writing from point of |-United States History: | |

|American colonies led to the |view of Thomas Jefferson on the |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|American Revolution. |writing of the Declaration; |textbook & supplementary | |

| |Illustration of key principles |materials) |-Textbook and primary source |

|6.1.8.D.3.b Explain why the | | |reading (Washington’s Farewell |

|Declaration of Independence was |-Character Sketch: written or | |address) |

|written and how its key |oral; Creative writing (Journal,| | |

|principles evolved to become |Poem, Song) | | |

|unifying ideas of American |-Creation & dedication of new | | |

|democracy. |memorial / monument |-United States History: |-Research and reading (textbook |

| | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |and online resources); creation |

|6.1.8.D.3.c Analyze the impact |-Revolutionary War Hall of Fame:|textbook & supplementary |of booklet with text and |

|of George Washington as general |class booklet highlighting |materials) |illustration; informal oral |

|of the American revolutionary |contributions of individuals and| |presentation |

|forces and as the first |nations | | |

|president of the United States. | |-United States History: | |

| | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |-Reading and research; panel |

|6.1.8.D.3.d Analyze how | |textbook & supplementary |discussion preparation and |

|prominent individuals and other |-Panel discussion: students |materials) |presentation; collaborative |

|nations contributed to the |take on points of view of | |brainstorming; written |

|causes, execution, and outcomes |various groups and discuss their| |reflection |

|of the American Revolution. |experiences during the | | |

| |Revolutionary War era |-United States History: | |

|6.1.8.D.3.e Examine the roles | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|and perspectives of various | |textbook & supplementary | |

|socioeconomic groups (e.g., | |materials) | |

|rural farmers, urban craftsmen, | | |-Reading; Writing; note-taking; |

|northern merchants, and southern| | |class & group discussions |

|planters), African Americans, |-Poem for Two (or more) Voices /| | |

|Native Americans, and women |Journal Writing/ Editorial |-United States History: | |

|during the American Revolution, |Writing |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|and determine how these groups | |textbook & supplementary | |

|were impacted by the war. | |materials) | |

|6.1.8.D.3.f Analyze from | | |-Textbook and primary source |

|multiple perspectives how the | | |reading (Preamble); |

|terms of the Treaty of Paris |-Preamble recitations & | |Collaborative brainstorming; |

|affected United States relations|illustrations; Expository essay | |illustrations; expository |

|with Native Americans and with |about Washington, Adams, and | |writing |

|European powers that had |Jefferson administrations & the | | |

|territories in North America. |Preamble principles |-United States History: | |

|6.1.8.D.3.g Evaluate the extent | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |-Textbook reading; Jigsaw; flow |

|to which the leadership and |-Flow Chart to trace |textbook & supplementary |chart creation; informal oral |

|decisions of early |relationship with Great Britain,|materials) |presentations |

|administrations of the national |France, and Spain in the period | | |

|government met the goals |after the American Revolution: | | |

|established in the Preamble of |illustrations and annotations | | |

|the Constitution. | |-United States History: |-Textbook and primary source |

| |-Manifest Destiny poem / song/ |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |reading; writing; creative |

|6.1.8.A.4.a Explain the changes |essay/ poster/ multimedia |textbook & supplementary |representations; multimedia |

|in America’s relationships with |presentation |materials) |resources |

|other nations by analyzing | | | |

|policies, treaties, tariffs, and| | | |

|agreements. | | |-Textbook reading; class |

| |-Before and after writing and |-United States History: |discussion; Think-Pair-Share; |

|6.1.8.A.4.b Analyze how the |symbolic illustrations: voting |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |writing and illustrating |

|concept of Manifest Destiny |rights |textbook & supplementary | |

|influenced the acquisition of | |materials) |-Reading, research, discussion, |

|land through annexation, |-Editorial writing / | |note-taking, monument design, |

|diplomacy, and war. |argumentation: The Louisiana | |editorial writing |

| |Purchase is the most important |-United States History: | |

| |real estate transaction in |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|6.1.8.A.4.c Assess the extent to|American History. |textbook & supplementary | |

|which voting rights were |-Memorial / Monument design and |materials); multimedia resources| |

|expanded during the Jacksonian |dedication |(America: The Story of Us) |-Map drawing, discussion, |

|period. | | |reading, expository writing |

| |-Draw an historical map of the |-United States History: | |

|6.1.8.B.4.a Assess the impact of|era; accompanying written |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|the Louisiana Purchase and |description of expansion and |textbook & supplementary | |

|western exploration on the |conflicts |materials) |-Textbook and primary source |

|expansion and economic | | |reading; Think-Pair-Share; class|

|development of the United |-Create a pamphlet, write an |-United States History: |discussion; creative |

|States. |essay, or design a multimedia |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |representation; expository |

| |presentation that highlights the|textbook & supplementary |writing |

| |role of the National Bank, |materials) | |

|6.1.8.B.4.b Map territorial |uniform currency, and tariffs in| | |

|expansion and settlement, as |the development of the new | | |

|well as the locations of |nation | |-Textbook and primary source |

|conflicts with and removal of | |-United States History: |reading; Erie Canal song and |

|Native Americans. | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |photos; discussion; |

| |-Technology Hall of Fame mural |textbook & supplementary |Think-Pair-Share; writing; |

|6.1.8.C.4.a Analyze the debates |and presentations: research a |materials) |non-linguistic representations |

|involving the National Bank, |major development (Erie Canal, | | |

|uniform currency, and tariffs, |steamboat, etc) |-United States History: |-Textbook and primary source |

|and determine the extent to | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |reading; creative and expository|

|which each of these economic | |textbook & supplementary |writing |

|tools met the economic |-Cause and effect writing: |materials) | |

|challenges facing the new |technology and way of life; | | |

|nation. |Journal writing/ poetry writing | | |

|6.1.8.C.4.b Explain how major | | |-Reading, writing, discussion, |

|technological developments | | |note-taking, |

|revolutionized land and water |-Immigration flow chart (Cause &|-United States History: | |

|transportation, as well as the |Effect) |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|economy, in New Jersey and | |textbook & supplementary |-Research, oral presentation, |

|nation. | |materials) |expository and creative writing |

|6.1.8.C.4.c Analyze how | | | |

|technological innovations |-Reformers’ Panel Discussion: | | |

|affected the status and social |oral reports on major reformers |-United States History: |-Reading, research, creative, |

|class of different groups of |(Dix, Mann, Stanton, Stowe, |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt |fact-based writing |

|people, and explain the outcomes|etc.) |textbook & supplementary | |

|that resulted. | |materials) | |

|6.1.8.D.4.a Analyze the |-Journal writing/ Poem for Two | | |

|push-pull factors that led to |Voices/ Slave Song writing | | |

|increases in immigration, and | |-United States History: | |

|explain why ethnic and cultural | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|conflicts resulted. | |textbook & supplementary | |

| | |materials) | |

|6.1.8.D.4.b Explore efforts to | | | |

|reform education, women’s | |-United States History: | |

|rights, slavery, and other | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|issues during the Antebellum | |textbook & supplementary | |

|period. | |materials) | |

| | | | |

|6.1.8.D.4.c Explain the growing | |-United States History: | |

|resistance to slavery and New | |Beginnings to 1877 (Holt | |

|Jersey’s role in the Underground| |textbook & supplementary | |

|Railroad. | |materials) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Course Name: Social Studies, Grade 8

In Grade 8, instructional time should focus on a combination of American History, Civics, and Economics.

• Students develop an age-appropriate understanding of American History, Civics, and Economics by studying a wide variety of different societies in relation to geography, government, economics, and history. Understanding American history and Civics will give students working knowledge of the following strands of the Social Studies Standards:  (A) Civics, Government, Human Rights (B) Geography, People, and Environment (C) Economics, Innovation, and Technology (D) History, Culture, Perspective. Understanding economics will give students working knowledge of the following strands of the 21st Century Life and Careers Standards: (A) Income and Careers (B) Money Management (C) Credit and Debt Management (D) Planning, Saving, and Investing (E) Becoming a Critical Consumer (F) Civic Financial Responsibility (G) Risk Management and Insurance

Grade 8: Overview

• Civil War

• Reconstruction

• Community Involvement

• Career Exploration

• Personal Finance

• Business & Entrepreneurialism

|Domain |Assessment |Resources |Methods |

|Standards: | | | |

|6.1.8.A.5.a Explain how and why|-Rewrite the Gettysburg Address |-United States History: Beginnings|-Textbook and primary source |

|the Emancipation Proclamation |in plain speak |to 1877 (Holt textbook & |reading; paraphrasing; |

|and the Gettysburg Address |-Write a journal entry from |supplementary materials); Primary |illustrations; creative, |

|continue to impact American |different perspectives after the|Sources:Gettysburg Address & |fact-based writing |

|life. |Emancipation Proclamation |Emancip.Proclamation | |

| | | | |

|6.1.8.A.5.b Compare and |-Create a graphic organizer that|-United States History: Beginnings|-Textbook reading; class |

|contrast the approaches of |characterizes the Lincoln & |to 1877 (Holt textbook & |discussion; Think-Pair-Share; |

|Congress and Presidents Lincoln|Johnson plans for |supplementary materials) |expository writing |

|and Johnson toward the |Reconstruction; essay of | | |

|reconstruction of the South. |comparison and contrast | | |

| | | | |

| | |-United States History: Beginnings| |

|6.1.8.B.5.a Determine the role |-Write an essay that describes |to 1877 (Holt textbook & |-Textbook reading; discussion;|

|of geography, natural |the strengths and weaknesses of |supplementary materials) |collaborative mural work; |

|resources, demographics, |the North & South based on | |essay or journal writing |

|transportation, and technology |various elements; North/South | | |

|in the progress and outcome of |mural |-United States History: Beginnings| |

|the Civil War. | |to 1877 (Holt textbook & | |

|6.1.8.C.5.a Assess the human |-Create a metaphor to represent |supplementary materials); The Civil|-Textbook and primary source |

|and material costs of the Civil|the human and material costs of |War by Ken Burns |reading (Mary Chesnut diaries)|

|War in the North and South. |the war | | |

| | |-United States History: Beginnings| |

|6.1.8.C.5.b Analyze the | |to 1877 (Holt textbook & |-Textbook and primary source |

|economic impact of |-Write a Poem for Two Voices |supplementary materials) |reading; creative, fact-based |

|Reconstruction on the South |about Reconstruction | |writing |

|from different perspectives. | | | |

| | |-United States History: Beginnings| |

| | |to 1877 (Holt textbook & | |

|6.1.8.D.5.a Prioritize the | |supplementary materials); The Civil|-Textbook and primary source |

|causes and events that led to |-Create a flow chart that traces|War by Ken Burns; America: the |reading; argumentation (oral |

|the Civil War from different |the causes of the Civil War; |Story of Us |and written); collaborative |

|perspectives. |Written and oral argument about | |brainstorming; |

| |most important cause of Civil |-United States History: Beginnings|Think-Pair-Share; historical |

| |War from various points of view |to 1877 (Holt textbook & |films |

| | |supplementary materials); The Civil| |

|6.1.8.D.5.b Analyze critical |-Collaborate on a group |War by Ken Burns |-Textbook and primary source |

|events and battles of the Civil|newspaper about the Civil War | |reading; Internet and library |

|War and determine how they |that highlights key events and | |research; collaborative work |

|contributed to the final |battles; documentary on the |-United States History: Beginnings| |

|outcome of the war. |Civil War |to 1877 (Holt textbook & | |

| | |supplementary materials) | |

|6.1.8.D.5.c Examine the roles | | |-Internet and library |

|of women, African Americans, |-Journal writing; research-based| |research; textbook and primary|

|and Native Americans in the |writing |-United States History: Beginnings|source reading; creative |

|Civil War. | |to 1877 (Holt textbook & |writing |

| |-Amendment flow chart: Origin, |supplementary materials); Primary | |

| |Execution, Impact; Journal or |Sources: Constitution | |

|6.1.8.D.5.d Analyze the |essay writing. | |-Textbook and primary source |

|effectiveness of the 13th, | |-Newspapers; news magazines; online|reading; Jigsaw; creative and |

|14th, and 15th Amendments to | |resources |expository writing |

|the United States Constitution | | | |

|from multiple perspectives. | | | |

|6.3.8.A.1 Deliberate on a |-Oral presentation on election |-Newspapers; news magazines; online|-Class discussions; graphic |

|public issue affecting an |issue; class debate |resources |organizers; debate |

|upcoming election, consider | | | |

|opposing arguments, and develop| | | |

|a reasoned conclusion. |-Simulated hearing about public | |-Class discussion; |

|6.3.8.A.2 Participate in a real|issue; present findings with BOE| |collaborative work; |

|or simulated hearing to develop| | |simulation; oral presentation |

|a legislative proposal that | | | |

|addresses a public issue, and | |-Newspapers; news magazines; online| |

|share it with an appropriate | |resources; technology resources | |

|legislative body (e.g., school | | | |

|board, municipal or county | | | |

|government, state legislature).|-Virtual field trips; |-Newspapers, news magazines, online|-Class discussion of world |

|6.3.8.A.3 Collaborate with |Facetime/Skype/Pen Pal letters |resources |issues; writing; |

|international students to |to discuss major issues | | |

|deliberate about and address |affecting young people | | |

|issues of gender equality, | | | |

|child mortality, or education. | | |-Class discussions; guest |

|6.3.8.B.1 Evaluate alternative |-Analytical writing about land |-Budget Overview / Summary |speakers; analytical writing |

|land use proposals and make |use proposals; multi-media | | |

|recommendations to the |presentations | | |

|appropriate governmental agency| | | |

|regarding the best course of | | | |

|action. | | | |

| |-Budget analysis and summary; |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Analysis of budget; classroom|

|6.3.8.C.1 Contact local |thank you letter to local |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |discussion; guest speaker |

|officials and community members|official; interview questions |supplementary textbook materials |(mayor, BOE member, etc.) |

|to obtain information about the| | | |

|local school district or | | | |

|municipal budget and assess | | | |

|budget priorities. | | |-Field trip to Warren County |

| |-Reflective writing about trip |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |Courthouse; mock trial; |

|6.3.8.D.1 Engage in simulated |to Warren County Courthouse; |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |collaborative work; research |

|democratic processes (e.g., |mock trial |supplementary textbook materials | |

|legislative hearings, judicial | | | |

|proceedings, elections) to | | | |

|understand how conflicting | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Research, textbook and |

|points of view are addressed in| |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |newspaper reading; writing; |

|a democratic society. |-Income bar graph; Expository |supplementary textbook materials |collaborative work; guest |

|9.2.8.A.1 Relate how career |writing: newspaper article; | |speakers; Career Fair |

|choices, education choices, |Career Fair | | |

|skills, entrepreneurship, and | |-Newspapers, Text reading (Civics | |

|economic conditions affect | |in Practice – Holt); supplementary |-Career Fair, guest speakers, |

|income. | |textbook materials |reading, writing |

| |-Journal writing; Career Fair | | |

|9.2.8.A.2 Differentiate among | |-Newspapers, Text reading (Civics | |

|ways that workers can improve | |in Practice – Holt); supplementary |-Reading; writing; class |

|earning power through the | |textbook materials |discussion; guest speakers |

|acquisition of new knowledge |-Journal writing: Poem for Two | | |

|and skills. |Voices |- Textbook reading (Civics in | |

|9.2.8.A.3 Relate earning power | |Practice – Holt); supplementary |-Reading: text & classified |

|to quality of life across | |textbook materials |ads; writing; chart making; |

|cultures. |-Career Chart: demand, skills, | |guest speakers; videos |

| |salary; Summary writing | | |

|9.2.8.A.4 Relate how the demand| |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Reading; writing; book |

|for certain skills determines |-Expository writing; simulated |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |keeping activity |

|an individual’s earning power. |ledger showing deposits from |supplementary textbook materials | |

| |work and “gifts” | | |

|9.2.8.A.5 Explain the | | |-Reading; writing; oral |

|difference between “earned | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |presentations; discussions |

|income” and “unearned income” |-Short story writing; skit; |(Civics in Practice – Holt); pay | |

|(e.g., gifts) and why earned |panel discussion |stub; supplementary text materials | |

|income is important. | | | |

|9.2.8.A.6 Examine how labor | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Class discussion of payroll |

|market trends and the cost of | |(Civics in Practice – Holt), pay |deductions; writing; guest |

|living can affect real income, |-Pay stub analysis: expository |stub; supplementary materials |speaker: Board Secretary |

|spending decisions, and |and/or creative writing | | |

|lifestyle. | |-Newspapers, Text reading (Civics |-Class discussion; Reading; |

| | |in Practice – Holt); supplementary |guest speaker, note-taking; |

|9.2.8.A.7 Explain the purpose |-Pamphlet / multimedia |text materials |illustrations; writing |

|of the payroll deduction |presentation about taxes & | | |

|process, taxable income, and |benefits |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Class discussion; reading; |

|employee benefits. | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); My |guest speakers; note-taking; |

| | |Savings ; supplementary |writing |

|9.2.8.A.8 Differentiate among |-2-Panel word map to distinguish|materials | |

|the types of taxes and employee|between taxable and nontaxable | |-Simulated budget game |

|benefits. |income |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |(online); class discussion; |

| | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); guest |guest speaker – financial |

| | |speaker; supplementary text |planner |

|9.2.8.A.9 Differentiate between|-Personal Financial Plan |materials | |

|taxable and nontaxable income. | | | |

| | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Class discussion; creation of|

|9.2.8.B.1 Construct a simple | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |financial plan; guest speaker |

|personal savings and spending |-Personal Financial Plan |supplementary text materials | |

|plan based on various sources | | | |

|of income. | | |-Class discussion; financial |

| | | |planning activities; guest |

|9.2.8.B.2 Justify the concept |-Personal financial plan; |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |speaker |

|of “paying yourself first” as a|simulated retirement plan; |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|financial savings strategy. |journal writing; expository |supplementary text materials | |

| |writing | | |

| | | |-Class discussions; newspaper |

|9.2.8.B.3 Relate the concept of| |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |and news magazine reading; |

|deferred gratification to | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |reaction papers; collaborative|

|investment, meeting financial |-Reaction paper: respond to |supplementary text materials |brainstorming |

|goals, and building wealth. |economic issues as presented in | | |

| |class and newspaper readings |-Budget planning games and online | |

|9.2.8.B.4 Analyze the effect of| |resources; textbook reading |-Reading; creative and |

|the economy on personal income,| | |expository writing; class |

|individual and family security,|-Poem for Two Voices: |-Textbook reading; store ads |discussions |

|and consumer decisions. |culture/history and finance |(Staples, etc.) | |

| | | |-Reading; financial planning |

|9.2.8.B.5 Evaluate the |-Simulated budget planning | |activities; simulated |

|relationship of cultural | | |budgeting games; guest speaker|

|traditions and historical | |--Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|influences on financial |-Financial planning shopping |(Civics in Practice – Holt) |-Reading, writing, financial |

|practice. |list: what do you need? / | |planning activities, guest |

|9.2.8.B.6 Construct a budget to|Journal writing about financial | |speaker |

|save for long-term, short-term,|record keeping |-Sample bank statements; Textbook | |

|and charitable goals. | |reading (Civics in Practice – Holt)| |

| | | | |

|9.2.8.B.7 Develop a system for |-Cash flow statements; |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Reading; writing; financial |

|keeping and using financial |Expository writing |(Civics in Practice – Holt) |planning activities; |

|records. | | |nonlinguistic representation |

| | | | |

| |-Balance sheet activity; Analyze| |-Class discussions; reading; |

|9.2.8.B.8 Explain the concept |sample statements |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |writing; statement analysis; |

|of cash flow and construct cash| |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|flow statements. |-Panel discussion/ Podcast / |multimedia resources |-Collaborative brainstorming; |

| |Public Service Announcement | |research; collaborative |

|9.2.8.B.9 Create debit and |Posters: students research | |planning; |

|credit balance sheets and |financial products and present |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|income and cash statements. |findings |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|9.2.8.B.10 Determine the most | | | |

|appropriate use of various | | |-Reading; writing; |

|financial products and services|-Short Story writing; Podcast ; | |collaborative brainstorming |

|(e.g., ATM, debit cards, credit|Public Service Announcement | |and planning; creation of PSA |

|cards, checkbooks) |posters |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |messages |

| | |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|9.2.8.B.11 Justify safeguarding| | | |

|personal information when using|-Financial Institutions mural / |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Writing, collaborative |

|credit cards, banking |pamphlet / multimedia |(Civics in Practice – Holt) |brainstorming and planning; |

|electronically, or filing |presentation | |guest speaker; class |

|forms. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |discussion; reading |

| | |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|9.2.8.B.12 Evaluate the | | | |

|appropriate financial |-Financial institutions mural / | | |

|institutions to assist with |pamphlet / multimedia | |-Reading; writing; |

|meeting various personal |presentation | |collaborative brainstorming & |

|financial needs and goals. | | |planning; guest speaker; class|

| |-Expository writing: compare |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |discussion |

|9.2.8.C.1 Compare and contrast |and contrast financial |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |-Reading; research; |

|the financial products and |strategies |mathematical formulas |discussion; expository |

|services offered by different | | |writing; guest speaker |

|types of financial |-Interest rate chart: Using | | |

|institutions. |materials from a variety of | |-Research; reading; discussion|

|9.2.8.C.2 Compare and contrast |financial institutions create |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|debt and credit management |and maintain a chart that shows |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|strategies. |interest rates for various forms| | |

| |of credit | | |

|9.2.8.C.3 Demonstrate an | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|understanding of the | |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|terminology associated with |-Credit calculations & | |-Calculations; expository |

|different types of credit |explanatory writing | |writing |

|(e.g., credit cards, | | | |

|installment loans, mortgages) | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|and compare the interest rates | |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|associated with each. | | | |

|9.2.8.C.4 Calculate the cost of|-Editorial writing/ political |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Reading; writing; guest |

|borrowing various amounts of |cartoon |(Civics in Practice – Holt) |speaker |

|money using different types of | | | |

|credit (e.g., credit cards, | | | |

|installment loans, mortgages). | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

| |-Journal writing; reflective |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|9.2.8.C.5 Determine ways to |writing; flow chart | | |

|leverage debt beneficially. | | |-Class discussions; reading; |

| | | |nonlinguistic representations |

| | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.2.8.C.6 Determine potential | |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|consequences of using “easy |-Political cartoon / editorial | | |

|access” credit (e.g., using a |writing |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Class discussions; reading; |

|line of credit vs. obtaining a | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |nonlinguistic representations |

|loan for a specific purpose). | |supplementary materials | |

| |-Podcast / Public Service | |-Reading; discussions; |

|9.2.8.C.7 Explain the meaning |Announcement |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |Writing; Presentation |

|and possible consequences of | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|“predatory lending practices.” | |supplementary materials | |

|9.2.8.C.8 Explain the purpose | | |-Reading; expository and |

|of a credit score and credit |-Short Story Writing | |creative writing; class |

|record, and summarize |(fact-based) / Journal Writing |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |discussions |

|borrowers’ credit report | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|rights. | |supplementary materials | |

| | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.2.8.C.9 Summarize the causes |-Short Story Writing/ Journal |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |-Reading; expository and |

|and consequences of personal |Writing |supplementary materials |creative writing; class |

|bankruptcy. | | |discussions |

| | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.2.8.C.10 Determine when there|-Public Service Announcement |(Civics in Practice – Holt) |-Reading, guest speaker, |

|is a need to seek credit |posters and/or Podcast |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |writing, PSA work |

|counseling and appropriate | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|times to utilize it. |-Savings mural: annotated and |supplementary materials | |

|9.2.8.D.1 Determine how saving |illustrated discussion of | |-Reading, guest speaker; |

|contributes to financial |savings tools/ Metaphorical |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |writing; nonlinguistic |

|well-being. |work: Saving money is like a |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |representations |

|9.2.8.D.2 Differentiate among |bridge… |supplementary materials | |

|various savings tools and how | | | |

|to use them most effectively |-Investment pamphlet: highlight| |-Research; reading; writing; |

| |key investment options |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |illustrations; discussions |

| | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.D.3 Differentiate among |-Summary writing |supplementary materials |-Reading; writing; discussion |

|various investment options. | | | |

| | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.2.8.D.4 Distinguish between | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|income and investment growth. |-Scenario writing |supplementary materials |-Reading; writing; discussion |

| | | | |

|9.2.8.D.5 Explain the economic |-Case studies reading: |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Text and case study reading; |

|principle of supply and demand.|successful businesspeople; |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |writing; interviewing |

|9.2.8.D.6 Relate saving and |Summarize and draft sample |supplementary materials | |

|investing decisions to |interview questions | |-Financial calculations; |

|successful entrepreneurship. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |reading; writing |

| |-Financial calculations sheet & |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|9.2.8.D.7 Calculate short- and |summative writing | | |

|long-term returns on various | | | |

|investments (e.g., stocks, | | |-Reading; creative and |

|bonds, mutual funds, IRAs, | |-Store ads; Newspapers, Textbook |fact-based writing; |

|deferred pension plans, and so |-Journal writing; expository |reading (Civics in Practice – Holt)|discussions |

|on). |writing | | |

|9.2.8.D.8 Assess the impact of | | | |

|inflation on economic decisions| |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Discussions; reading; |

|and lifestyles. | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |writing; collaborative |

| |-Shopping List: Wants & Needs |supplementary materials; sample |planning |

|9.2.8.E.1 Prioritize personal | |contract | |

|wants and needs when making | | |-Discussions; reading; |

|purchases. |-Financial fees chart & | |writing; chart-making |

| |summative writing |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.2.8.E.2 Analyze interest | |(Civics in Practice – Holt) | |

|rates and fees associated with | | |-Reading, discussions; |

|financial services, credit |-Blogging: How Should I Pay? | |blogging |

|cards, debit cards, and gift |Students blog about best ways to|-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|cards. |pay for certain products & |(Civics in Practice – Holt); sample| |

|9.2.8.E.3 Evaluate the |services |infomercials…see YouTube | |

|appropriateness of different | | | |

|types of monetary transactions | | |-Discussions; reading; |

|(e.g., electronic transfer, |-Comparison shopping activity: |-Newspapers, Text reading (Civics |writing; comparison shopping |

|check, certified check, money |locate prices on same products |in Practice – Holt) | |

|order, gift card, barter) for |from multiple stores / ads; | | |

|various situations. |summative writing | | |

|9.2.8.E.4 Compare the value of | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Discussions; analysis of |

|goods or services from |-Expository writing: rights & |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |sample contract; writing; |

|different sellers when |responsibilities in contracts; |supplementary materials |reading |

|purchasing large quantities and|write a contract | | |

|small quantities. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

| | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.E.5 Identify the | |supplementary materials |-Reading; writing; PSA work; |

|components of written and |-Podcasts / PSA posters about | |discussions |

|verbal contracts and the |fraud and consumer protection | | |

|inherent responsibilities of | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|the contracting parties. | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |-Reading; writing; viewing of |

| |-Analysis of infomercial |supplementary materials |infomercials; class discussion|

|9.2.8.E.6 Evaluate how |(example: Baby Bullet baby food| | |

|fraudulent activities impact |maker) |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|consumers, and justify the | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|creation of consumer protection| |supplementary materials; online |-Reading; writing; discussion |

|laws. |-Expository writing: how has |resources | |

| |consumption and production | | |

|9.2.8.E.7 Recognize the |positively affected society? |-Newspapers, Text reading (Civics | |

|techniques and effects of | |in Practice – Holt); |-Reading; writing; discussion |

|deceptive advertising. | | | |

| |Editorial writing / political |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

| |cartoons |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.F.1 Explain how the | |supplementary materials |-Reading; writing; discussion;|

|economic system of production | | |collaborative planning and PSA|

|and consumption may be a means |Public service podcasts / |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |work |

|to achieve significant societal|posters/ creative writing |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|goals. | |supplementary materials | |

|9.2.8.F.2 Examine the | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Reading; discussion; chart |

|implications of legal and | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |making; writing |

|ethical behaviors when making |If…Then Chart: students track |supplementary materials | |

|financial decisions. |how donations can rise according| | |

|9.2.8.F.3 Relate the impact of |to income | |-Collaborative brainstorming; |

|business, government, and | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |discussion |

|consumer fiscal responsibility | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|to the economy and to personal |-Brainstorm list of societal |supplementary materials | |

|finance. |problems and research charitable|-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Discussion; reading; writing |

| |organizations |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.F.4 Calculate appropriate| |supplementary materials; warranty |-Discussion; reading; writing;|

|amounts of charitable giving |-Journal writing; political |documents |collaborative work on |

|based on current financial |cartoons; editorial writing | |scenarios |

|status. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

| |Scenario writing: If…Then; What|(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

| |would happen to your money if… | |-Guest speaker (insurance |

|9.2.8.F.5 Determine | | |industry); reading; writing; |

|opportunities for |-Pamphlet / posters/ multimedia | |discussion |

|micro-financing of global |presentations about value of |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|charities and causes. |insurance protections |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |-Guest speaker (insurance |

|9.2.8.G.1 Compare the impact of| |supplementary materials; NJCCCS |industry); reading; writing; |

|losses associated with |-Pamphlet / posters/ multimedia | |discussion |

|different types of financial |presentations about value of |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|risk. |insurance protections |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.G.2 Explain why it is | |supplementary materials |-Guest speaker (insurance |

|important to develop plans for |-Pamphlet / posters/ multimedia | |industry); reading; writing; |

|protecting current and future |presentations about value of |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |discussion |

|personal assets against loss. |insurance protections |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

| | |supplementary materials; high | |

|9.2.8.G.3 Explain the purpose |-Do I Need the Warranty? Write |school information from pamphlets &|-Reading of text and |

|and importance of health, |scenarios in which the warranty |websites |materials; writing |

|disability, life, and consumer |is warranted. |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|insurance protection. | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.G.4 Determine criteria |-Personalized Student Learning |supplementary materials |-Discussions (class and |

|for deciding the amount of |Plan with career interest | |individual); personal interest|

|insurance protection needed. |information | |inventory |

| | | | |

|9.2.8.G.5 Analyze the need for | | | |

|and value of different types of| | |-Reading of NJCCCS; |

|insurance and the impact of |-Career Clusters Mural / Wall |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |Discussion; Mural work |

|deductibles. | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.2.8.G.6 Evaluate the need for| |supplementary materials |-Parent speakers; discussions;|

|different types of extended |-Personal reflection paper: | |reading; writing; reflections |

|warranties. |What am I good at? What do I | | |

| |like? What do I want out of | | |

|9.3.8.B.1 Develop a |life? | |Guest speakers from high |

|Personalized Student Learning | | |schools; reading; discussion; |

|Plan that includes information |Where Can I Study? Chart…list | |writing |

|about career areas of interest |options for career studies; |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|with the assistance of adult |journal writing; expository |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|mentors. |writing |supplementary materials |-Interviews; Career Fair |

|9.3.8.B.2 Identify common | | |projects & presentations; |

|knowledge, skills, and | | |Career Day guest speakers |

|abilities needed within the |-Career Fair; Career Interviews | | |

|federal 16 Career Clusters. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.3.8.B.3 Evaluate personal | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|abilities, interests, and | |supplementary materials | |

|motivations and discuss how | | | |

|they might influence job and | | |-Reading; reflecting; writing |

|career selection. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.3.8.B.4 Identify high school |-Self-Reflection: Communication|(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|and county career and technical|Skills, Collaboration, |supplementary materials; online | |

|school courses and programs |Leadership. Personal Inventory |materials like Occupational | |

|that support career or |and Action Plan |Information Network (O*NET) or the | |

|occupational areas of interest.| |New Jersey State Career Development| |

|9.3.8.B.5 Use workplace | | |-Reading; writing; discussion;|

|readiness skills and career | | |nonlinguistic representations;|

|information learned from job | | |blogging |

|shadowing, high school visits, | | | |

|speakers, volunteering, or |-Job/Career Chart: Illustrated | | |

|other career exploration |and Annotated; Journal Writing; | | |

|activities to assist with |Expository Writing; Interview |-Newspapers, Textbook reading |-Reading; writing; interviews |

|career exploration. |adults about jobs and careers |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.3.8.B.6 Evaluate | |supplementary materials; online | |

|communication, collaboration, | |materials like Occupational | |

|and leadership skills and how |-Career Essay: Select a career |Information Network (O*NET) or the | |

|they might be further developed|path and research its changes |New Jersey State Career Development|-Online research and summation|

|in preparation for a future |over time. | | |

|career through involvement in | | | |

|school, home, work, and | | | |

|extracurricular activities. | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|9.3.8.B.7 Explain what is meant|-Research summary: written |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|by “jobs” and “careers,” and |summation of information from |supplementary materials | |

|examine how each tends to be |research | | |

|distributed regionally, | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|nationally, and globally. | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.3.8.B.8 Compare and contrast | |supplementary materials |-Online research and |

|how traditional and | | |summation; chart/graph |

|nontraditional occupational | | |creation |

|roles have changed or remained | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|the same regionally, | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|nationally, and globally. | |supplementary materials; sample | |

|9.3.8.B.9 Inventory the |-Track employment trends by |working papers | |

|requirements for entering |creating a chart or graph and |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|different career areas of |written summation |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|interest using online job | |supplementary materials |-Read and analyze sample |

|information, such as the | | |résumés and cover letters; |

|federal Occupational | | |writing |

|Information Network (O*NET) or | |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|the New Jersey State Career | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |-Discussion; reading; writing;|

|Development Website, and | |supplementary materials |illustrations |

|determine why those |-Draft sample application | | |

|requirements are needed for |documents | | |

|success in a chosen career. | | | |

|9.3.8.B.10 Evaluate employment | | |-Guest speaker from main |

|trends (including job outlook |-Journal writing / creative | |office about working papers |

|and wage trends) in areas of |writing/ Do’s & Don’ts Pamphlet |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|career interest using online | |(Civics in Practice – Holt); |-Reading; research; |

|resources, such as the federal | |supplementary materials |application of information |

|Occupational Information |-Fill out sample working papers | |into multimedia presentations;|

|Network (O*NET) or the New | | |oral presentation |

|Jersey State Career Development| |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|Website. |-Multimedia presentation that |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|9.3.8.B.11 Prepare a sample |highlights jobs permitted or |supplementary materials; online |-Research; reading; oral |

|résumé and cover letter as part|prohibited for minors |resources |presentation; writing |

|of an application for part-time| | | |

|or summer employment. | | | |

|9.3.8.B.12 Explain how personal|-Employment Case Study: |-Newspapers, Textbook reading | |

|behavior, dress, attitudes, and|Research a case that violated |(Civics in Practice – Holt); | |

|other choices can impact the |employment law. Summarize, form|supplementary materials | |

|success or failure of a job |opinion, and present to class. | | |

|applicant. | | |-Reading; writing; HR guest |

|9.3.8.B.13 Locate information | | |speaker |

|about working papers, including| | | |

|what is required to obtain them| | | |

|and who must sign them. |-Creative writing (Poem, Song, | | |

|9.3.8.B.14 Use online state and|Journal, etc.) about academic | | |

|federal agency resources to |achievement and career forecast | |-Writing; discussion; PSA work|

|identify jobs that are | | | |

|permitted or prohibited for | | | |

|minors. |-Public Service Announcement | | |

|9.3.8.B.15 Analyze a past or |posters or podcasts about | |-Writing; discussions; HR |

|current local, national, or |careful online behavior | |Guest speaker |

|international incident that | | | |

|violated professional, legal, | | | |

|and/or ethical responsibilities| | | |

|in an employment setting, and |Expository writing/ fact-based | | |

|explain the impact of the |creative writing | | |

|incident on employees and | | | |

|others. | | | |

|9.3.8.B.16 Relate academic | | | |

|achievement, as represented by | | | |

|high school diplomas, college | | | |

|degrees, and industry | | | |

|credentials, to employability | | | |

|and to potential level of | | | |

|income. | | | |

|9.3.8.B.17 Recognize that an | | | |

|individual’s online behavior | | | |

|(e.g., social networking, photo| | | |

|exchanges, video postings) may | | | |

|impact opportunities for | | | |

|employment or advancement. | | | |

|9.3.8.B.18 Compare and contrast| | | |

|current and past employer | | | |

|hiring and employment practices| | | |

|related to substance use (e.g.,| | | |

|tobacco, drugs, and alcohol). | | | |

Common Core Standards

There is a natural marriage between Social Studies and the skills presented in English and Language Arts. The Common Core Standards that have been adopted by the State of New Jersey recognize this connection, and an interrelationship between the disciplines has been highlighted. One cannot act as an historian without the skills and knowledge necessary for strong communication. Therefore, although the Common Core Standards for ELA in Social Studies are specifically geared towards grades 6 – 8, it is the goal of the Allamuchy Township School District to interweave the necessary speaking, reading, and writing skills as underscored in the Common Core across all grade levels.

Key Ideas and Details

• RH.6-8.1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

• RH.6-8.2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

• RH.6-8.3. Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered).

Craft and Structure

• RH.6-8.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.

• RH.6-8.5. Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).

• RH.6-8.6. Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

• RH.6-8.7. Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.

• RH.6-8.8. Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.

• RH.6-8.9. Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

• RH.6-8.10. By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 6–8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.


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