Pearland Independent School District

Name: _______________________ Period: ________Forensic AnthropologyThe _______________- of skeletonized human remains and the time of death to try to establish the identity and cause of death of an individualCan possibly identify the followingAge Sex ____________HeightPathologies that may be presentWhether trauma is evidentWhen bones are found, the following should be answered:Are they _____________ bones or some other type of material?Are they human bones?Is there only one individual present or more than one?How ______________ have the bones been there?What is the cause of death?Who is this?Age DeterminationSuturesZigzag-like cracks on the skullAre _______________ at birth, but gradually close from the inside outThe older the individual, the less visible the suturesIn toddlers and infants, length of the long bones are measured and compared to known growth curves_____________ age 21, age is estimated by the level of change on the surfaces of the bonesInfant skull with sutures visible457200-31559500180594016002000End of this femur is rough, indicating a juvenile-3810000397192544450-1143003835403895725225425Male or Female? ____________Why? ____________________Male or Female? ____________Why? ____________________-5715048895002705100194945-1143004318000Race Determination____________- commonly divided into 3 categoriesMongoloid (_______________ or Native descent)Caucasoid (European)44958007810500Negroid (African)Mongoloid (Asian or Native descent) ____________ or projected outward frontal planeSmall, rounded nasal cavitiesCircular ________orbits467677561595313372513779500Caucasoid (European)____________ craniumLong, narrow nasal cavitiesOval __________ orbits48101251778003257550282575Negroid (African)Cranium projected outwardWide __________ cavitySquare eye ___________-Height DeterminationDetermined by measuring the ____________-bones and calculating from known equationsThe equations are different based on the bone, the race of the individual, and the genderThe long bones used are the ___________-, _________________, ___________and _______________Other Determining FactorsA forensic anthropologist or sculptor may create facial reconstructions from skulls to help identify skeletal remainsPathological identities such as past surgeries, and broken bones that show healing and/or scarring________________ may be studied by observing cracks, holes, or toolmarks present on bonesExcavation of Skeletal RemainsThese are the guidelines provided to _____________- and recover remains in order to minimize damage.Guidelines will differ based on scene conditionsSteps to excavation_______________- litter and vegetation if presentStake out and map the exact excavation area Determine the grave outline and remove the soil covering; _____________ each layer to check for evidence or small bonesWork in horizontal layersDocument as work continues with photography, maps, inventory, and measurementsOnce all bones have been exposed, document them againRemove each bone separately and bag it individuallyForensic Odontology________________________ is the study of teeth and bite marks for individual identificationCan estimate age by observing deciduous teeth in children and wear patterns in older adultsCan be compared to dental recordsMay contain DNATeeth are harder to destroy in fire than boneCan be used with bite mark identificationHuman DeathIf death has occurred, the following must be determined:_____________The disease or injury responsible for initiating the sequence of events that resulted in deathExamplesGunshot woundDrug overdoseCardiovascular disease_______________-The “reason” the cause of death occurredCategoriesAccidentalHomicidalNaturalSuicidalUndetermined_______________________-The immediate physiological derangement resulting in deathExamplesHemorrhageCardiac arrhythmiaStages of Decomposition___________________________ is the study of insects and their life cycles to determine how long a body has been deceasedWhen a dead body is present, necrophilous insects, or insects that feed on dead tissue, will usually infest it within 24 hours.The first and most commonly found _____________ is the adult blow fly, along with eggs, larvae, and pupae.Other insects includeSeveral types of beetles that can either be necrophilous or ________________on other insectsPredator insects that prey on necrophilous insects______________________ insects such as ants and wasps that may feed on the body itself, other insects, or surrounding vegetation______________________insects, and/or spiders, may be present, but their presence is usually coincidental to the location of the body.The timeframe for lifecycle development is influenced by environmental conditions such as________________Geographical locationDrugs or toxins present in the body ................

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