World War II Notes

World War II Notes

Why did Japan attack the United States?

The Japanese believed that it was their responsibility to liberate, or free, the people of Asia from European control. By 1941 Japanese forces controlled much of China and Southeast Asia. The United States demanded that Japan leave Indochina, and halted oil sales. Japan depended on American oil to fuel its industries. The Japanese were forced to search for new sources of oil. The Dutch colonies on the islands of East Asia were an obvious target. The Japanese knew that they would face war with the Americans if they attempted to conquer the Dutch colonies while war raged in Europe. Japan decided to strike America by surprise.


Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, and Japan

Allied Powers

United States, Great Britain, and Soviet Union

Helping At Home

During the war, the American people were expected to do their part. What did that involve?

• Organizing scrap metal drives to gather metals such as tin and aluminum.

The soldiers had to eat, and a lot of food had to be shipped oversees. As a result, the American people faced food shortages. In order to solve this problem, the government limited the amount of food people could buy. This was called rationing.

The government gave families ration stamps every month. Every one got a certain amount of meat, dairy, canned vegetables, and other foods.

Americans helped the war effort by organizing “Victory Gardens.” These were small vegetable gardens that helped increase the amount of food available. Now people were growing vegetables everywhere.

Women played a very important role in the success of the war. There was a shortage of workers after the men went to fight. The solution was simple. Women would make the weapons and other necessary war products.

“Rosie the Riveter” was the symbol of women who kept American factories running during the war.


Southeast Asia

Pacific Islands


Map of Japanese expansion

The Japanese army fought across three fronts: in China; in the Pacific islands; and in the jungles of Burma.


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