Self Performance Appraisal Form - Let's Expresso

Self Performance Appraisal Form

Please complete and return latest bv 14th December, 2011

Name: Katikeya Virmani Position : Assistant Manager

Appraisal Year : 2011 Time in present Position: Two years & Eight Months

Division : Zn/Cu

State your understanding of your main duties and responsibilities.

I have been working for the Company since May 2008 and in the last 3-4 years my key responsibility

has been to take care of the Traffic/Operations part of Copper Concentrates. Additional, I have handled

Lead metal purchase in the year 2011 along with handling traffic operations for Sulphuric acid imports

in India.

However, I would like to have a clear understanding of responsibilities and duties with regards to my profile. My shuffling across various commodities in the past has led to an unclear understanding of the same.

Discussion points:

1. Has the past year been good/bad/satisfactory or otherwise for you, and why?

At an individual level, the year has been satisfactory as I have pursued and achieved the first sale of

Sulphuric acid in Indian market. I have also generated leads for potential new customers.

However, from broader perspective- clarity in terms of Key responsibility areas is required so that

a definite career path and growth at individual and organization level can be defined.

2. What do you consider to be your most important achievements of the past year?

Getting into the import market for Sulphuric acid in India and developing and maintaining

potential customers. I would like to take a lead in this role and create ample scope for the company in this vertical.(u want to do this as a KRA ?)

3. What do you like and dislike about working for this organisation?

Likes :

- Potential for growth and exposure. There is tremendous potential for growth and exposure and I would like to sync the company’s growth with my own growth.

-Pride derived from working for the company. I have the highest honour for this company and would put my every effort to see the company growing.

-Sense of satisfaction achieved after cordial operations. The relationships achieved with internal and external departments provide immense satisfaction and confidence in my inter-personal skills.

Dislike :

-Limited exposure. I would want to have more and more exposure and learn maximum on the job.

-Lack of delegation of responsibility. This will build confidence in me and my peers and will help in smooth functioning of the work tasks.

- Lack of information sharing. Accurate and timely information helps in achieving the work objectives in an efficient and effective manner.

- Lack of recognition. Time to time recognition keeps motivated and the hunger to do more for the company increases manifold.

4. What elements of your job do you find most difficult?

There are no such elements to highlight that I find difficult in my day-to-day work. However, lack of clarity of duties and responsibilities leads to stagnancy and ambiguity. For instance, pursued and ensured that Glencore manages sale of first cargo of Acid in Indian market and ensured credible customer relationship aswell. However in subsequent dealings, I was excluded from active participation due to unknown reasons. I would like to be more and more involved with client handling and learn maximum from the seniors.

5. What elements of your job interest you the most, and least?

The support I get from the Traders/other Executives from Baar encourages me to deliver my Duties in the best possible manner and I enjoy doing it. Additionally, I enjoy getting opportunities involving customer interactions/ involvement in market scenarios and business negotiations. My passion for the company keeps me motivated to do more on the job and deliver maximum for the organization. (If possible,write more-things u enjoy at work, highlight the positive of the place)

6. What do you consider to be your most important aims and tasks in the next year?

My aim is to continue working hard and do my best to deliver more diligent and valuable work for the benefit of the Company in the coming year, along with ascertaining definite career path.

In terms of task, I would additionally like to be involved in trading operations and gain valuable exposure and add more responsibilities to my portfolio.

7. What action could be taken to improve your performance in your current position by you, and your boss?

In my view as stated above, I would require clarity and actual delegation of responsibilities from superiors so that I can perform better in the coming years and grow professionally.

Once above is achieved, I would be able to aggressively and actively pursue and achieve

the expected goals of the company.

8. What kind of work or job would you like to be doing in one/two/five years time?

Apart from the routine operational work, I would like to develop business for the Company.

I would want to take up the trader’s profile and handle a team and subsequently ensure successful implementation

of the Key tasks along with individual and team growth.

9. Describe the areas you feel require improvement in terms of your professional

development. List the steps you plan to take and/or the resources you need to accomplish this.

In order to upgrade my skill set, I would require exposure and involvement in client interface, including traveling to meet new and existing customers, constant interaction with them and efficient closure and implementation of new and existing deals.

In order to achieve this, I would require clarity towards long term career path within the organization, addition of more tasks/duties and active delegation of responsibilities.

10. Please evaluate yourself on the following factors: outstanding, very competent, satisfactory, needs improvement

• Teamwork – Outstanding- Within Delhi office and with counterparts in Baar .

• Innovation/Creativity : Outstanding

• Interpersonal Skills : Very competent – Effective interactions with subordinates/peers and customers.

• Time Management Skills: Very Competent- looking forward to delegation of additional responsibilities and duties.

Suggestions / Feed Back :

I really value this feedback forum and would thank the management for the same.

This extensive feedback session has helped me share my concerns and I sincerely wish they are addressed and my Promotion and Growth Chart structure is shared with me. I am awaiting clarity about my upcoming key result areas and would deliver them on best effort basis and with utmost sincerity and passion.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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