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A. Read pages 15-24 in EVANGELISM.


Supply the proper words in the quotations below, and answer the questions in the spaces provided. The numbers that are found at the end of each question indicate the page and paragraph where one can find the answer.

1. "The gospel is to be presented, not as a lifeless theory, but as a _______________ _______________ to change the life." (16:1)

2. "The weighty obligation of warning a world of its _______________ _______________ is upon us." (16:3)

3. "There is a special power in the presentation of the truth at the present time; but how long will it continue? -- Only a little while. If there was ever a crisis, it is __________." (16:5)

4. As a people, why do we have to plead for forgiveness? (17:3) ___________________________________________________________________

5. "If ever, ________________________________________ had done the work laid upon him, the number of believers would now be much larger than it is." (17:3)

6. "The words of Jesus Christ are spoken to __________ living down here in the close of this earth's history." (18:1)

7. Why must God's people spread over all the world? (18:2)

a. ___________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________

8. "The Lord designs that the presentation of this message shall be the __________ , __________ work carried on in the world at this time." (18:3)

9. "Truth, passing by those who despise and reject it,________________________ ________________________." (20:1)

10. Which are the best places to work? (21:1) ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

11. What is one reason why the cities of today are so impenitent? (21:2) __________________________________________________________________

12. If they will give themselves to Him, whom will God make His chosen messengers? (24:2) ___________________________________________________


1. Realizing that we are now in the closing scenes of this world's history, am I faithfully and unreservedly doing my part? (16:2)

2. Who will carry the light to those who are walking in darkness and error? Could it be that I am the one?

3. What can I do so that where now there is only one, there soon might be one hundred faithful and zealous workers for God?


What is this Study Guide? It is a series of twenty simple, thought-provoking question-and-answer-type lessons prepared by the Spirit of Prophecy and Ministerial departments of the South American Division under the authorization of the trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate, for the purpose of assisting the reader in the study of the book EVANGELISM.

There is a lesson for each of the twenty chapters in the book. Each lesson is divided into four sections: (1) The reading assignment in the book EVANGELISM; (2) A little quiz to check your comprehension; (3) Personal thought questions for meditation; (4) The correct answers.

The latter is included so that the reader can check his own work. However, it is hoped that the student will read carefully the pages assigned for each meeting and fill in the blanks in the Study Guide before referring to the answers.

PLEASE NOTE: The book EVANGELISM, as is explained in its preface, is designed principally to offer guidance to pastors and Bible instructors. However, this does not mean that it does not contain valuable instruction for the church members in general. For this reason, in this Study Guide we have tried to direct the attention of the brethren to the counsels that are applicable to the lay members as well as to the evangelical workers.

As Chapter 19, "The Worker and His Qualifications," is specifically directed to pastors, evangelistic workers and Bible instructors, we have selected only a few thoughts from this chapter to share with the lay members. However, the remainder of the book has a wealth of valuable material, which we heartily recommend to the reader for thoughtful study and consideration.

We are thoroughly convinced that as our members diligently and prayerfully study EVANGELISM, with the help of this Study Guide, they will not only be strengthened in their conviction that "now is the time" to accomplish the gospel commission of the church, but each one, individually, will also be aroused, as a member of the body of Christ, to take a more determined and decided action in doing his part in finishing this urgent task.

The Editors




A. Read pages 25-44 in EVANGELISM.


Supply the proper words in the quotations below, and answer the questions in the spaces provided. The numbers that are found at the end of each question indicate the page and paragraph where one can find the answer.

1. "Men will soon be forced to great decisions, and they must have opportunity to hear and to understand _______________ _______________, in order that they may take their stand intelligently on the right side." (25:3)

2. What is Satan's design in leading men to be occupied with pleasure-seeking? (26:1) _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

3. Who have been cruelly neglected? (29:2) ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

4. "At the present time there is not a ______________________________ part being done in working the cities, that should be done, . . ." (29:3)

5. "Often we have been told that our cities are to hear the message, but ________________ ______________ we are to heed the instruction." (32:4)

6. "'A world (is) perishing in ignorance of God's holy law, and Seventh-day Adventists are ____________.'" (32:4)

7. Why is it so urgent to be working in the large cities now? (33:1) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

8. Give an example of how to take advantage of missionary opportunities. What should be widely distributed? (36:1) ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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