Friday 10 November 2017

at 2pm

Principal Guest:

Revd Professor David Wilkinson


Chairman’s Remarks

Headmaster’s Report

Distribution of Prizes


Nocturne in C# Minor by Frederic Chopin

Performed by Henry Exley


Address by

Revd Professor David Wilkinson

Vote of Thanks

Prayer by Reverend Chris Butler


(Unless otherwise indicated, prizes are awarded courtesy of the Ripon Grammar School Foundation)

C Grade or higher in all subjects taken at GCSE level

Poppy Abbott Molly Hammatt Matthew Peacock

Elizabeth Addison India Hammond William Peters

Katy Allen Catherine Hancher Lucy Pickard

Anna Almond Beatrice Handley Joshua Pillar

Felicia Amao Charlotte Haslam Roisin Ramsey

Eleanor Andrews Robert Haynes Emily Reed

James Ashcroft Abigail Hewison Molly Reed

James Atkinson Joel Ho Evan Rees

Charlie Baker Katherine Hooper Caitlin Reeve

Alexander Ball Joseph Horner Sophie Richardson

Elizabeth Ball Billy Hughes Libby Rickard

Caspian Barker George Hurry Charlotte Robinson

Rosalind Barker Katie Hutchinson Poppy Robinson

Kathryn Barrett Eve Ison Oliver Rockey

Bertie Black Poppy Jagger Robert Rowntree

Amelia Borchard Dipraj Jimee Emily Scagell

Marnie Botros Sophie Johnston Isabella Screen

Lucy Bourdais Clarissa Katsikides Aaysha Shahid

Natasha Bowe Emma Kelly Thomas Shortland

Isobel Bremner Sanjay Kumarendran Amelia Simenacz

Nina Briggs-Moubayed Harvey Leak-Smith George Simenacz

Grace Cahill Megan Lewis Augustus Smith

Julia Candela-Martinez Ralph Lockey Oluwasolabomi Sowole

Harry Canning Omowonuola Logun-Leko Harriet Sowray

Jake Chase Abigail Lovel Grace Stevenson

Georgina Clarkson Natasha Lovel Tyler Talbot

Polly Clarkson Isla Lumsdon Philippa Tanner

Benjamin Copley Amy Mackenzie Louise Taylor

Owen Cowton Anna Marley Oscar Taylor

Eleanor Crane Daniel Marston Olivia Thomson

Frederica Crouch Charles Mayes Marcus Tomlinson

Brianna Dale Jonathan McCann Harvey Toomes

Thaddeus Davey Ethan McMurray Daniel Towler

Callum Davies Charlotte Meneely Alexandra Trayer

Romey Dawson Hugo Merchie Georgina Turner

Fraser Dias Jessica Merrin Imogen Unwin

Oliver Dickinson Thomas Mewes James Veitch

Laura Donaldson Taylar Mitchell Lucy Vesty

Connor Eddleston Marina Mitra George Vivian

Alexander Edwards Emma Money Edward Wainwright

Harry Edwards Lucy Moore Harrison Walker

John Estensen Frank Morgan Hugh Whitworth

Harriet Eve Marianne Morrice Lucy Williams

Henry Exley Jasmine Newman Oliver Williams

Solomon Feingold Thomas Noble Joseph Willis

Amelia Fraser Sean Oldham Emily Wilson

Niamh Frost Kathryn O’Reilly Sophie Winkle

Hester Gill Catherine Otoibhi James Wiseman

Bethany Hamby Amala Pallikkara Evie Withington

Emily Hamby Grace Palmer Catherine Wood

Oliver Parry Anna Xanthi

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|The Kersey Cup for Art |Emma Money |

|The Emily Taylor Memorial Prize for Creative Writing |Poppy Jagger |

|The Shepherd Prize for History |Joseph Horner |

|The Elsie Peckett Memorial Prize for Science |Marina Mitra |

|The Jim Spence Memorial Prize for Science |Thomas Mewes |

|The Bishop Burroughs Prize for Religious Studies |Oluwasolabomi Sowole |

|The Cathedral Music Prize |Harvey Leak-Smith |

|The Professor Hullah Prize for Poetry |Tabitha Milton |

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De Grey Awards – Major (4 A*/A not including General Studies)

Laura Bosomworth Alexander Cavell-Taylor Emily Evans Katherine Fraser

Francesca Haldane Oscar Lyons Patrick Moon Sophie Ryan

William Stobbs Ross Sullivan Jonathan Tanner Katie Veitch

Benjamin Wayne Lucy Wicks

De Grey Awards – Minor (3A*/A and 1B not including General Studies)

Olivia Brooksbank-Laing Euan Clyde Mary Cox

Andrew Garner Charlotte Knowles Zoe Langham

Dana Turner Henry Whitworth

|The Bruce Oldfield Prize for Art and Design |Lydia Poole |

|The Lewis Prize for Biology |Elke Morgan |

|The School Prize for Business Studies |Oluwatoni Babayemi |

|The J H Brown Memorial Prize for Chemistry |Jennifer Unwin |

|The Alan Newton Prize for Classics |Lucy Wicks |

|The School Prize for Economics |Roscoe Savage |

|The School Prize for Design Technology |Rebecca Kent |

|The Ethel Allison Memorial Prize for English Literature |Katherine Fraser |

|The Constance Gilbey Prize for French |Susannah Dinning |

|The Sir Maurice Brayshay Prize for Further Mathematics |Jonathan Tanner |

|The School Prize for Geography |Mary Cox |

|The Jolly Memorial Prize for History |Sophie Ryan |

|The Wolseley Prize for ICT |Patrick Lindley |

|The Mary Johnson Prize for Mathematics |Joseph Haynes |

|The Stones Prize for Physics |Ross Sullivan |

|The School Prize for Psychology |Laura Laycock |

|The School Prize for Spanish |Saffron-Rose Dean-Stone |

|The School Prize for Religious Studies |Katie Veitch |


|The David Fisher Prize for the Head of School House |Oluwatimilehin Oniwinde |

|The Marguerite Terry Prize for the Head of Johnson House |Lucy Coates |

|The Ripon High School for Girls’ Jubilee Prize for the Head Girl (2017/18) |Annissa Cook |

|The Old Riponians’ Prize for the Head Boy (2017/18) |Benjamin Pimley |

|The Poetry by Heart Trophy |Grace Eyles |

|The Althea Charlton Trophy for Drama |Joshua Belward |

|The Brian Stanley Cup for Engineering |John Ashton |

|The Dyson Trophy for Commitment to Music |Sofia Robinson |

|The Operatic Society Trophy for Contributions to School Music |Joy Sutcliffe |

|The Deborah Williamson Trophy for Sport |Phoebe Greensit |

|Miss Cullingworth’s Prize for Progress in Sixth-Form Studies |Jessica Rockey |

|The Harrogate Borough Council Prize for Progress in Sixth-Form Studies |Joseph Haynes |

|The Cathedral Prize for Service to the Community |Zoe Langham |

|The Rotary Award for Service above Self |William Stobbs |

|The Da Costa Award for Outstanding Female Sporting Achievement |Laura Bosomworth |

|The Da Costa Award for Outstanding Male Sporting Achievement |Cameron O’Donnell |

|The Gladys Hall Memorial Rose Bowl for Service to the School |Emily Evans |

|The Philip Mortimer Trophy for Service to the School |Jonathan Tanner |

|The Bill Latto Trophy for All-Round Achievement |Laura Bosomworth |

|The Robert Atkinson Memorial Trophy for Outstanding Achievement |Jennifer Unwin |


|Charlotte Addison |Liverpool |Business Economics |

|Oluwafikur Adeyemi |Leeds |Philosophy and Physics |

|Ella Almond |Sheffield |Materials Science Engineering |

|John Ashton |Sheffield |Mechanical Engineering |

|Lorna Aspinall |Durham |History |

|Ella Atherton |Nottingham |Veterinary Medicine |

|Oluwatoni Babayemi |Loughborough |Business Economics and Finance |

|William Barker |Edinburgh |Business and Economics |

|Joshua Belward |Greenwich |Professional Dance & Musical Theatre |

|Imogen Bligh |Newcastle |Psychology |

|Ella Borchard |Sheffield Hallam |Nursing |

|Laura Bosomworth |Bath |Biomedical Sciences |

|Grace Branch |Surrey |Theatre and Performance |

|Olivia Brooksbank-Laing |Nottingham |Law |

|Katie Brown |Bangor |Zoology with Animal Behaviour |

|Alexander Cavell-Taylor |Southampton |Electronic Engineering |

|Phoebe Chana |Leeds |Chemistry |

|Robyn Chilton |Newcastle |Mathematics |

|Kristopher Chiu |Northumbria |Physics |

|Euan Clyde |Sheffield |Biomedical Science |

|Mary Cox |Edinburgh |Geography |

|Katherine Cussons |Newcastle |History |

|Saffron-Rose Dean-Stone |Bath |Management with Marketing |

|Susannah Dinning |Edinburgh |Chinese and Linguistics |

|Amelia Dodds |LIPA |Foundation Degree in Commercial Dance |

|Matthew Doyle |Brunel |Engineering |

|Sam Dunn |Newcastle |Chemistry |

|Poppy Dunstan |Edinburgh |Social Anthropology |

|Emily Evans |Cambridge |History |

|Krissy Ford |Salford |Journalism |

|Alice Foster |Royal Agricultural |Rural Land Management |

|Hannah-Olivia Foster |Edinburgh |Veterinary Medicine |

|Erin Fowler |Harper Adams |Agriculture with Animal Science |

|Katherine Fraser |Durham |English Literature |

|Andrew Garner |Newcastle |Physics |

|Phoebe Greensit |Loughborough |Sport and Exercise Psychology |

|Francesca Haldane |Cambridge |Veterinary Medicine |

|Charlotte Hall |Hull |Human Biology |

|Joshua Hall |Newcastle |Biology |

|Alex Halshaw |Newcastle |Marketing and Management |

|Joseph Haynes |Sheffield |Biochemistry |

|Olivia Hill |Durham |Business and Management |

|Thomas Hogan |Leeds College of Art |Art Foundation |

|Lawrence Holdsworth |Leicester |Mathematics |

|Thomas Hooper |Manchester |Mathematics |

|James Jackson |Newcastle |Sport and Exercise Science |

|Georgiana Kessell |Sheffield Hallam |Occupational Therapy |

|Lucy Kettlewell |Loughborough |Criminology and Social Policy |

|Charlotte Knowles |Edinburgh |English Literature and History |

|Avinash Kumar |Northumbria |Psychology |

|Madeleine Lablaine |Manchester |Social Anthropology |

|Zoe Langham |Nottingham |Medicine |

|Francesca Law |Leicester |History and American Studies |

|Laura Laycock |Edinburgh |History |

|Thomas Lewis |Leeds |Medicine |

|Patrick Lindley |Newcastle |Computer Science |

|Philippa Lorimer |Manchester Metropolitan |Design Engineering |

|Oscar Lyons |UCL |History |

|Laura Mackenzie |York |Photography |

|Charlotte Martin |Leicester |Medicine |

|Airlie Mason |Bradford |Clinical Sciences/Medicine Foundation |

|George McManus |Newcastle |Economics |

|Benjamin Mewes |Loughborough |Sports Technology |

|Alicia Micklefield |Plymouth |Medicine and Surgery |

|Polly Missen |Liverpool |Politics |

|Kristopher Montakab |Sheffield |Physics with Computer Science |

|Patrick Moon |Sheffield |Engineering |

|Katie Moorhouse |Newcastle |Pharmacy |

|Elke Morgan |Exeter |Exercise and Sport Sciences |

|Finn Morgan |York |History |

|Aisha Najafi |Reading |International Business and Management |

|Jack Newby |Manchester |Modern History with Economics |

|Cameron O’Donnell |Durham |Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity |

|Mate Pocs |Erasmus University of Rotterdam |International Business Administration |

|Rachael Pond |Liverpool |Veterinary Science |

|Lydia Poole |Leeds |Art Foundation |

|David Prestwich |Newcastle |Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry |

|Lauren Pybus | |Higher Apprenticeship with McVities |

|Olufunlola Rhodes |Kings College London |Mathematics with Statistics |

|Mark Richardson |Nottingham |Integrated Agricultural Business Management |

|Thomas Roberts |Keele |Chemistry |

|Sofia Robinson |Kings College London |Philosophy |

|Jessica Rockey |Manchester |Philosophy |

|James Rowe |Newcastle |Geography |

|Sophie Ryan |Edinburgh |History |

|Roscoe Savage |Exeter |Politics, Philosophy and Economics |

|Christina Scullion |Nottingham |Architecture |

|Oliver Simenacz |York |Economics |

|Poppy Stanton |York |Biology |

|Martha Stevenson |Leeds |Mechanical Engineering |

|William Stobbs |Durham |Natural Sciences |

|Pallas Stroer-Jarvis |Leeds |Chemistry |

|Georgia Stuart-Mills |Durham |Physics |

|Ross Sullivan |Cambridge |Natural Sciences |

|Joy Sutcliffe |Durham |Music |

|Georgina Sutton-Walker |Nottingham |Veterinary Medicine |

|Mary Rose Swiers |Sheffield Hallam |Real Estate |

|Jonathan Tanner |Oxford |Mathematics and Computer Science |

|Charlie Thorpe |Newcastle |Psychology |

|Dana Turner |Lancaster |Psychology |

|Isabella Tweddle |Sussex |English and Art History |

|Jennifer Unwin |Leeds |Medicine |

|Katie Veitch |Cambridge |Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion |

|Georgina Wardall |Leeds |English and French |

|Emily Watson |Lancaster |Mathematics |

|Oscar Way |Edinburgh |Biological Sciences |

|Benjamin Wayne |Durham |Natural Sciences |

|Henry Whitworth |Newcastle |History |

|Lucy Wicks |Durham |History |

|Charles Wild |Lancaster |Engineering |

|Emma Wilkinson |Liverpool |Medicine |

|Meghan Williamson |Nottingham |Psychology |

|Robert Wilmore |Leeds Metropolitan |Music Production |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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