Josiah V - Ancestry

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book


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Oak Hill June 5, 1927 11:17 AM

It is just six months today & strange to say as it happens to be the same hour & minute since I started in on Record Book 20 at Springfield, Ohio. It is too, 68 yrs ago this morning since the "big frost" as I will remember with the corn well along, flattened to the ground in the field just above the house at "Spring Dale", my native place in Menallen Tp. The thermometer at 11 o'c stood at 66 degrees with a stiff wind, rather cold, blowing from the west. By reason of so much rain for the past two months preventing there is scarcely any corn planted in the county & it is not likely that much, if any, will be planted this year, a condition that has not heretofore transpired within my recollection.

A letter dated Bartlesville, Okla Aug 13, 1926 in answer to mine of June 22d to Judge Finley, Chanute, Kan, I believe is from James W. Finley who writes on the stationery of "The Empire Companies, Bartlesville, Okla" says:

His great grandfather, John Finley see Beers 1893 Hist of Wash Co, Pa pages 907, 246 & 346, came to W.Pa & acquired 1000 A. of land in Allegheny or Wash Cos, Pa. He was a native of Scotland but came from Cecil Co, Md (where go & search records) where he married. My grandfather James Finley (born June 10, 1806) died in Phila, Pa about 1856 (above Hist page 246 says he died in 1857 at Finleyville, Pa which see). His widow, Kathryn O'Neil Finley located at Finleyville, Pa with the following children:

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1. James, the Eldest died at age of 16 yrs.

2. William Penn, next was killed at the Battle of Willliamsburg, Va in 1862 aged 18 yrs

3. John Barclay Finley died in Pittsburgh Feby 1919 aged 72 (he was born Nov 17, 1845)

4. Byron S. Finley died in Aug 1925 aged 75 yrs (He lived at Otley, Iowa in 1893 with his mother & sister Florence)

5. Rowland Webster Finley, my father died at Craig, Colorado, Aug 1921 aged 70 (see page 246 for sketch of his career when living in 1893 at Goodland, Kansas.)

6. (Robert) Frank Finley died at Des Moines, Iowa in 1903 aged about 48.

7. Florence Finley, only daughter, still living (find out where, think she would have her father's bible)

I have named my Uncles & Aunt in the order of their ages. J.B. Finley & R.W. were the only ones to marry. J.B. had no children, but left surviving him, his wife Marguerite Bowman Finley (daughter of Michael Bowman of Monongahela City, Pa) 1160 Beechwood Blvd, Pgh Pa who may be able to give some inf. My cousin, Dr Frank Finley of Finleyville, Pa & Mrs Robert Nickelson of Broughton, Allegheny Co, Pa may also be able to give you valuable data, especially Mrs Nickelson. (Make separate slips to go quick to see each. The fact of J.B. in above history giving dates of birth of his grandfather John Finley's children & married names of the daughters indicates he had his gf's bible which see). I cannot give you the date of birth of any of my Uncles or my Aunt.

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My father was born June 1, 1851 in Phila, Pa. In fact, I think all his brothers & sisters were born there (those younger than he were probably born in Finleyville, Pa). My father's family are the only survivors of our family line of which I:

1. James W. Finley, am the oldest aged 50 yrs

2. W.P. Finley, Craig, Colo aged 46 yrs

3. Mrs C.E. Herrick, Craig, Colo aged 44 yrs

4. Robert B. Finley, Burlingame, Calif aged 41 yrs

If I can give any further details will gladly do so. I shall be interested to know the result of your labors.

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An undated letter but postmarked Jacksonville, Oregon & I think July 10, 1926 from Cousin Alliean Scholl since married, gives an account of an ideal camping party & other delightful functions. Says her school was out May 21st. She canned many cherries. She has a friend & pal, Flo Thompson whose father had just gotten home from Portland, Oregon & gave the information below about his family line, about which he was not very well informed. He wasn't feeling well & had rtd the night before to Portland.

Jacob Thompson was his grandfather. He doesn't know where he was born.

Alexandria (most probably Alexander) Thompson was his father & was of Cumberland Co, Pa & an old soldier.

His children were:

1. Eleanor Thompson Grimes, Yula? Calif

2. David Thompson near Chico, Calif

3. Eugene Thompson Medford, Oregon

4. Alvin Thompson, don't know where he is

5. Arthur Thompson, Jacksonville, Ore

His children are:

1. Charles Thompson

2. Minnie Thompson

3. Flora Thompson Alliean's friend

4. Clay Thompson

5. Lester Thompson, dead

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A letter dated July 17, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4 to 11 from Miss Betty Ballinger, Galveston, Texas was sent from the Clermont, Charmian P.O., Franklin Co, Pa (see book 16 p 99 & 106) which is in the S.E. corner of the Co on the Adams Co line & on Jack's Mountain.

She says her gf Wm Houston Jack was a member of the State Senate of Ala, came to Texas with Austin's Colony in 1831, a Soldier at San Jacinto, Secretary of State under President Burnett, member of Congress of Republic of Texas, died in Brazoria Co, Texas in 1845.

to my 3d question "I do not know"

Jack;Patrick C.

Jack;Spencer H. to my 4th question Houston, Texas 1845 buried at Lakeview Cem Galveston, Texas. This refers to her great Uncle Patrick C. Jack

to my 5th question abt Spencer H. Jack her great Uncle, says he died before W.H. & P.C., his brothers, but don't know where, buried in Lake View Cem, Galveston, Texas.

She says her father, Wm Pitt Ballinger was son of James Franklin Ballinger & Olivia Adams, Career, a lawyer who understood & honoured his profession.

She says this has been written away from home. Serious sickness in her family & anxiety has prevented early attention. If I wish it, she will send revised & complete record when she returns home in Oct.

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Oak Hill June 6, 1927 12:15 AM

A letter dated July 15, 1926 from Miss Candace O. Thompson see book 7 p 290 then at the Penn Albert Hotel Greensburgh, Pa said she had been here & also that her father L.K. Thompson & her mother had both died since I was there at Byesville, O July 13, 1922. She travels out of Cleveland, O & selects salespeople for the Abner Royce Co. Make Ohio slip to call there when in Cleveland & make note to get dates & particulars of her parents' death & what is needed to complete her sister's & brother's records book 7 p 290. Get too the middle name of her gf Wm A. Thompson

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A letter dated Aug 30, 1926 from James W. Sharp, Newville Pa see book 17 page 378 gives date of his father's birth which I have entered in place there.

He says too to write to Mrs Wm F. Bolan 1621 West, Topeka, Kan for inf abt the family of James G. Weakley which I am doing. Says when my book is completed, he wants to be informed as he wants to buy one.

A letter dated July 2, 1926 in answer to mine of June 11, to her at Williamsport, Pa from Mrs Helen Thompson Sellers (Mrs Geo M) now of 439 W. College Ave, State College, Pa see bk 16 page 35 & book 20 p 575 says she will be glad to give me what Thompson history she has, but that it will take some time but she will get it out &* send me & hopes I connect up with our line. Says Geo Patterson, son of Jas J. Patterson of Alpena Pass, Ark route 3 has been with her & is coming to Uniontown, Pa to visit his Aunt, Mrs Clara McDowell. His mother is dead. She says her gf Thompson's sister Mary Thompson married Geo Jack of Boalsburg, Pa. Says Mr P. will tell me abt the Jacks but she will very soon send me her T. Line. Says Howard H. King here is her cousin connected on her grandmother Thompson's side.

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June 6, 1927 7:44 PM

I worked all night last night going to bed at 5:15 AM & arose at 8:17 AM. I worked all forenoon making out four applications, each in duplicate, 8 in all for membership in the Penna State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for the new Fort Necessity Chapter being formed here.

I made my original application on the service of my great grandfather James Caruthers & three supplemental ones on the services of my other 3 ggf

1st William Thompson

2d Casper Markle

3d Capt Wm Elliott

The original application was as follows:

I, Josiah V. Thompson, being of the age of 73 yrs hereby apply for membership in this Society by right of lineal descent in the following line from James Carothers who was born in Letterkenny, Ireland on Sept 12, 1744 & died in Westmoreland Co, Pa in 1803 & who assisted in establishing American Independence.

I was born in Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Feby 15, 1854. I am the son of Jasper Markle Thompson b 1822 ob 1899 & his wife Eliza Caruthers b 1821 ob 1897 married 1846, Grandson of Samuel Caruthers b 1779 ob 1849 & his wife Ruth Elliott b 1791 ob 1842, Great grandson of James Caruthers b 1744 ob 1803 who was the ancestor who assisted as a private soldier in the War.

Josiah V. Thompson, Sales Agent & Historian.

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Full maiden name of wife Mary Anderson who died Aug 8, 1896

Names of children & grandchildren:

Son: Andrew Anderson Thompson Oct 25, 1880, Fayette Co, Pa

Son: John Redburn Thompson, Oct 6, 1882, Fayette Co, Pa


Mary Redburn Thompson July 31, 1913, Fayette Co, Pa

Josiah Van Kirk Thompson II June 22, 1915, Fayette Co, Pa

Caroline Fredericka Thompson Nov 29, 1916, Fayette Co, Pa

Evelyn Louise Thompson Jany 16, 1918, Fayette Co, Pa

Andrew Anderson Thompson Jr Dec 5, 1922, Fayette Co, Pa

Gilbert Markle Thompson Mch 11, 1924, Fayette Co, Pa

Josiah V. Thompson

Sworn to June 6, 1927 before J.B. McPherson N.P.

First Supplemental was of

William Thompson

in which:

I was grandson of Andrew Finley Thompson 1791-1825 & his wife Leah Markle 179- - 1824 & great grandson of William Thompson 1751-1791 born in Cumberland Co, Pa & ob in Kenton Sta, Ky & his wife Mary Jack born 1755 & ob 1829. In battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Trenton, Princeton, & Yorktown.

Second Supplemental was of

Casper Markle

My great grandfather born in Berks Co, Pa in 1732 & died in Westmoreland Co, Pa Sept 1819. He lived on Sewickley Creek in Westd Co, Pa & built & maintained a Fort for the safety & protection of the soldiers & citizens, men, women & children & did valiant service as a frontier Guardsman.

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Third Supplemental was of

Capt William Elliott

My great grandfather born in 1751 & died in Fayette Co, Pa in 1804. He entertained Genl Washington at his home in Fayette Co, Pa

I could also have if desired a

Fourth Supplemental for:

Thomas Thompson

my gggfather born in Letterkenny, Ireland in 1721 & died in Cumberland Co, Pa 1782 whose wife was Martha Finley.

Fifth Supplemental for

John Jack

my gggfather born in Ardstraw, Ireland 1726 & died in South Huntingdon Tp Westmoreland Co, Pa in 1808 whose wife was Eleanor Stevenson.

Sixth Supplemental for:

John Rothermel

my gggfather born in Rhine at Washbach, Germany in 1722 & died in Berks Co, Pa in 1785 whose wife was Mary Siegfried.

Seventh supplemental for:

Edward Crawford

my gggfather born in Letterkenny, Ireland in 1710 & died in Franklin Co, Pa

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in 1792, whose wife was Elizabeth Sterrit. He assisted in the Revolution by furnishing money to his sons & sons-in-law, in actual service & entertained Genl Washington at his home at Fayetteville, Pa. This makes eight in all viz:

All, four ggfathers

& half four gggfathers.

My other gggfathers were|

John Caruthers who died abt 1760 or before

Lieut John Potter who died abt 1757 or before

Robert Elliott who died abt 1763? or before

Christian Mercklen who died in 1766

all of whom were dead in Penna before the outbreak of the Revolution. I had one great great great grandfather, John Thompson who lived throughout the Revolutionary War but was too old for duty having been born in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland May 4, 1695 & died in Cumberland Co, Pa in 1783 aged 88 yrs. He married Mary Wilson in 1719.

I gave my application papers to James C. Whaley at 12:33 Pm

JVT 9:40 PM

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Oak Hill, June 8, 1927 8:17 PM

A letter dated Aug 6, 1926 in answer to mine of June 24, from Mrs Thos P. Brackman box 191, Spartanburg S.C. see book 16 page 349 gives record of her husband's but by reason of lack of room at bk 16 p 349, I am extending the table on page 14, this book & will leave some space for other branches of this family. Advise her when book is ready as she wants to get one & to know what it will cost.

A letter dated June 24, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4th to 11th from Samuel Massey Kilgore Woodruff, S.C. see book 16 page 346-7 says his brother Josiah B. Kilgore also living in Woodruff, S.C. got the bible of their father Dr Benjamin F. Kilgore. I see I have a letter form him in a large envelope.

Samuel M. has had 14 children by his two wives, 11 by first & 3 by second, so I am transferring him to pages 16 & 17 for a table. He first gives the name of his first wife's mother as Harriet Isabella Kilgore & then on same page gives her name as Harriet Mariah Kilgore, see book 16 p 347.

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In naming his wife's brothers & sisters, he names one Melmoth Mills & I have it Stonewall, see book 16 p 327. He says they are all dead.

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[descendant chart]

Thomas Parks Brockman b Dec 17, 1861 ob Oct 19, 1920 buried in Oakwood Cem Spartanburg S.C. See bk 16 p 349 married June 24, 1884 Adda Frances Haynes born at Pacolet, S.C. July 8, 1867 daughter of Jasper Lafayette Haynes & his wife Ella Eugenia Kirby. She is my good informant for this record. Had four children:


Nellie Pearl Brockman b Dec 30, 1885 married Aug 17, 1915 to Fred Pool Ward born Sept 17, 1890 son of John Pool Ward & wife Alice Anna Underwood.

Jesse Eugene Brockman b Feby 8, 1888, ob

Thomas Means Brockman b Dec 9, 1889 married May 4, 1909 to Leola Zoe Kincaid born Nov 21, 1889 daughter of John J. Kincaid & wife Leola Ragen. Have had 2 children born Gastonia, N.C.

Sarah Frances Brockman b Jany 22, 1910

Thomas Means Brockman b Jany 12, 1912

James Roy Brockman b Sept 24, 1896

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[descendant chart]

Samuel Massey Kilgore born in Spartanburg Co, S.C. Mch 23, 1860 see book 16 p 346 lives at Woodruff S.C. where he is agt for the Continental Ins Co of NY & is my informant for this record. Married 1st Jany 25, 1887 Lillie May Hunter his 1st cousin born in Laurens S.C. May 24, 1864 & died Sept 14, 1908 daughter of Dr Melmoth M. Hunter & his wife Harriet Isabella Kilgore. Had 11 children. Married 2d Jany 1st, 1914 Estelle Rea born Apr 8, 1884 10 miles south of Charlotte N.C. daughter of Green L. Rea & wife Adeline Elizabeth McAulay. Have had 3 children. Their 3d child born in Spartanburg Co, S.C. their 12th in Lake City, S.C. & the other 12 in Woodruff S.C. He is an elder in the Pres. Ch.


Adelle Hunter Kilgore b Dec 27, 1887 ob Sept 24, 1915 aged 27 yrs married Sept 1914 James Olin Hucks of Little Rock S.C. Left 1 child born in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives in Houston, Texas.

Jean Adele Hucks b Sept 1, 1915, now 11 yrs old & is being raised by Mrs Annie V. Stallworth, her great Aunt. Her mother died when whe was 3 weeks old.

Frances Isabelle Kilgore b Feby 28, 1889, ob Aug 22, 1898

Jane Massey Kilgore b Oct 19, 1891, single

Mildred Chew Kilgore b May, 17, 1893, single

Benjamin Melmoth Kilgore b July 8, 1895 married Nov 6, 1919 Rose H. Irby b Sept 12, 1897 daughter of Dr Laurens Hunter Irby & wife Lillian Drummond. Have two children:

Lillian Kilgore b May 8, 1921

Benjamin M. Kilgore Jr b Mch 6, 1923

Louise Kilgore b May 4, 1898 ob Dec 2, 1898

Harriet May Kilgore b Feby 3, 1900, ob Nov 23, 1900

Wells Benton Kilgore b Mch 22, 1901, single

Helen Mills Kilgore b Nov 30, 1902, single

Mary Benson Kilgore b Aug 6, 1904, single

Elouise Kilgore [sic] b June 6, 1908 ob July 20, 1908

Roberta Elizabeth Kilgore b Jany 10, 1915

Adaline Estelle Kilgore b Apr 14, 1916

Samuel Rea Kilgore b June 3, 1918

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[descendant chart]



Josiah Leander Hunter see book 16 page 347. He has his parents' bible or did have it. Married Mattie Hunter, who died, not related.

Melmoth William Hunter

Mary Isabelle Hunter

Mattie Lee Hunter

Ida Lou Hunter

Josiah Lee Hunter, ob

Sarah Hunter

James Robert Hunter

Fannie Caroline Hunter see book 16 page 347 born June 16,1858 ob Jany 12, 1897 married Mch 24, 1887 Sumpter Peyton Parks born in Laurens Co, S.C. Jany 20, 1850 son of James Seeborn Parks & wife Elizabeth Ann Meador. He died Aug 7, 1926. Both buried in Pres Cem, Woodruff S.C. The 4 oldest children born in Woodruff S.C. the youngest, Lillie, L in Laurens Co, S.C. at Parks home.

Melmoth Hunter Parks b Jany 13, 1888, married Feby 9, 1915 Buda Rebecca Westmoreland b Jany 1, 1897 daughter of Thos O'Connor Westmoreland & wife Ellora N. Cox. Both living in Woodruff S.C. & have 3 children born on the farm in Spartanburg Co, S.C.

Melmoth H. Parks Jr b Nov 11, 1915

Thomas Peyton Parks b Jany 13, 1917

Martha Westmoreland Parks b June 7, 1920

Sumpter Peyton Parks Jr b May 7, 1889 married May 11, 1915 Minnie Beuma [sic] Westmoreland b May 29, 1899 daughter of Thos O'Connor Westmoreland & wife Ellora N. Cox. Both living in Spartanburg, S.C. & have 3 children born on the farm in Spartanburg Co, S.C.

Betty Bowen Parks b Aug 16, 1916

Joe Ben Parks b Nov 13, 1918

Mary Theresa Parks b Feby 19, 1920

Benjamin Seeborn Parks b Nov 22, 1890 ob May 27, 1891 Adella Hunter Parks b Apr 16, 1893 my correspondent for these dates etc on this record see page 566.

Lillie Louise Parks b Oct 1, 1894

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Oak Hill June 9, 1927 11:25 AM

A letter dated June 28, 1926 in answer to mine, from Mrs Annie V. Stallworth 251 Mills Ave Spartanburg, S.C. see bk 16 pages 346-7 says she has had some delay in getting inf abt the Hunter family from her cousin Mrs Louisa Hunter (widow of Wm Mills Hunter) who is 74 yrs o;d is in poor health & lives some distance from her. Says she will give me what she can of that & her father's branches.

She thanks me very much for the inf abt the old Scotch Irish ancestor of which they had had not record before. She says Harriet Isabella Kilgore bk 16 p 347 was born Apr 6, 1826 (which I have 1820) & married Dr Melmoth Hunter Dec 1849 (which I have 1847).

She says to write to Rev John B. Kilgore Taylor Sta, S.C. for the Florida Kilgores descended from James Kilgore (son of James) who married Rhoda Summers. Rev John B's father was Andrew. Taylors Sta is in Greenville Co, S.C. & he has records of his branch. By reference to the large env, I find it is from him & not from Josiah B. of Woodruff S.C. as I had supposed. It contains several pages of typed records, foolscap size. She says Mrs Rosa Tarrant of Newberry S.C. is his sister & can give his address, as being a Methodist preacher, he moves about.

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She then gives records commencing with Col Benjamin Kilgore & says his first wife was Anna McCreary (which I think is correct rather than McCrary). She then gives record of her son James Kilgore 1765-1813 & his wife & the dates I did not formerly have, I am entering in place on page 344 et seq book 16.

She says to write to Mrs Joe Little, Simpsonville, Greenville Co S.C. & ask for address of Mrs Ella Parks see bk 16 p 344 in Dallas, Tex which I am doing. She says she can probably tell of the Stone family as her grandmother was "Betsy" Stone.

She says the 4 children of Jesse Clayton Kilgore her Uncle bk 16 p347 were born & raised in sight of the old home of her gf Josiah Kilgore 1790-1856 in Greenville Co, S.V. but have all moved away now, but are all living. The old home is 12 to 15 miles south of Greenville City S.C. & the old burial ground is right near, though some now bury at old Antioch Church. Jesse C & wife are buried at old burial grounds. William M. & Josiah Benjamin Hunter sons of Wm Mills Hunter & his wife Ellen Louisa Kilgore are deacon & elder respectively in Old Field Pres Ch, Laurens, Co, S.C.

Says her father, Dr B.F. Kilgore's family were born & raised partly in Laurens S.C. & partly in Spartansburg, Co, S.C. Her gf Josiah Kilgore's family were raised in Greenville Co in which county the old burial ground is located. She says they are all Pres. Says they all bury at Woodruff S.C. but that Mr & Mrs Simpson are buried in Laurens S.C.

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[descendant chart]

Jesse Clayton Kilgore born Feby 12, 1831 son of Josiah Kilgore see book 16 p 346-7 ob May 16, 1900 married Dec 20, 1853 Temperance Clara Sullivan born Nov 6, 1835 at Tumbling Spools, Laurens Co, S.C. ob Apr 6, 1900. Both buried in family graveyard on old home place near Simpsonville S.C. 1900. Both members of the M.E. Ch south at the Ebenezer Ch, Batesville, Greenville Co S.C. They had 5 children born say in Greenville Co, S.C. near Simpsonville. She is daughter of Joseph Sullivan.


Mary D. Kilgore b Nov 10, 1855 married Jany 7, 1876 see page 24. Her name Mary Dunklin Kilgore, my good informant

Jesse Milton Kilgore married Sept 19, 1888 [or 1880?] Mary McInnes Creighton who died. Both living at Reidville S.C. Have 10 children. see b 26 p 552.

Harriet Meland Kilgore b June 5, 1861 ob Sept 19, 1862

Josiah Sullivan Kilgore b July 10, 1863 married Mch 26, 1896 to May Robert b May 6, 1876 daughter of Dr M.B. Roberts & wife Annie Hughes. He is a farmer living at Richburg, S.C. Have had 4 children. Both members of M.E. Ch South.

Annie Clara Kilgore b Dec 18, 1897 Graduated 1916, taught 10 yrs, married May 27, 1926 John Cameron Woodard born Oct 8, 1886 son of Jno Westley Woodard & wife Nancy Wingat, born at Old Hundred N.C. & is P.O. clerk Lorne Hamlet N.C. Have 1 child [two listed]

Annie Kilgore b Apr 20, 1927

John Roberts Kilgore b Dec 16, 1930 [obviously added later]

Arnold Roberts Kilgore b Aug 20, 1900 ob Aug 18, 1924 of typhoid fever at Lexington N.C. Graduated June 1921 fr Clemson Col S.C. taught 1 yr, licensed to preach M.E. Ch South Sept 19, 1922 Ent Candler Sch Theol at Emory Univ Ga 1922. Buried New Union Cem Richburg, S.C. unmarried. Was in Students Army Training Corps during World War.

James Dunklin Kilgore b Feby 8, 1903. Educated at Emory Univ Ga with 2 yrs at Candler Sch of Theol. Now preacher of M.E. Ch South on Bethesda Charge Piedmont S.C. Unmarried. [added later:] Married May 7, 1927 Lucile Neves?

Harold White Kilgore b Dec 22, 1906 ob Aug 18, 1907

Fannie Louise Kilgore [daughter of Jesse Clayton Kilgore] b July 1, 1869, married Dec 27, 1877 to John D. Wood Sr b Mch 17, 1866. His name is John Daniel Wood Sr see b 26 page 554.

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[descendant chart]

Josiah Belton Kilgore b Oct 15, 1856 son of Benj F. Kilgore M.D. see book 16 p 346. He lives in Woodruff S.C. where he is an elder in the Presbyterian Church. Married 1st Jany 11, 1883 Ellora Westmoreland b May 2, 1861 ob Oct 18, 1910 daughter of Dr Dennis D. Westmoreland & wife Cynthia Cooper. Have 5 children all born in Woodruff S.C. She is buried in Woodruff S.C. He married 2d July 19, 1913 Goldie L. Westmoreland born Nov 12, 1881 in Laurens Co, S.C. daughter of Dr John A. Westmoreland & wife Margaret A. Rush. No issue by 2d wife.


Frances W. Kilgore b Oct 24, 1883 married Sept 23, 1914 Dunklin Bruham [best guess] Irby (no issue) born Sept 14, 1867 in Spartanburg S.C. son of Capt Geo M. Irby & wife Mary Hunter.

Thomas Samuel Kilgore b June 6, 1886 married Oct 25, 1917 Lois McCluney b Jany 28, 1884 in Union Co S.C. daughter of Dr Joseph F. McCluney & wife Emma Parker.

Joseph Belton Kilgore b Feby 28, 1925 in Spartanburg, S.C.

Annie Downs Kilgore b July 20, 1889 married Oct 24, 1915 Rev John Frank Ligon, a Presbyterian (have 4 children) born May 30, 1887 in Anderson Co S.C. son of Rev R.C. Ligon & wife Suniter [best guess] Wildeman.

John Frank Ligon b Oct 7, 1917 at Reidville, S.C.

Cheves [sic] Kilgore Ligon b Apr 10, 1920 at Hendersonville, N.C.

Annie Ellora Kilgore b Aug 25, 1924 at Charlotte N.C.

Harold Belton Kilgore b Jany 3, 1827 at Charlotte N.C.

Harry Benson Kilgore b Jany 3, 1894, not married

Janie Wells Kilgore b Jany 23, 1896, not married

Dec 8, 1927. He wrote Nov 26, 1927 that Cynthia Cooper was born in Laurens Co, S.C. Mch 30, 1829 & died Apr 9, 1908 daughter, he thought of Joseph Cooper. Don't know her grandparents' names. He himself was elected elder of Woodruff Pres Ch Oct 6, 1907. Has served as Mayor of Woodruff 2 or 3 terms & as Secy of the Woodruff Cotton Mills since its organization in 1900 until Apr 1, 1927 when his son Harry B. succeeded him & he became V.Pt. He is now V.Pt of the bank of Woodruff S.C. of which he was President from Mch 1922 until Feby 1927 when he was succeeded as Pres by his son-in-law D.B. Irby.

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[descendant chart]

Josiah Stanley Kilgore son of Wm Clark Kilgore M.D. born Nov 19, 1850 ob Mch 2, 1921 see bk 16 p 347 was a ruling elder in the Antioch Pres church for years. Married Jany 7, 1876 Mary Dunklin Kilgore born Nov 10, 1855 his 1st cousin, daughter of Jesse Clayton Kilgore. She is still living and now Jany 20/31 the dates of her children's births below furnished in her letter of Feby 14, 1928.


1. Lillian Kilgore b Jany 26, 1878, ob, married Edward Hunter

Mary Evelyn Hunter, ob in infancy

2. William Clarence Kilgore b Oct 26, 1879

3. Linda Kilgore b Apr 1, 1881

4. Rose Evelyn Kilgore b Feby 4, 1883 ob. Married E.R. Bradley.

5. Melvin Sullivan Kilgore [first listed as Malvern & corrected] b Feby 24, 1885 ob in young manhood

6. Wells Benson Kilgore b Feby 16, 1888, deacon in Antioch Pres Ch. Married Jany 1, 1920 Helen [best guess, looks like Helse or Helso] Viola [looks like Vola] Holland. Have 3 children

Mary Louise Kilgore b Sept 12, 1924

John Daniel Kilgore b July 25, 1926

Harriet Benson Kilgore b Aug 4, 1928

7. Haskell Kilgore b Mch 21, 1891 married F.L. Smith & have 3 children

Joe Smith

Mervin Smith

Carl Smith

8. Jessica Ellen Kilgore b Sept 10, 1892, ob, married Willis Marlow

9. Josiah Harris Kilgore b June 3, 1896, deacon in Antioch Pres Ch. Married Nettie Graham, 1 child. He served in World War in 1917

Jean Kilgore

10. Frank Arnold Kilgore b Dec 19, 1898

[note: many middle names are added later in this chart. I have included them where they belong for clarity CW]

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Annie Virginia Kilgore b Mch 31, 1862 daughter of Benj F. Kilgore M.D. see bk 16 p 346 my good informant for this record, married Dec 23, 1883 Amon B. Stallworth b June 24, 1861 & died Sept 23, 1900 son of W.H. Stallworth & wife Rebecca Caldwell. Left 5 children born in Spartanburg Co, S.C.

[descendant charts]

Franklin Kilgore Stallworth b Nov 3, 1884 married Dec 5, 1905 Bettie Westmoreland b Dec 5, 1884 daughter of Dr John Westmoreland & Margaret Rush. Have 2 boys:

Fred Rush Stallworth aged 16 yrs

James Franklin Stallworth aged 6 yrs

William Caldwell Stallworth b Nov 5, 1886 married Hortense Marchant daughter of Dr Lee Marchant & wife Emma Wham. Have 2 children born in Gainesville, Georgia.

Annie Virginia Stallworth b Jany 1916

Hortense Stallworth b Feby 1918

Ernest Butler Stallworth B Jany 15, 1892, unmarried

Edna Brooks Stallworth b June 30, 1895, unmarried

Amon Butler Stallworth Jr b Mch 16, 1901, unmarried.

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Oak Hill, June 10, 1927 8:06 PM

A letter dated July 7, 1926 in answer to mine from Rev John Benjamin Kilgore box 42 Taylors S.C. see book 16 p 366 who appreciates my interest in the family record & says he can get additional dates for me of the later generations. He says Col Benj Kilgore as shown by six closely typed 14 x 8 3/4 inch pages which he enclosed was his gggfather. His father, the oldest ancestor we have a record of was Wm (In this he is mistaken as the father of Col Benj was James, the son of James). He wants me to settle a discrepancy, one record saying Wm? came from Ireland & another says their ancestors came through Penna (James Kilgore was a ruling elder in the Pres Ch at Donagheady, County Down, Ireland in 1707. The descendants here in Pa have no connected line back of him but know that his forebears in Scotland were located at St Andrews Fife & at Falkland for centuries. John, son of this James with his three sons James, Charles & Samuel emigrated to America abt 1730 & settled in Chester Co, Pa. Here he died Mch 7, 1731. About 1737, these sons went to the Cumberland Valley & James located in Newton Tp near Newville, Pa. This is where his wife Elizabeth Jack's people were located)

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He says "three brothers of a large family came south, one of whom settled in Greenville Co S.C. & he was our ancestor"

(This looks like two of Col Benjamin's brothers went somewhere south. Write & see if he knows where)

He says there is a book of the Waters family that gives some of the Kilgores. Thinks he could get me one. Also has pictures of the old graveyard & old home on land granted to the family by King George & still owned by descendants. This land is near the Enoree River, now known as the Higgins Place in Greenville Co, S.C.

He says Col Benj Kilgore's second wife was a McDavid & had children as follows:

David, Samuel, William, Betsy & Isabella

He says the dates of James Kilgore, son of Col Benj by his first wife Anna McCreary born 1765 died 1813, are taken from his tombstone in the old family graveyard at the old home place in Greenville Co S.C.

The record he has is much the same as I had before but I will check it over & if it enlarges on the former record, will make note of it.

In the last two pages of the record is their maternal or Summers-Waters line & in which it shows:

Col John Summers married Rosannah Waters

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& their second child:

Nancy Clary Summers married Peter Heir & of her 4 children:

Nancy Caroline married Wm Goldsmith (who had previously married Mary Stone & had by her 5 children see book 16 p 344) & by this his 2d wife he had ten more children.

6. Fannie, who died when just grown

7. Carrie married West, her cousin

8. Sadie G. married Beatrice Roland of Greenville, S.C.

9. Wm Goldsmith married Lou Wright

10. Peter Goldsmith

11. Hattie Goldsmith

12. Rosa Goldsmith married Whitten

13. John Goldsmith

14. Jimmie Goldsmith

15. Mary Goldsmith

He says Col Benjamin Kilgore married a second wife & had a large family & with his second wife & their children, he moved west to the section which included parts of Texas & Ala.

This is same paper from which the records in book 167 p 342-377 were made & which I am filing as he said he has others like it, if I wanted it.

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Oak Hill June 11, 1927 8:55 PM

I came this afternoon to Estelle Finley's letters & find 8 or them in large & small envelopes from 307 W 9th ST Columbia Tenn

1st letter dated June 30, 1926 ack's mine of June 18th & encloses three letters from:

1. W.E. Parham, Maryville, Tenn 218 Bryan St

2. Geo D. Finley, Birmingham, Ala Atty at Law

3. Mrs Randolph D. Finley 2308 19th St Ensley Ala which she asks me to return which I will do after noting what is desired.

Mr Parham says James K. Finley bought the lots from Saffalls in Louisville, Tenn Vol Y page 266 1854, one of the witnesses was John C. Finley. Had bought land in 1837 on waters of Crooked Creek & sold it in 1839.

In 1834, John Finley sold land on Gallaher Creek, Louisville was no part of Knox Co at any time after the State was formed in 1796. All of Blount was a part of Knox before that time.

The first land deal by Finleys was vol 1 p 418 Oct 15, 1816 Joseph Finley of Williamson Co, Tenn sold land granted to him in 1810 under grant No 1778 on waters of Holston. He says there were two sets of Finleys, one in the upper end near Sevier Co line & the other around Maryville, Louisville & West. End of Co.

He found a deed in Rockbridge Co, Va Vol C p 433 Sept & Oct 1796 in which James Finley of Sullivan Co, Tenn joined

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with four sons of Samuel Moore late of Rockbridge Co Va which indicated that his wife was a daughter of sd Samuel Moore.

The letter from Mrs R.D. Finley says her husband's father Tom Finley married Zeppie McGee. Tom Finley came here from N.C. (to Ala & is survived by three brothers & one sister whose names at present she cannot recall) Says her husband died 4 yrs ago & she will communicate with his sisters who are living here & let you know at once.

She says her husband Randolph Finley has two brothers viz:

Jim Finley & Dan Finley & four sisters

Lizzie, Fanny, Hettie & Belle Finley

Mrs R.D. Finley

2308 19th St

Ensley, Ala

The letter from George D. Finley atty at law, Birmingham, Ala is dated June 25, 1926. Says he has data loaned to him by his Aunt, Mrs Lou Peyton of Lebanon, Tenn which he copied & from which will see that his ggf was Obediah Gaines Finley who lived at Lebanon, Tenn & had four sons: John, Jesse J., Foster Gaines & Wm M.

John moved to Memphis Tenn where he was Mayor for awhile & died leaving a family there.

My great Uncle J.J. Finley died in

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Florida having sat on the bench as judge down there for several years & I think also was in the U.S. senate from Florida

My great Uncle Wm M. Finley was a physician & had a large estate near Lebanon, Tenn.

My grandfather Foster Gaines Finley, lived near Lebanon, Tenn where he died at the age of 84 yrs. He was the father of my father, whose name is Wm M. Finley who is a physician & now resides at Blountsville, Blount Co, Ala. In conversation with my father recently, I found that his father's ancestors came from Ky. You will note in the letter from Lake City dated June 16, 1876 & signed by my great Uncle J.J. Finley, herewith enclosed, that his grandfather was Samuel Finley, believes that he was the son of Michael Finley, settling at Mud Lick Ky

Signed Geo D. Finley

P.S. I am mailing data under separate cover.

Miss Finley speaks of Geo D. having sent her the letter dated Jany 16, 1876 from J.J. Finley to C.W. Bransford of Owensboro, Ky & also of a letter form Fort David, Texas to a lady in Charlestown S.C. signed L.F. giving early Finley history & also a letter form Jno W. Gaines written Sept 7, 1922 to Mrs Peyton

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stating that George Finley married Mary or Polly Gaines in Lincoln Co, Ky on Jany 29, 1786.

Also abstracts from Augusta Co Va by Chalkley & a letter of Martha Finley. Says she can mail me this data if I wish it. I am writing her to do so.

Oak Hill, June 12, 1927 12:07 PM

2d letter. The second letter dated July 12, 1926 from Estelle Finley, small env encloses a letter about John Sevier Trotter, her Uncle & the part of it desired is entered in place in book 13 p 256.

3d letter. The 3d letter dated July 26, 1926 from Estelle sends addresses from the Birmingham Ala Telephone directory viz:

Finley, A.F. 1810 14th Ave North Birmingham, Ala

*Finley, Mrs R.D. 2308 19th St Ensley, Ala

Finley, W.A. 226 Earl Ave Birmingham, Ala

*Finley, W.J. 111 Canal St, Birmingham, Ala

As Estelle wrote to all of the above & only the 2 checked answered, I will not write.

She gave addresses of 3 others, Findlays & Findley. She says she has another letter from A.P. Finley, Sherman Texas who she says gives some data of Mrs Sarah McClain Finley 64 & her 8 sons. Ira M. Finley, Pres of the State Federation of Labor at Oklahoma City, Okla

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A.P. Finley said he could not connect with them. I cannot.

I do not think Mrs Sparkmen has any more data. I cannot connect with her family. I feel sure my family came out of Va & it may be Rockbridge Co.

She pins on a newspaper clipping that L.O. Caruthers has joined sales forces of H.P. Murrey & Co & will make headquarters at Scottsville, Allen Co, Ky. Am writing him there & also Ira M. Finley, above.

The letter from W.J. Finley 111 Canal St Birmingham Ala says his father John Lewis Wilson Finley was born in Maysville, Ky 1848, went to Indiana, just before the Civil War died 1918 in Cleveland O. Below is data my sister recd fr the D.A.R. Joseph Lewis Finley born near Greensburgh, Penna Feby 20, 173 died in Ohio May 23, 1839. Then gives his Rev. services & says he married July 4, 1782 Jane Blair, who died July 1, 1840.

It then goes on to give a list of his 12 children as given in Book 20 p 556-7 but without dates & giving but one name of each without commas following but all in proper order except that James, the 8th child is named last & it names the husband of Margaret, the youngest as Simon Chipps whereas I have his name John Chipps which I think is right see bk 20 p 557. It states that John married Rebecca Plumm whose name I am entering in place in book 20 p 556 in as much as in my last trip west see book 19 p 250 et seq

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& 446 & 390 & Mrs Ensley's statement along with Mr McNiel & the giving of Goldie Finley Tindall living at Greenfield, Ind see 19-390 in Hancock Co & John Finley living at Rushville, Ind & this W.J. at Birmingham, Ala fully identify them & the other "descendants" named by the D.A.R. as probably all brothers & sisters & children of this John Lewis Wilson Finley & he as son of John D.C. Blair Finley, see Book 20 p 556 the son of Maj Joseph Lewis Finley. The descendants named by the D.A.R. are as follows:

Frances Finley O'Neal

Mary E. Finley Gordon

Goldie Finley Tindall (Greenfield, Ind)

Pearl Finley McClure

Jessie Finley Winship

John Finley (Rushville, Ind)

Joe Finley

Ralph Finley

Leslie P. Finley

W.J. Finley

He says this is all the data he has but will try to get more at once & will be please to hear from you again. My father's half brother came south at the time father went to Indiana & they never heard from one another again. My gf Finley was a Major in the War of 1812.

I am writing for fuller information & addresses of his family.

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4th letter. This is dated Aug 25, 1926 & is all about selling a phosphate plant. I am filing it in this the Empire room bookcase.

5th letter. This is dated Aug 31, 1926. This is mainly about the phosphate plant which she offers for $150,000 & which cost $250,000, but is worth she claims, five million dollars. She sends a clipping announcing wedding of her nephew which I am entering in table book 13 p 256.

Another clipping was dated Greeneville, Tenn July 24, 1926 announced the arrest of Gerald Parks & two others for the murder on last Monday at his home at Pilot Knob on the north side of this Greene Co of Til Brotherton by shooting in him in the back. This was the sequel of a shooting last summer of several boys, killing one in Til Brotherton & his brother Sam who were guarding the patch. Finley Wisecamer [Wisecarver? hard to read] was one of the parties with the shff, making the arrest. Am writing him. Don't know whether these are of our Brothertons or not.

6th letter. This is dated Feby 26, 1927 & is from W.E. Parham Maryville, Tenn to Estelle. Says Vol 2 p 53 Dec 22, 1818 Robert Finley of Blount Co, Tenn (probably the brother of James K. see book 13 p 257) sold to Alexr Sheddon of Jefferson Co Tenn for $1000 271 A on Nails

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Creek, proven in open court Sept Term 1819 registered Jany 4, 1820. Can't find how he got it, but says it might be Reg. in the land office at Nashville, Tenn. Says they have in 1818 William, Samuel & Joseph Finley buying & selling land. Margaret was the widow of Jas K. Finley who died Nov 27, 1854 see b 13 p 256, vol 8 page 326, Nov 5, 1855 minute book says the heirs of James K. Finley are: Samuel, J.C., Mary J. & N.E. Finley who seem to be of age (but J.C. & N.E. were not) & the minors are: Martha & James K. Finley with widow Margaret & Wm M. Brickell as admr. The record Estelle gave me book 123 p 256 did not give Martha & James K. I wonder if they are children by Margaret the second wife.

Says William Finley bought & sold land on Baker's Creek in 1818 & in 1845. Joseph was in Williamson Co Tenn in 1816 when he sold on the Holston River. John sold in Tuckaleechee Cove in 1819, also on Gallaher's Creek in 1835. He says in Magnolia Cem in section V Lot 14 are two tombstones: Mary J. Trotter b Nov 5, 1830 ob Sept 21, 1909, Narcissa E. Kidd b Nov 30, 1838, ob Dec 4, 1913. These are Estelle's Aunts & the dates of birth are same as she gave b 13 p 256 but she gave Mrs Trotter's death Sept 17, 1909 & Mrs Kidd's as Dec 12, 1914.

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7th letter. This is copy of another letter from W.E. Parham of 218 Bryan St, Maryville, Tenn dated Mch 21, 1927. Says trip to Dandridge, Jefferson Co, Tenn brought no results. Will of Wm Finley, book 2 page 237 probated June session 1819. An inventory was turned in Dec 13, 1819 by Jane Finley. He found there:


June 10, 1811 John Finley married Nancy Barns

Nov 11, 1819 David C. Finley married Sally Luncford

No Kennedy to a Finley

Jefferson Co records run from 1792 to date. Deeds are scarce & I got no information out of them as to Finleys. Sees in Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, Grafton Ancestral records, ________ Finley married Sam Knox George p 192 only date is that their son Archibald married Henrietta Duckett Cowman & of this last, a girl married in 1905. The said Sam Knox George was a son of John Cowman George. In family history of the Gillespies, he finds that James Gillespie was brought to America by his father near 1730-5 into Penna, then to VA, that near 1750 or 1760, he married Ellen Finley. Their eldest son, James (Smoking Jimmy) had a son he called John Finley Gillespie who was a lawyer in Blount Co, Tenn & in the Legislature of Tenn. The second son had a son James Finley Gillespie.

Of the Houstons, one, Esther married 2d time

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to Wm Gillespie as his 2d wife & when she died, he married 3d to Ann Finley & their 5th child was Capt James Gillespie who married a Houston & of them is a son John Finley Gillespie called "Old Buck". Eighth child of William Gillespie & Isabella Houston had son John with a girl who married Robert Finley Houston.

I find in the History of Cumb & Adams Co Penna printed 1886 part 3.

Finley, Margaret, married Joseph Clark Apr 13, 1775

Finley, Archibald, married Mary Poe Nov 9, 1779

Finley, Jane married James Kilpatrick Apr 25, 1780

Finley, Martha married Hugh Dunwoody Apr 12, 1792

Finley, Jenne [sic] married Robt Morrison Dec 12, 1799

Found License of David Crockett to Margaret Elder Oct 21, 1805

William Crockett to Rebecca Elliott Feby 3, 1803

From Will T. Hale's Hist of Tenn, Apropos: Mr Joshua A. Graham of St Joseph, Mo but formerly lived in East Tenn, writes Crockett had been a constable & knew all papers had to be returned with notation of service. He obtained his marriage license in Jefferson Co where he lived then, but on riding horseback to where his intended lived, he found she had run away & married another man, whereupon, he returned the license with this endorsement: "Search made & no goods found".

Jefferson Co had formerly been in Green & before that in Washington Co.

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[fermata mark appears here]

Estelle makes the notation that the Houston family came from Rockbridge Co, VA to Blount Co, Tenn or to Knox Co & that this was the family of Gov Sam Houston.

She has pinned on the top of a letterhead of First Natl Bank, Avon Park, Fla showing Myrtle Jack as Asst Cash. I am writing to her.

8th letter. This is Estelle's letter dated Mch 29, 1927 in which she says Judge Ernest A. Crockett is a direct descendant of David Crockett & his wife Polly Finley, who were married in Jefferson Co, Tenn Aug 12, 1806 & Judge Crockett's father was Finley Crockett. I have had several letters from him as I wrote him for the names of Polly Finley Crockett's brothers & sisters & the dates of their marriages in Jefferson Co, Tenn. Jefferson was taken from Greene Co & Greene from Washington Co, but William Finley may not have settled in Jefferson Co until 1806 & Jefferson Co was organized in 1792. She sends me a circular letter he is sending out for the Crockett family, a very good form, I think I will add to it & prepare same along same lines for my families. He says to mail the inf to Ernest A. Crockett, Yankton, South Dakota. Am writing him.

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Oak Hill June 13, 1927 11 AM

A letter dated June 30, 1926 in answer to mine of June 24th from John M. Bishop of Winchester, Franklin Co, Tenn which is 275 miles S.W. of Dandridge, Jefferson Co, Tenn, Prest of the Polly Finley Crockett memorial association, says when he has opportunity to go to the home of Polly Finley's father in East Tenn, he will search for the will of her father. He says that since his last letter to me, his friend Judge E.H. Gary, Pres of the U.S. Steel Corp has donated 60 rods of fence material with which to enclose the Polly Finley Crockett graveyard. He recalls meeting Hunnie, Mrs J.V. Thompson while serving as deputy surveyor of customs at the port of New York during the Roosevelt administration 1902-1908 on our return from abroad & whom I well remember & cherish his kindly office.

He says the state of Tenn will make a substantial donation toward a monument. A circular announces that contributions have been small & inadequate.

The above was follows by another letter Dated Sept 3, 1926 from John M. Bishop then of 716 Watauga Ave Knoxville, Tenn to where he had removed from Winchester Tenn. States that on Sept 1st inst he had

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gone to Dandridge Jefferson Co Tenn & personally examined the court records & found the will of William Finley which he had printed in the Knoxville Sentinel the next day, Sept 2, 1926 & enclosed me a copy of same. He was the father of Mary (Polly) Crockett, the first wife of Davy Crockett, the hero of the Alamo.

He says they hope during the coming fall (1926) to complete the work of honoring her grave, although they lack considerable funds. So far very little money has come to the committee from the Finley descendants, although appeals have been sent to about 30 of them. I am writing him for their names & addresses.

The newspaper clipping said that Mr John M. Bishop formerly of Winchester, then of Knoxville stated that the Winchester Civitan Club organized the Crockett Memorial Association which has raised funds to erect a monument at the grave of Crockett's first wife on Beans Creek 10 miles below Winchester, Franklin Co, Tenn. The monument will be of Franklin Co marble. Dedication in October is expected. It stated that Davy Crockett once lived at Dandridge, Jeff Co, Tenn.

William Finley, father of Polly Crockett, owned a 100 A farm at Finley Gap, 8 miles east of Dandridge, Tenn. In 1818, he made a will which was as follows:

1st To my son James, my large pot rack & to my sons William & Samuel $2 each.

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To my two daughters, Jean Burns & Susanna Parks $2 each

To my daughter Mary (Polly) Crockett's three children, John, William & Polly $2 each, all to be paid within 12 mos after my decease.

To my son Kennedy, I give & devise the 100 A farm whereon I now live with the proviso that my wife Jean shall live in the house as long as she lives & he gives to her & Kennedy all my beds & household furniture, my horses, Cattle, Hogs, sheep & all the rest of my personal estate & appoint them exrs. Dated Apr 3, 1818 & signed William Finley.

When the estate was wound up the following property was enumerated: 4 horses, 7 cattle, 20 hogs, 7 ducks, 7 geese, one scythe & cradle, one funnel, two small wheels & one large wheel, one cart, one smoothing iron, 3 bedsteads & bedding, some shoemaker's tools, one razor & shaving box, 4 chairs, one meal tub, two churns, two bee stands, one iron wedge, nine pewter plates.

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A letter dated June 27, 1926 in answer to mine of 24th from Henry C. Killgore, Union City, Obion Co, Tenn RFD 6 to whom I had written to Harris, also in Obion Co Tenn. Says he has heard his father say that his gf on his mother's side was a Henderson. Never heard him speak of his grandfather Killgore.

My father was Henry Greg Killgore born in Cocke Co, Tenn Mch 4, 1821. He had three brothers:

Sam, who died in Fulton Co, KY aged abt 15

James who died at Gainesville, Texas

I don't know the other one's name or where he died.

I have heard him speak of one sister, I don't know whether he had more or not. I have a half brother, Thomas G. Killgore, Martin, Weakley Co, Tenn RFD who is a good many years older than I who could give you more inf than I have. I wrote him same time, but will write him again. When you get the Hist completed I would like to buy one. P.S. I haven't any family records of my father.

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A letter dated Aug 23, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4 to 11 from Mrs W.W. Lott, Navasota, Texas, see book 16 p 110 says she waited to hear from her Aunt Betty Jack Parker of Alvin Texas who had sent me the Jack books. She says her father, Samuel M. Jack had been named Samuel Bell Jack by his parents, but having a cousin by that name, he dropped "Bell" & used the letter "M" instead. By reason of lack of space, I am transferring him from book 16 p 110 to the next page 45. She wants to buy a book when completed & feels sure the other members of the family would also.

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[descendant chart]

Samuel M. Jack born Mch 13, 1848 in Brandon, Miss see book 16 page 110


Archie deMaret Jack b July 22, 1879 in Navasota, Texas married 1 Jany 5, 1897 Susan Lauraine born Mch 16, 1878 in Austin, Texas & died Sept 11, 1911. Buried in Dallas, Texas, daughter of Major Augustus Lauraine & wife Frances Goodrich. Married 2 Apr 10, 1917 at Washington D.C. to Augusta Oxford born Nov 8, 1884 at Sherman, Tex & died May 25, 1927 in Norfolk, Va & buried in Beaumont Texas. She was daughter of Wm E. Oxford & his wife Ada Burton of Sherman Texas. No issue by her. Had 2 children by the 1st wife, the first born in Clarkesville, GA & the second in Velasco, Texas. He is much interested & wants to buy a book when completed.

Caribel Jack born May 4, 1898 married 1920 G.L. Watkins.

Bessie Bradley Jack born Apr 30, 1900 married Nov 1923 W.E. Goodrich. Now live at 87 Bedford Ave, NY City.

Clara Bell Jack, b Mch 29, 1882 in Navasota, Texas, my good informant, married Apr 4, 1900 Wm Wayne Lott born in Old Washington Tex Nov 30, 1872 son of Wm R. Lott & wife Mary Gresham. Have two daughters born in Navasota, Texas of whom they are really proud. He is a farmer. She wants a book & says her brothers & sisters will also.

Marybel Lott b May 9, 1903. Graduate from State University, married Feb 19, 1927 Percy Zimmerman

Carolyn Edith Lott b Mch 9, 1906 entering her 3d college year. Married Sept 19, 1927 Elmore Gibbs.

Edgar deMaret Jack

Elise Navarre Jack b May 30, 1890 in Alvin, Texas married Dec 11, 1920 Harry Wirt Steele born in Huntington, Ind Nov 24, 1874 son of John Samuel Steele & wife Mary Jerusha Tremain. Have one child born in Houston, Texas. He is an advertiser.

Patricia deMaret Steele b Nov 14, 1922

Cornelia Mayfield Jack b Dec 31, 1896 in Quintana Texas, married Oct 9, 1915 at Houston, Texas James Warr Trotter of Pgh Pa who was born May 3, 1891 in Johnstown, Pa son of James Trotter & his wife Nancy Elizabeth Kelly. No issue. He is special agt Gulf Refining Co P.O. address Box 306 Amarillo, Texas.

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Oak Hill June 14, 1927 7:30 PM

This is the 150th anniversary of the adoption on June 14, 1777 of the U.S. flag "Old Glory", the Stars & Stripes. I went up at noon to Fort Necessity & was there an hour & a half & then went to the Summit Hotel & had lunch, leaving there at 4 PM for home. We took up in our car, Andrew Stewart Flenniken & his nephew Joseph Dunlap Flenniken, 80 yrs old today, born June 14, 1847, one & a half years older than his Uncle. He is now living at Rice's Landing Pa, is a son of Elias A. Flenniken & his wife a Kerr, grandson of John Flenniken, a Rev. soldier. This then shows A.S. to be a grandson of A Rev Soldier & says someone told him he was the only one in the state. Hon Ernest E. Rogers of New London, Conn, President General of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, next to whom I sat at lunch, says there is an actual son of the Revolution

who was born in New London, Conn, but now up in his nineties, but living in the State of Maine. Mr Rogers is State Treas of Conn. Our meeting was the consummation of the organization of the Fort Necessity chapter of the S.A.R. which is the 12th chapter in the state.

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I met James G. Johnston at the Summit Hotel now in his 93d year born Apr 22, 1835, virile & strong. He said that in July 4, 1854, they celebrated at Fort Necessity the Centennial of the battle & while it was a dry day outside, not raining like today, it was wet enough inside. They retired to Fayette springs & whisky flowed freely & they had a sham battle there gotten up by E. Baily Dawson.

Joseph D. Flenniken said he enlisted in the Civil War in Mch 1864 & served until the war closed getting his discharge in Oct 1865 while this was his 80th anniversary, it was Amerigo Pallini's tenth, he being born in this house June 14, 1917.

A letter dated June 30, 1926 in answer to mine of 7th from Edwin Spencer Jack of Greensboro, Ala see book 16 pages 99 & 102 says he does not have any Jack bible records, but believes his Aunt, Mrs W.C. Christian see bk 16 p 103 who is now dead, did have a family bible ctg some data as to my grandfather's family & if so, it is now in possession of her husband, Judge W.C. Christian of Greensboro, Ala. He says he has in his possession a watch which he is told was carried by the gf of my gf viz Capt James Jack of Charlotte N.C. when he carried the Mecklenburg Declaration

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of Independence to Phila in May 1775. Mention is made of this in Lossings Field Book of the Revolution Vol II page 415 (I don't know whether it is Vol 2 or 11). Make slip to see at Congressional Library, Washington D.C. He says his gf Capt James Jack's 1800-1875 first wife was Ann Scott Gray, daughter of Hezekiah Gray see pages 30-34 in a 38 page 8x5 pamphlet on the "Jack Family" gotten out by Fannie Moore Jack 1521 Walnut ST, Vicksburg, Miss, which he sent me but to be returned. The unfortunate part about it is that it does not give dates or parentage.

I have another copy of this pamphlet in my drawer that was sent my by Mrs Betty Jack Parker of Alvin, Texas see bk 16 p 110

Says while he cannot vouch for the correctness of the data in the pamphlet, it is certainly better than any records I have.

Says if he can be of any further assistance, to call on him, that by letter, he can possibly get further dates & I am writing him for them & to see Judge Christian about getting his gf's bible record.

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B&O RR Co train June 17, 1927 10:55 AM

I left this morning on this 9:05 AM train to Pgh accompanied by cousin Hannah E. Lawther, who had boarded the train Wednesday evening 15th at West Newton, Pa & gone home with me. At Connellsville, a young slender woman with a big hat got on and took a seat about four seats in front of us. Hannah spoke to her & said she was a daughter of David Markle decd of West Newton, but she didn't know her married name. Hannah said her father had willed their home where they now live, one half to her sister Eva who had given him money to pay his debts & the other half equally to Hannah & Aldis.

Hannah got off at West Newton at 10:35 AM & a few minutes later, I went forward & introducing myself, asked her if she was the daughter of David Markle & she said she was & that he died sixteen years ago. I told her of my writing a history of the Markle family & of having been to see her mother about 2 yrs ago & asked her to give me the dates of her own record which she did as follows:

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Margaret Pearl Markle, daughter of David Markle decd was born in West Newton, Pa in the house where her mother now lives Jany 27, 1892. See bk 10 p 137. She married Apr 26, 1916 in West Newton, Pa by Rev Dr J.C. Meloy who had baptized her & all of her brothers & sisters, Walter Scott Endler who was born Jany 6, 1892 near Cumberland, Md, son of _______ Endler & his wife Ozella.

Walter S. is an engineer on the B&O RR Co & they live at No 236 Trowbridge St Hazelwood, Pa at which Sta she got off at 11:22 AM. They have had but one child, a stillborn one weighing 14 lbs 6 oz, born in West Newton, Pa viz:

Harold Vernon Endler born July 24, 1918. She said Dr Lawhead who attended her said it was the most perfectly formed baby he ever say, fat & plump & solid, owing to her being a very heavy meat eater.

She said she would send me the data to fill above blanks & for her brothers & sisters. She has a friend, Mrs Laing living in Uniontown, & I invited her to come out with her sometime & have dinner with me.

Written at Hotel Argonne, Lima, O writing room June 18, 1927 4:30 AM

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At residence of Clinton B. Shults, Wall St, Cairo, Allen Co, O June 18, 1927 8:52 AM

Mrs Elba Young living in Huron Co, O P.O. Attica O drove 90 miles to get here to attend the reunion. She is a sister of Mr C.B. Shults. She was born at Columbus Grove, Putnam Co, O as Elba Iloe Shults on Mch 29, 1893 & was married Jany 10, 1914 at Van Wert, O to William Frederick Young born Feby 27, 1893 at Klida, O son of David Young & his wife Doll Hamilton. She has had but two children the oldest bon in Lima, O & the youngest in New Washington, O viz:

1. Margaret Louise Young born Nov 16, 1918

2. William Frederick Young Jr born Apr 22, 1922

Mr Young is a farmer. They belong to the Methodist Epis Church. Mrs Young's mother is the daughter of Samuel Kilgore of David of Col David of James & his wife Elizabeth Jack

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Mr George Henry Lillich of Burton, Geanga Co, O is here. His mother was Josephine Kilgore who was born at Wilmot O & married John Lillich a native of Germany & who died near Burton, O 4 yrs ago aged 76.

They had 7 children born in same house in Troy Tp Geanga Co, O viz:

1. Elmer Lillich born 1881, died aged 4 yrs

2. Geo Henry Lillich born Jany 29, 1883

3. May Lillich born Feby 25, 1885

4. Otto Stanton Lillich born Jany 20

5. Elva R.D. Lillich born Dec 9, 1887

6. Ruby Lillich

7. John Wilson Lillich born Jany 17

His mother, Josephine was daughter of Jesse Kilgore of David of Col David see page 60.

2. Geo Henry Lillich was married June 1, 1904 at Burton, O to Mabel Tempest Dutton born on Nov 6, 1881 in Auburn Tp, Geanga Co, O daughter of Fayette Dutton & his wife Malinda Ward. Have had but one child born in Auburn Tp:

1. Cameron Lyle Lillich born Jany 20, 1906. At home single

Mr Lillich is a farmer, but now a barber by trade.

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5. Elva R.D. Lillich was married May 7, 1908 at New Castle, Pa to Neil Cay White born Sept 8, 1884 at Middlefield Geanga Co, O son of John F. White & his wife Addie E. Cay. Have had but three children, the first & third born in Troy Tp & the second in Peakman Tp, Geanga Co, O:

1. Hilda Mae White born Mch 5, 1909

2. Addie LaVerne White born Jany 15, 1912

3. Lloyd Neil White born Jany 14, 1915

Mr White is a farmer living in Troy Tp P.O. Burton, Geanga Co, O

The other four are all married & they think May will be at the reunion today, but she wasn't.

4. Otto S. Lillich P.O. Burton, O has 1 child

6. Ruby Nickerson P.O. Burton, O has 3 children living & 2 dead

7. John W. Lillich P.O. Warren O has 1 child 51 Ohio St.

I am giving Mr White my address & he will have the records of the above sent to me.

3. May married Victor Herold & lives at Beloit, Mahoning Co, O. She has 10 children living & one of them married & 3 dead. They say Otto has the Jesse Kilgore bible.

Finished 9:55 AM

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At M.E. Prot Ch Monroe Tp, Allen Co, O Place of Kilgore Reunion June 18, 1927 1:30 PM

Leroy Elwood Kilgore brought the old bible of his gf David Kilgore, a small pocket one printed by W.W. Woodward, Phila in 1806. David was son of Col David Kilgore & in it he has written the names of his children & dates of their birth.

P.E. Kilgore reading from the bible:

David Kilgore & Hannah Briar was married Jany 23, 1808 & in it, Hannah Kilgore, her book See bk 16 p 150-1 & make entries

Their children:

1. David Kilgore was born Feby 13, 1809

2. Sarah Kilgore was born Sept 3, 1810

3. James Kilgore was born Dec 10, 1811

4. Gershom Kilgore was born Aug 3, 1813

5. John Kilgore was born Feby 14, 1815

6. Nancy Kilgore was born Dec 16, 1816

7. Jesse Kilgore was born July 5, 18189

8. Levine Kilgore was born May 13, 1821

9. William B. Kilgore was born Feby 5, 1823

10. Samuel Kilgore was born Sept 23, 1824

11. Nathaniel Kilgore was born Sept 30, 1826

The wife's name was either Briar or perhaps McBriar

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Livy L. Kilgore born May 18, 1860 living in Sugar Creek Tp, S.W. corner of Stark Co, O (P.O. Justus, O) came by auto abt 165 miles to this reunion. He tells me the following about the above children of his gf.

1. David having been left in the blacksmith shop to make a fixed number of shoes by his father David of Col David while he went to a shooting match, had his brother John help him & then went to the shooting match where his father, who was somewhat liquored up, whupped him unjustly & his son ran off from home the day Nathaniel was born Sept 30, 1826 going to Red River, Texas where he was with a surveyor Corp. A man named Elder & Bob McBriar, an Uncle who went down the Ohio with a raft of lumber 3 yrs later say 1829 saw him in the Red River Valley working in a blacksmith shop having returned from surveying. When next heard of, Dan Shurr from Shelby O who was minister to New Zealand for 8 yrs under Grant saw David Kilgore there in 1871 when he was running a ninepin alley, was over 6 ft tall weighed 275 lbs, curly headed & was a blacksmith & accounted the best shot there. My informant's father wrote him sending the letter by Shurr but never got an answer. No word since.

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2. Sarah married Thomas Carson & died in Wooster, O without issue aged 96 yrs. He died before & both are buried in Wooster Cem & have tombstones.

3. James Kilgore married Mary Dean in the Spring of 1836. She was of near Massillon, O & was then 16 yrs old. She was daughter of William Dean who was one of the 1810, 18 emigrants to Ohio from Pa & his wife Ruth. He had these children born in Sugar Creek Tp:

1. Lucetta

2. Felix

3. Martha

4. Silas W.

5. David


Josephine married & living in Lake Co, Oregon

Amanda, married

Florence, single. Ask Mrs Poe

James, died aged abt 12

Ann? married & living in Lake Co. Ask Mrs Poe

On Apr 13, 1853, he left for Oregon where he landed Oct 1, 1853 in Ashland, Oregon. He went down the Ohio & up the St Joe River to Council Bluffs, Iowa 1900 miles from home & 1900 miles from his destination his 6 horses all died on the trip across the plains & he hitched his ox with a neighbor's & continued on. He died at Ashland, Oregon & was buried there. He died abt 1896 or 1897.

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His children all went with him except Lucetta who had died in 1836 & is buried in the Baptists g.y. near the Kilgore homestead & Wilmot. He made a return visit in 1875 & in Nov 1881, he & his wife & Florence came back & spent the winter.

4. Silas came back in Dec 1900. Silas died at Altamont, Oregon in Langels Valley leaving three sons:

Roy oldest lives in Matanza Oregon

Miles were at Altamont

Merle, were at Altamont

2. Felix went to Old Mexico on a gold hunt & the whole party were murdered. He was married & had several children

3. Martha married James Hargadine & lived in Ashland, Oregon & he died & she survived many years. Had 4 or 5 children.

5. David is still living in Oregon. For his address, write Mrs Wm Poe, Massillon, O a first cousin, their mothers were sisters. Don't think he is married.

6. Edward living in Langels Valley, Oregon, thinks unmarried.

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4. Gershom Kilgore, see page 54, married May Reynolds of Westnd Co,

Pa daughter of Wm Reynolds. They lived at Port Washington near S.W. corner of Tuscarawas Co, O. He was killed in a RR wreck at Paris, 9 miles east of Steubenville, O Feby? 14, 1865 & his widow died in Port Washington & both are buried. They had children:





& 4 or 5 that d.y. of diptheria.

Ellen married Doc Emerson both dead years ago. Had one boy Robt also dead without issue. Buried at Port Washington, O

Romaine married Richard Armstrong a mail clerk for near 50 yrs on Pan Handle RR. Both dead & buried at Port Wash, O or Indianapolis. Had 2 children & lived at Indianapolis on Ash St, viz:

George &


Margaret married James O'Donnell a lawyer. Lived in New Phila, O. He died of consumption & she took it from him & died some 12 yrs later & both buried at Port Wash, O. Had but one child which died in infancy.

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McClelland married Gertrude Kilgore, daughter of Alex Kilgore of Pa. She died in Pa at her home. He died some 6 or 8 yrs before her & is buried at Port Wash, O. Had a little boy died aged abt 2 yrs.

Gershom & his children all buried in a row at Port Wash, O.

5. John Kilgore, married 1 Lizzie Fauboner & had 2 sons:

1. Gershom, living at Fargo, N.Dak

2. Menshall living at York, N.Dak

Married 2 Lizzie Moore & had 4 girls:

3. Josephine married B. Frank Miser. Both living in Nebraska. Has their address at home.

4. Sarah Catillia married in Kansas to John Paul & live Hutchinson, Ks

5. Florence, single, lives in Salem, Oregon. Is a teacher. Thinks would have her parents bible.

6. Nannie married a Brown a son of Major Brown. Live in Kansas.

6. Nancy died unmarried on her own 120 A farm in Wayne Co, O in Mch 1885.

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7. Jesse married Eliza Reed, daughter of Robert Reed. He died Dec 14, 1867 in Canton, O & buried in the Mt Eaton O Cem. She died abt 1902 & is buried in Geanga Co, O in Welshfield Cem. They had 4 children that lived & 4 or 5 that died. Think Geo Lillich has the bible. Children:

David M. Adalie Shafter

Warren, married Jennie Horner

Josephine Milly Lillich

Martha married B. Frank Hensel

8. Levina, married Andrew J. Moore & lived at Mooreland, Wayne Co, O 5 miles south of Wooster, O son of James Moore

My informant, Livy L. Kilgore had to hunt a place to stay for the night & we

Quit at 4:33 PM

I then went to the home of Clinton B. Shults in Cairo, O where I stayed over the night and slept with Geo Henry Lillich. On this Sunday morning Mr Shults showed me through the cellar & explained the workings of his heater there lined with asbestos & of its workings to heat the house at low cost.

He then drove me to:

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Apr 2[something cut off] 1927 12:44 PM. Made all slips to here JVT

At residence of Fred A. Fetters, Bath Tp Allen Co Ohio (P.O. Lima O route 2) June 19, 1927 8:14 AM.

Mr C.B. Shults drove me over here where we find his Aunt, Mrs J. Warren Kilgore. She was his second wife & is his widow. She was born Nancy Elizabeth Miller July 26, 1857 in Monroe Tp, Allen Co O daughter of Martin Miller & his wife Mary Riggle. She was first married to William Marshall who died at Rockport, O & she married on May 25, 1897 J. Warren Kilgore & after living together 26 yrs, he died June 20, 1923. He is buried at the cemetery east of Cairo, O in Monroe Tp which we passed this morning & which Mr Shults pointed out to me. His father Samuel Kilgore put up a monument & the others have markers. No issue.

Leaving 8:25 AM

Mr Shults then drove me to L. Elwood Kilgore's.

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At residence of Leroy Elwood Kilgore, American Tp, Allen Co, O (P.O. Lima O route 3) June 19, 1927 9:15 AM

See bk 16 p 155 & make entries

Mr Kilgore is the son os Samuel Kilgore & he says his sister, Mrs Shults has his father's family bible, a big one. He himself was born Nov 12, 1858 in Fredericktown, Knox Co, Ohio. He was married Dec 31, 1884 to Sarah Hattie Miller born Dec 31, 1864 in Sugar Creek Tp, Allen Co, O daughter of Jacob Miller & his wife Sarah Brown. Have had nine children the first eight born in Monroe Tp & the last one in this, American Tp.

1. Roy Ednard [sic] Kilgore born July 15, 1885

2. Brice Kilgore born Aug 3, 1886, died June 11, 1887

3. Goldie Kilgore born Apr 21, 1888

4. William Lee Kilgore born Aug 6, 1890

5. Dale, a boy, born Sept 1, 1893

6. Alma Kilgore born June 3, 1895

7. Margaret Ruth Kilgore born Nov 13, 1896

8. Charles Gaten Kilgore born Mch 4, 1898

9. Alice Lulu Kilgore born Nov 18, 1900

1. Roy Ednard married June 1911 at Farmville, Va to Estella Berry, born May. He is mgr of a store & lives in

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Anderson, Ind. He is mgr of the Chas Miller Rubber Works & lives at No 1920 N. Jackson St. Have 3 children, the first two born at Farmville, Va & the last in Anderson, Ind.

1. Guy Leroy Kilgore born June 1912

2. Burnell Kilgore

3. Mary Catharine Kilgore, born Oct

Roy has his father's bible.

3. Goldie married June 20, 1916 to John Madison Early born July 4, 1888, son of Samuel Early & his wife Emeline King. They live in this Tp (P.O. Lima, route 3) where he is a farmer & have three children born in Bath Tp Allen Co, O

1. Ruth Elizabeth Early born Jany 9, 1917

2. Robert Russell Early born Dec 26, 1918

3. Helen Harriett Early born Dec 16, 1923

His mother & Mrs C.B. Shults' mother were sisters.

4. William Lee married Nov 22, 1916 to Ruth Irene Roush born Oct 30, 1895 daughter of Ephraim Roush & wife Luticia Nunnemacher. Both living in Bath Tp & is a farmer (P.O. Lima, O route 8). Have 3 chldren born in Bath Tp

1. Glen Elwood Kilgore born Nov 3, 1917

2. Dorothy May Kilgore born May 2, 1919

3. Betty Lou Kilgore born Nov 8, 1926

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5. Dale Kilgore married Nov 28, 1919 to Blanche Vera Berryhill born May 15, 1897 daughter of Frank Berryhill & wife Vennie Jacobs. Dale lives in Lima, O & has a vulcanizing tire shop at 124 E. Elm St. Have two children, born in Lima, O

1. Evelyn May Kilgore born Dec 16, 1920

2. Dale Kilgore Jr born Aug 17, 1925

Dale was in training in the World War & was ready to sail when the Armistice was declared.

6. Alma is unmarried & at the hospital

7. Margaret Ruth died Nov 18, 1909 aged 13 yrs & 5 days

8. Charles Galen married July 21, 1924 to Helen Vance born Sept 25, 1907 daughter of John Vance & his wife Maud Ordway. He is a farmer & lives in Bath Tp (P.O. Lima O route 8). Have one child born in Bath Tp

1. James Herbert Kilgore born Mch 25, 1927

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9. Alice Lulu married Mch 22, 1924 to Wm Perry Snook born August 23, 1902, son of Pearle Snook & his wife Pearl White. Have one child born in Lima, O.

1. William Perry Snook Jr born Aug 13, 1925

They live at 854 W. High St, Lima, O where he is a bookkeeper at the Lima waterworks. They were just starting in their auto on a trip to Niagara Falls when we drove up. She is a beautiful girl.

Livy Kilgore had been here overnight & left in his auto for his home at 7 AM this morning. He is a bachelor & is called "Doc". He is said to be a reckless driver.

Leaving at 10:33 AM

See book 16 p 132

He says there are Kilgores at Anderson & Huntingdon Ind & at Kenton & Van Wert, O

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At residence of John M. Early, American Tp, Allen Co, O (P.O. Lima, O route 3) June 19, 1927 10:55 AM

Mr & Mrs Early have given correct dates for their own family, correcting some given by her mother & has given dates for some other blanks of her brothers etc.

Leaving 11:15 AM

Mr Shults drove me here & then drove into Lima & let me out.

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At residence of Prentice Ellsworth Kilgore 909 W. Market St Lima, O June 19, 1927 11:50 Am

This is a very nice home which Mr Kilgore bought a year ago at a bargain & moved here from Columbus, O where I had seen him in Mch 1926 on my return from Miss & Ark.

I had lunch with him & his wife, son & daughter & at 1:25 PM he called up for me:

D.D. Jones, Tel Main 8311 1412 Wendell Ave, Lima, O June 19, 1927 1:25 PM

He said he was the son of Cyrenus Waite Jones & grandson of David Darling Jones & his wife Rachel Jones. He said his grandmother was related to the Finleys & that he was a Finley desc, but he didn't know how but would like to know. See book 13 p 327. Ask him if he found his grandmother's bible. He said his brother's name was Charles Finley Jones. He said he was busy today with visitors from Toledo, O but would be glad to see me any time tomorrow at the Dodge Motor Car Agency here, corner of W. Market & McDonald Sts about 5 blocks from the Hotel Argonne.

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Mr & Mrs P.E. Kilgore said there was a William Finley called "Bill" who owned a newspaper at Kenton, O who was chairman of the Democratic Party of Ohio & who lost his mind & died in a sanitarium about 7 yrs ago while Cox was Gov of Ohio. P.E. ways to see in Kenton, Hardin Co, O, William (or "Bill") Durbin a close friend of Bill Finley & a Democratic politician who is a magician & president of the Scioto Sign Co who can tell more about Bill Finley than anyone else.

P.E. says there is a Kilgore in Kenton, O who is an insurance man.

Phoned C.D. Finley 527 W. Market St Lima, O June 19, 1927 1:40 PM

He is a Catholic & says his father, John Finley was born in Ireland & coming to this country, settled in Wellsville, O & died here about 3 yrs ago aged 79 yrs. He says that Gertrude Finley at 200 S. West ST is his sister tel Main 2011, but that none of the other Finleys here are any relation to him.

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Some of them are black. He mentioned J.E. Finley, Tel Main 4132 at 1119 W. Wayne St as getting his mail sometimes. We phoned for him but got no answer. He says his 1st cousin E.C. Finley a director in the American Historical Soc. lives at Providence R.I. where he works about Boston in genealogical work & has a history of the Finley family running back many years.

My informant's father John Finley wrote up a sketch of the family & sent it on to E.C. Write to him.

P.E. then said he would drive me to the Hotel & I

Left at 2 PM

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Hotel Argonne Room 721 Lima, O June 19, 1927 4:38 PM

I arrived here at 2:11 PM & had the first stool I have had since last Tuesday 14th & have gone over the day's work & written up the last 3 pages from what I had penciled down.

The clerk has sent me up Polks 1927 City Directory & I am going through it & will note down such references of our different families as it shows:

Bell, Eleanor C. 753 W. High

Bell, Frank M. (Lelia K.) Clk 753 W. High. Tel Main 1117

Bell, Harry A. (Heen) [sic] credit mgr J.W. Rowlands Co h 132 1/2 E. Spring Apt 6, Tel Main 8444

Bell, Harry C. h 878 W. Market Tel Main 4370

Bell, Joseph C. (Eva C.) Carp. H 1209 ST Johns Ave

Bell, L. Roy (Alice M.) decorator h 1435 Rice Ave

Finley, Albert W. student r 1119 W. Wayne

Finley, Chas D. (Minerva) Golley & Finley Iron Wks Co h 527 W. Market Apt 4 Tel State 3632

Finley, Gertrude, buyer Deisel Co h 200 S. West Tel Main 2011

Finley, James E. (Mabel E.) Slsman H 111 W. Wayne Tel Main 4132

Jones, Daniel D. (Neil E.) Pres the Jones Harbison Co h 1412 Wendell Ave Tel Main 8311

Jones-Harbison Distributors of Dodge Bros Motor Car 506-8 W Market 109 N. Mcdonel Phone Main 4018

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Kilgore, Dale (Blanche V.) tires 124 E. Elm auto supplies 108 E. Market h 461 Marian Ave

Kilgore, Elizabeth (widow of J. Warren) r 327 Ashton Av

Kilgore, Prentice E. (Cora C.) h 909 W. Market

Kilgore, Lewis E. (Margt) fireman h 231 N. Park Av & in tel book

Kilgore, G.C. r RFD 8 tel Park 6461

Kilgore, Lee r RFD 8 Tel High 6498

McMillen, Geo W. r RFD 1 Tel Frand 7427

McMillen, Harper r RFD 8 Tel State 6402

McMillen, Myrtle r 1037 N. McDonel Tel Lake 2922

McMillin, O.V. r 1732 Oakland Park Tel Rice 2361

McMillin, W.E. r 410 S. West Tel High 8325

There are 9 others in directory

Markel, Clay W. pipefitter r 217 W. Murphy

Markel, Fred G. electrician r 217 W. Murphy

Markel, Mary C. (widow of Geo W.) r 217 W. Murphy

Markel, Walter M. Tel Rice 1390 r 217 W. Murphy

Merkel, Frank (Nellie) car repr h 360 Ertel Av Tel Rice 5138

Merkel, Wilbert C. (Elva) cigarmkr h 519 Faurot Av

There are 24 Murrays in directory & following 10 in tel book

Murray, C.D. r 1136 Brice Tel High 5421

Murray, C.E. hdw Lafayette, O Tel Grand 7416

Murray, Mrs Dan r 1135 N. West Tel High 3219

Murray, Emmett r 1158 Hazel Tel Rice 1393

Murray, H.E. r 522 Woodward, Tel Lake 3950

Murray, J.B. r 133 1/3 E. Spring Tel High 8517

Murray, Ray r 342 N. Charles Tel Lake 1734

Murray, W.A. r 1010 Bellefontaine Tel Main 7111

Murray, W.R. r 407 1/2 N. Main St Tel Rice 2576

Murray, W.T. r 122 McClure Tel Rice 3446

There are no Caruthers, Jacks, Redburns or Rothermels.

Finished 6:17 PM

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After supper, I phoned Park 6461 & got Mrs Chas Galen Kilgore & she corrected & added to their record on page 64. I also phoned High 6498 & got Mrs W. Lee Kilgore & she corrected & added to their record page 63.

I phoned Frank M. Bell Tel Main 1117 & his daughter Eleanor answering said he was out tonight & to phone in the morning for an appointment. Said he was bout 60 yrs old. See book 8 p 425.

I phoned James E. Finley, Tel Main 4132. His wife answered & said to come over in the morning.

I do not find any Caruthers of any spelling in Tel book or city directory.

See book 19 p 10

I phoned Geo W. McMillen & Harper McMillen at the numbers given on preceding page, but neither of them knew of Thos McMillen & said they were not descended from a Thoroman.

Got no answer from Myrtle.

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At residence of James Edmund Finley No 1119 West Wayne St Lima, O June 20, 1927 9 AM

Mr Finley was born in Rome, NY Mch 6, 1887 & his mother died when he was 3 yrs old & his father when he was about 11 yrs old. He was married July 30, 1918 in Manhattan, Kansas to Mabel Wood born Nov 28, 1887 at Paola, Kansas, daughter of Chas H. Wood & his wife Sarah Elizabeth Beatty. They do not have any issue, but Mrs Finley was first married to Chas L. Crane & had one son to him. Mr Finley travels for the Strombergs-Carlson Tel mfg Co. He has two brothers & two sisters:

1. Mrs Mayme May wife of Frank May both living at 1463 1/2 Sherman av Evanston, Ill but now at 204 Haney St, Watertown, NY where she is staying for the summer. She has so far as my informant Mrs Finley knows all the family records extant & has the family genealogy in her mind. NO issue.

2. Catherine Schilt wife of John F. Schilt 5646 Washington Boulevard Chicago, Ills. No issue.

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3. John J. Finley living at 153 Haney St Watertown, NY. Have abt ten children.

4. James Edmund, as above

5. Martin H. Finley 1463 1/2 Sherman Ave, Evanston, Ills a bachelor living with his sister.

The father of above children came from Canada & Mrs Finley thinks he was born there. They are all Catholics. However, James E. is not a Catholic or church member. A doctor at Rome or Syracuse NY is a first cousin of J.E. Miss Mollie Finley, an Aunt of Mrs May, lives in Chicago, but is now with Mrs May in Watertown, NY

Write Mrs Finley & let her know the addresses I got recently from Dr Finley of NY State. Mrs Finley knew Will, Charley & Tom Greason & the Voglesongs & says Mrs Voglesong is dead probably 3 yrs ago. Didn't know name of Mr Finley's father.

Leaving 9:50 AM

see page 517

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At residence of Frank M. Bell no 753 W. High St Lima, O June 20, 1927 10:10 AM

I find Mrs Bell here nee Lelia Kelly whose father was Rev Kelly, pastor here in 1876 of the old Pres Ch & her mother was a daughter of Nathaniel Chapman & his father (or gf) was a brother of Jonathan Chapman familiarly known as "Johnny Appleseed" from his practice of peddling appleseeds over Ohio & up as far as Detroit. She was not able to locate or identify Libbie Bell or Robert Bell whose mother was Nancy Jane Thompson who went to Calif. See book 8 p 425 but said there was a Rev Robert Thompson who she thought died there. She took my address & said wd let me know if she could learn anything from the other Bells in Lima.

Left 10:40 AM

She told me to ask Mrs James Pillars widow at Memorial Hall corner of Elizabeth & W. Elm St but when I went there, she was not to be found.

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At office of Daniel Darling Jones, Dodge Motor Car agency, corner of Market & McDonel Sts Lima, O June 10, 1927, 11 AM

Says his grandmother, Rachel Foley Jones died about 7 yrs ago in Laurel Co out from Loudon, Ky almost 100 yrs old in the full possession of her faculties & is buried at Robinson's Creek Church g.y. & has a tombstone. As a boy, he has heard her speak of her relative John Finley who brought Boone into Ky. She lived when she died with her son Tandy H. Jones at his home near the Camp Grounds. His home was burned after her death & the old bible of her husband, Daniel Darling Jones was burnt up. Tandy H. Jones is now living in Loudon, Ky aged say 67 or 68.

Dr Frank Finley & Hon. Charles Finley of Williamsburg, Ky are 3d or 4th cousins of my informant & probably 2d cousins of his grandmother. The Gatliffs & Sillers & Mahans & Stangfields of Williamsburg, Ky are all nearer relatives of Rachel Foley. Don't know names of her parents or any brothers or sisters.

My informant's father Cyrenus Waite Jones was the son of

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Daniel Darling Jones & his wife Rachel Foley.

Mr Jones thinks Rachel Foley came into Ky fr WVA (then old VA) with her parents, when a young girl.

My informant D.D. Jones was born June 17, 1880 at London [sic] Ky on the site of the Sue Bennett Memorial College.

Was married Sept 14, 1905 at Rockville, Ind to Neil Elsinore Hunt born May 19, 1880 at Rockville, Ind daughter of Elwood Hunt & his wife Emma Hargraves. No issue. Live at 1412 Wendell Ave. Mr Jones sister Lucy Florence Jones, with a remarkable memory & who for 21 yrs has been a missionary in China, has been visiting relatives in Nebraska & is expected here soon. Mr J. thinks she can give more inf & will write me. I am leaving my address. He may be in Williamsburg KY & will try & see the widow of Dr Ansel Gatliff.

Leaving 11:55 AM

See book 13 p 327

His brother Chas Finley Jones is the druggist I saw at Lexington, Ky in June 1925.

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At residence of Mrs Mary C. Markel 217 W. Murphy St Lima O June 20, 1927 1:35 PM

I was admitted by Walter McKinley Markel who says his mother is away for the day. He has gotten out his father's big bible & a couple of obituary notices, one of them says:

Geo W. Markle, son of James & Susan Markle [sic] was born Feby 1, 1860 & died Aug 9, 1924. He was married to Mary Catherine Hiles Feby 1, 1893. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Fae Martin & Clara Hiles & 3 sons, Clay, Fred & Walter, four grandchildren all of Lima, O two sisters, Mattie Harmon of Lancaster O & Mrs Chas Rukwied of Kansas City. He was a member of White Snow Lodge 341 K of P of Pleasantville, O. The other says he died at the home of his sister Mrs Mattie Harmon (it is she who can give the family history) at 222 D. Broad St, Lancaster, O where he had been visiting for 2 weeks. His home was at Pleasantville, O

He says his grandfather James Markel & wife were from Fairfield Co, O & that their parents came from Pennsylvania. The bible record is:

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It was published by South Western Pub House, Nashville, Tenn but without date.

Marriages Geo W. Markel of Pleasantville, O & Mary C. Hiles of Thurston, O were married at bride's home Feby 1, 1893 by Rev J.W. Wert. Witnesses:

E.W. Hiles, her father, James Markel, his father.

Mr Wm C. Martin & Miss Fae Markel were married June 4, 1913 at the bride's home.


Geo West Markle born Feby 5, 1860

Mary Catherine Hiles born July 29, 1872

Their children:

1. Fae Cleona Markel born Nov 28, 1893

2. Clara Aileen Markel born Sept 19, 1895

3. Clay West Markel born Dec 5, 1897

4. Fred George Markel born Mch 21, 1901

5. Walter McKinley Markel born May 10, 1905

The boys are all single

Says to see or write to Mrs Harmon in Lancaster, O. She is a trained nurse & is often away, but she has a daughter, Mrs John Vincent who lives there. He can't find an obituary of his grandmother Markle which he will send me. Clay was here too.

Leaving 2:22 PM

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Mrs John Vincent's address is: No Thimmes Apts Lancaster, O

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Back again at office of D.D. Jones cor of W. Market & McDonel Sts, Lima O June 20, 1927 2:33 PM

When I was leaving at noon, Mr Jones spoke of a Miss McAfee at the Lima Library across McDonel St from his office, having a McAffee History that spoke of John Finley piloting Boone into KY. We went to the Library, but she was reported away for a week, but he got the history which is in typewritten manuscript form of 129 entitled:

"Life & Times of Robert B. McAfee & his family connections, written by himself commenced Apr 23, 1845" says:

I was born Feby 18, 1784 on the banks of Salt River abt 4 miles N.W. of Harrodsburg, Ky. I was the 8th child of my mother. I had had a brother Robert who died twelve days before I was born & father thinking he might not have another son & wishing to have a namesake called me Robert.

In 1771-1772, he speaks of the fame of the Long Hunters, Finley, Doctor Walker, Daniel Boone & others. It came near train time & there being no index, I had not time to hunt further for what it said abt John Finley & concluded to see her when I got back to Lima &

Left 3:33 Pm

V21 Page 83

I had intended calling:

Myrtle McMillen

O.V. McMillen

W.E. McMillen

& the Murrays, but didn't get the time & will have to see what I can do about tracing them on my return. I did phone the other McMillens but they were not Thoroman descendants.

It is now 12:35 AM June 21, 1927 & I am at room 1516 Wm Penn Hotel Pittsburgh, Pa.

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Oak Hill, June 21, 1927 11:04 PM

A letter dated June 22, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4 to 11 from Mrs Bettie Jack Parker see book 16 pages 100, 101, 110 & 111 gives information which I have entered in place in the above book & pages & also gives following record of their adopted children. Her husband's full name was Huling Madison Parker.

1. Frederick Leon Webster born May 22, 1887

2. Cecile Webster born July 15, 1892

Their father A.B. Webster lives in Houston, Texas. Their mother died in 1923. Says if there are any more dates I wish, to let her know. Says she has 4 brothers living & the two in Corsicana Tex have nice families.

A letter dated June 23, 1926 in answer to mine of June 4 to 11, from Wm H. Jack Esq of 124 1/2 W 5th Ave P.O. Box 402 Corsicana, Tex See book 16 p 111 wishes to know why I am writing a history of their family. Says he is familiar with their family history in the South & may be in a position to help me & says "Let me hear from you". I am writing him tonight.

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Oak Hill June 22, 1927 8:40 PM

A letter dated Aug 30, 1926 in answer to one of more than a year ago from me, from Mrs Carrie Redburn McKee of Stuart, Iowa see book 5 page 343 says she has been trying to complete her record as asked for, but finds it takes more time than she expected, but will do so soon & forward to me. So far, I have not recd it, but am writing for it. Says many records were lost in a fire. Asks me to write Sherman Medill of Springdale, Kan, but I saw him at Leavenworth, Kan Sept 14, 1921, see bk 5 page 290. Says she is sure he could tell me of Aunt Lou Quinche who she is sure I had not visited, but I had on Dec 17, 1922 at No 721 6th St East Las Vegas, New Mex. see book 8 page 606. She hopes she is still alive. Says she sent them word years ago of the death of her Uncle Martin Redburn. He had been living near Oklahoma City, Okla with his wife & only child, Frank. Uncle Martin was the oldest of my father's family. My father, (Joseph Benton Redburn born May 28, 1835) never saw him after the Civil War. Uncle Martin went south as a Soldier & never returned to the north. Father was next in age. Aunt Lou Quinche next, who was the mother of 4 or 5 children. Aunt Medill with 3 children next & Uncle Henry Yountes. Says her cousin visited them a short time ago. Says

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she heard of two Redburn boys at Bedford, Taylor Co Iowa & a family of Redburns at Maryville, Nodaway Co, MO. These two counties join. Make slips to hunt them up.

See book 9 p 7-10

V21 Page 87

A letter dated Apr 23, 1926 in answer to mine of Mch 30, from Moses Finley of Lyons, Kansas see Book 14 page 223 was sent to his niece Mrs J.W. Harvey box 317 Osborne, Kansas & by her mailed to me Aug 15, 1926. He has type written the answers in many of the questions I asked & gives as follows his own record.

Moses Finley (son of Isaac J & he son of James of Belfast, see book 14 p 260) married 1 Feby 9, 1869 Mary Wood, born in Sangamon Co, Ills Mch 1, 1840 ob Feby 10, 1877. Married 2 May 1878 Aurilla Wood born in Sangamon Co, Ills in 1837 ob 1911 aged 74 a sister of his first wife, Mary. Married 3 May 26, 1911 Martha J. Ellison born in Adams Co, O about 1853 as she was 73 yrs old in 1926. She was born in May 1853.

He only reports two children both evidently by his first wife:

1. William I. Finley born July 4, 1873. He is living in Hutchinson, Kansas & is single.

2. Isaac Finley born Apr 1877 & died a few days later

Says he has no grandchildren &

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only the son living.

He doesn't know the dates of birth or death of his brothers John & William or his sisters Ellen & Mary nor how long the boys served in Civil War. He served from May to Sept 1864 in Co E. 149 Reg, O. Inf was in two battles. Fredericksburg, Maryland & another but dont' know name. He says his grandfather James Finley did not have a brother Moses who came to Ross Co, O but he himself had an Uncle Moses for whom he was named. He had 3 children. He does not know the names of the two girls, but the boys name was Nelson. I knew them all when I was a boy but can't remember.

He left Ohio for the west in 1868 & was back to Ohio in 1885 & visited his brother Scott's family & his sister Martha's family. Her name then was Wilson, but she was married again a few years later. see book 14 p 224. Mrs Harvey says her Uncle Scott Finley did have a bible see bk 14 p 225. Says her children haven't sent in their records, but she will forward it later.

V21 Page 89

Oak Hill June 24, 1927 12 o'c noon

A clipping from yesterday's West Newton Times-Sun announces that James E. Peairs died on Monday June 20, 1927 at 10:40 AM in the McKeesport Hospital from bronchial pneumonia in his 41st year. He is survived by his father Joseph C. Peairs & one brother Philip H. Peairs both of Elizabeth Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa. Funeral yesterday afternoon from home of S.L. Woodward, Millgrove, Interment in Round Hill Cem. Make slip to see his father.

A card letter dated July 29, 1926 in answer to mine of June 7, 1926 from Mrs Ada Jack Carver Snell (wife of J.B. Snell of Minden, La says her mother Mrs M.H. Carver was daughter of Col Wm H. Jack of Natchitoches, La my correspondent of 50 yrs ago. She refers me to her Aunt, Mrs Geo Whitfield Jack of 2760 Fairfield Road Shreveport, La to whom she sent my letter & who on Aug 7, 1926 sends me the record of her husband's records & his time from Patrick Jack 1700-1785 down & which I am tabling on next page. She says if there is any further information she can give, she will be glad to give it.

Mrs Snell (Ada Jack Carver) says she is much interested in my plans for a history of the family.

V21 Page 90

[descendant chart]

Patrick Jack born Sept 19, 1700 in Ballykelly, Ireland & died 1785 in Charlotte, N.C. He married Lillis McAdoo see book 16 p 98. Mrs G. Whitfield Jack writes, large env that he migrated from Ireland with his wife & several brothers abt 1730 & about 1760 located at Charlotte, N.C. where he died. Had I believe 4 sons & 5 daughters.

[Their son:]

Capt James Jack see bk 16 p 98 born in say Dec 1731 & died Dec 18, 1822 in Elbert Co, Ga. He served throughout the Revolutionary War. He married Nov 20, 1766 Margaret Houston. I have report of one daughter & four sons see bk 16 p 98

[Their son:]

William Houston Jack 2d son & 3d child born June 6, 1771, married Frances Cummins. She was daughter of Rev James Cummins & his wife. Had but one child, born in Wilkes Co, Ga. He was a merchant of Augusta, Ga.

[Their son:]

William Cummins Jack born Oct 8, 1808 in Wilkes Co, Ga died Nov 1, 1886 in Natchitoches, La. He married Mary Catherine Wellborn Sept 3, 1818 in Athens, Ga & died July _____ in Ark. He was a teacher with whom I corresponded 50 yrs ago.


Col William Houston Jack B June 4, 1836 in Wilkes Co, Ga & died June 8, 1912 at Natchitoches, La where he was the leading lawyer & my Atty & correspondent 50 yrs ago. Married 1 Mary Cathrine Whitfield born at Holly Springs Miss Sept 26, 1841 & died at Natchitoches, La Dec 27, 1882 aged 41, daughter of Geo Washington Whitfield & his wife. Had children. Married 2.

George Whitfield Jack born Nov 1, 1875 3d of sons reaching maturity ob May 15, 1924. He was Judge of the U.S. Dist Court of Eastern Dist of La & left 3 sons. Lived Shreveport, La. Married May 9, 1900 at Mansfield, La Emily Roberts Pegues daughter of Wm T. Pegues & wife Elizabeth Gibbs, my good informant for this record, living at 12760 Fairfield Ave, Shreveport, La.

Elizabeth Jack, ob, thrown from a horse on street pavement & killed aged 12 yrs.

Hampton Carver Jack ob in infancy

Whitfield Jack b July 10, 1906. He is class of 1928 at West Point.

Wellborn Jack b Nov 29, 1907. Is in University of N.C. class of 1930

Stuart Jack b Mch 29, 1909. Has finished High School.

Dr Samuel Jack [son of William Cummins Jack] lived in Columbia, Co, Ark.

V21 Page 91 [missing]

V21 Page 92 & V21 Page 93

[descendant chart]

Alexander Walter McCoy son of John McCoy & Jane McCracken see book 14 p 376-7, born at Chillicothe, O Apr 19, 1811 & died at Chillicothe, O Oct 30, 1876 (Mr Peebles has it Nov 28, 1876) married at Flint, Mich Nov 22, 1845 to Mary Eliza Danolds born at Stafford, NY Dec 17, 1822 died at Independence, Mo Sept 16, 1902 daughter of Ira Danolds & wife Martha Ladd. Had five children, the first one born at Cincinnati, O the 3rd at Lafayette, Ind & the 2d, 4th, & 5th at Independence, MO


William Lee McCoy b Apr 11, 1848 (Peebles has 1847) ob Mch 29, 1916 at Independence, Mo. Married Nov 22, 1871 at Independence, Mo Fannie Ingalls Sawyer, daughter of Judge Samuel Locke Sawyer & wife Mary Calloway born at Lexington, Mo Feby 19, 1851 & died May 11, 1912. Had 2 children born at Independence, MO.

Samuel Alexander McCoy b Sept 29, 1872 married Aug 29, 1900 at Independence, MO Lola Symington b Nov 23, 1875 daughter of Wm A. Symington & wife Laura Mercer. Have 4 children the 1st & 3d born at Independence, Mo 2d at Festus, Mo & 4th at Spokane, Wash.

Helen McCoy b July 16, 1903

Wm Alexander McCoy b June 5, 1903

Robert Lee McCoy b Feby 19, 1908

Frances McCoy b Jany 10, 1915

Mary Ellen McCoy b Feby 7, 1874 married Dec 11, 1900 at Independence, Mo Dr Andrew Christy Knox b Jany 13, 1874 son of Shannon K. Knox & wife Jane E. Christy. No issue.

John Alexander McCoy [son of Alexander W. McCoy] B Dec 19, 1849, unmarried.

Charles Danolds McCoy b Jany 12, 1852 ob Apr 29, 1908 at Independence Mo married 1st Oct 17, 1878 in Ray Co, Mo Kate L. Holloway, daughter of James M. & Lucy Holloway who died Jany 4, 1881, having had 2 children born at Independence, Mo. Married 2d June 10, 1885 at Independence, Mo Carrie Boude, b June 4, 1861 at Gallatin, Tenn, daughter of Henry B. Boude & wife Eleanor Chambers. She died June 4, 1925 at Detroit, Mich. Had six children all born at Independence, Mo except the 4th one who was born at Pleasant Hill, Mo see next page no 93. [which I include here for clarity CW]

Alexander Watts McCoy, b July 25, 1879 ob June 8, 1880

Scott McCoy b Dec 1880 ob June 1881

Henry Boude McCoy b Mch 17, 1886 married Oct 28, 1914 Helen Borthwick born June 14, 1889 daughter of Frederick Crocker Borthwick & wife Nellie Grant Jacobs. Have one child born at Independence, Mo.

Charles Frederick McCoy b Nov 14, 1917

Martha Jane McCoy b Jany 1, 1888 married June 20, 1925 in Chicago, Ills Emory H. Wright b Sept 30, 1880 at Ashley, Mo son of Michael T. Wright & wife Sarah Ann Davis. No issue.

Charles Danolds McCoy b July 14, 1890 married Feby 9, 1921 at Portland, Ore Sue Isabel Akers b Sept 8, 1898 daughter of Geo Wm Akers & wife Katherine S. Knight. No issue.

Carrie Chambers McCoy, b Sept 16, 1892 married Dec 31, 1919 at Independence, Mo Webster Campbell McDonald b Aug 8, 1891 at Independence, Mo son of Elbert McDonald & wife Jane Hampton Webster. Have 2 children 1st born Independence, Mo & 2d at Detroit, Mich

Webster Campbell McDonald Jr b May 11, 1923

Eleanor McDonald b Nov 1, 1925

Fannie Lew McCoy b Nov 5, 1895 married Aug 19, 1922 at Independence, Mo Lester R. Finch b Jany 4, 1889 at Greeley, Col son of Chas A. Finch & wife Alice Howard. Have one child born in Phoenix, Ariz.

Lester McCoy Finch b June 20, 1923

Eleanor Weddell McCoy b Feby 24, 1898 married July 30, 1921 at Independence, Mo Roscoe Conkling Harris born May 4, 1890 son of John B. Harris & wife Sarah Hohn. Have one child born at Independence, Mo.

Roscoe Conklin Harris Jr b June 11, 1923

Lewis Foulke McCoy [son of Alexander W. McCoy entered on page 92] b Mch 24, 1854 married Dec 17, 1884 at Chillicothe, O Elizabeth Johnson daughter of of David Johnson & wife Sarah Jane Corbett who was born in Madison Co, O June 30, 1859 & died Mch 14, 1914 at Independence Mo. Had 4 children born at Independence, MO.

Lewise Augustus McCoy b Nov 8, 1886, unmarried [best guess on name.]

Alexander Watts McCoy b Feby 6, 1889 married Apr 9, 1917 at St Louis, Mo Helen Miranda Aylesbury born at St Joseph Mo Jany 8, 1894, daughter of Walter Thomas Aylesbury & wife Gertrude Garland Reid. Have 3 children born at Bartlesville, Okla

Alexander Watts McCoy b Aug 22, 1918

Phyllis Aylesbury McCoy b Oct 3, 1919

Thomas Aylesbury McCoy b Mch 27, 1921

Elizabeth McCoy, b Aug 26, 1891 ob Jany 20, 1919 in New York City.

John Porter McCoy b Nov 22, 1898, unmarried.

Martha Jane Finley McCoy [daughter of Alexander W. McCoy] b May 28, 1856 my good informant for this perfect record written & typed probably with the assistance of her daughter. Married Jany 5, 1882 at Independence, Mo Daniel Bullard son of Daniel Cooledge Bullard & wife Elizabeth Keyser. He was born at Germantown, Pa on Oct 21, 1855. Both living at Warrensburg, Mo from where they sent this record Aug 11, 1926. Have one child born at Independence, Mo

Mary Elizabeth Bullard b Nov 1, 1882, unmarried.

V21 Page 94

Oak Hill, June 25, 1927 10:08 AM

A letter dated June 27, 1926 in answer to mine of June 8th from Joseph D. Kilgore of 127 14th Ave, Columbus, O Tel Walnut 1525 see book 16 page 201. Says he has no definite records of the Kilgores but finds them in almost every city & state in the south & southwest.

He says two brothers, Jonathan & Jesse Kilgore came to Western Penna, probably about 1800. Jonathan settled in Armstrong Co. We are of his family. Jesse settled in Westmoreland Co.

These brothers are two of the twelve (out of 18) sons named in wills of their father James Kilgore & mother Elizabeth Kilgore (nee Jack) in book 1 pages 186 & 207 respectively. Make slips to examine records carefully at Kittanning Pa for Jonathan & at Greensburg, Pa for Jesse remembering that it is the brother not the son of Col David.

See pages 37 & 38 of my extract copies from John Kilgore Johnston's history where he refers to a "True & Exact list of the names & Sirnames of the white male citizens over 18 & under 45, living within the bounds of 6th Bat Cumb Co, Militia, John Alexander Lieut on Feby 4, 1793" which included names of Jonathan, William, Jesse & Robert Kilgore & he also states that Jonathan Kilgore was a private 3d class in Capt

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John Rodgers Co of the 6th Bat of Cumb Co Militia 1782 in the Revolutionary War.

Jesse is mentioned in Penna Archives Vol VI 5th Series Page 437 as a private 6th class in Capt John Rodgers Co Sixth Bat Cumb Co militia 1782 Rev. War. In Executive minutes 1790=1817 (Sixth Series Vol V Page 170) he is rated Capt Sixth Co Sixth Bat Cumb Co militia: He gives extended reference to services of a Jesse Kilgore in the War of 1812 & also to Sixth Series Vol X page 32 J.I.U. questions whether all of these references relates to this Jesse or his 1st cousin, son of Charles whose will:

Charles Kilgore of West Pennsboro Tp Cumb Co, Pa dated Jany 5, 1778 probated Nov 13, 1778 names wife Jane & son Jesse a minor brother's son Joseph (look up what he says about him) Exr bro-in-law Wm Clark. Charles Kilgore (seal) Witnesses Joseph Connelly (which see & abt him) Jas Byers

See also book 2 page 82

Mr Kilgore's wife said his father was Harmon & that he was then Mch 18, 1926 attending funeral of his mother at Wilkinsburg, Pa. Am writing him for his line from Jonathan down, he being the 1st of his descendants I have actual trace of. Go see him too.

V21 Page 96

A letter dated Aug 24, 1926 in answer to mine from Mrs Ruth Hous of 623 Elk St, Franklin, Pa says she had been away as her sister's husband, John B. Harter of Falls Creek, Clearfield Co, Pa had died.

She says she got something on her Smith line. She says the wife of her great grandfather, Joseph Thompson was the daughter of Ebenezer Smith & his wife Hepzibah Damon. She thinks I am right in believing her gggfather Joseph Thompson to be a brother of my ggfather William

She says she does not know the names of all the children of James Thompson of Sunberry (it should be West Sunbury, Butler Co, Pa) but says that Mrs Elizabeth Hughes of Meadville, Pa & Mrs Hackenberry of Butler, Pa (whose son Harvey Hackenberry has been shff of Butler Co, Pa) & great Uncle Oliver Thompson on the town council at Butler, Pa are parties to see. Says her great Uncle Taylor Thompson is hard to keep track of, but he sometimes visits a daughter in Erie, Pa. Has not yet found James Thompson's bible.

V21 Page 97

A letter dated Nov 3, 1926 a belated answer to one of mine, from Mrs Arabelle C. Kennedy, Box 476, Paonia, Colorado see book 16 p 480 who says she does not have her parents' bible, that Ross Carrithers (her nephew) see book 16 p 242 has it. The records of marriage & death were copied from it.

Says her father did not get his father's bible & she knows nothing of its whereabouts

She gave me many dates & names which I entered in place in bk 16 pages 242 & 480.

V21 Page 98

Oak Hill June 26, 1927 7:11 PM

This morning was one year since I started to the Sesquicentennial & fifty one years since I started to the Centennial.

A letter dated Oct 28, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 16, from David E. Finley Jr of 1911 I. St N.W. Washington D.C. says he had to write to his mother at York S.C. for information.

He also sends me the front page of "The State" of Columbia S.C. of Mch 27, 1925 with an admirable two column bust picture of his father Hon David E. Finley. This bust was made by an English sculptor, P. Bryant Baker, now living in New York & is placed in the S.W. corner of the State House at Columbia S.C. a present to the State by his five sons. I should have a facsimile for my book. A two column article of his career shows that he was a representative & Senator in S.C. & was in 1898 elected to Congress from the 5th Dist of S.C. & served continuously for 18 yrs until his death in 1917. He says he will send me if desired copies of speeches made in congress at time of his death. He says the Who's Who prior to his death contain sketches of him. He is much interested in my work & will subscribe for a volume & says his brothers

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& sisters, or several of them will also when completed. He sends me his family record commencing with his grandfather, which I am tabling on the two pages following. He says he will obtain & send me names & dates of birth of the children of his two sisters.

See book 16 page 512 & also 454-477. I thought there was something in the E.C. Finley papers that might be a connection, perhaps it was the reference bk 16 p 462. I haven't time tonight to read through them.

David E. Finley's term of 18 yrs is said to be the longest continuous term of any M.C. fr S.C. His parents both dying when he was a babe, he was raised by an Uncle & Aunt, Mr & Mrs John Campbell

David E. Jr was educated in the Public Schools of York S.C. University School, Wash D.C. B.A. Degree Univ of S.C. 1910 & L.L.B. Geo Washington Law School, Washington 1913, practiced law 1915-17 with Joseph Hill Brinton Phil, Pa enlisted Feby 1918 as private Signal Corps (Air Service) U.S. Army, 2d Lieut Air Service U.S.A. Asst counsel, War Finance Corporation Wash D.C., War Loan Staff Treasury Dept Wash 1922 to date: Member of Metropolitan & Chevy Chase clubs, address U.S. Treas & res 1911 I (Eye) St Wash D.C. N.W.

V21 Page 100 & V21 Page 101

[descendant chart]

David Miller Finley born in Gaston Co N.C. 1816 & died 1863 at Trenton, Ark. Married Feby 1841 Elizabeth McIlwain born in York Co S.C. Oct 22, 1816 & died Nov 2d, 1861 at Trenton, Ark. She was daughter of Charles McIlwain & his wife Margaret Ardrey. Had 8 children:


Marguerite Jane Finley, b Apr 20, 1842

Nancy Elvira Finley b Nov 16, 1843

Zachary Taylor Finley b Mch 12, 1846

John Alexander Finley b Mch 12, 1848

Charles Robert Finley b June 10, 1850

James William Finley b Mch 12, 1852

Stern Calhoun Finley b June 18, 1858

David Edward Finley b Feby 28, 1861 ob Jany 26, 1917. See book 16 p 445-4 showing his connecting line for nine generations back & also page 353 for his own letters among the E.C. Finley lot proving connections. He was born at Trenton, Ark & died at York S.C. married Oct 9, 1889 Elizabeth Lewis Gist born in York S.C. May 3d, 1862 & living at 6 Kings Mountain ST, York S.C. She is daughter of William C. Gist & his wife Frances Crenshaw. Have 8 children born the 7th one at Washington D.C. & all the other 7 at Yorkville, S.C. see pages 98 & 99.

David Edward Finley Jr b Sept 13, 1890 at York S.C. at 4:30 AM

Frances Gist Finley b Mch 10, 1892 at 5 AM *see b 27 p 532

Mary Elizabeth Finley b Jany 30, 1894 at 4 AM see b 27 p 533

William Gist Finley b Sept 10, 1895 at 7:30 PM. Married daughter of Wilbert Carey Jeter & his wife Annie Pannell Flicklein. Was in World War & is a lawyer.

Robert McIlwain Finley b May 28, 1897 at 1 PM Ed Clemson College. Was a Lieut in U.S.A. at Porto [sic] Rico Gov accountant.

States Rights Gist Finley b Aug 30, 1898 at 6 PM Grad Clemson College S.C. in Navy World War, married June 1924 Grace Snyder

of Massillon, O Supt Elect Doherty Co, at Elyria, Ohio

Margaret Adams Finley b May 1, 1900 at 4:30 PM single

John Campbell Finley b Mch 8, 1904 at 11:30 PM Grad Chapel Hill S.C. 1927 with aluminum Co Badin S.C.

[Italics indicate entries made in another hand. JVT did not write these. CW]

V21 Page 102

[fermata mark appears here]

Oak Hill, June 28, 1927 11:44 PM

I was in Washington D.C. today.

I went at 9:20 AM to the office of A.W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treas & was there until 10:50 AM & had my conference with him fr 10:30 to 10:50 as he did not come in until 10:20. I spoke to him of the recent twenty five million dollar bond issue of the Koppers Co & of my talk with H.C. McEldowney about it & of his saying I would have to see him. A.W. said that issue was for a special purpose, viz to install plants on the Delaware River to produce coke by products etc to take care of Phila & vicinity, but that about 4 mos later, he would be glad to talk to me about the purchase of the 20,000 A of coal on the narrow gauge RR in Wash Co Pa which I had mentioned to Mr McEldowney. Said he was leaving tonight for NY & sailing Friday 30th inst to Italy & would not be back until the 1st week in Sept & nothing would be done until after his return. He said Mr Rust had comprehensive plans for getting a Milwaukee Co consolidated Gas Co of NY, U.G.I. Co of Phila & several other users of the products all interested as stockholders in a company to be formed who

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would be buyers of their produce & eliminate competitive bidding in marketing their product. I seized on his, thus speaking of competition to broach the forming of a merger of the coal producing firms in Pgh in the interest of the Pgh Coal Co whereby a saving of 50 cents a ton which could easily be accomplished would yield a profit to ten million dollars. I told him that I suspected Hillman would be the dog in the manger, to which he assented, & that I thought my son, Andrew, would be the most forceful person to line Hillman up & that when he returned, I would like him & Andrew to talk it over which he said he wd be very glad to do. I then asked him for price on his Wayne Tp coal & he said he wasn't sufficiently informed to give me a price but said this merger would probably want to take both his Wayne Tp & Monongalia Co WVA coal & the Piedmont Coal Co holdings as well & I told him that same idea was expressed in the paper I gave him as the taking over of these holdings would give fairly good control of the field.

I then went to Congressman McFadden's office & found his clerk, Philip G. Thompson had been called to NY by the serious illness of his mother.

V21 Page 104


I then came back to the Treasury to room 273, the office of David E. Finley Jr Asst Counsel, War Finance Corp & was there from 11:50 AM to 12:46 PM. He did not come in until 12:10 & went at once to Secy Mellon's office for 20 minutes & had to get several papers ready for Mr Mellon to sign before he left. I then was with him from 12:33 to 12:46 PM

He thought his great grandfather's name was Charles Finley, but was not sure. He thought they came from Ireland to Penna & then through the Valley of Virginia to North Carolina. He thought they came from Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland. He said his father's brothers & sisters all died young of some fever & that his father was the only one to grow up, but said to write to his Aunt.

Miss Margaret Gist, York S.C. who was the genealogist of the family & once talked of writing a Gist Hist. He said a Gist in England was a first cousin of a Washington ancestor, that three had married Howards. He said there was a Christopher Gist in England, probably a gf of our Christopher. He says they descend from Wm Gist, a brother of our Christopher through his son Richard. His brother, John Campbell Finley came, both small & slender came in. He sd John Campbell who raised his father married a McElwain sister of his grandmother.

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I then went over to the Willard Hotel & phoned residence of John A. Markle, of David, of John of Casper 4110 Fifth St, N.W. Tel Adams 2504-W & his wife answered & said he would not be home from his work until after 5 PM. Asking if he was working in the Treasury, she said he was, in the National Bank Redemption Agency in the basement, entrance on 15th ST. I went there 2 to 2:40 PM & had a half hour's talk with him. He said he had been there 19 yrs. He said I was at his father's funeral which was 2 yrs after I had been there to see him. He says his mother is 94 yrs old & is living in Greensburgh, Pa with his sister Mrs Bortz. He says his father was born in 1815 & was 12 yrs old when his father John Markle died in NY. He thinks he has the date of his grandfather's birth & the others of the family, which he got at the Carnegie Public Library there. He will get the book reference & other things his father told him & bring it out Friday, July 1st when he & his daughter, his only child, are motoring to Gbg to see his mother & he accepted my invitation to stay overnight with me. His wife is not coming along, saying when I talked with her, that she had not been well. I then left on the 3:20 PM B&O train for home.

V21 Page 106

Oak Hill June 30, 1927 4:11 PM

A letter dated Nov 12, 1925 in answer to one from me, from Miss Fay Denny of Sorento, Bond Co, Ills & which I was so glad to get as putting me in touch with the descendants, she being one, of Andrew Finley born 1717 brother of my gggmother Martha Finley. Lack of time when I several times came to it, makes this a greatly belated answer.

She sends me a copy of the record she has, rather incomplete. She comes in the family through her grandmother who she never remembers seeing. Says she has looked over all old letters dated as far back as 1718. I am writing asking her to mail me these old letters by parcel post registered & I will return them same way.

She says she will be very glad to help me all she can at any time. She says some of the older ones are buried in several of the older cemeteries several miles from her home & when she can get to them, she will get some dates for me. I am starting a table on page 108 for this Andrew Finley line. Says her records only give two of the sons of Andrew born in Ireland 1695 (it should be Michael born 1683) viz:

1. Samuel born 1715 died July 17, 1766 born in Armagh County Ireland, An American Presbyterian Clergyman came to Phila 1734

V21 Page 107

Licensed to preach 1740. Was ordained by the New Brunswick Pres Ch 1742 & in 1743 was settled at Milford in the present New Haven Co Conn. Having preached in New Haven to the Second Society of that place, an organization unrecognized by the Church, he was seized as having violated the law forbidding itinerants to preach in any parish without the consent of the settled pastor & was ejected from the colony as a vagrant. From 1744 to 1761, he was pastor at Nottingham, Md where he also conducted an academy which enjoyed a considerable reputation. In 1761, he became Prest of Princeton. He was the first Pres. Clergyman in America to receive the Degree of D.D. from the Univ. of Glasgow etc taken from the New International Encyclopedia 1903 Vol II page 392.

2. Andrew Finley born in Armagh City, Ireland Date not know, see next page.

V21 Page 108 & V21 Page 109

V21 Page 110 & V21 Page 111

V21 Page 112 & V21 Page 113

V21 Page 114 & V21 Page 115

V21 Page 116 & V21 Page 118

[see following this chart for page 117]

[descendant chart]

Michael Finley born May 7, 1683 married July 12, 1712 Anne O'Neill, noted as pious parents.


Samuel Finley b July 2, 1715 ob July 17, 1766 see 2 pages preceding.

Andrew Finley b Apr 18, 1717 twin brother of William. Mrs Fay Denny, his descendant says he was one of seven brother who emigrated to America 30 or more years before the Revolutionary War (it was Sept 28, 1734) settling in Penna, thence to North Carolina. His was an experience in this life. Died before the close of the war. Don't know when nor where he is buried. Married Katie Paul. Had 4 sons & 3 daughters, all born in North Carolina. Don't know her parentage or anything about her. Chas E. Hull of Salem, Ill says he settled in N.C. 38 or more yrs before the Revolutionary War.

John Finley b May 22, 1755 ob 1839 or 1840 was in the battle of Guilford. Taught school 36 yrs after the war. See bk 16 p 407 & page 475 this book.

Daughter married Piat

Daughter married Piat

Samuel Finley b 1757 ob 1841 or 1842 in Indiana was in the Battle of New Orleans

A daughter married Young

William Finley born in N.C. ob. see pages 117 & 475

Michael Finley b Feby 28, 1768 ob Oct 22, 1843 at Walshville, Ills. Married 1 1795 Sinah Taylor, ob Had 3 children. Married 2 Elenor Paisley b Sept 24, 1778 ob Nov 7, 1843. Had 10 children. Moved to Tenn in 1796 & thence to Ky in 1797. Back to Tenn in 1810, thence to Illinois in 1827. He went to Walshville, Montgomery Co, Ills.

Andrew Finley B Apr 8, 1796, ob married see page 115 [which I include here for clarity CW] Born in Guilford Co N.C. Was in the Battle of New Orleans. Afterwards married in Tenn & in 1816 moved to Illinois. Had 7 sons & 6 daughters. See page 108 for half of them or six. [as listed below]

Thomas Finley ob Apr 1842 aged 20 yrs

Sinah Catherine Finley ob Mch 22, 1843 aged 13 yrs

Samuel Finley

Jane Finley

James Finley

Nancy Finley

Elizabeth Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Sept 5, 1798 ob married John Troutman see page 118 [which I include here for clarity CW]

Michael Troutman b June 11, 1820

William Troutman b Sept 25, 1822

Amanda Troutman b Jan 10, 1825

Hiram Troutman b June 20, 1828

James Troutman b Jany 10, 1831

Polly Troutman

Rachel Troutman

Both [above] dead, but have no dates. William Finley [son of Michael born 1768] b Nov 30, 1800 ob married 4 children see page 116. [which I include here for clarity] married Elizabeth Hutchings born 1799 & died.

Macklin Finley

Joseph Finley

Andrew Finley

Dicie or Dicy Hutchings Finley b Sept 19, 1832 ob married

Margaret "Peggy" Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Apr 3, 1804 ob married 1827 or 28 Wm Hampton ob Apr 9, 1843. Had 5 children. Younger generations have not kept record.

John Hampton

Polly (Mary) Hampton

Michael Hampton

Nancy Hampton

Smith Hampton

Sinah Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Aug 13, 1805 ob married Apr 14, 1831 James Rankin. Had 6 children. See page 110 [which I include here for clarity. CW]

Joseph Rankin ob unmarried

Mary Rankin b Mch 31, 1832 ob Mch 1, 1902 married Jany 10, 1856 Frances Dresser.

William Rankin

Nancy Rankin

Ruhamah Rankin

Melissa Catherine Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Dec 20, 1806 ob Feby 1, 1895 see page H10 [which I include here for clarity CW] Married 1 Mch 1830 Samuel Denney born Jany 25, 1808 & ob May 19, 1841. Had 2 sons. Married 2. William Paisley, ob No issue. Children & grandchildren all dead & Fay can't get any more dates. Catharine & Samuel both buried at Reno, Ills.

Martin Van Buren Denney b Aug 31, ob married Margaret Merriman.

John Denney, ob unmarried

Arva Denney, ob unmarried

Katherine Denney ob unmarried

Elizabeth Denney ob unmarried.

James Smith Denney b Dec 24, 1830 ob 185- in early fifties in Calif. Never married. Mary or "Polly" Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Oct 10, 1808 ob see page 111 [which I include here for clarity CW] Married Calvin Nelson ob Aug 11, 1845. Had 5 children. Marie Nelson

Jane Nelson

Martha Nelson

Martha Nelson

Caldwell Nelson

Elenor Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b June 29, 1810 ob Aug 11, 1889 see page 111. She was the grandmother of my good informant for this record, Miss Fay Denny of Sorento, Ills [Record page 111 included here for clarity] Married Mch 1834 Robert Denny ob. Had 5 children see b 25 p 371

1. Imbert Denny b Jany 11, 1835 ob Mch 19, 1910 see b 25 p 372

2. Cyrus Denny b Dec 21, 1836 ob Aug 9, 1869 married Nov 1861 to Ellen Boyd

Belle Denny b Feby 11, 1863

William Denny b Feby 1, 1865

Addie Denny b June 10, 1867

Cyrus Denny b Aug 9, 1869 ob in infancy

3. Bunyan Denny b May 3, 1839 ob Jany 1, 1917 married Jany 6, 1862 Olive Dressor.

Olive Elizabeth Denny b Mch 26, 1864

Mary Eleanor Denny b Feby 10, 1867 ob Dec 30 1901

Oren Denny b Nov 9, 1874 ob Feb 2, 1911

4. Baxter Denny b May 19, 1842 ob Feby 13, 1853

5. Robert Denny b Mch 4, 1845 ob Nov 26, 1898 married June 1867 Mary Sears. No issue.

Jane Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Mch 11, 1812 ob July 31, 1900 see page 112 [which I include here for clarity CW] Married Oct 8, 1833 Thos Carson Donnell b Aug 12, 1810 ob Mch 9, 1904. Had 8 children. He was born in Greensboro, N.C.

Nancy Abigail Donnell b Sept 22, 1834 was still living in Windsor, Ill in 1928

John Michael Donnell b Feby 19, 1838 in Oregon in 1928

George Wilson Donnell b Mch 5, 1840 ob Mch 25, 1923

William Calvert Donnell b Feby 8, 1843 ob Mch 3, 1867

James Gordon Donnell B Dec 8, 1844 ob May 18, 1918

Sally Donnell b Dec 8, 1844 ob Feby 16, 1911

Mary Jane Donnell b Apr 25, 1847

Thomas Esten Donnell b Sept 20, 1852 ob Jany 2, 1916

Martha "Patsey" Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] Feby 10, 1814 ob Dec 29, 1903 married Mch 25, 1841 John Knight ob Sept 1841. Had one child.

John Knight ob Jany 18, 1904. Never married

Michael Finley b Apr 13, 1816 ob Apr 21, 1867 see page 113 [which I include here for clarity CW] Married Aug 29, 1839 Nancy Jane Donnell ob. Had 9 children.

1. Margaret Dorinda Finley b June 20, 1840 ob 1867, never married.

2. Rebecca Ellen Finley b Feby 21, 1843 ob 1923 married John Cruthis

3. Dilla Ann Finley correct name Deliverance Ann b Nov 8, 1844 ob Feby 20, 1910 married Jany 21, 1868 Elmer Denny a cousin of Imbert Denny

4. Jane Finley b June 18, 1848 ob Nov 17, 1886

5. Mellissa Finley b June 29, 1850 ob 1850 aged 4 mos

6. George Finley b Aug 28, 1852 ob Feby 17, 1886 Married 1st Memphis Ann Clark. Their children all died without issue. Married 2 & had one son.

Clarence Finley lives somewhere out west

7. John Finley b Aug 19, 1855 ob May 13, 1916 married Ella Hall lived in Oregon

8. Elizabeth Finley b Sept 15, 1857, lives in Donnellson Ills & many of the dates Fay sends are taken from her records, but she don't know where the old bibles are. It is she who has the old letters.

9. Michael Scott Finley b Nov 15, 1861 lives in Pittsburgh, Kansas. Married Annie Hall.

Nancy Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Feby

10, 1818 ob Aug 29, 1902 see page 114 [which I include here for clarity CW] Married Isaac Knight ob. Had 5 children.

Henry Knight

Mae Knight

Charles Knight

Joel Knight

Lena Knight Dilla Finley [daughter of Michael Finley b 1768] b Sept 11, 1819 ob d.y. Name is no doubt Deliverance.

V21 Page 117

[descendant chart]

William Finley son of Andrew 1717, the twin see pages 109 & 475 this book born 1765-66 in N.C. & died 1858-9 in Bradley, Tenn. Married Jane Weldon. He moved to Lee Co, VA thence to Blount Co Tenn thence to Monroe & Bradley Co, Tenn. They report 9 children.


James H. Finley ob never married

Albert Smith Finley ob married Aug 25, 1832 Betsy Kennedy in Blount Co, Tenn.

William H. Finley ob married Dorcas Chandler. He was Shff of Blount Co Tenn.

Charles Erasmus Hull Finley b Nov 7, 1862 living at Salem, Ills, my informant for this record. Nov 11, 1927 His daughter Mrs Louise Hull Rodden (Mrs J.J.) writes from same place that he died Feby 24, 1926

A.K. Finley married Nov 20, 1884 Jennie Kidd

A daughter living in Maryville, Tenn

Joseph W. Finley ob married Jany 1, 1833 Polly Nicholson

John M. Finley ob, married Feby 18, 1840 Eliza J. Delany

Wm Henderson Finley b July 5, 1822 ob married Elizabeth Dell Trotter

Isaac Smith Finley

John W. Finley

Alfred Phillips Finley informant for this record

daughter ob in infancy

Enoch Finley married Keebler

a daughter ob aged 9 days

Sarah Ann Finley ob married Alexr Long

Louise Finley ob married John Hays

V21 Page 119 [missing]

V21 Page 120

Oak Hill, July 2, 1927 11 PM

John A. Markle, my second cousin & his daughter Eleanor of 4110 5th St N.W. Washington D.C. see page 105 came about 5 o'c in their auto & are with us tonight. He, John Andrew Markle says he was born Mch 26, 1873 on a farm near Kane City, in Venango Co, Pa see book 1 page 23 et seq where his father David Markle lived 7 or 8 yrs returning to Westmoreland Co, Pa when he was 4 1/2 yrs old. Before going up there, he, David, had moved to near Lawrence, Kansas, but his experience with Chintzs bugs, drouth, cut worms etc soon drove him back to Penna. He was one of a company who in 1859 left West Newton Pa & went by River to Leavenworth Kansas & then by ox team 1000 miles up the Platte on the slogan "Pikes Peak or best". Denver was then but a village.

John A. married May 25, 1904 in Greensburgh, Pa Edna Stewart Fleisher born at Newport, Perry Co, Pa May 15, 1883 daughter of Wm Fleisher who died at Newport, Pa 9 days before she was born & his wife Elizabeth Thatcher. Have had but one child who was born at Greenville, Mercer Co, Pa where they lived a year viz: Eleanor Stewart Markle born Feby 13, 1906. She graduated

V21 Page 121

in Feby 1926 from the Central High School, Washington D.C. John A. left home Apr 27, 1898 & landed near Manila July 17 & was there until July 1, 1899 & was mustered out at Presidio Calif Aug 22, 1899. He brought the following data for me.

Casper Markle with Judge Jacob Painter entered large tracts of land on the Sewickley Creek on which stream in 1772 he erected a grist mill where was made the first flour west of the Allegheny Mts. The Markle family was well represented in the American Revolution. From Keim & Allied Families page 301

Markle & Merkling

The following material concerning a family which first took root in American soil in the German settlements of Phila later Berks Co is furnished by Mr C.F. Hill of Hazleton, Pa.

John Chrisman Markle (originally Merklen) was born in Alsace on the Rhine in 1678. In 1703, he came to Berks Co, Pa. He had 9 children.

V21 Page 122

1. Peter, married Catherine Brineman Apr 13, or Nov 16, 1750

2. George married Christine Hill Apr 18, 1750

3. Christian

4. Casper or Gaspard married Elizabeth Grimm of Berks Co Apr 1, 1753. She was a daughter of Egibus Grimm

5. Catherine married Mr Stover

6. Frankiena married Michael Rugh

7. Mary married John Jacob Hill

8. Anna Maria married Frederick Kramer on 11th Sunday after Trinity 1745

9. Magdalena (named Anna Lena in will) married Peter Biehl on the 10th Sunday after Trinity 1750

Casper or Gaspard Markle was born in Berks Co, Pa in 1732. He married Elizabeth Grimm of Berks Co Apr 1, 1753 & removed to Westd Co, Pa settling near West Newton in 1771. His wife died shortly after. He returned to Berks Co in 1776 where he married Mary Rothermel. His children by his first wife were:

1. Anna Rosina b Feby 7, 1756 married Boston Burgett

2. Catherine Elizabeth b Aug 20, 1757 married Jacob Whitesell

3. George born abt 1761

4. Magdalena b Apr 20, 1764 married John Neymann

5. Esther born Sept 13, 1766 married George Amons

6. Abraham b Feby 23, 1769 married Rachel Black

V21 Page 123

7. Daniell born Aug 14, 1771

8. Elizabeth married David Camp or DeCamp

By his second wife Mary Rothermel: my numbers.

12. Joseph born Feby 15, 1777

13. Solomon d.y.

14. Susannah married Chas J. Scholl

15. John married Elizabeth Jack

16. Hannah, unmarried.

17. Jacob married Katy Painter

18. Sarah Salome married Samuel Oliver

19. Mary, married William Miller

20. Gasper married Polly Lobingier

21. David married Maria Cowan

22. Leah married Andrew Finley Thompson

There were three other children but I have never been able to get their names.

The line John Markle of NY gave John A. when he wrote him was as follows:

V21 Page 124 & V21 Page 125

[descendant chart]

Christian Markle born Mch 18, 1758 ob Mch 28, 1836 Moselem Springs, Berks Co,Pa. He married Maria Strauben who was born near Lancaster, Pa Jany 6, 1759.


1. Jacob Markle b Aug 31, 1782

Zachariah Markle

Elizabeth Markle

Ann Markle

2. William Markle, B Nov 8, 1783 no descendants, not married

3. John Markle b Oct 24, 1785 ob Mch 6, 1868 [almost 101]

Evaline Markle

William Markle

George B. Markle b July 1, 1827 ob Aug 18, 1888

Clora Markle

Ida Markle


Ario Markle

George Markle

George Markle

John Markle

Alvan Markle

Emily Markle

Alvan Markle

Donald Markle

Eckley Markle

Mary Markle

Clifford Markle

Howard Markle

Emily Alexander Robison [unsure whether this is a given name or her married name.]

Margaret Markle

Emma Markle

4. Elizabeth Bettie Markle Gray [unsure what the Gray is as she is listed as marrying a Smith] [daughter of Christian b 1758] b June 24, 1787. Jno A. has penciled that she married Henry Smith born 1788







5. Samuel Markle [son of Christian b 1758] b Feby 27, 1789, no descendants, not married.

6. Gideon Markle b Mch 25, 1791

John Markle

Christian Markle

Georgie Markle

7. Mary Polly Markle Derickson b Nov 26, 1792











8. Catharine "Katie" Markle Follman b Sept 23, 1796




9. Peter Markle [son of Christian b 1758] no descendants, not married.

V21 Page 126

Christian Markle (1758-1836) purchased the German family bible with a load of wheat which he took from Bloomsburg to Phila & gave the wheat in exchange for the bible, which is now in possession of his granddaughter Mrs Mary Elizabeth Derickson of Milton, Pa.

John A. thought that Elizabeth on the preceding page, because of the date of her birth, July 24, 1787 being right had married Henry Smith (but it was some other Elizabeth) & that his wife's father, William Fleisher was her grandson. He says there was a Markle named Daniel at Newport, Pa. Further that an article on a Smith in the History of Perry Co, Pa gave the Markle family to which her Elizabeth belonged. He said he would send me what information he could about it when he gets home.

He said his father was buried at the Cemetery at Unity, Westd Co, Pa where his brother Will (now living at Oxford, Pa) had bought a fine big lot when his wife died & where they have erected a Markle monument. They belonged to the Pres Ch there which was 7 or 8 miles from the home & the Middle Church near Mt Pleasant was about 6 miles the other way. He said their old John Markle home was sold & bought in by Uncle Joe Markle 1777-1867 for a very low price on his promise that he would turn it over to the widow & children for whom he was buying it, but afterwards refused

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to do so & put them out & they moved into West Newton, Pa. They left at 11 AM Sunday morning July 3, 1927 for Greensburgh, Pa. He took from the Markle Hist the names of ancestors from Heinrich Merklen of Ludeck down.

V21 Page 128

Oak Hill July 3, 1927 7:11 PM

John A. Markle & his daughter Eleanor left at 11 AM in their 7 yr old Res Car for Greensburgh, Pa to visit his mother Sarah A. Markle in her 94th year born Nov 1833 who lives there with her daughter Tillie, Mrs Harvey Bortz. Lee Stern as per phone call last night came at 10:30 AM & went in at 12:45 PM & at 1 PM I went over to Andrew's for dinner & walked back again at 3 PM. Mary Redburn was there having returned from school Monday or Tuesday last when I was away & says there are 93 girls in the school. I had just gotten set down to look through Lt Leighton Finley's Vol 1 of newspaper clippings pasted in, along with many typed records & envelopes with written letters enclosed also pasted there making a most valuable scrap book of Finley data. I did not take the time to withdraw or read many of these letters, but on page 124 in a letter of Cyrus P. Finley, I find enclosed one from Samuel S. Finley which treats of the Adams Co, O family that came from Augusta Co, Va which I deem useful to help connect up some of the Finleys I was seeing in Adams Co, O in Oct 1925 & elsewhere since & also on page 125 a letter about the Basking Ridge NJ Finleys (Mrs Mary D. Brown of Lincoln Ills) which I will note.

V21 Page 129

Coming to page 139 at 7 PM where the records stop was a printed leaflet pages "order no 3" from Adjutant W.H. Smith announcing the death of the Author of this voluminous painstaking work, 1st Lieut Leighton Finley at St Paul, Minn on Feby 12, 1894 from an operation for resetting a leg which had been broken in Oct previous, the result of an accident at drill. He was born at Charleston, S.C. June 9, 1856. I clipped this order on page 140.

Cyrus P. Finley of St Louis, Mo states this letter of Samuel S. Finley was written to his half brother R.W. Finley Houstonia, Mo (Pettis Co). They were sons of Geo B. Finley who was son of James Finley who had a brother Joseph & a brother George 1757-1833 of Guilford N.C.> (refer to Mrs Belk's statement Dec 30, 1925 Book 15 pages 442 & these three brothers he says were sons of George Finley who he thinks is one of the seven sons of Michael & who he says was in 1753 sent to Guilford N.C. by the Nottingham Co of West Nottingham Md & took up there 33 surveys (sections I would say) aggregating 21,120 Acres of land. And this seems to be the same time & to the same place where Fay Denny says her ancestor, Andrew Finley went see pages 106-116 which is rather corroborative of the brothers going to N.C. together.

V21 Page 130

The letter in part:

College Springs (Page Co) May 9, 1892

Mr R.W. Finley

Houstonia (Pettis Co) MO

Dear Sir,

(First page shows he is a farmer) second page. Now with regard to ancestral hist, says he has no records only from memory. Regrets he had not been thoughtful enough in his father's lifetime to get more of the history from him. Says I do not yet recall the tradition of the seven brothers, but I am positively certain that my father said he was of Scotch Irish descent. That he was born in Augusta Co, Va on Feby 14, 1790 born in the same house that his father was born in & that he was the youngest of twelve children see book [blank] page [blank]. My grandfather & family moved to Adams Co, Ohio in 1807. My father's name was Robert & grandfather's name was Robert. My great grandfather's name I do not know, nor the time of settlement in VA (note time of Robert Sr birth as gotten fr tombstone at Cherry Fork O Oct 25, 1925 book 15 page 113 item 67. He died Nov 15, 1815 aged 72 born then 1743 see bk 11 p 121) and his family, I can give very little account of. I think one of his sons settled in KY. I can't give his location. I think I can learn it. (see if can get trace)

V21 Page 131

My father had a cousin who settled in Lincoln Co, MO James Finley (this is no doubt the gf of Mary Finley Wilson of Briscoe, Mo) see b 11 p 120. My father thought a great deal of him & would have gone with him if it had been a free state. They had left Va to get away from Slavery. Some of his descendants live in Calif & some are still in Lincoln Co near Auburn. I have a nephew, a brother's son living there (note see if this is Jno A.) (yes it is) My grandfather had three sons: Samuel, William & Robert

Uncle Samuel see bk 18 pages 513-4 lived & died I think in Greene Co, Ohio. He left one son Dr Robert Finley M.D. now in Xenia, O (Look up what I learned there Book 18 page 513-4)

Uncle William see bk 15 page 125 item 80 had three sons, the oldest died when man grown, the other two live in Adams Co yet. My father moved to Peoria Co, Ills in 1846. In 1853, he moved to Fulton Co Ills. In 1856, moved to Warren Co where he died in July 1864 (Monmouth Co seat see book 11 page 121 & note)

My father had twelve children, 7 sons & 5 daughters. I have but one brother living now & three sisters: Brother & sister in Peoria Co, Ills, a sister in Aledo, Mercer Co, Ills & a sister a Topeka Kansas. I have a half sister living I suppose at your Co Seat, Sedalia. Mrs Martha Ellis. She had a son

V21 Page 132

James Ellis living there the last I heard from them. There is not a doubt in my mind that your ggf & mine also are the missing ones of the seven brothers. I am sure we have distant relatives in Penna.

Yours truly

Samuel S. Finley

About the Basking Ridge Family:

It was taken from: "Family Records of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley NJ by Jno Littell 1851"

James Finley emigrated fr Scotland lived at Princeton & at Basking Ridge (Leighton has written "came over with Dr Witherspoon"


1. James a Dr lived in West NY

*2. Robert graduated at Princeton, became a minister at Basking Ridge NJ married E. Caldwell

3. Anne married C. Morford, moved to Ills

*4. Alexander

*2. Rev Robert Finley above (Pres Univ Ga died about 1817-8 so L.F. writes)

1. Mary L. married Davison

2. Helen married Camack

3. James C. married M. Smith (B.A. Princeton 1820)

Issue: Helen, William

4. Robert S. married J. Robins B.A. Princeton. No issue.

5. Josiah, missionary to Liberia. No issue

6. Anne

V21 Page 133

7. John, B.A. Princeton, one child, Mary A.

8. Susan

9. Hannah

See book 13 page 188 & 226

*4 Alexander Finley, above

1. Anne

2. Hetty

3. Robert married, went to Cincinnati, O

4. Maria

5. Eliza

6. Sophia

7. Jane

8. Susan

9. Alexander married Eliz. Little went to St Louis, MO

a. Isaac

b. Josephine

c. Anna

d. John

10. Stephen

a. Cornelia

b. Sarah

c. Helen

This record of Alexander is what I wanted, but nothing is given to trace the many girls.

This also gives from Genealogies of Penna by W.H. Egle M.D. M.A. in the Beatty Genealogy:

Agnes Beatty4 (William3, James2, John1) b 1751 at Bally Keel Ednagounel County

V21 Page 134

Down Ireland 1844 married 1772 by Rev Robert McClure:

Robert Finlay b 1746 d Aug 15, 1803


1. Elizabeth b 1774 married Wm Holiday

2. William b 1776 Ireland d 1850 married Mary McKee b 1779 ob 1849

1. Robert b 1808 ob 1856 unmarried

2. Agnes b 1810 married Dr Hood emigrated to Australia

3. Eliza b 1812 married Robert Bell

4. Mary b 1816 d 1842, unmarried

5. Margaret b 1817 married R. Walsh emig. to America

6. John b 1819 d 1845 unmarried

7. Rebecca b 1821 d 1864 married A. Brownlee

3. David Finlay born 1778 d 1853 Ireland married 1812 to Agnes McKee

1. John b 1813 married C. Brownlee

2. Robert b 1815 d 1854

3. David b 1817 d 1844

4. George b 1820 d 1848

5. Agnes b 1822 d 1850

6. Mary b 1826 d 1846

7. Eliza b 1834

4. George Finlay b 1786 d 1854 Strong Ford Ireland

1. Dr Robert d 1850 Strong Ford

2. Eliza married Rev T. Irvine

3. Dr George b 1831 d 1852

4. Mary b 1833 d 1584

5. William Finlay b 1790 d 1856 County Down, Ireland

1. Robert b 1843 d 1863 left one son

2. Agnes b 1845 d 1867 married 1865 A. Brownlee left 1 daughter

3. James b 1847

4. Thomas b 1849 resides Belfast Ire.

5. John b 1851

6. Margaret b 1852

V21 Page 135

6. Agnes Finlay b 1795 d 1872 married D. McKee Issue: 2 sons, 4 daughters.

V21 Page 136

Cleveland, O Sept 26, 1927 11:25 Pm Made all slips to here JVT

Oak Hill July 4, 1927 10:44 Am

I am commencing on some letters from Maj A.F. France five of them some ack, but not recorded & some not answered

1. Dated July 23, 1925 Annapolis, Md 12 large pages

2. Dated Aug 21, 1925 Annapolis, Md 4 note size pages

3. Dated Feby 15, 1926, Balto, Md 2 large pages

4. Mch 18, 1925 Balto, Md 2 large pages

5. Jany 16, 1927 Annapolis, Md 4 large pages

I am undertaking to record such data as I want for reference in my record books.

In the 1st letter, he speaks of having been in Balto, Md at the Old Westminster Church g.y. corner Fayette & Green Sts to the grave & tombstone or monument of his ancestor Ebenezer Finley son of Michael Jr with two shafts at each end of a mound. He says he recd a long letter from Mrs Albert Gambrill whose mother was Sophia Finley Gibson granddaughter of Ebenezer SR who sent him complete list of Ebenezer Sr's children as she takes them from his old family bible which she has & he sends record to me & I record them in Book [blank] page [blank]

He went over to the Library at the Naval Academy & found that the Revolutionary War record sent me & recorded in Book 13 p 221 was that of Ebenezer, son of Rev Dr Samuel Finley 1715-1766 & not of his ggfather.

In the New Army Register, he found the following names in U.S. Army now living

V21 Page 137

1. Maj Chas R. Finley born Jany 8, 1894 C.A.S. U.S. Army this is son of Chas B. Finley Sr who died 1918 son of Dr James Brown Finley, son of Gen Samuel Finley of Ohio.

2. David H. Finley 2d Lieut then Capt Infantry

3. Glenn S. Finley born in Ky Feby 7, 1895 Capt of Cavalry

4. James B. Finley born in Md June 2, 1895 Maj of Infantry

5. Robert H. Finley born in Neb Nov 10, 1892 Lieut Air Service

6. Gerald D. Finley born in NY Nov 11, 1889 Maj Medical Dept

7. Gordon L. Finley born Ills Dec 1, 1873 Maj Judge advocate

8. Horace R. Finley born Oregon June 8, 1890 Capt Medical Corps

9. Col John P. Finley retired Apr 11, 1918 born in Mich Apr 11, 1854 with whom I have corresponded.

He says:

William Wilson Finley late Pres of Souther RR was born at Pass Christian Harrison Co, Miss Sept 2, 1853 & died 1919 was a son of Lewis Augustus Finley, who he can't place & his wife Lydia Rebecca Mathews. He was married at Pass Christian in 1883 to Lillie Vidal & had issue: William Jr Lottie V. Lillie B. Lenora M. & Celestine B.

He says Mrs Gambrill has the old family bible portrait of Ebenezer Sr & his son Ebenezer Lewis & also a lot of old letters. Says she was then in Main, but wd be back in Oct. He says Michael Jr was a farmer & he & his brother William were close friends & neighbors, both farmers & land owners in Adams Co, Pa. At his death, his son Ebenzer got his lands who in 1803 along with his 1st wife Jane McKnight sold out & moved to Balto where he became a merchant

V21 Page 138

Senior member of the firm of Finley, Van Lear & Finley copy of Michael Finley Jr's will dated 1785 which was probated at York, Pa is in possession of: Mrs Nancie Gibson Gambrill 1010 St Paul St Balto, Md.

He says Mrs Gambrill has a record given to her Aunt, Miss Katharine Gibson by Leighton Finley showing that Michael Finley the immigrant had a younger son George Finley who married & settled near the headwaters of Cape Fear Rivers while Cape Fear enters in the Atlantic at Wilmington NC, it heads up near Guilford, he had 3 sons:

Geo Finley Jr farmer

Joseph Finley, farmer

James Finley, farmer

This is what I found last night & Saturday among the letters of Leighton Finley see letters from Cyrus P. Finley page 125 of scrap book & see book 15 p 442 & Mrs Belk's statement as Geo Jr above is her grandfather. They say they know nothing of the descendants of George & Joseph, they say James, the brother above had a son born 1792 who settled in Mo 1831 married twice & had large families by both wives. One son was Prof Robert W. Finley principal of a seminary at Lexington Mo see page 130 who is same man. He married & had a large family.

V21 Page 139

The other son, Cyrus P. Finley mfrs agt St Louis Mo unmarried in 1892 gave this information. Maj F. says when Mrs Gambrill returns he will make copy of the papers she has.

He now reports four more children of his gf Ebenezer L. Finley which I am extending the line & entering in book 13 p 220. He changes date of his mother's birth from 1827 to 1832 & now says Mrs Brennan's birth date is 1831 instead of 1821 & her name Sarah Chew instead of Beatrice. He evidently knows very little about it.

Maj France's letter of Jany 16, 1927. He says Archibald Finlay Jr brother of John the explorer, moved with his brother Henry to Loudon Co, Va & then to Tenn. He had a son John who lived in Augusta Va. He had several sons John, George, David, Robert & another son. The grandson, David moved to Ky. Says he expects to get data fr him from Miss Jane Tilton.

He says he found inventory of Samuel Finlay M.D. son of Rev Dr Samuel of Princeton sent him by Secy of State of NJ & also bible records. I am putting it in a table com. at Page 146, but I will leave it until tomorrow as it is 2:30 AM 5th & I didn't get to bed last night until 5 AM & got up at 8:15 AM July 6th up at 6:30 AM

V21 Page 140

Maj France's letter of Mch 18, 1926

He says there is now no doubt that the youngest son of Michael Finley the emigrant was George who lived in Queen Anne Co, Md & removed to Cape Fear River N.C. He had 4 sons. Says his son George was born in Kent Co, Md 1757 (he was born in N.C. see book 15 p 442) & died 1833. John, James & Robert (Mrs Belk) gives these brothers as John, James & Joseph.) (Kent & Queen Anne Cos are immediately south of Cecil Co). He believes Geo W. Finley M.D. of Brazil, Ind is a son of Geo 1757-1833 (he is a grandson)

He says he has orig. letter dated Nov 21, 1891 fr Cyrus P. Finley, St Louis, Mo to Leighton Finley saying their records show that his ggfather George was a brother of Rev Dr Samuel of Princeton. Says he lived in Queen Anne Co Md (see when he made deed) & was sent by the Nottingham Co to N.C. to buy land & he has one of the deeds dated Dec 3, 1753.

Maj F. says U.S. census of 1790 shows a George Finley Jr 3 males over 16 2 under 16, 2 females & 17 slaves, but he could not be either of above Georges.

V21 Page 141 & V21 Page 142

[descendant chart]

Ebenezer Finley son of Michael Jr see book 13 pages 170, 221 & 355, born in Adams Co, Pa 1763 & died in Balto, Md Sept 15, 1822 Aug 24, 1927 see page 292-3. Married 1st Dec 29, 1784 Jane McKnight born 1766 & died in Balto Md Mch 26, 1809 daughter of Rev John McKnight, pastor of Lower Marsh Creek Pres Ch & his wife. Had 8 children. Married 2 Oct 17, 1809 Mrs Catherine Walker Allen Marshall born Sept 10, 1775 at Williamsburg, Va widow of Henry Marshall & daughter of Isham Allen & his wife Catherine (name torn out) b Nov 4, 1745 ob Jany 25, 1811, b June 14, 1744 ob Feby 27, 1814 Had 3 children. He moved to Balto Md in 1803. She died in Balto Md May 27, 1864. Mrs Nannie (so signed) G. Gambrill writes Nov 15, 1927 that her records put him as living in Balto, Md as early as 1797.


Michael Augustus Finley b Dec 1785 ob Mch 25, 1848. Married 1 Eliza Van Lear b Feby 2, 1790 ob 1809. No issue. Married 2 Isabella Brown ob. No issue. He was a physician & settled in Williamsport, Md.

John McKnight Finley b Dec 18, 1787 ob Sept 1850 married Mary Van Lear B Feby 2, 1790 ob 1818 twin sister of Eliza. Had two children, both died young.

John Finley, ob d.y.

Mary Jane Finley, ob d.y.

Nancy Finley b 1790 ob 1791

David Barr Finley b Jany 18, 1792 ob 1820 died at sea, unmarried buried in Balto, Md.

Ebenezer Lewis Finley b Oct 3, 1794 ob June 5, 1839 married Aug 7, 1819 Eliza White O'Donnell b 1800 & died, daughter of John O'Donnell & wife Sarah Chew Elliott of Balto, Md. Had two children. He was a very prominent lawyer of Balto & a director of the B&O RR in 1829. On Aug 24, 1824 he was a delegate to NY to meet LaFayette & invite him to Balto as a guest, was a private in the defense of Balto in War of 1812 in the Columbia Artillery & later became Major, then Col of Balto Militia & of 5th Md Regiment.

Sarah Chew Finley b 1830 ob, married see book 13 p 170 & 221

Isabella Finley b 1827 ob 1872 married 1857 Wm Cook France see book 13 page 170. Had 4 sons. [only one listed]

Jesse Leach France see bk 13 p 170

DeWayne Loomis France married Viola Doolittle, daughter of Wallace & May Doolittle of New Haven, Conn Yale graduate.

Walter France b Nov 21, 1916 in Boston, Mass.

Mary or Polly Finley [daughter of Ebenezer b 1763] b July 4, 1798 ob Aug 21, 1823

Joseph Washington Finley b Apr 28, 1801 ob 1857, unmarried

Samuel Finley b Feby 1, 1804 ob Feby 2, 1804 lived but one day

Isham Randolph Finley b Oct 1, 1810 ob July 27, 1882 Methodist Clergyman married 1st Helen Marr Blue b Jany 17, 1817 & ob 1855 daughter of John Blue & wife. Had 6 children. Married 2nd Feby 18, 1857 Mary Coulling of Richmond, Va ob. Had one child.

John Randolph Finley ob in infancy

Anna Helen Finley ob 1877 married John O'Drake of N.C. No issue.

John Randolph Finley b Oct 13, 1845 in Union Co, Ky ob Sept 13, 1910 Marion, Ky married Aug 18, 1870 Elizabeth G. Gregory of Ky b Jany 21, 1847. Living in Louisville Ky daughter of James Gregory & wife Amanda White. Lawyer. Had 3 boys & 3 girls born in Marion Ky all of them. See page 294.

1. Percy Blue Finley b Aug 5, 1871 ob Aug 11, 1922 see page 294

2. Hortense Finley b Dec 4, 1873

3. Fannie E. Finley B Jany 11, 1877

4. Anna L. Finley b Dec 11, 1878

5. Arthur White Finley b Oct 15, 1811

6. Mary Ellen Finley b Dec 28, 1886

Katharine Harriet Finley ob in N.C. 1879 unmarried

Sophie George Finley ob 1877 married Jacob M. Palmer of Warren Co N.C. Had 5? children see page 295

Helen Russell Palmer married Russell Palmer of N.C.

Mary Ann Palmer married Fills of N.C.

Emma Micheaux Palmer

Eugene Clarence Finley married Jennie Evans of Mo. Both living in 1896 in Paducah Ky & had one child. He is a Methodist minister in Texas.

Wm Norville Finley married Lucy Clare Hank of Balto. Have 7 children see page 145.

Anna Catherine Finley [daughter of Ebenezer b 1763] b Sept 7, 1812 in Balto Md ob Nov 9, 1886 in Balto, Md married June 10, 1834 Patrick Gibson born Nov? 4? 1808 ob Feby 4, 1868 aged 59 yrs 3 mos son of George Gibson & wife Eleanor Sanderson. Had 7 children born in Balto, Md. see page 144.

Sophia Hanson Finley b Aug 26, 1814 ob Feby 22, 1870 married Samuel Knox George of Balto b Sept 11, 1809 ob June 30, 1871 son of Archibald George & wife Isabella Knox. No issue. She was his 2nd wife. He married 1st in July 1830 Elizabeth Lord who died in 1836. His gd Eleanor B. George Duffy 110 West A [best guess] Ave Balto Md can't find date of 2d marriage.

V21 Page 144

[descendant chart]

Anna Catherine Finley see page 143 born Sept 7, 1812 ob Nov 9, 1886 daughter of Ebenezer Finley of Michael Jr married June 10, 1834 Patrick Gibson of Balto Md. He was son of George Gibson & his wife Eleanor Sanderson of Richmond Va where he was born in 1809. He died Feby 4, 1868 & both he & wife buried in Greenmount Cem, Balto, Md. He was a clerk & bookkeeper in Natl Union Bk paying teller in Com & Farmers Bk & Cashier of Bank of Balto, Md 1853-1868. Children all born in Balto, Md.


Sophia Finley Gibson b Mch 8, 1835 ob Feby 5, 1899 married Oct 12, 1864 Mifflin Coulter of Balto b Mch 30, 1836 ob Mch 16, 1908 son of Alex Coulter & wife Eliza Barklie. Had one child born in Balto, Md where he too was born. Both buried in Greenmount Cem, Balto, Md. His daughter gives death as Mch 17, 1910

Anna Gibson Coulter b July 26, 1865 married Feby 1, 1899 Albert Gambrill Jr of Balto Md b Oct 16, 1872 & ob May 17, 1906 son of Albert Gambrill & wife Laura V. Webb. Have 3 children born all in Balto Co, Md. He was born in Balto & died at Avalon, Balto Co, Md. She lives 1010 St Paul St Balto Md. Her children are all single. He is buried in Greenmount Cem, Balto.

Eleanor Gibson Gambrill b Dec 30, 1899

Laura Virginia Gambrill b Dec 13, 1901

Margareta Armstrong Gambrill b Apr 3, 1903

Mary Elizabeth Gibson b Jany 13, 1837 ob July 10, 1914 unmarried

George Sanderson Gibson b Sept 13, 1839 ob July 10, 1852

Anna Gibson b Apr 26, 1841 ob Apr 14, 1916 unmarried

Maria Gibson b Nov 2, 1843 ob Apr 1, 1868 married Apr 26, 1866 Dr Saml C. Chew of Balto b July 26, 1837 ob abt 1914. Had one child died in infancy & born in Balto Md. His middle name was Claggett. He was born in Balto, Md.

Samuel Clagget Chew Jr b Apr 25, 1867 ob Jany 28, 1868 aged 9 mos 3 days

Katharine Gibson b Apr 5, 1846 ob June 20, 1903, unmarried

John Finley Gibson b Sept 12, 1848 ob Nov 28, 1868 unmarried.

V21 Page 145

[descendant chart]

William Norville Finley see page 143 son of Rev I. Randolph Finley married Lucy Clare Hank. He lives at 511 Cathedral St, Balto, Md. Mrs Gambrill says Nov 15, 1927 that Maj France has record of his family.


Lucy Clare Finley

Margaret Finley

Eloise Palmer Finley

John Randolph Finley ob in infancy

Dorothy Finley

John Norville Gibson Finley

William Norville Finley

V21 Page 146 & V21 Page 147

[descendant chart]

Samuel Finley M.D. son of Rev Dr Samuel Finley 1715-1766 according to letter of Maj A.F. France of Jany 16, 1927 small env as per old bible records & inventory sent him by the Secy of State of N.J. was born in Nottingham, Cecil Co, Md 1749 (I think this is right ie as Cecil Co but the only Nottingham, now given by Rand McNally & Co as in Maryland is in Prince George Co but Nottingham in Chester Co, Pa is near the Md line & not far from Rising Sun Md where Rev Dr Saml Finley was located & died in Salem Co NJ 1835 (Salem NJ Co Zant This Salem Co NJ is just a short distance directly east via canal across Delaware, from Cecil Co Md.) He was surgeon in a Mass Regiment in Revolutionary War commissioned at German Hut, West Point Apr 10, 1778 & served to June 3d 1783. Entered U.S. Army 12th Infantry Sept 4, 1799 resigned Apr 1, 1800 & moved to Salem Co NJ where he practiced medicine. Married Nancy Moore, daughter of John Moore of Woodbridge NJ Inventory recorded in NJ Nov 1835 Admr Andrew Finley look up exact residence for tombstones & compare with the Norristown, Pa Finley's record & for wills at Salem NJ. Had two sons & three daughters. See page 284.


William Finley moved to Tenn near Finley Gap (Jefferson Co) a farmer. Married Jean Kennedy ob. He died. His will was probated at Dandridge, Tenn 1818 showing following children see page 42.

William Finley ob

Samuel Finley ob

James Finley ob

Jean Finley ob married Barnes

Susanna Finley ob married Parke

Mary (or Polly) Finley, ob married Hon David Crockett ob cruelly killed in the Alamo

John Crockett b 1811 ob 1852

William Crockett ob

Mary or Polly Crockett ob

Samuel Finley born 1787 died 1862 in North Miss studied medicine but didn't finish. Became a merchant, moved to Fincastle, Va (Botetourt Co) thence to Miss married 1820 Lucy Etler b 1800 ob 1880 daughter of Geo Henry Etler & wife Elizabeth Wax. He moved to Miss prior to 1851.

George Finley b 1822 in Tenn ob married Minerva Swafford, ob Moved to McMinnville, Tenn where he married. Has a large family. Moved to Honey Grove, Texas.

Harriet Minerva Finley b 1824 in Tenn ob married Hulan Boggan of North Miss. Had large family.

Caroline Elizabeth Finley b 1828 in Tenn ob 1912 married 151 Zadok Ford Stevens of Ky. Had six children.

Mary Imogene Stevens b July 11, 1852 married 1870 Dr C.H. Smith of Calif

Harriet Ann Stevens b Apr 1, 1856 married Hiram B. Smith

William A. Stevens b July 27,m 1857 ob 1884 unmarried.

Sallie E. Stevens b 1860 ob 1862

Charles E. Stevens b 1863 married Fannie McKinley

Lucy Elizabeth Stevens b Oct 3, 1866 married 1891 C.L. Greer of Mo.

Nancy or Polly Finley [daughter of Samuel Finley M.D.] ob, married

Sallie Finley ob married Argubright

Prudence Finley ob married Young

V21 Page 150

Oak Hill July 5, 1927 8:42 PM

A letter dated Jany 21, 1927 in answer to mine, from Miss Caroline Pomeroy No 1910 E. 89th ST Cleveland, O see book 17 page 302 gives here mother's record which I am copying below:

Her mother:

Mary Catherine Walker born Aug 1, 1859 was the daughter of Caroline Holliday Elliott 8th & youngest child of Judge Robert Elliott & his wife Polly Linn see book 17 p 263 & he was eldest son of Thomas Elliott by his 2d wife Jane Holliday & he Thomas was son of Robert see book 17 p 304.

She, Mary Catharine Walker married Jany 11, 1883 Alexander Wilson Pomeroy who was born Aug 4, 1846 in Roxbury, Franklin Co, Pa & died at Chambersburg, Pa of pneumonia on Feby 3, 1926 although he had not lived at Chambersburg Pa since 1902 when he moved to Bridgeport, O. He was son of Thomas Pomeroy & his wife Mary Ann Wilson of Roxbury, Franklin Co, Pa. She, Mary C. died of pneumonia on May 1, 1902 while they were living in Chambersburg, Pa & is buried there as are her husband & son. They had three children all born in Chambersburg, Pa viz:

V21 Page 151

1. Caroline Pomeroy born Apr 8, 1884 unmarried living at the number given about & my good informant for this record

2. Andrew Wilson Pomeroy born March 8, 1886 who was drowned on May 27, 1903 in the Ohio River across from Wheeling WVA

3. Julia Elizabeth Pomeroy born June 26, 1891 unmarried & living in Minneapolis, Minn address Linden Club 51 N 15th st.

Caroline is much interested & says she hoped to help me in my work. Call & see her when in Cleveland. She wanted to know where Holliday came in her grandmother's name & I am telling her.

She wants to get a copy when published.

V21 Page 152

A letter dated Sept 15, 1925 in answer to a letter I had sent in 1923 to Mrs L.A. Pennebacker of Clarksville, Tenn who had sent it to her, from Mrs M.L. Finley Peyton of 238 E. Market St Lebanon Tenn was answered on receipt of same but not recorded. Mrs Pennebaker's husband is descended from Sallie Finley a sister of Obediah Gaines Finley. O.G. Finley is the grandfather of Mrs Peyton & his father George Finley was the son of John Finley of Augusta Co, Va whose will probated 1791 at Staunton, Va which I got Aug 21, 1923 shows children George, Robert, John, Thomas, David, Margaret Shields, Jean Trimble, & Thankful McCarter. She says they have found out that John Finley who piloted Boone to Ky was a brother of George & David above & that their father John Finley of Augusta Co, Va & who has been proven to be their father, & he was the first Magistrate of Staunton in she thinks 174t. He was of a surveying party in 1752. She says C.W. Bransford is looking after is for them. See book 15 p 490-2 & 466-474. Says her gf O.G. Finley was born in Danville, Ky & came to Lebanon Tenn in 1807 or 1809. Says Mr Bransford is going to employ a genealogist to search the records.

V21 Page 153

Another letter dated Oct 14, 1926 from Mrs M.L. Peyton, Lebanon Tenn above. She says she has an undying interest to see the work completed & would like me to call if I could find it convenient to call at Lebanon. She says she is almost 74 yrs old & gets rheumatism in her hands. She says she has a letter from Miss Estelle Finley who tells her I called to see her. She says she could send her a copy pretty complete that she has & I am asking her to send it to me & I will return it.

V21 Page 154

Oak Hill July 9, 1927 10:33 PM

A letter dated July 24, 1926 from William Edwin Rothermel of 715 Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, Ills whom I had seen at 830 Oakwood Boulevard Oct 14, 1922, see book 8 page 180 who had written me at the request of his brother Curtis J. Rothermel who I had seen at the Bourse Phila, Pa July 15, 1926 see book 16 p 617-8. They are sons of Joel H. Rothermel, son of Abraham, son of Peter who was son of Peter the older of the immigrant brothers. The record of births of the children of the original Peter in America gives the first clear data being copied from his bible record for starting his line & I am therefore starting a genealogical table giving references & his children with births given in this record & also given in this letter, the children of births from bible of his son Peter's children & his grandson Abraham, son of Peter, and also giving the children of his grandson Peter also son of Peter, as given to me Sept 9, 1922 see book 8 p 88 by Abraham H. Rothermel, including too, the children of his great grandson Abraham, son of the 3d Peter & father of Abraham H.

V21 Page 155

He says this record was given to him years ago (I am writing to know where he got it) & he supposes it to be correct. I think it has all the earmarks of being so as it starts off:

"Now unto me born is a son by the name of Daniel Rothermel in the year of Christ 1741 on the 12th day of March" & following births say "again" & "again"

He, Wm E. says his grandfather (Abraham's) sons except William, all left their farm home near Trevorton, Pa (they all had trades) went to Pottsville, Pa & got into the coal business, later moved to Phila & were all in the coal business. They were all good men in every way & the six brothers measured 36 ft 6 inches & fine physique. My grandfather, Rothermel, I was told, was Justice of Peace for over 30 yrs & never had a case reversed in court.

It is said the original Rothermel came over from Germany in 1647 (this is wrong, they landed in Phila Aug 29, 1730 see book 7 p 582) with his wife & five children - but he died coming over - His widow & children settled near Redding.

I am commencing table on page 158 & it is midnight which is headed Peter Rothermel's Register. I think his son Peter died in 1782 & that the will in book 13 page 50 is his. See book 1 P 138 as there [bottom line cut off two words unreadable] children abt that year.

V21 Page 156

He says that Alice Rothermel, sister of Mrs McDowell, who visited Europe said "The Rothermels came from Mainz, near the Rhine"

July 10th 8:46 AM

Aug 1, 1927. Another letter dated July 30th, 1927 from Wm Edwin Rothermel, No 715 Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, Ills see book 7 p 585, in answer to mine of July 20th says regretfully that he can't answer the questions I ask, but has sent my letter to his cousin Minnie Rothermel McDowell, Narberth, Pa who he says is best informed & whose husband he says died about six weeks ago. He says the information he gave me of births of the children of the first & second Peters on page 158 was found among the papers of his brother who died about 7 yrs ago (that would be David Nice Rothermel, a bachelor, see book 7 page 585) & while he don't know, he thinks it may be a copy of the old Rothermel Family bible burned at the McDowell house fire. I think this in undoubtedly the case as Samuel Hunter Rothermel 1809-1897, who owned it, lived in his later years with his daughter, Mrs McD & David N. his nephew, has gone to his Uncle to see the old Bible & copied the record of births of these two generations. Too bad he did not copy the marriages & deaths.

He said he never had any papers to show the list of heirs to the fortune.

V21 Page 157

He knows of the meeting at Reading, Pa abt 1867 when they collected money to send someone to Germany, who he says, never reported. He fears it will be hard to get the earlier generations but will gladly help all he can.

He says Mrs McDowell will know whether Susanna & Maria Rothermel, sisters of his father, Joel H. Rothermel, were twins, but he thinks they were. He says his father's mother that is Abraham's wife see page 160-1 & book 7 p 582-3 had 13 children, he thinks. I hope Mrs Halfpenny will know.

He says he is in the coal business in Chicago, in which business he has been engaged nearly all his life. Says they have been having a long strike.

Oct 9, 1927. Another letter dated Aug 21, 1927 from Wm E. Rothermel in answer to mine of 17th says:

"I am quite sure my dear Brother's records of the Rothermels were taken from the old Rothermel Family Bible burned when the McDowell house was burned."

He gives a partial record of himself & daughter which I am entering on page 161 & writing him for data lacking.

V21 Page 158

[descendant chart]

Peter Rothermel, son of John, arrived in Phila, Pa Aug 29, 1730 with his widowed mother & brothers, was of Oley Tp see book 7 page 498, see book 17 page 3 where the Metzgar book reports him as having 5 children, giving the oldest as David, when it should be Daniel, giving the next two correct & giving 4 & 5th as Abraham & Catharine when they should be Esther & Barbara. See who conveyed his 100 A. of land in Maxataney Tp & see if it discloses who Esther & Barbara married.


Daniel Rothermel b Mch 12, 1741, ob

Peter Rothermel b Aug 16, 1742, ob married Feby 13, 1768 Magdalena Dreibelbiss b Apr 5, 1745

Daniel Rothermel b Apr 8, 1770, ob

Catherine Rothermel b May 20, 1771

Peter Rothermel b Sept 1, 1773 ob Feby 21 1856, married Nov 11, 1795 see page 162

Jacob Rothermel b Feby 13, 1776

John Rothermel b June 18, 1778 probably father of Artist. Hunt tombstone to prove. See page 260

Abraham Rothermel b June 1, 1780 see page 160

Karl Rothermel b July 11, 1782

Margaret Rothermel b Jany 28, 1745

Esther Rothermel b May 3, 1751

Barbara Rothermel b Jany 4, 1755

V21 Page 159 [missing]

V21 Page 160 & V21 Page 161

[descendant chart]

Abraham Rothermel see page 158, born June 1, 1780 died Sept 18, 1843 & is buried in the Lutheran Reformed graveyard at Hunters Sta on P&R RR in Little Mahanoy Tp, Northumberland Co, Pa see book 11 p 87. Married Sept 29, 1805 to Maria (or Mary) Yeager born Oct 17, 1784 & died July 10, 1877 aged 92 yrs 8 mos 23 days, buried in the Lutheran Reformed graveyard at Hunters Sta on P&R RR in Little Mahanoy Tp. Had 10 children born on his farm, correct dates of birth below. See book 7 pages 582-3 where his children were listed, but hooked on to the wrong Abraham. I am inserting these dates there. See too bk 16 p 538.


Catherine Rothermel b May 14, 1806 ob June 27, 1843, married Solomon Dunkelberger born in Pa Sept 13, 1798 & died May 30, 1872 & is buried at Luth. Reformed g.y. at Hunters Sta. He married a 2d wife after she died. See book 9 pages 131-6. See book 16 pages 542-4

William Rothermel b Aug 14, 1807 ob Nov 18, 1853 married Judith Herb, see book 16 p 540-1. See book 7 p 538 & 506. She born Oct 26, 1803 & died Aug 11, 1877. Both buried at Luth. Ref. g.y. Hunters Sta, Pa see book 11 p 87

Samuel Hunter Rothermel b Mch 11, 1809 ob Feby 28, 1897 married Dec 27, 1843 to Louise Chapin Abbott. See book 7 p 582 & also unrecorded McDowell records in right hand inside smallest drawer in my desk.

Anna Rothermel b July 26, 1812 ob, married Samuel Wagner. Went to Freeport, Ills where descendants live. See bk 7 p 583.

Susana Rothermel b Nov 18, 1814 ob Dec 29, 1893 married John D. Hansy b Oct 7, 1814 & ob Nov 24, 1895. Both buried at Evangelical g.y. Hunters Sta Pa Bk 11 p 93 & b 7 p 583.

Isaac Rothermel b Feby 16, 1817 ob d.y.

Daniel Hunter Rothermel b June 23, 1818 ob, married see b 7 p 584

Joel Hunter Rothermel b Dec 24, 1821 ob 1868 married see book 7 p 585, buried in Cedar Hill Cem Phila Pa see book 7 p 585

David Nice Rothermel b Oct 13, 1850 ob Sept 23, 1917 married Feby 10, 1887 Hetty Washburn Curtis. No issue

William Edwin Rothermel b May 12, 1855 married Apr 23, 1889 in Phila Julia A. Watson born Oct 17, 1855 daughter of Francis P. Watson & wife Angeline Stiner. Had one child born in Chicago, Ills. Both living at 715 Oakwood Blvd, Chicago, Ills

Florence Rothermel b July 6, 1890 ob Jany 20, 1920 married July 6, 1916 Paul B. Heflin of Streator, Ills. Lived at Streator, Ills & she is buried there & had one child. She was a graduate of the University of Chicago

Louise Rothermel Heflin b Apr 5, 1917 in Streator, Ills

Clara Rebecca Rothermel b Mch 14, 1859 ob Apr 14, 1880 unmarried. Lived with her guardian when she died.

Curtis Joel Rothermel b Dec 17, 1816 married Sept 20. 1887 Minnie Van Hart see book 7 p 585

Lewis Rothermel b July 19, 1826, ob June 8, 1889 married May 1, 1851 Mary George of Pottsville, Pa. Both buried at Mt Vernon Cem Phila. No issue [living, one child died]. Make slip to get dates. See bk 7 p 582. They both died in Lewisburg, Pa. She was daughter of Joseph George & wife Eliza Gardner & was born in Pottsville, Pa Sept 5, 1828 & died Jany 19, 1915.

Joseph George Rothermel born May 24, 1852 died Aug 14, 1852

Reuben Rothermel b Nov 12, 1828 ob July 19, 1874 married Mch 11, 1859 Barbara Hilbish b Feby 23, 1833 in Little Mahanoy, Pa ob Mch 17, 1914 in Lewisburg, Pa see bk 7 p 585 & am writing his daughter, Mrs Florence Halfpenny at Lewisburg, Pa. Barbara was daughter of Jacob Hilbish & wife Hannah Kerlin. Had 4 children all born in Phila, P see b 7 p 585

Florence Rothermel b July 21, 1863, my informant married Feby 15, 1887 to Robert Foster Halfpenny b Jany 21, 1862. Have 2 children born in Lewisburg, Pa.

Mary Ellen Halfpenny b Jany 23, 1888, married Mch 28, 1912 Percy Chester Andrews born Sept 12, 1884 in New Bethlehem, Pa. & have 2 children born in New Bethlehem, Pa where they live. He is son of Wm Marion Andrews & wife Melda Emma Truitt.

Catharine Jane Andrews b Nov 26, 1913

Mary Louise Andrews b May 11, 1915

Robert Foster Halfpenny b Mch 25, 1893, married Mch 11, 1916 Ruth Harper born Mch 25, 1892 in Hendricks WVA daughter of Thaddeus Stevens Harper & wife Charlotte Bennett.

Robert McCoy Halfpenny b Dec 1, 1918 in Denver, Colo

John Harper Halfpenny b Apr 4, 1926 in Minneapolis, Minn.

V21 Page 162 & V21 Page 163

[descendant chart]

Peter Rothermel see page 158 born Sept 1, 1773 died Feby 21, 1856 & is buried in the old Rothermel g.y. at Walnuttown, Berks Co, Pa see book 8 p 93. Married Nov 11, 1795 to Magdalena Iager or Yeager born Jany 13, 1777 & died July 9, 1849 & is buried in the old Rothermel g.y. at Walnuttown, Berks Co, Pa, see book 8 p 93. She was sister of Maria P 160 who married his brother Abraham. They had 14 children see book 8 p 88.


Maria Rothermel b May 28, 1796 ob

Catherine Rothermel b Oct 30, 1797 ob

Daniel Rothermel b July 7, 1799 ob Dec 25, 1869 see page 166

Susanna Rothermel July 10, 1801 ob

Peter Rothermel b Nov 17, 1802, ob Jany 30, 1892

Sarah Rothermel b Mch 27, 1805 ob

Anna Rothermel b Feby 15, 1807 ob Oct 5, 1830

Esther Rothermel b Sept 5, 1808 ob Feby 10, 1829

Jacob Rothermel b Jany 14, 1811 ob June 10, 1888

John Rothermel b Sept 6? 1812 ob 1890

Hannah Rothermel b June 17, 1814 ob

Elizabeth Rothermel b Dec 2, 1816 ob

Sybilla Rothermel b Mch 6, 1820 ob

Abraham Rothermel b Feby 11, 1822 ob Apr 6, 1903 see page 164

V21 Page 164 & V21 Page 165

[descendant chart]

Abraham Rothermel see page 163, born Feby 11, 1822 ob Apr 6, 1903 & is buried at the Cemetery at Spies Church in Alsace Tp, Berks Co, Pa married May 30, 1848 to Magdalena Heckman, born June 22, 1828 & died Aug 15, 1888, is buried at the cemetery at Spies Church in Alsace Tp Berks Co, Pa, daughter of Adam Heckman & wife Catharine Heffner. They had ten children all born in Berks Co, Pa the first one in Alsace Tp where the mother was born, the next two in Richmond Tp & the last seven in Maiden Creek Tp where the father was born.


Catherine Rothermel b Jany 3, 1849

Daniel Rothermel b May 26, 1850

Emma Rothermel b Nov 10, 1851

Sarah Ann Rothermel b Feby 2, 1853

Emmaline Rothermel b May 2, 1854

Harriet Rothermel b Feby 20, 1856

Rebecca Rothermel b Sept 25, 1857 ob July 17, 1875

Adam Rothermel b July 5, 1859

William Rothermel b Apr 22, 1861

Abraham H. Rothermel b Mch 8, 1863, my informant for this & preceding record.

V21 Page 166 & V21 Page 167

[descendant chart]

Daniel Rothermel see page 162 born July 7, 1799, ob Dec 25, 1869 & is buried in Becker's St Peters Reformed Ch in Richmond Tp Berks Co, Pa 3 miles N.W. of Fleetwood, Pa. Married 1 Apr 17, 1825 to Maria Dunkel ob Mch 11, 1828. Had one child. Married 2, Feby 25, 1829 to Esther Koller of Richmond Tp born May 24, 1807 in Richmond Tp daughter of John Koller & his wife Barbara. She died June 17, 1885 & is buried at Beckers St Peters Ref Ch. Esther had 10 children, the 1st two & last five born in Richmond Tp the 3d in Alsace Tp & the 4th & 5th in Maiden Creek Tp see book 8 p 12 & 10-12


Unnamed son born & died the same day in 1825

Maria Rothermel b June 3, 1850 ob 1870 see book 8 p 14

Hannah Rothermel b Nov 23, 1831 ob, see book 8 p 15

Anna Rothermel b Nov 24, 1833 ob see b 8 p 16

John Rothermel b Oct 5, 1835 ob

Martin Rothermel b Feby 26, 1837, ob

Sarah Rothermel b Sept 18, 1839 ob

Esther Rothermel b July 15, 1842 ob see bk 8 p 17

Peter V. Rothermel b Jany 29, 1846 ob Nov 6, 1916 unmarried Buried in Beckers St Peters Ref g.y.

Elizabeth Rothermel b June 23, 1849, married Jacob Adams, a farmer. Both living near Shoemakersville, Pa & have 7 children, can give their own record. See book 8 p 17

Daniel K. Rothermel b Dec 1, 1852 ob Nov 7, 1918 see page 168 see book 8 p 18

V21 Page 168 & V21 Page 169

[descendant chart]

Daniel K. Rothermel see page 167 born Dec 1, 1852 ob Nov 7, 1918 & is buried in the Charles Evans Cem, Reading Pa. Married Aug 21, 1875 to Mary Oswald born Mch 24, 1856 in Lenhartsville, Pa, daughter of John Oswald & wife Sarah Snyder, she my informant, giving me this & previous record from their bible. See book 8 p 10-12. Have 9 children, the first two born in Leesport, Pa the last one in Reading & the other six in Maiden Creek Tp


Laura Rothermel b Oct 31

Robert Rothermel b Aug 7, 1878

Stillborn daughter b Sept 22, 1880

Lewis Rothermel b Dec 30, 1881

Anna Rothermel b Apr 24, 1883

Sallie Rothermel b May 13, 1884, ob July 28, 1884

Hattie Rothermel b July 11, 1886

George Rothermel b Aug 21, 1887 ob Sept 11, 1887

Mary Rothermel b Aug 18, 1897 ob Sept 6, 1901

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Oak Hill July 20, 1927 8 AM

A letter dated June 13, 1927 from Mrs Annie M. Archibald No 460 E. Queen St, Chambersburg, Pa says she is enclosing the passport & a few other papers, but there was no passport enclosed & I am writing her to send it. As I understood her, it was the passport of Thomas Thompson & his father John Thompson from which I hoped to fix the date of their coming to America. The papers enclosed were:

1st a $5 bill of the Bank of Crawford Co Meadville, Pa dated Feby 1, 1863 signed by James P. Officer Prest & Amsen? Price? Cash

2d a $10 bill of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co of Frederick Md issued Jany 9, 1841 No 772 to Jacob Markell & signed by Francis Thomas, Prest & Mr [unreadable] Clark

3d "Sir, you are to attend at Mr James Finley's on Thursday the 22d inst in order to march to camp (but if you have any reasons to show why you can't march there is an appeal on the same day at the same place. Herein fail not given under my hand Jany 16, 1779 (or 8) To Mr Willm Archibald 5th Class

Patrick Jack

4th Cumberland County

I do hereby certify that William Arsbel hath voluntarily taken & subscribed the oath of Allegiance and Fidelity as directed by an Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania passed June 13, 1777. Witness my hand & seal this 14 day of Oct A.D. 1777 Saml Culbertson (seal)

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5th Recd March 17, 1781 from Thomas Thompson in grain at the old rate, the sum of one pound six shillings & eight pence for the twelfth & thirteenth years salary £1-6-8. by me John Craighead. I am asking that she lets me keep this.

6th 18th June 1774 Recd of Will Ersbill Fifty Shillings in full for his passage on board the Alexander & two gallons rum.

Saml Crawford

This may be what she calls the passport being receipt for passage money, but of Mr Archibald & not for our Thompsons.

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Oak Hill, July 31, 1927 3:44 PM

A letter dated June 4, 1927 in answer of mine of 28th ulto? to Mr Earle from Earle & Co per W.A. Bostick Jr of Arkadelphia, Ark, advises that Mr & Mrs Earle are now at Caixa 178 Recife, Pernambulo, Brazil, South America where he is forwarding my letter & says it takes about 2 months to get an answer. I am not writing him there, but am answering the letter. See books 16 p 371 & 20 p 581.

A letter dated June 11, 1927 in answer to mine of May 23d from Clarence Hall Robison of the University of California 866 Edgemont St Los Angeles Calif says he has the exact dates on file that I ask of him & his mother boxed up & in the garage which he will dig out when examinations are over & send me. He speaks of Mattie Crothers his father's cousin. He says he had fragmentary records of some descts of Wm Crothers & Mary Doke who came from Ireland & whose son Benjamin married the granddaughter of Susannah Irwin Lockhart born about 1683 near Londonderry & asks where I come in & if I expect to put it in print. He says his Uncle John's widow's name is Clementine Carey Robison & she lives in Sidney, O where she has lived for 20 years. Am writing today.

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A letter dated June 7, 1927 in answer to mine of May 28, from Eva Bartlett Wylie, 3616, 3d Ave, Los Angeles, Calif, gives no data, but refers me to her father's cousin Rush Bartlett, East Winfield, (P.O. Winfield) Herkimer Co, NY knows more about it so I am writing him today. She says she cannot go further back then her grandfather, Moses Russell Bartlett. I am writing, asking her to give his line to date.

A letter dated July 1, 1927 in answer to mine of June 22d from Myrtle Jack, asst Cash of Highlands Bank & Trust Co, Sebring Fla says her grandparents came over from Scotland & lived in Boston before coming south. She regrets not being able to give inf but forwards my letter to her Aunt, Mrs C. Morger, Fort Myers, Florida. If I do not hear from her by time I come to make slips write to her then.

See page 442 & 536.

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Oak Hill, Aug 1, 1927 9:50 AM

A letter dated May 28, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from Mrs Mary Thompson Guthrie of 502 W. 4th St Aledo, Ills see book 20 p 483 says has her parents' bible & gives names of six of their children with years of their birth & deaths of 3 that died, omitting one who died in infancy. The bible certainly gives the days & month & I am writing her for the exact dates & am tabling their immediate family on page 180 which on her mother Minerva Treber's side is in the Crawford line & on page 1818 what information she gave of her father's Thompson

line which I do not have connected.

A letter dated June 8, 1927 in answer to mine, from Thos J. Holmes 105 W. Monroe St Chicago Ills see book 20 p 487 gives a record of the 14 children of his ggf James Holmes on a sheet of paper he wants returned & while further back than desired for our lien is so remarkable I am copying it here:

"James Holmes was born in 1770 & was married Nancy Shaw on Jany 29, 1791. Tradition says they came form Lancaster, Pa but think

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it quite likely they came from Virginia.

They had 4 or 5 children when they settled in Adams Co, O. He died Mch 9, 1833 aged 63 yrs. Nancy died Jany 5, 18151. James will is recorded in Adams Co, O. Both James & Nancy are buried in the Kirker Cemetery in Adams Co, O. The old family bible is still in existence, would like information as to his antecedents, where born etc.

The children born to them are:

1. Thomas born Aug 17, 1792 married Dec 23, 1813 Margt McClanahan

2. Isabella born Feby 2, 1794 married Mch 23, 1815 George Duncan

3. Jane born Jany 13, 1796, married Nov 25, 1819 Henry Moore

4. James born June 1, 1798, married June 24, 1817 Deborah White

5. Sam born Apr 20, 1800 married Aug 17, 1819 Cathrine Black

6. William born Apr 29, 1802 married Oct 14, 1824 Nancy Chaney

7. Nancy born Mch 28, 1804 married Apr 30, 1829 Salathiel Coryell

8. John born Aug 7, 1806 married Aug 6, 1829 Isabelle Sharpe

9. Margaret born Jany 30, 1809 married Apr 15, 1830 Samuel Sharpe

10. Silas born June 22, 1811 ob Sept 25, 1829 unmarried

11. Angus born Oct 12, 1813

12. Newton born Jany 6, 1816 married June 25, 1835 Sallie Baldwin

13. Willis born July 26, 1818 married Nov 29, 1838 Louisa Moore

14. Cynthia born Oct 17, 1820 married Thomas Young

Thomas Holmes, the oldest of the above fourteen children died Oct 25, 1866 aged 74 yrs 2 mos near West Union, O. His wife Margaret died Jany 22, 1879 aged 83 yrs 9 mos"

The entire family grew up unless perhaps Angus & twelve of them married.

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[descendant chart]

Minerva Treber see book 20 p 483 born near West Union, O Dec 28, 1829 being 12th & youngest child of Jacob Treber 1780-1875 & his 1st wife Jane Thoroman who died in 1829 evidently when Minerva was born. Married Mch 20, 1851 Peter Thompson born at Dunkinsville, O Mch 1, 1825 & died Apr 9, 1908 at Aledo, Illinois & is buried in the Aledo Ills cemetery son of Daniel Thompson & his wife Katherine Campbell who came from Scotland. See next page. Minerva & Peter had seven children (one dying in infancy)


1. Coleman Thompson b June 27, 1852 ob Jany 18, 1873, unmarried. Died at Rome, O

2. Lucy Thompson b Jany 28, 1854 ob July 25, 1921 married Oct 11, 1883 John K. Rader. She died at Sunbeam, Ills & is buried in Aledo, Ills Cem. He was born Oct 2, 1855 & is living.

G. Blanche Rader b July 24, 1885 at sunbeam, Ills, married Oct 9, 1919 to D. Carl Foster born Mch 1882 at Dunbarton, O son of ______ Foster & wife ______ Edgington. They live at North Henderson, Ills & have 6 children.

Wayne Foster

Everett Foster

Bryce Foster

Mildred Foster

Louise Foster

Boyd Foster

3. Frances C. Thompson b Aug 12, 1855 unmarried. She lives at Aledo, Ills

4. Mary Thompson b May 3, 1857 my good informant for this record, married Dec 23, 1886 to Noah E. Guthrie born Dec 2, 1863 near Waynesburgh, Pa son of Solomon Guthrie & wife Hannah Bradford. They have had 3 children born at Sunbeam, Ohio Grove Tp Mercer Co, Ills.

Ethel Myrl Guthrie b Nov 6, 1888 ob Jany 26, 1891 at Sunbeam, Ills

Archir Fisk Guthrie b Apr 26, 1896 married Dec 29, 1923 to Tolura Billings b Mch 10, 1897 & lives at Peoria, Ills. She is daughter of Chas & Myrtle Billings. He is a painter & decorator. No issue.

Clarence Clifton b Sept 7, 1898 at home single

5. Peter Albert Thompson b Dec 1858 ob 1859 aged 3 mos

6. Jacob Thompson b Oct 11, 1862 married Nov 26, 1891 (Lives at Aledo, Ills) to Mary McMillan b Aug 31, 1870 daughter of Dr D.I. McMillan & wife Ellen M. Short. Have had 5 children the first two born at Aledo, Ills & the last 3 at Seaton, Ills.

Donald Clair Thompson b Oct 16, 1893 married June 6, 1918 (no issue) to Dee Dorsey b Feby 18, 1893 daughter of Charles Dorsey & wife.

Jean McMillan Thompson b Jany 1, 1897 married Aug 23, 1922 (Has 1 child) to Gertrude Bradford b June 5, 1896 daughter of Robert Bradford & wife. She died Oct 26, 1923

Robert Russell Thompson b Oct 25, 1923

Russell Wayne Thompson b Oct 4, 1878 ob Jany 16, 1918 unmarried

Florence Adelle Thompson b Oct 8, 1900 married June 10, 1925 John C. Pinkerton B July 24, 1896 son of Rev B.G. Pinkerton & wife.

Evan Arthur Thompson b Mch 5, 1904

7. Daniel Thompson b Dec 25, 1865 ob Jany 33, 1874

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Daniel Thompson born in Scotland, A Scotch Pres came to Adams Co O in 1815 ob in Adams Co aged 87. Married in Scotland, Katherine Campbell. They had six children, the first three born in the Scotch Highland & they then came to America & lived in Adams Co, O, their son Peter being born in Dunkinsville, O. His bible is in hands of J.C. Thompson of Keithsburg, Ill. He had a brother Peter who came to America about the same time.


Dugal Thompson ob unmarried

Margaret Thompson ob, married John Ellison. Had six children.

Katherine Ellison

Jane Ellison

Margaret Ellison

James Ellison

Angeline Ellison

Daniel Ellison

Archibald Thompson ob married Sarah MacKenzie

Luther MacKenzie Thompson ob Mary Thompson ob aged 91, married Luther Collier. Had 4 children.

Elizabeth Collier

Daniel Collier

Archibald Collier

Margaret Collier

Daniel Thompson ob, married Jane Collier, a sister of Luther

Peter Thompson

Joseph Thompson

Daniel Thompson

Wheeler Thompson

Luther Thompson

William Thompson

Peter Thompson b Mch 1, 1825 ob Apr 9, 1908 see page 180 preceding.

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Oak Hill Aug 3, 1927 12:07 AM

A letter dated June 12, 1927 in answer to mine of May 23 to her brother Thos A Brooke of 423 Wrightwood Ave, Chicago, Ills see book 20 p 535-539 from Mrs H.A. Bessler of 2216 Sedgewick St, Chicago, Ills says her brother handed the letter to her to answer as she has a book record of the births of the children of her father, Charles Finley Brooke. See book 20 p 535-9 which she says is copied from the old bible of the Brooke family which her father had & then went to her brother Edward M. who died in 1904 & it is now in the hands of his widow, Cora B. Brooke at Marion Sta Somerset Co, Md. I am writing her tonight. She says she has a card from Mrs Geo H. Pinney saying I wanted the full names of the parents of her father's two wives which she cannot give, but think the names of her own grandparents would be in the bible above referred to, but that it would not be possible to get the names of her stepmother's parents. I table the record she gives me in book 20 p 538-9 giving nine children of her father by his first wife & five by his 2d wife, fourteen in all but she does not give her own first name & I don't know whether

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she is Lizzie M. or Eliza M.

Likewise, she gives the grandchildren of her father, Chas F. Brooke Sr as follows, but does not indicate to which children they belong.

Charles A. Brooke born Mch 19, 1883

Cora A. Brooke born May 23, 1886

Edwina S. Brooke born July 28, 1889

Harold Brooke Bessler Brooke born Apr 6, 1888

Marie Elizabeth Brooke born Mch 16, 1891

Says if she can be of any further service to let her know, so I am writing her tonight.

2 AM, going to bed.

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[descendant chart]

Emily Elizabeth Finley born Apr 3, 1881 & died Apr 4, 1915 see book 15 p 532 married June 5, 1900 Louis J. DeRouse Born Sept 22, 1854 at Old Kaskaskia, Kaskaskia Island, son of Louis DeRouse & his wife Elizabeth Unger. He is living at St Marys, Mo. She had five children the 2d & 3d reported as born at Ellis Grove, Ills & the 5th at St Marys Mo, the first at Ellis Grove, Ills & the 4th on Kaskaskia Island. None of the children are married. Kaskaskia Island is in Randolph Co, Ills.


Duane Archie DeRouse b Mch 2, 1902 at Ellis Grove. Now living at 613 121st ST Whiting, Ind

Louis Finley DeRouse B May 1, 1905. Living with his father at St Marys Mo

James Arcal DeRouse b Oct 1, 1907, living at St Marys, Mo

Leon J. DeRouse b Nov 1, 1910 living at St Marys, Mo

Marie Allie DeRouse b Nov 29, 1913 living with her aunt at 3612 State ST, east ST Louis, Ills.

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A letter dated Aug 2, 1927 in answer to a recent letter of mine, from Mrs Florence Halfpenny of Lewisburg, Pa see book 7 p 585 & book 21 p 161 says she knows nothing of the Joel Rothermel who went to Pleasant Hill, O or his sister, Mrs Mary Noll of Lewistown, Pa I believe. Go there quick to see her.

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Oak Hill Aug 4, 1927 10:10 PM

When I got on the B&O train tonight, Alliean Scholl Maxwell was on & gave me her card & wants her first name spelled as here which they pronounce out in Oregon Al' liean, with accent on first syllable. She says her husband, Geo Maxwell is very good to her, is in the R.E. & Ins business & a mining prospector & was born in Glasgow, Scotland. She says Wm C. Caruthers' wife is an Indian. See book 9 page 3. He is son of Jasper M. Caruthers. She stopped at Santa Fe on her way in & say James C. Harvey at Santa Fe, New Mex. & says he is very happy with his new wife who she likes. Her sister told her James owned sixteen houses in Santa Fe. She said her Uncle Wm L. Scholl who is in his 82d year had a stroke of paralysis a few days ago & his entire right side is paralyzed.

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Oak Hill Aug 5, 1927 2:37 PM

A letter dated June 1, 1927 in answer to mine of May 23d from Mrs Mary D. Brown 402 Delavan St, Lincoln, Ills see book 13 p 226-7 says it was her grandmother, Mary Finley who married Harry Oulsey who told her that her father's father married Keziah Martin see book 13 p 226 & book 20 p 551 & that his name was James, she thought. Says she only has one Aunt living now & she does not remember anything further back than her grandparents. The letter of Hon Charles Finley book 20 p 551 was to Mrs Brown's Aunt Miss "Kate" F. Ousley 1830-1922, see book 13 p 227. She says this Chas Finley of Williamsburg, Ky has promised to get her the inscriptions on the headstones of his grandparents buried near his home but has not done it. If he does, she will send them to me. She says that yesterday she got some addresses from a family of Finleys & sends them as follows.

Mrs John Lang box 42 Pas Christian, Miss who can tell about a Finley family who used to live there. Writing today.

Finley McCombs c/o Mrs Geo Brant Pass Christian Miss whose mother was a Finley. Charles & William Finley, St Louis, Mo says can reach Charles at Musical Arts bldg Olive & Boyle Sts. Writing today. She also speaks of Mrs J.B. Finley Pgh, Pa who has just had a sale of a wonderful art collection.

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The item about James Finley, the son of John 1713-1757, dying from the bite of a rattlesnake, she had copied in her book & she thinks it was written to her by Matilda Finley McKee granddaughter of Clement Alexander Finley & ggd of Genl Samuel Finley who married Mary Brown & gggd of John Finley who married Martha Berkeley. Miss McKee now lives in England where I have written her.

She is still very anxious to have her direct Finley line from Rev Robert Finley cleared up, which will probably take investigations abroad perhaps by Anjou.

No, you did not send me the records of the baptisms of the children of Alexander Finley & Susan Whitaker who were married by the Rev Robert Finley. Was this Rev Robert's brother Alexander & where did he die. This is a record I particularly want.

She says that Bruce B. Harris was married & I am entering it in table book 13 p 187

She says U.S. Senator Wm B. McKinley's mother Hannah Smith Finley see book 13 p 189 was a daughter of Rev Robert Finley 1772-1817 & a sister of her, Mrs Brown's grandmother. She sent me a part of first sheet of Champaign News-Gazette of Dec 10, 1926 giving notice of Senator McKinley's funeral covering over five columns with his picture on 1st page which I am returning. I mentioned the following relatives in attendance:

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Mr & Mrs Ross Mattis, brother-in-law & sister of the Senator, Mrs M.A. Conn, his cousin, Miss Julia Mattis, niece, all of Champaign & Mrs T. J. Camp niece of Ft Leavenworth, Mr & Mrs McDonald, the latter a niece of Danville, Mr & Mrs Geo Mattis, the former a nephew & Mrs S.A. Power a cousin. Also Mr & Mrs T.J. McKinley, the former a nephew of Huntington, WVA. W.R. Power also of Huntington, WVA. Mr & Mrs Chas Zilly of Champaign, Mr & Mrs F.E. Berger, Champaign & Mrs Virgil Harris, St Louis, Mo

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Oak Hill, Aug 6, 1927 10:46 AM

A letter dated May 24, 1927 in answer to mine of 17th May from Mrs Grace G. Gallaher, says her husband had a brother Thompson Gallaher who lived in Pa many years ago, but his home had been in Shelbyville, Tenn for many years prior to his death in 1898.

She says my date of Feby 15, 1783 in correct for date of Sarah Scrogg birth & that her Aunt Elizabeth was born July 6, 1815 & the 12th child was born July 10, 1825 see book 7 pages 145 & 147 & book 20 P 457 where I have noted correct dates.

Arthur Lee Turner see book 20 p 457 was born near Lostant, LaSalle Co, Ills.

Mrs Gallaher says her gf James Work born 1768 (hearsay handed down) & came to America when nearly 20 years old.

Says she knows nearly as much about the Bleans as about the Works.

She says Margaret Lee Blean was born in Carlisle, Pa see book 20 p 457 & was a niece of her great Aunt Mary Blean Thompson, wife of Alexander S. see book 7 p 146 also of Mary's sister Margaret Blean, who married my father's oldest brother John Work.

She had three sisters viz:

Anna who married James McCulloch near Newville, Pa

Emily who married John Caruthers

Ellen who married John Wood, he a brother of A.D. Wood that married Mar-

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garet, youngest daughter of great Aunt Margaret Thompson Blean see book 7 p 147) & her oldest daughter Mary Wood married John Thompson, grandson of great Uncle John Thompson (I suppose this is John Beatty Thompson born Apr 13, 1867, son of Alex Peebles Thompson see bk 20 p 456). I am not able to make out from your letter whether Robert Clark Blean who married your great Aunt Margaret is a brother of Mary Blean who married Alex S. Thompson see bk 7 p 146-7. She says Robt Clark Blean was son of John Blean who fell & broke his neck & says "it was coming to him" "I could tell you a whole lot more about the Bleans but I won't"

She sends a paper, yellow with age from Cousin Mollie Thompson, great Uncle Hugh's youngest daughter, see book 7 p 147 from which I am noting what I don't have & rtg it to her. It gave a list of the 12 children of Alexander Thompson & Sarah Scroggs with dates of birth which I checked with my record in Book 7 p 146-7.

She says "my great grandfather, John Thompson (1722-1777) & his brother William came from Ireland when young men or boys (we don't know in what year) John came to Pa & settled & William settled further east (see book 17 p 76 & 77 & 621 & Anjou's hist p 87-8) Great grandfather John was married twice, both wives were Laughlins, one was of the Newville, Pa Laughlins & the other of the Mifflin Laughlins.

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two different families. Our ggmother was Susan Laughlin, daughter of Squire Alexander Laughlin of Mifflin, Pa Gf Alexander Thompson had two full brothers, William & Hugh. William settled in Indiana see bk 7 p 145 & Hugh in Ohio. He had one half brother, John, who lived & died near Roxbury, Pa (see book 7 p 144). His sisters were Lacy McCormick, Susan Glass, Margery Jones & Margaret who died young (refer to book 7 p 14405 & make slips from names there given to trace for wills in Cumb Valley or deeds). Alexander Thompson was a teamster in the Revolutionary War, was too young to enlist. He married Sarah Scroggs & they had twelve children as you will see from the record.

M.B. Thompson"

Mrs G. says she was her true & loyal friend. We corresponded for more than 40 years & I loved her so. When she was unable to reply as she neared her end from cancer, she had her nephew write for her.

The other paper is:

"Scroggs Family

Alexander Scroggs a native of Scotland was born 1704, came to Cumb Co, Pa where he died in 1788. His first wife was Rachel Leith. His second was Rachel Ireland whom

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he married in 1768. He had twelve children by his first wife & ten by the second. The latter's children were:

William, Allen, Aaron, John, Rachel, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, Moses & Elijah.

Milton Work

Aug 6, 1882, Brady, Pa

She says Cousin Milt Work wrote this for me when I was their guest in 1882. He was one of the finest men whom I have ever known. He was the oldest son of Moses Work and Dr Hubert Work is the youngest son. The date of Alexander Scroggs death 1788 is probably slightly wrong as my records give date of birth of his youngest child Elizabeth as Feby 15, 1790 see book 7 p 145. He was then 86 yrs old.

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A letter dated July 17, 1927 from Mrs Mary D. Brown 402 Delavan St Lincoln, Ills refers to Tye's Ferry in Ky as the place where James Finley & his wife are buried & thinks he may prove to be the father of her grandfather, Wm Finley. Says Chas Finley of Williamsburg, Ky has not yet sent the inscriptions he promised. See book 13 p 309 & 312 where Dr Finley locates Tye's Ferry (not a P.O.) on the Cumberland River 7 miles above the Robin Finley farm but in Whitley Co, Ky.

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A letter dated June 7, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from Mrs Lydia Sailhamer Nevitt of Albany, Ills says she had to make a trip to the country to get a copy of the Miller record from the old family bible which copy she was fortunate to have made a few years before the bible was burned. She is not in our line, her mother, Rachel Ann Miller Sailhamer having been the daughter of Joseph Miller by his first wife Sarah Greer. She says she has heard her mother say that her mother Sarah Greer was some far out relation of the second wife Elizabeth Thompson, but she never could find out about the Greers as she was but a small child when her mother died. I will give here the record of Joseph Miller's first & third wives & follow with a table giving record of his 2d wife in which we are concerned:

Joseph Miller born July 23, 1802 & died Sept 2, 1884

Sarah Grier [sic] b Mch 27, 1809 ob Sept 18, 1836

They were married May 24, 1832 & had


Rachel Ann Miller born Apr 1, 1833

Lewis Greer Miller born Feby 9, 1836

Joseph Miller married 3d Mrs Kathryn Ege & had one son:

Joseph Arthur Miller b Apr 10, 1871 & died Aug 17, 1921

Dec 2/27 Mrs Nevit [sic] thinks the maiden name of Sarah Greer's mother was Montgomery.

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[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Thompson see book 7 page 147 born July 26, 1815 & died Oct 16, 1867 married Mch 4, 1839 his 2d wife Joseph Miller who was born July 23, 1802 & died Sept 2, 1884. They had 7 children all of whom are dead without issue except the sixth & all of them & their parents are buried in Kingsbury Cem near Erie, Ills


Joseph Alexander Miller b Mch 9, 1841 ob July 12, 1863 was killed in the Civil War, single

Sarah Scroggs Miller b Sept 7, 1842 ob July 27, 1916, single

John Newton Miller b Apr 7, 1844 ob Nov 23, 1845

Mary Jane Miller b Mch 3, 1846, ob Sept 23, 1910, single

Samuel Thompson Miller b Aug 11, 1848 ob Mch 19, 1922, single

William Myers Miller b July 10, 1850 ob Aug 31, 1905 married Feby 14, 1888 Sarah Jane Turner born Jany 22, 1854 in Phila, Pa daughter of Geo F. Turner & wife Elizabeth Clough, ob Aug 7, 1923. Had 2 boys & also a boy & girl that died in infancy.

Milo Clough Miller b Aug 21, 1891 in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills married June 4, 1924 Amy Ethel Robinson born Aug 3, 1892 daughter of James Robinson & wife Harriet Vandeburgh.

Ruth Arlene Miller b Aug 25, 1925 at Cordova, Ills

Clyde Emerson Miller b Nov 3, 1894 ob July 29, 1920 "shot his own head off". He had been "bad gassed in the World War & was out of his head".

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A letter dated June 3, 1927 in answer to mine of May 28, from George W. Finley M.D. Ayer-McCarel Block Brazil, Ind. He says that through correspondence from Ohio & Colorado, they have just lately learned definitely that his wife's great grandfather, Alexander Thompson was a Revolutionary Soldier as shown by the Mass & Maine Archives of that time & says he may also have been connected with one branch of our family (we had a line in Maine & one in Mass).

He says Finley A. McNutt of Terre Haute, Ind was early last month stricken with an attack of apoplexy. He says that last month, while attending a session of the Indiana Academy of science at the historic old town of New Harmony (in Posey Co S.W. cor of Ind) Ind where 100 yrs ago many Pennsylvania Scientists came to that place from the east in the famous "Boat Load of Knowledge". I met a lady who told me her mother was a Finley. She was interested in genealogy & wrote out & gave me a brief outline of her people's names & addresses. I cannot trace any connection with our line but am sending a copy to you hoping it will fit in some of the data you are so industriously gathering. It does & I am copying it on next page.

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See book 15 p 622

Eli Finley whose ancestors came from Scotland, came to Sumner Ill (Lawrence Co opp Vincennes, Ind) & raised a family of 8 children. He died about 1877. His children were:

1. Jonathan Palmer Finley who was a Pres. Minister & founder of Brookfield College, Brookfield, Mo. No issue.

2. Kate Finley, taught school at Friendsville, Ill for about 35 yrs. Late in life married a Robinson. No issue.

3. Jane Finley taught school a few years & married a Swalley [Smalley?] & had six children.

4. Margaret Finley married a Craig & had four children

5. Louisa Finley married a Provines & had five children

6. Polly Finley married a Bunn & had two children

7. Amelia Finley married a Gibson & had two children

8. Martha Finley married a Stewart & had three children.

She taught school until she was 30 yrs old & then married Thomas Lewis Stewart. Had three children all born at Olney, Ills. They are:

1. Eli Finley Stewart

2. Jonathan Palmer Stewart

3. Ada Jane Stewart

Ada Jane Stewart married I.C. Cope & had 3 children:

1. Ethel Starr Cope died in 1912

2. Katheryn [sic] Finley Cope married in 1918 to J.C. Kitsmiller

3. Martha, Margaret Cope married in 1912 to J.J. Miller & lives at 801 Grand Ave, Springfield, Mass.

Adda J. Stewart Cope was a widow 9 years when she married Don Butler. They live at New Harmony, Posey Co, Ind.

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Robert Finley, the father of Eli, settled on N.E. 1/4 of section 12 in Vermillion Tp Ashland Co, O in the early part of Apr 1811 being the 2 settler in the Tp, in which the family of Geo Eckley had preceded him abt two weeks. His son, Eli in 1863 was the oldest resident of the Tp & the only survivor of his father's children. This is stated in Knapps Hist of Ashland Co, O p 279-80 but is wrong. His brother John lived 20 yrs later dying Feby 28, 1883 see book 15 p 623.

Alexander Finley, brother of Robert above see Knapps History of Ashland Co, O page 409-412 moved from the place now (1863) occupied by the town of Mt Vernon, Knox Co, O to the farm in Mohican Tp upon which Tylertown (Lake Fort P.O.) is now situated Apr 17, 1809. His family then consisted of his wife & the following children: James, Benjamin, John & Hannah. At that time, himself & family were the only white inhabitants within the limits of the territory that now, 1863, constitutes the county of Ashland.

At that time there was only one family in the town of Wooster, O the name of the head of this family was Benjamin Miller & they were his nearest neighbors. His son, John Finley was an old resident of the Co.

Alexander Finley died Dec 1825 aged 55 yrs

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Oak Hill Aug 7, 1927 10:10 PM

A letter dated June 6, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from Mrs Mae Jack York 511 East Main St, Logansport, Ind see book 20 p 491. She says her Aunt Nettie Jack was accepted at the Neal Home for old ladies at Logansport, Ind & is satisfied & glad that she had been taken care of & has a home. She says she heard of a relative who has some history of the family collected. She is a daughter of her Aunt Emeline E. Jack Agners see table following. Her name is: May Meyers 11146 Normal Ave, Chicago, Ills. I am writing her tonight.

She says her Aunt Nettie can't answer many of the 17 questions I sent her. Says she thought James Jack, brother of Matthew G. Jack went to Wheeling WVA.

She sends two pages of births, Marriages & deaths copied from Matthew G. Jacks bible & a half a page giving the children of her father, Lewis L. Jack by his first wife, which I am incorporating in a table along with data she gave me before in book 20 page 490 & inf from Edith R. Odle pages 488-9 & some deductions therefrom which I think justified. However, I do not think Anjou

V21 Page 203

is right in Vol XXI page 1984 in making this John Jack identical with the brother of my ggggfather James Jack see table page 204-5.

Her Aunt Nettie didn't know where the descendants of Phoebe Bickings were. Her Aunt Mary Jack never married.



Bickings;Phoebe (Jack)

Jack;Adam Mathew G. did not get the bible of his father Adam Jack

Nettie does not know the names of Adam's brothers & sisters, nor of his father. She was born in Lebanon, O.

V21 Page 204 & V21 Page 205

[descendant chart]



John Jack see will book 20 p 488, 1784 Lancaster Co, Pa wife Elizabeth

James Jack see will book 20 p 488 1790 Lancaster Co, Pa wife Mary

James Jack look for his wife at Versailles, Woodford Co, Ky

John Thomas Jack

James Jack

Saml S. Jack

Robert L. Jack

Adam Jack

Adam Jack look for his will in Ohio see b 23 p 552

Susan Jack married Zern went to Dayton, O children below all in Dayton, O when last heard of.

Walter Zern

Ann Zern

Sarah Zern

John Zern

Lee Zern

Will Zern

Phoebe Jack married Bickens search Chester or Lancaster Co, Pa.

Mary Jack never married

Matthew Grier Jack b July 8, 1812 ob Apr 20, 1888 married Oct 13, 1836 at New Holland, Lancaster Co, Pa to Eliza Ann Akins born Jany 3, 1815 ob Nov 26, 1898. He died in Cass Co, Ind & both are buried in Mt Hope Cem Logansport, Ind. He moved fr Pa to Ohio in 1837 & thence to Indiana in 1856. Had 10 children born in Ohio. He has a monument. See bk 23 p 552.

Lewis L. Jack b May 26, 1838 ob Mch 12, 1925 ob Mch 12, 1925 Married 1 Sept 1, 1859 Rebecca White Helvie b Oct 2, 1837 in Marion Co, Ohio ob Feby 7, 1875 daughter of Samuel Mitchell Helvie & wife Ann Ulery. Her 9 children born on a farm near Logansport, Ind see p 206. He married 2d June 2, 1882 Maggie Shuey, daughter of Michael Shuey & wife Maria Hinman who was born at Cass Co, Ind & died June 5, 1896 at Logansport, Ind. They had six children the first two born at Idaville, Ind next two at lake Cicott, Ind & last two at Logansport, Ind. I am entering their names on the extended line of his children below on this page & noting where I have recorded the records of the 4 who have sent theirs in Nov 13, 1927. [2d marriage is entered on page 205, but I have included all the information added there in sequence here for clarity. CW]

Byron Milton Jack b Aug 2, 1860 ob Apr 2, 1863

Carrie Ann Jack b Aug 9, 1863 ob Feby 19, 1889, see p 206

Ida Irene Jack b Mch 26, 1864

Ozola Myrtle Jack b Oct 5, 1865 see page 206 see b 24 p 112

Frank Mathew Jack b June 2, 1867

Adra [sic] Oliva [sic] Jack b May 3, 1869

James Ulysses Jack b July 6, 1871

Leta Alice Jack b Feby 19, 1873 ob Nov 7, 1880

Stella Ann Jack b Nov 5, 1874

Earl Aden Jack b Apr 21, 1883 ob Aug 1884

Maud Muriel Jack b Aug 12, 1884 see b 20 p 394

Minnie Estelle Jack b Oct 31, 1885 see b 20 p 395

Leona May Jack b Jany 11, 1888 see b 20 p 490

Harry Harrison Jack b May 9, 1890? see b 20 p 257

Guy Chester Jack b May 6, 1892 at Logansport, Ind, married Feby 1912 to Essie Langwill [Laugwill? Laughwill?]. No issue.

Rebecca Ann Jack [daughter of Matthew Grier Jack] b Apr 10, 1840 ob June 9, 1919 married Aug 14, 1859 Abraham Sturgeon see b 23 p 376. She was born in Warren Co, O.

Alice B. Jack b Apr 3, 1842 ob Feby 18, 1874 married Sept 15, 1870 Willis Roy Tousley see b 23 p 372-5

William H. Jack b Dec 11, 1843 ob Sept 18, 1899 married Nov 28, 1867 Rachel Ann Richardson see b 23 p 377

Emeline E. Jack b Jany 15, 1846 ob May 16, 1921 married 1 Aug 24, 1865 & divorced Dec 24, 1869 from Jacob Miller

James Madison Jack b Oct 23, 1847 ob Aug 16, 1915 married Mch 6, 1873 Ida Beard.

Mary Janetta Jack b Feby 9, 1850 unmarried. Now, Nov 13, 1927 in Neal Home for Old Ladies Logansport, Ind.

Susan K. Jack b Oct 29, 1851 ob, married Mch 1, 1875 Willis Roy Tousley see b 23 p 372-5

Byron Walter Jack b June 29, 1854, ob Aug 22, 1855

Beverly Waugh Jack b Feby 3, 1856 ob Aug 23, 1856

James Jack [son of Adam Jack of James & Mary] either Pa or Wheeling Va.

Josiah Jack see b 23 p 552-5 I have him tabled somewhere

V21 Page 206

[descendant chart]

[John Lewis Jack]


see page 204

Byron Milton Jack b Aug 2, 1860 see p 204

Carrie Ann Jack b Aug 9, 1861 married Aug 3, 1882 to Levi High b Oct 2, 1855 son of Jacob High & wife Mary Whistler. Have 2 children born in Cass Co, Ind. Levi born in Carroll Co, Ind.

Myrtle Irene High b May 7, 1883 married Jany 11, 1899 to Joseph Rose born Mch 9, 1876 son of John Rose & wife Tresa Schneider, both natives of Germany. Have six children born in Logansport, Ind.

Thelma Rose b Mch 26, 1901

Harold Rose b Mch 26, 1904

Catherine Rose b May 4, 1906

Wilbur Rose b Mch 12, 1908

Donald Rose b July 17, 1919

May Eileen Rose b Dec 16, 1922

Oscar Cleveland High b Nov 21, 1884 ob Sept 18, 1887

Ada Irene Jack [daughter of Lewis L. Jack] b Mch 26, 1864 married June 4, 1895 Richard Long. Have 2 children.

Juliet Irene Long B Aug 9, 1896

Hazel Josephine Long b Jany 14, 1898

Ozola Myrtle Jack b Oct 5, 1865 married Sept 19, 1883 Frank Hurd b Apr 29, 1859 see b 24 p 112. Have six children born at Kokomo, Walton, Richmond, Logansport & Glenwood, Ind respectively.

Owen Roscoe Hurd b Sept 17, 1884 married June 15, 1910 to Fannie Fronch see b 24 p 112.

Roy Clifford Hurd b June 21, 1887 married June 15, 1916 to Norma Johnson. She died Feby 6, 1920

Cloyd Carleton Hurd b Mch 27, 1891 married Aug 16, 1916 to Frances Estlich

Max Melvine Hurd b Aug 27, 1893, married May 6, 1914 to Ethel Knotts

Jesse Powell Hurd b Dec 29, 1897

Doris Lucile Hurd b Nov 2, 1900 at Elwood, Ind. Married June 16, 1920 to Robert Munger. No issue [best guess on some of this entry, written over very heavily & almost illegible]

Frank Matthew Jack [son of Lewis L. Jack] b June 2, 1867 married July 30, 1889 Olive Shalff b Aug 3, 1871 daughter of John H. Shalff & wife Elizabeth Smith. Have 2 children born in Cass Co, Ind.

Leonard Leroy Jack b July 25, 1890 ob Dec 19, 1896

John Lloyd Jack b Mch 9, 1893, married Apr 13, 1918 Viola A. Sengeltary.

Frank Lloyd Jack b Sept 24, 1919

Lona Delle Jack b Oct

Lewis Roy Jack b Aug

Robert Theodore Jack

Charles Paul Jack b Jany 3, 1925

Adra Oliva Jack [daughter of Lewis L. Jack] b May 3, 1869 married Nov 11, 1888 Frank Dykeman b Dec 1864 son of George P. Dyekman [sic] & wife Clara Brown. Have 3 children

Dulcie Dykeman b June 1889 married 1914 to Carl Leon Duvall

Jack Thompson Duvall

Mary Virginia Duvall

Carl L.J. Duvall

Millie Cecil Dykeman b Aug 24, 1891 married 194 to Bert Nicholson No issue.

Fred Ross Dykeman b Aug 21, 1893 ob Nov 1911

James Ulysses Jack [son of Lewis L. Jack] b July 6, 1871 married Nellie Woodling. Have 2 children:

Frank Jack b 1899

Gladys Jack b 1901

Stella Ann Jack b Nov 5, 1874 married June 4, 1895 Chas A. Marshall. Have 4 children.

Alfred Raymond Marshall b Nov 10, 1895

Charlotte Emma Marshall b July 16, 1898

James Wilbur Marshall b Dec 7, 1900

Gail Wayne Marshall b Feby 25, 1908

V21 Page 207

[descendant chart]

James Jack, a native of Ireland see page 204, see will b 20 p 488, married in America.


James Jack was in Revolutionary War. Went to Ky

Mary or Jean Jack married a Black & went to western Penna & lost track of by the family

Robert Jack married a widow & got farm in Lancaster Co, Pa. Was in Revolutionary War.

Mary Jack ob 1854 never married, was a milliner & dressmaker & had a store near her father's farm which she ran until she died in 1854. Her store was in Chester Co, Pa.

Phebe Jack ob, married Samuel Bickens & but two of their children grew up. Lived in Chester Co, Pa. Samuel Bickens died many years prior to 1874

James Jack ob, married Elizabeth Ann DeHaven & settled near New Holland, Pa. She was proud & stuck up & were Presbyterians as were the Jacks generally

Josiah Jack ob Mch 20, 1874 married Elizabeth Foster & settled in Germantown, Pa. He was first a wagonmaker & then a carpenter until he lost his sight. He died when on a trip at Ephrata, Pa. See page 204

Susan Jack ob, married Wm Zourm who died during the war. Had 3 children died in infancy & 8 grew up. See b 23 p 555 & on page 204 for names of children etc viz see b 23 p 558.

Matthew Grier Jack b July 8, 1812 ob Apr 20, 1888 see page 204

V21 Page 208

Oak Hill Aug 8, 1927 1:30 PM

It is 31 yrs this morning since my dear Mary's death.

A letter dated June 15, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 22d from Mr & Mrs Jacob W. Keesling, RR No 3 Middletown, Ind See book 19 p 223 says:

Loretta Markle born Feby 17, 1875 see book 19 p 218 for record, although in this letter, she says Feby 17, 1878 which is wrong married Nov 13, 1901 Jacob W. Keesling born May 26, 1879 in Madison Co near Markleville, Ind son of Jack Keesling & his wife Susan Rigg.

They have had six children born in Madison Co 1 mile north of Markleville, Ind.

1. Oliver Floyd Keesling born Oct 26, 1902

2. Flossie Ann Keesling born Oct 15, 1903, & died Oct 19, 1904

3. Virgil Guy Keesling born Sept 25, 1905

4. Hallie Markle Keesling born Feby 29, 1912

5. Helen Marie Keesling born Dec 21, 1913

6. Forrest H. Keesling born July 22, 1919

Oct 9/27 writing Aug 30, 1927 they say that none of their children are married, that they know of. They say to let them know when the book is ready, that maybe they will want one.

V21 Page 209

A letter dated May 28, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from Thos W. Odle, Ridgeville, Ind see book 20 p 206-11 gave information asked for which I have entered in place in table bk 20 p 211 & he says his Aunt Mary Jane Jack see bk 20 p 206 who married F. Adsit in 1836 lived near Granville, Delaware Co, Ind & died there. He recollects two children: Fannie & a son that was in the Civil War. She was born Mch 8, 1816. Look for her tombstone & see at Muncie, Ind whether he or she made wills or deeds.

Asking about his Aunt Nancy Burgett nee Jack (one not given in the table book 20 p 206) he says she lived & died near Wabash, Ind (say Wabash Co). Says "Sixty yrs ago, I corresponded with her daughter Agnes. I have known nothing of them since." Hunt for her will or tombstone there or deeds. See book 20 p 526-7

He says his half brother John Wilmore see book 20 p 206 died in Dayton, O abt 18 yrs ago & his son Herbert Wilmore lives in Dayton, O but he doesn't know his street number. Make slip to hunt him up & get record of his father, Harrison Wilmore's 1st marriage to Sarah Jack & their child or children & his 2d marriage to Mrs Elizabeth Ann Jack Odle & their children. He may have Harrison Wilmore's bible.

V21 Page 210

A letter dated June 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 27, from John H.M. Thompson, farmer Centre Point, Linn Co, Iowa see book 7 p 147 who is a son of Moses Thompson & a grandson of Alexander Thompson speaks of a tradition in the family that their ancestor John Thompson who came from the north of Ireland long before the Revolutionary War to Penna had a grant from the King for land from "Mountain to mountain in the Cumberland Valley". He writes with pencil & very carelessly, but I am making best I can from his letter & putting it in a skeleton table commencing on page 212 & writing him for exact dates for his won record & his descendants.

I am hoping to fill this table out when I hear from Ezekiel.

V21 Page 211 [missing]

V21 Page 212 & V21 Page 213

[descendant chart]

Moses Thompson see book 7 page 147 born Sept 3, 1821 ob Apr 20, 1862. He was born in Franklin Co, Pa & died in Whiteside Co, Ills. Married Feby 18, 1845 Isabel Kilgore born Mch 8, 1821 ob Apr 7, 1877. He reports them as cousins & she daughter of Samuel M. Kilgore & his wife Susan Thompson. He reports 7 children, all born in Whiteside Co, Ills So E.P. says.


Alexander Thompson b Mch 16, 1846 ob Aug 3, 1914 at Seneca S.Dak married Sept 12, 1872 Margaret Emeliza Heart born Feby 8, 1846 ob July 11, 1915. She was no relation to the Thompsons or Kilgores see b 24? p 109 Saml M. Kilgore's bible reports that A.M. Thompson & Maggie Heart were married Sept 12, 1872 see b 23 p 545 bottom. Margaret Thompson ob 1917, married ______ Hart.

Susanna Thompson b May 4, 1848 ob June 1913 single at Center Pt Iowa

Samuel Kilgore Thompson b Sept 2, 1850, living, single

Ezekiel Parsons Thompson b Aug 30, 1854, living, married Mary A. Montgomery born Mch 23, 1866 daughter of Samuel Montgomery

John H.M. Thompson b May 23, 1857, my informant, married Mary Guthrie born 1862 daughter of David Guthrie 1811-1811 & wife Margaret Moore 1825-1893. He is a farmer & lives at Center Point, Linn Co, Iowa. Has 3 children.

Samuel Thompson b 1887, a farmer. Married Grace Moats b 1887 daughter of A.P. Moats & wife Elizabeth Harms. Have 4 children.

Lyle Hugh Thompson b 1911

Lyman D. Thompson b 1914

Catherine Thompson b 1916

Richard Samuel Thompson b 1921

Margaret Thompson b 1889, teacher, single

Isabel Thompson b 1899, single

Belle Thompson b 1865 ob 1897 married Lyons. This may be 1st wife of Ezekiel & a Mary Montgomery a 2d wife.

V21 Page 214

A letter dated June 16, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, to Deane S. Efner's family, Albany, Ills from Juanita Naftzger, granddaughter of Mrs Efner 626 11 Ave So, Clinton, Iowa, says she is unable to give all the dates, so is forwarding my questions to Uncle Willie (does she mean Efner) 2566 Pinkney St Omaha, Neb. She says if he is unable to give the inf. to write her & the next time she is in Albany, Ill, she will look up the dates at the cemetery. He has never written & I am writing her tonight.

V21 Page 215

A letter dated June 22, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from Mrs Julia Ann Bowdle, Johnson & Morton Sts Route 3, Des Moines, Iowa see book 20 p 179-181

She has no remembrance of ever hearing of the Russells. They are descendants of her gf's sister Sarah McLucas, see bk 20 p 178. Make slip to ask Mrs Nannie Cook, Beavertown, O book 18 p 586 about them & the Holes & Petros. She says she would like a copy of the book.

She says her mother's mother was Concannon who married first a Boyles & had one child & then married 2d a Curry & had one child, Mary Eliza Curry, who married Jess Petro. Her grandmother then married for her husband, a widower George Petro, whose first wife was a McLucas & by this marriage had two children, Geo W. Petro & Jefferson Petro.

George Petro's children by his first wife McLucas (who I think was Mary book 20 p 178) were six:

Mary Jane Inman

Margaret Blackman

Eliza Macy

Jess, who married May Ward

& Vickers, who died but not married. I do not know the whereabouts of any of them. Make slip listing them & ask Mrs Cook.

V21 Page 216

There was old Henry Petro who lived at Westville, Laporte Co, Ind. His son Jess married Mary Eliza Curry, my mother's half sister & had six children,

Horace Greeley, Washington C., William, Katie, Zoa & Charles. She died at Alton, Ills & was buried there. He died in Dakota & is buried there. There was a Dave Petro who lived at Westville, Ind. They were all related but I cannot say how near.

The following people might help:

John McLucas, Fairbury, Neb

Mrs J.C. McLucas, Hood River, Oregon

Mollie Davis, Dayton, Ind

Elmer McLucas, Yakama, Washington

Jefferson C. Petro, Hutchinson, Kansas

Mrs Geo Petro, North Topeka, Kansas

I am writing the same letter to all of them tonight.

V21 Page 217

[fermata mark appears here]

Oak Hill Aug 9, 1927 1:46 PM

A letter dated June 6, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17th from Mrs Malinda (McLucas) Harper, Redfield, Iowa see book 20 pages 178 & 496 says her father, James McLucas who was son of John McLucas, who died Oct 2, 1838, son of John McLucas & his wife Martha Thompson see book 20 p 178 & also this book p 220 never kept any family record, nor talked much of the family & she got her information largely from her Uncle John's wife.

Said her father brought her out here when she was 4 yrs old & she remembers of 3 cousins here then. When she was 18, she visited her grandmother Martindale near Greens Fork, Wayne Co, Ind. They lived on Martindale Creek near the old hard-shell Baptists Church & cemetery on banks of Martindale Creek where all of her mother's people & some of her father's are buried. Make slip. She remembers they all had stones. Says she will give me her father's record & her own & her brother's as far as she can, but will have to go to Des Moines to get some inf first. She says Mrs Nellie B. McLucas Bartholomew worked on this same thing several years ago. Says Zella Tice will write her. I wrote her at Greeley, Colo on May 17, but have no answer. She thinks it much more satisfactory to talk it over & suggested I take a vacation & visit Muncie, Anderson & Hagerstown, Ind, Des Moines, Boone & Redfield, Iowa, Lincoln & Fairbury, Neb. Says all of her Uncles & Aunts are dead.

V21 Page 218

Speaking of her gf John McLucas, see bk 20 p 496 & 178, says her Uncle John's wife told her a long time ago that he loaded his 7 kids in a covered wagon & came west from Wayne Co, Ind to Sandhill 9 miles south of Iowa City in Johnson Co, Iowa. Don't know how long he lived there. He started back to the old home, got to South Bend, Ind took sick & died & was buried there, but she don't know whether he had a tombstone or not. He had married Malinda Brooks, daughter of John Brooks. Don't know name of her mother. Malinda says dates are on the stone at Martindale Cem, Green's Fork. Make slip to get, also her mother's name. They had 8 children. I am putting them in a table commencing on page 220. She said her in her former letter that he died at Westville, Ind. She says she wants to write to a child of each of her Uncles & Aunts before she answers & says she will give address of one member of each one's family that I can send questions to viz:

1. Becca's daughter: Ellen Hays 323 E. North St, Muncie, Ind.

2. Betsey's daughter: Martha Knight, Stanhope, Hamilton Co, Iowa

3. Will's son: John McLucas, Fairbury, Jefferson Co, Neb

4. Brook's son: Will McLucas, Tipton, Tipton Co, Ind

5. John's daughter: Mattie Wills, Wade St, Fort Des Moines, Iowa

She will go to Des Moines to find out about Aunt Martha McLucas Smith. She sends obituary of her Uncle John which inf I am entering in table & rtg the obituary.

V21 Page 219

Aug 18, 1927 9:30 AM

Mrs Melinda Harper writes again Aug 15, sending a long family record & her father's obituary (which I am to return), which I am entering in tables following. She is sending me some more names she has found since writing & says two of her Aunt Betsy McLucas Ritter's girls live in Sioux City, Iowa viz:

Nellie Shadle 4401 Harrison Ave, Sioux City, Iowa

Lillian B. Tripp 4441 Springfield Ave, Leeds, Iowa

Leeds is a suburb of Sioux City. Am writing them.

She says she is sending names she found of her Uncle Brook's children & grandchildren that I might chance writing to.

Says she has all of her Uncle John's dates but Elmer's & she wrote to him at Yakama, Wash 312 R 3

Says a daughter of her Uncle Wilson is:

Lenore Bornhizer 1425 Pearl St Anderson, Ind. Says to try Woonsocket, South Dakota & direct to Malinda or Bill Posy or any relative of that name. Malinda Posey [sic] was her Aunt Martha Smith's only daughter. They moved there many many years ago & had a big family, but no one has heard from them for years.

She says when her own mother died in 1856 we two little tots were taken to live with grandmother Martindale. Her father came to Iowa & bought a farm joining Mosquito Creek in the summer of 1858. He went back to Ohio & married Martha Jane McCoy, his first cousin Aug 24, 1858 at Centerville, O see book 20 p 178. Loaded his belongings with

her & her brother in a covered wagon & thus took their six weeks honeymoon trip enroute to Iowa, where she & her [last line cut off]

V21 Page 220 & V21 Page 221

[descendant chart]

John McLucas see book 20 p 178 was born 1796 & died Oct 2, 1838 of typhoid fever while returning from his trip to Iowa, at either Westville, or South Bend, Ind & is buried there. Aug 18/27. He died at Laporte, Ind & buried there & has a tombstone see page 265. He married Malinda Brooks born Mch 19, 1800 & died Apr 3, 1844 daughter of John Brooks & his wife. She is buried at the Martindale Cem. near Green's Fork , Wayne Co, Ind & has tombstone.. They had 8 children, one of them, Mary dying young. He loaded the other "seven kids" in a covered wagon & went to Sandhill, Johnson Co, Iowa 9 miles south of Iowa City, concluding to return to his old home, he died on his way back at Laporte, Ind. Malinda was born in Augusta Co, Va & Jacob Brooks of Wange Co, Ind was her brother.


Martha McLucas, ob married Melvin Smith see page 492 & b 22 p 48 see b 26 p 51-52

Elizabeth (or Betsy) McLucas b 1829 ob Oct 11, 1904 at Stanhope, Ind, Married Oct 1, 1846 at South Bend, Ind Samuel Ritter b 1821 ob 1900 son of John Ritter. Don't know wife's name. See page 225

Rebecca McLucas ob, married Nov 16, 1851 Pollard Gibson see page 492-3, a native of Jefferson Tp. They had 5 children. See b 26 p 353

James Marshall McLucas b Sept 4, 1826 at Hagerstown, Ind ob Jany 10, 1915 at Redfield, Iowa married Sept 24, 1848 Elizabeth Martindale born May 30, 1828 near Washington, Wayne Co, Ind daughter of Thomas Martindale & his wife Rebecca. She died Aug 25, 1856 at same place, her father's home & buried there in Martindale Cemetery. They had 2 children the oldest born in Randolph Co, Ind & the youngest at Hagerstown, Ind. Married 2 Aug 24, 1858 Martha Jane McCoy b Nov 23, 1836 & died Aug 25, 1909 daughter of Alexander McCoy & his wife Nancy McLucas. No issue. "Uncle Jimmy" as he was called died from a second stroke of apoplexy aged 88 yrs 4 mos & 6 days. He settled on Mosquito Creek 4 1/2 miles north of Redfield Iowa in the fall of 1858 & moved from there to Redfield, Iowa in 1881 where he lived until he died. When 21, he united with the Masonic Lodge in Hagerstown, Ind & in 1860 was a charter member of the Wiscotta Lodge who at their Semi-Centen. presented him with a gold headed cane. In his early married life, he & his wife joined the Christian Church & about 50 yrs before his death, was a charter member in organizing the Christian Church of Redfield & ever after actively identified with it. He was an influential citizen & held many offices of honor & trust. Both buried in East Linn Cem, Redfield Iowa & have stones at grave. see page 222

Mary McLucas ob in her 8th year. Has tombstone

Wills T. McLucas b Dec 2, 1823 ob 1891, lived New Castle, Ind see pages 494-5

J. Brooks McLucas b Dec 12, 1821 in Wayne Co, Ind ob Feby 10, 1888 aged 66 yrs. Lived at Tipton, Ind. see page 266. Married to Amanda Miller ob Aug 1889 aged 62 yrs see page 496

John Ritter McLucas, the youngest b Aug 27, 1836, obituary says in South Bend, Ind but I think in Wayne Co. ob May 28, 1924 in South Des Moines, Iowa aged 87 yrs 9 mos & 1 day at the residence of his daughter Mrs G.W. Wills on Wade St & was buried May 30, in Redfield Cem, Redfield Iowa beside his wife. Married Apr 10, 1859 Eliza Ellen Bates born Feby 22, 1838 ob Aug [cut off] 1914 daughter of John Bates & wife Salome Brown. Had 7 children born, the 1st three near South Bend, Ind & see below of whom two died in infancy & the others survive. In 1865, he moved with his family from Indiana to Redfield Iowa thence to Des Moines in 1900 where he afterwards lived for 24 yrs. He was an earnest Christian & a lifelong member of the Meth Epis ch. He was left an orphan in early childhood, both of his parents dying not far apart. He was the last of his immediate family to die. He left 4 sons, 1 daughter 11 grandchildren & 8 ggchildren. She was born & married in South Bend, Ind.

1. Mary Estelle McLucas b Feby 15, 1860 ob June 27, 1865 & buried Redfield, Iowa

2. Elmer Brooks McLucas b June 1, 1861 at South Bend, Ind of Yakama, Wash married Nov 1, 1885 in Dallas Co, Iowa to Elva M. Young born Dec 11, 1863 in St Joe Co Ind daughter of Franklin Young & wife Mary Ann Coulter. Have one child born in Dallas Co, Iowa see page 224

3. Harriet E. McLucas b Dec 25 186- [cut off] ob Sept 2, 18-- [cut off] & buried Redfield, Iowa

4. William Calvin McLucas b Sept 16, 1866 in Dallas Co, Iowa see bk 20 p 180

5. J. Edward McLucas b Dec 5, 1868 near Redfield, Iowa, of Kochkonong, MO married Oct 15, 1891 to Mary Lou Finnicum B Nov 4, 1871 at Carlisle, Iowa, daughter of John W. Finnicum & wife Elizabeth McAfee. Have 5 children born, 1st two in Dallas Co, Iowa, last 3 in Des Moines, Iowa. Now living R 3 Des Moines, Iowa

Sophie Myrl McLucas b Nov 15, 1894 (twin) married Jany 26, 1919 to Wilbur R. Lundin born Apr 1, 1894 at Gothanbuse, Neb [best guess] son of Frank A. Lundin & Hulda C. Bloomer

Jeanne Louise Lundin b Jany 18, 1920 at Des Moines, Iowa

Richard Warren Lundin b Feby 26, 1923 at Kearney, Neb

Walter Dale McLucas b Nov 15, 1894 (twin) ob July 9, 1910

Donald Vernon McLucas b Oct 13, 1898, married Nov 23, 1918 Etta Stephenson, b Jany 26, 1898 at Marathon, Iowa, daughter of Chas E. Stephenson & Emily M. Anderson.

Betty Marie McLucas b Aug 21, 1919 in Omaha, Neb

Virginia Lou McLucas b Nov 17, 1924 in Omaha, Neb

Carroll Edwin McLucas b Oct 16, 1901 married Oct 23, 1926 to Mabel Cagle b Jany 8, 1900 at Manson, Iowa, daughter of James J. Jensen & wife Alvina Reisner. Her name Mabel Jensen Cagle, a widow.

John Philip McLucas b Nov 5, 1915

6. Martha S. McLucas b Sept 3, 1870 at Boone, Iowa married Sept 13, 1891 at Redfield, Iowa George William Wills. Live on Wade St at Fort Des Moines, Iowa see page 224

7. Vernon R. McLucas b Oct 20, 1882 at Kennedy Sta, Iowa, married 1908 in Des Moines, Iowa to Bertha White see page 224.

V21 Page 222 & V21 Page 223

[descendant chart]

James Marshal McLucas b Sept 4, 1826 ob Jany 10, 1915 see page 220 this book.


Thomas Martindale McLucas b Sept 20, 1852 ob Feby 28, 1881 at Homewood, Allegheny Co, Pa & has a stone. In 1871, went east to Pgh Pa with John Claybaugh & wife see book 20 p 178 & learned telegraphy & was Genl Agt of RR at Pgh, climbed on train to give orders to conductor, fell unconscious for 3 hours in six weeks had a second stroke & in two more weeks had a third & last stroke of apoplexy & died aged only 28 yrs. Married 1876 at Homewood, Pa to Margaret Ghrist. (See at Pgh if licenses were then issued) & she died a few years after he did. Had two children born at Homewood, Pa

Stella McLucas b 1877, lived in Pgh, Pa & quit writing abt 15 yrs ago. Was single. Make slip to examine marriage records for her, her brother & parents.

Carl McLucas b 1880 married went to NJ & soon died rather mysteriously.

Malinda Rebecca McLucas b NO 8, 1854, living a widow in Redfield, Iowa & my good informant for this, her father's & many McLucas records. Married Dec 3, 1874 in Dallas Co, Iowa to George Andrew Harper b Nov 13, 1853 at Redfield, Iowa & died there Oct 13, 1917 & buried in East Linn Cem there & has a marker. He was son of Eli Harper & wife Orlana Sheeley. They lived on her father's farm in Dallas Co Iowa where all of her children were born until 1903 when they moved to Redfield, Iowa. They had 7 children.

Alice Myrtle Harper b Sept 17, 1875 married 1 Dec 28, 1893 at her father's in Dallas Co, Iowa Robert Burnham, son of Rev A.C. Burnham & wife Mary Lewis, who was born Nov 25, 1872 at Linden, Iowa & died in Omaha, Neb Aug 13, 1898. He & his son buried at West Linden, Iowa. Had one child. Married 2 Apr 1906 in Redfield, Frank Weatherhead of Red Oak, Iowa. Have a home in Billings, Montana but now in Texas. No issue.

Willie Burnham b Sept 24, 1894 ob Aug 27, 1895

James Evarts Harper b May 29, 1877, single lives in Los Angeles, Calif.

Martha Jane Harper b Aug 22, 1879 ob Jany 25, 1895 & buried in Harper Cemetery Dallas Co, Iowa unmarried.

Mary Gertrude Harper b Aug 6, 1881 married Oct 18, 1899 in Dallas Co, Iowa J. Harve [sic] Willis son of Elmore Willis & wife Cal White who was born Feby 9, 1877. They have four children born the first two in Lincoln Center, Iowa the 3d in Madison Co & the 4th in Des Moines, Iowa.

Edyth Willis b May 22, 1902 married July 15, 1919 at Boone, Iowa Henry Fox born Apr 17, 1897 at Des Moines, Iowa son of Lawrence Fox & wife Ina Mosher. No issue.

George Willis b Dec 2, 1902 married July 8, 1922 at Adel, Iowa, Esther Fox born At Des Moines, Iowa June 9, 1900 daughter of Lawrence Fox & wife Ina Mosher. No issue

Golda Irene Willis b Dec 29, 1905 married July 3, 1924 at Des Moines, Iowa Charles Fisher born at Des Moines, Iowa Sept 6, 1898 son of Daniel Fisher & wife Ida Sidner. No issue.

Harold Willis b May 31, 1910, single going to High school.

Thomas Eli Harper b May 21, 1887 married Dec 28, 1909 in Des Moines, Iowa Eunice Brown born Dec 24, 1890, daughter of Chester Brown & wife Winnie Norton. Have two children born in Redfield, Iowa.

Cora Mabel Harper b Oct 23, 1888 married Oct 22, 1904 at Des Moines, Iowa to John Webster Stiles born May 10, 1880 in Redfield, Iowa son of Jason Stiles & wife Sarah Malinda Webster. Sarah is 79 yrs old & lives in Redfield near Mrs Harper & is a granddaughter of Wm McLucas, son of John & Martha (Thompson). Have one child born at Redfield, Iowa.

Nyle Stiles b May 10, 1906 clerk in a drug store in Des Moines, Iowa

Nellie Mildred Harper b May 10, 1897, married July 31, 1916 at Winters, Iowa Dr H.C. White born May 30, 1889 at Mt Ayr, Iowa, son of Elmer [best guess, cut off, may be Elmo] White & wife Anna Benton. He is a dentist practicing in Redfield, Iowa. No issue.

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[descendant chart]



Elmer B. McLucas see page 221 b June 1, 1861 lives Yakama, Wash route 3 box 231, says will buy a book when completed.

Earl Royce McLucas b Sept 17, 1888 in Dallas Co, Iowa married Aug 11, 1911 in Guthrie Co, Iowa to Cecil D. Burnham born Oct 22, 1892 in Guthrie Co, Iowa, daughter of Ed Burnham & wife Winnie Thomas. Have but one child born in Yakima [sic, correct spelling] Washington.

Darline W. McLucas b Sept 23, 1917

Vern McLucas see page 221 b Oct 20, 1882 married 1908 to Bertha White born May 7, 1884 at Des Moines, Iowa daughter of _________, Lillian____. Have 2 children born in Des Moines, Iowa where they live at 908 15th St & he is in the garage business. His name is Vernon R.

Harold McLucas b Apr 28, 1910

Lillian McLucas b Feby 3, 1917

Martha McLucas see page 221 b Sept 3, 1870 married Sept 13, 1891 to Geo Wm Wills born Nov 2, 1868 at Des Moines, Iowa son of Levi Wills, a farmer & his wife Lina Harbour. They have but one child born at Redfield, Iowa.

Cecil Willis b Mch 9, 1893 married Feby 20, 1915 in Des Moines, Iowa Clide Mitter near Menlo, Iowa Nov 2, 1893 son of Riley Miller & wife Henrietta Lenhart. Have 3 children born in Des Moines, Iowa where he has a store at Fort Des Moines.

Kenneth Mitter b Nov 11, 1916

Gerald Mitter b Mch 4, 1920

Margery Mitter b Jany 18, 1922

V21 Page 225

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Helen McLucas see page 220 born Nov 25, 1829 in Hamilton Co, O & died Nov 11, 190- at Stanhope, married Oct 1, 1846 at South Bend, Ind Samuel A. Ritter b Dec 1826 in Pa ob Mch 9, 1901 in Jennings Iowa. He was son of John Ritter & wife Love. Have had 7 children.


1. Almeda Ritter b May 30, 1848 ob 1892 at Ashland, Neb & buried there. Married June 1867 at Pleasant Valley, Iowa James Oppenheimer born & died at Shenandoah, Iowa. See b 25 p 603.

2. Greeley Ritter b Nov 23, 1852 ob Jany 1, 1925 married Nov 23, 1876 Bertha Knight born in Wisconsin daughter of Daniel Knight & wife Emma Demery. See b 267 p 513

Emma Belle Ritter b Oct 30, 1877 at Stroud, Okla. Her mother is with her.

Ena Myers, at Boone, Iowa

Lottie Ripley at Boone, Iowa 721 13th

Elsie McDonald Ft Dodge, Iowa

3. Martha Ritter b Sept 14, 1855 married Mch 13, 1874 Dan Knight b Mch 6, 1862 in England, son of Daniel Knight & wife Emma Demery 4 children born at Stanhope, Iowa.

Emma E. Knight b Oct 5, 1877 married Dec 22, 1898 Ned B. Parker. She died July 11, 1927 at Elma, Iowa

Leona Parker married Robinson of Elma, Iowa. Issue

Myra Parker married Young of Geneseo, Iowa, issue

H.E. Parker, issue

James H. Knight b Sept 14, 1879 married Jany 23, 1901 Mattie Jackson b July 16, 1881 in Randolph Co, Ills daughter of Jacob Jackson & wife Martha Danielson

Daniel R. Knight (twin) b Aug 24, 1890 see b 25 p 604

Eugene S. Knight (twin) b Aug 24, 1890 see b 25 p 604

4. Mary Ritter b Sept 4, 1858 married see b 25 p 604

5. James Wilson Ritter Dec 23, 1860. Write him at Elton, La He is at Jennings, La.

6. Lillie Ritter b Nov 20, 1866 in Johnson Co, Iowa married Oct 12, 1890 in Sioux City Chas Willis Tripp. Write her 4441 Springfield Ave Sioux City, Leeds, Iowa. He is an express agt & was born in Sioux City, Iowa June 15, 1858 & died there on Feby 22, 1924. Have two sons born in Sioux City, Iowa see b 26 p 104.

7. Nellie Ritter b Oct 3, 1869 married Stadds at Newton, Ga write her 1509 Isabel St, Sioux City, Iowa. Name is Shadle 4414 Madison St.

Glenn Stadels [sic] born at Newton, Iowa in F.E. Critcholl Motor Co. Write.

V21 Page 226

A letter dated June 17, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from John George Jack Prof, Arnold Arboretum Harvard Univ Jamaica Plain, Mass, says he has never taken much interest in genealogy but if it was about botanical trees, he could be of some use as dendrology is his specialty. Of his family, he only knows that his grandfather, John Jack came from Greenock, Scotland to Canada in 1832 & landed near Montreal. He brought his wife who was Elizabeth Lang, 5 sons & 2 daughters with him. He settled at Chateaugay, about 15 miles out of Montreal on the south side of the St Lawrence River.

My father's name was Robert Jack. Says he cannot go far back & give dates & names, as he never sought to know, but he is sending my letter to his sister:

Mrs. E.M. Torriane, Woodlands, Que, Canada with a request that she forward it to a cousin who might have some information, as his father, James Jack, now dead, was at one time considerably interested in the family genealogy & made some investigations while on a visit to Scotland 50 yrs ago or more.

A good many years ago, I had similar inquires from:

V21 Page 227

George M. Jack 23 Andrews Road, East Milton, Mass who was investigating the family history. Am writing him tonight.

A letter dated June 12, 1927 from Frances Moore of Deaconess Hospital, Spokane, Washington, written from Newport, Minn, says she does not have the records she thought she had there but her brother J.C. Moore of Univ Place, Neb has them & has sent me a copy. I had thought they were what she expected to find. She says her grandfather Moore's name was Forman or Furman.

V21 Page 228

Two letters dated May 5 & 26, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 30, & May 8th from Wm C. Kilgore 370 Robert St, St Paul Minn gives data from tombstones at Mt Eaton, O Cem but I think the dates from James Kilgore's stone makes him too old & I am adding the children J.K. Johnston credited to him. Because he is buried in the same lot with William Kilgore, W.C. concludes he is the father of William. I am starting table on page 230.

He says George B. Kilgore's address is 1492 Albert Ave, St Paul, Minn.

V21 Page 229 [missing]

V21 Page 230 & V21 Page 231

[descendant chart]]

Col David Kilgore 1745-1814 see book 16 p 150-5


James Kilgore born in Penna & went to Ohio & tombstone in Mt Eaton Cem O says died July 30, 1849 aged 85 yrs 1 mo 16 days. Married Nancy ___ & her tombstone in Mt Eaton Cem, O says died Sept 23, 1849 aged 81 yrs 4 mos 22 days.

David Kilgore

Alexander Kilgore

William Kilgore b May 4, 1805 ob June 20, 1862 married Nancy ______ b Sept 19, 1817 ob July 29, 1847

James Perry Kilgore b Sept 16, 1841 on a farm near Mt Eaton, Wayne Co, O & died May 31, 1866 married Jane Carson b Jany 10, 1843 near Dalton, Wayne Co, O. She died Nov 19, 1867 & both buried at Mt Eaton, O.

William Carson Kilgore an only child born on a farm near Mt Eaton, O July 19, 1865. Married Alice Gray b Aug 31, 1865 at Wooster, O daughter of Israel Sylvester Gray & wife Clarinda Seaton. Have five children, the first born at Winona, Minn the last at St Paul, Minn & the other 3 in Duluth Minn. He has a men's furnishing store at 370 Robert St. St Paul, Minn.

Nellie Gray Kilgore b Aug 5, 1888 married Nov 14, 1912 in St Paul, Minn Andrew Barclay Meldrum Jr son of A.B. Meldrum & wife. Live in Cleveland, O.

Andrew B. Meldrum 3 b Jany 6, 1915 at Toledo, O

William Gray Meldrum b Jany 11, 1918 at Wayne, Pa

Mary Alice Meldrum b Nov 27, 1920

James Perry Kilgore b Aug 14, 1890 married Apr 23, 1917 Alvina Berger. Live in St Louis, Mo

Edwin Sylvester Kilgore b June 13, 1893 married Aug 17, 1926 Ione Margaret Uptegrove. Live in St Paul, Minn

Nancy Lou Kilgore b Mch 5, 1927

Louis Dean Kilgore b July 10, 1898 married July 12, 1926 Mildred MacLean. Live in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Lester Carson Kilgore b Dec 26, 1889

George Shipley Kilgore [son of William Kilgore b 1805] when last heard of, was living at Hastings, Neb & had 4 children.

John Kilgore [son of James d 1849]

James Kilgore

Nancy Kilgore ob unmarried Buried at Mt Eaton, O Cem.

David Kilgore [son of Col David 1745-1814] went to Ohio on Oct 24, 183- & tombstone in Mt Eaton O cem says he died Sept 11, 1849 aged 69 yrs & 3 mos. Married Jany 23, 1808 Hannah McBriar who d Feby 15, 1865 aged 76 yrs.

V21 Page 232 & V21 Page 233

Oak Hill, Aug 10, 1927 12:49 PM

A letter dated May 30, 1927 in answer to mine of 23d to James D. Henderson is answered by his son-in-law, J.R. Baker of Fulton, Mo see book 11 p 120 & book 20 p 560. Write Mary Finley Wilson, Briscoe, Mo & tell her what inf I got, see table next page. She might know what Finley Alex Henderson married. Examine too the S.H. Finley Santa Ana Calif letter with record.

[descendant chart]

Alexander Hull Henderson married on Mch 15, 1837 Hadassah Finley see book 11 p 120-3. They had a large family of children all now dead, five of whom reached maturity as Mr Baker reports see book 11 p 122. He was born in 1804 & died May May 1, 1863.


1. Edward Carroll Henderson ob

2. Mary Finley Henderson b Apr 18, 1841 ob Dec 31, 1926 in Los Angeles Calif, married June 12, 1873 Edgar Moore. Had 3 sons. All living in & about Los Angeles see b 11 p 122.

1. Alexander Moore b May 10, 1874, single

2. Edgar Moore b Sept 23, 1875, single

3. Alfred Moore b Apr 15, 1884 married Mch 16, 1921 see bk 11 p 122.

3. James Daniel Henderson b June 27, 1843 in Caolloway Co, MO ob Apr 30, 1908, married Aug 30, 1817 Elizabeth Garrett Rice b Aug 4, 1845 ob 1921 daughter of Dr Nathan Lewis Rice born Dec 29, 1807 ob June 11, 1877 & his wife Catharine Priscilla Burch born Apr 26, 1808 ob Oct 24, 1878. Had 3 children all dead.

Infant b Apr 24, 1881, twin with Esther

Kathryn Burch Henderson b May 20, 1875 ob Dec 21, 1914 married Aug 28, 1901 Dr Aylette T. Britt, a dentist of Kansas City, Mo. Dr Aylette Treville Britt living, born Feby 11, 1875 is son of Thos H. Britt B July 2, 1839 ob Mch 1915 & his wife Malissa Steuart [sic] born Nov 24, 1851 & still living. Has two children.

James Thomas Britt b Feby 27, 1904. They live at 616 W. 58th ST Terrace K.C. MO unmarried, lawyer with firm of Langworthy Spencer & Terrell, Kansas City MO. He wants a book.

Steuart Henderson Britt b June 16, 1907. sounds like our Fayette Co, family. unmarried.

Alexander Rice Henderson ob about 1903 when a young man & was not married.

Esther Finley Henderson b Apr 24, 1881 the youngest child ob Apr 23, 1921 married July 18, 1907 (& left one child who is there with her father) to J.R. Baker atty at law of the firm of Baker & Baker, Grant Bldg, MO says he has no records & has given me all he can of the Finleys.

Elizabeth Robison Baker b May 7, 1908

4. Henry Henderson [son of Alexander H.] ob

5. Wm Alexander Jewett Henderson b July 17, 1848 ob Feby 22, 1890, never married.

6. Infant son twin with Wm Alexander Jewett b July 17, 1848, ob

7. Martha Ella Henderson b Aug 16, 1853 ob Aug 14, 1904, never married.

8. Hattie Jane (say Harriet) Henderson b June 15, 1857 ob Jany 31, 1891, never married.

V21 Page 234

A letter dated July 25, 1927 to Thos A. Carothers from Mrs Margaret L. Kroll 31 South Penn St, Shippensburg, Pa was sent to me by him for answer. She says she is hunting the name of the father of James Carothers born in 1783. The name of his gf was William who died in 1783 & whose wife was Isabel Armstrong & whose children were:

James, John, William, Martin, Andrew, Armstrong, Margaret, Isabel & Jean. She asks if any of these sons had a son names James born in 1783. I am writing that neither John, Wm, Martin or Armstrong had, but that James had & that year is right for his birth. See books 1 p 120 b 5 p 268 b 20 p 472.

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Two letters dated May 24 & June 17th in answer to mine of May 17th, from Joseph C. Moore now of 2936 No 54th St Lincoln Neb see book 20 p 454 says the Penna State Library informs him that there was no John Treber in the Revolutionary War from Lancaster Co, Pa but there was a John Treber from Allegheny Co, Pa who served in the Penna Militia from 1790-1800.

He asks about another family of Crawfords saying that Samuel Thoroman's (he was from Delawares he says) paternal grandmother was a sister of Col Wm Crawford (which I think is erroneous, tradionary [sic] information) of Va who he says was born in Berkeley Co, Va in 1732 & died in Wyandotte Co, O 1782.

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Two card letters dated June 12 & July 20, 1927 from Zella E. Tice from 3011 Starr St & West Milton, Miami Co, O respectively said she never knew where the Simerals located (ask Nannie Cook). Says the only time mother mentioned their names was about their coming up the river to Dayton, O with the Thompsons. Says she has the data for all but one of our families. Will send it later. Says she cannot come east in June. The letter from West Milton, O said she would send me the address of the Holes if she found them & the records she had gathered. She was too busy to fix a time when she could see me.

A letter dated June 10, 1927 in answer to mine from V. Lansing Collins, Sec Princeton, Univ, Princeton NJ says Alexander's book can be bought only second hand & says Joseph L. Finley is not mentioned in it. Says there is certainly a copy of it at the Phila, Public Library.

V21 Page 237

A letter dated June 12, 1927 in answer to mine of 6th from Dr Jessica W. Findlay, Castile, NY see book 20 p 618 says her grandfather:

Alexander Findlay died Jany 11, 1878 aged 84 yrs place of birth not known to her. The above date is given on his tombstone in Kenmay Churchyard & his wife:

Janet White died Apr 16, 1885 aged 88 yrs. She belonged to Parish of Bavoit or Bamot some 10 miles from Aberdeen. Some of her parents descendants still live there. The place is called Bilbo. Their children were:

James, Alexander, William, John, George, Ann, Agnes & Jessie.

Her father, John Findlay was born at Kenmay, Aberdeenshire 1832 & died at Toronto Canada 1901 aged 69.

Her mother Elizabeth Dunn was born Montrose, Scotland 1834 died Oct 5, 1889 at Toronto, Canada, aged 55.

They were married in Toronto, Canada June 9, 1859 having come over in a sailing vessel. Their children:

1. Jessie White Findlay, my informant

2. Elizabeth Findlay, married Oscar Gadsby of Toronto, Can & has one son Ralph Cameron Gadsby.

3. Martha Adams Findlay

4. Agnes Findlay

5. Georgiana Patterson Findlay

6. Robert Pollak Findlay

She says when she visited Scotland several years ago, her Uncles James William & Alexander were living, but

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all have since died. She now greatly regrets that she didn't learn more of the family when she had the opportunity, but says there is no one now from whom she can learn.

She says Kenmay is a suburb of Aberdeen. She is very cordial & deeply regrets that she cannot help more in the big task. She asks if I propose publishing.

V21 Page 240

A letter dated June 29, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, from John E. Jack RR No 1 Edon, O see book 20 page 209 says since the receipt of my letter, their house had burned to the ground & that he does not have either his father's or his gf bible. Says his brother Robert Willis Jack of Geneva, Ind has their father's bible but he don't know where his gf's is.

A letter dated June 12, 1927 in answer to mine of 8th from Mrs Carrie Arabella Chevalier of Gallipolis, O see book 15 p 392 gives record of her father John Finley's children which I am entering in table there. Am transferring her name to p 242 because of lack of room. The five youngest children in her father's family were born near Eureka P.O. Gallia Co, O near which her brothers John H.T. & George A. lives & own their homes.

Her mother Caroline Danforth was daughter of Henry Danforth & his wife Jane Lucas. Says she does not know her great grandfather Finley's name[1]who died in 1904 & it is now in the hands of his Aô_#(ô_#G___

V21 Page 241 [missing]

V21 Page 242 & V21 Page 243

[descendant chart]



Carrie Arabella Finley see bk 15 p 392 born Dec 28, 1869 at Swan Creek O 15 miles below Gallipolis. She is my informant by letter for this record. Married Oct 12, 1890 to Lawson Alva Chevalier born Mch 11, 1864 at Clipper Mills, O.

Finley Brading Chevalier born July 22, 1891 at Eureka, O married Dec 25, 1913 to Eva Ellen Chick born Feby 21, 1887 & died Dec 21, 1920. She was daughter of James Chick & wife Ella Trotter. had 4 children born near Gallipolis, O.

Ellabelle Chevalier b Sept 18, 1914

Emma Chevalier b Aug 11, 1916

John Laurence Chevalier b Sept 10, 1918

Cecil Finley Chevalier b Apr 30, 1920

Mary Elizabeth Finley born Sept 20, 1867 see book 15 p 392 married Dec 19, 1891 Sidney Root b July 14, 1844 ob July 13, 1914 son of Sidney Root & his wife Martha. Had two children born at Addison, O.

Fred Ferdinand Root b June 2, 1894 at Addison, O married Aug 21, 1920 at Pomeroy, O Miss Alma George b Apr 16, 1901 at Buleville, O daughter of Eddie & Ettie George of Buleville, O. He is a telegraph operator at Kananga, O P.O. address Gallipolis, O RFD no 1.

Alva Fred Root B July 5, 1922 ob Oct 23, 1923 burned to death with their home & it contents

Georgia Fay Root b Mch 10, 1925

Lenora Root b Nov 20, 1898 at Addison, O married Jany 20, 1920 Nevin Horace Wood son of Thomas Jefferson Wood & wife Rachel of near Cora, O.

Alma Vera Wood b Aug 21, 1920 ob Oct 1, 1920

Elizabeth Elicen Wood b Nov 24, 1922

Helen Kathline Wood b June 6, 1925

Wilma Jean Wood B June 7, 1926 ob Feby 18, 1927

Thomas Eugene Wood b Aug 28, 1929

Edward Graham Finley b Aug 5, 1881 ob Mch 28, 1925 married Feby 2, 1908 to Ella Belle Gilmore daughter of Shannon & Mary Gilmore. Don't know her present address.

Marie Finley born at Angola where P.O. was burned down & never rebuilt. She was the only child.

V21 Page 244

Oak Hill Aug 13, 1927, 11:33 AM

A card dated June 20, 1927 in answer to mine of May 2 from Allen A. Line, Sec Carlisle Pa see book 20 p 62 & 469 says he is so taken up with his work as Secy of the Hamilton Library & Historical Asscn of Carlisle, Pa that he handed my letter to Mrs Flowers for answer.

He says however that he had the old Line Family bible of his gf Emanuel Line Sr & I am writing him asking for a copy of its record.

V21 Page 245

A letter dated June 27, 1927 in answer to mine of June 6, from Mrs Margaret Stewart Dinkey of 314 Kent Road, Wynnewood, Pa see book 16 p 428 gives her husband's full name as Alva Clymer Dinkey & says she was born in Turtle Creek Pa & married in Braddock Pa.

Mr Dinkey went to the Public schools in Westherly, Carbon Co, Pa (where he built & gave the town a large public school building) & in Braddock Pa.

His first employment on May 21, 1879 was as water carrier in the Edgar Thomson Steel Works. In 1882 he learned telegraphy at a little station near Braddock Pa & was employed as operator in the Edgar Thomson Steel Works. Later, he entered the Pgh Locomotive works as a machinist apprentice where he worked 3 yrs. Hen then went to the McTighe Electric Co of Pgh as an expert machinist. In 1889, he secured a position with the Carnegie Steel Co at the Homestead works. He became Secy to the Supt Potter. In 1893 he left the general office & went into the mill to work as Electrician. In 1898 he was made Supt of the Electric Light & power plant of the Homestead Works. It was at this time he invented the "Dinkey Controller", it being the first controller that was able to successfully handle the powerful currents necessary for heavy mill machinery. He also applied Electricity to many of the operations necessary in the manufacture of steel, not only making it possible to handle larger units & increase production, but also relieving the workmen of the very arduous labor that

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was then necessary. He succeeded to the position of Asst to the Genl Supt & then became Genl Supt & on Aug 1, 1903, he was made President of the Carnegie Steel Co from which he resigned in Sept 1915.

He is now President of the Midvale Steel Co at Nicetown, Phila, Pa.

A letter dated May 27, 1927 in answer to mine of 23, from Mr Edward S. Thompson, Thompsontown, Pa says the proceeds of sale of the Thompson book are applied to caring for the graves of the Thompsons in the cemetery on the banks of the Juniata River on the Wm Penn Highway 1 1/2 miles east of Thompsontown, Pa. He says all the records of the Thompsons were used in the book up to the time it was compiled & there is nothing of interest since. He is interested in the more comprehensive work I am preparing as is his Aunt Josephine Patterson Thompson Zell now in her 94th year. It was she who remarked apropos of the sojourn of the Scotch Thompsons in Ireland "that one did not stable a horse & take it out a cow in the morning."

V21 Page 247

A letter dated June 28, 1927 in answer to mine of 22d from Mrs Janie Goldsmith Little, Simpsonville S.C. see book 16 p 344 gives he her record & which I am tabling on next page and several addresses. She gives the address of Mrs Ella Parks wife of Allen as 3608 Spence or Spruce St Dallas, Texas

Mrs Lou Hunter, Gray Court, Laurens Co, S.C.

Mrs Mary Kilgore c/o W.B. Kilgore Simpsonville, Greenville Co S.C.

Am writing them all tonight.

She on acct of an illness leaving her mind almost a blank, she is unable to give any further information.

V21 Page 248 & V21 Page 249

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Kilgore born Sept 27, 1788 ob July 25, 1855 daughter of James Kilgore 1765-1813 son of Col Benj Kilgore see book 16 p 344. Married June 17, 1806 Bannister Stone born Aug 13, 1777 & died June 15, 1844. His sister Mrs Ann Lynch died Aug 6, 1842 in her 88th yr born say in 1754. Had 7 children dates of children below taken from leaves taken from the family bible which was destroyed.


1. James Ashwell Stone b May 27, 1808 ob married. He lived & died in Georgia. His father considering as making a mesalliance, disowned & disinherited him.

2. Lemuel B. Stone b Jany 19, 1811 ob June 11, 1814

3. Wm Henry Harrison Stone b Mch 13, 1814 ob July 14, 1835

4. Mary Louisa Stone b October 29, 1817 ob Aug 24, 1852, married June 24, 1841 Wm Goldsmith b Mch 30, 1819 ob Apr 30, 1911 & is buried Greenville S.C. He remarried abt Feby 1854. He was son of Thos Goldsmith & wife Sarah Cook. Had 5 children born in the country 15 miles south of Greenville, S.C. She was buried at Simpsonville, S.C.

Wm Henry Goldsmith b Sept 26, 1842 ob June 20, 1864 unmarried. Was killed in Civil War near Kenesaw Mountain. He was a Lieut in 16th Reg S.C. Volunteers.

Mary Elizabeth Goldsmith b May 29, 1845 married 1 D.T. Moore of Ky. 3 children, ob. Married 2 Duke & had 2 children.

Thomas Bannister Goldsmith b Aug 15, 1847 ob Dec 27, 1913 married in Oct or Nov 1874 Mary Eliza Parks b Mch 8, 1853 ob Dec 19, 1914 daughter of James Allen Parks & wife Mary Jane Barksdale.

Janie Barksdale Goldsmith b Aug 10, 1877 at Laurens S.C. married Oct 10, 1899 Joseph Wylie Little born July 5, 1877 at Glenn Springs S.C. son of Wm Little & wife Catherine Montgomery. Have 2 children born at Simpsonville, S.C.

Mary Goldsmith Little b Dec 29, 1904

Fay Goldsmith Little b Aug 20, 1912

Frances Louise Goldsmith b Dec 11. 1994 at Simpsonville, S.C. Married 2d Mch 25, 1918 C.H. Gibson of Asheville, N.C. born in 1873 & ob 1918. His name Chas Howard Gibson.

Married 1st Nov 16, 1909 Clyde Burdette. B Nov 15, 1879 in Greenville Co S.C. ob Aug 5, 1912 son of David Burdette & wife Zelena McPherson. No issue.

Lucie Lillias Goldsmith b Nov 20, 1849 ob Oct 2, 1882 married Oct 20, 1874 Patrick Henry Reilly of Charleston S.C. No issue. He was reared in an orphan home & died in Greenville S.C. abt 1891

Ella Louise Goldsmith b Aug 18, 1852 married Dec 23, 1873 James Allen Parks b Apr 22, 1846 son of James Parks & wife Jane B. Barksdale. Have 9 children. Live at 3608 Spencer St, Dallas Texas. He died May 26, 1904. Her mother died when she was six days old & her father remarried 18 mos later. See next page 249 [which I include here for clarity] Her 9 children all born in Laurens Co, S.C.

James Allen Parks b Aug 21, 1875 ob Apr 18, 1918, unmarried

Lillie Goldsmith Parks b June 10, 1877 married Sept 4, 1918 Duncan Stuart Comrie b June 3, 1882 son of James & Christine Comrie of Glasgow, Scotland. No issue. He was born at the Bridge of Allen Scotland & his mother was Christina McLean.

Janie Barksdale Parks b July 3, 1879 ob Mch 10, 1914 unmarried

John Henry Parks b July 1, 1881, single

Wm Goldsmith Parks b Aug 29, 1883, single

Mary Louise Parks b Oct 8, 1885, single

Geo Harvey Parks b Oct 17, 1888 married Jany 28, 1913 Clara Smith b June 21, 1897 at Blum, Tex daughter of Wm J. Smith & wife Bertie Aldredge of O'Donnell, Tex. Have 5 children born, oldest born in Sweetwater, Texas, next to in O'Donnell, Tex & the last two in Dallas, Tex.

Ruth Ella Parks b Feby 2, 1914

Janie Barksdale Parks b Sept 15, 1917

Dorothy Parks b Jany 25, 1920

Clara Margaret Parks b Mch 27, 1922

Georgia Anita Parks b Aug 26, 1924

Douglas Thomas Parks b Aug 10, 1892, single

Fay Somers Parks b July 23, 1894 ob Dec 27, 1905

5. Jesse Kilgore Stone [son of Bannister Stone & Elizabeth Kilgore] b Nov 5, 1820 ob, died a bachelor in Greenville Co, S.C.

6. Elizabeth Keziah Stone b Mch 30, 1823 ob, married Fran Flairley [best guess] of Greenville Co S.C. Their eldest daughter is Mrs Rowens Thompson 403 S 1st St Alhambra, Calif. Writing. See book 16 p 344

7. Andrew Jackson Stone b June 10, 1833 near Greenville, S.C. ob Jany 28, 1893 at Hempstead, Texas, married July 1, 1856 Emmie Butler of Greenville S.C. ob. Moved to Texas soon after Civil War eldest son of Thos P Stone atty at law box 841 Waco Tex. Writing see page 568.

V21 Page 250

[descendant chart]

Volney Alaska Gaddis see book 20 p 118 born June 26, 1857, Yardman for Decatur Lumber Co, married Feby 26, 1881 Elizabeth Wolf. He didn't get his father's bible & don't know who did. Have had five children, the first one born in Montezuma, Ind, the next two in Augusta, Ind & the last two in Decatur, Ind. The four youngest children were all married at Decatur, Ills.


Carrie V. Gaddis b Apr 27, 1883 ob Apr 22, 1916

Nellie G. Gaddis b Dec 9, 1886 married June 1, 1915 at Decatur Ills Charles M. Kemplin.

Flossie M. Gaddis b Aug 2, 1889 married June 1, 1910 to Clarke Whittaker.

Bessie M. Gaddis b July 1, 1892 married July 15, 1920 to Earl Reeves

Paul W. Gaddis b Oct 18, 1897 married Nov 1, 1919 to Hazel Mooney.

V21 Page 251 [missing]

V21 Page 252

Oak Hill Aug 15, 1927 9:30 AM

A letter dated July 20, 1927 in answer to mine of June 6 from Mrs Ann McFadden to whom I had written at Russell, Kansas but now answers from 1015 Broadway, Concordia, Kansas says that she has just found out that her cousin Rev Richard Finley died some time ago. Thinks she may yet get something more to tell me.

A letter dated Aug 12, 1927 from Dora E. Gunnett of Fullerton, Calif who has been visiting in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mo & Ills written from 401 S. State St, Springfield, Ills says she will get mail at Box 1 Buffalo, Ills & is going to visit Mrs Ramsey at Oak Park, Ills.

She speaks of having visited her cousin Charles Preston Jack in San Francisco, Calif who told her there was a William Granville Jack there (same name as their Uncle see book 5 p 580 & b 15 p 343) to whom he wrote & got the following answer which I am rtg after copying & asking for his address:

"San Francisco

Mr Charles P. Jack: Sept 15, 1926

Dear Sir: In answering your letter, none of the names you mention are familiar to me. All my family are

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natives of Maine. My father's name was Timophy [sic] Hadley Jack & my grandfather's was Samuel Jack. Father had two brothers - Albert & William Jack, all deceased.

Yours very truly

W.G. Jack"

Oct 25, 1927

Another letter from Mrs Gunnett dated Sept 9, 1927 from same place as above says her address will still be the same until she leaves for home Oct 31. She wrote to Woodford Co, Ky for date of her gf Wm Jack's married but got no answer. She says the address of Wm G. Jack above is 940 Jones St San Francisco, Calif. I am writing tonight. The address of her cousin Charles Preston Jack is 1436 7th Ave San Francisco, Calif

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[descendant chart]]

Ambrose Pinkerton McIntire see book 20 p 624 born Feby 25, 1853 ob May 17, 1917 married Dec 17, 1874 Mary Francis Kirker born June 5, 1851 & now living in Detroit, Mich Apt 28, Crestwood, No 1099 Van Dyke Ave. They have four children born in Adams Co, Ohio.


Mabel May McIntire b Aug 8, 1876 married 1905 to Frank Fink who died. She is a milliner & lives at Pomona, Calif. No issue.

Charles Curtis McIntire b Sept 30, 1878 married May 19, 1904 Hettie Hotchkin born Jany 30, 1877 daughter of Henry Hotchkin & wife Mary Semple. He is a minister of the gospel & a lecturer located in Chicago Ills. Have 4 children all single born the first one at Ypsilanti, Mich, the next two at Salt Lake City, Utah & last one at Chicago, Ills. His mother who gives this record does not know the years of his children's births but gives their birthdays.

Charles Curtis McIntire Jr b May 17, 1906

Helen Swift McIntire b Mch 12, 1908

Herbert Blair McIntire b Dec 21, 1910

Wm Forest McIntire b June 4, 1912

Mary Margaret McIntire b Jany 7, 1883 at home with her mother, single

Kirker Dyer McIntire b Dec 3, 1888 married 1923 to Miss Bess Kames. Live in Chicago, Ills where he is in the Real estate business. Have one child. Nov 14/27 refuse to give further record.

Mary Jane McIntire

V21 Page 255 [missing]

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Cleveland O Sept 27, 1927 10:44 PM Have made all slips to here JVT

A letter dated July 27, 1927 from Mrs Anna McKee Halsey wife of Rev Walter N. Halsey of 2738 Crown Point Ave, Omaha, Neb says that through her little grandson's 4th of July fire crackers, she learned of Joseph Kilgore of Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas Co, O (make slip to go see him) who told her that I could likely give her the inf she sought concerning the service of Robert Kilgore in the Revolution, saying that the D.A.R. do not consider his service in the militia 1790-1800 as given in Penna Archives as sufficient. She speaks of his desperate struggle defending the home fort from the Indians in which they scalped & killed him. She also says that Mrs J. Kay Beachy, Regent of the D.A.R. Esbon, Kansas was of Robert's line, of which she has a short record compiled by a Phila lawyer relative many many years ago, but there are missing links. see page 562. She says she now has most of this record & I am writing asking her to send it to me. She asks for an Omaha friend about Jacob Grove see Jim Hadden's Hist of Fayette Co Vol 1 p 249.

She says her great great Uncle founded McKeesport. Also that her father who lived to be 90 was a graduate of Allegheny Theo Seminary & a Foreign Missionary to the Ojibway Indians on Lake Superior & taught in Wash &

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Jeff Academy when he graduated & his father was one of the early teachers in Centre Co near the home of many Kilgores. Says Mrs Beachy's ggfather Genl Dunlop founded Bellefonte, Pa - a mile from my birthplace, Milesburg. She asks if I have a John Wanamaker connection & says she is working on that line now, having taken up research work since leaving her work as teacher in the city schools here. Her husband, Rev Walter N. Halsey is stated clerk of the Presbytery of Omaha. She says the Penna Archives (I have written for book & page) reports the following Kilgores as in the Revolution

Daniel, David, James, Jesse, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Joshua, Nehemiah, Robert & William

Daniel, James, Joshua & Nehemiah may have been sons of Charles or Samuel. I do not suppose they could be sons of James & Elizabeth that died young.

She says her mother was born near Newton Hamilton & Jacks Mountain. She was a Postlethwaite-Norton.

A Mrs Henry Clay Valentine 113 West Curtis St, Bellefonte, Pa has spent years in research, building the monument to Center Co soldiers of the Revolution in Bellefonte, Pa. She might help. She is a connection of Gen Dunlop, related to Kilgores, writing & make slip. Says there is a Mrs J.E. Kilgore at 734 Academy St, Kalamazoo, Mich who is a D.A.R.. Writing tonight. See page 503

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Oak Hill Aug 16, 1927 2:42 PM

A letter dated Aug 12, 1927 just recd from Mrs William Hewlette Carothers, Indianola, Sunflower Co Miss says my address has been given her by Mrs W.A. Osborn of Atlanta Ga. She says she is working on the family history also & says her husband is son of Samuel Brown Carothers who is son of Samuel M. Carothers of Tenn a soldier of 1812 who was born in N.C. & was son of William Carothers, a Revolutionary soldier. I am writing her today.

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A letter dated July 30, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Minnie Rothermel McDowell cor. Montgomery & Woodbine Aves, Narberth, Pa see book 7 p 582 says for some reason, she cannot find the record of her father's family & will have to write to some of the relations. Thinks she can give the Thomson family later, from Mr John Thomson's daughter who is now on a trip. Says her sister, Mrs Thomson, see book 7 p 582 is getting peculiar & refuses to see anyone even her own family. She is 80 yrs old & is said to know more about the Rothermels than anyone else.

She says for me to write to Mrs Louisa Hensyl Van Zant who lives in Shamokin, Pa who can give the data for her mother, Susan Rothermel Hensyl & her sister Maria Rothermel Eisenhart, both sisters of Mrs McDowell's father, Samuel Hunter Rothermel see book 7 p 583 & book 16 p 538-9. Am writing her today.

Mrs McDowell says her husband, Samuel Rothermel McDowell died of Pneumonia last Apr 11, 1927. Says he had been poorly for a long time. Says her daughters are taking their vacations that Katherine left yesterday for Estey's Ranch, Wyo & Margaret is going to Bermuda. Says Minnie Abbott is abroad & when she returns will get her busy on record & will have her come to her home sometime to meet me. She [last line cut off]

V21 Page 360

"Wills of Berks Co Penna Vol 1 p 390

Peter Rothermel, Richmond Tp May 15, 1787, Letters of Admr to Christina, the widow of Jacob, a brother (see page 158 this book and also book 7 p 498)

Written on a paper by P.F. Rothermel (the artist) "My father's name was John (see book 7 p 588)

My grandfather was Peter

My grandmother Christine and after death of husband married Bastoe or Barstow"

Make slips & investigate reference above when making them.

V21 Page 361

Oak Hill, Aug 17, 1927 9:42 AM

A letter dated June 30, 1927 in answer to mine from my old friend, John M. Bishop, Powell Sta, Tenn postmarked Knoxville, Tenn relative to the efforts of the Civitan Club of Winchester, Tenn to honor the grave of Polly Finley Crockett, first wife of Davy Crockett sends a list of 29 Finley descendants but he has lost the letter transmittal but don't know from whom it came. (It is from Miss Estelle Finley, Columbia Tenn as I recognize her typewriter. They are not however, descendants of Polly Finley Crockett as I had expected.)

He wants the list returned, so I am copying it below, although I know of & am in correspondence with many of them. The undertaking has not been completed yet, but he hopes it will be this summer or fall. He says E.H. Gary, head of U.S. Steel has donated 60 rods of Woven wire fencing with which to enclose the abandoned graveyard where Polly Finley Crockett lies buried in an unmarked grave. The list is as follows:

Judge Gary's body arrives in Chicago fr NY about this time, this morning for funeral tomorrow at Whiten, Ills.

Miss Lucy L. Finley 194 S. Mountain Ave, Montclair NJ

Mr C.A. Hanna 15 Rockledge Road, Montclair NJ

Mr J.V. Thompson, Uniontown, Pa

Miss Mable Lindly 1715 S. 20th ST, Lincoln, Neb.

V21 Page 262

Miss Alice Finley Apt 2, 607 Union Ave, Knoxville, Tenn

Mrs Maude F. Case Kingsley House, Nutley NJ

Mr A.P. Finley, Sherman, Texas

Mr Roy Finley, attorney, Sherman, Texas

Dr F. W. Finley, Williamsburg, Ky

Mrs R.L. Sheffer, Hillvale, Road, Knoxville, Tenn

Hon Charlie Finley, Williamsburg, Ky

Mrs. C.D. Chenault 461 Limestone St, Lexington, Ky

Mr John Finley Jones Lexington, Ky

J.F. Finley Esq, Attorney, Chattanooga, Tenn

J.J. Finley Esq, attorney, Manchester, Tenn Hon Harry M. Finley, attorney, McConnellsville, O

Mr James O. Finley S.W. University, Memphis, Tenn

Mrs Nannie G. Finley, Flat River, MO

Mrs J.M. Barrett, Napton, MO

Mrs Alma Finley Barret, Napton, MO

Mrs Ross Sparman Columbia, Tenn

Mrs R.L. Whiteside 108 Oak Ave Denton Texas

Mr J.C. Finley 222 N 52d St Birmingham, Ala

Prof A.P. Finley Memphis, Tenn

Mr J.C. Taylor 505 N. High St Columbia, Tenn

Miss Mary F. Morton, route 2 Maryville, Tenn

Miss Finley Elder Clarksville, Tenn

Dr E.M. Fuque Pulaski, Tenn.

Mrs Saml P. Caldwell 308 Cherry St, Chattanooga, Tenn.

V21 Page 263

A letter dated July 22, 1927 in answer to mine of June 22, from Mrs Betty Jack Parker, Alvin Texas see book 16 p 110 says her parents bible was lost when they lived in Ark & she can't remember dates of birth of her brothers etc. Says she is very clannish & would dearly love to meet me. She encloses an 1925 letter from Capt Guy Jack of Scooba Miss whom she dearly loves. Says she has high blood pressure & a leaking heart & is never well.

A letter dated July 24, 1927 in answer to mine of June 4 to 11 1926 from James Gordon Kilgore now of route 12 box 969 Seattle Wash gives his mother's brother Wm C. Swick 311 Shawnee St Tecumseh Mich to whom I am writing for her dates. He gives several dates about all different from what his brother P.E. gave Mch 14, 1926. He says his daughter Evelynn Adelaide Kilgore married on Sept 1925 Clarence G. Mason & have one daughter, Marajane Hilary Mason b Sept 13, 1926. He says his mother was 36 when she died & that his father married his 2d wife about 6 yrs after she died.

V21 Page 264

A letter dated June 2, 1927 in answer to mine of Apr 21, from Hiram A. Gaddis Modoc, Ind see book 9 p 208, says his father Elisha P. Gaddis was the son of Wm Gaddis & he had brothers Jonathan & Allen & a number of sisters see book 9 p 208-9 & book 20 p 118-9. One of his father's sisters was Sarah Brown & her daughter Ruth Brown McKee died at Farmland, Ind several years ago. He says to write to Mrs Odel Martin, Greenfield, Ind. I am writing her for her line & also to H.A. for his line.

V21 Page 265

From page 219

Aug 18/27 10:30 AM

brother walked two miles to school through timber, brush & snakes & her stepmother was best woman ever. When she was 18 yrs old, Geo A. Harper boarded at their home 2 yrs & taught their district schools in 1872-4 & he & she were married Dec 3, 1874. Father moved away & I lived there in the old home where all my children were born. I was 4 yrs old when father moved there in 1858.

I went down to Des Moines & Uncle John's only daughter, Mattie Wills & I found in his old papers an old note book with grandfather's & grandmother's dates etc which I have entered on pages 220-1. I searched in the Historical bldg but found no McLucas history, but did find mine. I wrote Dan Smith at Letts, Louisa Co, Iowa but have no answer. He is grandson of Aunt Martha McLucas Smith, his father being her only child & had made his home for many years with this child, who I thought might have gotten some of the records. Sorry you didn't meet Miss Tice who is the best girl ever a model modern maid of 45.

She says that her grandfather, John McLucas, took sick on their way back from Iowa in a covered wagon, when they got to Westville, Ind (it may have been Laporte, Ind) & that he & his sister were sick in the same room, the only room in the house & both died there. The sister was Mary McLucas Petro, see book 20 p 178. The widow

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went back to Wayne Co, Ind with the children & died in a few years, 1844 when she was six, say 1860, her father, stepmother, brother & herself went in the fall to Centerville, O & stayed over winter with her great Aunts, "Betsy" & "Mattie" McLucas & Thomas & I went to school in a little red brick school house, & it was still there six yrs ago when I was back & a woman living close by said our old teacher Net Rider was still living. She sends the names of two of the children of her Uncle Brook's with list of their children see p 221. Family of William McLucas (son of Brooks & wife Susan A.):

Clarence A., at home, retired

Charles E., deceased

Mrs Charity P. Todd, Tipton, Ind

Mrs Blanche M. Woodruff, Tipton, Ind

Fred E., Etna Green, Ind

Mrs Cressie I. Glenn, Tipton, Ind

Family of H.C. & Martha A. Haskitt. She daughter of Brooks McLucas

Clyde, Elwood, Ind

Glenn, Tipton, Ind

Mrs Eva Bury, Logansport, Ind

Buel, at home

I am not writing to above at this time as I had written to Wm above.

V21 Page 267

Oak Hill, Aug 19, 1927 10:42 AM

A letter dated May 29, 1927 in answer to mine of March from Mrs M. Ella Pattison RD 3 Marion, Ind see book 20 p 353, says her ggfather's name was Archy Carothers (see book 20 p 353 & 463 & book 17 p 86) who was married twice. His first wife was Mary Clark, daughter of John Clark, who came from Rockbridge Co, VA & George Clark I spoke of was a brother of my grandmother Jane Clark Crothers & he married a sister of my gf John Crothers. see b 20 p 252-4 & 463 & bk 22 p 55-59

Her name was Jean Carothers & they moved to Indian, then went to Illinois, see book 20 p 352-4 (It is evident that her gf John Carothers & his sister Jean, both married their first cousins & that their father, Archibald, by marrying Sarah Clark for his 2d wife became brother-in-law of his children John & Jean. I think his first wife Mary was a sister & not daughter of John Clark for if a daughter John & Jean married their Aunt & Uncle.) See book 20 p 463

Ggfather died before I was born. You can write to my brother Wm Carothers Hagerty McMinnville, Oregon & he can tell you the address of Uncle Huey Carothers' widow. Am writing today see book 17 p 86. see page 524 this book.

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Oak Hill Aug 19, 1927 8:30 PM

I have been this afternoon reading over 33 pages 10 1/2 x 8 inches of a closely written by hand, letter of July 9, 1927 page letter & a two page Finley written 7x6 inch letter of July 30, 1927 from Maj A.F. France of 267 Hanover St, Annapolis, Md, with a wonderful wealth of records which it will take a great amount of work to record & table but which I will undertake to do, making reference in these new tables to the books & page where a complete record has been made of certain branches as I come to them, commencing with the smaller & later letter reporting some inf just recd from old papers of David Carlisle Humphreys which seem sufficient to establish George Finley, born June 4, 1723 as a seventh brother in the family of Michael Finley & Anne O'Neill. I will commence these tables on page 276 leaving the intervening pages to note what he says of his wonderful research & analysis in connecting different of the earlier branches of the family.

In his of July 30, he says:

I have just recd the following fr Kentucky (I am asking from whom) copy from old papers of David Carlisle Humphreys who married Margaret

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Finley, daughter of William Finley (1717 see Anjou's Finley History p 60). These papers & record was left by the widow of Dr Wm Humphreys, nephew of David.

Children of Michael Finley & his wife Ann O'Neill: see table page 276-7 so this shows that Andrew & George were the missing sons. Papers sent me give very accurate record giving dates etc of William Finley especially, the Humphreys, also the following:

Andrew Finley, born in Augusta Co,Va 1796 died in Shelby Co, Ky Aug 14, 1858 married Isyphenia Younger born Aug 19, 1806 Augusta Co, Va & died in Shelbyville, Ky Apr 7, 1856. Their children:

1. Mary Ellen Finley born Feby 13, 1827 died Sept 8, 1828

2. Dr William Finley born Sept 17, 1844 died Shelbyville, Ky Jany 13, 1853 married Betty Mathews, daughter of Rev William & Mary Pendleton Mathews. (Sept 28/27 some mistkae in above dates. JVT.) Their


1. William Finley, lives in Louisville, Ky

2. Andrew Finley, lives in St Louis, Mo

3. Jennie Finley married Reed

4. Betty Finley married Judge Reid

Tombstone in Grove Hill Cem Shelbyville, Ky

Cyrus Finley born Oct 18, 1828 ob June 21, 1866

Andrew Finley born Feby 9, 1839 ob July 31, 1863

This Cyrus Finley was a son of George Brisbane Finley moved fr N.C. to Ky & thence to St Louis, buried in Shelbyville, Ky. Now if this Andrew was a son of An-

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drew, I do not know. Like you to send me what you have of Andrew when I receive any more inf will send along. Am writing to Augusta Co, Va for more data. You know what the Gov of N.C. sd to the Gov of S.C. - it is a long time between letters.

I am writing him about Andrew Finley's descendants see pages 108-166 this book

He has no doubt of George being a younger son of Michael Finley & Ann O'Neill. Says he expects to get soon the dates for the last generation in his Michael Jr line. My question numbered

2. Through correspondence with Mrs H.B. Smith of Elgin, Texas, now living in Austin, Tex, he got record of Dr Samuel Finley, son of Rev Samuel 1715-1766. She has the old bible of her gf Samuel Finley born 1786 died in Miss June 12, 1862 & will copy record I have. Have no proof as yet that William Finley, his brother, was the father of Polly Finley who married David Crockett. Judge Earnest Crockett of Yankton, S.Dak is looking into it. Records of Salem Co NJ show that said Dr Samuel Finley married Nancy Moore & had two sons William & Samuel & four daughters, the sons born in Maryland, moved to Tenn. Samuel owned & operated a mill called Finleys Mill near Pikeville, Bledsoe Co Tenn in the Sequatchi[cut off]

V21 Page 271

Valley. This (he says) is where Wm Finley, farmer, father of Polly Crockett lived. I am working on this now. (His will is at Dandridge, Jefferson Co, Tenn)

3. John Finley, Ky explorer was the son of Archibald Finley born 1724. I have proven to C.W. Bransford who sent me all of his records that his wife's family did not belong here. Her ggggf was John Finley Sr of Augusta Co, Va who married Thankful _______ & was a son of a James Finley & from Md records this James was a son of Robert Finley born May 9, 1681 died in West Nottingham 1741 & a brother of Michael Sr, the emigrant. Am working with Mr Bransford on this line. (Anjou's record of his will Finley hist pages 42 & 43 only names two children, Mary & Robert)

4. He says he rtd the Leighton Finley letters to Mrs Gambrill, Balto, Md. Says he found records of Geo Finley written by Rev Wm Finley Humphreys who published a book on the Humphreys family of America. Sent to me by Miss Willson of Louisville, Ky & also from Dr Geo W. Finley Brazil, Ind. He says he now believes that James Kennedy Finley gf of Estelle Finley of Columbia, Tenn was a son of John Finley, the son of George who moved go Guilford Co N.C. thence moved on the Tenn. Am sending what I have on George.

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5. Says he has copy of the John Finley of Augusta Co Va will & this is Mrs Bransford's line. He was son of James & died in Augusta Co Va married Thankful _____, was a justice of the peace, Elder in Tinkling Springs Church, was a man of high standing & came from Carlisle, Pa & had a brother Robert & William. He gives two pages of his descendants which I will table commencing on page 278, but as it is after 11:15 PM, will leave it until tomorrow.

He then takes up the record of John Finley, the Ky explorer. Says he has a fine record of his roaming life, but it is a long story & covers many pages. Also has copy of will & land records of his father, Archibald Finley see table p 280.

Aug 22d 10:22 AM He then goes on to give what he has learned about George Finley, son of Michael & Anne "O'Neill Finley & next child younger than gggmother Martha Finley. I am tabling the record he gives on page 282 et seq. In a letter written by Dr Cyrus Finley of St Louis, Mo to Lt Leighton Finley, he said his father often said that ggf George Finley was a brother of Rev Samuel Finley. He asks for what I have of the missing Andrew & says that his records are not for publication. Says he is only doing it for amusement & has found it of such interest, that he has enjoyed the correspondence. Says has complete history of Clan Finley & coat of Arms, a copy of which he sent me.

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He says Finley McNutt of Terre Haute, Ind graduate of Naval Academy & who died May 15, 1927 see book 15 p 407-9 & 458 sent him a wonderful record of Rev James which I am asking you to send me. He says his youngest son, Lieut Wm Cook France expects to be married on July 15, to Miss Harriette Nixon of Johnstown, Pa see book 13 p 171.

He says Mrs Smith was to get dates of birth of children of Samuel Finley but so far has not sent them (am asking him to send them along when she gets them)

Andrew Finley's name appears as Admr of his estate on record sent me from NJ wife Nancy, sons William & Samuel daughters Nancy, Sarah, Prudence Young? He must have owned property in Tenn also owned part of the estate of his father on George Road 7 miles from New Brunswick 10 miles from Princeton, of 200 A

The will of John Moore of Woodbridge NJ (Middlesex Co) names wife Mary & children: son Benjamin, son Samuel, son William son John, daughter Rachel, daughter Sarah, daughter Nancy Finley, daughter Frances Lockhart. Record shows he, ie Saml Finley, was a physician in Salem Co NJ also lived for awhile in Cecil Co Md. Records of Queen Anne Co Md shows a Dr Samuel Finley whose two sons Wm & Samuel were born in Md

Dr Humphreys record also says that Ebenezer Finley, son of Rev Samuel, after the war moved to Charleston, S.C. was a physician & married & moved to Ohio. Make slips.

V21 Page 274

Rev Saml C. Hodge of West Chester, Pa son of Rev J. Aspinwall Hodge & Charlotte Morse who was a daughter of Rev Richard Cary Morse, brother of Samuel Finley Breese Morse, sent me what he had & also mention both Samuel & Ebenezer being married. Ebenezer moved to Ohio. If I get a chance tomorrow, will copy my branch & Saml Finley's. The coat of arms he sent me was sent to him from Scotland. Says: "You never sent me your branch". Am doing so now.

Aug 23, 6:52 PM

He gives line of Samuel Finley son of Dr Samuel 1748-1834 son of Rev Dr Samuel Finley 1715-1766. I am tabling same commencing on page 284-290. He says he will send on the dates when he gets them.

He says all he has missing now of Rev Samuel & Sarah Hall is Sarah Finley born Cecil Co Md 1747 married Isaac Snowden of Phila. Have no record so far of children. I think I have among the Leighton Finley papers.

Aug 24th 10:15 AM

I find he has taken thirteen pages 10 1/2 x 8 in to give in more detail his own line, what he calls the "fourth Branch" viz Michael Jr 1718-1785 which should really be the "Fifth Branch" as he counted Andrew as one that was missing.

V21 Page 275

Michael Jr & his brother William prior to 1768 bought from Wm Baird for £600, 158 A in Hamilton ban Tp, York Co Pa which since 1800 has been Adams Co. On June 28, 1768, Wm sold his half 79 A to John McKnight for £300. Michael retained his half until his death. On Dec 17, 1770 Michael bought for £100 from Charles Carroll of Annapolis Md 106 1/2 A in same Tp being part of Carroll's Delight & on June 22, 1786, he sold 104 3/4 A for £1000 to John McKnight & moved to Augusta Co, VA. He must have moved back as we find his will in 1800 in Adams or York Co, Pa. Michael names as legatees wife Ann, sons Joseph & Ebenezer & Hannah, daughter of his oldest son Joseph. See page 292 for part of the information given which I am tabling.

He says he has just recd address of Miss Emma M. Palmer see page 295 & is writing for additional data.

He says his gf Col Richard France built & owned the first brown stone house in Balto, Md & also owned the villa or Colonial mansion on one of the most charming sites in Talbot Co Md where he at one time entertained his entire Co 5th Md Reg. Says his father Wm Cook France moved to Ky in 1886 & at Highland, near Lexington Ky bred & raised trotting horses. Says the military record of the Finleys shows up very prominent in the history of the Country. Several of them were with Genl Washington & spent the winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge enduring much suffering from cold & hunger & their names appear in the battles of Brooklyn Heights, retreat from Long Island, Heights of Harlem, White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Germantown, Cowpens Guilford C.H. Entarie Springs, Campaign of Va & in [cut off]

V21 Page 276 & V21 Page 277

[descendant chart]



John Finley born May 3, 1713 County Armagh, Ireland

Samuel Finley born July 2, 1715 County Armagh, Ireland

William Finley born Apr 17 (18) 1717 (twin) ob 1800 book 13 p 354 see will at Gettysburgh, Pa Sept 1, 1800 see page 474.

Andrew Finley born Apr 17, (18) 1717 (twin)

Michael Finley born Feby 3, 1718

Martha Finley born Jany 2, 1722

George Finley b June 4, 1723

James Finley b Feby 4, 172[cut off]

V21 Page 278 & V21 Page 279



John Finley son of James who Maj A.F. France says Md records prove to be son of Robert, brother of our Michael Sr page 271. John came from Carlisle, Pa to Augusta Co, Va where he was a justice of the peace, an Elder in Tinkling Springs Church & a man of high standing. He made his will Aug 17, 1791, probated Sept 20, 1791 see will book 7 page 404 my book 10 p 174. He died Sept 1791 in Augusta Co, Va. His will names 8 children. Married Thankful ________

George Finley ob, married June 29, 1786 Polly Gaines, daughter of Wm Gaines & wife Sarah Strothers of Albermarle Co Va who settled in Ky in 1783. He moved to Lincoln Co Ky. Had 5 children.

Col Obediah Finley ob, married Mrs Bransford's ancestor

Sally Finley ob married Wiseman

Kittie Finley ob married Brensten [best guess]

George Finley Jr ob

Ann Finley ob married Green

Robert Finley ob, no record as yet

Margaret Finley ob, married Shields

John Finley Jr ob in 1802 in Augusta Co, Va Married Esther Reed see book 11 p 120. In book 11 p 120 I had tabled this John as being son of Wm but Maj France may be right in placing him as a son of John.

Ann Finley. Maj France has it Jane, but I got it fr will book 10 p 175, ob married James Shannon & he married 2d Jane Brown. Ann had 5 children.

Polly Finley Shannon ob married Alexander Reid

Jane Finley Shannon ob married Oct 28, 1828 Dr Cyrus Finley, Shelby Co, Ky & moved to St Louis, Mo

John Finley Shannon ob married Wallace

Sarah Shannon ob, died young

Thomas C. Shannon ob, married 1847 to Mary Mayne.

Martha Finley named in will as "Patsy Locklane?"

Esther Finley ob married July 1, 1804 Isaac Tate of Shelby Co KY

Polly Finley ob married Oct 1804 to John Shannon b Apr 28, 1784 son of Samuel Shannon & wife Martha Brocher

James Finley b July 19, 1783 see my record. ob Oct 2, 1866 in Lincoln Co MO married July 15, 1813 Mary Ramsey see b 11 p 120.

Andrew Ramsey Finley b Apr 3, 1818 at Shelbyville Ky ob Santa Ana, Calif.

S.H. Finley b Oct 10, 1862 in Lincoln Co Mo Lives at Santa Ana, Calif.

Thomas Finley [son of John of James] ob married, moved to

Abbeville S.C.

Thankful Finley ob married McCarter

Jane Finley, ob married Trimble

David Finley ob married Elizabeth Mounts & moved to Lincoln Co, Ky. Mrs B.A. Dawes of Danville, Ky is a descendant. No further record.

Robert Finley [brother of John & son of James?]

William Finley

V21 Page 280 & V21 Page 281

[descendant chart]

Archibald Finley ob Mch 11, 1749-50 in Bucks Co, Pa see book 13 p 223. He was a brother of my ggggf Michael Finley & came over with him landing in Phila, Pa Sept 23, 1734. Married Margaret____ who survived him.


John Finley, oldest son b 1724 in Co Armagh, Ireland see book 13 p 223, place of death unknown, but I think we should search at Abingdon, Washington Co, Va. Married Sept 15, 1744. Bible record. Elizabeth Harris born in Pa June 13, 1728 daughter of John Harris Sr. Died in Harrisburg, Pa Sept 1769 & is buried beside her father in Harrisburg, Pa. He was in the Braddock Expedition in 1755 & there met Boone & told him about Ky & 15 yrs later went down to the Yadkin in NC, got Boone & others & piloted them into Ky.

Esther Finley b Aug 22, 1745 ob, married Capt Wm Patterson, the noted Indian Fighter

Margaret Finley b June 3, 1747 ob married William Wertz & moved to Brooke Co, Va & had 5 children. Make slip to search records.

John Wertz, ob

Isabella Wertz, ob

Martha Wertz, ob

Wm Augustine Wertz, ob

James Wertz, ob

John Finley Jr born in Salisbury, Lancaster Co, Pa Sept 28, 1760 died at St Charles, Kane Co, Ills Mch 11, 1846 See book 15 p 446-74 for war record etc, which same record was sent to A.F.F. from the Dept. He first went with his parents when young to Berkeley Co, VA then to Wash Co, Pa then to Brooke Co, Va then to Jefferson Co, O in 1802 after living 20 yrs in Brooke Co then to Delaware Co Ohio where he lived in 1834. Married Sept 1780 Priscilla Hayes born 1761 died 1836, daughter of Capt Joseph L. Hayes & wife Joanna Passmore of Pa. His only surviving children in 1846 were David & Robert.

David Finley born Oct 1781 ob 1853 married 1803 Nancy Miller b 1787 ob 1853, daughter of Lieut Col Henry Miller of Pa. Had 17 children see bk 15 p 466-74.

Mahlon Brown Finley b Jany 22 1804 ob, married Margaret Falls

William Finley b Sept 20, 1805

Julianna Finley b June 17, 1807

Charlotte Finley b Aug 20, 1808 ob married Horace Watts

Eliza Finley b July 29, 1810 ob married Warren Watts

Beulah Finley b Dec 9, 1812 ob married Saml Frazier John Finley b May 2, 1814 ob married Fannie Ray

Elizabeth Harris Finley b June 3, 1816 ob, married _______ Plummer

Mary Ann Finley (twin) b Sept 17, 1818, ob

Sarah Finley (twin) b Sept 17, 1818 ob married Stephen Reed

Hannah Finley b Apr 21, 1821 ob, married Davis Baily

Nancy Finley b Sept 17, 1823

Priscilla Miller Finley (twin) b Jany 26, 1826, ob

Thomas Finley (twin) b Jany 25, 1826, ob

David Finley b Feby 8, 1828, ob

Ezra Finley b Oct 15, 1830 ob

Watts Finley b Nov 4, 1833, ob

Priscilla Finley [daughter of John Finley Jr] b 1783 ob of small pox in young girlhood.

Robert Finley ob

Henry Finley [son of John Finley Sr], ob, married

Alexander Finley, ob

Archibald Finley, ob

Agnes Finley ob, married to Henry Kelso

V21 Page 282 & V21 Page 283

[descendant chart]

George Finley born in County Armagh, Ireland June 4, 1723 died in Guilford Co N.C. 1800, lies buried in the old g.y. near Greensboro, Guilford Co N.C. (this is near Reedy's Fork of Cape Fear River). He moved from Sadsbury Tp Chester Co Pa to Lancaster Co, Pa thence to Queen Anne Co Md (which is next Co south of & adjoining Kent Co Md). About 1758-9 (it was in 1853) was sent by Rev Dr Samuel Finley, President of the Nottingham Co of Cecil Co Md (just north of & adjoining Kent Co, Md) his brother, to purchase 33 surveys or 21,120 A of land on the North Buffalo & Reedy Fork of Cape Fear River, Guilford, N.C. Married. She survived her husband, lived around among her children & died at her son George's home in Guilford Co NC being "pretty old". See book 15 p 442. Had children as below. See Mrs Belk's statement book 15 p 442-3. The record of Maj France states that the four older sons were born in Queen Anne Co Md & the 5th in Guilford Co, N.C. He does not mention the daughter Elizabeth.


James Finley born 1752-3 & died 1832 in Guilford Co NC & is buried in the old g.y. there. Make slip see b 15 ps 442-3. Married 1791. Children born in Greensboro, N.C.

George Brisbane Finley b May 15, 1792 ob in Clay Co, Mo 1879 Farmer & stock raiser. Strict Presbyterian, took great interest in the Church & in educational Institutions endowing & maintaining Richmond Males College, Clay City, MO. Married 1 & had 3 sons. Married 2 & had 3 sons.

Rufus Washington Finley, b Jany 21, 1823 in Greensboro, NC educated at Betsy Hobb's Institute, moved to Clay Co, Mo. Taught private school until 1840. Prof of Languages in Sweet Spring (Mo) College 1854 Richmond (Mo Male College 1861-5 Capt in Civil War U.S.A. Principal of Elizabeth Hull Seminary Lexington MO. Married. Large family.

James Milton Finley ob in Mexican War

John McIver Finley ob, teacher in Clay Co, MO

Samuel R. Finley, ob moved to Calif

Dr Cyrus P. Finley ob, moved to St Louis, Mo

David C. Finley ob lawyer in Kansas City.

Anna Finley ob married Walker. Lived & died in NC

Sarah Finley ob married Reece or Reed. Lived to a great age in East Tenn.

four other daughters. They worked out in the fields & were "good looking" book 15 p 443

John Finley b 1800 merchant, removed to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Killed by the Indians. Unmarried.

John Finley 2d son [of George Finley of Ireland] born in Queen Anne Co, Md 1755 & moved with his father to NC was in Battle of Kings Mountain. Married & settled in Blount Co, Tenn. Maj France thinks he was the ggfather of Estelle Finley & I believe he is right. See bk 13 p 253-7

James Finley b Dec 21, 1802 ob Nov 27, 1854 in Blount Co Tenn see book 13 p 256 gf of Miss Estelle K. Finley.

Robert Finley ob see bk 13 p 257 went to Ohio

William Finley, ob



George Finley, the 3rd child born Dec 15, 1757 ob Jany 28, 1833 Capt Oct 23, 1777 5th Bat of Militia Queen Anne Co regiment married twice & had 2 children by 1st wife & 9 children by 2d wife. See bk 15 p 444-7. He reports the 2d child Frances as a mute which is correct. At above reference are notations of many pages in book 19 from page 269-407 where I gathered records of his descendants when in Indiana last Nov.

Joseph Finley ob, the 4th son born in Queen Anne Co, Md. Lived & died on old homestead, Guilford Co NC. He married twice & had 2 boys by 1st wife. His widow remarried see bk 15 p 443 & make slip to see his will at Guilford N.C. to get names of his sons.

Robert Finley ob fifth son born in Guilford Co N.C. No further record. Look for will of his father about yr 1800 also at Guilford N.C.

Elizabeth Finley ob married Cunningham. Had a family & lived in Guilford Co, N.C. Look for his or her will.

V21 Page 284 & V21 Page 285

[descendant chart]

Dr Samuel Finley, 4th son of Rev Dr Samuel Finley born in 1748 in West Nottingham, Cecil Co, Md, died in Salem Co NJ 1834. Letters of Adm granted to Andrew Finley Oct 13, 1834. He was an A.B. from Princeton College Sept 25, 1765 & an M.D. commissioned during the Revolutionary War as surgeon Apr 10, 1778 of 14th Mass Regiment, transferred to 7th Mass June 1, 1781 & until June 3, 1783, entered U.S. Army as surgeon 12th infantry Sept 4, 1799, resigned Apr 1, 1800. Married May 18, 1777 Nancy Moore daughter of John Moore of Woodbridge, NJ & his wife Mary. See page 146.


William Finley born in Md 1778 & died in Tenn. No further record.

Nancy Finley b 1780 in Md. No further record

Sarah Finley b in NJ 1781, married Argubright

Prudence Finley b in NJ 1784 married Young

Samuel Finley born in Md 1786 died June 13, 1862 in Miss. Studied medicine but did not finish became a merchant & moved with his brother William & settled in Sequatchie Valley East Tenn. Owned a mill called Finleys Mill near "Finleys Gap" Removed to Guntown, Lee Co Miss. Married 1820 Lucy Etter born 1800 & died in Guntown, Miss May 30, 1881 daughter of George Henry Etter born Aug 27, 1765 died Mch 11, 1842 & his wife Elizabeth Wax born Nov 22, 1773 & died Dec 10, 1810 of Rogersville, Tenn. Geo H. Etter was son of Hans George Etter, passenger on Ship Phoenix landing at Phila Aug 28, 1750. Moved to Fincastle Va married Elizabeth Wax. Had 4 children all born in Tenn the 3d at Finleys Mills & the 4th in Hawkins Co.

George Henry Finley born 1822 ob 1876 in Texas, lawyer Capt in Civil War 2nd Tenn Reg C.S.A. married 1843 Minerva Swafford daughter of Peter J. Swafford & wife of Pikeville, Tenn. Had 8 children.

Wm Bainbridge Finley b 1844

Samuel Peters Finley b 1846 ob 1925 in Texas in Civil War C.S.A. married 1882 Martha Parker.

Dr Hulen Kirk Finley b 1883

George Parker Finley b 1889

Harriet Erskine Finley b 1848 married 1879 William I. Snow Have 3 children

Lucy Rebecca Finley b 1849 in Tenn

James E. Finley b 1851 in Tenn married 1891 Almer St Clair

Mary Elizabeth Finley b 1853 married 1884 Alexander Bishop

John Monroe Finley b 1856 in Tenn ob 1911 in Texas, married 1881 Elizabeth Jane Phillips

Louis Hulen Finley b 1860

Harriet Minerva Finley born 1824 died in Exeter Calif Nov 27, 1916 married Jany 1, 1849 Hulen H.W. Boggan born Mch 23, 1825 & died Sept 18, 1874 in Tulare Co, Calif see page 286 children born in Guntown, Miss.

Caroline Elizabeth Finley born at Finleys Mill near Pikeville Tenn Aug 10, 1828 & died Feby 12, 1912 in Zion, Lake Co, Ills married 1851 at Richmond? Miss Zadok Ford Stevens born in Ky Dec 12, 1814 & died in Tupelo, Miss Oct 15, 1884. Had 7 children, the first six born in Guntown, Miss & the 7th in Tulare Co, Calif.

Mary Imogene Stevens b July 11, 1852 married Feby 12, 1871 Dr Chas H. Smith born in Tenn 1834 ob West Point, Miss Dec 7, 1883. Graduate of Med Univ Nashville, Tenn see page 288

Harriet Ann Stevens b Apr 1, 1856 married Apr 2, 1893 in Elgin, Texas Hiram B. Smith born in Elgin Tex July 11, 1858, moved 1927 to Austin, Tex see page 288

Wm Adolphus Stevens b July 27, 1859 ob Oct 30, 1884 unmarried

Sallie Etler Stevens b Apr 1860 ob 1862

Charles Emmett Stevens b Dec 28, 1862 married 1 Nov 26, 1890 Fannie Marie McKenny born July 23, 1860 & died Roseville Ga Oct 20, 1901 married 2d July 18, 1912 Mary Elizabeth Hinds born Redhill, Ala Oct 7, 1871. Had 3 children by 1st wife. The 1st born at Meridian Miss 2d one at Ridgedale Tenn. See page 289

Lucy Elizabeth Stevens b Oct 3, 1867 married July 6, 1892 Chas C. Greer born in Mo Oct 7, 1869. see page 287

Jennie Lucretia Stevens b Nov 7, 1870 married Oct 9, 1900 at Elgin, Texas A.H. Carter born Redhill Ala Apr 5, 1848. Has 4 children born in Elgin Texas see page 287.

James Lockhart Finley [daughter of Samuel Finley born 1786] born in Hawkins Co, Tenn Sept 8, 1835 & died Tupelo, Miss Aug 27, 1896, lawyer district atty Capt of a Tenn Reg in Civil War General of State Militia Miss Dist. Married 1862 Kate M. Thomas born in Itawamba Co, Miss Aug 20, 1841 & died Tupelo, Miss June 14, 1906 see page 290.

V21 Page 286

[descendant chart]

Harriet Minerva Finley see page 284 married Jany 1, 1849 Hulen H.W. Boggan


Lucian G. Boggan b Dec 21, 1849 ob May 12, 1919 in Tupelo Co Miss married May 2, 1878 in Miss Ida Chapman ob Dec 1918. 4 children.

Genevia Boggan b 1879 married W.C. Feinbaugh

Genevia Boggan Feinbaugh

Furman Boggan married Marjorie Hicks

Furman Boggan Jr

Marjorie Boggan

Hattie Boggan married W.C. Wyatt

Roy Boggan married Katherine Coman

George Walter Boggan b Feby 7, 1852 living in Exeter Calif, unmarried

Edith A. Boggan b Aug 12, 1854 ob 1872 in Tulare Co, Calif

Inez Etter Boggan b Aug 19, 1857 ob Feby 23, 1867

Lucy Etter Boggan b Dec 20, 1859 ob May 15, 1860

Sallie E. Boggan b Feby 17, 1863 married July 6, 1898 James P. Anderson who died 1908. Have two children born in Exeter, Calif.

James Emmett Anderson b May 13, 1900 married June 4, 1923 Eva Jane Hager born Oct 8, 1903. Have 2 children.

Jane Hager b Apr 24, 1924

Bonnie Lois Hager b Jany 20, 1926

Lois Inez Anderson b Oct 8, 1903

V21 Page 287

[descendant chart]

Lucy Elizabeth Finley see page 285. Has 9 children [married Charles C. Greer]


Esther Greer b Apr 10, 1893 ob in infancy

Carrie Greer b Sept 2, 1894 ob 1919 at Zion Ills

Hattie May Greer b Aug 21, 1896

Chas Wesley Greer b May 7, 1899

Lutie Ruth Greer b Aug 7, 1901

John Alexander Greer b Aug 17, 1903

Anna Lucile Greer b Sept 11, 1905

Lucie Estelle Greer B Dec 2, 1907

Ruth Evangeline B Sept 14, 1910

V21 Page 288

[descendant chart]

Mary Imogene Finley see page 285. Had five children [married Chas H. Smith]


Martha Lenna Smith b Nov 26, 1872 married July 28, 1896 Peter Tucker Rather born Mch 31, 1869 in Holly Springs, Miss. Have one child born in Elgin, Texas.

Julia Frances Rather b June 7, 1897 married 1924 Dr M.I. Ewing b Gate City Va Jany 31, 1896. Have one child born at Amory, Miss

Richard M. Ewing b May 11, 1925

Carrie Estelle Smith b Nov 13, 1874 ob Feby 13, 1906

Walter McElrath Smith b Apr 25, 1877 unmarried

Victor Ford Smith b Oct 3, 1879 unmarried

Annie Belle Smith b Sept 29, 1881 married 1900 W.S. Thompson. No issue

[descendant chart]

Harriet Ann Finley see page 285. Has one child [married Hiram B. Smith]

[descendant charts]

Lutie Ruth Smith b Sept 26, 1896 At Elgin, Tex, educated at N.W. Univ Georgetown, Tenn. Married Mch 4, 1919 Wayland Coates Rivers born at Elgin Tex Jany 11, 1888. He served in officer's training camp, Camp Pike, Little Rock Ark in the World War.

V21 Page 289

[descendant chart]

Charles Emmett Finley see page 285


William Eddie Stevens b Aug 29, 1891 was in World War in U.S. Marines, captured by Germans at Chateau Thierry in June 1918 & held until Armistice & then served in Army of occupation at Coblenz, Germany. Honorably discharged Aug 13, 1919, Public accountant, Charlotte N.C. Married Nov 20, 1920 Ruth Evadna Hickman born Aug 5, 1901 in Retro? Tenn. Have 2 children.

William Eddie Stevens Jr B Feby 10, 1922

Martha Elizabeth Stevens b May 20, 1923

Emmett Finley Stevens b Apr 19, 1895 1st Lieut Field Artillery in World War observer school of Aerial Gunnery, transferred Nov 11, 1918 to Aerial Camp Garden City L.I. Honorably discharged Dec 15, 1918 married May 10, 1919 Sarah Elizabeth Coleman. Have 2 children

Frances Elizabeth Stevens b June 29, 1921

Margaret Ann Stevens b Jany 8, 1927

Robert Jones Stevens b Nov 2, 1896

[descendant chart]

Jennie Lucretia Stevens [married Carter] see page 285


Emmett Finley Carter b July 1, 1901 married June 20, 1925 to Charlotte Reed born at Schenectady NY 1900. Student in training camp, Rice Univ. Houston, Tex in World War

Lulu Ruth Carter b May 5, 1903

Harriet Elizabeth Carter b Feby 4, 1906

Nora Estelle Carter b Sept 20, 1910

V21 Page 290 & V21 Page 291

[descendant chart]

James Lockhart Finley see page 285 married 1862 Kate M. Thomas Have 8 children, the first 7 born in Guntown, Miss & the last in Tupelo, Miss


William Orvin Finley b Oct 31, 1863 married Ann Demuth. Had 1 child died in infancy

Edwin Clifford Finley b May 13, 1866 married Oct 1, 1910 Frances Cady of Columbus, Miss. Have 1 child born in St Louis, Mo

Frances Katherine Finley b 1921

Lucie Almira Finley b June 13, 1868 ob Jany 27, 1869

Geo Bessonett Finley b Oct 31, 1869 ob Dec 27, 1881

Robert Smith Finley b Oct 26, 1871 ob June 9, 1896

Mary Etler Finley b May 10, 1874 married Dec 1906 A.C. Biagi. Have 4 children the first two born in Tupelo, Miss & the last two twins in St Louis, MO

Mary Elenor Biagi b Nov 14, 1907 married Dec 1923 Ray Haney. Have 2 children.

Mary Frances Haney b Dec 21, 1924

Kathrine Louise Haney b Dec 6, 1926

Kate Finley Biagi b Feby 5, 1909

Finley Biagi b May 27, 1911 (twin)

A.C. Biagi Jr b May 27, 1911 (twin)

Hoevry Lockhart Finley b Sept 1, 1876 married Sept 24, 1900 Edna Lee Moore of Tupelo, Miss. Have 2 children.

Mary Kathrine Finley b Dec 2, 1901

James Lee Finley b Sept 25, 1903

James Alemiah? Finley b Dec 12, 1881 was Capt of Infantry 87th Div Cap Pike, Ark in World War. Now District Attorney over 7 counties in North Miss. Married Dec 25, 1908 to Charlee Helen Garner of Columbus, Miss. No issue.

V21 Page 292 & V21 Page 293

[descendant chart]

Michael Finley Jr son of Michael & Anne O'Neill Finley born in Co Armagh, Ireland Feby 3, 1718 & died in Hamiltonbann Tp York Co, Pa (now Adams Co, Pa) June 19, 1785 see book 13 pages 170-1 & 221 also page 142-3 this book. Married June 23, 1752 Ann Lewis born in Ireland Apr 5, 1728, daughter of John Lewis & his wife Margaret Lynn daughter of the Laird of Loch Lynn. John Lewis emigrated to America early & first settled in Penna & thence to Augusta Co, Va Michael & Ann are buried in Lower Marsh Creek g.y. now in Adams Co, Pa. Get date of her death.

[their son]

Ebenezer Finley born in Hamiltonbann Tp Adams Co, Pa 1763 & died in Baltimore, Md Sept 13 (or 15) 1822 aged 59 yrs see book 13 ps 170 & 221. He & his first wife Jane are buried in old Westminster Church g.y. corner Fayette & Green Sts Balto, Md. On Nov 26, 1803 he sold to Geo Adams for £2475, 185 1/2 A of which 106 1/2 A is what his father got in 1770 fr Chas Carroll & 79 A is his father's 1/2 of what he & Wm bought in 1768 fr Wm Baird, he having by his father's will gotten all of his real estate. He & his wife Jane moved to Balto Md & lived at 20 N. Howard St, then near Monument St & was a leading & prominent Elder in organization of First Pres Ch there in 1804. Married twice. Married 1 Dec 19, 1784 Jane McKnight born say 1764 (he says 1766) & died Mch 26, 1809 by whom he had 8 children. Married 2 Oct 17, 1809 Mrs Catherine Allen Marshall, widow of Henry Marshall of Lexington, Ky who was born Sept 10, 1775 ob May 27, 1864 by whom he had 3 children. She had had by her first husband John Marshall & Polly Marshall born in Ky


Michael Augustus b 1785 ob 1838 A.B. Princeton 1804 Prof Univ of Md Physician Williamsport, Md married 1 Eliza Van Lear b Feby 2, 1790 ob 1809. No issue. Married 2 Isabella Brown who died. No issue

John McKnight Finley b Dec 18, 1787 ob Sept 1850 in New Orleans La merchant in Balto, Md & New Orleans, Col of the 5th Md Reg in War of 1812, married Mary Van Lear, twin sister of Eliza born Feby 2, 1790 & died 1818. Had 2 children both died in infancy.

John Finley ob in infancy

Mary Finley ob in infancy

Nancy Finley b 1790 ob 1792 look for tombstone in Lower Marsh Cr Ch g.y.

David Barr Finley b Jany 18, 1792 ob Sept 1820 on board ship Cario on passage from New Orleans

Ebenezer Lewis Finley b Oct 3, 1794 ob June 5, 1839 see book 13 p 175 & 221 & p 142 this book. He was born in Hamiltonbann Tp & died in Balto, Md lawyer in Balto Md on Aug 24, 1824, he was spokesman of a delegation of four from Balto to NY & was presented by the Mayor there to Marquis de LaFayette & Col Finley have him the Resolutions of Council inviting him to Balto as the city's guest. He came Oct 6, 1824 on the steamboat U.S. He was a private in Capt Moulter's Co in the defense of Balto vs the British 1812-14 & later Col in the Militia 5t Md Reg on Aug 8, 1829 (I think 1827) closed the ceremonies of the commencement of the B&O RR with a speech which was universally lauded. See Scharf's Chronicle of Balto, Md. His wife died in Florida. Had 8 children. So far, Maj France has not been able to get exact dates of birth etc of his 8 children see book 13 p 220-1

Mary Finley b July 4, 1798 ob Aug 21, 1823

Joseph Washington Finley b Apr 28, 1801 ob 1857 unmarried

Samuel Finley b Feby 1, 1804 ob Feby 2, 1804

Isham Randolph Finley b Oct 1, 1810 in Balto ob July 27, 1882 in Va Methodist minister see page 143 pastor at Warrenton, N.C.

See page 143.

V21 Page 294 [missing]

V21 Page 295

[descendant chart]



Sophia George Finley page 143 married Jacob M. Palmer of Warren Co N.C. Now reports 5 children.

Thomas Hendrick Palmer

Florence Palmer

Helen Russell Palmer

Mary Ann Palmer

Emma Michaux Palmer

Emma Berry Finley ob. He now gives this additional child who died young & omits Wm Norville see pages 143 & 145.

V21 Page 296 [missing]

V21 Page 297 [missing]

V21 Page 298 [missing]

V21 Page 299 [missing]

V21 Page 300

Oak Hill, Aug 25, 1927 9:50 PM

On Sunday last 21st inst, Mrs Will Allison living at No 78 McClellandtown Road, City accosted me as I came out of church & asked me to return the "Waltz Family History & Genealogical Record" which she loaned me three or more years ago, so I am noting below caption of the book, the page & two thirds, pages 91 & 92 of descendants give therein in our line & some items I had written on the first blank leaf in the back that are bound in for such records.

The Author of the book, L. Waltz was born near Miamisburg, O Mch 26, 1835 & reared on a farm. After his mother died in 1852, he apprenticed himself to Phillips & Gebhart as a blacksmith & then became a partner in the firm so continuing several years.

In 1854, he married Sarah Ann Paff & three daughters were born to them. When the rebellion broke out, he enlisted as a private soldier in Co H 35 Reg Indiana Volunteer Infantry, elected 2d Lieut Sept 1861 & in 1862 promoted to 1st Lieut for meritorious services. Succeeded to Capt in Nov 1862, then became a Colonel. He invented many useful implements. He & family were members of First Reformed Church of Dayton, O, so says his daughter Clara Luella Baker.

V21 Page 301 & V21 Page 302

The book is a "Family Classification of upwards of 3000 names of Lineal descendants of Frederick Reinhart Waltz" "Reformed Publishing Co Printers, Dayton, Ohio 1884"

On page 91 is "Second Branch of Sixth Division embracing descendants of Daniel Waltz & Elizabeth Cramer see book 1 pages 392-3 who settled in Westmoreland Co, Pa in 1772. See historical matter for report"

The numbers proceed in succession, as do the generations & those marked with a star were dead at the time of publication in 1884.

1. Daniel Waltz*

2. Elizabeth Cramer*

2. General Daniel Waltz* killed in the War of 1812

2. Jacob Waltz*, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

2. Catharine Myers*, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Daniel Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Annie Kelley, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Jacob Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Cornelia C. Davis, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

5. Wm D. Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

5. Daniel Waltz*, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

5. B.F. Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

5. Annie F. Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Daniel Waltz*

4. Israel Waltz*

4. George W. Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

4. M.J. Kyle*

5. Carrie F. Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

5. Ethel A. Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

5. E. Lauretta Waltz, Mendon, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Five daughters of Daniel Waltz no named in report

3. Jacob Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Susan Brenneman, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Levi Waltz*

4. Marion Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Jacob Waltz*, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

(killed at Gettysburg, Pa)

4. Seward Waltz, Rosendale, Andrew Co, Mo

4. John Waltz, Spearfish, Lawrence Co, Dakota Ter

4. Catharine Waltz, Kansas

4. Mr Horner, Kansas

4. Susan Waltz*

4. Elmira Waltz, Spearfish, Lawrence Co, Dakota Ter

4. Emma Waltz, Port Perry, Allegheny Co, Pa

3. David Waltz, Greensburgh, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Rachel McMaster, Greensburgh, Westnd Co, Pa

4. Rachel M. Waltz, Greensburgh, Westnd Co, Pa

(This is Mrs Allison, owner of the book)

3. Elizabeth Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co Pa

3. John Weaver, Waltz Mills, Westnd, Co, Pa

3. Sarah Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd, Co, Pa

3. Thomas Mitchel, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Polly Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Samuel Blythe, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Katie Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Abram Hough, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Susan Waltz, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

3. Joseph Highberger, Waltz Mills, Westnd Co, Pa

2. Polly Waltz*

2. Joseph Hough*

2. Susan Waltz*

2. William Suter*

2. Hester Waltz*

2. Michael Myers*

2. Elizabeth Waltz*

2. Elizabeth Waltz*

2. Stoffel Hepler*

2. Mary Waltz*

2. Arch Boyd*

2. Margaret Waltz*

2. John Hill*

V21 Page 303

I had written for David Waltz who gave this book to his daughter.

Anna Maria Merklin, one of the daughters of Christian (or Merckel) of Mussillie Creek (Moselem) Phila Co, Pa now Berks Co married Frederick Kramer son of Sebald Kramer Apr 11, 1745. They had children:

1. George baptized at Moselem Church 1746

2. Frederick baptized at Moselem Church Aug 30, 1749

3. [2]F_(Thompson;Daniel (descendants)_ï_#pï_#(_F_(Thompson;Katherine

4. Anna Maria baptized at Moselem Church June 18, 1756

On Aug 14, 1771, Daniel Merckel, son of Casper Merckel (ggf) was born & was baptized at Moselem Church Sept 8, 1771 Daniel Waltz & Dorothea Horne standing as sponsors.

Aug 26, 9:15 AM

On page 110, it states that members of the sixth division state that many years ago, three brothers by the name of Waltz came from Europe & after arriving they separated, one went west & was never heard from the others supposing him killed by the Indians, one of the others settled in a Dutch settlement & some of whose descendants live in Westnd Co, Pa now. The third brother settled in an adjoining Co & by their interpretation of the name Waltz, he was called Woods. To prove this fact, Woods by some cause invited Waltz to his daughter's wedding. As soon as he entered the house, Woods exclaimed: "There is

V21 Page 304

my brother", & he had not seen him for years. They ever afterwards claimed to be brothers, although the name Woods was never changed, & many of his descendants now live in the Northern Part of Westnd Co, Pa. The one named Waltz is the Daniel Waltz who heads the second branch of the sixth division Waltz Genealogical Record (& who married Elizabeth Cramer (Kramer) page 301).

Page 112 among records of service in Civil War:

"L Waltz of Alexandersville, O (author of this record) enlisted in Company H 35th Reg Indiana Vol Inf Aug 1861, was honorably discharged as Colonel Sept 15, 1864, having received six military commissions."

The concluding chapter on Switzerland, the European home of the Waltzs is by Wm Waltz, late of Schopheun, Baden, now of Norwalk, O contains 7 pages & treating of the origin of the name, he believes it to be Latin etc. The dance, Waltz, originally was only known to the peasantry of part of Switzerland, and Tirol, probably from Rhastia or Grisons (the Etruscan colony). It first became a public dance in 1810 being adopted at the Imperial Courts of Vienna, Johan Strauss has the honor of composing the most fascinating music for this dance. When Napoleon I married Marie Louise of Austria, it was danced for the first time at the courts of Paris, France. The Empress bringing it along as a token of her Tirolean peasantry & the saying is that it had a wonderful charming effect when danced for the first time at the wedding festival in Paris in 1810. From there it went to London & America, spreading first in Germany. The book contains 128 pages

V21 Page 308

Oak Hill Aug 26, 1927 5:46 PM

A second letter dated July 13, 1927 in answer to mine of June 1, from James J. Patterson now in his 90th year of Alpena Pass route 3 Ark see book 20 p 570-575 says that John Michael Jack went from Ulster, Ireland when a very young man, into the service of the German potentate & was an officer in his Guard & after eloping, was married in Rotterdam. He congratulates me on my indefatigable perseverance in my genealogical research.

John Michael Jack's son, Jacob, appeared on the tax lists of Salisbury for 1769 & 1770 as did his brother Michael, both renters. They both went in the Revolutionary War from there. Jacob next appears as a farmer in 1788 in Potter Tp, Cumb Co, Pa now Centre Co where Michael appears next year & he has no later record of Jacob. Make slips & see what can trace.

He says Catherine Wilson, see book 20 p 575 had the Michael Jack bible & his wife saw it there. She died at the old Jack Home. Her living descendants are descendants of Samuel Wilson & of Alex & Mary McCoy. I do not know where they are. Make slip. Above pages & hunt them in Center Co.

Geo Jack said that a Cynthia Jack, daughter of James Jack of Cumberland Co wrote to Michael as a kinsman. This is getting close as she was a first cousin of ggm Thompson. See

V21 Page 309

if that letter could be found in Center Co. He does not know in what Co in Ireland John Michael Jack was born. Mr Patterson says "I boarded with a James Jack born 1795, died at State College about 1870 (look for will) who was son of James, who died when he was small. He was raised by relatives in Chester Co, Pa. He married a Miss Hollingsworth, an excellent woman. They had a daughter, Mary who as widow Johnston had no children. Then married Henry Taylor near Milroy, Mifflin Co, Pa died at an advanced age - issue Taylor. He claimed kindred with my Father-in-Law & was the first to tell me the story of John Michael Jack, sbustantially as I have related. Among my papers at Springdale is a letter from this Mary written say 10 yrs ago. It answered some inquiries of mine. She mentions several Jacks, her forebears. I will look it up".

He says he was raised in Juniata Co, Pa, the home of my grandparents, my parents & myself. Says he had a letter yesterday from a sister living in Wash D.C. who is older than he is. Says he is in good health but could not repeat his experiences in the Civil War in the army of the Potomac or his old time jaunts with Sumner, Hancock etc & at Gettysburgh, Spottslvania, Petersburg etc.

About the Thompson line that of his wife's mother see book 20 p 476-7, he says Wm

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Thomson emigrated from Co Antrim Ireland settled prior to 1745 in Chester Co, Pa & in that year settled on Conococheague Creek Hopewell Tp Lancaster Co now Franklin Co, Pa, then newly married & located near the Maryland line. In 1773 to Armagh Tp now Mifflin Co Pa (see Anjou's Thompson History pages 52-54. I am satisfied this is the William mentioned on Page 53. Anjou, son of Joseph of Hopewell Tp whose father, also Joseph born Jany 3, 1665 married in Ballymena Co Antrim Ireland Elizabeth McGhee & his oldest son Joseph above was born May 12, 1694. This elder Joseph is brother of my gggggf Hugh)

He gives the children of this William & also those of his son Moses, which I am tabling on page 312. He says he has some of later generations & I am asking him to send it. See book 17 p 250. Says he had run his Patterson, Van Dyke, & Lyon lines back. Pattersons from Co Antrim, Ireland 1740 to Pa & asks how he could proceed to find John Patterson born 1680 in Antrim before emigration. The locality is the Orannach-Stewart & County East of Bonn River. I cannot find him in my 2 Vol Patterson Hist but find many Johns & a James born 1680. Asks if I have examined the Moses Thompson will at West Chester filed 1754. Make slip to go there also mentions Gen Wm Thompson of Carlisle & William of Northumberland Co who he says was of the Chester Co group

V21 Page 312 & V21 Page 313

[descendant chart]

William Thompson born Sept 7, 1630 see Anjou's Thompson Hist p 41 married Mary Fordyce


Hugh Thompson b Dec 11, 1660, my gggggfather

Joseph Thompson b Jany 3, 1665 married in Ballymena Co, Antrim Ireland Elizabeth McGhee & had two sons. He emigrated to Dorchester Co Md with wife & w sons & made his will there Aug 26, 1717

[children of Joseph & Elizabeth (McGhee) Thompson]

Joseph Thompson born May 12, 1694. He settled in Cumb Co, Pa & made his will Mch 5, 1759 saying he was of Hopewell Tp & sick. Will book A p 78 probated Jany 20, 1761 see p 65 book 17.

Jean Thompson

Frances Thompson

William Thompson married abt 1745. In 1773 went to Armagh Tp now Mifflin Co, Pa see where his will would be.

William Thompson b 1746, issue

Martha Thompson ob married Galloway

James Thompson ob, married issue

Polly Thompson ob married Geo Mitchell, issue

Jane Thompson ob married McVey, issue

Moses Thompson ob Oct 27, 1854 ob May 20, 1815 see page 313 next [which I include here for clarity CW]. Married 1 5 children, Married 2, 4 children.

Genl John Thompson b Feby 16, 1783 ob Mch 5, 1832 Married Nov 15, 1804 Elizabeth McFarlane b June 1783 ob, daughter of James MacFarlane [sic] see book 17 p 250-1

Margaret Thompson b Sept 6, 1784 ob married Saml Sloan

William Thompson b Dec 19, 1787 ob Aug 5, 1871 married, issue

Sarah Thompson b Oct 27, 1789 ob, married John Mitchell, issue

James Thompson b Jany 12, 1792, ob Aug 23, 1793

Nancy Thompson b June 8, 1798 married Foster Millikin, issue

James Thompson b June 30, 1800, ob, married Jane Reed, issue

Robert Thompson, no date ob, married raised family near Milroy, Pa

Samuel Thompson b Mch 27, 1804 ob May 30, 1871 married Mary Cooper, issue

John Thompson [son of William who married abt 1745] ob, married, large family

Anne Thompson ob, married James Cooper

Joseph Thompson [son of Joseph b 1694]

A child unborn when will was made

John Thompson [son of Joseph b 1665] b Sept 14, 1697

Frances Thompson

Ann Thompson

Elizabeth Thompson

Sarah Thompson

V21 Page 316

Oak Hill Aug 28, 1927 4:50 Pm

A letter dated May 25, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 22, 1927 from Mrs Pauline Markle Carr 4928 Caroline Ave, Indianapolis, Ind See Bk 19 p 238 gives record of the descendants of Jacob Markle, one of the sons of Samuel Markle, the earliest ancestor they know. I am tabling the information she sends commencing on page 318. I think Samuel is a grandson or son of Jacob, the brother of Christian 1678-1766, my great great grandfather, more probably a grandson. She expresses a willingness to help in any way she can in the work.

I am heading the table from the Anjou records page 33 by reason of statement book 19 page 239 bottom & page 212 top.

Jacob Markle had two children that died in infancy viz:

George, born about 1836 or 1837 &

a daughter born about 1839 to 1847

If we can find just where in NY state that he then lived, there might be tombstones to their graves.

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[descendant chart]



Hans Merkel b May 23, 1673, died without issue

Christian Merkel b Sept 11, 1675, died an infant

Johan Christian Mercklen b July 19, 1678 ob May 1766 in Berks Co, Pa, my gggfather.

Jacob Merkel b Sept 2, 1679 married Mch 3, 1702 Maria Rhode. He & wife emigrated to Moselem Springs, Berks Co, Pa. Lived at Grimville, Greenwich Tp. Look at Reading for settlement of estate or sale of land. Also look at Ithaca, NY for will. See book 19 pages 212 top & 239 bottom.

John George Merkel ob, married

Sarah Merkel b Dec 4, 1798 ob Apr 15, 1857 married Nov 10, 1822 Jacob Rothermel. Buried at Fleetwood. See Anjou p 35. Hunt descendants & get names of all of her father's brothers & sisters. Look up Accord NY records.

Henry Merkel, lived at Ithaca, NY ob. He is said to have built the first frame house in Ithaca, NY

There were no doubt many other children. Think Abraham comes in somewhere. See book 15 page 428 et seq. Some of these may be grandchildren.

Samuel Markle b 1741 ob Dec 11, 1829 aged 88 yrs. Don't know name of his wife or date of his marriage. Date of his death & age taken fr bible record at his ggd Miss Loran Markle see book 19 p 240-3. I think he was probably the youngest child of a big family. Look for his & other Markle wills at Ithaca, Thompkins Co, NY, Owego, Tioga Co NY, Elmira, Chemung Co NY & at Kingston, Ulster Co NY. We know of 3 of his children near the same age & there must have been several older children. He was one of first settlers of Ithaca, NY. He was twice married & his son John left home because he didn't get on well with his stepmother.

Jacob Markle ob, married 1. Married 2 Permelia Seckett born in Pittsfield, Mass May 11, 1817 & died near Markleville, Ind July 28, 1896. Sackett's Harbor, Mass was named for her father as given by Dr Grant C. Markle. He came from Tioga Co NY to Markleville, Ind in Mch 1854. Had a grocery store in Owego NY & took the malaria in Ind & died 1857 to 1861 in his sixties. After his death, his widow married John Anderson of Hamilton Co, Ind but Loran said she died in the old home where Loran lives July 29, 1893 aged 82 yrs. Jacob also born in Ithaca NY had 6 children by her & had two by his first wife. See book 19 pages 242 & 514-9 see page 320

Adam Markle b Oct 30, 1791 at Ithaca, NY ob Feby 19, 1862 & buried at McAllisters or Walkers g.y. near Markleville, Ind. Married 1 Dec 13, 1812 Abigail Caywood b Feby 2, 1787 ob Mch 13, 1828. Left 5 children born in NY State. Married 2 Nov 20, 1828 Mary (or Polly) Henderson born Dec 3, 1808 in Vermont & died Nov 25, 1876 & buried in Walker g.y. near Markleville, Ind. Had 7 children all born in NY State. Removed Dec 24, 1854 from Chemung Co NY to Markleville, NY to Markleville, Ind. See book 19 p 208 & 21 p 324.

John Markle b Dec 18, 1793 at Ithaca NY ob Dec 20, 1865 aged 72 yrs & 2 days at Markleville, Ind of which he was the founder & is buried near in McCallister or Walker g.y. in Adams Tp, Madison Co, Ind. In 1828, he moved from Ithaca, NY to Huntsville & in 1833 came to Markleville, Ind which he founded. Married Sarah Allen & had nine children. See bk 19 p 217 et seq & see bk 9 p 274-9 see bk 21 p 330 et seq.

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Jacob Markle see page 318, born in Ithaca NY & died in Markleville, Ind. At the time of his 2d marriage, he was a butcher & his 2d wife kept a tavern in NY State.


Lorenzo Markle ob. He remained in NY State probably at Owego, Tioga Co.

Mary Ann Markle ob remained in NY State. Married

Robert Reeves Markle b May 2, 1835 in Tompkins Co, NY & died May 12, 1900. Came with his parents to Indiana in Mch 1854 & in 1857 moved to Fishersburg, Ind where he was a farmer. Married 1 Fannie Ann Markle born May 4, 1837 & died. She is buried in McCollisters or Walkers g.y. Had one child. She was daughter of John Markle & his wife Sarah Allen. He married 2 Mch 21, 1878 Mary Frances Keffer. Had four children, all born in Hamilton Co, O

Edson [sic] Boyd Markle b July 23, 1864 ob Apr 19, 1902. Married Oct 1, 1896 Nora Adalyn Hamilton b Mch 7, 1877. Have 3 children.

Ren Markle b July 18, 1897

Orlie Markle b Mch 5, 1899

Ralph Markle b Oct 28, 1901 married Mch 23, 1923 Evalyn Bailey. Have 2 children born in Indianapolis, Ind.

Lois Adelyn Markle b Aug 1, 1923

Marion June Markle b Mch 25, 1927

Bertha Alice Markle b Sept 5, 1879, ob Sept 26, 1887

Anna Pearl Markle b Jany 14, 1881 married Mch 19, 1899 Frank Barnhizer b Sept 10, 1879 in Hamilton Co, Ind. No issue.

William Earl Markle b June 20, 1883 married Feby 13, 1905 Pearl Barker b Mch 17, 1882. Have six children, the first 3 born in Hamilton Co & last 3 in Madison Co, Ind.

Oneida Markle b Nov 30, 1905 married July 14, 1923 Rolland Easton. Have 1 child born in Hamilton Co, Ind

Rolland Max Markle b May 10, 1924

Marjorie Markle b Apr 1, 1907 married Feby 8, 1924 Cecil Stephenson. Had 1 child born in Madison Co, Ind.

Betty Geraldine Markle b Oct 18, 1924 ob in infancy

Alda Francis Markle b Nov 24, 1909

Robert Peter Markle b Dec 29, 1913

Kathern Markle b July 7, 1915

Alberta Markle b Feby 9, 1919

Priscilla Markle ob in infancy [daughter of Robert Reeves Markle]

George Markle [son of Jacob Markle] ob in infancy

John Edgar Markle b Dec 2, 1838 in Ithaca, NY ob Mch 20, 1903 in Winchester, Ind & is buried in Fountain Park Cem there. He enlisted Aug 1, 1861 in Co E 34th Ind Vol Inf Reg as a Private & served 4 yrs & 6 mos in the Civil War & was mustered out at Brownsville, Texas Feby 6, 1866 as Capt of Co K 34th I.V.I. He was one of but two Republicans in the Markleville Ind Markles. When abt 15, he came fr NY to his Uncle John Markle's at Markleville, Ind & shortly thereafter went to Meadville, Pa where he attended college for 2 yrs. His father having moved to Indiana, he returned there & learned the wagonmaker trade, but this not being to his liking, he went to Dr Cook at Fishersburg, Ind & studied medicine & after practicing there one year, enlisted in the Civil War. He was in the hospital at Louisville, Ky for one year & to Helena Ark as a Lieut & was with Ky Grant at Vicksburg & Wilderness Campaign & was cited for bravery at the battle of Champion Hill, Miss & advanced to the captaincy. He seized the Rebel battery of loaded guns & turned them on the retreating Rebels & the capture of Pemberton's 35,000 almost starved men was the great 4th of July event of the year. In 1868, he went to the Ohio medical college at Cincin, O & graduated in 1869. Married Sept 19, 1866 north of Hagerstown, Ind Emily Victoria Johnson born Jany 9, 1839 at Pendleton, Ind & died Apr 14, 1918 at Winchester, Ind & is buried beside her husband. She was daughter of Jeptha Johnson of Ky & his wife Priscilla Daugherty of Pa. She was a member of Meth E. Ch. John E. was sent to Texas & put on guard there by reason of the disturbances growing out of Maximilian's Revolution & did not learn of the close of the war until many months thereafter. They had two children born in Portland, Ind.

Minnie Markle b Oct 14, 1867, ob Nov 5, 1867

Grant Colfax Markle b Oct 31, 1868 in the height of the Grant-Colfax campaign. Graduated May 1886 fr Winchester, Ind High School & in June 1890 fr Wabash College Crawfordsville, Ind & on Mch 14, 1892 fr Med Dept of Univ Louisville, Ky & has practiced medicine in same office in Winchester Ind since Mch 1892. Married Dec 30, 1897 at Winchester, Ind Bessie Smith born there Feby 13, 1871 daughter of Dr Wm Gray Smith & wife Julia Lucas. She went to teaching during World War to help out & has kept at it ever since & now has a life license as a teacher. No issue. see book 19 p 514-519

A daughter [of Jacob Markle] ob in infancy

Mary Jane Markle b Apr 15, 1848 in NY State at Candor ob May 15, 1922. Married Feby 27, 1868 to Abner A. Markle born in Chemung Co NY June 16, 1843 & died Apr 7, 1910. Both buried in McAllisters or Walkers g.y. in this Adams Tp, Madison Co, Ind where both died & where their 4 children were born.

Otho Markle b July 1880, ob Aug 1880 aged 6 weeks

Ina Loran Markle b Sept 13, 1887, living in the old home Adams Tp single see b 19 p 240-3

Hattie Markle b Feby 1889 ob July 1889

Virgil V. Markle b Dec 12, 1893 living in the old home with his sister Loran, unmarried.

William Henry Markle b Jany 8, 1854 in Candor, NY ob July 2, 1922 in Hamilton Co, Ind. Married 1 Jany 3, 1874 Mary Minerva Leonard born in Madison Co Ind Dec 13, 1855 & died Aug 3, 1917. See next page 322

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[descendant chart]

William Henry Markle born Jany 8, 1854 see preceding page no 321. Had eleven children born in Hamilton Co, Ind. He married 2d July 19, 1919 Clara Fisher born in Hamilton Co, Ind Mch 14, 1861 & died May 4, 1926.


Zella Markle b June 16, 1876 married Feby 4, 189- to Fred Zook, born in Madison Co, Ind Aug 17, 1878. Have 3 children born in Hamilton Co, Indiana

Alice Zook b Mch 4, 1898 ob Oct 15, 1915

Paul Zook b Mch 4, 1901, ob Jany 5, 1903

Shirley Zook b Jany 10, 1903 married May 6, 1923 to Marie Alexander

Walter Otto Markle b May 6, 1878 married May 2, 1902 Estella Mae Hein born in Hamilton Co, Ind Mch 12, 1881. Have 5 children the oldest one born in Madison Co, Ind the 2d & 3d in Lapel Ind the 4th in Noblesville, Ind & the 5th in Hamilton, Co, Ind.

Herschel Glen Markle b Mch 5, 1903 married July 11, 1923 Betty Broadlick born in Shorntown, Ind Nov 1, 1903. Have 1 child born in Indianapolis, Ind.

Charles Walter Markle b Feby 13, 1927

Pauline Markle b Nov 20, 1904 married Aug 24, 1926 Paul J. Carr born June 6, 1900 in Indianapolis, Ind. She is my good informant for this record

William A. Markle b Sept 27, 1907

Mary Anne Markle b Sept 29, 1911

Alice Irene Markle b Oct 21, 1917

Alta Grace Markle b Oct 1880 ob in infancy

Harry Leonard Markle b Apr 11, 1882

Clarence B. Markle b Oct 14, 1884 married May 7, 1905 to Bessie Crull born Sept 23, 1884.

Addie Jewell Markle b Nov 13, 1886 married Dec 2, 1905 Leonard Thompson born July 18, 1893 in Indianapolis, Ind. Have 5 children oldest born in Indianapolis, 2d, 3d in Madison Co, Ind & 4th & 5th in Anderson, Ind.

Audrey Lucille Markle b May 22, 1906 married Sept 8, 1925 Charles Meyers

Albert Markle b May 31, 1908

Gilbert Markle b Aug 6, 1910

Margaret Markle b June 23, 1913

Marjorie Markle b June 16, 1916

Audrey June Markle b June 16, 1890 married 1 Dec 13, 1917 to Michael Hayes Louisville, Ky. Married 2 Sept 11, 1920 Emmitt W. Knapp, Los Angeles, Calif

Hilda Katherine Markle b June 15, 1893 ob in infancy

Ruth Marie Markle b Oct 16, 1895 married May 27, 1917 Everett Green b Oct 22, 1894 in Clinton Co, Ind. Have 3 children born in Cleveland, O

Charles Milton Markle b Sept 2, 1918

Harry Leonard Markle b June 1, 1920

Everett Markle Jr b Apr 24, 1922

Asa R. Markle b Sept 15, 1899 married Sept 15, 1920 Jessie Beckwith born Aug 22, 1899. One child born in Long Beach, Calif

Betty Jane Markle b Nov 19, 1923, ob May 28, 1925

Elsie Pearl Markle b Sept 15, 1899 married Dec 8, 1917 to John C. Cook b May 1[cut off] 1894. Have 3 children, 1st born in Anderson, 2d born in Noblesville, 3d born in Indianapolis.

John Garwood Cook b July 24, 1918

Marlston Cook b June 27, 1920

Dwain G. Cook b Mch 17, 1925

V21 Page 324 & V21 Page 325

[descendant chart]

Adam Markle see page 318 Born Oct 30, 1791 Ithaca, NY Died Feby 19, 1862 near Markleville, Ind. First five children by 1st wife & last

seven by 2d wife


Abram Markle b Apr 8, 1814, ob

Samuel Markle b Dec 1, 1815 ob, married. He had attended his father's funeral in 1862 when his son Samuel, later of New Castle, Pa was 6 yrs old, born then in 1856. This boy Samuel had a son who was a preacher at Gettysburg, Pa

Anna Markle b July 3, 1817 ob 1895 at Ithaca, NY married a Davenport

Mary Ann Markle b Oct 3, 1819 ob Jany 28, 1892 at Springport, Mich, Married Geo Austin. Buried in Springport Cem & have markers. Had 4 children, all dead.

George Markle b June 30, 1821 ob 1882 or 1883 at Leroy, now Webberville, Mich. Thinks had children.

Merrit H. Markle b Aug 19, 1831 ob July 30, 1911, married

Harriet C. Markle b July 1, 1833 ob Dec 31, 1902 married Milton Gorton & both were murdered Dec 31, 1902 at their farm home near Litchfield, Minn.

Sarah Jane Markle b Jany 22, 1835 ob Nov 14, 1907 married Peter Julius

DeWitt Clinton Markle b Nov 17, 1837 ob Mch 14, 1911 see b 19 p 214-6 & make up record

Daniel Woodruff Markle b Sept 14, 1839 ob Apr 25, 1909

Abner Aldridge Markle b June 16, 1843 ob Apr 7, 1910. See record p 321 this book

Charles Dennison Markle b June 14, 1845 ob Jany 23, 1911

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V21 Page 330 & V21 Page 331

[descendant chart]

John Markle see page 318 born Dec 18, 1793 at Ithaca, NY, died Dec 20, 1865 at Markleville, Ind.


Susan Markle ob married Hyrum Justice

Samuel Markle b Sept 1823 in NY State, ob, married

John D. Markle, ob, married

William Burke Markle ob, married see bk 19 p 211

Frances Ann Markle b May 4, 1837 ob married Robert R. Markle see record p 320

Isabella Markle ob, married

Henry Harrison Markle, ob

Agnes Markle, ob

George Markle,

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Oak Hill Aug 30, 1927 8:08 AM

This is a cool rainy morning & it is 105 years since Father's birth in Mason Co, Ky

A letter dated June 1, 1927 gives many dates & records which I have entered in place in book 20 p 206-8. This letter is from Miss Edith R. Odle, Spencer, Iowa. She says I was right in the mistake of the birth & death dates of Rebecca Odle. She now says that the Rebecca Odle whose tombstone appears in the Ritenour Cem. was Rebecca Woodburn, the first wife of Silas C. Odle who was her father's Uncle. She sent 5 pages of Mendenhall records which one of them Nilah Mendenhall, had sent her & from which I have made the table on pages 340-1 & rtg the record as she asked.

Another letter dated June 21, 1927 from Edith R. Odle, Spencer Iowa. A letter to her dated June 18, from her cousin R. Willis Jack of Geneva, Ind says he does not know the name of his mother's father or her mother's maiden name, nor does he know the date of her birth or the exact date of his father's marriage. He sent the record in part of his parents & of the marriage of 7 of his children & record of their children all recorded in book 20 p 208-9.

She also sends letter dated June 18 from John M. Gray clerk of the Woodford Co Court, Versailles, Ky sending a certified

V21 Page 339

copy of Frances Jack's will, see below. He says he has made very careful search & does not find any other Jack will there. I am rtg to Edith as she requested his letter & the certified copy of will.

Will of Frances Jack of Woodford Co, Kentucky

In the name of God, Amen, I Frances Jack of Woodford Co do make & ordain this to be my last will & testament in manner & form following. I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Jack, my white mare, my large table cloth, my green bottle & one iron potrack. I give unto my daughter Jane Jack a 2 yr old colt, my looking glass, one feather bed, bedstead & furniture, my striped silk gown and silk quilt & one iron potrack. I give unto my daughter Frances Jack one cow & calf of a dun color. I give to my son Samuel Jack my bay mare, my largest iron potrack, a black cow & calf, two young heifers, five head of sheep, one axe, one foot adds [sic] & what hoggs he claims of mine as his own & one small pewter bason [sic]. I give unto my daughter Nancy a cow & calf, one yearling heifer, one yearling steer, my white cotton gown, one small pewter dish & one ewe lam. I give to my son Patirck (no doubt this is meant for Patrick) one gray filley, a brindle cow & calf, five yearling heifers, One ewe lamb & a small pewter bason.

I desire that my two steers & a bull not mentioned above be sold & with the money or part of it a sadole [sic] may be purchased for my son Samuel & all the money that is or may be due me, I desire may be equally divided between my two sons Samuel & Partirck. Lastly appoints John Watkins & Cave Johnson exrs. Dated May 30, 1739 (should be 1789) Witnesses John Jone & Geo Admise [sic] Frances Jack (seal) Probated Oct 6, 1789 before Cave Johnson, C.W.C. Make slip to look for deeds as her husband must have had a farm. Also look up marriage license docket.

V21 Page 340 & V21 Page 341

[descendant chart]

Delilah Jack Odle see book 20 p 206 born Mch 1, 1846, died June 10, 1919, married May 19, 1864 James Mendenhall born Mch 17, 1839 died Sept 3, 1924


George R. Mendenhall b Aug 22, 1865 married 1 June 10, 1889 Anna Heston, b Mch 17, 1871 ob Jany 31, 1904 daughter of John Heston & wife Margaret Barnes. They had 4 children. Married 2 June 3, 1911 Mrs Myrtle Thornburg Elliott b Aug 27, 1885 daughter of Isaac Thornburg & wife Elizabeth French & widow of Ray Elliott. No issue.

Lester Mendenhall b Dec 2, 1890 ob June 10, 1912

Effie Mendenhall b May 1, 1892 married Feby 4, 1911 Oscar Doan b Aug 4, 1888. His father died when he was a baby & his mother remarried. Can't trace. Have 3 children.

James Doan b Nov 11, 1911

Max Doan b May 13, 1913

Dorothy Doan b July 2, 1915

Oral Mendenhall b Feby 6, 1896 married Dec 25, 1922 Elgie Riddlebarger born Apr 10, 1897 son of Mark Riddlebarger & wife Cora Stewart. No issue

Esther Mendenhall b Mch 17, 1903 ob Mch 19, 1903

Edwin Harrison Mendenhall b Dec 29, 1867 near Ridgeville, Ind, married Jany 2, 1892 Deborah Manor born June 7, 1870 in Jay Co, Ind daughter of George Manor & wife Sarah Stoner. Have had six children all born in Randolph Co, Ind. He is a plumber. Both living at 220 Will St, Winchester, Ind see b 19 b 520-2

Nola Agnes Mendenhall b Feby 11, 1893 married Aug 10, 1910 George Clements b Aug 26, 1891 son of Ancil P. Clements & wife Martha Hoggart. He is a farmer. P.O. Morgantown, Ind RR. Have had 7 children born mostly in Elwood, Ind.

Harold Butler Clements b Apr 22, 1913

Edwin Perrine Clements b Sept 19, 1914

Martha Devorah Clements b Jany 15, 1916, ob Oct 13, 1916

Eugene Robert Clements b Mch 9, 1918

George Howard Clements b Apr 15, 1919

James Donald Clements b Nov 7, 1923

Gertrude Louise Clements b June 5, 1925

Freda Ivory Mendenhall b Feby 15, 1894 ob July 5, 1894

Ormal Harrison Mendenhall b June 12, 1895 at home single

Clarence Dale Mendenhall b Feby 24, 1897 married Sept 6, 1922 Esther Catherine Hummell b Aug 21, 1899 at Antwerp, O, daughter of Leroy M. Hummell & wife Kathrine O'Doyle. Have 3 children oldest born at Fort Wayne, Ind & other two at Jasonville, Ind where both live & he is an M.D.

Wm Hummell Mendenhall b Nov 14, 1923

James Donald Mendenhall b Apr 26, 1925

Charles Dale Mendenhall b Feby 2, 1927

Claude Irvin Mendenhall b Oct 18, 1899, single

James Donald Mendenhall b Apr 5, 1903, single

Corwin Mendenhall [son of Delilah J. Odle & James Mendenhall] b Jany 3, 1871 ob May 9, 1925 married June 8, 1895 Ollie Miller b Apr 10, 1872 daughter of Jacob Miller & wife Amanda Silvers. No issue

Minnie Mendenhall b Oct 9, 1875 ob Jany 24, 1914 married Nov 10, 1900 Lee Wilmore born Mch 23, 1877 son of John L. Wilmore & his wife Mary Leslie. The party sending this record to Edith says Harrison Wilmore is Uncle Lee's Uncle see book 20 p 206 had one child

Nora Wilmore b Oct 9, 1903 married July 16, 1924 Raymond Morrical born Aug 5, 1901 son of Oscar Morrical & his wife Ida Morrical (no relation). Have one child.

Arthur Leroy Morrical b May 21, 1925

Hettie Mendenhall b Dec 21, 1879 ob July 15, 1880

Charles Mendenhall b Nov 29, 1880 married May 28, 1902 Stella Kolp born Oct 28, 1876 daughter of Joseph Kolp & his wife Kathrine Stevens. They have five children.

Nilah Mendenhall b May 11, 1903

Delver Mendenhall b Sept 18, 1905

George H. Mendenhall b July 29, 1907

Edwin Mendenhall b Nov 21, 1909

Joseph Mendenhall b Sept 20, 1915

Oliver Mendenhall b Jany 10, 1883, ob Aug 28, 1883

V21 Page 344

Oak Hill Sept 1, 1927 8:16 PM

A letter dated June 13, 1927 (I had written her June 6 to her former address & it came back from the Chicago dead letter office) from Miss Grace H. Glass now of 520 N 14th St Lincoln, Neb, sent data which I have entered in table b 7 p 133 & have written her for more. She has often heard of her good heritage & has been proud of her ancestry & asked for inf & I gave her some briefly. She quit school & went to teaching & put her younger sister & two younger brothers through school & now, having done that, she is back at 25 to finish her own education. She asks the price of the book & says she wants one. She will need three, Thompson, Finley & Wilson

A letter dated Aug 30, 1927 from Miss Sarah E. Logan 421 E. 1st ST Uhrichsville, O c/o Mr & Mrs Lewis J. Kinsey announces the death & sends an obituary notice of their little 9 yr old son Lewis Thompson Kinsey, there on Aug 23, 1927 of infantile paralysis of the throat after but a few hour's illness. He was a very noble helpful little fellow & loved to go church & sing. See bk 7 p 135.

V21 Page 345

Oak Hill Sept 2, 1927 10 AM

A letter dated June 24, 1927 in answer to mine of June 8th from Benj W. Kilgore, Raleigh N.C. expresses his appreciation of the work I am doing & says he will do all he can to help in the work & wants me to keep him in mind when the book comes out as he will want to get one.

He says the names & dates of birth of his grandfather's children as furnished me on Apr 14, 1926 see book 16 p 278-9 were furnished him by one of his Aunts who had access to his gf's bible & he is sure they are correct. He gives me over three pages of records I had asked him for.

He gives the list of his father's six children with dates & places of birth as taken from his bible which I have recorded in place book 16 p 278-9. He does not know the maiden name of his mother's mother. His mother died in Lafayette Co, Miss. See also book 20 p 621

I am not writing to the addresses given of his brothers & sisters on Bk 16 p 278, but have written him asking him to get their records for me.

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Cleveland, O Sept 28, 1927 6:30 PM. Have made all slips to here. JVT

A letter dated June 19, 1927 in answer of mine of May 20, from Mrs Cora Kilgore now of 44 Riverdale St, Dayton, O see book 20 p 528 gives record of her ex-husband's line for which I am making a table book 20 p 529.

A letter dated Nov 8, 1926 from M.M. Markle says his estimable wife died Aug 8, 1926, just one year to the day since his father died (& it was just 30 yrs after my dear Mary died). She died suddenly at 3 AM in bed. He adverts to the question of a "slip canal" from Lake Erie, down French Creek to Franklin & then down Allegheny River to the Ohio & mentions as the parties to interest therein: 1. the U.S. Gov. 2. U.S. Steel Corp, 3. Henry Ford & 4 Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. He speaks of Ford as the most likely. I would say it should be done by the U.S. Gov.

He sent me from Clay, WVA the Clay Messenger of June 2, 1927 in which he had given them a column article on the Markle family, a part of which I reproduce as showing what came down through their lines of the early ancestors. The article speaks of him as from New Bethlehem, Clarion Co, Pa from near which place the families of Abraham & Elias Markle came to Clay Co, WVA by boat

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in the '70s. He says the three brothers came from about Strassburg on the Rhine on the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

The article says these three brothers first went to England & not finding conditions there to their liking, went to Holland, afterwards coming to America settling near Phila (this going to England probably accounts for Saml E. Markle, York, Neb saying his ancestor Robert, It should be Samuel, coming from Scotland see book 9 p 276). After being at or near Phila & Berwick Pa these brothers became separated, one remaining near Phila, one coming to Columbia Co, Pa & one going up into New York State (it is worthy of note that Tioga & Chemung Cos NY & Elmira NY are bordering on the Pa line & that these families not far removed from their Pa relatives all had Abrahams, Johns & Jacobs & I feel the original Jacob or his sons went to Ulster Co NY. Not records at Terre Haute Ind Dec 28, to 31 1925 book 15 p 428 & at Markleville, Ind Nov 10-11 etc 1926 Book 19 p 203 et seq)

Part of those from Columbia Co, Pa moved west of the Allegheny mountains & among them find two sons of Christian (son of George) viz Moses at Pierce (New Salem) & Jonathan at Mahoning, Armstrong Co, Pa about 12 miles above Kittanning Pa (does he mean Kittanning at which place he soon died) Moses the pioneer settler in & about the vicinity where Jonathan settled moved to Mo from which the family was driven into Kansas by the Confederates only taking such

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things as they could hurriedly load on their ox carts & located in Shawnee Co. He had 13 children, three of his sons being killed in the "Lawrence Kansas Raid". The youngest of his children, Sarah Smith Markle Hutchingson now lives at Sublet, Kansas. Her husband took care of the cattle brought him during the war by the Federal Army, once during a Quantrell raid, he got down along a creek & feigned being shot & thus saved his life. The Markles have big families. Moses had 13 children, Eli Markle of Elkhurst WVA 13 & Abe Markle of Blue Knob 15. They were as a family all Republicans. He tells the story of one of the boys with some kittens who a man passing asked: "What kind of kittens are those you have". The boys answered: "Kind sir, these kittens are Democrats".

The inquirer,a Democrat, meeting them a few days later on the sidewalk with the kittens asked "Boys, what kind of kittens did you tell me those were" He replied: "Why sir, these are Republican kittens". "Why, I thought the other day, you told me they were Democrats". "Yes, we did, but that was before they had their eyes open. Ever since, they have been Republicans".

I find, too, seven old letters from him back from Jany 15, 1926 to Feby 18, 1926 which I was going to table, but will wait until I get answer to my present letter asking for the WVA data.

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A letter dated Aug 20, 1927 from Mrs Ira Hastings 3404 Washington Ave, Cairo, Ills who was advised by A.T. Secrest that I was preparing a history of the Finley family, says her husband's grandmother was Ann Finley whose husband was Samuel Hastings who lived near Sarahsville, now Noble Co, but when they lived there it was Guernsey Co, O. Apr 6/30 see bk 23 p 109. I cannot find from my July 1922 records in Book 7 that she comes in either of the families of James, Joseph or Samuel, sons of Ebenezer of Rev James who were then in Guernsey Co, O & am writing her for more information. She says her husband's father was born in 1825 & she says Samuel & Ann above lived there prior to that & "as long after as they lived". She has made a book showing the ancestry of her children back to 1595 in some lines, but the Hastings & Finleys have baffled her efforts. She thinks the Hastings & Finleys came from Penna to Ohio & says she will pay me if I can help her out & if I am making a history in book form & their line is included, she wants a copy. She writes on letterhead of Hastings-Stout Co Inc Wholesale Grain & Hay of which her husband is shown as Pres & Genl Mgr.

Cleveland O Sept 29, 1927 11:17 Am

See if my visitor's husband of Hastings & Neuhart, Caldwell O is of this line.

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Oak Hill, Sept 5, 1927 9:40 Am

I am taking up this morning for recordation [sic] the many enclosures, letters from 1907 to 1924, mainly 1908 to 1912 & one in 1924, which he had received mainly from abroad & Canada & other records which were sent to my Aug 20, 1926 by Edward C. Finlay of 2314 Cochran Ave, South Los Angeles Calif & for the return of which he wrote me on Jany 15, 1927, Mch 25, 1927 & Aug 26, 1927. I took up reading through them yesterday & continued at it until 3:30 AM this morning finishing all but one last long one which I will now read over & take up noting in this book or in tables or records at book 16 p 436-449 incl & book 15 p 353.

Letters to E.C. Finley

1. A letter dated Nov 7, 1910 from Geo H. Finlay 93 Wall St, NY says he thought his Aunt Mrs H.P. Finley 332 W. 86th St, NY had furnished him the desired information. He thinks the Finlays of Porto [sic] Rico maybe E.C.'s relatives as there was a George Isidore Finlay there who was British Vice Consul for many years. His firm was Finlay Bros now the Finlay Import & Trading Co. He says "I am the son of John Charles Finley whose immediate pedigree you can find in "Who's Who in America"

In the interest of his 2d cousin, Mrs Osborne Aymer Vallance (nee Daisy Finley) of

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Maenade, Faversham, Eng, he seeks inf about her father Washington Finlay last heard of from Tacoma, Wash abt 4 yrs ago. A second letter dated Jany 31, 1911 also from Geo H. Finlay says his letter of 15th ulto had reached him at Havana, Cuba where he went to spend a few days & I am glad to send you a copy of what is inscribed on first page of my great grandfather's bible which is preserved in Havana. He then gives the births of Edward Finlay & Mary Wilson & of their marriage & the names & births of their fifteen children, the oldest child christened by John Adams, Minister at Greenock, the 4th to 8th born & baptized at Hull, 9th born at Hull, baptized at Coniston 10th born at Coniston, 11th to 13 born & bap at Teith, 14th born at White Chapel & the 15th born & died at Caen in Normandy. I am entering the full record in Edward's genealogical table book 16 p 446-7 giving exact dates, being abstract of the entries made on first page of his bible by Edward Finlay himself & which first page is preserved by his granddaughter, Mrs Gabriel Navarache, daughter of his son Edward & now living Guanabacoa (Havana, Cuba)

Says he has put him in communication with a Mr A.J. Finley of St Croix who is now living in Havana, but whose family lives in Calif. He had their date of marriage June 19, 1778 which is untenable & I have changed it to 1788 as the probable correct date, but considering the first birth, it might be 1789. He says his line was not of the Castle Toward branch.

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2. A letter dated June 9, 1908 from Wm F. Finlay 54 Van Dorn St, Saratoga Springs NY says his father's name was David, Uncles names was John, George, Tom, William, two Aunts Elizabeth & Marian. Says their Finleys came from Lanarkshire, Scotland & that his father died in 1875 at Rotherham, Yorkshire, Eng. He gives address of Hon W.F. Finlay Medicine Hatt, Alberta, but don't know how he is related. Part of letter was lost but E.C. made up a genealogical table on the back which I am reproducing on page 360.

3. A letter dated Jany 4, 1909 from Charles Mackey Finlay of St John N.B. who asked his father over 70 yrs old born say 1838 & he wrote "My grandfather on my father's side was Hugh Finlay & he lived in Fifeshire, Scotland across the river Tay from Dundee. He had two sons (as far as I know) Thomas & Walter. Thomas went to Liverpool, Eng & done business in the hardware line in the Adelaide Building there. Walter came to America in 1840. He was born in 1809 & died in 1845. On my mother's side, my grandfather was Robert Patrick of Dundee. He was lost with Sir John Franklin so it is said. His daughters were Matilda, Margaret & another. Matilda was my mother. My Father & Mother were

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married in Edinburgh in 1833. Their children were Walter, Robert, Ann, Hugh, Charles Mackey, Thomas & Matilda. They are all dead except Hugh, Thomas & Matilda".

But he did not say what his own name was.

4. A letter dated Mch 23, 1914 to Miss Fletcher in Calif among the E.C. Finlay papers David Edward Finley M.C. from S.C. shows he is chairman of the committee on printing in 62d Congress, directs her to write to:

Mr Thomas B. Finley North Wilkesboro, N.C. &

Miss Kate Finlay c/o Rev K.G. Finlay, Columbia S.C.

My own immediate lineage is:

My father was David Miller Finley & married Elizabeth McIlwain both of South Carolina. His father was Robert Finley & married a Bryan of S.C. The mother of this Robert I have been told was named Osborne, but I am not absolutely sure whether the Finley she married was named John or Robert (it was Robert who was son of John) (see book 16 p 445). I know the family came from Ballamena Parish Co, Antrim, Ireland. My wife's name was Elizabeth Lewis Gist of South Carolina. He gives the names of his 8 children as I have them on page 101. This letter is from Wash D.C. on his M.C. letterhead. A former letter dated Nov 18, 1907 to E.C. Finley was fr Yorkville, S.C. on letterhead of "Law office of Finley & Jennings". I am making slip

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a table on page 362 of what his letter states E.C. had said in his of Nov 11 about his own parentage. He says his information is that the Finlays went from Scotland to the North of Ireland particularly to the Counties of Antrim & Down. He says his great grandfather Wm (should be Robert as per his own letter) Finley & the nephew of Adlai Osborne, came from Co Antrim to Lincoln Co N.C. abt 1750. Knows nothing about his family other than that he came at the instance of the Uncle above named. He says their family names are William, David, John, Charles, Alexander, James, & Robert. He says his ggf was born about 1725. My gf Robert about 1765, my father David M. Finley was born 1816. My father & gf were both born in N.C. My ggf in Co Antrim. My grandfather Robert Finley's oldest son John Finley born abt 1808 went west sometime in the '30s & was supposed to have been killed in the Texas-Mexican War. I met a charming gentleman 12 yrs ago Judge Wm H. Finley of NY City who told me a great deal about the family. In fact, he seemed to know more about the family than anyone I have ever met. Says the Finleys immigrated to Ireland about the time of Cromwell. They are practically all Calvinists in religion & belong to the Presbyterian Church. This is true of my own family. When Cromwell conquered the Irish, he practically gave away their lands in the North of Ireland.

V21 Page 355

Oak Hill Sept 6, 1927 8 AM

Continuing with the E.C. Finlay papers

5. A letter dated Feby 18, 1912 from Rev T.A. Finley, Jesuit, says that as far back as the Danish occupation of Dublin, the Finley name appears in Irish History. Says a battle was fought at Island Bridge between the Danes & Irish & the leader of the later who fell in the fight was Finlay. He don't know how far their records go in Scotland, but remembers his father saying that at the Battle of Pinkie a giant ancestor of his 7 ft 4 in in height was killed on the Scottish side. My father's family were settled in Fife & thence he came to Ireland in the service of the company, which more than sixty years ago opened up the Shannon for navigation. In Co Cavan, the family was represented among the landlord class before the land war. Says he cannot trace any connection between the Finlays of Fife & those settled in the North of Ireland.

E.C.F. makes mem. for me to write him, saying his father was a Presbyterian from Scotland who married an Irish girl a Catholic & I think he says the Rev has three brothers, very learned. Writing today. His address then was 35 Lower Leeson St Dublin.

V21 Page 356

6. A letter dated Dec 8, 1915 from John A. Dale J.P. of Curwensville, Pa says his branch of the Dale Family came to America between 1750 & 1760 from the proximity of London Eng. Says his ggf Wm Dale married Anne Bailey & settled first at or near Williamsport, Pa. He died aged abt 60 yrs. He had 8 sons & 1 daughter that grew up. After his death, his widow & sons that were still at home, came to Curwensville, Pa. Two of her sons, John P., my grandfather & George stayed in Clearfield Co Pa. The others moved to Venango & Mercer Co this State & to Iowa & Oregon. My father is still living aged 76, his name Joseph L. Dale. The generations since arriving in America of my immediate line are William Dale ggf John P. Dale gf, Joseph L. Dale, father John A. Dale, myself & Joseph Thomas Dale, my son. He sends a record of Edward Dale born Jany 20, 1813 probably son or grandson of William whose wife Elizabeth born Oct 22, 1811 I identify as Elizabeth Finley with record in my table book 16 p 443 with their dates of birth & that of their 8 children with their full names which I insert in table above noted.

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7. A letter dated May 7, 1911 from James Findlay, Vancouver, says his grandfather, name not given, was born in 1777. He says the family originally came from Cullen in Morayshire, it being a very old Moray name, their being a hill or mountain known as Findlay best & the remains of an old Castle "Castle Findlater". The name is Gaelic & is Finnlaoch & crest is a boar with motto "Foris in arduis". The name now appears in both Lowlands & Highlands but originally was of the Highlands only. His gf fought under Lord Duncan in the North Sea 1797 married a daughter of Thomas Ruddinman a Latin author & died in Kircaldy, Fifeshire, a captain in the Navy, in which all three of his sons served. Of his brothers, I know little or nothing. His children were:

1. James who died on board his ship

2. George, has little or no knowledge

3. Jonathan Duncan Clegg Findlay was my father. He came to Canada in 1843 & died 13 yrs ago aged 87. Born then 1811 & died 1898

4. Helen Findlay was born at Dysart, Scotland in 1806 & died at Port Hope in 1906. She married Thos Kyle & came to Canada in 1827.

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8. Two letters dated May 3, 1909 & Dec 3, 1909 from Edmund C. Finlay 27 Cardigan Rd New Brighton, which he says is 36 miles fr Manchester, says his gf Charles Findlay was a licensed victualer of Aston's Quay. His son Charles was born in Dublin about 1845 & he died in Jany 1883 being lost out of the New Brighton Life Boat when I was but 11 yrs old. My gf's second wife was a Doyle. My father's elder sister soon after her father's 2d marriage (she married a Bosk) went to Australia to an Aunt whose married name was Hamit or Hammet. My grandmother's maiden name was Smythe. My mother's maiden name was Mary Houghton. She is still living. My father ran away from home when 11 yrs old & 2 yrs later went to sea & did not return to his native Dublin until 12 yrs had elapsed. During his absence his father had died & his stepmother didn't keep an agreement she made with him & she died 6 or 7 yrs later. This informant Edmund C. Finlay was then born in 1872.

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Oak Hill, Sept 7, 1927 9:09 Am continuing

9. A letter dated Dec 6, 1907 from Robert Finlay of 54 Ulsterville, Ave Belfast, Ireland speaks of delay in answering E.C.'s of Oct 24 because of the books he had written on the Finlay family had been lent out. they deal only with his own branch of the family & says he cannot trace any connection with his. He, however expects, as did I, that E.C. is a Scion of Alexander Finlay who settled in Killishandra, Co Cavan 1568, who Burke in his Landed Gentry says fought for Queen Mary at Langside & after defeat, came to Killishandra. He had a son Richard. See book 16 p 474. He says John, son of this Richard had a son Thomas who married Deborah Steel & died 1776, leaving issue (at Bk 16 p 474, I have this Thomas as son of Abraham & gs of John & Mary (Savage) which I add at above table as he gives them in this table.

He gives his own line & I am embodying the data he gives in a table commencing on page 366.

10. Frances Dalzell Finlay, Irish Journalist born 1793 ob 1857 was son of John Finlay tenant farmer of Newton Ards, Co Down, Printers apprentice in Belfast & in 1824 founded the Northern Whig there. Liberalism being very unpopular in Ulster, he was often prosecuted & imprisoned & Daniel O'Connell volunteered to defend him, which caused the suits to be abandoned. He married in 1830 a daughter of Rev Wm Porter, Presbyterian Minister. Go to 371.

V21 Page 360

[descendant chart]

William Finlay of Carluke, Lanark, Scotland, died at Granite Works, Shotts Hamilton, Glasgow.


David Finlay ob 1875 at Rotherham, Engl

William F. Finley ob. No 54 Van Dorn St Saratoga Springs NY in 1908 see p 352.

Thomas Finlay ob

George Finlay ob, last heard of at Rotherham, Eng.

William Finlay, ob

John Finlay, ob

Elizabeth Finlay ob

Marian Finlay, ob

V21 Page 361

[descendant chart]

Samuel Finley came from Ireland before Revolution & settled in Allegheny Co, Pa. Were all tall slender people with black hair. Look for will at Pgh, Pa.


John S. Finley ob

John E. Finley, b 1836

Cassius J. Finley b 1865, oldest son of C.J. Finley & Co Fine vehicles & Harness in 1909 Memphis, Tenn. Informant for this record.

Brutus Finley

V21 Page 362

[descendant chart]

George Finlay see page 385 married Susannah


Charles Finley lived on Cathedral Lane, Dublin, married Elizabeth. Had two sons who were brought up by their Uncle Edward Finley.

John Finley b 1822 in Dublin, Ireland

Edward C. Finley of 2314 Cochran Ave South, Los Angeles Calif, my correspondent & informant for these records.

Charles Frederick Finley

Edward Finlay, lived on Kevine St, Dublin, Ireland

V21 Page 363

[descendant chart]

Finley was in business in Dundee, Scotland & died there in 1795. Was originally from Glasgow & a Presbyterian as were all the family. Moved from Glasgow to Dundee abt 1760.


James Finlay ob Dec 25, 1827 A linen merchant in Dundee. Married 1. Had several sons & daughters. Married 2 Barbara Gordon of the Clan Gordon.

daughter by 1st wife married Irwin. Lived in Dundee

daughter by 1st wife

a son by 1st wife who was a Hotel proprietor

Mrs White by 2d wife. Went to Christ Church, New Zealand

Unmarried daughter by 2d wife, went to Christ Church, New Zealand

William Finlay by 2d wife lived & died in Scotland

John Finlay by 2d wife b in Dundee 1819 ob in Dublin, Dec 25, 1897 youngest son. Went to Dublin as a young man & for 20 yrs held a Gov position as overseer of the zoological garden. Married in Dublin, Elizabeth Noble of Co Fermanagh. Had 3 sons & 2 daughters surviving when he died.

William Finlay youngest child of Slushhill, Leisnaske [best guess] Co Fermanagh, Ireland, informant for this record by his two letters in Mch 1912

A son left Dundee abt 1771 & went to Dublin where he went in the linen trade.

V21 Page 364 & V21 Page 365

[descendant chart]



John Finley see page 373 of Wicklow. (Jany 17/28. I think this should be Wm not John see bk 167 p 482-3) died in 1855 in Ontario. Married Ann Smith. Her brothers, Wm & John Smith were sent to St Helena as guards of Napoleon & after he died, they returned to Ireland. Finleys then belonged to Church of Eng.

Alice Finley

William Finley

John Finley, b 1810, ob

William Finley lived in Brandon, Man in 1910

John Finley lived in Norwood, Ont in 1910 married & had a daughter mfr of vehicles & wheels

Sarah Finley

Charlotte Finley

Martha Finley

Ellen Finley

Mary Ann Finley

Eliza Jane Finley

Thomas Edward Finley b 1839 youngest son. Informant for this record by letters of Dec 1909 & Jany 1910 from Lucknow, Ont.

Mary Finley

Ann Finley

Charlotte Finley married Sampson

Geo Sampson M.D. in Winslow, Arizona

Martha Finley

James Finley went fr Canada to New Zealand

Richard Finley went fr Ontario to Kansas see b 16 p 482

Thomas Finley d.y. in Ireland

Susan Finley

Richard Finley [son of Finley, subject of this chart]

Edward Finley, Harness maker in Gooderich, Ont. Left abt 1856 & never heard of after.

Rowland Finley

Another son, Chas? or George?

Thomas Finley was a Freeman of the City of Duboin as per cft in the hands of his grandson Thos Finley of Liverpool, Eng. His son John said that in the time of Oliver Cromwell, seven brothers came from Scotland & settled Ballyknockan & Ballytoote & in a place called Glen & Moll, Co Wicklow & in a place called Donaghmore in which a great many of the family lie buried & which has been the family churchyard for over 200 yrs. The names I believe are inscribed on the stones marking their graves. He married Catherine Ellen Freeman from Toolboy Killogrew.

John Finley born in Co Wicklow in 1808 & died in 1894 aged 86 years. Lived in Dublin.

Thomas Finley b Nov 20, 1850 in Dublin. He is the informant for this record by letters dated Jany 4, & Feby 18, 1909 from 21 Gregson St Brunswick St, Liverpool, Eng. He reported that a Thomas Finley was piked to death in '98 by the rebels in the rebellion. He also referred E.C. Finlay for information to a Thomas Finlay Ballytoote, Knockeraos, Brathinglass, Co Wicklow, Ireland.

A daughter living in 1909

other children all dead prior to 1909

Thomas Finley went to Canada & died there

German Finley lived & died in Co Wicklow some years prior to 1909 when a son & other members of his family were then living.

Richard? Finley

V21 Page 366 & V21 Page 367

[descendant chart

James Finlay, who came from the Highlands of Scotland abt 1651. He married twice. By the first wife, he had two sons who settled about Newtown, Limavady in Co Derry & one daughter. Jane who married Charles Kidd. We know nothing of their descendants. We have mention of two by the 2nd wife.




Jane Finley married Chas Kidd

Nancy Finley married Jas Black

David Finley married Mary Hall, daughter of Wm Hall. He came with King William's army in 1688 & was a Lieut at the siege of Derry.

James Finley b 1715, ob 1807

William Finley b 1717, ob 1784

Jane Finley b 1720, ob 1800

Alexander Finley b 1723 ob 1793 married 1755 Catherine Crawford, 2d daughter of John Crawford. Had a large family. We know nothing of descendants of any but two sons.

Usher Finley born 1764. He had a family of sons & daughters & died in America but we have no particulars.

Alexander Finlay born 1769 ob 1851 married 1 Isabella Steele & had 9 children see below. Married 2 Elizabeth Merron & had 5 children. See next page [listed below] He founded Alex Finlay Ltd mfrs of soap & candles.

Margaret Finlay b 1802 ob 1823

Alexander Crawford Finlay b 1803 ob 1833 married Catherine Forsythe & had 2 children.

Isabella Finley, still living in 1907 married Rev J. Clarke

Alexander Finlay b 1827 still living in 1907 & was chairman of Alex Finlay Ltd married Matilda Carson & had a large family. He took no interest in genealogy

Robert Finlay who in 1907 lived at 54 Ulsterville Ave Belfast & on Jany 5, 1911 at Hardwicke, Sundown Park, Belfast & was the informant by letters for this record. He was the active head of the firm of Alex Finley Ltd

Catherine Ann Finlay [daughter of Alexander b 1769] b 1805 ob 1871

James Steel Finlay b 1806 ob 1849

Robert Finlay b 1807 ob 1841

4 others who died before 1818

[children of 2nd wife]

Elizabeth Finley b 1820 married a Herdman & was still living in Dec 1907.

Charles Finley b 1821 ob married Anne Lloyd

Alexander Finley, married

Elizabeth Finley married John Chambers

Jean Finley married John Martin

Charles Edward Finley. He used to act in America as Chas Erin Verner.

John Finley, lost sight of

Annie Finley, married Dr Durham

about 5 others John Finley b 1822

Margaret Finley b 1824 married Rev J. Menedy

Samuel Finley b 1825 ob 1859, married

John Finley of 1433 High ST Alameda Calif in Oct 19, 1907 a San Francisco journalist who had died before Jany 5, 1911

V21 Page 368

[descendant chart]

Daniel Finlay of Oldstone, ob, married


Daniel Finlay ob abt 1918. Married & his wife is dead. They lived at Templepatrick abt 4 miles from Oldstone.

James Finlay. Informant for this table see page 379. He lived abt Muckamore 15 yrs

Samuel Finlay ob

Charles Finlay, ob

Daniel Finlay

John Finlay

Ellen Finlay

Susannah Finlay

Sarah Finlay

Margaret Finlay

Charles Finlay, went to America abt 70 yrs ago say 1854

James Finlay, went to America abt 70 yrs ago, say 1854

Ellen Finlay, went to America abt 70 yrs ago, say 1854

Sarah Finlay

Jane Finlay

V21 Page 369

[descendant chart]

Andrew Finlay born say 1734 ob Feby 1, 1810 aged 76, see page 379. E.C. has penciled "This looks like Andrew, son of John & Lettice". Nancy Finlay died Dec 6, 1801, may have been his wife. Erected by his son John [I assume he means tombstone]


John Finlay, born 1772 ob May 9, 1857 aged 85. He was of Frocess or Process which is near Belfast. Married 1 Nancy _____ b 1765 ob Mch 9, 1830 aged 65. Married 2 Jane ______ b 1834 ob Apr 8, 1869 aged 35.

Andrew Finlay b 1803 ob June 9, 1883 aged 80

Thomas Finlay b 1840 ob Apr 15, 1873 aged 33 yrs

Margaret Finley b 1765 ob Apr 15, 1840 aged 75, married Edward Murray of Frocess b 1763 ob Aug 10, 1836, aged 73.

V21 Page 370

[Descendant chart]



Henry Finlay born in 1800 was Mgr of Rangort Castle owned by Kennell Atkinson & also managed "Derracardney" the estate of Major Gore. He married Eliza Green & emigrated from Dublin to Fitzroy, Canada. Here were located two brothers, John & James Finlay, his cousins who went to America abt 1830 & never married & became very wealthy. They had another brother who came out here to Burrondong, N.S. Wales & married but had no issue. He became rich in the Hotel business & died abt 8 yrs ago (say 1902)

Kate Finlay married abt 1840, Thomas Howart an Architect & builder of Fitzroy Can. She was living in 1910 P.O. North Huntley & could give inf.

Susan Finley married, She who he interviewed Christmas 1909

Charles Finley was in the Shipping business in Liverpool & became rich

A daughter who lived with her brother in Liverpool but in 1910 was in N.S. Wales. Susan sd she had an old bible with many records

A son was in the army in Ireland

A son b say 1848 ob in 1888 aged 40 was very proud & wd associate only with the upper class with whom he got to drinking to excess.

Herbert Arthur Henry Finlay, the informant for this record, see page 380.

William Finlay, old, deaf & in his dotage in 1910 & living in N.S. Wales. Sd they clung to the same old names in each succeeding generations.

Thomas Finlay [son of the original Finlay of this chart]

William Finlay

These two Uncles [above] of our informant's Aunt were farmers holding farms on lease in Kings County Parsontown & amassed wealth. Were of the Gentleman class & perhaps titled.

V21 Page 371

[descendant chart]



William Finlay of Belfast Ireland married Rebecca Stewart, daughter of Archibald Stewart & his wife Miss Dobbin of Henry? Vale who was son of Hamilton Stewart. His forebears were of the landed Gentry & rode the hounds & lived in the country, but his home was in Belfast. He was a contractor. He rode an ass to school, a long ways. Either he or his father was killed by a fall. His father lived 14 miles in the county

William Finlay ob

William Finlay, lives in Pgh & named in Jas Will.

Arabella Finlay married Sheals & had a son who was a taxidermist & a daughter

James Finlay, ob May 1870 in Pgh, educated in Dublin College, came to Pgh to clerk for his Uncle H. Stewart with whom he quarreled. Exrs stole estate. Name was Dixon. Large estate, unmarried.

Rebecca Finlay married McCracken

Margaret Finlay

Hamilton Stewart Dobbin Bonaparte Finlay b say 1829 came to America to Calif when a young man. Married a Miss Hutton a native of NY City who went to Calif when a girl. Both living in 1909. His brother James left him $1000 by his will but he never got it.

Frank Finlay, ob

Eleanor Foster Finlay, unmarried

Irene Finley married Speelock, lived at Los Gatos Calif RD 15

Louise Finley married Thomson.

Henry St Clair Finley

Eugene Duterd Finley

Robert Finlay [son of the original Finlay of this chart]

Edward or Edmund Finlay

Mary Finlay

Jane Finlay

V21 Page 372

[descendant chart]

Matthew Finlay of Drumgesh, Killycar Creeny. [Then appears the following notation which I think applies to the eldest son & daughter in law of Matthew] Ric = Cath b 1741 b 1758


Richard Finlay of Drumgesh b c. 1775 [see above] & Catherine Young

William Finlay b 1796

John Finlay b 1799

Isaac Finlay b 1802

William Finlay

Mary Finlay

Agnes Finlay

Anne Finlay

Matthew Finlay b 1782 married in 1807 Jane Bell.

Mary Finlay

William Finlay b Feby 15, 1809 married Oct 7, 1834 Charlotte Best. He died Oct 4, 1898 see page 384.

Gerald Finlay

Mary Finlay married Wm Woods

William Finlay

Helen Finlay

John H. Finlay ob 1909 married 1886 Mary H. She informant for this record.

Adelaide Finlay

Electa Finlay

Matthew Finlay

Anne Finlay b 1810 married Geo Paget

Mary Paget

James Finlay b 1814

Jane Finlay b 1817

Matthew Finlay b 1820

[Note at bottom of the page reads]

Kilmen Govmt Book:

Wm Finley, Yeoman of Drumlane, married Jane Young, spins of Kildallow Apr 22, 1718

Townland of Drumgesh (180) A 1821 Census:

Richard Finlay, farmer aged 80

Cath Finlay, spinner aged 63

Isaac Finlay, laborer, aged 18

Frances dau Spinner aged 24

Euphemia dau Spinner aged 22

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[descendant chart]

Richard Finlay ob 1713 Gent of Ballynacor, Co Wicklow, see bk 16 p 474 married Jane, daughter of Capt Richd Holland who was living in 1744 See this bk p 364 & 5.


Richard Finlay ob abt 1763 said to be a merchant of Bengal. Question.

Holland Finlay ob 1772 see will p 388-9 Merchant of Dublin will dated May 5, 1769 codicil Dec 12, 1771 pro. Nov 30, 1772

Barbara Finlay ob, married 1749 Geo Gibson

John Finlay. ob, merchant of Dublin. See many of his grandchildren named in his brother Wm's will.

Jane Finlay ob married 1746 John Black

Elizabeth Finlay ob married 1747 Jonathan Naylor

Mary Finlay ob, married 1748 John Wickens

Mary? Finlay ob married Tegart & had issue. He gives two Marys

William Finlay ob abt Sept 1763 Capt & Gent. See will p 387-8 married Mary.

Richard Finlay, merchant in Bengal. Was he a son or a brother of Wm.

Thomas Finlay ob married 1730 Esther Hall. Had issue.

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From page 359

11. A letter dated Oct 30, 1914 from Miss Kate A. Finlay 1228 Senate St, Columbia S.C. see bk 16 p 448 which note in slips (who I identify as probably the Kate, elder sister of Kirkman Edward & others with the Rev Kirkman, there noted as her father, is evidently, her brother & leaving this superfluous generation out of the unintelligible paper form which I made that paper would make them ggchildren of Kirkman 1773-1842). She says she is the elder sister of Rev Kirkman G. Finlay who was born in SC after the family came there in 1873 from Canada & was named for his ggf of Castle Toward, Argyleshire, Scotland, a noted cotton spinner & merchant of Glasgow, who represented in British Parliament & worked for his city before & during the Free Trade agitation & whose statue is in the Glasgow Guild Hall placed there by his townsmen. See bk 16 p 448.

She says that no one can care less abt his ancestry than her brother who has given the letters to her, who does care to answer, but she gives practically nothing about her own family & speaks of S.C.'s fruitless search & Miss Fletcher's wild goose chase & waives him off as a chapter ended.

She says their branch is entirely Scotch & says her father (who I figure to be James or James b 1796 of Kirkman 1773-1842) came to Canada in 1853 & thence to SC in 1873. Says my brother & I & a cousin H.C.S. Finlay & his son Hugh of Macon, Ga

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are the only descendants in America of this Kirkman Finlay of Castle Toward who died in the early 40s.

She refers to "a good ways back in the history of the family, an Elder descendants of Walter Finley (his grandson, John, see bk 16 p 444) who came from the North Country - I have not the papers in hand, they being in a lawyer's office here - (try & have her let me see them) of the Moss 16 - named John went to Ireland to escape from his wife Catherine Lecky, spoken of as a stormy hizzy (huzzy) in the family records. No more is known of him by the Scotch Finleys."

She speaks of Samuel Finley, Pres of Princeton of the 7 sons coming to Phila, Pa before the Revolution & mentions several known & notable descendants & refers him to John Tull, Waynesville N.C. Also speaks of D. Edward Finley Jr son of Congressman Finley sending her the rare pamphlet "The Finleys of Bucks Co, Pa" which as requested, she rtd as she cared little about the Finleys of the U.S.

Late in the 18th Century, another John, also of an elder branch than Kirkman Finley's father James, who was youngest son of a large family see bk 16 p 445 went to U.S. & died there, leaving at least four children, about whom our family in Scotland knows nothing (this was the gggf of David Edward Finley M.C. fr S.C.)

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12. A letter dated Feby 11, 1910 from Mrs Anne Finlay aged 83 yrs of Glesilla, Stillorgan, Co Dublin, Ireland, says she was only 3 yrs married to Dr Richard Finley at 24 yrs of age (born then in 1827, married in 1848 & widowed in 1851). I then left the Co Monaghan & rtd to my father & mother's home in Co Armagh with a daughter & little baby son who died 2 yrs ago in Pittsburgh. I live with my daughter & son-in-law Tom Gillespie. I only met my father-in-law a few times. His name was Francis. He had a son Francis whom I knew well. He lived in Dublin, was married & had several children. He died some years ago.

At the top of this letter is penciled:

Robert Finlay = Ann Gillespie

1818, ML 522

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13. A letter dated Jany 17, 1910 from Mrs R.B. Young 135 Brighton Ave no town given says the Parkinsons know very little of their ancestry & asked her to write. Says their ggf came from Cavan & married twice & had children by both wives, one was named Finley & the name still remains in the family. Robert, the gf of those boys was a very good religious man. He married his own cousin, Miss Trimble Jackson. Findley, also married & James, all had families, they were prosperous men. Some 20 yrs ago the British Gov by an Act of Parliament allowed the tenant to pay no rent. Parkinson fought it in the courts but was left to sell for what he could get & came to Calif where he died abt 8 yrs ago. All the family is dead, but one sister, Mrs Sarah Lough. I think the name of Findley Parkinson's place is Tully. Those others are all around from Cavan to Enniskillen. Write Findley Patterson or Mrs Lough.

A letter dated Apr 25, 1910 from Mrs Sarah J. Lough, Maguire's Bridge says William Finlay & his brother David Finlay came to Lebally in North Fermanagh to live abt 1794. They came from Ballinamallard but were natives of Fyfeshire, Scotland. After some time, William moved to Killiscloghey & married

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a Miss Breadin. William died in 1842 & had son Alexr who married a Miss Burnside who had two sons & two daughters. Alex's two sons are still living in the old home of their gf Wm Finlay.

David Finlay left Lebally & came to live at Tully. He married a Miss Catherine Nelson who had 13 children, all died but one girl called Letitia. She married James Parkinson, my Uncle, of Tully. She had 3 sons & 3 daughters. The youngest son was Finlay Parkinson. He still lives in his gf David Finlay's old residence in Tully. There was several brothers of these Finlays who lived in Killicloghey & Tully. They had a brother John who went to America. See if this might be John who married Isabella Miller b 16 p 445. David Finlay of Tully died abt 1861.

A letter dated Sept 19, (say 1910) from Finaly [sic] Parkinson, Tully, Maguires Bridge, Co Fermanagh, Ireland. He says the first generation of the Finlays came from Scotland.

My mother was a daughter of David Finlay. My wife's mother's name was also Finlay. She had an Uncle John Finley who went to America. Neither she nor I knew him, but I called my youngest son for him John Finaly [sic] Parkinson. My father & mother are long dead, probably 60 yrs ago. There was a James Finaly lived in this land a brother of my grandfather.

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14. A letter dated 10th Jany 1910 from Maurice Finlay of the Anchorage, Cashendun, Co Antrim says he is a poor fisherman, aged 28 married & has a boy & a girl & his brother Walter is 30 yrs old. Their father, John Finley was of Glenmora, Cushendun formerly of Donegal Sq East Belfast. He died Aug 19, 1907 & my mother who was father's 2d wife was the daughter of Wm Harper Lepper. She died July 25, 1907. His father's first wife was a Hill, an Aunt of his 2d wife. His father belonged to Banbridge & was the oldest child & had a brother William. Their mother was a Robinson an only daughter who had 7 brothers. She was form Bellroy, near Banbridge, Glenmona was taken from our father & he lost all of his money.

A letter dated Feby 4, 1924 from James Finlay 5 Glenvale Rd Whiteabbey, Co Antrim, Ulster, says his grandfather Daniel Finlay belonged to Oldstone. I am making a table on page 368 of the information he gives. Folded with this letter was a typewritten paper giving evidently some tombstone inscriptions which I am tabling on page 369.

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Oak Hill Sept 8, 1927 12:33 PM

15. A letter dated Jany 28, 1910 from Herbert Arthur Henry Finlay, Doris, Leichhardt? says he had gone out Christmas to the country & gathered data from his Aunt Susan (he foolishly don't name her married name or give his father's name) & her husband, both over 70 who were married before they came out here, in Dublin about 50 yrs ago (I wonder if he isn't writing from Australia). He then names his gf & brothers, hence I am tabling the inf on page 370. He says his own eldest sister married in the Gore family out here & her husband managed "Rutland" Estate for Chas H. Mention.

He mentions a John Finlay, a cattle buyer outside of Dublin who contracted a cold & died about 1830, but he does not say whether he was a brother of his gf.

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16. Several letters, one dated Jany 11, 1909 from Irene Finlay Sheelock, Los Gatos RD No 15, Calif & from her single sister Eleanor Foster Finlay indicate that their father's people came from Belfast & were of the Landed Gentry & were all Presbyterians. Their father claimed to be descended from Mary, Queen of Scots or the Stuarts & were related to A.T. Stewart of NY & that Hamilton Stewart of Allegheny Pa was his Uncle. Says he is abt 80 yrs old (born say 1829) & that he was 10 yrs old at the time of the great wind storm in Ireland.

I am making up a table on page 371. They say Hamilton Stewart came to Pgh about 1840.

They ask about Tom Finley of Texas who died about 10 yrs ago & they advertised for his heirs.

E.C. has penciled on margin of one letter: "Isabella Finley = Arch Stewart Feby 14, 1782"

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17. A letter dated Mch 3, 1912 from Mrs Mary H. Finlay, widow of John H. Finlay Atty at Law of Warsaw, Ills, speaks of having rtd from abroad last fall & speaks of a disconnected genealogy record by some member of the family from Rev Robert Leech, Rector of Drumlane, near Belturbet of County Davan in 1894 & copied by my husband. She says my husband's parents Rev Wm B. & Charlotte Finlay came from Cavan & Monaghan counties. While in Ireland, I spent a day at Belturbet, driving out to Drumaslady Church & the little school building where my husband's father & his father before him was shipped & taught. In the churchyard are buried several Finlays & the inscription on one of the tombstones was:

John Finlay age 72 Belturbet - 1851

This tomb was erected by his wife & children as a lasting memorial of their attachment & gratitude for an affectionate husband, fond father & a kind disinterested friend.

His daughter, Maria 1837 on the same lot is: Anne Finlay 1892, only surviving daughter of Matthew Finlay born in Killymachin, Fermanagh, Niece of the above John Finlay.

Crossing the River Erne at

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turbet is a fine stone bridge in the building of which John Finlay is inscribed as one of the commissioners. I met Mr James Breisland with whom you (E.C.) have corresponded & he was most corteous [sic] to me who knew considerably about the Finlays at Balturbet. He said there was a Sir Thomas Finlay, knighted in 1837 with the coat of Arms, two swords & motto Fortis in Arduis (brave in difficulties). I didn't think to enquire for Finlays when in Dublin. My husband's oldest sister is named Mary, but she has been Mrs Wm Woods for more than 50 years.

There is a two page printed memorial & 9one page obituary of her father-in-law mem. fr which I make below on the back of which is a genealogical table showing three generations of children, which is probably what she referred to above. I am reproducing it on page 372. It shows a Mathew in four successive generations & I find Mathews at b 15 p 352 & bk 16 p 465.

The memorial was written by himself at West Point, Ills Feby 22, 1897 & is largely about his conversion & religious activities:

"William B. Finlay was born Feby 15, 1809 in the Parish of Drumlane, County of Cavan Province of Ulster, Ireland, was of pure Protestant parents - mother was a prim-

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itive Methodist from early life - father was an Episcopalian & belonged to the old English Church"

Was Converted in early life under the preaching of Rev G.B. Moffatt. In my 20th year, 1829, I took father's place (this being after his death) & was placed in charge of the Parish School & in 1830 went up to Dublin to the Kildare College, got my cft & taught the Parish School, receiving pay from the Gov of Great Britain for 5 yrs. But a change came & the system of teaching fell into the hands of the Priest of Rome & I resigned. I united with the M.E. church

In the Parish of Tyholland, I married my wife, Charlotte Best, daughter of William Best, who was a local preacher in the old Illinois Conference for many years. We were married Oct 7, 1834 by Rev Chas H. Cruikshank, Rector of the Tyholland Parish Church.

We pulled up stakes & landed in Quincy, Ills June 6, 1839.


Rev Wm B Finlay departed this life Oct 4, 1898 at his home at West Point, Ills at 9 Pm age d89 yrs 7 mos 19 days. Death was due to pneumonia & rheumatism. He was a sufferer from rheumatism for over 40 years, always uncomplaining.. He was buried Oct 6th in the Chili Cemetery.

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Oak Hill Sept 9, 1927 3:06 PM

Taking up E.C. Finlay's letter of Aug 20, 1926 in which above records were enclosed, he says that Mr Houston, some years ago looked up the ancient records of Co Cavan which he thinks were deposited in the record court at Dublin which were destroyed by the Republican Party & all records burned.

He says he has despaired of solving the problem of George Finlay & his wife Susannah who were his great grandparents. He wrote to Col T.H. Finlay of Corkagh, Co Dublin, but he has not replied. The Rev John Finlay who was murdered a few yrs ago at Bawnboy House, Co Cavan, would not give any inf. He was descended from the same family as David Finlay, who married Mary Lake of West Indies, also closely connected with Rev John Findlay who married Miss Lee & had a son John Lee Findlay, known as John Findlay, as he did not use the name of Lee.

He gives me the addresses of Rev Saml Ridgeway, Rector of Carlow Church, Co Carlow, Ireland, brother-in-law of Rev John Finlay, murdered at Bawnboy House. He is Rector of St Marys Church Carlow, also Robert H. Johnstone Esq J.P. D.L. Baronboy House, Co Cavan, but as neither would answer his letters, I will not write, but make slip.

He says Wm Finlay of Carrickfergus is closely related to his ggf George Finlay who married Susannah. Says Geo Dewey of Vermont

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married Bessie Ridgeway & thinks is related to Finley. Says Finley Shepherd married into Astor or Vanderbilt families & asks who are his Finleys.

He says Sir Kirkman Finlay of Warfield Grove, Bracknell, Berkshire, Eng belongs to the Burmah Family, but will not reply.

Egle's Penna 2d edition 1887 has Finley data.

Thomas Graham Finlay had a daughter Janet Finlay who married Charles Thomas Cobbe, barrister b 1813 ob May 13, 1882 & had: Leuric, Hervie & Margaret.

Granville Lanesborough Finlay (son of David Lanesborough Finlay) born 1874 married 1903 Lady Blanche Sybyl, daughter & heiress of 7th Earl of Kingston, & widow of Hon Lionel Plantagenet, General Tollemache. He says William Findley had a son James Washington Finley who had a son William A. Finley of 1127 McDonald Ave Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, Calif where a 1925 shows Sarah E. Finley living. I am writing her presumably the widow of Rev Wm Findley. Also gives Ernest Finley, editor of Press Democrat 5th ST, Santa Rosa.

John Finley from Monongahela, Pa moved to Ky, had a brother George & a sister Melinda who married Mr Hanley & lived in Louisville, Ky in 1908

John Finley married & had issue:

Warren born Aug 5, 1802 at Bryants Pass, Ky who had a daughter Cordelia married Mr McElroy, born 1832 living at Rensselar in 1908 (no doubt NY)

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Geo Finley c/o Hart Settle, Galveston, Texas had a brother who had issue: Luke & Percy, lawyers in Memphis, Tenn in 1909.

Jane Finlay married 1764 Samuel Ball of Grouse Hall, Innishowen, Donegal. John Ball married Sept 9, 1714 Mary Finlay of Moynalty, Co Meath.

Mary Ball was the mother of Geo Washington Thomas Dunlop Finley (see Anjou's hist p 17 & book 16 p 478 where Robt Finley married Dorothea Dunlop) of Easter Hill, Lanark, married Elizabeth daughter of Joseph Webster, had a son George Douglas married Julia Georgina Hamilton Jany 7, 1890 daughter of Col John Ferrier Hamilton of Caim Hill.

Will of William Finley of Donard Co Wicklow, Gent, says he is entitled to £1000 left by his son Richard Finley, merchant of Bengal, decd which I give as follows:

to my nephew Richard Tegart £100 & to each of his children, William, Elizabeth, & Mary Tegart £20.

To my nephew Geo Tegart £100

To Jane Earl wife of Wm Earl otherwise Tegart £100

To my niece Mary Wiggins, otherwise Finley of William St, Dublin £100

To my cousin Wentworth Holland £20

to my cousin Esther Dibous, two sons James & Alexander Adkins £29

to my cousin Ann Smith £10

to her son Thomas Armstrong £10

to my cousin Richard Finley of Donard, Co Wicklow £100

to my cousin John Finley of Coolemony, Co Wicklow £10

to the children of the to wit: John, William & Elizabeth Finley £20 each. All the residue of my

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property to my cousin Richard Finley of Donard, Co Wicklow & appoint him & John Finley Exrs. Dated Aug 19, 1763

William Finley

Probated Oct 18, 1763

Richard was surviving Exr Jany 15, 1766, John Finley having died & William, Elizabeth & Mary, children of Richard Tegert were all under age.

Legacies to John, William & Elizabeth, children of cousin John of Coolemony were also under 21.

William was evidently a widower & Richard his only child has evidently died without issue.

I would say he was one of the 5 sons of Richard, son of John & Mary Savage, see book 16 p 474.

Mary Finley married John Wiggins 1748 mar Lic 486

Jane Finley married John Black 1746 mar lic 418

Thomas Finley married Esther Hall 1730

Barbara Finley married Geo Gibson 17--

Scotts Magazine Oct 21, 1763 died near Donard, Co Wicklow, Ireland Capt William Finley, who was lineally descended from the ancient family of the Finleys of Kirendbright in Scotland. See Alexander b 16 p 474

Deed Mch 10, 1725 Holland Finley of Shillelagh, Co Wicklow, Gent & Catharine Davis, his wife, she daughter of John Davis of Kinsdale, Co Cork.

Will of Holland Finley (evidently another of the 5 son of Richard page 474

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b 16 whose wife was Jane Holland May 5, 1769 & codicil Dec 12, 1771 directs that he be buried at Rathdrum beside his daughter, Denison Hume of Humewood, Co Wicklow & Geo Gibson of Dublin, timber merchant, Trustees, bequeaths property to his daughter, wife of George Gibson to nephews Richard & Holland Finley & to nephew Thomas Finley if he returns home & to his nieces Millers Twelves Barbara Finley, Easter Hall. His will Nov 30, 1772

E.C. says he has often heard his parents speak of Holland & Gibson.

Oak Hill Sept 10, 1927 1:30 PM

See book 16 p 474 & from data he gives, I am making a table on page 373, giving Richard Finlay & his wife Jane Holland's five sons. He makes Richard of Bengal, merchant, both a brother & a son of Wm who died 1763.

He thinks George Finlay of Wicklow, will 1718 must belong to same family as Holland of Co Wicklow.

Will of John Finlay late of Larne Co Antrim, weaver, dated Nov 25, 1779 left:

To his son Thomas Finlay £5

to his daughter Mary Murray £5

to his son-in-law Robert Love £5

to his gd Martha Love his house & garden in new town of Larne. Robert Love & Robt Finley Exrs.

John Finley, father of James had a farm of Anchevely, Co Antrim & Mch 29, 1773, John

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leased part of it to James, on the lines of Thomas Finley aged 43, Thomas Finlay aged 33 & Thomas Browne aged 33, one of these Thomases was James' eldest brother.

John, the father, had the farm from before 1723. When he died, his widow, Margaret & her eldest son Thomas got hold of it. this is the same family as John Finlay of Larne will 1779.

John Finlay of Glenemona, Cushenderry, son of John to Harriette Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Hopper Lepper (see Maurice Finley letter above) were married June 5, 1877 in Grane Gorman Church, Dublin, St Lukes Church Dublin Oct 17, 1755, William Son of Joseph & Jane Finlay buried Oct 21, 1764. Wm, son of James & Jane Finlay buried in St Lukes chyd Dublin, who were Joseph & James.

Prerogative will of Thomas Finlay of Belturbet dated July 4, 1816 Gent, proved Sept 14, 1818, sons John, James & David, son-in-law Thomas H. Wall & Susan Finley, his wife.

Wife Jane C., daughters Catharine, Sarah & Jane, Brothers John & George.

Prerogative will of George Finley of Carville Esq July 21, 1845 proved 1855 wife Helena 3d son Francis, eldest son Wm Henry, daughters Susan

& Helena Catherine, eldest grandson George, eldest son of son James Alexander decd, grandson George Henry, eldest son of Wm Henry, Eliza, mother of grandson George, grandson, David Luke brother of said George, daughter Nicholena Harman wife of Ralph Harman Esq, niece Elizabeth Finlay daughter of Wm Finlay codicil Jany 18, 1850 as son Wm Henry is now dead.

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Prerogative will of Francis Finlay of Kildallon, Jany 3, 1855 proved 1855, son John, son Francis, of Ardloghter (His daughter Elizabeth) daughter Margaret Sturdy in America, daughter Isabella, grandson Francis Faris in America, granddaughters Lilly, Sarah & Margarett Anne Goodfellow Exrs David Finlay Esq of Bawnboy & John Finlay of the Lake Cavan (Kilmore Wills)

John Finlay of Ardloghen, Parish of Kildallon Jany 5, 1809 proved Oct 9, 1809.

son Francis - Ardlogher

son John, now in West Indies

Kildallon gd Lilly Berry £50 at marriage

daughter Margaret & her two daughters by Matt Blakely £50

He tells abt an Andrew Finlay born near Glasgow & coming to America when 23. Am making table page 394. He speaks of Sam Finley, farmer & distiller who served under Hickory Jackson in 1812 & died in 1861. See table page 395.

Landowners in Ireland in 1880

Alfred Finlay of Ballyshannon, Donegal 1023 Acres

In Co Cavan, Rev John Wm Finlay of Corkagh Co Dublin 435 A.

In Co Dublin 1153 A in Co Kildare John Finley J.P.

High Sheriff of Cavan 1863 Capt 78th foot Brackley House, Bawnboy Co Cavan 4337 A.

Cavan (Kilmore wills) William Finlay of Drumgesh, Parish of Drumlane Jany 17, 1778 proven 1780.

Son James £5 per annum

sons William, Matthew, & Patrick £5 each per annum.

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daughter Agnes 40 shillings per annum

son John £6 per annum

son Richard £ per anuum

Witness Arthur Finlay

James Finlay of Belturbet formerly of St Croix

to brother Thomas £100

to brother Matthew, clothes

to sister Susannah & brother William's present wife, nephew John Finlay of Bally Cassidy Co Fermanagh, executors brothers John, David & Matthew & nephew James

Will dated Dec 6, 1817 proved Dec 27, 1817 witness John Finlay

Matthew Finlay of Killamackin dated Apr 18, 1834 proven June 11, 1839 servant Elizabeth Burrows £20

Edward Finlay illegitimate son by her £50

Jane, Anne & Elizabeth, illegitimate daughters by her £80

Brother George

nephew Thomas son of brother David & nephew John Finlay executors

a witness James Finlay

see page 372.

John Finlay of Newton Ards Co Down had a son Francis Dalzell Finlay born 1793 died 1857. Irish journalist, founder of the Northern Whig married 1830 a daughter of Rev Wm Porter, Pres & had a son Geo Washington Finlay died at Belfast Jany 30, 1842 aged 17.

Some Finleys went from Co Leitrim to Toledo, O

Wm Finley married Jany 27, 1784 Anne Wilson in Hackettstown, Co Carlow

Richard Finley married Feby 23, 1803 Mary Free married same place.

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[descendant chart]



Andrew Finlay, born near Glasgow, Scotland, came to U.S. when 25. Married at Nashville, Tenn when 28 & had the children given below.

John Finlay

James Finlay

Andrew Finlay

William Finlay



Emma Finlay married Mr Freeman. Live at 4715 Charlotte St, Kansas City Mo in 1908 would not reply to E.C.F. She has data.

Chas E. Finley banker Aetna NBK, Greenwich & Warren St NY in 1908. thinks is a large R.E. dealer. He sd his sister Emma had data.

Daughter [sister of Andrew above] married Mr Aikens, dry goods merchant of NY

Daughter married Dunakin, lived at Cambridge, Mass

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[descendant chart]

Sam Finley, farmer & distiller, served under Hickory Jackson in 1812 & died 1861. He had a brother who died in Rockingham Co, VA


David Finley ob 1879 in Va

Martha Elizabeth Finley ob, married Joseph M. Bishop. After she died he married her sister.

A.G. Bishop married an Irish Girl fr Tipperary. His address in 1908 was Box 56 Crozet, VA

Mary Evelyn Bishop

Adolphus Bishop

James Bishop

Sally Bishop married Chas Stafford & live at Staunton, Va

Mary Susan Finley ob Mch 1911 married Joseph M. Bishop being his 2d wife. Had the children below.

Lucy Jane Bishop married Robt Joseph Robinson of Batesville, Va her address in 1914

Samuel Bishop

Susan Bishop

Emma Bishop married Edmd Clark

Alice Maggie Bishop married Joseph Hack [best guess] Harding of Avon, Nelson Co, Va

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Oak Hill Sept 11, 1927 10:46 PM

I got from the P.O. at 8 o'c last night Maj A.F. France's loose leaf record of the Finley family containing 90 leaves which he has written himself on both sides & which I spent last night & today in reading over & arranged by phone with Harry I. Schupp to copy while I am away on the trip I am leaving on in the morning, except the first 5 leaves, making 85 leaves 10 3/4 x 8 inc or 170 pages. I am giving the book in its paper box to Pallini in the morning to give Schupp & get back when he has finished as I must return it to Maj Frances as soon as I can.

Pallini has wanted me to give him a note for the wages I owe him or for ten thousand dollars of it. I have 18 mos back on recent wages at $200 per month or rather $150 for him & his wife & some two years or so a few years ago since my trouble of unpaid wages. He counts thirteen thousand dollars due with what is back on the note which I have not gone over, but I am satisfied I do owe him as much as ten thousand dollars & must settle up with him when I can get a deal closed & earn some commissions.

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At residence of Maranda Minich Markle No 127 Barrett ST Brookville, Pa Sept 13, 1927 8:05 PM

Mrs Markle is the wife of John Lewis Markle born Oct 6, 1850 in Red Bank Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa, oldest child of Elias Markle, the son of Moses of Christian. This is his home, but he is now on a visit at his daughter Minnie Colman, Greenwood, Del. He was married June 18, 1874 here in Brookville, Pa to Maranda Minich born Dec 26, 1855 in Ringgold Tp Jefferson Co, Pa being the 11th of the 21 children of Henry Minich & his 2d wife Matilda Young (he had 5 children by 1st wife & 13 by 2d). They had 13 children, the first four born in Ringgold Tp, Jeff Co, Pa & the last nine in Knox Tp, Jeff Co, Pa.

Mrs Markle is reading from their bible record the dates of birth of her children & their full names:

1. Nora May Markle born Nov 29, 18975

2. Henry Monroe Markle born Feby 15, 1876

3. Minnie Ida Markle born Apr 8, 1877

4. Raymond Otis Markle born Jany 21, 1879

5. John Robert Markle born Mch 21, 1880

6. Ralph Wade Markle born Sept 15, 1881

7. Maud Rebecca Markle born Nov 22, 1883

8. Cora Agnes Markle born Mch 1, 1885

9. Elizabeth Blanche Markle born July 25, 1887

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10. Harvey Chester Markle born July 29, 1891

11. Verna Lavina Markle born Feby 1, 1893

12. Grace Leone Markle born Dec 29, 1894

13. Hazel Gertrude Markle born Feby 23, 1898

1. Nora May was married Aug 17, 1897 in Knox Tp at home to Calvin A. Burkhouse born Oct 1st, 1873 in Clarion Co, Pa son of Solomon Burkhouse & wife Elizabeth Klepfer. Both living here on Mabon [sic] St where he is a carpenter & she & her oldest girl are running a general furnish store for women.

They have three children, the oldest in Pine Creek Tp & the other two on Mabon St, Brookville, Pa

1. Ruth Lucile Burkhouse born Mch 8, 1901

2. Elizabeth Lanore Burkhouse born Nov 4, 1904

3. Evelyn Agnes Burkhouse born Mch 4, 1911

They are all at home, single

2. Henry Monroe was married June 30, 1915 in Indiana Co, Pa to Sallie Lucinda Hall born Mch 25, 1887 at Shomshonmick, Armstrong Co, Pa daughter of John White Hall & his wife Annie Maria Davis. Both living here at 310 Jefferson St where he is a lumber merchant. Has but one child born in Atwood, Armstrong Co, Pa

1. Grace Marie Markle born Sept 29, 1916

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3. Minnie Ida was married Apr 1899 in Brookville, Pa to Ross Coleman born Apt 8, 1877 same date as his wife in Red Bank Tp Armstrong Co, Pa son of Martin Coleman & wife Elizabeth McKilp. Both living on a farm 1 1/2 miles from Greenwood, Del RFD where he is a farmer & where her father is now visiting. Have had four children, two first born in Red Bank Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa & the last two born where they now live near Greenwood, Del.

1. Elizabeth Coleman born May & died

2. Helen Coleman

3. Margaret Maranda Coleman born Apr 8, 1909

4. Ross Coleman born Dec 1921

All at home single

4. Raymond Otis was married in Nov 5, 1903? here in Brookville, Pa to Nettie Oswandel born May 4, 1882 in Pine Creek Tp this Co daughter of Andrew J. Oswandel & wife Angeline Cabel. Both living in Pine Creek Tp (P.O. Brookville Pa RD 1) where he is a retired merchant & at present Tax collector of the Tp. Have one child born in Pine Creek Tp

1. Virginia Laura Markle born Mch 14, 1905 & was married Oct 1924 at home, to Dwight L. King, born

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near Ford City, Pa. Both living at No 125 Barnett St here where he is shop foreman Baker-Buick Garage. No issue.

5. John Robert was married 1st May 16, 1905 in Warsaw Tp this Co to Clara Byth [sic] Moore born Dec 20, 1883 in Reynoldsville, daughter of A. Uriah Moore & wife Hester Ingersoll & died in Ridgway, Pa June 20, 1918. No issue. Married 2d Jany 8, 1919 to Lila Hetrick born May 18, 1877 daughter of Edward Hetrick & wife Sarah Dinger. Both living in Knox Tp this Co where he is a farmer & Supt of their coal mine. P.O. Brookville, Pa RD 2. No issue.

6. Ralph Wade was married 1st July 1912 to Minnie Lovell born near Emelenton, Pa 1888? & died in Nov 1914 in the Groove Hospital, Punxsutawney, Pa. No issue. Married 2d Aug 2, in Franklinville, NY to Lucy Elnor Rowland daughter of Edward Rowland & his wife. Have two children born here in Brookville.

1. Eleanor Pauline Markle born Dec 24, 1917

2. John Edwards Markle born Jany

V21 Page 401

Both living in New Bethlehem, Pa where he has a general store & has also a shoe store here.

7. Maud Rebecca died of cholera infanturm Aug 6, 1884, aged almost nine months. She was a most beautiful child with curls.

8. Cora Agnes was married Nov 27, 1914 at home in Knox Tp to Howard Crosby McClelland born at Sigel, Pa this Co June 20, 1882 son of James Alexander McClelland & wife Jennie Coon. Both living in Pine Creek Tp P.O. Brookville, Pa RD 1 where he is a millwright & owns a 280 A farm & runs an Inn. Have 3 boys the first born in Buckhannon WVA, the second also at Buckhannon WVA & the 3d here in Brookville, Pa

1. John Markle McClelland born Dec 28, 1916

2. James Alexander McClelland born Jany 10, 1921

3. Robert Earl McClelland born Jany 8, 1922

9. Elizabeth Blanche was married at Des Moines, Iowa Nov 29, 1916 to Earle Eugene Howe born in Iowa. Both living at No 636 E. Grand Ave ie his office, Des Moines, Iowa, House 3010 York St. No issue. He is a veterinarian

V21 Page 402

10. Harvey Chester is a merchant here at Markles Cash store. He has three stores. He was married here Apr 5, 1920 to Catharine Viola Bullers born Apr 21, 1894 in Jefferson Co in Pine Creek Tp daughter of Thomas Bullers & his wife Emma Long. Have three children all born in Brookville, Pa viz:

1. Imogene Viola Markle b Mch 22, 1921

2. Clare Louise Markle b Aug 18, 1924

3. Harvey Chester Markle Jr b Mch 21, 1926

He is also engaged in the coal business as an operator.

11. Verna Lavina was married Dec 25, 1918 in Knox Tp at home to William Dalson Graham who was born in Louisiana, younger than his wife. Both living in Evanston, Ills at 2641 Prairie Ave where he is an engineer, ventilating system blow pipes etc. Have three children the oldest born in Boston, Mass, the second in Rochester NY & the third in Cleveland, O:

1. William D. Graham Jr born Aug 29, 1920

2. Phyllis Lucile Graham born Dec 1923

3. Patricia Ann Graham born Dec 1, 1925

V21 Page 403

12. Grace Leone was married in Youngstown, O Mch 21, 1917 to Herbert Angelo Love of Brookville, Pa born July 21, 1877 near Corsica, Pa, son of Charles Love & his wife Alice Clark. Both living on Wallace St here & he is a jeweler & optician on Main St here & have two children both born here.

1. Genevieve Markle Love born Dec 10, 1917

2. William Herbert Love born Nov 25, 1920

13. Hazel Gertrude was married July 29, 1920 at Bellefonte, Pa to Arthur David McKinley born in Brookville, Pa May 10, 1897 son of William Lowry McKinley & his wife Laura Josephine Coulter. Both living in Goodwell, Okla where he is a professor in a college. Have one child born in Des Moines, Iowa.

1. Richard Earl McKinley born May 18, 1924

See Harvey Chester Markle after 7 o'c in the morning.

Leaving 11:11 PM

see book 12 p 574

V21 Page 404

At the Markle Cash Grocery Store, Main St Brookville, Pa Sept 14, 1927 7 AM

I find Mr H. Chester Markle here at work. He says their coal sales agency is at Dubois, Pa home mines at Knox Dale & Dora, Pa on the Shawmut [best guess] RR, their firms being the Ringgold Coal Co & the Markle Bulreos [best guess] Co & also the H.C. Markle coal Co.

Mr Markle says he wants a book when they come out. He gave me his record, see page 402.

Leaving 7:35 AM

Ray Hartzell, short kind clerk at the American Hotel phoned the Soldiers Old Home here last night & asked for Mrs Sarah Peairs & was told that she had died there May 2, 1926 & was taken to West Newton, Pa for burial see book 12 p 548.

V21 Page 405

At residence of Calvin Acarias Burkhouse no 74 Mabon St, Brookville, Pa Sept 14, 1927 7:46 AM

H. Chester Markle drove me over here & Mrs Burkhouse, a typical Markle, admitted me. She is giving me to complete their records on page 398. She wants a book. Also met her daughter Ruth.

Leaving 8:20 AM

At residence of Howard C. McClelland Pine Creek Tp Jefferson Co, Pa (P.O. Brookville RD 1 Pa) Sept 14, 1927 9:03 AM

H. Chester Markle has driven me out & I have met Mr McC & his three sons with whom he has just gone to school & Mrs McClelland is giving me the dates for her own family on page 401. She said she wanted a book.

Leaving 9:25 AM

V21 Page 406

At office of Saml S. Henderson, Main St, Brookville, Pa Sept 14, 1927 10:15 AM

Mr Henderson did not get in from his country home until the above time & I went in & introduced myself & he has a mass of records which he tied up & laid away ten or twelve years ago when he practically gave up the quest which before that time he had been very much interested in. He has the record of his Hendersons from the time his gggf John Henderson with brothers, Alexander & William came to Va in 1740 from Foredell, Scotland. His gf John Henderson, son of James married Anna Jack daughter of Capt Patrick Jack & in 1837, he emigrated to Marysville, Union Co, O. His son Joseph Washington Henderson born in 1814 had been elected Shff in 1835 or 1836 & remained in Jefferson Co Va & later became an Associate Judge. He was the 2nd Shff of the Co. S.S. looked through paper after paper which he had tied up in the 3 or 4 packets & was extremely loathe to let me take any of the papers which he did not want to let leave his hands. He was three hours before he consented to let me take some 8 or 10 papers

V21 Page 407

he selected out, on my promise before his wife who had come in, to return them to him in six weeks. I took them & locked them up in my satchel, giving him the promise to return them in six weeks.

H. Monroe Markle had told me last night that both he & his brother Joseph B? Pres of the Jefferson Co Natl Bank who completed his 85 yrs today born Sept 14, 1842 were millionaires being worth one to two million dollars each, made largely from the sale of their coal plants. He was very positive however, that he would not buy the Heinze 9000 A of coal which I proposed to sell him at $40 per acre. He said he wd not engage in any business venture any more.

He said he wanted a book, no difference what it cost.

Left 1:20 PM

See book 16 p 293-4

V21 Page 408

At temporary quarters of the court house, Register & recorders office Brookville, Pa Sept 14, 1927 1:42 PM

Walking up from Mr Henderson's office to American Hotel, I found Raymond O. Markle waiting for me & he drove me over here where we found that Samuel Findley, so spelled on the records has not made a will but that letters of Admr had been issued May 7, 1855 & reissued d.b.n. Mch 11, 1859 to Geo W. Andrews.

Also that letters on J.C. Findley's estate had been issued Mch 12, 1859 to Elizabeth Finley. the books reported sales of several tracts of real estate tracts in estate of Samuel Findley, Thos E. Finley in the Berger Bldg yesterday thought the Ligonier Findleys were relatives of the Gov Findley family.

See bk 15 p 385 & 390

Left 1:48 PM

R.O. then drove me over to his brother H.C.'s store & I went up to John Huskins Doran's home adjoining & saw his wife nee Edna Divvens

V21 Page 409

& her handsome 19 yr old daughter Florence, through High School 2 yrs ago. Her husband, John H. son of Isaac Newton Doran of William had accosted me at Red Bank yesterday at 4 Pm & rode to Brookville with me. He has been with the Shawmut RR for over 12 yrs & Dr John M. Fuller's son has a position under him.

I then went & bid H. Chester Markle goodbye. He is a fine man & so is his brother, Henry Monroe. I then started with Raymond O. Markle at 2:50 Pm in his Buick for Punxsutawney & Indiana where we arrived at 5:20 PM, a drive of 59 miles which he gave me free.

He gave me as we drove along some data which I am entering in his record on page 399. He said to write Virginia for data to complete her record. She was born at Emerickville, 5 miles out of Brookville where R.O. lives & his wife sitting on the porch joined us & went along. Mr Buffington to whom H.C. introduced me said the Caylor for me to see was the postmaster at Punxsutawney & found Mr Caylor had left yesterday morning for Niagara Falls to attend a convention of first class postmasters of U.S. They directed me to go down Findley St to

V21 Page 410

Residence of Andrew Sharp Caylor No 209 Liberty St Punxsutawney, Pa Sept 14, 1927 3:30 PM

Mrs Helen Caylor Watson of Indiana, Pa, daughter of Mr & Mrs Kahlor who came here to nurse her mother who is sick in bed with grippe since yesterday morning, took me upstairs to talk to her mother.

She said her husband's father was Amos Caylor who was born near Worthville, Pa & who married Laura Mitchell. He died abt 1911 aged abt 65 yrs, she thought. Mrs Caylor says she has heard of the Rothermels being related through the Mitchells she thought. She referred me to Mrs Ed Murray & said if she didn't know of the Rothermel connection through the Mitchells it wd be through the Caylors.

She said Mr Caylor was named for his two gfs. Helen is a D.A.R. through the Rev. service of Andrew Sharp. Mrs C. said the Caylors came from Northumberland Co, Pa. She said there was a woman here 10 yrs ago writing a history of the Mitchell family.

I left my name & they are going to Mr C. write me.

Left 4 PM

See book 11 p 200

V21 Page 411

At Sunset Hill Tea & Rest Room kept by Mrs Ed Murray between Covode & Marchand, Pa Sept 14, 1927 4:15 PM

Mrs Ed Murray says the Rothermels are not related to the Mitchells as I thought & then the Caylors are. I had been spelling it Kahler. I had ice cream & cake here with Mr & Mrs Markle as my guests. R.O. Markle says there is an elderly man named Caylor living at Ringgold, Pa up in his 70s. He is father of Vernon, Caylor.

V21 Page 412

At residence of John L. Getty Esq No 946 Church St, Indiana Pa 5:40 PM Sept 14, 1927

I walked around here, a fine residence & was admitted by Mr Getty & he called his mother-in-law, Mrs Haney who completes her 88 yrs next Tuesday & who would pass anywhere for less than 70 & who is lithe & active. She does not know the name of her grandfather Findley & never heard of any relationship to the Gov Findley family. She says her mother was Elizabeth Mickey & that she died before her father who died in 1855 before she was sixteen. Says she was born in Jefferson Co abt two miles from Brookville. Says her father is buried in the old g.y. in Brookville & was only 53 when he died.

Mr Getty brought this record around to me to the Moore hotel. She said that she thought her brother John Cameron Findley got their father's bible & that after he died, his widow married a McQuiston & she supposes she took the bible. Mrs Getty gave me a letter from their daughter living in Brookville & said for me to write to her.

Samuel Findley Sr was a Lieut in the Revolutionary War as per D.A.R. papers.

V21 Page 413

See bk 15 p 390-5

See bk 16 p 499

His son Samuel Findley Jr who lived in the Ligonier Valley removed to Jefferson Co, Pa near Brookville & died there 1855. Left to survive him the following children:

1. Alexander Findley died unmarried

2. John Cameron Findley died left two daughters

3. Samuel Findley died unmarried

4. Mary Jane Findley died unmarried

5. Sarah Ann Findley born Sept 20, 1839

Still living & informant for this record married Nov 23, 1865 Lewis Haney who died. Had two children.

1. Viola Findley Haney b Oct 21, 1867 married Oct 14, 1891 John Lincoln Getty born Nov 13, 1864. Have one child.

I. Laurence Haney Getty b Mch 6, 1894 married Oct 16, 1923 Helen Dora Gailey of New Castle, Pa. Have one child.

a. John Laurence Getty b June 25, 1925. Both living at Youngstown, O where he is a physician.

2. Alberta Lee Haney b Aug 16, 1872 ob Apr 5, 1894

6. Susan Nancy Findley b Dec 12, 1842 & died July 9, 1923 married July 5, 1885 Wm W. Hunter no issue.

7. Ella B. Findley died unmarried

[last line cut off] for dates

V21 Page 414

Cleveland, O Sept 29, 1927 7:15 PM Made all slips to here JVT

Hotel Statler, Room 386, Cleveland O Sept 22, 1927 12 o'clock noon

I will now undertake recording in genealogical tables, so far as practicable, the information gained from the nine papers loaned me by Saml S. Henderson, Brookville, Pa on the 14th inst supplemented as well by my recollection of what he told me. I will commence the table on page 418.

Rev John Watson, the older half brother of Anna Jack was a native of Western Penna, son of David Watson & both of his parents had died by the time he was 9 yrs old. A friend of his father who kept a hotel & store took him in his family. Judge Addison, stopping at the hotel, coming in one night, after the family had retired, found him poring over Horace & introduced him, on his next trip, some books to study. Later, Dr McMillan sent him to get the Charter of Jefferson College & he was elected its first president under the charter, but died 3 mos later, aged abt 29 yrs. He had married a daughter of Dr McMillan. He had been sent by Dr McMillan to Princeton, where he graduated 1797. Studied Theology with him & was on Oct 17, 1798 licensed to preach by the Pres of Ohio sitting at Cross Creek & ordained at Millers Run June 26, 1800

V21 Page 415

He was elected Pres of Jefferson College Aug 29, 1802 & died Nov 30, 1802 aged 31 yrs. He married in 1800 Margaret, 2d daughter of Rev Dr McMillan & had two children, John & William. She died Mch 5, 1853 aged 72 yrs. He was a man of high attainments & universally esteemed.

The farm to which John Henderson moved was one of 220 A in Mahoning Tp, Jefferson Co, Pa & there his eleven last children were born. It was abt 4 miles west of Punxsutawney & here he located in 1805.

Joseph Washington Henderson was elected Associate Judge in 1856 & resigned in 1860 & ran for Prothonotary etc & was elected. He was a delegate June 7, 1864 & because Lincoln had told him he wanted Andrew Johnson, who he had appointed Gov of Tennessee nominated for Vice Pres, Simon Cameron, Chairman of the Pa delegation voted solid for Hannibal Hamlin. When he sat down, Mr Henderson arose & asked that 9 or 10 of the Pa votes be cast for Andrew Johnson. Immediately, Cameron withdrew the votes cast for Hamlin & voted them for Johnson, whereupon, other states changed to Johnson & he was unanimously nominated. Four of his, Henderson's sons were in the Civil War, viz. John W. Joseph B., David A. & Edward B.

Annie Story married 1 David Watson & had five children:

V21 Page 116

1. David Watson, surveyor, Went to the far north west with a surveying party & have no further knowledge.

2. Rev John Watson, see above. Had two sons.

1. John or Samuel, no record

2. William went to Ohio & visited his Aunt Anna Jack Henderson & settled at Milford, O. He had a cleft palate.

3. Moses Watson, Nothing known of him

4. Mary Watson } These two sisters married brothers

5. Elizabeth Watson} named Latta

They kept house for their stepfather Patrick Jack after their mother died for 3 yrs until Anna Jack, their half sister was 3 yrs old & then say in 1789 got married.

Annie Story Watson married Patrick Jack about 1784 or 1785 & by him had one child:

6. Anna Jack born Mch 7, 1786. She died Mch 15, 1786 when her baby was 8 days old.

Their records report Anna Jack as having been born near Redstone, but in Washington Co, Pa. She was cared for by their father & two half sisters above, until she was 3 yrs old & thereafter by Patrick Jack's housekeeper Isbel until she was 14 yrs old. When she was a little girl, she remembers her father taking her with him on his horse during the night & fleeing to the Fort for protection from the Indians (I thought she lived near Mt Pleasant, Pa.)

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When she was 14 yrs old, her father moved to Blairsville, Indiana Co, Pa where he met & married his third wife nee Miss Margaret Holmes. She lived at home until she was 18 yrs & 8 mos old when in Nov 1804, she married John Henderson & moved on a 200 A farm in the neighborhood which her father had given her. In 1805, she moved to 5 miles west of Punxsutawney, Pa & in 1837 they moved to Marysville, Union Co, O where she died Oct 2, 1869. She was 5 ft 7 in tall, slender & very active. Small snappy black eyes, as black as aloes. Black hair, swarthy complexion, with red cheeks, called very handsome in youth. She was very intellectual & had a bright mind, was a great reader & much interested in politics & all the topics of the times. In her later years, she read the bible through once every year.

He also had a 5 1/2 page sketch of the Jack family prepared he said by Dr Wm Jack of Allegheny Pa the most of which I got when in Indiana Co, Pa the first week in Sept 1921, but being away from my records & wishing to return the papers, I will table the record commencing on page 432 & compare with my book 3 when I get home. It is now 11:15 PM & I suppose the [last line cut off]

V21 Page 418 & V21 Page 419

[descendant chart]

John Henderson of Fordell, Scotland, with two brothers, Alexander & William emigrated to the colonies previous to 1740, locating on Owl Creek near Alexandria, Va. They soon separated & John located in Franklin Co, Pa within 20 miles of Chambersburg, nine miles of Shippensburg & three miles of Upper Strausburg, Pa. They do not know who he married. He had 5 children. He was in the Revolutionary War.


James Henderson b Oct 17, 1744 married June 19, 1770 Sarah Hindman. They had ten children. He was in the Revolutionary War.

Martha Henderson b June 12, 1771

Sarah Henderson b Sept 6, 1773

Mary Henderson b Sept 24, 1777

John Henderson b May 5, 1780 ob Sept 15, 1847 married Oct 25, 1804 to Anna Jack b Mch 7, 1786 & died Oct 2, 1869 daughter of Capt Patrick Jack 1745-1817 & his second wife Mrs Anna Storey [sic] Watson, widow of David Watson. She died Mch 15, 1786, 8 days after her daughter Anna was born. They had 12 children, the oldest one born in Indiana Co, Pa & the other 11 in what is now Jefferson Co, Pa near Punxsutawney, Pa in Mahoning Tp.

Margaret Holmes Henderson b Dec 21, 1805 ob Sept 10, 1865 married 1 Feby 15, 1827 Thomas McKee ob June 4, 1833. Had 4 children. Married 2 1837 William Marshall ob Oct 14, 1865. Had 4 children. See page 424.

James Henderson b Sept 29, 1807 ob Nov 19, 1828, unmarried.

John Jack Henderson b Sept 16, 1809 ob July 21, 1877 married 1834 Margaret North ob Feby 11, 1850 at Johnstown, Pa. See page 426. Had six children.

Sarah Ann Henderson b Aug 17, 1811 ob Aug 27, 1848 married 1 Feby 14, 1834 Robert Latimer, ob 1843. No issue. Married 2 1846 David Gill. No issue.

George Washington Henderson b Aug 1813 ob Aug 1813 aged 3 weeks.

Joseph Washington Henderson b Aug 27, 1814 ob Feby 27, 1896 married Feby 17, 1840 Nancy Wilson born near Strattonville, Clarion Co, Pa Dec 25, 1819 & died in Brookville, Pa Feby 28, 1917 daughter of Robert Wilson & wife Sarah McConnell. She was a life long member of the Brookville Pres Church & a veritable mother in Israel. He was elected Shff of Jefferson Co, Pa in 1836 & was later also U.S. Marshall census enumerator in 1840 Associate Judge, County Treasurer, Prothonotary Register & Recorder & clerk of the courts & delegate to several Republican National Conventions. Both buried in the Brookville Cem

Had 11 children See page 420

Jane McComb Henderson b May 13, 1816 ob Feby 18, 1916 married Sept 28, 1843 to William Liggett b Jany 27, 1808 ob Apr 27, 1883 They had 8 children. See page 422 Children born at Marysville, O

Samuel Hindman Henderson b Sept 24, 1818 ob Oct 16, 1883 married 1859 Louisa Ramie, ob. No issue.

Lavina J. Henderson b Nov 8, 1820 ob Feby 1897 married Feby 14, 1843 Samuel Woodburn. Had 10 children. See page 428

David Watson Henderson b Oct 4, 1823 ob July 23, 1907 [or 1909] married Dec 29, 1857 Anna Hathaway, ob. Had 4 children. See page 427

William Clark Henderson b Oct 28, 1825 ob Apr 22, 1898 married Dec 9, 1869 Elizabeth Sewell. Had 2 children.

Myrtle Henderson b Apr 12, 1878 ob Apr 1894

Frank David Henderson born Sept 26, 1881. He is said to be the directing Governor of Ohio, back of Gov Vic Donahey.

Mary Elizabeth Henderson b Sept 18, 1828 ob Sept 1, 1921 married Feby 14, 1847 Charles McCampbell, ob, Had 5 children. see page 430

Agnes Henderson [daughter of James b 1744] b Mch 18, 1782

Samuel Henderson b June 25, 1784

Nancy Henderson b Sept 11, 1787

Joseph Henderson b Jany 17, 1791

A child b Jany 14, 1794

Agnes Henderson [daughter of John of Fordell Scotland] b Sept 17, 1746

John Henderson b Dec 9, 1748

Mary Henderson b Dec 19, 1750

Joseph Washington Henderson b Apr 16, 1753 ob Sept 9, 1836 graduated from "Princeton" 1776 a Presbyterian minister.

V21 Page 420 & V21 Page 421

[descendant chart]

Joseph Washington Henderson b Aug 27, 1814 ob Feby 21, 1890 see page 418


John Wilson Henderson b Dec 18, 1840 ob May 5, 1921

Joseph Buffington Henderson b Sept 14, 1842, living in Brookville, Pa where he is President of the Jefferson Co Natl Bank ob Sept 27, 1927 in Brookville, Pa aged 85 yrs & 13 days

David Albert Henderson B Sept 27, 1844

Edward Benton Henderson b Nov 29, 1846 ob Mch 23, 1918

Anna Henderson b Feby 4, 1849 married Templeton

Leander Henderson b July 2, 1851 ob in infancy

Robert Leroy Henderson b July 4, 1852 ob Mch 23, 1914

Samuel Stewart Henderson b Mch 8, 1855, living in Brookville Pa & my informant for this record. Married 1 Dec 2, 1880 Annie Litch ob Jany 15, 1893, daughter of T.K. Litch & wife Rebecca. Had 2 children. Married 2 Oct 23, 1895 Anna Hjelm [sic] Craig daughter of Rev Samuel I. Craig & his wife Nancy Rodgers & had 5 children. Both living in Brookville, Pa.

Cora Litch Henderson b Oct 10, 1881 married Apr 15, 1909 to Lawrence V. Deemer

Nellie Litch Henderson b Feby 24, 1885, Married Oct 12, 1909 Frederick W. Edmondson & have 4 children.

Martha Henderson Edmondson b June 1, 1911

Frederick Wm Edmondson Jr b June 13, 1914

Annie Litch Edmondson b Dec 7, 1915

Eleanor Cora Edmondson b Apr 25, 1925

Nancy Hjelm Henderson b Mch 29, 1897

Virginia Henderson b Dec 26, 1900

Rebecca Henderson b Apr 28, 1910 ob June 30, 1910

Helen Jack Henderson b Jany 10, 1912

Anna Henderson b June 26, 1916

Sarah Henderson [daughter of Joseph Washington Henderson] b Feby 19, 1858 married Campbell

Nancy Henderson b Dec 21, 1861 married Moffet

William Wirt Henderson b Aug 14, 1864

V21 Page 422 & V21 Page 423

[descendant chart]

Jane McComb Henderson see page 419 b May 13, 1816 ob Feby 18, 1916 married Wm Liggett


Anna Angeline Liggett b Sept 4, 1845 ob Jany 13, 1874 married Feby 13, 1872 to George Wilson Elliott. Had two children.

Jessie Edna Elliott b Dec 27, 1871 ob Mch 8, 1902 married Sept 1892 to Harry C. Davis. Had two children

Fred Elliott Davis b Sept 10, 1893

George Walter Davis b Nov 4, 1894

Anna Ava Elliott b Dec 3, 1873 married Mch 1893 to Charles H. Ballard. No issue.

Robert Selden Liggett b Mch 3, 1847 married 1 May 24, 1874 Anna Howe who died Nov 1, 1888. Had six children. Married May 24, 1892 Jane Clark Wolfe. Have one child.

Cora Liggett ob in infancy

Edward Liggett ob in infancy

Harry Selden Liggett b July 20, 1879 married Jany 1904 Margaret Tontz. Have two children.

Robert Selden Liggett b Oct 1904

Katherine Liggett b July 1906

Ruby Howe Liggett b Sept 4, 1881 ob Sept 16, 1905 married Apr 15, 1902 Chas Oscar Watson. No issue.

Virgie Liggett b Nov 1884 ob Apr 1891

Wilbur Truman Liggett b Mch 6, 1887

Nellie Vinita Liggett b Dec 28, 1893

Lavinia Virgarene Liggett [daughter of Wm Liggett] b Oct 26, 1848 married Apr 8, 1879 to Josephus Perrin DeJarnette. Had two children

Heber Hampton DeJarnette b Feby 28, 1881 ob June 30, 1883

Jessie Perrin DeJarnette b Apr 1, 1883 ob Oct 8, 1883

Nina Edna Liggett b Dec 21, 1850 ob Feby 22, 1902 in the Park Ave NY Hotel fire. Unmarried.

Wilbur Trueman Liggett b Nov 20, 1852 married Apr 12, 1892 Anna Myrtle Wilbur. He is an M.D. No issue

Vaslti [sic] Elba Liggett b Jany 8, 1855 ob Oct 18, 1919 in Denver Col & was buried in Oak Hill Cem, Chetopa Kansas. She was a teacher, unmarried.

Media Georgia Liggett b Sept 16, 1857 ob married Dec 23, 1879 Edwin Cyrus Allen. Have had 5 children

Glen Hanqwalt Allen b Sept 23, 1880 ob Sept 26, 1880

Gladys Edwina Allen b Oct 28, 1881

Challis William Allen b Oct 8, 1883

Lynne DeJarnette Allen b Aug 28, 1885

Kenneth Liggett Allen b Aug 14, 1889

Elmer Ellsworth Liggett b Mch 22, 1861 married Oct 24, 1887 to Mary Parsons Maynard. He is an M.D. Have one child

Ruth Ellsworth Liggett b Apr 13, 1895

V21 Page 424 & V21 Page 425

[descendant chart]

Margaret Holmes Henderson see page 418 b Dec 21, 1805 ob Sept 10, 1865, married 1 Thomas McKee & married 2 William Marshall see page 418


Hugh Jefferson McKee b Nov 26, 1827

Anna Belinda McKee b Apr 4, 1829, ob

John Henderson McKee b Sept 1831

Sarah Elizabeth McKee b Apr 5, 1833, ob married McKenzie

Rebecca Marshall ob, married Gibson

Lucinda Marshall ob Mch 1905 or 06 married Elrod

Mary Jane Marshall b July 1842, married Willis

Thomas Marshall b 1844

V21 Page 426

[descendant chart]

John Jack Henderson born Sept 16, 1809 ob July 21, 1877 see page 418


Anna Virginia Henderson b 1835 ob 1838, drowned aged 3 yrs

Joseph Henderson b 1837, ob

Elmira Henderson b Aug 1839

James Henderson b 1841?

William Henderson ob, starved to death in Libby or Andersonville prison. Tragedy.

George Henderson

V21 Page 427

[descendant chart]

David Watson Henderson see page 419 born Oct 4, 1823 ob July 23, 1909


Lutrelle Henderson b 1858

William Henderson b 1860, ob

Infant daughter b 1862 & died at birth

Grailey Henderson b 1864 ob June 1905

V21 Page 428 & V21 Page 429

[descendant chart]

Lavina Jack Henderson see page 419 born Nov 8, 1820 ob Feby 1897 married Samuel Woodburn


Robert Lawson Woodburn b Nov 1843, ob Sept 19, 1909

Heber Claues [sic] Woodburn b Apr 1845

David Henderson Woodburn b 1847, ob

Florence Augusta Woodburn, b Mch 10, 1849

Emma Anna Woodburn, b Sept 1851, ob

Hamer Woodburn b Nov 1853, ob

Lulu Ella Woodburn b Nov 1855

Samuel Calvin Woodburn b 1857

Josie Woodburn b 1859 ob 1860, fell down stairs & broke her neck

Maud Woodburn b 1862 or 1863 ob, married Shearer

V21 Page 430

[descendant chart]

Mary Elizabeth Henderson see page 419 born Sept 18, 1828 ob Sept 1, 1921 Married Chas McCampbell


John McCampbell b Aug 1848

Annie McCampbell b 1850 ob 1861

Elmer Ellsworth McCampbell b May 1861 ob 1862

Allie McCampbell b 18-- married Moore see my book Sept 9, 1921

William McCampbell b 1862

V21 Page 431 [missing]

V21 Page 432 & V21 Page 433

[descendant chart]

James Jack brother of my gggf John Jack married Jane Carnahan. Both died in Cumberland Co, Pa & are buried near Newville, Pa. This table is made up from a sketch of the Jack family loaned me Sept 14, 1927 by Saml S. Henderson of Brookville, Pa made up by him in 1912 from an account made up abt 30 yrs before say 1882 by Wm Jack M.D. of Allegheny Pa several years before his death. See my record book 3 at Sept 6th to 8th 1921. I am giving mainly the information as given by him, which does not give the children in proper order. They had 13 children, 4 sons & 9 daughters.


Patrick Jack born 1745 in Cumb Co, Pa ob Feby 17, 1817 in Indiana Co, Pa in his 75d yr & is buried in the Ebenezer ch g.y. He was a Capt in the Revolutionary War. Married 1 Margaret Bryant abt 1786, her moved to Westnd Co, Pa near Mt Pleasant. In 1791, he settled on Aultman's Run in Blacklick Tp, Indiana Co, Pa where he died. Married 2 Mrs Annie Story Watson who died Mch 15, 1786 & is buried at Ebenezer g.y. Married 3 Mrs Margaret Leslie (nee Holmes) who also is buried at Ebenezer g.y. Had one child by first wife, one by second & none by third who died before he did.

James Jack born in Cumberland Co, Pa Dec 25, 1779 & died in Indiana Co, Pa Aug 1861 aged 81 yrs & is buried at Ebenezer G.y. There were all members of the Pres. Ch. He moved with his father to Westnd Co, Pa & in 1791 when 11 moved to Blacklick Tp, Ind Co Pa where he lived until he died having cleared a 400 A farm which he inherited from his father. He was a farmer, a good man & prominent citizen. Married Mary Alcorn daughter of James Alcorn & his wife Esther Kennedy. She survived him & died at age or 93 yrs. Although then but 3 or 4 yrs old, she remembered when her mother was stolen by the Indians while out digging potatoes in a patch near their cabin in the Allegheny mountains. They had 8 children, 3 sons & 5 daughters, who lived to maturity, one son & one daughter dying in childhood. (see my Sept 5 to 8 1921 8 in record book 3). We have following record.

Margaret Jack ob 1865, married Marshall Shields who served in Civil War

Milton Shields ob oldest, died of whooping cough, buried in old Cem at Saltsburgh, Pa

James Jack Shields ob 2d child enlisted with his father in 105th Pa Vol died fr wounds at the Battle of Fair Oaks & is buried in Cypress Hill Cem, Brooklyn NY

William C. Shields ob

Virginia Antoinetta Shields

Jane Jack ob, married Samuel C. Hazlett, a farmer of Indiana Co, Pa. Had 4 children 3 sons & 1 daughter

James Jack Hazlett ob, atty at Gbg

John Leslie Hazlett ob, lived Indiana, Pa

Mary Agnes Hazlett married John Welsh of Latrobe, Pa

Alfred Hazlett a judge at Beatrice, Neb

Esther Kennedy Jack, ob married Wm C. Marshall of Clarksburg, Ind Co, Pa & had a large family. Three of them, sons James, Scott & Theo were in the Union army in the Civil War. Only two survived in 1882?

James Marshall, ob

Scott Marshall

Theodore Marshall

Ella Marshall married Armour Cribbs

James McComb Jack b June 15, 1825 ob, an Elder in Ebenezer Ch & buried there. A Republican, married 1 Emma Noyes, married 2 June 11, 1868 Elizabeth Fulton & they had 5 children. Several children by 1st wife died in infancy, see page 434

John Henderson Jack ob 1897 married Mary Reed see my record book 3

Mary Ann Jack ob Mch 16, 1912 lived at the old home, unmarried.

Eliza Jack ob 1876, single

William Jack M.D. ob Dec 1892 youngest child & author of this record. He served 3 yrs in the Union Army during the Civil War & then located at Jacksonville, Indiana Co, Pa & married Mary J. Bruce. In 1875, he moved to Allegheny City, Pa where he practiced medicine until he died. They had 4 children.

William Bruce Jack ob 1890

Mary Blanche Jack ob aged 2 yrs

Emma Josephine Jack ob 1901 married Wm Speedy

James Arthur Jack, ob

Anna Jack [daughter of Patrick b 1745] born Mch 7, 1786 ob Oct 21, 1869 see pages 414-430

James Jack [son of James & Jane (Carnahan) Jack]

John Jack

Andrew Jack

Jane Jack, married John Cooper

Ellen Jack, married James Scroggs

"Polly" Jack married John Herron

"Betsey" Jack married Wm McFarland

"Peggy" Jack married Wm Clark

Nancy Jack married James McComb, a Genl in Revolutionary War

Cynthia Jack married James Hemphill

Hannah Jack married James Wills

Jemima Jack married Thomas Dunlap

V21 Page 434

[descendant chart]

James McComb Jack born June 15, 1825 see page 433 preceding married 2 Elizabeth Fulton


Fulton Jack b June 17, 1869, graduated from W&J College in 1892 lawyer in Beatrice, Neb. Married Angie L. Pollock & have 3 children see my book 9 at Jany 19? 1923

Fulton Jack Jr

Elizabeth Jack

Mary Josephine Jack

William Bryant Jack b Sept 30, 1870 educated in Common schools & Elders Ridge Academy, teacher, farmer, owns old home with 136 A of farm Presbyterian & Republican, bachelor.

James P. Jack b May 1872, married Mrs Henriette Harrison

Frank Jack b Jany 28, 1874 ob Sept 1889

Mary Agnes Jack b Jany 12, 1877 graduated from Grove City College in 1900 teacher & unmarried. Lives at old home with her brother Wm B.

V21 Page 435

Hotel Statler, Cleveland O room 1182 Sept 30, 1927 1:30 PM

It is 38 yrs today since I closed my first sale of coal lands to H.C. Frick for his Co the H.C. Frick Coke Co.

When I was in Indiana, Pa on the 14th inst Mrs Sarah Haney aged 88 yrs thought her brother, John Cameron Findley had gotten the bible of their father Samuel Findley Jr 1802?-1855. She said he left two daughters & that after his death, his widow married a McQuiston & she supposes took the bible. Her daughter Mrs Getty gave me a letter from John C's daughter & told me to keep the letter & write her. The letter is dated "Brookville, Pa Mch 6, 1924 & is signed Mrs Sarah McQuiston" & says she will be 71 the 25 or 23 of Oct born then Oct 25, 1853. Says she lives in her home all alone. Says she remembers seeing her, Mrs Getty, to whom the letter is written when she was a baby.

She says she has one son living in Elmira, NY & he has two children, a girl & a boy, the girl Sarah aged 22 yrs & the boy is 13.

I am writing today for her father's record & her own & sisters & copy or bible record.

The Cleveland City Directory for 1926 shows many Carothers, Finleys, Jacks, Kilgores, Markles, & Rothermels

V21 Page 436

Cleveland O Sept 30, 1927 4:14 PM Have made all slips to here JVT

Oak Hill Oct 6, 1927 11 Pm

I am answering three letters July, Aug & Sept from Mrs Mayme Miller 11 Boston St, Carrollton, MO see book 20 pages 105 & 472 who wants to join the D.A.R. & I am making note of some data sent to her by Mrs Lenore E. Flower of Carlisle, Pa to whom I had referred her & whose data she forwarded me to be returned.

Mrs Flower in her letter of May 18, 1927 says William W. Carothers "Red Billy" married Fanny Clark Mch 31, 1812 by the pastor of the First Pres Ch Carlisle, Pa, Dr Davidson, she thinks. Says the record is in Penna Archives 2d Series Vol 8 page 580.

She gives Revolutionary service of Armstrong Carothers as follows:

A muster roll of captain in John Carothers Co made Sept 20, 1780 gives Armstrong Carothers Private 5th class Cumb Co, Pa Penna Archives 5th Series vol 6 page 181

A muster roll of Capt John Carothers Co belonging to the 2d Battalion of Cumb Co militia Sept 11, 1781

Armstrong Carothers, private 5th class Penna Archives 5th Series Vol 6 p 198. She gives the following references to the Revolutionary services of George Clark (father of Fanny) ancestor of Mrs Mayme Miller.

George Clark, private 7th Com 1st Bat Cumb

V21 Page 437

Co militia, commanded by Col James Dunlop, Capt Joseph Brady.

5th Series Penna Archives Vol 6 p 133

George Clark, private listed in muster roll of Capt John Carothers Co First class

5th Series Penna Archives Vol 6 p 180

An account of the 1st class of the 6th Bat of Cumb Co militia called to perform a tour of duty by an order of council dated June 27, 1881, marched Aug 3d - 2d Co 1st Class

George Clark

Penna Archives 5th Series Vol 6 p 415 Revolutionary service of William Carothers, private 3d Batt 6th class Cumb Co Mil in service Jany 1778.

Penna Archives 5th series vol 6 p 209 Third Batt Cumb Co mil Samuel Erwin Col 1780 August of the 5th, 6th, & 7th class, William Carothers, private 3d Co 6th Class. John McCormick Capt

Penna Archives 5th Series vol 6 p 225

I am returning the Mrs Flower records & letter as soon as I can get my letter dictated. JVT

V21 Page 438

Oak Hill, Oct 8, 1927 4:07 PM

I have a letter dated Sept 1, 1927 in answer to mine of May from Mrs Nelle McLucas Bartholomew of 1324 Ninth Ave Greeley, Colorado, see book 20 p 179 which gives her immediate line which I am tabling on page 440. She sends me a copy of a letter she received some years ago from James McLucas of Redfield, Iowa. It says:

"The McLucas family came from Scotland to Ireland, Walter & his brothers owned 400 A of land that now joins the corporation of Londonderry, a city of 30,000 population. I was on it in 1882, a fine level piece of land. There were four brothers owned it. Walter, the youngest brother stayed home to take care of his parents. The other three boys came to America. One went to New Orleans, La & never returned. Another one started back to Ireland & was lost on the ocean. John the other settled near Pittsburgh, Pa (in Westd Co Pa) & married Martha Thompson. They had eleven children four boys & seven girls. Their father died about the time the boys were grown. Ohio was being settled so they built a boat and the "whole push" went aboard & drifted down the Ohio River landing near Cincinnati & went north 40 miles into Montgomery Co, O where they stayed until they found wives & husbands. The men finally drifted over into Wayne Co, Ind. The boys names were as follows: (see book 20 p 178-9 observe this order)

V21 Page 439

1. James, the oldest

2. William, next

3. Samuel (ggf of Mrs Bartholomew, my informant)

4. John

She asks if I know about the seven girls, says she does not, so I am sending her their names.

She says one of her brothers is living in Calif & one in New Mexico & that one of her sons is farming in Wyoming & the other enters the school of medicine in Denver Col this fall.

V21 Page 440 & V21 Page 441

[descendant chart]

Samuel McLucas see book 20 p 179 born in Westmoreland Co, Pa & died Sept 27, 1865. He was 3rd in order of age of the 4 sons of John & Martha Thompson McLucas, so his nephew, James M. McLucas, see page 220 reports. Married.


Harvey McLucas, ob

John McLucas b Feby 16, 1819 at Centerville, O ob Apr 3, 1908 at Hagerstown, Indiana, married Feby 21, 1839 Jane Jordan, b Mch 20, 1820 in Wayne Co, Ind & died Feby 66, 1854. They had 6 children born in Indiana.

Mary Ellen McLucas b Nov 21, 1839, ob May 1865, married Madison Thornberg in Redfield, Iowa see page 491, bottom

Euphemia Ann McLucas b 1841, ob 1843

Orilla Jane McLucas b Oct 7, 1843, ob, married Joel Replogle in Indiana see p 492

William Harvey McLucas b Apr 28, 1845 ob Aug 23, 1876 in Greeley Colo, married Oct 4, 1866 at Redfield, Iowa Rosalin Dyer, born Mch 30, 1847 at Montville, Maine & died Nov 24, 1911 at Greeley, Colo. They had 4 children born in Redfield, Iowa. He enlisted Nov 2, 1863 in 9th Reg, Ind Cav for 3 yrs.

William Harry McLucas b Aug 24, 1867, married Jany 23, 1917 in Boulder, Colo Mrs Louise Groff Williams born Aug 21, 1877 in Denver, Colo. daughter of _______ Groff

John Clyde McLucas b May 3, 1869 married 1st Nov 3, 1897 in Greeley Col Mrs Rebecca Johnson McDermott born Jany 4, 1857 in Boone Co, Ind, daughter of ______ Johnson. Had 1 child. Married 2d July 26, 1923 in Santa Ana, Calif, Mrs Alma Hablom Simmons b Mch 24, 1874 in Vermland, Sweden, daughter of ________ Hablom

Solomon A. McLucas b Apr 6, 1901 married Mch 12, 1924 in Fullerton Calif Thelma McCoy b Jany 1, 1905. 1 child

Alma Gayle McLucas b Apr 21, 1925 in Brea, Calif

Nella Maud McLucas b Sept 13, 1871 married Apr 20, 1893 in Greeley Colo Nelson Dudley Bartholomew b ____ 22, 1868 in New York. Have 2 children born in Weld Co, Colo. She my informant for this record. Live at 1324 9th Ave, Greeley, Colo

Charles McLucas Eben Bartholomew b Mch 27, 1897 married Mch 1, 1918 in Denver, Col Dorcas Elizabeth Keltner b Aug 23, 1897. Have 3 children

Charles Graydon Bartholomew b Apr 18, 1919

Elizabeth Jane Bartholomew b May 11, 1920

Richard Allen Bartholomew b Feby 11, 1922

John McLucas Dudley Bartholomew b Jany 26, 1908

Hattie Sue McLucas b Aug 23, 1873 ob Aug 26, 1873

John Westley McLucas [son of John b 1819] b Mch 22, 1849 ob Oct 11, 1849

Nancy Livonia McLucas b June 8, 1850 ob Sept 28, 1874, see her will book 19 p 160

Samuel McLucas [son of Samuel] ob

Eufema McLucas ob 1848 unmarried see will book 19 p 159

Orilla McLucas, ob married & had issue see book 19 p 159

V21 Page 442

A letter dated Aug 22, 1927 in answer to mine of 17th from Miss Myrtle Jack, Asst cashier of Highlands Bank & Trust Co, Sebring, Fla says that three Jack brothers came over to this country from Scotland about 1871. Says one of them, John, her gf settled in Boston, one of the others went to Danville, Ill, the other to Columbus, O. We do not know anything about the latter two. See page 177 & 536.

A letter dated Sept 6, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 17, 1927 from Mrs Anna Florence Black of Aledo, Ills see book 20 page 487 gives enlarged & corrected record of her family which I am transferring from b 20 p 487 to the next page so as to give adequate room.

V21 Page 443

[descendant chart]

Anna Florence Holmes see book 20 p 487 born Feby 26, 1865 married Apr 12, 1887 John Paul Black


Eda Lois Black b Feby 27, 1888 married Feby 5, 1912 to Lyman James Miller born Feby 3, 1889 at Neponset, Ills. Have had 7 children all born at Neponset, Ills.

William Wayne Miller b Oct 11, 1913

James Warren Miller b Oct 11, 1913 (twins)

Elizabeth Miller b Nov 21, 1915 ob Nov 25, 1915

Helen Miller b Dec 3, 1917

Everett Miller b Sept 24, 1919

Wilbur Miller b Sept 26, 1921

Anna Miller b Aug 24, 1923

Stanley Black b Apr 9, 1890 married June 10, 1916 to Lela McAtee of Viola, Ills born May 3, 1894 daughter of Wm McAtee & wife Laura Belle Miller. Have 3 children born at Aledo, Ills. Lela was born at Viola, Ills.

John Thomas Black b Apr 11, 1917

Robert Louis Black b Nov 7, 1918

George William Black b Aug 7, 1919

Wilbur Black b Oct 24, 1896 married Feby 6, 1921 to Alice Church b Jany 24, 1897 daughter of Frank Church & wife Mary Ellen Decker. No issue. Alice was born at Aledo, Ills

Paul Edward Black b Jany 27, 1906, at home

John Holmes Black b Jany 30, 1909 ob June 5, 1926

V21 Page 444

Oak Hill Oct 9, 1927 7:20 PM

A letter dated Aug 29, 1927 in answer to mine of 18th from Mrs Grace G. Gallaher of Wenona, Ills see book 20 p 457

(She had stated in a former letter, see page 192 that Emily Blean had married John Caruthers & I asked whose son he was etc. Her answer follows:)

"Yes, I knew John Carrithers, where their home was & his dying, he & Emily had no children. I also knew his old maid sister Lib (Elizabeth) a number of years ago - but haven't seen her for a long time - but you need not ask me any more questions about them for I won't answer! Robert Clark was the oldest nephew of great Aunt Mary Blean Thompson (wife of Alex S. Thompson book 7 p 146 & Robt C. Blean married Margaret, sister of Alex S.T. book 7 p 147). His father was John Blean (who fell & broke his neck p 192) Mary's brother, Robert C's mother was Betsy (Elizabeth) Kilgore of Newville, Pa. Make slips to see & talk to her about these Bleans & Caruthers of whom "she won't" & Kilgores & to see Robert Blean Thompson of Steele City, Neb Urgent, & ask him & also to ask Mrs Swope, John M. Reed, Miss Hackett & others at Newville & to examine records at Carlisle & Chambersburg.

V21 Page 445

She says don't you think it remarkable that 8 or 9 of Alex Thompson's twelve children should all be buried in the same cemetery with their father & mother. She is glad that I will come to see her & got to Whiteside Co where she says I can learn more in a day than I can in six months by writing. She says "I could tell you all about M.B. Thompson, but I won't, that comes in with Uncle Hugh's history." Her brother, Wm A. (see book 7 p 146-7) has creeping paralysis. He was 73 yrs old July 19 (my record says 72 on July 18). His nephew, Louis

Thompson Slaymaker of Erie, Ills said he had gotten my letter & laughingly added: "I told Lottie (his wife) that it was too much trouble & we would let it run & maybe cousin Grace would attend to it for us" (Am writing her to do it) Says Dr Hubert Work is not a Thompson descendant. She went to Whiteside Co Monday July 18, with her niece Dorothy Beach of Twin Falls, Idaho & stayed until Thursday. She got many dates from tombstones which I checked but some dates are different & I think the tombstones are wrong.

Said she saw Mrs A.D. Wood of Albany, Ills who sd she recd my letter but was not able to reply. She has been very very sick & for a month her life was despaired of, but she is now recovering. Her husband has heart trouble & is in a precarious condition. Sarah Blean over 80 yrs old makes her home with them. She don't send Milo C. Miller record page 198, saying Lydia Nevit was sending it.

V21 Page 446

Oak Hill Oct 10, 1927 8:46 PM

A letter dated Aug 25, 1927 from Miss Edith R. Odle of Spencer Iowa see book 20 p 206 encloses a letter from R. Willis Jack of Geneva, Ind inviting me to a Jack reunion to be held at Edgewater Park, Celina, O Sept 4, 1927. This letter being in some unread mail, I have only now come to it but I could not have gone then at any rate.

She also encloses a letter dated Aug 17, from John M. Gray clerk of Woodford County court, Versailles, Ky says he has made further search of the records in his office & finds no will of James Jack, the only Jack will there being that of Frances Jack previously reported. I am returning both letters, see page 338-341 where I wrote to her on Aug 30. Make slips to go to Versailles, Ky & hunt for deeds & for heirs of Frances Jack or for descendants rather.

V21 Page 447

Oak Hill Oct 11, 1927 7:36 PM

A letter dated Sept 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from Geo M. Jack of No 20 Andrews Road, East Milton, Mass says he is leaving home for 10 days & will answer when he returns as he is much interested, but can only go back to his grandfather, Adam Jack who came from Greenock, Scotland to Newfoundland in the early part of the 19th century. The legend is that three brothers came over, one died supposedly, one disappeared in the Middle West & Adam, my gf settled at St John. He wrote some years ago to the town clerk of Greenock & got an interesting letter. Also recd a card from a firm in Texas say they had a Jack genealogy

V21 Page 148

A letter dated Sept 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from W.C. Swick, Tecumseh, Mich see book 16 p 154 gives dates of birth, marriage & death of his sister, Margaret Ann Swick first wife of J. Warren Kilgore. He says she died Dec 5, 1889 whereas her son, P.E. gave date as Nov 5, 1891. See what tombstone at West Cairo, O says.

A letter dated Sept 5, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from Mrs John H. Lang box 46 Pass Christian, Miss, see page 189, says she is not related to the Finley family but that Mr Lang has been the undertaker there since 1884 & has records of all deaths occurring there & has buried 7 or 8 of the 10 Finleys named below, all in Live Oak Cem here.

Says Mrs L.R. Finley & family lived here to my knowledge from 1873 & some time before that. There were 4 sons & 5 girls & all are dead. Says Mrs Finley died there in 1896.

1. Louis Q. died in 1881

2. Leonora died in 1904 in Pass Christian, unmarried

3. Lydia died in 1905 in Pass Christina, unmarried

4. Jennie died in 1920 in New Orleans, unmarried

V21 Page 449

5. Isobelle died in 1922 in New Orleans, unmarried

6. Minnie died in 192- in Detroit, Mrs John Chester, only girl to marry. Left two daughters, now grown.

7. Leonard, M. has children in New Orleans

8. William W. was President of the Southern RR Co when he died. None of the descendants are now living here. He has children in Washington D.C. Make slips

9. Ridgeley, dead.

She is very willing to help & I am writing asking if she knows Finley McCombs or any Jacks

See page 478

A letter dated Aug 29, 1927 from Thomas E. Finley Esq Berger Bldg, Pittsburg, Pa spoke of a brochure of West Nottingham Academy founded 1741 by Rev Samuel Finley which he sent me. Rev Saml Finley's picture is in it. The academy is still going strong.

V21 Page 450

Oak Hill Oct 12, 1927 10:46 AM

A letter dated Sept 8, 1927 in answer to one from me of Aug 30, 1927 from Mary E. Davis, Dayton, Tippecanoe Co, Ind see book 20 p 179, says she cannot give much information about the McLucas family as her father died when she was 10 yrs old but she has heard him speak of all the people I wrote about & about relatives in Wayne Co, Ind, some called Petro, but she didn't know just how they were related. Said her parents had six children & she was the youngest & that two died that she never saw & she is the only one living except her brother John's daughter Josephine. Says she never saw her grandparents. My brother Charlie died 3 yrs ago. He never married, was up in 60. My father's name was Alexander McLucas. He had two brothers I know of, John & William. People always called my grandfather "Uncle Billie" & grandmother Aunt Pollie. My grandfather was a Newlite preacher. My father had a sister Mary Eliza. I was named for her. See book 20 p 179. I am making a table on page 452 covering the information she gives. She says they have bought a home in Dayton, Ind & are paying for it through the Building & Loan Association. Says there was a Wilson McLucas, who lived in Noblesville, Ind, now dead, who had 7 daughters. Write her for address & make slip to go there. Recalls her father speaking of his cousin James McLucas's unsuccessful trip to Ireland to see about the fortune.

V21 Page 451 [missing]

V21 Page 452 & V21 Page 453

[descendant chart]

William McLucas see bk 20 p 179 was born Dec 1787 & died Feby 7, 1846 son of John McLucas & Martha Thompson. He lived at Logansport, Ind & is probably buried there. Make slip to hunt will & grave & get age at death or date of birth. He was a Newlite preacher. Married Polly Scott & was reported to have 5 children, but his granddaughter Mary Eliza Davis see below reports another after whom she was named Dec 4/27 she is wrong. She died at Spring Creek, Cass Co, Ind & is buried in Christian Ch Cem there July 11, 1930 Sarah M. Stiles writes see b 23 p 430 that her mother went back to her funeral in 1864


Alexander McLucas was a miller b June 1, 1819, ob Aug 16, 1881 at Jacksonburg, Ind & buried at Jacksonburg in Wayne Co, Ind. Married Aug 20, 1849 in Cass Co near Logansport, Ind Eliza Rush born Dec 9, 1831 & died Oct 25, 1911 & buried in Tippecanoe Co, Ind at Dayton, Ind. They had six children, Chas E. & James R. were born at Jacksonburg, Ind & John E. was born at Economy, Ind.

Martha Jane McLucas b Aug 4, 1850 ob Mch 7, 1873 married Jany 5, 1868 Jesse Loser, b Aug 23, 1841 ob Nov 3, 1899 son of Jacob Loser & wife Amanda. Had one daughter, also dead & all three buried in Cass Co, Ind at the Spring Creek Church. He was born in Cass Co, Ind. Have markers. Make slip to go see. Don't need to go now.

Carrie Bell Loser b July 7, 1872 ob Nov 1, 1876

Oliver C. McLucas b Feby 4, 1853 ob Aug 7, 1855

Charles Edgar McLucas b Nov 10, 1855 ob May 1923 unmarried, buried in Tippecanoe Co, Ind. He wrote Mrs Stiles that his brother Jimmy & his Uncle Wm McLucas died one week apart. Don't know which died first.

James R. McLucas b Mch 9, 1858 ob Dec/Nov? 29, 1859

John Edward McLucas b Dec r, 1860 ob July 11, 1907 married Oct 25, 1888 to Minnie Arnold born Oct 18, 1868 daughter of Geo Washington Arnold & wife Catharine Eliza Nipper. Jany 12, 1928, she married 2d on Nov 27, 1919 Alva Sims Roberts & they live at Fairmount, Ind. Had one child. He is buried in Carroll Co, Ind. She born in Rittsburg [best guess], Ind.

Ida Josephine McLucas b Nov 22, 1889 married Mch 19, 1925 to James Vardon b Apr 20, 1889 son of James Adelacy Vardon. No issue.

Mary Eliza McLucas b Aug 5, 1868 my good informant for this record married Dec 9, 1896 to Wm Riley Davis b Feby 19, 1865 in Clinton Co, Indiana, son of Leander Davis & wife Martha Calloway Have 2 boys living & one dead, born in Dayton, Ind. He & his sons are day laborers. Bought a home in Dayton, Ind P.O. Box 56. She was born in Logansport, Ind.

Homer Lyle Davis b Oct 19, 1897 ob Feby 16, 1904

Earl Boyd Davis b Oct 12, 1899 at home, single

Orval Floyd Davis b Apr 1, 1904, at home single

John McLucas [son of William b 1787] b Feby 19, 1827 see book 20 p 179-81

Martha Jane McLucas b Feby 11, 1822 ob Oct 16, 1869 married 1 Aug 22, 1844 to John Miller Webster. Lived in Iowa, Redfield. She died at Redfield, Iowa & is buried there in East Linn Cem 1 mile north & has a tombstone. John Miller Webster was born in Laporte, Ind June 20, 1821 & died there May 3, 1853 & is buried 7 miles distant at Hankakee [sic] Cem, a family cem established in an early day by his father Webster. He was son of James Webster & wife Martha Henderson. They had three daughters. Married 2d in Spring of 1857 Dr Macy Maulsby M.D. of Economy, Ind. He was born Feby 12, 1817 & died 1899. He remarried Oct 13, 1870. Had one son. He was son of David Maulsby & wife Mary Macy.

Mary Alice Webster b Aug 2, 1845 ob Dec 11, 1848

Sarah Melinda Webster b Apr 12, 1848 married Apr 25, 1869 at her home in Redfield, Iowa Jason Evans Stiles born Aug 7, 1844 ob Dec 9, 1923, son of Joshua Stiles & wife Ann C. Lippencott. Had 2 children, she my good informant

Martha Ellen Stiles b May 5, 1879 ob Aug 10, 1879

John Webster Stiles b Sept 18, 1880 ob June 6, 1914 married Oct 22, 1904 Cora Mabel Harper born Oct 23, 1888 see b 23 p 584. Had one child.

Nyle Harper Stiles b May 20, 1906

Julia A. Webster b June 1, 1850 ob Apr 25, 1867

Rice Price Maulsby b Nov 16, 1859 ob Nov 28, 1860

Belinda McLucas [daughter of Wm b 1787] b Dec 20, 1825 ob, married Feby 16, 1845 to Addis L. Williams. She died leaving her husband & a little boy about 3 years old, but Mrs Stiles don't know what became of them. Probably died about 1850. Mrs Stiles writes Sept 4, 1930 that they lived at or near Jacksonburg, Indiana & probably died & are buried there.

Mary Eliza McLucas [italicized words crossed out] Dec 4/27, the record of Mrs Eliza J. Fee of Ellsworth, Kan does not give such a child, so eliminate.

V21 Page 454

[descendant chart]

Mary Eliza McLucas see b 20 p 179-180 b Jany 11, 1849 ob Jany 4, 1900 married 1 Oct 27, 1867 at Kankakee, Ills John Alexander & had two children. Married 2 Oct 15, 1876 M.E. Coons by Rev Robt E. Swartz, Christian minister M.E. Coons was born Oct 6? 1823 in Overton Co, Tenn ob Dec 26, 1894 at Adel, Iowa. No issue


Anne Clara Alexander married Thomas McGune

Valla Alexander b Feby 14

Cora Blanche Alexander married 1, married 2. Sept 21/31 Zella E. Tice says to write Cora B. Baron box 646 Lyons, Kan. Have written today

V21 Page 455 [missing]

V21 Page 456

A letter dated July 18, 1927 in answer to mine of Feby 15, 1927 from Mrs Eva M. Shingler of 3009 N. Illinois St, Indianapolis, Ind send me her record showing descent from Andrew Jack 1756-1846 & wants record of his Revolutionary service which I am sending her as shown under his name at the head of the table on pages 458-9 following. There is much about his descendants as shown in my book 18 pages 430-5, 440-3, 448-462 & see too the two large vols Moore Genealogy, but aside to starting his record from the tombstone I am just embodying what she sent in the table.

She gives some dates different from those given in the Moore Genealogy, notably of her sister Helen's birth & death which she gives as Aug 19, 1860 & Nov 28, 1881. I gave as in Moore Gen see table page 459. Am writing to know where her dates are taken from.

V21 Page 457 [missing]

V21 Page 458 & V21 Page 459

[descendant chart]

Andrew Jack born June 30, 1756 ob Jany 23, 1846, see book 18 p 448. He is buried in the Springfield Orthodox Friends Church g.y. Adams Co Clinton Co Ohio where the inscription on the south side of the Moore monument says "Swerved seven years in Revolutionary War under Genl Washington". The records I have say: "Andrew Jack was a private in Capt Marshall's Co, Col Saml J. Atlee's musketry Battalion from Sadsbury, Chester Co, Pa, enlisted from Capt Wallis's Co of militia at Fort Lee in 1776; in the Battles of Trenton & Princeton; discharged at Valley Forge; resided in Half Moon Tp, Centre Co Pa in 1832, page 482 Vol Two Penna Archives Fifth Series". He had but three children see article on him in Jno Blair Line's Hist of Centre & Clinton Co Pa in Madame duBarry room bookcase in wardrobe, see page 505.


Elizabeth Jack b Oct 1788 ob Aug 13, 1874 aged 85 yrs 10 mos, married Samuel Moore. Had 7 children all born in Half Moon Tp Center Co, Pa see book 18 p 450-1

Thomas Jack "Little Tommy" d.y. in Penna

Nancy Jack born Mch 26, 1799 ob Oct 23, 1844 aged 45 ys 6 mos 28 days buried in Springfield Orthodox Friends Ch g.y. married Mch 25, 1825 Caleb Moore b Sept 27, 1800 ob Mch 15, 1892 aged 91 yrs 5 mos 17 days, buried in Springfield Orthodox Friends Ch g.y. Had 7 children see book 18 pages 451-2

William Moore b Nov 4, 1826 in Half Moon Tp ob in Kokomo, Ind Married 1st Feby 12, 1851 in Wilmington, O Phebe D. Hadley b June 19, 1830 ob Oct 14, 1870. Had 6 children born in Kokomo, Ind. Married 2d Mch 26, 1894 Emma Whitson.

Alonzo William Moore b May 1, 1852 married Dec 5, 1893 Kate S. Kellar. No issue. Married 2d July 22, 1919 Emma Whitson Moore, daughter of Mercer Whitson & wife Matilda Moore of Bart, Lancaster Co Pa & widow of his father Wm Moore. No issue.

Henry Caleb Moore b June 4, 1854 married 1874 Estella Burus, daughter of David & Sarah Burus. Had 3 children the first two born in Kokomo, Ind & the last one in Indianapolis, Ind.

Beulah Moore b Jany 16, 1875 married Hugh Brennen. Have 2 children born in Indianapolis, Ind. [3 listed]

1. Madge Brennen b Feby 5, 1894 married Apr 1913 Hugh Brennen

Richard Brennen b Feby 15, 1914 in Indianapolis, Ind.

Norman Brennen b Dec 8, 1918 in Indianapolis, Ind.

2. Beth Brennen b May 13, 189- married Nov 26, 1919 Amos Styerbory

3. Mary Estelle Brennen, b Apr 3, 1901 married June 5, 1920 Elton Newhart.

Merca Moore [daughter of Henry Caleb b 1854] b May 6, 1878 married Lyman A. Graham

Margaret Estelle Graham b May 9, 1905 in NY City, married June 30, 1927 Harold S. Hildebrand

Nellie Moore b Jany 16, 1882 married Chas Githens

Julia Githens b Nov 5, 1901 at Indianapolis, Ind married June 5, 1921 Earl Stires.

Walter N. Moore [son of William b 1826] b Jany 26, 1856 married 1876 Jennie L. Cheyney & have 2 children born in Kokomo, Ind.

Blanche Moore b June 1877, married 1st 1897 Jack McCreary, married 2d 1911 Vittori Alberta Mongardino of Genoa, Italy

Freddie Moore b 1879 ob 1885

Charles F. Moore b Jany 8, 1858 married May 15, 1893 Lovine Cronkite. No issue

Helen Moore b Aug 11, 1863 ob Dec 2, 1880 see page 456. No issue.

Eva Moore b Jany 27, 1866 my informant for this record married June 3, 1890 Robert Shingler, son of Edward Shingler of Shrewsbury, Eng & wife Hannah. Have 2 children born in Indianapolis, Ind where they live at 3009 N. Illinois St & he is Genl Agt of the General Ins Co of America of Seattle Wash.

Helen M. Shingler b July 16, 1891 married June 27, 1913 to Colin V. Dunbar. Have 3 children born in Indianapolis, Ind.

Dorothy Ann Dunbar b Jany 15, 1917

Colin Vincent Dunbar Jr b Feby 27, 1918

Betty Louise Dunbar b Mch 27, 1919

Roberta E. Shingler b Oct 19, married June 7, 1915 Robt S. Graham.

Jack Robert Graham b Mch 15, 1919 in Indianapolis, Ind.

V21 Page 460 [missing]

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V21 Page 462

Oak Hill Oct 13, 1927 9:40 PM

A letter dated July 15, 1927 from O.L. Carithers, New Castle, Henry Co, Ind says he is now in possession of information about his father, James Carithers & his grandfather Alexander Carithers, the latter coming to this country from Ireland in 1849 landing in California. Says he has been searching all avenues to find out where his brothers are. Says they were supposed to have left Ireland for NY but says he can find out nothing so far (see book 8 p 470-3. It looks as if Miss Elizabeth's gf Moses would be this brother who lived at Raphoe, which is in Co Donegal near Letterkenny & not far south of Londonderry & his son John 1792-1886 came to New York City in the summer of 1832). (Also my gggf John came from Letterkenny) Says he has a letter from the oldest daughter of Moses Carithers, who was a nephew of his gf Alexander whose name is Duncan (or Dencan) living in Londonderry. When he hears again from her, he will let me know. He says he thinks he sent me some information concerning his family requesting its return same to him when through with them which he now asks me to do. I do not recall receiving them, but they may possibly be among my unanswered mail. Am writing him tonight.

V21 Page 464

A letter dated Aug 16, 1927 in answer to mine of about June, from Kate M. Codington (Mrs J.L.) see book 10 p 616 & 574 of Hamilton Apts, Omaha, Neb who is a historian of the D.A.R. in Neb, says she gave a copy of my letter to Mrs Winkleman & she asked her father David Jack born Feby 13, 1840 about Washington & Everhart Jack see bk 20 p 574 & he never heard of them & Mrs C. says he can remember very little

She says the James Jack she mentioned was J.P. of Lancaster Co, Pa 1777 & was a Lieut in the Association of Lancaster Co Pa 1747-8 (Ref Pa Archives 5th Series vol I page 24). Said she tried to find something when in Wash D.C. but her time was too short.

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Oak Hill, Oct 14, 1927 8:22 AM

Two letters dated Sept 8, & Sept 27, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from Mrs Addie J. Stewart Butler of New Harmony, Ind give a list of the children of her grandfather, Eli Finley & many of their descendants which I am tabling commencing on page 468.

She also gives the addresses of several of them noted below to all of whom I am writing. See this book p 200 & 201 & book 15 p 622. Says Jack Provines was buried Sept 13, to write to his brother Dick Provines Sumner, Ills RFD

Also write Porter Craig, Sumner, Ills who she says can give more about Eli Finley than anyone she knows of & might be able to tell me about the brothers & sister of Eli.

Another one to write to is Martha Gibson Moherman 404 S. Van Buren St Auburn, Ind who is a granddaughter & her brother Finley Gibson also lives there & both are old. Another is E.P. Smalley 1020 Cherry St, Mt Carmel, Ills who can give location & names of the Smalley family. He is a grandson. He can also tell where Lorin Finley (son of Eli by 2d wife died who she thinks died at home of E.P's mother & I think he would have gotten his father's bible, although Mrs Butler says she has not been able to find who got Eli's bible. She says when my books are on sale, she wants to get one.

V21 Page 466

Eli Finley was as stated by Robert Milton Finley on Feby 23, 1926 see book 15 p 622 was born in this Fayette Co, Pa & our Eli H. Finley may have been named for him.

V21 Page 467 [missing]

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[descendant chart]

See pages 596-8

Eli Finley, see page 596 for dates of death of his own & 1st wife's mother, son of Robert Finley 1760-1825 was born in Fayette Co, Pa March 25, 1793 & died abt 8 miles south of Sumner, Ills Jany 7, 1877 & is buried there. His marriage was the 2d solemnized in Vermilion Tp, Ashland Co O to which he moved with his father who was 2d settler in the Tp in Apr 1811. In 1863, when Knapp's Hist of Ohio was written see page 279, he was the oldest resident of the Tp. He moved in 1865 to Lawrence Co, Ill settling 8 miles south of Sumner, Ills. Make slips to look for marriage licenses in Ashland, O. Married 1st in Vermilion Tp, Ashland Co, Ohio Catharine Palmer b Jany 14, 1796 & died Aug 6, 1836 daughter of ______ Palmer & wife Amelia. They had 8 daughters & two sons all born in Vermilion Tp, Ashland Co, Ohio. Married 2d Naomi Colmary b 1795 & died Jany 26, 1881. They had but one child, a son born in Vermilion Tp, Ashland Co, Ohio. Amelia Palmer, mother of Catharine Finley died July 25, 1848.


1. Mary or "Polly" Finley b Mch 27, 1815 near Hayesville, Ashland Co, Ohio ob Nov 2, 1860 aged 44 yrs 7 mos 6 days. Married Mch 12, 1835 Benjamin Bunn born Mch 19, 1811 in Richland Co, O ob Oct 16, 1860 aged 49 yrs 6 mos 27 days son of Rev Benj & Peggy Bunn. Both buried in Bethel Ch g.y. Lawrence Co, Ills see page 584.

Benj Frank Bunn b Jany 3, 1854 living at Bridgeport, Ills

Hyatt Bunn B Mch 14, 1841 living at Bridgeport, Ills ob Apr 16, 1923

2. Amelia Finley b Sept 21, 1817 ob June 21, 1854 married Sept 12, 1838 Samuel Gibson.

Finley Gibson living at Auburn, Ind. This is DeKalb Co & adjoins William Co, O. Am making slip to go there to see them.

Martha Gibson married Moherman, living Auburn, Ind.

3. Margaret Finley b Aug 17, 1819 ob, married July 4, 1850 William D. Craig

Walter Craig

Frank Craig, living at Olney, Ills

Bert Craig

Charles Craig

4. Robert Finley b June 26, 1821 ob July 15, 1821

5. Rev Jonathan Palmer Finley b Sept 9, 1822 ob Jany 25, 1899 married 1 Aug 19, 1851 Rachel Ann Colmery. Married 2d Aug 18, 1872 Margaret A. Johnson of Washington, Pa. A Presbyterian minister. He died at Brownfield, Mo. No issue. Rachel Ann Finley died Sept 19, 1871

6. Louisa Finley b Nov 23, 1824 ob, married John Provines. She died near Sumner, Ills. He died Aug 1864. Married Mch 23, 1843

Robert Provines, ob

Lizzie Provines, California

Martha Provines, married Moore, live Sumner, Ills

Mary Provines, married Moore, live Sumner, Ills

Jack Provines ob Sept 13, 1927

Richard or Dick Provines lives at Sumner, Ills RFD

7. Clarissa Finley b Apr 4, 1827 ob Aug 19, 1827

8. Martha Finley b June 22, 1828 ob Nov 8, 1884 married June 30, 1859 at Olney, Ills Thomas Lewis Stewart born Dec 18, 1818 & died July 29, 1888 son of Samuel Stewart & wife Catharine Lewis. Had 4 children all born at Olney, Ills

Eli Finley Stewart b Aug 15, 1861 married June 3, 1880 at Olney, Ills Sarah Catharine McCoy born Apr 30, 1861 daughter of Hugh Jackson McCoy & Mary Richards. Have 8 children born in Richland, Ills.

Winnie Blanche Stewart b Mch 18, 1881

Martha Grace Stewart b Feby 25, 1883, see b 25 page 558-9

Raymond Earl Stewart b Apr 1, 1886, see b 25 page 558-9

Zelma Frances Stewart b Jany 23, 1888, see b 25 page 558-9

Clifton [?smeared] Stewart b Apr 20, 1891, see b 25 page 558-9

Eugene Finley Stewart B Oct 24, 1894 see b 25 page 558-9

Herbert Arthur Stewart b Aug 26, 1897

Florence Catherine Stewart b Aug 28, 1901 ob June 3, 1920 single.

Jonathan Palmer Stewart [son of Thomas Lewis Stewart & Martha Finley] b May 23, 1864 or 1865 married Mch 4, 1888 at Olney, Ills Ettie Starnater b Sept 19, 1869. Have 11 children first 4 born at Olney, Ills, others at Evansville, Ind see b 25 p 557

1. & 2. Twins born & died Apr 18, 1890

2. Wickliffe Finley Stewart b Aug 18, ob Nov 24?, 1904 [badly smeared entry, can't make out year of birth]

4. Herman H. Stewart b Nov 11, 1893 ob Mch 17, 1908

5. Leslie J. Stewart b Sept 23, 1896 ob Sept 24, 1918

6. Bernice M. Stewart b Nov 30, 1898

7. Beulah Stewart b June 10, 1900 ob Mch 2, 1903

8. Irene Stewart b Feby 25, 1902 ob Mch 6, 1919

9. Frank Chas Stewart b Dec 14, 1903 ob Jany 10, 1922

10. Margaret Helen Stewart b Jany 29, 1906

11. Ruth C. Stewart b Feby 10, 1910

Violet Stewart [daughter of Thomas L. Stewart & Martha Finley] b Apr 16, 1868 ob Apr 25, 1868 aged 9 days

Ada or Addie J. Stewart b June 27, 1871 married 1 May 28, 1890 Ira Calvin Cope b June 18, 1867 & died Jany 7, 1910 son of John C. Cope a Quaker of Pa who was turned out of the church for going to the Civil War, a Unionist & his wife Ursula Treadwily [best guess]. Married 2d Don Butler b July 22, 1871 son of Walker Turner Butler & wife Susan Porter. see next page 470. He born at Indianola, Ills.

9. Catharine Finley [daughter of Eli] b June 27, 1832 ob, married Robinson, died at Calhoun, Ill. No issue. Taught school for abt 35 yrs & did not marry until late in life.

10. Jane MacGuire [best guess] Finley b Jany 29, 1855 in Richland Co, Ohio ob Nov 24, 1913 married Oct 3, 1854 Richard T. Smalley. She died near Mt Carmel Ills & is buried in Gilead Cem Lawrence Co Ills & he is also. He was b June 24, 1832 & died Jany 7, 1873 son of Henry Smalley & wife Fannie Jane Daugherty. He was born in Ashland Co, O & died in Richland Co, Ills. Margt & Fannie J. born in Lawrence Co, Ills E.P. in Ashland Co O & other 3 in Richland Co, Ills

Margaret Smalley b Feby 10, 1856 married Baldridge ob, oldest daughter, Mrs Elizabeth J. Handley lives at Azuba, Calif

Palmer Smalley b Nov 16, 1857 married Oct 16, 1890, lives at Mt Carmel, Ills at 1020 Cherry St. Married Mary Esther Shepard, b Aug 20, 1869, daughter of Albert Shepard & wife Sarah Jane Greathouse.

Norma Vera Smalley born July 25, 1891 married Jany 13, 1917 to Wm C. Stevens b Nov 14, 1888 son of Wm Wilsher Stevens & wife Alvira Carley. Have 5 children, Wm P in Mattoon, Ills & the other four in Mt Carmel, Ills

Marian Janice Stevens b Mch 6, 1918

Jean Louise Stevens b Jany 13, 1920

Wm Palmer Stevens b Feby 15, 1922

Duane Carley Stevens b June 29, 1923

Richard Alvin Stevens b Dec 29, 1926

Fannie Jane Smalley b Oct 15, 1860 married Rev J.K. Bliss, Bonneville, O see p 471

Martha Naomi Smalley b May 11, 1868 married H.H. Shepherd, Pacific Mo see p 472

Rev William S. Smalley b June 10, 1866 Presbyterian minister Belleville, Kan see page 471

Charles Finley Smalley b Apr 30, 1870 P.O. RR No 1 Sumner Ills born in Richland Co, Ills see p 473.

11. Lorin Alanson Finley [son of Eli] b Feby 5, 1843 ob in hospital at Anna, Ills & is buried in Gilead Cem, Lawrence Co, Ills.

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[descendant chart]

Addie J. Stewart was first married to Ira C. Cope at Olney, Illinois


Ethel Starn Cope b Oct 20, 1892 ob Mch 22, 1912

Kathryn Finley Cope b Sept 23, 1894 married Aug 17, 1918 at Bellefontaine, O to John Clifford Kitzmiller of Indianapolis, Ind born Oct 12, 1892 at Columbus, Ind. Have 3 children born at Bellefontaine, Ohio. Live at Springfield, Mo.

Betty Gayle Kitzmiller b July 21, 1919

Martha Margaret Finley Kitzmiller b Dec 7, 1920

John Donald Kitzmiller b Aug 22, 1923

Martha Margaret Finley Cope b Sept 13, 1897 married Aug 24, 1912 at Tuscola, Ills John J. Mellen born Nov 19, 1890 at St Louis, Mo son of John E. & Ellen Mellen. Have 2 children born Mattoon, Ills. Living at Cleveland, O

John Stewart Mellen b May 1, 1915

James Finley Mellen b June 2, 1916

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[descendant chart]

Rev William Sherman Smalley D.D. b June 10, 1866 see page 468 married Oct 27, 1892 Mary Beesley born May 17, 1870 daughter of Wm Penn Beesley & wife Mary Milburn. They have six children, the first two born in Wabash Co, Ills the 3d in Carlyle, Kan the 4th in Sterling, Kan & the last two in Kansas City, Mo see page 596-8. His P.O. Belleville, Kan.


Grace Naomi Smalley b July 31, 1893 married June 4, 1917 to Lyman Strong of Columbus, Kan. Live at 6311 18th Ave N.E. Seattle, Wash.

Ralph Thomas Smalley b Sept 1, 1896

Helen Jane Smalley b Nov 27, 1898

Dorothy Margaret Smalley b Jany 20, 1902

Gertrude Smalley b July 12, 1904

Mary Virginia Smalley b Jany 13, 1909

[descendant chart]

Fannie Jane Smalley b Oct 15, 1861 so her daughter writes Sept 24, 1930. I had date 1860 on page 468. Married Apr 25, 1888 at Linn, Wabash Co, Ills to Rev John Knox Bliss who was born at Linn, Ills Feby 14, 1863 son of Samuel Stephen Bliss & wife Penelope Schader. They have two children. He is living. She died on Aug 23, 1928


Evalina Bliss b May 8, 1889 at Linn, Ills, my informant for her mother's record. Married Oct 15, 1913 at Cutler, Ind to R. Levi Compton b May10, 1891 in Clinton Co, O son of Samuel T. Compton & wife Josephine Starbuck. Have two children born at Wilmington, O. Now live at 6021 Rue St Cincinnati, O.

Ell Dee Compton b Mch 16, 1916

Margaret Compton b May 17, 1920

Samuel Stephen Bliss b June 4, 195 at Bridgeport, Ills lives Laurel Montana, is in civil service postal. Married at Laurel, Montana Apr 25, 1920 to Harriet Elizabeth Penton b July 5, 1900 at Laurel, Mont, daughter of Edwin L. Penton & wife Anna Louis Crane. Have two children

Bruce Stephen Bliss b Feby 19, 1921 at Des Moines, Iowa

Jean Louise Bliss b Nov 13, 1922 at Laurel, Montana

V21 Page 472

[descendant chart]

Martha Neomi [sic] Smalley born May 11, 1868 see page 468, married Dec 25, 1890 in Wabash Co, Ills Hiram Hur Shepard born Jany 18, 1868 in Wabash Co, Ills, farmer & writer, son of Germaine Shepard & wife Elizabeth Thompson. Both living at Pacific, Mo. Have had 9 children, the first one & last four born in Wabash Co, Mo & the other four at Chicago, Ills. Phoebe E. is married, the others all single.


Lois Linn Shepard b Sept 4, 1892

Phoebe Elizabeth Shepard b Jany 22, 1894 married Apr 23, 1924 George Merk born May 30, 1892 at Pacific, Mo son of August Merk & wife Frederica Myers. Have one child born at Pacific, Mo. He is a rural mail carrier

Alice June Merk b June 4, 1925

Helen Alberta Shepard b Feby 14, 1896

Jeanette Millicent Shepard b Sept 14, 1897

Hiram Jules Shepard b Feby 6, 1899

James Finley Shepard b Oct 17, 1902

Kenneth Smalley Shepard b Mch 6, 1904

Fanny Jean Shepard b Jany 22, 1906 ob July 1907 aged 18 mos

Richard Germaine Shepard b Nov 26, 1907

V21 Page 473

[descendant chart]

Charles Finley Smalley born Apr 30, 1870 in Richland Co, Ills see page 468 married Dec 20, 1893 Sarah Borther [sic] Prout daughter of Edward Nelson Prout & his wife Harriet Thompson born near Orio, Wabash Co, Ills Sept 16, 1872 & died. They had four children, the 3d born at Mt Carmel, Ills & the other three in Richland Co, Ill. He is my informant for this record.


Ruth Smalley b July 12, 1897

Naomi Smalley b Apr 9, 1899 married Bradley

Esther Smalley b Nov 11, 1900 married Morin

Finley Prout Smalley b Oct 18, 1903

V21 Page 474

Five recent small envelope letters dated Sept 7th to 9th, 11th, 16th & Oct 5, 1927

from Maj A.F. France says the Humphreys record heretofore referred to in his letters was written & published as:

"Humphreys Family of America by Dr William Finley Humphreys" from Tinkling Springs, New Providence & Bethel Church records, court records & tombstones. They were sent to me by Miss Agnes Willson of Louisville, Ky. He says to note in this book record of David Carlisle Humphreys & Margaret Finley married 1770 & giving their oldest son, John as born 1783, which Humphreys claims is from Bethel Church records & Maj France asks "What do you think". He gives the four wives of William Finley 1717-1800 see book 13 p 354 as follows:

1. married Dec 12, 1737 records of NJ to Mary White of NJ

2. married 1742 Catharine Culbertson of Londongrove Tp, Chester Co, Pa daughter of Samuel Culbertson

3. married 1750 Ann Cowan of Lancaster Co, Pa died 1763

4. married 1765 Eleanor _____ of Va (Look up my 3 vols of Augusta Co records.

He says Leighton Finley's records say his daughter, Mary Finley who became the mother of Gov Jeremiah Morrow of Ohio was by 1st wife. Humphreys records show she was by Catharine Culbertson (prove by getting her tombstone record & date of birth) & that William & Michael were sons of Catharine Culbertson (my records bk 13 p 354 say that his daughter Mary "went west"

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Anjou names her last as 12th child & says she married John Martin. (My record b 13 p 354 only names 8 omitting 4 given by Anjou viz William, James d.y., Samuel d.y. & a daughter no name given)

Oldest son William very little known (examine records in Adams & York Cos)

Tax lists Hamiltonbann Tp shows Wm Finley Jr 243 A (look for will or deed make slip) 1 negro 4 horses 7 cattle in 1781

Rev records show Capt Robert Thompson's Co George Gibson Lieut, Ensign William Finley Aug 5, 1780, William Finley Captain.

I have the following from Alfred Philip Finley now in his 77 year, 500 N. Elm St, Sherman, Texas. He says his grandfather Wm Finley born in N.C. 1765-66 died in Bradley Co, Tenn 1858-9. Had brothers Sam & John, another brother & several sisters. I have no doubt this William was a son of Andrew 1717 twin of Wm 1717-1800 which is corroborated by my records pages 180-9 this book so I am transferring him from page 109 to 117 & entering the descendants Alfred P. sent as he sent it.

He also makes the following deductions as found from N.C. Archives, Supplemented by records sent by Miss Estelle Finley, same as she sent me. See bk 16 p 406 et seq that this James Finley born in Guilford, NC was son of John Finley, a Revolutionary soldier, see my records page 108 this book who was born May 22, 1755 & Maj France says he is sure that sd James is son of this John, the son of Andrew. His records check with mine. He said he had his N.C. records filed away & my

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sending him the names of Andrew's children enabled him to connect the records he had from & of descendants of both William & John. He says the clerk of the court of Salem Co NJ with whom he corresponded said there was a Job Finley in Salem NJ who was a cousin of Dr Samuel Finley (son of Rev Dr Samuel 1715-1766) who practiced medicine there several years & who married Nancy Moore & from his NJ & Md records & mine, we are satisfied that this John, who came to Salem Co NJ in about 1681 as stated to us on July 9, 1926 by Mrs Ruthanna E. Corson in Phila see b 16 p 525-34 was none other than the John born Apr 9, 1636 see Anjou's hist p 34 who was brother of Robert born May 4, 1634, father of our Michael Sr. This would make Job a 2d cousin of Rev Dr Samuel, the father of Dr Samuel.

He has from Md Archives that the above Robert's son Robert born May 9, 1681 (brother of our Michael Sr died in West Nottingham Tp 1741, refers to the council of Assembly at Annapolis July 21, 1699 & an address by Hon Thos Brooks who refers to this Robert Finley as a young gent that has has [sic] constantly attended to his majesty's service in Ireland & came here with his excellency Mch 22, 1700.

Robert Finley was appointed Collector of the Port June 8, 1708. He was also apptd Colonel of Talbot Co Md to ride the country & inspect stores, arms etc (same records speak of his wife Elizabeth & states they then lived in Talbot Co, Md)

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Oct 18, 1759, James Finley of Queens Co, Md son of Robert Finley was aged 39 yrs & witness to a murder.

Sept 20, 1709, deed from David Airey to Robert Finley conveying 700 A in Augusta Co, Va. Look up Chalkley's 3 vol records & see who conveyed it & when.

Grant of land 1736-9 to John Robert & Wm Finley & Benj Borden of Salem Co NJ of 50 A in Middlesex Co, Va described as Todd ranges.

183 A to John Finley Dec 1740 by Gov Blair.

Now, says Maj France, I believe this John was a son of James (he could not have been note dates) or a son of Robert (this is tenable but neither James or John are named in Robert's will) & this John was ancestor of Mrs Bransford. Will write to B.A. Dawes, Danville, Ky have also written to Mr Bransford for more data. He says Miss Palmer of Hookerton N.C. has promised him fuller records on the Rev Isham R. Finley & John Randolph Finley see page 143 this book.

He says his youngest son has just recd his com. as Lieut Junior Grade.

He says he is now working on the History of John Finley, Ky Pioneer which he is sending to John H. Finley, editor of the NY Times for Pub. He sends line of James J. Finley, lawyer Manchester, Tenn as follows: His ggf was:

1. John & Nellie Finley from N.C. His son:

2. George Finley came from N.C. with his brothers & settled in East Tenn (If he could give names of his brothers it wd help) His son:

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3d Josephus Finley born 1825 died 1913 married Zeambra Fowler born 1834 died 1907 their son:

4. James J. Finley born Nov 1, 1872 in Cannon Co, Tenn married May 23, 1893 Hannah E. Norville daughter of N.C.> & Martha Norville & had children:

5th Gen:

1. Jeuniovice? born 1894 ob 1912

2. Joseph Tellman? born 1895 ob 1917

3. Eva born 1901

4. Zenobia born 1904

5. Alberta born 1905

6. Albert born 1908

His letter of Sept 9 says he is sending me his looseleaf book by insured parcel post which he wants returned as soon as possible. Schupp has had it for a month copying.

He says William Wilson Finley, Pres. of Southern RR Co was born at Pass Christian Miss Sept 2, 1853 son of Lewis Augustus Finley & wife Lydia Rebecca Matthews, see pages 448-9, this book & says he is said to be a gggson of Michael Finley Jr. He asks if this Lewis Augusts could be a son of one of the sons of Maj Joseph Lewis Finley (I do not think so). He says Wm Wilson Finley married 1883 at Pass Christian Miss Lillie Vedal & had these children:

1. William Jr

2. Lottie V.

3. Lillie B.

4. Lenora M.

5. Celestine B. make Wash D.C. slip see p 449 says Mrs Chenault of Lexington, Ky had

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someone looking up records at Shippensburg for her & reports:

Reports will of John Finley of Letterkenny Tp dated Aug 9, 1783 probated Oct 21, 1783 (make slip to look at Carlisle, Pa) wife Mary & four daughters

Elizabeth Finley married Joseph Armstrong

Martha Finley married Capt Patrick Jack

Hannah Finley married Robert McConoughy

Mary Finley married Samuel Rippey

In my Chambersburg records book 17 p 545, I have will of James Finley proven 1812 in which the last of four daughters named: Jean, married Samuel A. Rippey.

Make slip to see Geo H. Stewart of Shippensburg about this

Rippey Family

Samuel Rippey son of Hugh born in Ireland 1713 died near Middle

Springs Cumb Co, Pa Aug 22, 1791 came to Shippensburg, Pa with his father 1732-3 married Rachel Armstrong daughter of Col John Armstrong, children:

1. William Rippey born in Shippensburg 1741 tavern keeper Com in Revolution Capt Jany 9, 1776 twice married: 1st to Margaret Finley no record who she is Married 2 Elizabeth Finley McCracken widow, daughter of John & Martha Berkeley Finley. No issue. Issue by 1st marriage: Samuel A. Rippey who married his cousin Jane Rippey daughter of James & Jane Rippey Finley.

2. Elijah Rippey

3. Samuel Rippey married Mary Finley (see above)

4. Jane Rippey married James Finley son of John &

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Martha Berkley Finley & brother of Elizabeth Finley McCracken.

Their children see my book 17 p 545 which finally locates this son, the oldest of John 1713-1757 were:

Samuel, John, James, William,

Elizabeth married Stephen Duncan

Isabel married James Galbreath

Mary married Joseph Culbertson

Jane married Samuel A. Rippey & had issue a son William Rippey

Now that we have this James definitely located, make slips to examine for wills both at Chambersburg & Carlisle for these in-laws & to trace the sons & hook them on to James, book 11 p 400 to whom I have hitched up wrongfully as I have known for some time Rev Robt W. Finley who no doubt comes in the Archibald line & what I have given here for James record belongs to another James. Make an Oak Hill slip to table this later, also in this slip note to read Hanna's Wilderness trail which he says mentions Capt Wm Thompson several times & see whether it is ggf or Gen Wm Thompson.

His letter of Sept 11th says on going over his notes on Robert Finley of Md I went over to the Library at the Naval Academy & found:

July 21, 1699 Assembly Proceedings Annapolis Md

Robert Finley presents letters of introduction from Ireland.

V21 Page 481

July 8, 1708, Robert Finley apptd Colonel of Talbot Co Inspector of arms ammunitions etc through the various counties.

Oct 31, 1710 Col Finley presents accounts, Mrs Elizabeth Finley (his wife) appears before court in regard to sale of arms etc to colonist etc.

Oct 15, 1712 Col Robert Finley regards to arms etc in Cecil, Prince George & Queen Ann Cos

Oct 18, 1759 James Finley of Queen Ann Co age 39 as a witness etc. Make slip to examine for wills & deeds.

This Robert Finley seems to have lived in Talbot Co & moved to Cecil Co. Wife Elizabeth, son James 1720, son John 1724-7, son Robert Jr daughter Mary, son William

1744 Petition of Tenants of Susquehannah Manor which is in Cecil Co. John & Robert Finley claims land.

Record on old tombstones at old West Nottingham Church graveyard, Rising Sun, Md where Rev Samuel Finley & Rev James Finley were both pastors.

Robert Finley Sr died Apr 21, 1769 aged 88 yrs

Robert Finley Jr died Oct 12, 1807 aged 42 yrs

Deed dated 1736-37, John, Robert & Wm Finley, Benj Borden of Salem Co NJ recd grant of land on Cathays River Augusta Co, Va

Records of Augusta Co VA

First J.P. Dec 9, 1745 John Finley

Nov 1747 John Finley & James Patton to build meeting house

This John Finley who married Thankful ____

V21 Page 482

was an Elder in Tinkling Springs Pres Church, had son David, son George, son Robert, daughter Margaret, son Thomas, son John, daughter Jean. I believe was a son of Col Robert Finley of Md & must have been born 1724-27 as his name appears from 1746 to 1791. He died 1791, will dated Apr 17, 1791. His son George was ancestor of Mrs Bransford

Another Augusta Co Va record lead Mr Bransford to believe his wife's John was a son of James as follows:

James Finley of Staunton Va & Agnes Finley to Sampson & Geo Mathews certain lands described in a lease from James Brown to the said Robert Finley Jany 16, 1754 for the term of 57 yrs all of which land conveyed to Robert Finley late of Augusta Co decd & descended to James Finley as his brother & heir at law

Nov 21, 1766 settlement recorded of Robert Finley's estate by James Finley. Paid Samuel Rippey expense from Carlisle Expense travelling from Stanton to New London.

Oct 15, 1765 John Finley acknowledges receipt from his father James Finley in full part of his Uncle Robert Finley's estate

William Finley's will dated Dec 21, 1787, probated Sept 15, 1789, sons William, Robert & John, see my records book 10 page 177 & book 11 p 120-1. See page 481 this book. I think this William & John whose will was

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made & probated 1791 see book 10 p 174 are both sons of Col Robert of Maryland & that the Robert mentioned on preceding page is also his son, who died unmarried as is also of course, James.

Also that John Finley who made his will 1802 book 10 p 175 is son of his son William as sown in my table book 11 p 120

1st He lists his son James who I have in my table & his three daughters, Ann, Esther & Polly, book 11 p 120. He speaks of James's son Andrew Ramsey Finley being born Apr 3, 1818 in Shelbyville, Ky & dying in Santa Ana, Calif Feby 11, 1897 & his son Samuel Steele Finley born in Mo Oct 10, 1863 living now at 1633 E. 4th St, Santa Ana Calif. I am noting here what he gives about the marriages & children of the 3 daughters to be embodied in a new table which I will make when recording data in a large envelope sent me in July by S. Steel Finley of Santa Ana.

2d Ann Finley married Jany 1, 1802 James Shannon. He married 2d Jane Brown. Her children:

1. Polly Finley Shannon married Alexander Reed

2. Jane Finley Shannon married Oct 20, 1828 Cyrus Finley who died on June 21, 1866 Shelby Co, Ky

3. John Finley Shannon married ______ Wallace

4. Sarah Shannon d.y.

5. Thomas C. Shannon married 1847 Mary Mayne

V21 Page 484

3d Esther Finley married July 31, 1804 in Shelby Ky Isaac Tate, son of John Tate who died Augusta Co Va 1802

4. Polly Finley married Oct 1804 John Shannon born Apr 28, 1784 son of Samuel & Martha Bracken Shannon. He was born Apr 15, 1750 & died May 14, 1813 & was a son of John & Sarah Reed Shannon. He died 1767. He says he figures that James, Robert, John & William were the sons of Col Robert Finley of Md. I have written to several Finlays in Tenn trying to trace descendants of Andrew Finley & will advise you of what I hear.

His letter of Sept 16 says I spent th last two mornings in the land office here in Annapolis & found some interesting data as follows:

Inventory of good & chattels dated Sept 21, 1716 of Col Robert Finley who owned a plantation on Kings Creek near Oxford, Talbot Co Md. Found he was justice of the Peach, clerk of court at Oxford Md from 1707 to 1711. He died 1716 but could not find his will, have written to Easton, Md where old records are now kept, for more data. The inventory mentions each room, speaks of Mrs Finley's room, son John's room & a Mrs Kelley's room. Now this Col Robert Finley could not be the Robert Finley Sr buried at Rising Sun Md. In looking up letter of a friend who

V21 Page 485

found these old tombstones, he says he could not make out the year of Robert Finley Sr only died Apr 21 _____ aged 88 but he thought it was 1762.

Another record:

James Finley who seems to be a Pres. minister was granted land bought from Capt John Browne 300 A dated 1678. This James Finley sold the land to Wm Ridgeley & moved to Ky or Penna. Now Mr J.D. Warfield has published a book on the founders of Anne Arundel & Howard Cos Md, gives following record.

Susan, daughter of Rev James Finley of Anne Arundel Co, married Wm Browne, son of James & Mary (Smith) Browne, a noted breeder of short horn cattle in Ills & a son of Col Wm Browne of Cynthiana, Ky. Conclude from these records that James & Robert came to Md in 1698. Also found that a James Finley was granted land in Charles Co, Md of 100 A June 23, 1685. He died 1699, will dated Oct 7, 1699, probated Dec 23, 1699, leaves godson half estate. No children.

Another James Finley & Margaret Ruth were married in Queen Anne Co Md in 1776

Also will of John Finley of Chester Town, Kent Co, Md May 3, 1750 to daughter Henrietta Finley who now lives & dwells with me & is my reputed daughter all my good & chattels & appts wife Margaret Exrx

V21 Page 486

He says the following should interest me.

Grant of land obtained from the six nations at Fort Stanwix conference was conveyed to Wm Trent, Capt Wm Thompson & 23 Penna traders who had suffered large losses through the war of 1763 includes all of WVA lying between the Ohio, Little Kanawha & Monongahela Rivers. Traders petition to Sir Wm Johnson, Capt Wm Thompson £613.13.4 (This is Genl Wm Thompson)

He asks for the return of his book.

Referring to Wm Finley, gf of Alfred P. Finley of Sherman, Texas, he alludes to his son Smith or Albert Smith, see page 117 & of two grandsons of his brother Michael viz Smith Hampton & Smith Denny, pages 108 & 110 as conclusively proving this William to be Andrew's son.

His letter of Oct 5 wonders if I had recd his book of records, which I guess I failed to ack.

He has a record from a party who he thinks is a grandson of either Andrew's or George's. John, I am asking him to send it.

He has gotten David Edward Finley's record from York S.C.

He asks about Robert Finley born May 9, 1681 brother of our Michael Sr & speaks of his son Robert born in Ireland 1712 (it was 1720) & his

V21 Page 487

body lies in old churchyard at Rising Sun, Md who had a son:

1. Robert died Oct 12, 1807 aged 42 married Frances Boyd

2. A son John who was granted land Susquehannah Hundred, Cecil Co 1740 but moved on to Va

3. A son James who served under Capt Edwd Johnson's Co on foot in 1740

4. A son Thomas who died 1755 leaving a son Thomas, who served in the War of 1812 who also had a son Thomas who married Chloe Baynes Jany 27, 1791, son James who married Henry Baynes Feby 17, 1800

This dates are impossible. Am writing asking him where he got this record.

Also has Cecil Co record of a John T. Finley who married Catharine Z. Zimmons Oct 24, 1750

Col Robert Finley of Talbot Co Md died 1716 leaving a wife Jane who died 1725 & a daughter:

1. Mary who married Jacob Orchard

2. Also daughter Elizabeth who married Henry Pices, Jane, the widow's will is dated Aug 3, 1722 probated Apr 17, 1725.

This Robert & a James Finley came to Annapolis 1688 fleeing from Scotland. Had fought against Cromwell. James bought land called Abingdon on Sout [sic] River 1698

In his letter of Sept 16, he gives will of Jane Finley about, widow of Col

V21 Page 488

Robert of Talbot Co, Md dated Aug 31, 1722 probated Apr 1725 leaves:

1. to Mary, wife of Jacob Orchard, her daughter gold necklace

2. to Elizabeth, wife of Henry Price her daughter, stone necklace

3. to Mary, daughter of Jacob Orchard, her gd French necklace

Balance of her estate to her sister Jugg [sic] Watson of Broughton, Yorkshire Co, England, If she is dead, to her son.

It is now 2:46 Am Oct 16/27

V21 Page 489 [missing]

V21 Page 490

Oct 16, 1927 11:35 AM

Two letters dated Aug 30, & Oct 1, 1927 in answer to mine from Malinda McLucas Harper say that she has found her Uncle John R. McLucas notebook, which she sent me. It states that he started for Indiana June 23, 1915, went to Laporte, Ind July 4th, went 10 miles S.W. to the cemetery where my father (John McLucas) was buried, found the grave. John McLucas died Oct 2, 1838. So this gives location of his grave, but I have all the information it discloses. See page 220 this book.

She says her Aunt Becca Gibson might have some records & she wrote Ellen Gibson Hays & also Dan Smith, grandson of her Aunt Martha McL Smith, but neither answered. Also wrote Pearl Smith at Des Moines, Iowa, another grandson, but who says he doesn't know a thing, but she thinks he should be able to tell who his father & mother were & give record of their children.

She says to write Alice McLucas, Santa Cruz, Calif, an old maid her age living with a married sister. She or her sister may know of a record. Am writing. She also mentions Jennie Pickering, but does not know where she is. Says Elmer McLucas wrote her that he wants a book.

Says Will & Ed McLucas, sons of John R. see page 221 say they made out their records & sent them in.

V21 Page 491

Says she wrote widow of Greely Ritter, Boone Iowa, but no word yet. Has no word either from Martha Ritter Knight, Stanhope, Iowa.

Says Almeda Ritter Oppenheimer raised a big family at Shenandoah, Iowa. She is dead & I don't know one thing of the rest. Make slip to go there.

Says Dan Smith of Letts, Iowa is grandson of her Aunt Martha McLucas Smith & that his father died at his home & she thinks he would have his parents bible record. Go see him if he don't answer.

Her letter of Oct 1 says the McLucas tribe have hovered around South Bend, Laporte, Westville & Valparaiso, Ind for many years, would be well to make slips. Ed McLucas says there are McLucas's there yet. Georgia Will McL said a boy was drowned in a lake in edge of Idaho near Spokane, Wash. You see in Jennie's letter she speaks of her brother's boys living there.

Now who was James & Samuel, two of the eleven, see p 440 for Samuel. She speaks of John McLucas, son of sd Samuel coming to Redfield, Ia with his 4 children after his wife died in Feby 6, 1854 see page 440. Said his daughter Mary Ellen Married Thornburg there & had 2 children

1. Alma died abt 1863 or 4 buried in East Linn Cem

2. Larkin, her son grew to manhood here &

V21 Page 492

went to Calif had a big family & died of T.B. His mother Ellen died in 1863 (Mrs Bartholomew says 1865) soon after the little girl died.

Old John's daughter Nancy Livona was 18, went to Hagerstown, Ind to die of T.B. buried in Olive Branch Cem.

The other daughter, Orilla Jane married a Replogle in Hagerstown, Ind & had:

1. Christina Replogle Keever & one son

2. John Replogle

Both live at Hagerstown, Ind. He has one child a girl, Golen.

I think "Tina" had 2 or 3 children

See Book 19 p 160 & 168

Says she can't get word from Mollie Salsbury, John Gibson's widow. See page 220. She had two sons by Gibson & a son Paul by Salisbury [sic]. She lives at 113 Lincoln St, Richmond Ind. I have one name, Solomon McLucas, around Cedar Rapids, Iowa & a bunch of McLucas's at Silvis Rock Island Co, Ills. How funny things come around. Ed's son Carroll works in a bakery where a man from Silvis works & he knew a bunch of McLucas's there. Make slips to go to these places & if by that time I have not recd the Gibson record write to Mollie Salsbury.

Aunt Martha's oldest child, see page 220 was Melvin Smith. After his second wife died, he lived at his son, Dan's at Letts, Iowa. He had two wives &

V21 Page 493

two sets of children. I have his son's dates & his wives dates. I am listing on pages 494 & 5 the children of her Uncle Wil's [sic] & will add what information there is in letter of his oldest daughter Jennie Pickering now at Fairbury, Neb in her letter of Sept 22, to Mrs Harper. She says her son Arthur & her son-in-law have both died in the last two years. Her brother Weems came to Anderson, Ind & had her go to his home at Fairbury, Neb to keep house for him. He has a daughter in Calif, a son at Spokane, Wash & one in Fairbury, Neb.

Lenore's daughter, Margaret is married to a Smith & lives in Muncie, Ind & both her sons live in Anderson, Ind. Howard lives in the home place & is in the grocery business. We had a family record, but don't know what became of it. Have written home to get dates. Weems' son's wife is interested & wants information. She asks Mrs Harper to come out & make them a visit & prepare an answer to my letter. Says they live on 6th Street 984 or 904. Am returning her letter to Mrs H. The yellow slip says her Aunt Becca McLucas married Pollard Gibson & had 5 children:

John S., eldest married Mary Whitesel & in 1877 went to Kansas where he died in 1879, leaving a wife & 2 children. Ellen Hays & Isaac .

James M. married Julia Cromer

Dora B. is the wife of Oscar Bar Williams.

I am copying what John R. McLucas had written in his red backed note book 6x4 inches [last line cut off]

V21 Page 494 & V21 Page 495

[descendant chart]

Wilson Thompson McLucas see page 221 born Dec 2, 1823 ob 1891 married Dec 3,1846 Elizabeth Haggy born Jany 1, 1829 ob 1881 daughter of James Hagey [sic & wife Elizabeth. Had ten children all born in Henry Co, Indiana at & near Cadiz & Millville, Ind.


Sarah Jane McLucas b Jany 5, 1848 married Jany 7, 1868 Leander Pickering b July 29, 1847 ob Nov 24, 1882. Have 4 children born in Henry Co, Ind

Arthur L. Pickering b Mch 23, 1870 ob May 8, 1826 married Sept 30, 1896 Martha Marian b Nov 30, 1870

Elizabeth Pickering b Sept 19, 1874 married Nov 28, 1889 Lorenzo D. Williams b Sept 7, 1869 ob Feby 15, 1927

Frank E. Pickering b Mch 22, 1874 ob Nov 7, 1879

Clara Pickering b Mch 12, 1879 married Mch 3, 1898 J. Walter Carpenter, died Sept 1, 1902

John Calvin McLucas b Sept 22, 1849 ob Dec 8, 1926 in Fairbury, Neb & buried there. Married Oct 29, 1874 Belle Cooper at Cadiz Ind b Jany 20, 1857 at Cadiz, Ind & still living. Her full name was Louessa Belle Cooper daughter of Robt Holleday Cooper born in Harrison Co, O & wife Margaret Haworth. see b 22 p 76

Weems Hagey McLucas b Oct 10, 1851, married Nov 20, 1873 Elizabeth Whilhoit b July 17, 1853 ob Nov 23, 1926. She was daughter of Benj H. Wilhoit & wife Hannah Personett. Has 4 children, the 1st born in Cadiz, Ind 2d in Delaware Co, Ind & 3d & 4th in Fairbury, Neb. See page 498

Alice McLucas b Mch 3, 1854 unmarried aged 73 yrs, lives Santa Cruz, Calif. Wrote her today. Lives with her sister Gertrude. Letter came back.

Jessie McLucas b Oct 16, 1856, ob married Fred Foy, ob

Elizabeth Ellen McLucas b Sept 23, 1859 ob Dec 21, 1924 married Feby 1880 William T. Lennan b May 8, 1857 ob May 13, 1921. Her children live near Noblesville, Ind. He was son of Thos Lennen [sic] & wife Susan. He was born in Hamilton Co, Ind where he was a farmer, salesman & then Treas. of the County. see page 499 [which I include here for clarity CW]

Ethel Molva Lennen b Dec 5, 1880. She is my good informant for this record. Married Apr 19, 1902 to A.J. Hines born June 3, 1872 in Hamilton Co, Ind, son of Sindley [sic] Hines & wife Elizabeth E. He is a school teacher & surveyor. Have 3 children all born in Hamilton Co, Ind.

Laurence Lennen Hines b Jany 12, 1903 married Aug 12, 1926 to Jettie Lynn of Evansville, Ind b Jany 15, 1907. He works in the tool dept of Seerel mfg Co Evansville, Ind.

Bernice Elizabeth Hines b May 31, 1906 school teacher, single

Alice Gertrude Hines b Oct 10, 1907 a junior in Butler Univ Indianapolis

Iva Belle Lennen b Feby 19, 1882 unmarried, trained nurse living in Indianapolis, Ind, was in Veteran's Bureau Dept of the Gov.

Florence M. Lennen b Apr 1, 1884 married June 1905 to Orlando R Martin, son of Alberian Martin & wife Adelia Bennet, was a farmer. Now remarried & living in Indianapolis. She died of peritonitis May 13, 1912 leaving 2 boys born in Hamilton Co, Ind.

Harold Martin b Nov 26, 1905 married 1926 Phyllis Martin (no relation) born Mch 13, 1907. He is salesman & window decorator for the El Producto Cigar Co in Indianapolis.

Howard Martin b May 3, 1912

Alvin Lennen b May 9, 1890 ob 1890 aged 2 mos

Helen Lennen (twin) b May 28, 1891 ob July 18, 1914 married Blaine Fisher b Aug 10, 1884 son of Oliver Fisher & wife Jennie. Have 2 children born in Hamilton Co Ind & live with their Aunt Mrs Hines since their mother died.

Elizabeth Fisher b Mch 13, 1910

William Fisher b July 2, 1911

Ruth Lennen (twin) b May 28, 1891 ob 1891 aged 2 mos

Ralph Lennen b Feby 19, 1894 married Aug 8, 1923 to Frances Ennis daughter of Wm Edward Ennis & wife. They have two children

Joan O. Lennen b June 29, 1924

John Robert Lennen b Oct 11, 1926

Daughter, Mary [daughter of Wilson Thompson McLucas] b Sept 24, 1862 ob 1866 aged 4 yrs Gertrude McLucas b Oct 24, 1864 married James Murphy. Live at Santa Cruz, Calif

Lenore McLucas b Aug 24, 1867 ob Jany 18, 1923? married Sept 28, 1893 Bert Bornheiser b Oct 11, 1867 ob Jany 11, 1918 son of George Barnhizer [sic] & wife Elsie Huffman. Had 3 children. His full name was Albert Martin Barnhizer.

Leland Lo Bornheiser/Barnhizer B Dec 3, 1894 married Sept 25, 1915 Fay Ickes born July 17, 1898 at Wabash, Ind, daughter of William Ickes & wife Rose Knoll. Have had 3 children born at Anderson, Ind.

William Albert b July 11, 1916 ob Jany 7, 1917

David Leland b Aug 7, 1920

Rosemary b Apr 6, 1925

Howard Daniel Bornheiser/Barnhizer b June 28, 1898 married June 25, 1924 Margaret Webb b June 25, daughter of Sarah Webb. She was born at Anderson, Ind. No issue. Live at No 1425 Pearl St, Anderson, Ind.

Margaret Bornheiser/Barnhizer b Feby 28, 1902 married May 29, 1924 Hiram Earl Smith, my informant. b Jany 29, 1902 at Anderson, Ind son of Hiram Smith & wife Luella Campbell. Have 1 child born in Muncie, Ind.

Marjorie Luella Smith b Sept 7, 1926

Bertha McLucas b Oct 7, 1871 married William Keiser. Live at Orange, Calif

V21 Page 496

[descendant chart]

Jonathan Brooks McLucas see page 221 & book 20 p 178 born Dec 12, 1821 & ob. Married Amanda Miller. They lived at Tipton, Ind & had 5 children born, the first two in Wayne Co, Ind & the last three in Tipton Co, Ind.


James Oscar McLucas b Feby 1, 1848 ob, in infancy

Malinda McLucas b Sept 26, 1849 ob married Addison Haskett

William M. McLucas b May 21, 1852, my informant for this record, married Susan A. Tolin. Have had six children born in Tipton Co, Ind

Clarence A. McLucas b Aug 6, 1877 ob, unmarried

Charity Pearl McLucas (twin) b Jany 10, 1880 married W.R. Todd

Charles Earl McLucas (twin) b Jany 10, 1880, ob married Mabel Brown.

Fred E. McLucas b June 18, 1882 married June 27, 1908 Golda Hamlin, b Aug 12, 1856 daughter of Moses Jackson Hamlin & wife Alice Snyder. She was born at Etna Green, Ind. Have 2 children.

Don Hamlin McLucas b Mch 30, 1910 at Ely, Nevada, single

Helen Betty McLucas b Feby 6, 1920 at Ft Wayne, Ind.

Blanche May McLucas b Dec 14, 1885 married Bernard Woodruff

Cressie Irene McLucas b June 3, 1890 married Ray Glenn

Mary Elizabeth McLucas b Feby 11, 1855 ob, married Jasper M. Dodd, ob

Martha McLucas b Mch 18, 1859 married Henry C. Haskett

V21 Page 498

[descendant chart]

Weems Hagey McLucas b Oct 10, 1851 see page 494


Victor B. McLucas b Oct 18, 1874 married Eva McLeod

Benjamin Wilson McLucas b Sept 29, 1877 married Oct 9, 1901 Cora C. Cropsey, my good informant

Carl McLucas b Nov 4, 1882 married Nettie Horton

Mabel McLucas b Mch 10, 1888 married Clinton Vampel

V21 Page 499 [see page 494-5]

V21 Page 500

From page 493

Oak Hill Oct 18, 1927 4 PM

Rebecca Gibson see page 220 this book, daughter Ellen Hays & her family, Mr & Mrs Isaac Hays & family & son Elmer Hays, wife Cora Hays & their families:

1. Oldest daughter & husband:

Alfred Pearl, perhaps it is Peare

Dora Pearl

Helen Pearl

Marvin Pearl

Mary Pearl

Frederick Pearl

Robert Pearl

2. Second daughter:

Mrs Pearl Kent

Mildred Kent

Chrystal Kent

Damon Kent

Hope Kent

3. Third daughter & family:

Will Morrison

Stella Morrison

Raymons Morrison

Virginia Morrison

Mr & Mrs James M. Gibson dead 828 N. S. St Richmond, Ind and their son & wife:

Mr Oscar P. Gibson

Mrs Ethel Gibson 620 W 18th St Oklahoma City, Okla

V21 Page 501

Sept 3, 1915

Mr & Mrs Wm W. Gibson,

Greensfork, Indiana

RR #22

& their daughter:

Grace Rebecca Gibson

Greensfork, Ind

RR #22

These people are in Richmond now at Lincoln St at the home of John Gibson's widow, Mollie Salsbury

Sept 16, 1915

1424 Pearl St Anderson, Ind. This is where Uncle Wilse lived & I think died, his wife died there too.

Mr A.M. Barnhizer, Noblesville, Ind RR 5

Mrs Lenore Barnhizer, Noblesville, Ind RR 5

Margaret Barnhizer, Noblesville, RR 5

Leland Barnhizer, Anderson, Ind

Howard Barnhizer, Anderson, Ind

Mrs Jennie Pickering, now in Fairbury, Neb.

Arthur Pickering

& wife Martha

Mrs Lizzie Williams, don't know

Mr L.B. Williams, don't know

Anderson, Ind 1425 Pearl ST

Irene Brooks, Sterling Kansas

Martha Poston, Sterling, Kansas

Josephine Thomas, Topeka, Kansas

Adaline Felora, Coffeyville, Kansas

Aurebie [sic] Broox, Parsons, Kansas

These are all dead but Aurelius. I wrote him. His father Jacob Brooks was father to my grandmother Malinda Brooks McLucas

V21 Page 502

Brooks McLucas children

Miss? Zemia B. Haskett "won"

Mrs J.M. Bury of Logansport, Ind

Clyde Hasket, Elwood

Glenn B. Hasket, Tipton

Buell Hasket at home, Tipton, Ind

V21 Page 503

A letter dated Oct 17, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 11, from Thos P. McNiel of 512 S. Gallatin Ave, Marion, Ind see book 20 p 557 says he can't be sure, but it runs in his mind that his wife was 4 yrs old when her father died & she remembered him. He had very poor health. They moved to another county north or north east of Adams Co, O where he died & was buried but he don't remember the name of the Co.

Oak Hill Oct 19, 1927 4:48 PM

A letter dated Sept 9, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30 from Mrs Anna McKee Halsey of 2738 Crown Point Ave Omaha, Neb see pages 256-7 this book is a two page large sheet very finely closely written letter & just as disappointing as it is long & finely written. She expresses great satisfaction for the inf I sent her & then does not answer a question I asked her. Says since quitting teaching, she has concluded to be a genealogist of which work she is greatly enamored. She asks if I have the Topeka Kilgours. Says she can put me in touch with them in a round about way. Make slip to go see them. She says they are of a different line, but she does not know the ancestor. Says she is

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not of the Kilgore line simply doing genealogic work for this Kansas friend living in a tiny village who I suppose is Mrs J. Kay Beachy, Esbon, Kan to whom I will write today.

She asks if I have seen the lovely Elliott coat of Arms in the Spring number of Americana 1927? Says there is a Hist of the Elliotts of Penna & New England. She says her father (but still doesn't name him) was of the old college of W or J. Thinks he must have graduated before 1845. Said he would have been 99 if living but died in 1918 (born then 1828)

She doubts if the old lady would allow her book to go so far away. Her daughter let me have it on condition that it be returned at once. Says it is near & perhaps I could get it again but it is the only copy in the U.S. & I dread the responsibility. Says it is very exact as regards to locations, connections etc & asks if I would pay for a copy at usual stenographic rates.

She says she was born at Milesburg Center Co, Pa & that Elliotts lived nearby - in Paradise - only a gulf between that Milton one of the family, served as Pastor in S.E. Kansas near her father's parish.

V21 Page 505

A letter dated Sept 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30 from Sara Barnette Valentine (Mrs Henry Clay V.) of 113 West Curtis ST, Bellefonte, Pa see page 257 says she don't recall having done any work for Mrs Halsey. Says she gave up research work years ago, but will be glad to aid me & says she knows something of the Thompsons, Potters, & Jacks. Am writing her today, but make slip to go see her. Says she recalls a Daniel Rothermel whose daughter born 1751 (I fear this is a wrong date see page 158) (Now Montgomery Co then Phila, New Hanover Tp) married to John Pool Aug 16, 1770 Pottsgrove, Pa. They are of Lebanon Co I think of course I charge for my work & time. Asks if I am not of the Genl Potter line. Says there is a John Thompson, father of Moses & they all are written in different histories & asks if I have Linn's History of Centre Co or Central Penna Biographies. I have John Blair Linn's history of Centre & Clinton Co in bookcase in wardrobe of Madame duBarry room & it has articles on John, Genl John & Moses Thompson & many Potters & on Andrew Jack 1756-1846 & briefly on other Jacks see page 458.

V21 Page 506

A letter dated Sept 20, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30 from John Franklin Holmes of NO 322 N. Blain St, Wellington, Kansas see book 20 p 486 gives some dates which are different from what I had about which I am writing him & not having room to record his grandchildren etc at the above book, I am transferring him to page 508 this book.

V21 Page 507 [missing]

V21 Page 508

[descendant chart]

John Franklin Holmes see book 20 p 486 born Dec 18, 1855, correct date married June 4, 1879 Sarah Canury see book 20 p 486.


Estella Myrtle Holmes b June 4, 1880 married July 1, 1901 Harry N. Powell b May 19, 1883 son of W.N. Powell & wife Emma Merryman. They live at Galesburg, Ills, where he is in the postal service. Have 6 living children & one dead born viz the 1st one near Viola, Ills & the other six in Galesburg, Ills

Holmes Nelson Powell b May 13, 1903 ob Jany 27, 1904

Ramon Clayton Powell b Apr 9, 1905

Prudence Mae Powell b Jany 16, 1907

Grace Estella Powell b Sept 28, 1908, married Aug 6, 1927 to Robert Johns born Apr 2, 1907 near Galesburg, Ills son of James Johns & wife Lillian Lunt.

Anna Louise Powell b Oct 8, 1910

Harry N. Powell Jr b May 31, 1912

Maud June Powell June 18, 1919

Carl Clyde Holmes b Dec 15, 1881 ob Feby 16, 1882 in infancy

William Glenn Holmes b Mch 13, 1883 married Feby 2, 1912 Grace Ione Crider daughter of William Crider & wife Laura Bonner. He is a farmer residing at Wellington, Kan & has six children born viz: Duane & Dorothy at Clearwater, Kan & the other four near Wellington Kan

J. Ferris Holmes b Nov 11, 1913

Marjorie Claire Holmes b Mch 2, 1915

Eugene Glen Holmes b Aug 21, 1917

Duane Wendel Holmes b Feby 26, 1920

Dorothy Ione Holmes b Jany 21, 1922

Ruth Birdean Holmes b Oct 9, 1924

Maud Elizabeth Holmes b Mch 6, 1885 married Jany 30, 1908 to Frank S. Hackney b Apr 25, 1876 son of Oscar J. Hackney & wife Lena Beinder. He is a farmer living near Wellington, Kan. Have 5 children born near Wellington, Kan

Robt Hackney b Jany 3, 1909

Wm Philip Hackney b Nov 10, 1912

Betty Ann Hackney b Sept 19, 1916

Prudence Estella Hackney b Oct 18, 1919

Janice Lon [Lou?] Hackney b Jany 1, 1927

Anna May Holmes b Mch 16, 1887 unmarried

Cecil Canum Holmes b Jany 31, 1899 married May 26, 1923 Eva Bee Wilson at Amorita Okla, daughter of Green Kelly Wilson & wife Lulu Jones. He is supt of schools at Goff, Kansas.

V21 Page 509 [missing]

V21 Page 510

Oak Hill Oct 20, 1927 9:33 PM

A letter dated Oct 6, 1927 in answer to mine, from A.R. Newsome, secy of the N.C. Historical Com. of Raleigh, N.C. says he has referred my letter to Mrs E.L. Whitehead, an experienced genealogist of their city who he has asked to write me concerning the subject matter of my letter.

A letter dated Sept 18, 1927 from W.D. Robinson of 631 West Marined? St Columbus, O says as I haven't been there & says if I will give him the names of some old people, relatives, he would have time to look them up for me. I am asking him to send me the book & page I sent him before & also this. Make slip again to go see him.

V21 Page 511

Oak Hill, Oct 22, 1927 4:26 PM

A letter dated Sept 16, 1927 from cousin Mrs Julia A. Herron of 600 Meade St, Monongahela, Pa speaks of having with her husband & daughter Marjorie having visited her oldest sister at Chautauqua, NY who has had a home there for 36 yrs. She also speaks of having been at Friendship Hill at the Dau. of 1812 "At Home" day last summer at which 5000 was said to be in attendance. Says she notices in the papers that Albert Gallatin Hoppin who was there that day had died in New York a short time ago.

A letter dated Oct 7, 1927 in answer to mine of last winter from Prof W. Shaffer Jack of 1926 Diamond St, Phila, Pa box 32 University of Penna says he has been abroad but sends a few meagre notes, which I am tabling on next page. He says their bible records are in storage & he does not have access to them nor does he know what they disclose, but directs me to write to Mrs J.K. Dillon (Edna) 2763 W. Scarborough Road, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, O who he is sure can give much data. Asks me to send a tree of the family & says to put him down for a book.

V21 Page 512 & V21 Page 513

[descendant chart]

These 3, Wm, Thos & David were sons of Robert Jack of Londonderry, born & raised on the strand. His wife was Ellen Stewart & his father Thomas Jack see b 25 0 331


William Jack ob & is buried in the Allegheny Cem, Pgh Pa. Parents lived near Braddock Pa. He was a merchant in the Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa. Married June 12, 1828 Grace Vance Holmes b Oct 24, 1804 ob Apr 13, 1885, sister of Rev Geo S. Holmes & daughter of Robert Holmes 1767-Jan 22, 1830 & his wife Annie Charlotte Sturgeon see b 25 p 190

Robert H. Jack born May 5, 1831 at Pgh, ob Nov 5, 1897 & buried in Allegheny Cem, was a merchant in the Diamond, Pgh Pa. Married June 29, 1887 Jenny L. Shaffer born July 11, 1852 & still living at Elizabeth, Pa. She is daughter of John E. Shaffer M.D. b Washington Pa Feby 22, 1821 & his wife Elizabeth Stillman Holmes, she daughter of Rev Geo S. Holmes & wife Mary Stillman

W. Shaffer Jack b Apr 14, 1888 at Pgh Pa professor of Romance Languages & Literature, University of Pennsylvania, Phila, Pa. He thinks their family is connected with the Greensburgh Jacks. My informant for this record. See page 565. Graduated from W & J College 1916, unmarried.

Samuel Jack married

Wilbur Jack living probably at Cleveland, O

Anna C. Jack

Thomas Jack [son of Robert & Ellen Stewart Jack] ob married Eliza Matilda Holmes, sister of Grace & Rev Geo S. Holmes. Had 3 children.

Edward Holmes Jack b Dec 24, 1840 at Pgh, Pa, ob Aug 8, 1911 at Columbus, O, buried in Homewood Cem, Pgh, Pa. Married Oct 14, 1869 to Mary Virginia McCausland, still living & is with her daughter Mrs John L. Robinson this fall at 305 Morgantown St, She is daughter of Wm A. McCausland & wife Margaret McKrell & was born in Pgh Pa. Had 3 children born in Pgh, Pa see book 12 p 326-7

Edna Virginia Jack, b Sept 4, 1873 in Pgh. Married Nov 5, 1896 to James Kelly Dillon, b Oct 25, 1860 son of Levi Dillon & wife Eliza Ann Kelly. He is Div Passenger Agt of PRR at Cleveland, O. Have had 2 children born in Pgh Pa. Live 2673 W. Scarborough Road, Cleveland Heights, O

Writing today, but make slip to go see her. She is my informant for the record. She says they are not related to the Gbg Jacks

Virginia Edna Dillon b Oct 15, 1898 ob Jany 6, 1906

James Edward Dillon b Oct 29, 1904 married May 9, 1927 Ruth Jane Critchett.

Margaret May Jack b Aug 24, 1880 ob 1893 buried in Homewood Cem Pgh, Pa

Lida Holmes Jack married John Lowry Robinson born in Uniontown, Pa son of Harold L. Robinson & his wife Bessie Smith. Live at No 305 Morgantown St, Uniontown, Pa. He died in Uniontown, Pa.

Ellen Adela Jack [dau of Thomas] ob in Columbus, O married T.R. Clark

Anna Mary Jack ob in Coshocton, O married E.C. Carr. She wrote me some yrs ago & I have the letter somewhere

David Jack ob see b 25 p 332 [son of Robert & Ellen Stewart Jack]

V21 Page 514

A letter dated Sept 15, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from Mrs Louisa H. Van Zant of 84 E. Sunbury St, Shamokin, Pa says that her nerves are very bad & she is under the care of a specialist & her health will not permit her doing the work I asked & says she does not have any of the old bibles, but she says their family bible is at a niece's, Mrs Robert Beverage, Trevorton, Pa & says if I could come to Shamokin, she would try & go with me to see the relatives. Says she was going to Phila, but wd be back after Oct. Am writing her today to give me date that will suit her & I will come. Make "quick" slip.

Two letters dated Sept 19 & 23 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Bettie Jack Parker of Alvin Texas says she has not been well, is 77 yrs old & has high blood pressure & a leaking heart & the weather so hot she hasn't felt like writing. Says she hasn't heard from her brother Wm H. Jack Corsicana Tex & for me to write which I am doing. Says when my book is finished, she wants to buy one if here. Says wd like to see me. Hers of 23d ulto sends a record of the births & deaths of her father & mother & 11 children which she had copied years ago & found in book see b 16 p 100-1 & 110-1 where I recorded it.

Oak Hill Oct 25, 1927 4:33 PM

This is the 47th anniversary of my dear Andrew's birth & I hope he may have that many more. I find that I have three letters dated Sept 12 & 29 & Oct 13, from Mrs Mary D. Brown of 402 Delavan St, Lincoln, Ills see book 13 pages 189 & 227

She is giving record of some of the grandchildren of her Aunt Agnes Julia Ousley see book 13 p 226 who she now says married Gideon S. Howell & I am tabling the inf commencing on page 518. Agnes Julia's mother was Mary Finley who married Harry Hawkins Ousley & had eleven children. She sends a few items on the Burnham record which I have entered in place book 13 p 187.

Says she has not heard yet from Marry E. Mattis, daughter of Hannah Smith Finley McKinley.

Says she has run across a woman in Lincoln, Ill whose maiden name was Finley, whose people came from Canada.

This Canada family is no doubt the same I have tabled in book 20 p 620 & she mentions three other brothers of Martin & Lawrence so I am putting what she gave Mrs Brown in a table commencing on next page

V21 Page 516 [missing]

V21 Page 517 [missing]

V21 Page 518 & V21 Page 519

[descendant chart]

Agnes Julia Ousley born Apr 18, 1825 ob May 20, 1898 see book 13 p 226 married Sept 5, 1844 Gideon S. Howell of Georgia, b June 12, 1824 ob, son of Evan P. Howell & wife Owen. His name was Gideon Singleton Howell. Bible burned.


1. Mary Harriet Howell b June 2, 1847 ob Dec 19, 1846

2. Laura Howell b Aug 26, 1851 ob Sept 30, 1896 married Wm E. Jones b Nov 2, 1846 ob Oct 24, 1919, lived in Duluth, Ga.

3. Dora Howell born 1858 married John Randolph Brantley I, born son of Dr Franklin Marion Brantley & wife Margaret Ezzard [sic] Collier.

1. Katrina Brantley b Aug 4, 1876 ob Sept 18, 1927 married Oct 12, 1897 Howard S. Cole. Have 5 children.

Howard S. Cole Jr b Aug 12, 1899 married Oct 1921 Clover Bobo. Have one child

Howard S. Cole III b Sept 1926

Barton Ousley Cole b Mch 1901

Dora Mayne Cole b Jany 19, 1903 married Oct 30, 1924 David D. Redman. Have 1 child

David D. Redman Jr b Nov 17, 1925

Brainerd Cole b 1907 ob 1909

John Brantley Cole b June 17, 1916

2. Brainerd Brantley married 1 Rosa Kern, 1 daughter, married 2 Nelly Symkusbunk, 1 daughter

Pauline Brantley

Dora Brantley

3. Howell Brantley, married Kate Neely

4. Frank Brantley b Nov 9, 1882 ob in infancy, twin of Susan

5. Susan Brantley b Nov 19, 1882 married Nov 7, 1906 to Clarence DeWitte Galloway b Feby 3, 1877 son of Saml H. & Charlotte Milnes Galloway. Have 5 children.

Susan Brantley Galloway b Nov 17, 1907

Dora Charlotte Galloway b May 2, 1910

Clarence DeWitte Galloway Jr b May 2, 1910

Margaret Brantley Galloway b Oct 28, 1912

Brainerd Ousley Galloway b Feby 2, 1918 ob Mch 6, 1918

6. Margaret Brantley b July 15, 1892 married Mch 3, 1915 to John Pierson Hunt b Apr 30, 1890 son of Eugene Hunt & wife Eliza Jane Pearson [sic] Have 4 children

Eugene Hunt b May 30, 1917

John Randolph Hunt b Oct 14, 1918

Margaret Jane Hunt b Oct 25, 1922

Howell Bruce Hunt b Sept 25, 1926

7. John Randolph Brantley II b June 18, 1898 at Gainesville, Ga married 1 Jany 14, 1923 Fay Satterfield, Atlanta Ga ob, married 2 Feby 16, 1924 Ada Thomas Avery born May 18, 1901 at New Bern N.C. Have 2 children the 1st born at Charlotte N.C. & the 2d at Winston-Salem N.C.

John Randolph Brantley III b Sept 17, 1924

Gloria Camille Brantley b Dec 18, 1926

4. Harry Ousley Howell [son of Gideon Singleton Howell] b June 19, 1859 ob Apr 24, 1887 or 1889 married Mary Morse of Atlanta, Ga b May 18, 1860 & ob Dec 26, 1885 daughter of Richard & Letitia Kidd Morse

5. Susan Howell b Jany 5, 1851 ob Dec 26, 1885 married Walter Porter of Atlanta Ga

6. Frank Singleton Howell, married Jany 11, 1887 Clara Jones. He is judge of Supreme court of Nebraska & lives at Omaha

7. Lida Howell ob June 23, 1894 in South America married Aug 25, 1891 Robert C. Dickson.

James Howell Dickson b May 1892

V21 Page 520 [missing]

V21 Page 521

[descendant chart]

John Wesley Rankin b Apr 11, 1868 see bk 16 page 75. Am carrying forward just three of the children who need more room to extend their record. Lives at 922 E. First Ave, Monmouth, Ills


Jennie Marie Rankin b May 3, 1896, she my informant for this record in the outcome of which she is interested & will no doubt want a book. Her address during the school year is 90 S. Professor St, Oberlin, O

Dean Willard Rankin b May 21, 1898 married June 29, 1926 Lorna Grizella Pollock born Nov 28, 1901 in Huron, O daughter of Dr William Hays Pollock & wife Sara Jane Harrison

Dorothy Evelyn Rankin b Oct 2, 1902 married Nov 29, 1924 Frederick Avery Allison born Dec 28, 1901 in Chicago, Ills son of Frederick Allison & wife Anna Louise Anderson. They have two children born in Monmouth, Ills.

Stuart Rankin Allison b Sept 16, 1925

Richard Gordon Allison b Feby 3, 1927

V21 Page 522

Oak Hill, Oct 26, 1927 11:37 Am

A letter dated Sept 12, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from Wm M. McLucas of RR 2 Tipton, Ind see bk 21 p 221 & 496 gives me record of the children of his father J. Brooks McLucas & his own children which I have tabled on page 496 & am writing him today for additional data, which he said he would gladly give to bring it down to date. He also says to write to:

Flora Russell Dwiggins, Orestes, Ind a descendant of Sarah, who married a Russell & Mary Shaw also of Orestes, Madison Co, Ind a descendant of Jane who married a Young. These are all the descendants known to me.

V21 Page 523

A letter dated Oct 11, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 18, 1927 from Julia Ann Bowdle, Johnson & Morton Sts Route 3 Des Moines, Iowa see book 20 p 180 says she does not know the first name of her grandmother Concannon nor the date of her 3d marrige to Geo Petro, nor whether his first wife Mary McLucas was a sister of her gf Wm McLucas & while she is not certain, she thinks this Geo Petro was a cousin of old Henry Petro.

She says Mrs Jennie Fee, Ellsworth, Kan got her father's bible record. Write her. I wonder if she is Mrs Bowdle's sister Elizabeth Jane see bk 20 p 181

She can't give dates of birth & death or parentage of her stepmother Emily Hayworth.

V21 Page 524

Oak Hill, Oct 27, 1927 2:15 AM

A letter dated Sept 6, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 30, 1927 from Wm C. Hagerty, McMinnville, Oregon where he is President of the Oregon Fire Relief Association, see book 20 p 353 & book 21 p 267

He says the widow of his great Uncle Hugh Carothers died some two years ago, but he says to write to J.W. Carothers, Oregon City Rt #6, Oregon who is a son of Hugh Carothers. He thinks there were two boys & one girl. Writing tonight.

See bk 22 p 55-59. He was nephew of Hugh.

He says he does not have any of the old Carothers bibles & does not think his mother got her father's bible nor does he know who got them.

Knows nothing of his ggf Archibald Carothers. Can't answer question 5. He says William Nesbit died some years ago in Grant Co, Ind. Says his wife Susannah Jane Carothers, sister of his mother, see book 20 p 352 is buried, he thinks at Port Isabelle, Ind and has a tombstone. Make slip to go there & get record.

V21 Page 525

A letter dated Oct 12, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 3, 1927 from Mrs Sarah McQuiston of Brookville, Pa see pages 412-3 (she is daughter of John Cameron Finley son of Samuel Jr). Says her mother had the old Finley record & lived with my youngest sister & their house burned to the ground with everything they had in it.

She says her sister:

1. Maggie Finley was born Apr 2, 1850 & died Sept 1, 1927. She was married to William Eakman who died Oct 18, 1917

2. She said she herself:

Sarah Finley was born Oct 25, 1852. She married Jesse McQuiston who was born Mch 6, 1848 & died Aug 3, 1917. Her son:

1. James McQuiston was born July 6, 1873 & died Sept 19, 1903

2. Lester McQuiston was born May 26, 1876. He has two children

I. Sarah, 24 yrs old

II. Lester Jr 16 yrs old

V21 Page 526

A letter dated Sept 13, 1927 in answer to mine from Allen A. Line Carlisle, Pa see book 20 pages 472 & 476 gives me some records which he regrets are not complete, from the old Line bible of his gf Emanuel Line Senr as follows:

Emanuel Line Senr born Dec 1781 died Jany 30, 1851

Married Elizabeth Myers born Jany 12, 1786 & died Sept 29, 1838 aged 52 yrs 8 mos & 17 days. She was a daughter of Rev Myers of Cumb Co, Pa. They had children:

1. Maria Line born Dec 30

2. Abraham Myers Line born Feby 19, 1809

3. Juliann Line born Nov 4, 1811

4. William Line born Oct 16, 1813 ob Mch 28, 1892

"This William Line who married Miss Carothers is the father of Hon W.C. Line of Nebraska, whom you heard from. He has been a member of the Legislature in Neb". See book 20 p 472 & 476

5. Emanuel Line Jr born Apr 15, 1818 ob Oct 21, 1871. This is the father of my informant Allan A. Line.

V21 Page 527

A letter dated Oct 12, 1927 in answer to mine of May 17, 1927 from James Bruce Carruthers 1315 State ST, Harrisburg, Pa is on a letterhead with the Carruthers coat of arms with the motto "Promptus et Fidelis" & says he has just recd my letter on his return from a trip to Calif, Alaska & Mexico on which he left home last May. He says he wants a copy of my work when completed & if he can give any additional inf, he will be glad to do so any time.

He gives his ancestors back to his gggf Thomas Carruthers born 1708 & says they were all farmers & their farm was Townhead, Linwald, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He gives nothing but their dates of birth & names of two of their wives, but I am tabling this inf meagre as it is on page 530 & writing for fuller inf

He gives a sketch of the family which he says is from the "Scotchman" & said to be authentic & is much like Anjou's but gives a different version regarding the derivation of the name. Says the family is one of the oldest in Scotland & possessed lands there when Gaelic was spoken over the south of Scotland. Their original possessions he thinks consisting of the Parish of Carruthers in Dumfriesshire. He says the Parish was united to Middlebie in 1609 with the parish of

V21 Page 528

Penersaughs which belonged to Carlyle. In the time of Dr Wallace & Bruce, the parishes of Monsewald & Dalton were added. He says in the church of Monsewald is still to be seen the recumbent effigy of Sir Simon Carruthers who was killed in 1484. See Anjou's hist page 21 but dates don't conform. He says he visited Scotland two years ago.

V21 Page 529 [missing]

V21 Page 530 & V21 Page 531

[descendant chart]

Thomas Carruthers b 1708 was a farmer, his farm being Townhead, Linwald, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. He died there, an old man.

[his son:]

Benjamin Carruthers born 1742 was a farmer on the land of his father above, where he died, likewise an old man.

[his son:]

James Carruthers born 1780 was also a farmer on same land where he died say 1830 aged 50 yrs from a wound in the leg, a harrowtooth falling on his shin from which blood poisoning developed & he died in a few days. Married Isabella Charters, ob

[their son:]

John Carruthers born 1822 ob say 1892 aged 70 yrs on his farm in Seward Co, Neb of inflammation of the bowels or appendicitis. Married in Dumfriesshire Ann Wallace & emigrated in 1854 to Canada.

[their son:]

James Bruce Carruthers born 1863 at Beston, Ontario, Canada, my informant, lives at 1315 State ST, Harrisburg, Pa. Married

[his son:]

John Franklin Bruce Carruthers b 1889 at Fort Scott, Kan.

V21 Page 532 [missing]

V21 Page 533 [missing]

V21 Page 534

A card of Oct 11, 1927 in answer to my letter of June 22, 1927 from Frances H. Cone of 640 Idaho Ave Huron S.Dak sends me a card of introduction to James P. Cone of Coshocton, O who will help me to trace Maj Wm Thompson, an officer of the War of 1812 who I think is an ancestor of her husband Roscoe E. Cone whose daughter or granddaughter married Wm Davidson. I am writing asking if he entered from Ohio. Make Ohio slip, am putting card of introduction in my satchel.

A letter dated Sept 8, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 17, 1927 from Etta Holmes Schlosser, Sunnyside, Washington, see book 20 page 487 gives her record & that of her children & grandchildren & for want of space, I am transferring her record to the next page.

She wants to know what the History is & says she wants a copy.

V21 Page 535

[descendant chart]

Etta Jane Holmes born Jany 2, 1869 see book 20 p 487. Live at Sunnyside, Washington, married Mch 4, 1896 Rev Thomas Franklin Schlosser born at Freeport, Ills Jany 16, 1868 son of John Schlosser & wife Drusilla Wagner. He was educated at Shurtleff Col Brookings S.D. & at Univ of Chicago Ill. Is a Baptist minister & has had many charges. They have had six children, the first one born at Broken Bow, Neb next one at Ponca, Neb next one at Palestine, Neb next two at Red Cloud Neb & next one at Cashmere, Wyoming.


John Wilbur Schlosser b Nov 22, 1897 married July 3, 1922 to Vera May Farr b July 2, 1903 at Livermore, Iowa, daughter of Fred L. Farr & wife Lula Victoria Selby. Have 2 children born at San Jose, Calif. He is in the lumber business at Irvington, Cal.

Geraldine June Schlosser b June 1, 1924

Dorothy May Schlosser b Mch 3, 1927

George Harold Schlosser b Oct 10, 1899

Mable Katherine Schlosser b July 15, 1900 married Mch 19, 1918 to LeRoy E. Darland b Dec 3, 1897 at Rippey, Iowa son of Sylvester A. Darland & wife Mary Eletha Thomas. Have two boys born at Sunnyside, Wash. She died July 14, 1920 & is buried at Sunnyside Wash. He is a traveling salesman located at Hutchinson Kansas

Leroy Sylvester Darland b Mch 23, 1919

Clyde Robert Darland b June 6, 1920

Thomas Schlosser b Nov 17, 1902 ob Jany 20, 1903 at Red Cloud, Neb

Baby boy b Feby 11, 1904 ob Feby 11, 1904 at birth

Howard Holmes Schlosser b July 3, 1912

V21 Page 536

A letter dated Oct 19, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 11, 1927 from Mrs C. Mogar P.O. Box 685 Fort Myers, Fla see pages 177 & 442. Says she can only go back to her gf & that her grandfather, father & brother were all named John Jack. Says her father had two sisters, Jessie & Jeannie & no brothers that I ever heard of (her niece Myrtle speaks of two, see page 442). Says her father, grandfather & she thinks ggf were all born & lived in Glasgow, Scotland. Make slip. Father & mother were married there in 1857 & I have their marriage cft & father & gf came to the U.S. in 1869. I was born in Glasgow. Father & mother are both dead.

Says if there is any more inf she can give, she will gladly do so.

V21 Page 537 [missing]

V21 Page 538

At residence of Mrs Jean L. Carothers & her son Charles S. Carothers, No 1154 49th St, Brooklyn NY Nov 5, 1927 11:30 AM

I arrived here by taxi ten minutes ago having come over via B.M.T. subway which I took at corner 34th St & B'way NY & out to 45th Brooklyn.

Mrs Carothers is a buxom heavy set woman & is teaching which she took up 23 yrs ago, shortly after she was left a widow with two small children aged 7 & 9 yrs old.

Telling her my mission & asking for the two old bibles, she said she had but one which she said Thos A. Carothers, brother of her husband brought or sent to her about the time of the World War. She went & got it & allowed me to bring it to the Waldorf with me & asked me to come back tomorrow at 1 PM & have dinner with her & her son & daughter who will be home then. Her son had gone today to a ball game at West Point. Her daughter is a graduate of Columbia Univ NY where she took her Doctor's Degree. She is a psychologist & has a court position of 3 hours daily which pays

V21 Page 539

her $1800 a year which she continues to hold notwithstanding her marriage in July 1926 & a five months old baby.

Her son has two children.

The bible is a well bound leather backed on 29 lines of this book long, 24 lines wide & 13 lines thick & on the back cover is written several times:

"James Love, his book"

On the front cover is written what I take to be a notice relating probably to his son:

"James Love, deceased July 25, 1804 in the seventeenth year of his age between the hours of 8 & 9 o'clock in the evening"

It was printed in Dublin by George Grierson, printer to the King at the Kings-Arms and two bibles MDCC XXXIX 1739 & contains the Old Testament, the Apocrypha & the New Testament & the Psalms of David in meter. The latter dated Edinburg Jany 8, 1650 which are printed by Evan Tyler, printer to the King Edinburg 1728.

There is no place for a family record, but on leaves where a blank page is, there is a record written & thee are several old pieces of paper yellow with age on some of which family records are written.

Leaving 12:25 PM

V21 Page 540

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, NY Room 956 Nov 5, 1927 1:30 PM

I wrote the two pages preceding after returning here at the above hour. I am leafing through the old bible to see what I can find. It commences with Genesis Chapter 3.

In Judges, I find a book mark of brown paper in which is written J.S. Carothers.

In 1st Samuel, I find written on a piece of white paper folded:

"July 27, 1884 Token of respect from your loving mother, this day you are 21 years old. Remember God the Rem." the balance is torn off.

On a newspaper clipping on the back of which were ads of Samuel Given dated Apr 13, 1830 & S. Elliott for Fresh Medicines, Carlisle, May 13, 1830 are several marriages announced, six of them I cannot figure are any of our people but one is:

"In Shippensburg on Wednesday the 16th ulto by the Rev Mr Wilson, Mr William Fletcher, merchant of Bedford to Miss Elizabeth S. Rippey daughter of Col John Rippey of the former place

V21 Page 541

At the end of the Old Testament is one blank page preceding the Apocrypha in which is written John & Margaret Lover was married Jany 1, 1787.

Love was born the 13th of Oct 1787 about three o'clock in the afternoon.

James Love was born the thirteenth day of October 1787 at 3 o'c PM

John Love deceased March T. 1807 [sic]

John & Margaret Love was married (there is some pencilings I can't make out)

At the beginning of the New Testament on the one blank page there is written:

"James Love was born

James Love Junior was born Feby 23, 1748 at 1 in ye morning

David Love was born Oct 8, 18752 at 10 in the night

John Love was born Mch 18, 1754

William Love was born Dec 8, 1756

T[& what looks to be the beginning of an h] Love was born Dec 31, 1758

V21 Page 542

Love was born July 30

Love was born June 31st

a little corner is gone taking the names of the last three & the years of birth of the last two.

At the beginning of the Psalms of David is written:

John Love deceased Mch 12, at 3 o'c in the morning

It is 5:20 PM & I am going out to get shaved manicured to see Sam Stem, to dinner & the theatre. I find 13 loose papers yet in the bible to go over & it is now dark.

9:15 Am Sunday Nov 6, 1927

There are 13 separate loose written & printed pieces:

1st. 1st one size of this leaf contains measure table, mottoes & sayings at each end on written side & this record in center:

"January the thirty second, 1819

1. Robert McNair was born July 8, 1797

2. Mary McNair was born Jany 27, 1799

3. James McNair was born May 1, 1801

4. Thomas McNair was born Mch 1, 1803

V21 Page 543

5. Elizabeth McNair was born Thursday, Jany 25, 1805

6. William McNair was born Jany 5, 1807

7. Ellen McNair was born Apr 1, 1809

8. Elizabeth McNair was born Friday Dec 27, 1811

9. Alexander McNair was born Wednesday Nov 23, 1814"

2d Paper is dated Dec 29, 1842 & is a receipt for making "Rusk & Dough Nuts" signed by Eliza Ellen Carothers & on the back a letter.

3d covered with figures

4th newspaper clipping giving New Castle & Emon markets but no date

5th on one side is from an old account book, on the other is a receipt signed by Robert McNair

6th This is "Eliza E. Carothers multiplication tables" signed on back "march 20, 1833 Eliza E. Carothers"

7th This is the detached first leaf of the Holy Bible printed at Dublin by George Grierson in 1739 & tattered

8th is a vignette in oval of a notable & on back is written "James Hawthorn's book price $1.25"

9th a small newspaper clipping "died on Jany 18, 1842 in North Middleton Tp, Mr John Black aged 64 years"

10th "Died on Tuesday the twelfth, Eliza Martha Carothers aged 22 yrs & ten months February 1848" with figure 7 over last 8 make it 1847.

V21 Page 544

11th "married by Dr Davidson at Carlisle, Cumberland Co, Penna Thomas McNair Senr to Elizabeth McCabe Sept 26th, 1796" (evidently the parents of the nine children given on 1st paper pages 542-3"

"Thomas McNair Senr departed this life June 12, 1850 born Apr 21, 1771.

Elizabeth McNair, consort of Thos McNair Senr d.t.l. Jany 25, 1852 born Mch 17, 1772

Alexander T. McNair d.t.l. Oct 27, 1847

James McNair d.t.l. May 2, 1869 both sons of the above Thos & Elizabeth McNair"

"Robt McNair & Jane W. Beatty was married Oct 13, 1831 She d.t.l. Feby 11, 1852

1. William, their oldest son born Aug 28, 1832

2. Ann Elizabeth, their oldest daughter born Nov 28, 1834

3. Thomas Benton their 2d son born Mch 17, 1837

4. John Beatty their 3d son born May 13, 1840

5. Matilda Ellen their 2d daughter born Nov 15, 1842

6. Robert Alexander their 4th son born Sept 26, 1845

7. Eliza Jane their 3d daughter born Sept 29, 1850

Departed this life Jane W. McNair, the beloved mother of the above named family Feby 11, 1852

Done by Robert McNair

V21 Page 545

R. McNair

Address, Petersburgh, Butler Co, Penna

Tillie, Browndsdale, Butler Co, Penna

Married Aug 9, 1855 the above Robert McNair & Catherine McLeod"




12th "Elizabeth McQueen was born June 29, 1763

Susanna McQueen was born July 15, 1766

Martha McQueen decd June 6, 1771

Josiah McQueen d.t.l. July 25, 1795

Libby Holmes was born Tuesday Feby 16, 1776 at 5 o'c PM

Jos McQueen was married to Isabella Hamelton A.D. 1792"

(It is evident that Elizabeth & Susannah above were children of Josiah & Martha McQueen above & that he married late in life Isabella Hamilton [sic]. I don't know who Libby Holmes was. No doubt either Elizabeth or Susannah was wife of Armstrong Carothers, perhaps his will extract of which I have or Cumb Co Pa deed records may tell. The name Josiah came in the Carothers family thru the father of Armstrong's wife as the children listed below are those of Armstrong Carothers & wife as I know, but the record from which I am taking them is certified or stated to be a true copy from the original but it don't say from what, but no doubt the old bible record)

V21 Page 546

"1. Isabella Carothers was born July 13, 1785 between the hours of 8 & 9 o'c AM

2. Josiah Carothers was born July 17, 1787 between 7 & 8 o'c PM (and in pencil d.t.l. Dec 28, 1870 at six o'c 83 yrs 5 mos 11 days)

3. William Carothers was born Oct 3, 1790 between 11 & 12 o'c AM was baptized Nov 11, 1790

4. John Carothers, his brother was born the same day about three quarters of an hour after his brother. He, John Carothers d.t.l. on Thursday Oct 7, 1790 between 8 & 9 o'clock Am aged 4 days

5. Martha Carothers was born Jany 7, 1793 in the morning & was baptized the [blank line]

6. Elizabeth Carothers was born Aug 30, 1796 bout 9 or 10 o'c at night, departed this life the 12th day of her age (say on Sept 11, 1796)

7. The two children were born Nov 24, 1797 & about 10 o'c in the forenoon

8. The one departed this life about 12 o'c (being a daughter) (aged 2 hours) & the other about 1 o'clock next morning say Nov 25, 1797 aged 14 hours.

9. Armstrong Carothers was born Aug 20, 1799 within about three minutes of two o'clock AM

10. Elizabeth Carothers was born the same day about 9 o'c AM

11. Elizabeth Carothers was born about 6 o'c on Friday Evening Aug 16 AD 1804

A true copy form the original"

V21 Page 547

I would say that Armstrong Carothers married Elizabeth McQueen & no Susannah for after naming the first daughter for his mother (& the second for her mother) they named the first son for her father & the second for his father, they named the next daughter Elizabeth & the next named daughter Elizabeth, they named the 11th & last daughter Elizabeth being the third one so named all evidently for the mother & the last boy Armstrong for himself.

13th This is practically the same as above.

Elizabeth McQueen was born June 29, A.D. 1763

Susannah McQueen was born July 15, 1766

"1. Isabella Carothers was born July 13, 1785 bet 8 & 9 AM

2. Josiah Carothers was born July 17, 1787 bet 7 & 8 PM

3. William Carothers was born Oct 3, 1790 bet 11 & 12

4. John Carothers was born Oct 3, 1790 bet 12 & 1 PM

5. Martha Carothers was born Jany 7, 1793 in the morning

6. Elizabeth Carothers was born Aug 30, 1796 bet 9 & 10 PM

7. a daughter Carothers was born Nov 24, 1797 abt 10 AM

8. A child Carothers was born Nov 24, 1797 abt 10 AM

9. Armstrong Carothers was born Aug 20, 1799 at 2 AM

10. Elizabeth Carothers was born Aug 20, 1799 at 9 AM

11. Elizabeth Carothers was born Aug 16, 1804 at 6 PM

Deths [sic]

Martha McQueen d.t.l. June 6, 1771

Josiah McQueen d.t.l. July 25, 1795

John Carothers brother of William d.t.l. on the 4 day of his age

V21 Page 548

Our two lamel [sic] (lamented) children born Nov 24, 1797 departed this life the one two hours after her birth and the other 14"

This is on three first pages of a note size sheet of paper (small) on back of which is written:

"Memberandum of Children Eges"

It is now 12:25 PM & I have finished copying the papers in the bible & must get ready to go back to Brooklyn to return them & the bible as arranged yesterday.

V21 Page 549

At residence of Mrs Jean Lorimer Carothers, 1154 49th ST, Brooklyn NY Nov 6, 1927 3:40 PM

Campbell Sheldon Carothers, son of Josiah S. Carothers was born at or near Greason, Pa Aug 8, 1863 & died Feby 10, 1904 aged 41 yrs (should be 40 yrs) 6 mos & 2 days in Brooklyn NY & is buried at North Norwich, Shenango Co NY in the town cemetery. He graduated from Princeton College in 1890 & graduated in 1892 from the New York Law School & practiced law in New York until he died finally from erysipelas, he having been ailing for 5 yrs. He was a Presbyterian. He was married in NY City Dec 26, 1893 to Miss Jean Lorimer born Jany 27, 1873 in Dumfriesshire, Scotland near Dalryie & came with her parents to NY State when 4 yrs old, daughter of William Lorimer & his wife Catherine Little. Have had three children, the oldest born in Shenango Co NY the next in NY City & the youngest in Brooklyn NY

1. Florence Edith Carothers b Oct 1, 1894

2. Charles Sheldon Carothers b Oct 27, 1896

V21 Page 550

3. Harold Lorimer Carothers Nov 11, 1899 & died May 1, 1904 & is buried by his father.

1. Florence Edith was married July 10, 1926 in New York City at the Little Church around the corner to William MacLauchlan born in Somerset, Devonshire, England Feby 14, 1893 son of John MacLauchlan & his wife Ellen Elson. He is a lithographic engraver & she is psychologist in the children's court, Brooklyn NY. She graduated from Barnard College in 1917 & got her masters degree from Columbia University in 1918 & took her Doctors Degree from Columbia in 1921. They live at 85 Hicks St, Brooklyn NY. Have one child born in Brooklyn NY

1. Robert Sheldon MacLauchlan born June 15, 1927

2. Charles Sheldon was married in Brooklyn NY Dec 17, 1917 to Miss Martha Cecelia Harrington born June 19, 1896 in Brooklyn NY, daughter of John Joseph Harrington & his wife Mary Shay.

Have two children, both

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born in Brooklyn, NY

1. Claire Jean born Mch 7, 1921

2. Dorothy Mildred born Nov 9, 1924

& are living here at above number.

He graduated from Public school here in Brooklyn in 1910. He enlisted in the State Guard or old 21st Infantry in 1915 & served on the Mexican Border fr July 1916 to Jany 17, 1917 & were mustered back in service Mch 31, 1917 & saw service on the Aqueduct & at Spartanburg, SC & on May 10, 1918 left for France & reached Brest May 19th & were at Kemmel Hill, Ypres & on the Hindenburg line & was in the assaults on Sept 27, & Sept 29, 1918 & was wounded & gassed being carried out on the latter day & went to the hospital at Rheim France for 10 days & was then able to be sent to the hospital at Tottingham near London & reported back to his Co on the day the Armistice was declared Nov 11, 1918. Much of the time was company supply sergeant when abroad, was in Co M 106th Inf 27th Div. Arrived home in Mch 1919 & mustered out on Apr 2, 1919 after a World's War service of 2 yrs & 2 days.

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Is now with the brokerage house of E.F. Hutton & Co No 61 Broadway NY. He is a Republican & is a Presbyterian & his wife is a Catholic.

Leaving 4:50 PM

9 PM Room 956 Waldorf-Astoria

Have just returned from Zucca 118 W 49th ST where I took Sam, Bertha & Rose Stem to dinner, introducing them to an Italian Restaurant dinner. The more you see of Bertha & Rose & also Sam, the more you appreciate their excellencies. The Doctor who is treating Sam & bringing him back to health so well is Dr Samuel A. Brown who is treating the colon by injections up the rectum.

While waiting for dinner today, Chas S. Carothers, a handsome rather heavy set young man said that when the Americans got to France, the French soldiers were practically wearied out & devoid of any offensive & they British were stubbornly & bulldoggishly holding the positions they were put in charge of, but neither were they aggressive

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He said all the Americans, including those of both U.S. & Canada, were all on the offensive & aggressive as were the troops from Australia & New Zealand. He said the Australians were best of all as they had had more training & made their campaigns with more efficiency & few losses. The Americans rushed in pell mell without considering the danger.

9:30 PM

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Oak Hill, Nov 10, 1927 9 PM

A letter dated Oct 26, 1927 from Mrs Mary D. Brown of 40 Delavan St, Lincoln, Ills see book 13 pages 226-7 & 309 says that in a letter just recd from Hon Charles Finley of Williamsburg, KY gives the dates below from the gravestones near Tyes Ferry on the Cumberland River see book 13 page 309 & 227 of his ggparents, James Finley died Dec 14, 1830 aged 85 years.

Keziah Finley born 1753 died Apr 5, 1831

See book 13 p 227 where I am adding these dates to the table. She says the man who gave him the dates thought the old stone had "Keziah Martin Finley" on it. Says she had a letter from Miss Allen of Basking Ridge NJ who says she has a copy of "Littles First Settlers along the Passaic" & in the genealogy of James Finley's family, it mentions Robert & Alexander & a James who was a physician & lived in wester NY & an Anne who married Charles Morford of Princeton, lived in Basking Ridge, NJ in 1810 & afterwards moved to Illinois. See book [blank] page [blank]

Nov [sic] Robert Finley (no doubt she means her ancestor Rev Robert) had a daughter Anne Morford Finley. She may have been named for this sister of his. I have written her to send me anything she can find of this James & Anne. She says also she has a young man trying to locate where the wife of James Finley (who

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came over to Princeton in 1769) is buried. Says she will let me know whenever she hears anything. Make slips to find where in Western NY James went & where in Ills Anne Morford went.

V21 Page 556

Oak Hill Nov 11, 1927 12 o'c noon 9th anniversary of Armistice Day

A letter dated Oct 24, 1927 in answer to mine to her father Charles Erasmus Hull from his daughter Mrs Louise Hull Rodden (Mrs

J.J.) also of Salem, Marion Co, Ills see page 116 this book says her father died Feby 24, 1926.

I am writing her today for the record of her immediate line.

She is in communication with Maj A.F. France & mentions his deductions about David Miller Finley which are wrong.

V21 Page 557

A letter dated Sept 30, 1927 supplemented by one dated Oct 17, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 11 from Mrs Grace G. Gallaher, Wenona, Ills see book 20 p 457 & book 21 p 192, says that the maiden name of her brother, David Eddy Work's 2d wife see bk 20 p 457 was Elise Toutrent born Sept 21, 1863 (year not given) [obviously added later] at Fribourg Switzerland & was brought by her parents to America when a very small child. She married Mr Landes of Colorado Springs who only lived a few years & 4 or 5 yrs after his death, she married her brother. He didn't like her name Elise & called her Elizabeth. She says her great Uncle Hugh Thompson born Oct 7, 1812 near Newville, Pa see bk 7 p 146 married Apr 1, 1841 at Newville, Pa Jane Peebles Kennedy see bk 20 p 238-9 who was born near Newville, Pa Feby 8, 1821. Her father was Robert Kennedy Esq see bk 20 p 238. Her mother's maiden name was Nancy Kilgore. Their 7 children were all born in Whiteside Co Ills

She says Louis T. Slaymaker writes her to bring me to visit them when I come. Says she hasn't heard from Margaret Wood yet, but will advise me when she does. Says her brother John's family will be a task for he has 7 children, five of them married & some with big families too. Says she wrote to cousin Belle Blean John's old maid daughter to write out the records to save her Aunt Margaret Wood who is in poor health.

Says her youngest sister, Harriet P. Mouser of Los Angeles Calif, visiting her, wants a book see b 20 p 458

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A letter dated Oct 20, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 3, to Mrs Wm Poe from Olive A. Poe Massillon O gives me address of C.H. Kilgore 5510 W 158 St New York City, who thinks can give me more information about the Kilgores than anyone else, for a few years ago, he was gathering records for a history. Says the last she heard from Florence, she bought a ranch in Idaho, but she does not know her address.

She does not give book & page but I think I got her address at the Kilgore reunion June 18 last. Am writing C.H. tonight but make slip to go see him.

Jany 12, 1928 a letter from him dated Jany 3, 1928 in answer to mine of Nov 12, 1927 he says he only has definite records back to 1837 the date of his father's birth. He, however is getting line back to James 1720-1771 & will send it to me. He wants a book. His sister thought she had met me at a Kilgore reunion.

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Oak Hill Nov 12, 1927 8:50 PM

A letter dated Nov 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 3, 1927 from Mrs Mayme May 1463 1/2 Sherman Ave, Evanston, Ills see pages 73 & 517 says her father was Martin Finley & her grandfather was also Martin born in Co Wexford, Ireland & he has sisters & brothers but she recalls but one, Lawrence whose son Tom is living she believes in Braham, Isanti Co, Minn. See book 20 p 620 & page 517 & 73 this book. Dr Edmund L. Finley gave it as I thought, Brainerd, Minn which came back unclaimed & I will now send it to Braham. I have entered the record she gave in the table on page 517 where I had nothing but her gf's name.

She says her mother's father's brother Patrick McGahey married Hannah O'Neill who is still living, but very old & a resident of Kemptville, Ontario, Canada. Am writing her & also writing to Mrs May for fuller information.

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Nov 14, 1927 Oak Hill 12:30 AM

A letter dated Oct 29, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 18, 1927 from Mrs Mae Jack York of 511 E. Main St Logansport, Ind see this book p 204-6 & book 20 p 490 & several other pages sent many dates & names which has taken much of the last five hours to record on pages 204-6

She gives the name of Clara Tousley 11th St Logansport, Ind as the party to give record of Alice B. Jack see page 204 & I am writing her tonight

She says William H. & James Madison Jack page 204 had their names changed to Jackson & that Wm H. has a son Howard, but she don't know his address, but if she can find out about him or James Madison she will let me know.

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A letter dated Nov 4, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 29, 1927 from Mrs Elizabeth Jane Fee of Mathis Bickerdyke Home, Ellsworth, Kansas see book 20 p 181 sent from Des Moines Iowa where she is visiting her sister Julia Ann Bowdle who she says is nearly blind. She says the address of Edward J. Bowdle is Albert Lea, Minn & Louie H. Petro is Panora, Guthrie Co, Iowa, Otto F. Zent is 210 23d West Adams ST, Hutchinson, Kansas

See book 20 p 180. I have written all three & also Mrs Fee.

She says as regards the records she sent me "I wrote some records from our father's family bible & was sure I sent them to you, but perhaps I forgot & failed to do so. However, I will look up the matter after my return home & send them to you as soon as possible."

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A letter dated Oct 30, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 25, 1927 from Mrs Ester Dykes Beachey (wife of Jay Keim Beachey of Somerset Co, Pa) of Esbon Kan see book 21 p 256 says she was in Uniontown, Pa a year ago & called on Wallace Miller who she had met in St Petersburg,Fla & who was an old good friend of Mary Keim, wife of Richard Beachey & mother of her husband, who says he has been in our bank many times. Says his Aunt Lucinda Keim married Allison D. Johnson who had a furniture store & lost his health & money & was now in a Masonic Home. Mrs Beachey born 1896 married 1918 to Jay Keim Beachey born in 1893 is Regent of the Desire Tobey-Sears Chapter Mankato, Kan of the D.A.R. Her mother, still living born Mary Gordon in 1869 married Dr J.B. Dykes in 1895 & her mother (gm of my informant) born Julia Muffly in Centre Co, Pa Mch 23, 1844 still living owns the Hist referred to which was prepared by her older brother Joseph R. Muffly a Phila lawyer after he had retired. This record loaned to Mrs Beachey & now in her possession says that Julia's mother was Nancy Davis Eckert born May 10, 1810 & died Sept 2, 1880 married in 1832 (& had 12 children listed in letter) Lucas Henry Muffly born June 26, 1812 & died May 30, 1858

Nancy Davis Eckert's mother was Ann Ewing born May 20, 1783 ob Apr 6, 1852, married Jacob Eckert born 1780 ob July 1836. Had six children.

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Ann Ewing's mother was Sarah Kilgore who married John Ewing and Sarah Kilgore was the daughter of Major Robert Kilgore who had command of the troops & the Fort in Penns Valley now called Old Fort, which consisted of a stockade to protect the early settlers from the Indians. He went outside the Fort to rescue some people who were fleeing from the Indians & was shot by them in the knee, fell 150 yards from the garrison & was scalped & tomahawked before the soldiers could charge to save him.

This cannot be our Robert who seems to have been the youngest of the 18 sons of James Kilgore & his wife Elizabeth Jack see book 1 p 186 as his father died in Aug-Sept 1771 when his mother was 44 & her 19 children were born say fr 1741 to 1771 & he was probably born 1771 & Sarah's father, Maj Robert Kilgore wd probably be born near 1741 as her daughter Ann was born in 1783. We then will eliminate this Kilgore line as he may be. Says Ann Ewing's parents were Scotch Irish Pres who came from the North of Ireland & settled in Mass & moved to Penna in 1850 (she must mean 1750) & after living in Phila & Bucks Co & later went west into the then forests of Pa

However, she says Mr Sheldon H. Kilgore Topeka, Kan has a fine Kilgore history on many lines & has always been very nice to her with his data. Am writing him.

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Oak Hill Nov 15, 1927 12:54 PM

A letter dated Nov 2, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 18, 1927 to his wife from John H. Lang Pass Christian Miss says he is 74 yrs old & was born there, says the name was Finley McCaughan (not McCouds) & his mother was a Tonquius & he was no relation to the Finleys in question. He says the Finleys had relatives named Mathews who lived there 50 yrs ago, but he don't know if any are still living.

He says there is a family of Jacks at Scooba, Miss & one of them married a girl from here, but they separated see bk 16 p 109

A letter dated or rather mailed Oct 30, 1927 from Sarah Markle Mills 89 n 19th St East Orange NJ asks me to come out sometime when I am in New York. Make slip. She asks for inf as to Revolutionary service of her Markle or Caruthers ancestors as her son Joe wants to join the children of the Revolution.

Am writing, giving her the data.

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A letter dated Nov 8, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Sarah McQuiston of Brookville, Pa written from 132 East Water St, Elmira NY says she is away up there & sick & cannot give any more information. She is sorry.

A letter dated Nov 3, 1927 from Prof W. Shaffer Jack, box 32 University of Penna 1926 Diamond St, Phila, Pa speaks again of the old bibles in storage & I am writing him to get them out & send me copy of the record, see page 512 this book.

He speaks of L.P. Jack's formerly editor of the Hibbart Journal, English & is now or was principal of Manchester College Manchester, England.

He sends me a clipping from the Phila Public ledger of Oct 28, 1927 with likeness of Rev Dr Robert Bonner Jack of 1st Pres Ch Hazleton, Pa who has been elected Moderator of the Synod of Penna sitting at Chester, Pa.

A card dated Oct 28, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Sara B. Valentine Bellefonte, Pa says she cannot help me on the Rothermel family & says she has given up research work to please her family. Advises me to write Mrs Geo M. Sellers 245 Main St, Emans Pa who might direct me to someone who has been working on the Thompson family. Writing.

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Nov 16, 1927 10:50 Am Oak Hill

A letter dated Oct 31, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 25, 1927 from Thos P. Stone Atty at Law Suite 1807 Amicable Bldg, Waco, Texas See Page 248 this book & book 16 p 344, gives valuable records which I am entering in the tables at places named above. He says his father's brother Wm Hy Harrison Stone died in the lower edge of Pickens Co Ala aged 21 yrs evidently unmarried. He says he does not have the bibles of either his father or gf the record of dates given on pages 248 & 568 being from pages taken from the family record taken out of the bible which was was destroyed.

He does not know when his Uncle Jesse died nor where his Uncle James Ashwell Stone went, nor address of any of his descendants.

A letter dated Sept 13, 1927 in answer to mine from Miss Adele H. Parks Woodruff S.C. see p 19 & b 16 p 347 gives data which I have entered in place on page 19.

She does not know any Mrs Mary Isabella Hunter but says her mother's brother lived in Liberty S.C. until his death & he has a daughter Maybelle Hunter living at State Park, Columbia, S.C. to whom I am writing I infer the brother was Josiah L. page 18

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A record mailed to me Oct 1, 1927 by Thos E. Finley Esq of Pgh Pa was furnished to him by his sister Mrs Mary Elizabeth Binley see book 12 pages 551 & 133 which I am tabling on page 570. I see she has not given record of the two children that d.y. so I am holding until I can see him.

Nov 19/27 saw him yesterday & he is writing for it.

Edward Findlay died at his home in Morgantown, WVA Sept 14, 1927. His wife Bridget Dailey Findlay died several years ago. Surviving children are:

Michael, Mary, Edward Jr, John, William & Francis, all of Morgantown, WVA & by following brother & sisters:

Robert Findlay of Scottdale, Pa

John Findlay of McKeesport, Pa

Jennie, Ellen & Martha Findlay & Mrs Mary Durstein of Uniontown, Pa

Funeral in Sacred Heart Church Dawson, Pa burial in Dickerson Run, Union Cem.

Los Angeles Calif Sept 19, 1927 J. Ross Clark 76, millionaire business man & builder of Los Angeles & Salt Lake RR brother of late U.S. Senator Wm A. Clark died here late last night born in Connellsville, Pa he came west in 1870 & had lived here for 40 yrs.

Elizabeth McFarland Crothers died Oct 30, 1927 aged 88 yrs widow of Crothers, funeral at residence of her nephew John Lester 1735 Buena Vista St, Northside (Allegheny) Nov 2, 1927

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[descendant chart]



Andrew Jackson Stone, see page 248 & b 16 p 344 born near Greenville S.C. June 10k, 1833 ob Jany 28, 1893 at Hempstead, Texas, married July 1, 1856 Emmala Frank Butler who died, daughter of Dr William Butler & his wife Jane Tweedy. Had six children, the first one born near Greenville, S.C. the next three near Lewisville, Ark & the last two near Maysfield, Texas. Dates below of the children are from leaves taken from bible

William Butler Stone b May 5, 1857 ob June 19, 1859

Jesse Bannister Stone b Dec 16, 1858 ob May 15, 1926 married Lizzie Snively. Had 2 children born, the oldest at Travis, Texas

Emmala Stone b Nov 2, 1889, married Finlay & live at Ada, Okla

Jessie Irene Stone b Dec 11, 1893 living at Brownwood, Texas, single

Thomas Pierce Stone b May 5, 1860 living. my informant for this record

Jane Perry Stone b Aug 18, 1863 ob Aug 19, 1864

Andrew Frank Stone b Jany 25, 1870 ob July 21, 1909 near Maysfield, Tex

Nathaniel Galbraith Stone b Jany 11, 1875 ob Nov 4, 1875

Elizabeth Keziah Stone born Mch 30, 1823 see page 248 ob 1862 married Frank Stairley born 1820 & died aged 92 yrs say in 1912. Had 5 children.

Waverly Thompson Stairley b 1845. Has 2 children, a boy & a girl aged 35 to 40 yrs old. He lives at Richmond Calif.

Rowena Elizabeth Stairley b Oct 16, 1847 married Jany 14, 1867 Wm Preston Thompson youngest of eight [best guess] brothers of Greenville S.C. She lives at 403 S. 1st ST Alhambra, Calif & is my informant for this record. Her children born in S.C. Has had 2 boys & 3 girls. June 26, 1930 Mrs Thompson wrote on Feby 3, 1928 that her grandmother Stairley's maiden name was Permelia Lester & she didn't know anything about her gf Stairley as he died before she was born.

Waverly Thompson, eldest

Mary Louise Thompson b 1874 married Marrius Burnett

Aubrey Burnett

Rowena Elizabeth Thompson b Jany 2, 1877 married John Rowley of NY. Have 3 sons born in Calif.

John Stuart Rowley b 1907 aged 20

William Preston Rowley, b 1909 aged 18

Robert Rowley b 1911 aged 16

William Preston Thompson, youngest

Lizzie Stairley b Apr 1853, never married aged 75 & lives at Alameda, Calif

Jesse Stone b Nov 5, 1820. He got his father's bible & it went to his brother Asher's 2 boys in Ga.

One son born 1851 died 1861

Other son died at birth

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[descendant chart]

Thomas Gallagher Finley son of Joseph of Rev James 1725-1795 see book 12 p 133 & 550-1. Married Elizabeth McClure. Both buried away up in the upper corner at Fells or Fehl's Church g.y. Had 7 children all born in Rostraver Tp on the old Joseph Finley farm.


Frances Moore Finley

Joseph Finley

George Turner Finley

Nancy Jane Finley

Mary Elizabeth Finley b May 5, 1858 married Mch 29, 1884 to Geo Gilmore Binley born May 27, 1853 son of Jacob Binley & wife Catherine Troutman. Had had nine children, two dying in infancy.

Brenta B. Binley b July 25, 1884 married George Duncan, son of Wm Duncan & wife Janet. Have 2 children.

Alfaretta Duncan b Oct 6, 1910

George Vance Duncan b Mch 8, 1914

Alfaretta Binley b Dec 6, 1885 married Clyde Nelson son of James Nelson & wife Frances. Have 4 children

Earl Bernard Nelson b Mch 31, 1905

Hazel Nelson b Feby 11, 1907

Vernon Nelson b Oct 5, 1912

Gale Marcia Nelson b Oct 30, 1919

Elizabeth T. Binley b July 8, 1888 married Geo H. Wilkinson son of Chas Wilkinson & wife Martha. Have 1 child

Laura Lee Wilkinson b Dec 12, 1925

Harriet S. Binley b Apr 20, 1890 married Chas Witherspoon son of Geo Witherspoon & wife Virginia. Have 2 children

Helen Ruth Witherspoon b July 6, 1912

John Charles Witherspoon Jr b May 9, 1924

Robert Rankin Binley b Apr 15, 1892 married Florence McKennery daughter of Frank McKennery & wife Adah. No issue

Frances Moore Binley b Dec 25, 1896 ob Apr 8, 1898 of pneumonia

Infant daughter b Mch 25, 1898 died at birth

Laura M. Binley b May 26, 1899 unmarried

Margery Binley b Feby 13, 1921 natural daughter

Gladys L. Binley b Apr 2, 1903 married Charles Dornan son of John Dornan & wife Alice. Have one child

Patricia Jane Dornan b Oct 15, 1926

Margaret Belle Finley [daughter of Thomas G. Finley] b Dec 4, 1860 married June 20, 1889 to Robt Alexander Rankin b May 8, 1857 in Elizabeth Tp ob May 4, 1908 & is buried in St Clair Cem Gbg Pa son of John Rankin & wife Eliza Jane Kelly. No issue. She is living see b 12 p 549-52

Thomas Ebenezer Finley

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Oak Hill Nov 19, 1927 2:54 PM

A letter dated Sept 17, 1927 in answer to mine of Mch 23, 1927 from Miss Sallie A. Brown 305 Worth St, Manchester O see book 20 p 308 & b 15 p 247 speaks of great suffering from rheumatism. She is sending me some records of her grandmother, Mary Ann Crawford born Apr 14, 1821. See bk 15 p 243, 247 & 255 which I am tabling see page 574.

She says her mother knows so little of the history of the family, but she has often heard her speak of William, Mott, Moses, Noble & John, children of her grandfather see bk 15 p 243, but that is all she knows as all left these parts early in life. Have heard her say Uncle Wm lived in Louisiana & was a very rich river man & had a fine family. She says her great Uncle Geo W. Crawford born Apr 22, 1839 died July 1927 last & was a great sufferer for many weeks from gangrene. I saw him Oct 31, 1925. Says her father was not in the Civil War. Thinks he was not old enough. She says Miss Kimble, a great D.A.R. enthusiast lives in Tulsa, Okla & was trying to trace a Bradford est. which she thought joined the Col Wm Crawford land in this Co. She had some old letters of Crawford interest. She says her mother is weak & they have a little home. Am rtg copy of Wm Crawford's will which she sent. Examine same at C.H.

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[descendant chart]

Lieut John Crawford of the Revolutionary Army died Sept 22, 1816 aged 66 1/3 years see bk 15 p 255 buried on the Crawford farm above Wrightsville, O in Monroe Tp, Adams Co, O son of Col Wm Crawford. Married Effie Grimes who died Nov 22, 1822 & is buried by his side.


George Washington Crawford b June 4, 1790 ob Sept 20, 1871 buried in old g.y. above mentioned. Married Dec 4, 1817 Winny Morrison b Mch 4, 1801 ob Aug 6, 1871, buried in old g.y. above mentioned. They had 13 children see bk 15 p 243.

Mary Ann Crawford 2d child b Apr 14, 1821 ob Nov 14, 1890 at Manchester, O where both are buried. Married Nov 21, 1843 William Drenan b Aug 1st, 1815 at Drenans Landing, ob Manchester O Mch 27, 1857. They had children all born at Drenans Landing a few miles east of Manchester O. Those who are dead all buried at Manchester, O

Walter Drenan b Aug 21, 1844, ob at Manchester, O married at Manchester 1870 to Sara Bell McConaughey b Sept 16, 1844 ob Apr 2, 1927 daughter of Dr David McConaughey & wife Rebecca Kirker. Have 3 children all born in Manchester O & all living.

David M. Drenan b Mch 15, 1871 married Apr 11, 1897 Lulu Allison b Apr 27, 1874 daughter of James Allison & wife Mary Patton. Live Columbus, O & have 2 children.

Irene Drummer Drenan b Apr 5, 1898 married Sept 12, 1923 Dr Robt J. Hammerstian & live at Akron, O.

Joanne Hammerstian b Sept 28, 1924 at Akron, O

Robert Hugh Hammerstian b June 24, 1926 at Akron, O

Crawford Drenan b July 12, 1902 at Manchester, O

Annie Laurie Drenan b Feby 1, 1875 married Sept 13, 1899 Byron Shriver & live at Portsmouth, O & have 7 children.

Harry Wayne Drenan b Sept 22, 1882 married Brenta Wells. Live at Portsmouth, O & have 1 child b 26 p 125

Dorothy Drenan

Laura Alice Drenan [daughter of Mary Ann Crawford & William Drenan] b Feby 2, 1849, living. Married May 5, 1867 at Manchester, O Paris C. Brown who was a steamboat captain & pilot & was born Apr 17, 1843 1 mile west of Rome, O & died July 14, 1893 & is buried at Sandy Springs, O son of Capt Washington Brown & wife Urlla [best guess, Ulla?] Start [best guess]

Harry D. Brown b Mch 17, 1868 at Manchester, O ob Apr 14, 1893 at Bellevue, Ky single

Sallie Alice Brown b Apr 27, 1869 at Manchester, O where she lives at 305 W 8th St, single. My informant for this record

James Walter Brown b Mch 29, 1879 at Rome, O married to Edna Blinn of Newport, Ky. No issue. He is a salesman at Cincin, O

John Theophilus Drennan [sic] [son of William & Mary Ann Crawford Drenan] b Mch 1, 1851 ob Jany 18, 1900 at Manchester, O & buried there. Married May 22, 1884 Lona Carr. B Nov 1, 1909 at Newport, Ky daughter of Fred Miles Carr & Ellen Jane Lettice.

Mary Jane Drennan b Sept 12, 1895 married F.C. Radford of Frankford, Ky

William Wallace Drenan b Aug 27, 1853 ob Oct 24, 1894 at Manchester, O & buried there, single

James Rolan [sic] Drenan b Sept 18, 1855 ob Nov 26, 1922 at Manchester, O, married Feby 2, 1887 to Belle Hines at Manchester O b Dec 29, 1861 daughter of John D. Hines & wife Nancy. Have had 4 children born at Manchester O.

Bertha Lee Drenan b Jany 17, 1888, a teacher at Manchester O, single

Martin Coyne Drenan b Mch 3, 1894 married 1922 Eva Smith daughter of Allen Smith & wife Alice Thompson. Have 2 young children & live at Huntington WVA

Ruth Drenan b Feby 20, 1922

James Roland Drenan b Oct 25, 1924

Emma Drenan ob in infancy

Garnet Crawford Drenan b June 16, 1898 married Oct 6, 1921 Ralph Cole b Apr 24, 1900 son of Robt Cole & wife Allie Lowe. He was overseas in World War. Live at Manchester, O & have 2 children. She died Jany 5, 1925

Betty Lee Cole b June 1, 1922

Robert Drenan Cole b July 8, 1923

Caroline Crawford [daughter of George Washington Crawford] b Aug 30, 1846 13th & youngest child. She died in 1901. Buried at Manchester O. Married 1865 to Isaac Stevenson b 1842 at Pleasant Bottom where she too was born. He died 1897. Had children born Pleasant Bottom, O

Ida M. Stevenson b 1872 ob 1917 married 1892 Al G. Lockhart

Alberta Lockhart married Sept 20, 1920 Chas L. Henderson b Feby 22, 1893 see b 26 p 125. No issue

Al G. Lockhart Jr b Jany 19, 1900 Married Mch 3, 1923 Mary Swearingen b Mch 3, 1899 daughter of Isaac Swearingen & Bessie Riffle. He was overseas in World War.

Richard Miller Lockhart b 1926

Raymond Ellison Lockhart married Aug 27, 1924 Helen Cochran b Jany 21, 1906. No issue.

Sallie Stevenson b 1874 married 1906 Wm Ross Mowery b 1874. No issue. He is a farmer P.O. Manchester, O

William Stevenson b 1876 married Margaret Stricklet, daughter of Leonard Stricklet & wife. Live at Manchester, O. No issue

Seth Stevenson b 1882 married Ada Ogle. Live on part of old Crawford farm at Pleasant Bottom

Julia Stevenson b 1884, single

Has 3 children dead

William Crawford [son of Lieut John Crawford]

Moses Crawford

Richard Crawford

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V21 Page 580

Oak Hill Dec 2d, 1927 2:18 PM

A letter dated Nov 17, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 25, 1927 from Mrs Rowena E. Thompson of NO 403 S. 1st ST, Alhambra, Calif see bk 16 p 344 & book 21 p 242 & 569. She says her Uncle Jesse Stone got the family bible of his father Bannister Stone & that the two boys of her "Uncle Asher" (James Ashwell Stone see page 248) fell heir to his estate. He was a bachelor & no doubt got the bible. She does not know whereabouts in Georgia they lived. Heard her Uncle Jesse say there were two boys & one girl, but she has never heard of them since. She thinks her grandparents & her Uncle Jesse are all buried in Greenville Co S.C. & probably on the Stone farm.

Says her father's farm had a g.y. on it & sold it when she was a little girl. Says she came to Calif 52 yrs ago & lost all trace of her relatives in the south. Says the earthquake 21 yrs ago destroyed everything they had & her house & bible were burned up. She says she was 80 yrs old last month. Says she wrote to her brother Waverly aged 82 & he answered that he was too old to bother with it.

She says her husband was the youngest of 8 boys & 2 girls of Greenville S.C. all born in S.C. as were her family.

She says to write to Thomas Thompson

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Ex-Mayor of Chalta who is the 2d son of the oldest of the 8 brothers. The address is not sufficient & I am writing for his address.

V21 Page 582

A letter dated Nov 16, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 18, 1927 from Benjamin Franklin Bunn of Bridgeport Ill see page 468 gives some records of his mother's family which I am tabling on page 584. He has his mother's bible but it does not contain any family record. He says to write to Richard Provine RD 1 Sumner, Ills for inf about their gf Eli Finley as he lives right by the Gilead Cem where they are buried. I did write him at same time Oct 18. If do not hear by time I make slips write again. Says write his sister Catherine's daughter Mrs John A. Seed who can give record. Also says his sister Maria has a son C.M. Wilson, Wilcott, Washington where he is P.M. who can give her record. Am writing both. Says he will leave about Dec 1, for Galveston, Texas to spend the winter.

Jany 20, 1928. I have a registered letter dated Jany 14, 1928 in answer to mine of Dec 6, 1927 from Cliff M. Wilson P.M. Silcott, Wash who gives the record of his mother Maria Bunn's descendants but gives only the years. He says to write to A.E. Bunn of Olney, Ills for dates he does not have. He says his mother got the bible of her grandfather, Eli Finley see pages 468 & 584, but it was destroyed in a hotel fire at Gainesville, Texas in 1884. I am transferring his mother's record fr page 584 to 585 & writing to A.E. Bunn.

V21 Page 583 [blank]

V21 Page 584

[descendant chart]

Mary or "Polly" Finley, daughter of Eli Finley see page 468 born Mch 26, 1816 ob Nov 2, 1860, married Mch 12, 1835 Benjamin Bunn. They report 9 children born the first four born in Ashland Co, O & the last five in Lawrence Co Ills. Typhoid fever got in the family & took father & mother (who also had cancer), Jonathan Finley & Mary. Catharine raised Benj F., her brother.


Catharine Bunn b Jany 22, 1836 ob July 27, 1888, married Sept 30, 1852 Robert Schrader, ob. Had 9 children of whom six were born dead. His name William Robert Schrader.

Benj Finley Schrader b Aug 1, 1853, stillborn

Samuel Millard Schrader b Oct 10, 1856 stillborn

Maria Schrader b May 16, 1858, stillborn

Mary Margaret Schrader b Oct 25, 1860, stillborn

Elizabeth Schrader b Nov 12, 1861

Emma Catherine Schrader b 1856, stillborn

John Minard Schrader b 1866, stillborn

Millicent Schrader b Apr 8, 1869

Grace Rozella Schrader b Feby 12, 1872

Maria Bunn b Apr 1, 1837 ob Dec 6, 1868 married Jany 1, 1857 Lafayette Wilson b 1835 ob 1883 son of Wm Wilson & wife Olive French. He was born in Lawrence Co, Ills see page 585

Eli Bunn b Dec 16, 1838 ob Jany 6, 1920 married Nov 7, 1861 Mary Sager

Hyatt W. Bunn b Mch 14, 1841 ob Apr 16, 1923 married Dec 25, 1866 Caroline Hoover

Jonathan Finley Bunn b Oct 31, 1842 ob Sept 10, 1860

Mary Ann Bunn b Aug 31, 1845 ob Nov 2, 1860

Scott Bunn b July 21, 1848 ob Sept 4, 1920 married Feby 8, 1876 to Flora Hite

William Bunn b Jany 3, 1854 ob June 19, 1854, twin

Benjamin Franklin Bunn b Jany 3, 1854, living at Bridgeport, Ill, my informant for this record. Married Feby 10, 1881 Mary Loney born in Lawrence Co Ill on Mch 4, 1857. Living. Daughter of Joseph Loney & wife Mary Talley. No issue. He is an undertaker & has a general house furnishing store at Bridgeport, Ills. Are all Methodists.

V21 Page 585

[descendant chart]

Maria Bunn b Apr 1, 1837 ob Dec 6, 1868 see preceding page 584 & 582 & 468, married Jany 1, 1857 Lafayette Wilson in Lawrence Co, Ills. She got the family bible of her gf Eli Finley p 468, but it was destroyed in a hotel fire at Gainesville Texas in 1884. Had 5 children born viz the oldest one in Sumner Ills also the 2d one.


Ellsworth Lee Wilson b Feby 22, 1857 married Aug 22, 1882 at Doniphan, Mo Estella Gould born Feby 17, 1865 daughter of Alphonse Gould & wife Elizabeth Ann Kaers [best guess, Kaern?] Have 4 children. She is now Stella Howell living at Moark [sic?] Ark. Writing her June 9, 1931

1. Ruby Wilson b 1884 am making correct table for these 4 children b 25 p 420 see b 25 p 418-9

2. Alpha Wilson b 1886

3. Nora Wilson b 1885

4. Roy Wilson b 1887

[note numbering appears as shown though birth dates do not jibe]

Mary Catharine Wilson b Aug 10, 1860 married Dec 10, 1878 Wm Hy Rubush b June 15, 1852, son of Saml Fletcher Rubush. Have 4 children. Live 611 Moran St, Gainesville, Texas see bk 25 p 390 see bk 26 p 45

Earl Wilson Rubush b 1883

Lloyd Fletcher Rubush b 1884

Alice Rubush b 1885

William Rubush b 1887

Cliff Melvin Wilson b June 4, 1861 Dudley Ills [best guess] married 1907 at Hendrick, Idaho Mollie Malinda Woody born Apr 3, 1884 in Yanaxo [sic?] NY daughter of David Woody & wife Martha Forbes. Have 1 child born in Silcott, Wash. He lives at Silcott, Wash where he is P.M. & my informant for this record

Harry Lay [best guess, Loy? Leroy?] b Jany 245, 1909 ob Feby 18, 1909

Clara Ella Wilson b Dec 11, 1863 married May 22, 1885 at Gainesville, Texas Wm G. Mason b Sept 10, 1861 son of Elicander Mason & wife Jeannette Rowan. Have 7 children born 1st one at Moark Ark 2d at Salem Oregon, the next 4 at New Brighton Pa & the last one at Seattle, Wash. His middle name is Gallispy. Maggie's middle name is Alfaretta. Lives 53 W. Eturie ST, Seattle Wash. Writing June 19, 1931 see b 26 p 54.

Jesse James Mason b Dec 12, 1886

Maggie A. Mason b Nov 8, 1888

Eva Jeannette Mason b Jany 8, 1890

Paul Elihu Mason b Aug 10, 1892

John Wesley Mason b June 30, 1894

Elisha Lafayette Mason b Feby 14, 1896

Esther Elizabeth Mason b Aug 13, 1899, ob

Harry Weldon Wilson b Dec 28, 1864 married Nov 29, 1885 to Jennie Baker b Jany 7, 1865. Have 7 children, 1st one born at Corning Ark, the other six all born in Silcott, Washington. Lives Silcott, Wash writing June 19, 1931 see b 26 p 270

Lafayette Washington Wilson b Dec 1, 1886

Chas Lloyd Wilson b June 15, 1890 ob June 2, 1913

Annie Laura Wilson b Sept 1, 1891

Weldon McKinley Wilson b Dec 9, 1895

Earl Lawrence Wilson b Apr 12, 1898

Calla Lilly Wilson b Apr 14, 1903 ob Sept 14, 1903

Eugene Lee Wilson b July 5, 1907

V21 Page 586

Oak Hill Dec 3, 1927 10:42 PM

I was at the recorders office this afternoon from 2:20 to 4:20 PM & in looking up records of Isaac Cushman 1752-1838? of Wharton Tp Revolutionary soldier for Mrs Lenore C. Jones of West Lafayette, Ind, I noticed in will records:

Anne R. Crothers Hamilton Co, O Book 26 p 213 will dated Dec 8, 1925 probated Jany 19, 1926. She gives $500 to Bessie Rhinehart of Uniontown, Pa in recognition of her care of testator's mother & then:

To my husband Geo M. Crothers 1/3 of estate

to my nephew Walter R. Beeson 1/3 of estate

to my six brothers & sisters named 1/3 of estate

This was Anne R. Beeson, youngest among the children of Albert Gallatin Beeson & his wife Sue V. Beeson nee Rankin, Clarence H. Beall was the reputed (& I think rightfully so) father of Anne.

Make slip to try & see Geo M. Crothers at Cincinnati, O. He was made sole exr without bond.

V21 Page 587

Oak Hill Dec 4, 1927 12:49 PM

A letter dated Nov 21, 1927 in response to request from her sister Mrs Rachel Haines of Topeka, Kan from Mrs H.E. Neff RR 6 Osceola, Iowa see book 20 pages 188 & 396 gives her record.

A letter also dated Nov 21, 1927 in like response from their brother Stephen Andrew Adams of 503 E. Clay St, Osceola, Iowa gives his record.

& A letter dated Nov 14, 1927 in answer to mine of Oct 3, 1927 from Mrs Rachel Haines RFD #8 Topeka Kansas see above references etc gives her record & earlier records of the family, mostly entered at above references but not being tabled, I am starting a table on next page. She is not sure of the place of birth of her gf Stephen Kilgore but says her Aunt Mattie Kilgore once wrote that he was born in Virginia. She knows nothing of the names of his father or gf or where they lived. She never heard of one brother of his viz: Hiram Kilgore who lived northwest of Ottowa, Iowa (She must mean Ottumwa as there is not Ottawa in Iowa). She says she wants a copy of the book when published.

V21 Page 588 & V21 Page 589

[descendant chart]



Stephen Kilgore see bk 20 p 184-9 & 396-8 was born Sept 1803 probably in Virginia, Georgia or the Carolinas. He died Oct 1883 in Kansas, buried in Jewell Co Kan. Married 1 Sept 1825 at Lawrence Co Ind Rosannah Owens b Aug 6, 1803 ob Sept 1838 daughter of John Owens. Buried in Daviess Co, Indiana. Had 6 children born in Daviess Co, Ind. Married 2 Apr 17, 1843 at Raglesville, Ind Catherine Hanby Fulkerson b Jany 1807 ob Aug 4, 1892 daughter of Benjamin Fulkerson of Tenn. Buried at Pawnee Rock Kansas. Had 4 children born in Daviess Co, Ind.

Sarah Jane Kilgore b June 21, 1826 ob 1900 was married & had family but has no trace of them.

Joshua Kilgore b Oct 18, 1827 ob Aug 15, 1846 unmarried

Andrew Kilgore b Aug 25, 1829 ob Mch 24, 1915 bachelor, lived & died at Osceola, IA

Thomas Kilgore b Sept 10, 1832 ob in Calif married Shrelda Edwards.

Irene Easter Kilgore b Apr 19, 1835 Daviess Co, Ind ob Apr 18, 1916 married 1 Oct 25, 1858 to Thomas Dorsey Wilson born Feby 28, 1836 killed in Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark Mch 7, 1862. Had two children born at Osceola Iowa & died in infancy. Married 2 Oct 6, 1864 to William Adams born at Wheeling WVA Jany 6, 1819 ob Apr 7, 1891. Buried Osceola Iowa. Had 5 children born at Osceola, Ia.

Mary Catherine Adams b Oct 27, 1866 ob Dec 2, 1871

Charity Ann Adams b May 17, 1868 married Feby 23, 1889 to Harvey Edward Neff b Sept 18, 1866 at Osceola, Iowa son of John Neff & wife Elizabeth Kephart. They have had 8 children born in Clarke Co, Iowa near Osceola. They live at RR 6 Osceola, Iowa & she is my informant for her own record. see this bk p 590

Stephen Andrew Adams b Oct 23, 1870, lives 503 E Clay St, Osceola, Iowa, my informant for his own record. Married Mch 4, 1894 to Maggie Cline b July 14, 1873 in Hendricks Co, Ind. Have 4 children born in Osceola, Ia

Archie Franklin Adams b July 2, 1895 married Sept 16, 1917 to Nora B. Stull

William Mearl Adams b Oct 29, 1897 married Nov 20, 1922 to Iva Hastings

Beulah Adams b Oct 6, 1904 married Sept 19, 1926 Geo Morse

Bertha Irene Adams b July 30, 1912.

Rachel Amanda Adams b Aug 29, 1872 my informant for this record to here & her own. Lives RFD 8 Topeka, Kansas. Married Dec 24, 1899 Richard Haines b Nov 2, 1859 in Monongalia Co WVA son of Geo Haines & wife Eleanor Ashby. Have 3 children born at Topeka, Kan

Brook LeRoy Haines b Nov 5, 1900

Dorsey Donald Haines b Oct 10, 1903

Richard Dean Haines b Feby 21, 1914 ob May 27, 1922

Millard Filmore Adams b Dec 29, 1874 lives Osceola, Iowa where he was born. Married Nov 13, 1901 Yotel McCloney born in Mahaska Co, Iowa Feby 6, 1878, daughter of Clarence E. McCloney & wife Dora Hayes & her 5 children were all born in Osceola, Iowa

Ethyl Mae Adams b Oct 24, 1902 married June 2, 1926 Justin Foley. Address Sanborn, Iowa

Roy M. Adams b Nov 19, 1904

Warren F. Adams b Mch 25, 1907

Edna G. Adams b Apr 17, 1909

Clifford E. Adams b May 12, 1914

James E. Wilson died in infancy b May 29, 1860 ob Sept 3, 1863 of diptheria [son of 1st husband]

Ingeby [sic] Jane Wilson died in infancy b Feby 6, 1862 ob Aug 23, 1863 of diptheria. She & her brother James E. buried in the Ottawa (or is it Ottumwa) Cemetery 10 miles east of Osceola Iowa. Her father Thomas Dorsey Wilson left for war service July 24, 1861

Charles Owen Kilgore [son of Stephen Kilgore] b Feby 23, 1838, lost all trace.

Benjamin Franklin Kilgore b July 6, 1844 ob Feby 4, 1898 see bk 20 p 185-8

Michael Marion Kilgore b Dec 20, 1845 ob 1902 in Omaha Neb possibly abt 1899. Married Georgianna Burghman see b 23 p 135 see b 9 p 326

Loyd [sic] Rayburn Kilgore

Linnie Kilgore

Jefferson Kilgore b Oct 28, 1848 ob Jany 3, 1926 in Woodburn, Oregon married 1869 at Ottawa, Iowa Miss Mary A. Briffey, ob 1913 at Woodburn Oregon. See bk 23 pages 37-8

Millard Filmore Kilgore b Sept 3, 1851 ob Oct 6, 1912 married June 6, 1882 Mattie Clark who lives at 821 E 7th Ave Hutchinson Kan. Have 4 girls & one son all married but one girl & have families. Writing Feby 14, 1930 see book 23 p 136-7

Hiram Kilgore [brother of Stephen] lived northwest of Ottumwa, Iowa see p 587.

V21 Page 590

[descendant chart]

Charity Ann Adams see page 588 b May 17, 1868 married Feby 23, 1889 Harvey Edward Neff


John William Neff b June 17, 1890 married Apr 16, 1916 Ita Robb born Apr 16 1896 daughter of Wilson Robb & wife Mary Jemison. Have 5 children the first three born at Osceola, Ia the 4th at Mt Union, Iowa & the 5th at Mt Pleasant Ia. Ita was born at Newport, Iowa

Wendell Robb Neff b May 28, 1917

Dwight William Neff b Apr 1, 1920

Wilma Wilene Neff b Aug 29, 1921

Velma Eileen Neff b Feby 2, 1924

Wandalee Neff b Nov 10, 1925

Floyd Elmer Neff b Dec 9, 1891 married Mch 10, 1915 Elsie Fern Black B Oct 28, 1896 at Woodburn, Ia daughter of Bert Black & wife Lottie Powell. Have 1 child born at Osceola, Ia

Fern Edna Neff b Feby 4, 1916

Clarence E. Neff b May 20, 1893 married Aug 15, 1917 Ethel Mae Delong b Dec 21, 1896 at Osceola, Iowa daughter of Wm DeLong & wife Edith Glenson. Have 5 children born at Osceola, Iowa

Mildred Maxine Neff b July 16, 1918

Dorothy Wilene Neff b Oct 4, 1919

Marvin Lowell Neff b Aug 21, 1921

Aleta Dale Neff b July 4, 1923

Oma Arlene Neff b Jany 13, 1925

Golda Mae Neff b Dec 26, 1896 married Aug 16, 1919 to Frank L. Diehl b Jany 25, 1895 at Lucas Iowa son of Alfred Diehl & wife Anna Squiers. Have 2 children born at Osceola, Ia

Louise Catherine Diehl b June 7, 1920

Bernard Paul Diehl b Mch 5, 1922

Marion Alvin Neff b Dec 26, 1904

Charity Alice Neff b June 24, 1906

Eula Lenora Neff b Dec 22, 1908

Ruth Edna Neff b Feby 20, 1914, ob in infancy

V21 Page 591 [blank]

V21 Page 592

Oak Hill Dec 5, 1927 2 PM

A letter dated Nov 18, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 18 to 30th last to Mrs Jennie Pickering see page 494 Aunt of her husband from Mrs Cora C. McLucas (wife of Benj W.) of 1103 G. ST Fairbury, Neb says their Uncle John Calvin McLucas see page 494 to whom I had written in Aug last had died Nov previous & she advises me to write to his daughter Margaret which I am doing now, married & wife of Homer McAnulty living at 3036 Sheridan Boulevard Lincoln, Neb. She is writing for Mrs Pickering who has gathered the data from Calif & Indiana relatives & I am entering the dates in the tables pages 494-5 & enlarging same. She says if they get any further data in, they will send it to me.

V21 Page 593

A letter dated Nov 26, 1927 in answer to a recent letter from me, from cousin Sara Markle Mills (who Hannah E. Lawther on 26th ulto Nov had grown very big & stout) of 89 N 19th St Eat Orange NJ Grove ST station see book 7 p 522 says she will be very glad to have me stop with them when I come to NY. Make slip. She says she copied the record I sent her & sent to each of her brothers & sisters.

In connection with book 7 page 522, where the inf she sent required making changes in both the birth & death of her daughter, she sent the following which I did not have. Her husband:

Edgar Isaac Mills born Jany 3, 1875 in Braddock Pa Parents" Isaac Mills II born in Braddock Pa Jany 21, 1838 died Mch 4, 1902

Mary Ellen Nichols born in Freedon, [sic] Beaver Co Pa Jany 11, 1848 died Aug 17, 1921. Her husband's occupation is "steel man manufacturers representative and importer in New York"

Her son Edgar I. Jr is not married.

V21 Page 594

A letter dated Nov 26, 1927 pursuant to a call at his office a few days before from Thos E. Finley Esq see bk 12 p 549-554 & bk 21 p 570 of the Berger Bldg Pgh Pa gave record of his sister's marriage & of her two infants that died which I have entered in table page 570.

He also gives the names of different heirs with their addresses who shared in the estate of his Uncle Ebenezer Moore Finley of West Newton, Pa as of 1902 when he distributed to them then as follows: Make slips.

John M. Finley of Santa Fe, Ohio

Robert D. Finley of Peoria, Ohio

John Evans Finley of Milford Centre, Ohio

Lawrence Dobie of N. Hampshire

A.C. Finley, Gridley, Kansas

Margaret J. Simpson, Milford Center, O

Joseph Finley, Milford Center, O

Chas G. Dobie, Waverly, Kansas

Camden M. Dobie, Gutman, Ohio

James A. Dobie, Gutman, Ohio

John H. Dobie, Gutman, Ohio

Ed Dobie, Santa Fe, Ohio

Mary E. Bunker, Oshley, Ohio

Mrs Florence Boggs, Oshley, Ohio

The above I feel sure are the descendants of James V. Finley

Joseph Foy Finley, Canton, Ohio

Ed H. Finley, Mansfield, Ohio

V21 Page 595

George Finley, Toledo, Ohio

Eliza K. Roulson, Wooster, Ohio

children of Robert M. Finley

Harlan P. Woods, Plain City, Ohio

Frances W. Robinson, Silver Creek, Ohio

Joseph F. Woods, Milford Center Ohio

Theodore Woods, Marysville, Ohio

children of Jane Finley Woods

I have written for further inf but don't know how soon I will hear.

The above names taken from registry cards recd in the settlement of Uncle Ebenezer M. Finley's estate 1902 & presume some are dead & addresses changed.

Thos E. Finley

V21 Page 596

Oak Hill, Dec 8, 1927 5:46 PM

A letter dated Nov 22, 1927 in answer to mine of Nov 15, 1927 from Rev Wm S. Smalley D.D. of Belleville, Kan see page 468

He does not know date of his gf Eli Finley's marriage nor what became of his bible or family record. He finds, however, in an old bible dictionary of his mother 10th child & youngest daughter of Eli, a record of the births & marriages & some deaths of Eli Finley's family which he enclosed to me along with a long undated obituary of his Uncle Rev Jonathan Palmer Finley D.D. which he asks me to return. This record well & plainly written, old & flimsy & yellow with age, gives dates of birth & Eli & his wife a little different from what I had on page 468 & I change them & others to conform with this record, which I think is correct.

I have entered the births & marriages & some deaths on pages 468 & 469 & it also gives the dates of death of the mothers of Eli & his first wife Catharine as follows:

Mary Finley, mother of Eli Finley died Apr 19, 1847

Armelia Palmer mother of Catharine Finley died July 25, 1848

There is nothing in the obituary

V21 Page 597

of Rev Jonathan Palmer Finley D.D. to fix either the day, month or year of his death, only that he died on a Friday after a brief illness, having taught in the college the Friday preceding. It speaks of him as a just, sincere, earnest fair man never a trifler, an earnest devoted Christian & utterly unselfish. An air of truthfulness pervaded every action & he was always patient & persistent with consummate faith that the right would prevail. He felt he should make it his life work to start young men right & train them for the Gospel ministry.

He was born in Hayesville O & reared on a farm. In 1848, he graduated from Vermillion Institute, Hayesville, O & then went to Princeton Theological Seminary from which he graduated in May 1851. On Aug 19, 1851, he married Rachel Ann Colmery at Hayesville O & she shared his toils & sacrifices for 20 years & died at Brooksfield Mo Sept 19, 1871. In the fall of 1851 he went to Mo & founded Van Renssalaer Academy at Big Creek, Ralls Co Mo of which he had charge 5 yrs. In 1856, he went to Monroe Co & engaged in mission work for 6 yrs when the Synod of Mo appointed him Pres of Westminster College. After 2 yrs in that position, he became Pastor of the Pres Ch at Palmyra Mo &

V21 Page 598

after 2 yrs there, he went to Brookfield, Mo in the all of 1866 & brought about the organization of the Pres Ch there on Nov 18, 1866 & one at Laclede & for 2 yrs acted as pastor of both. He continued as pastor of the Brookfield Church until 1886 when he resigned.

On Aug 18, 1872, he married Margaret Ann Johnson of Washington Pa. In 1872 he started an Academy at Brookfield, Mo but its building burning down 1873. Through his efforts, a new building was erected on his own premises 1879 & on Sept 13, 1880 the new school was opened. This, through his efforts was successful & Brookfield College was founded & fine new buildings erected. He was Pres of the College when he died. Hamilton College conferred D.D. on him in 1879.

Rev Smalley said that M. in the name of his mother, Jane M. Finley was for Macquire, some relative. He says she was married Oct 3, 1855 but the old record said Oct 3, 1854. Also the old record gave her birth 1834 but the last figure had a 5 written over. Also the old record said Eli's age was 83 yrs plus (which is correct) but the figure 4 has been written over the 3.

V21 Page 599

Oak Hill Dec 9, 1927 4:33 PM

A letter dated Dec 7, 1927 in answer to mine of June 7, 1927 from Mrs Wm F. Bolans No 1621 West Topeka, Kan see book 20 page 89 says her father, James Geddes Weakley enlisted in the 3d Penna Cav in July 1861, served 3 yrs & was honorably discharged & re-enlisted & served until the close of the war, & then honorably discharged. According to the record, this Reg participated in 30 pitched battles & over 200 skirmishes as shown by a newspaper clipping. This Reg was always a part of the Army of the Potomac & of 1600 men enlisted in 1861 only 300 remained when they were discharged.

Mr Bolan runs a grain elevator at Willard, Kan.

Her son, Ralph William has been with the South Wick Auto Supply House for over3 yrs & is a steady, industrious boy & is in charge of the electric & radio dept. This is Topeka's big house. She says she is sending my letter to her sister, Mrs Martha M. Meggison, Burlingame, Kansas see b 20 p 89 to answer the other questions. Their mother, now in her 88th yr lives with her. If I have not heard by time I am making slips, write her.

V21 Page 600

A letter dated Dec 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Nov 26, 1927 to Mrs Geo M. Sellers & mine of June 6, 1927 to Helen T. Sellers from her Mrs Helen Thompson Sellers now of 31 S. Keystone Ave Emans, Lehigh Co, Pa says for a year & a half she has been away from her records & old home at 439 W. College Ave State College Pa & says she has written to my 90 yr old correspondent James J. Patterson route 3 Alpena Pass, Ark to send me the Thompson record as he knows as much about it as she does as the mother of his wife Elizabeth Jack, was Mary Thompson, her great Aunt. She says her ggggfather, William Thompson settled in or near Williamsport, Md & from there he moved to Mifflin Co, Pa & his children, most of them, settled in Centre & Mifflin Cos. I have written her asking that when she does get home to send me her record back to him.

V21 Page 601

Oak Hill Dec 10, 1927 4:44 PM

A letter dated Dec 8, 1927 in answer to a letter just recd from me, from Mrs Mary D. Kilgore of Simpsonville, Greenville Co S.C. see book 16 p 347 & page 24 of this book while she writes two full pages very plain & well written she says her eyesight is so poor that she cannot fill out the information I ask for or undertake it. I will write asking her to take her time & do it. She says she will save me a copy of her "Memoirs of the Civil War" which is not yet completed but which will be typewritten on large paper. She says she is much interested in the family history.

She says her grandmother Harriet Benson Kilgore, wife of Josiah Kilgore see bk 16 ps 334-7 gave her much of the information about the family. Her father Joshua Benson, was a Major in the Revolutionary War & he & his wife are both buried in Columbia, S.C. Says her gf Josiah was a son of James, who was the only child of Capt Benj Kilgore of The Rev by his first wife McCreary. Benjamin married a McDavid for his second wife. His son James & James' son Josiah were prominent men of their times & helped build up the country after the Revolutionary War was over. Says her gggf Benjamin after his

V21 Page 602

wife was scalped by the Indians got a neighbor, Mrs Grier to raise the child, James, her ggf. He & his wife (who was Keziah Grier see b 16 p 344) were nursed by the same woman & rocked in the same cradle. She gives the names of their nine children as I have them bk 16 p 344-5.

She says she is a daughter of Jesse Clayton Kilgore, son of Josiah, son of James, son of Col Benjamin.

Says her two brothers, Jesse Kilgore & Josiah Kilgore live at Richburg, Chester Co, S.C. (am writing both) & her sister, Mrs Wood lives in Washington D.C. Am writing for her street number.

Uncle Jesse Kilgore (I think she means her brother) only one daughter, married Watson Wardlaw & live in Abbeville Co S.C. She signs Mrs M.D. Kilgore.

Dec 10, 1927 10:33 PM I find I had made this mem.

"I see will of Thos Lecky. Look up 1833?" Is it at our Court House, see also John Lecky 1818-1821 John Laughlin Alex Lecky. It is 6 mos & 5 days since I started this book & the one before it lasted just 6 mos.

Room 536 Hotel Hollenden, Cleveland O Aug 29, 1929 11:38 PM Have made all slips to here. JVT


*1 It was Samuel

*2 This is the wife of Daniel Waltz at top of page 301


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