WRUSD #8 / Homepage

EVIDENCE LOG-Whole Class LearningName: Date: Period:Unit 1: GenerationsEQ: In what situations can one generation learn from another?Performance Based Assessment Prompt: What rite of passage has held the most significance for you or for a person you know well?TitleGenerationTextual EvidenceWhat did you learn?Two KindsJing-mei discovers her mother only wanted the best for her even though her mother was very hard on her as a child.A Simple Act“She feels that Maurice has given her one of the greatest gifts she has ever had. He repaid her trust by giving her life more meaning than her success at work ever did.”Mother to Son A mother teaches her son to never give up in life.In life, there are no easy paths to success without hard work and determination.To James“LiveAs I have taught youTo run, Boy – It’s a short dashDig your starting holesDeep and firmLurch out of them” ................

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