Event planning template

Event planning template

|Name of event – what | |

|(building opening, sports day, art show, launch | |

|of new program) | |

|Date of event | |

|Time of event | |

|Location of event | |

| | |

|Event coordinator/contact person | |

|Target audience – who | |

|Who is this promotion targeted at? | |

|What does the audience need to know? | |

|What will hold their interest? | |

|Message – what | |

|What do you want to say to the target audience? | |

|What do you want them to know/do? | |

|Objectives – why | |

|Be clear about what you hope to achieve with this| |

|event. | |

|Description of event – what | |

|Risk assessment – what | |

|Identify possible risks and develop strategies to| |

|minimise risks. | |

|Evaluation criteria established | |

|What were our aims/objectives? | |

|Did we achieve what we set out to do? | |

|Did it come in on budget? | |

|What were the intended/unintended outcomes? | |

|How do we measure effectiveness? | |

|What tools do we use to measure our success? | |

|Checklist | |

|ο Who will be involved in the event | |

|ο Date/s of event determined | |

|ο Location/venue for event booked | |

|ο Target audience determined | |

|ο Message determined | |

|ο Objectives set | |

|ο Risk assessment completed | |

|ο Evaluation criteria established | |

|ο DECS Strategic Communications informed/involved| |

Early event planning template

|Early event planning |Person responsible |Action |Date to be |

| | | |completed |

|Budget | | | |

|ο Source identified | | | |

|ο Sponsorship | | | |

|ο Break even point established | | | |

|ο Have you accounted for the GST? | | | |

|Protocol | | | |

|ο Request to invite Minister or CE in writing and timely (six to eight weeks | | | |

|prior to event) | | | |

|ο Protocol issues (relating to Commonwealth/State funding) | | | |

|ο Anything that needs to be approved by DECS Strategic Communications | | | |

|ο Anything that needs to be approved by the Manager | | | |

|ο Minister’s office notified | | | |

|ο DECS Strategic Communications notified | | | |

|ο Education News notified | | | |

|Invitations | | | |

|ο Mailing list generated/updated | | | |

|ο Invitation composed | | | |

|ο Invitation checked | | | |

|ο Printer | | | |

|ο Calligrapher | | | |

|ο RSVPs (responsible person briefed) | | | |

|ο Invitation list compiled | | | |

|ο Names on list and titles/addresses checked for accuracy | | | |

|ο Special guests/speakers alerted to make time in diaries | | | |

|ο Invitations sent | | | |

|Catering | | | |

|ο Cost per head or upfront | | | |

|ο Upmarket or casual | | | |

|ο Beverages – orange juice, mineral water, tea and coffee (instant or percolated)| | | |

|ο Food – fruit platters, bagels, danish, bagettes, sandwiches, biscuits and cakes| | | |

|ο Hot or cold | | | |

|ο Self service or waiting staff | | | |

|ο Internal or external catering | | | |

|ο Power required | | | |

|ο Equipment required | | | |

|ο Tables, tablecloths, cups and saucers | | | |

|ο Plates, napkins, knives and forks (disposable/non-disposable) | | | |

|ο Can the theme of the event be followed through in catering? | | | |

|ο Special dietary requirements of guests | | | |

|ο Menu | | | |

|Early event planning |Person responsible |Action |Date to be completed |

|Advertising | | | |

|ο Press, radio TV, school newsletter | | | |

|ο Education News | | | |

|ο Media release – DECS Strategic Communications | | | |

|Talent | | | |

|ο Book and brief | | | |

|ο Rehearsals | | | |

|Signage | | | |

|ο Organise plaque if necessary | | | |

|ο Check plaque wording with DECS Strategic Communications | | | |

|ο Departmental signage booked with DECS Strategic Communications | | | |

|ο Other signage produced | | | |

|Program/running sheet/speeches | | | |

|ο Program finalised | | | |

|ο Running sheet written | | | |

|ο Program/running sheet sent to speakers | | | |

|ο Speakers fully briefed | | | |

|ο Speeches written | | | |

|ο Let caterers know program - when to serve drinks/food | | | |

|Value added for guests | | | |

|ο Copy of publication, CD-ROM | | | |

|ο Gifts | | | |

|ο Programs | | | |

|ο Catalogues | | | |

|ο Special offers/discounts | | | |

|ο Competitions | | | |

|ο Prizes | | | |

|Security | | | |

|ο Security alerted | | | |

|ο Occupational health, welfare and safety concerns addressed | | | |

|ο Provision of first aid | | | |

|Audio/visual requirements | | | |

|ο PA system | | | |

|ο CD or tape player | | | |

|ο Lapel or handheld microphone | | | |

|ο Lighting | | | |

|ο Extra electrical requirements | | | |

|ο Lectern | | | |

|Staffing | | | |

|ο Extra required | | | |

|ο Staff to meet and greet guests | | | |

|Ambience | | | |

|ο Floral arrangements, pedestal – can the theme of the event be followed in | | | |

|flowers? | | | |

|ο Background music | | | |

|Early event planning |Person responsible |Action |Date to be completed |

|Guest comfort | | | |

|ο Wheelchair access | | | |

|ο Toilet facilities | | | |

|Hospitality | | | |

|ο Welcome signage at entrance | | | |

|ο Ushers briefed | | | |

|ο Cloak room | | | |

|ο Red carpet | | | |

|Housekeeping | | | |

|ο Cleaning before and after | | | |

|ο On standby during the event | | | |

|On the day | | | |

|ο Time for set up by whom | | | |

|ο Time for dismantle by whom | | | |

|ο Dais, stage | | | |

|ο Tables, chairs layout | | | |

|ο Chair covers | | | |

|ο Floor plan | | | |

|ο VIP seating | | | |

|ο Book courier/transport | | | |

|ο Name tags | | | |

|ο Clear location directions | | | |

|ο Registration desk | | | |

|After the event | | | |

|ο Person responsible | | | |

|ο Debrief | | | |

|ο Comments on all aspects (negative and positive) | | | |

|ο Guest feedback | | | |

|ο Guidelines for improvement next time | | | |

|ο Evaluation against criteria | | | |

|ο Celebration | | | |

|ο Thankyou’s | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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