Event/Project Title: Organizational Improvement A3

|Event/Project Title: |Team: |Date: |

|1. Problem Statement: |4. Analyze the Problem: |7. Plan Steps for Completion: |

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| | |What |

|What is the purpose of the A3? |List the problems identified in the current condition. |Who |

|State the background of the problem. |Ask 5 Whys? To get to the root cause of the problems. |When |

|Where are your potential improvement areas? |Can seek the Voice of Customer for their feedback. |Outcome |

|How will this move you closer to the mission, vision, values or strategic goals? | | |

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| | |What will it take to complete the implementation of the improved process? |

| | |If the solutions have not yet been implemented, make sure they are on this plan. |

|2. Current Situation: |5. Develop a Solution: |8. Compare Goals with Results: |

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| |Specific Changes that will address the 5 Why root causes. |Compare actual results to target metrics. |

|Where do we stand? |These Steps should get you closer to the target state. |Percent of target goals met (Results/Target Goals). |

| |Can seek the Voice of Customer for their ideas |How do we know if the actions have the impact needed? |

|List data to objectively measure the issue: Current costs, time, survey scores, etc. | | |

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|Develop current state map in order to better view the process. | | |

|3. Target Goals: |6. Test the Solution: |9. Reflect: |

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| | |Reflect on thoughts, ideas, inspirations, feelings, views encountered during this project. |

|Where do we need to be? |Identify and describe trials or simulations that can be done to test the ideas developed in the Solution | |

| |Approach. | |

|Use measurable targets. |Can include trials or tests that did and did not work. | |

| |Outcomes should also be listed. | |

|Using the same data from the Current State, list goals of where you want those metrics to be once the work | | |

|is completed. | | |


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