Century Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL

Young Israel of Deerfield Beach Newsletter

The Fran & Simon Laufer Building

202 Century Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman: Tel: (o) 954-571-3904 (h) 954-725-1494

Rabbi Dr. Martin Schloss, President: Cell: 646-644-2657

Tel: 954-571-3904 Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. ¨C 12:30 P.M. Email: info@

PARSHAS Vayeitzei

November 27, 2020


Torah - Stone Chumash: Pg. 144

Haftorah - Stone Chumash Pg. 1140

11 Kislev 5781

From The Rabbi¡¯s Desk

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman

Thanksgiving in the Parshah!

With the birth of her fourth son Leah proclaims - - '?¡°???? ???? ?? ??This time I will thank Hashem¡± and she

named him Yehudah ¨C thanks. Rashi explains that Leah knew prophetically that there would be 12 sons born to

Yaakov. She did the math: 4 wives, 12 sons = 3 sons each. Now with the birth of a fourth son she realized her

special blessing was far beyond her expectation and particularly thanked Hashem. As a reminder for all

posterity she named him Yehudah.

We are called Jews ¨C which means descendants of Yehudah. As such it behooves us to offer thanks to Hashem

for all we have because it is above and beyond what we deserve. Indeed, Thanksgiving every day.

THIS WEEK¡¯S NEWSLETTER is sponsored by

Beth & Ruby Blumenthal on the Yahrzeit of his father, Yitzhak ben Yosef, A¡¯H.

The Young Israel of Deerfield


is proud to announce this year¡¯s

2021 YIDB Celebration Honorees

Beth and Reuben Blumenthal

Beth and Reuben are known globally for

their unparalleled support of Jewish

institutions and Torah initiatives. Their

gracious involvement and generosity are

legend. This is especially true for our

own shul and community where they are both true pillars of our Kehillah.

Please join us in thanking and saluting our honorees at this year¡¯s 2021 YIDB virtual celebration

to be held on February 14th, 2021.

COVID Rules & Sponsorships

For those who are registered to attend the Indoor Minyan at YIDB, please be aware

of the following:


If you do not feel well or are waiting for a COVID ¨C 19 test result, PLEASE DO



You must wear a mask at all times and abide by social distancing. If you wear a

plastic shield you must wear a mask as well.


You must bring your ID card (or copy) for entrance.


All seats are first come first serve.


Hand sanitizer will be available to use upon entrance and exiting.


The building will be sanitized daily.


You must bring your own Siddur, Chumash, and Talis.


Shachris weekday davening will begin at Rabi Yishmael Omer and on Shabbos at



Exiting the Shul will be from the back row forward one row at a time to ensure

social distancing. Please do not congregate in the hallway.


Please remember that attending the minyanim you are assuming any risk of

exposure to or sickness from COVID-19.


Before/after weekday davening, please put on or take off your tefillin at your

seat or one of the tables in rear. Practice social distancing when doing so.


Upon completion of Shacharis and/or Mincha/Maariv, please exit Shul without

socializing or delay.

Davening Schedule & Classes

PARSHAS Vayeitzei



Please Note: For those NOT registered for indoor Minyan, you will not be permitted to

participate in any minyan.

Candle Lighting

Next Week: 5:09 PM

5:09 PM


5:20 PM

Freilick Sanctuary


8:45 AM

Freilick Sanctuary

Latest Shema

9:28 AM


5:15 PM

Freilick Sanctuary

Maariv/Shabbos Ends

6:05 PM

Freilick Sanctuary

No Seudah Shlishis at YIDB



8:00 AM

Freilick Sanctuary


5:15 PM

Freilick Sanctuary

Daily Minyanim are available on conference call 701-802-5216 and then

enter the Access Code 5467540 and then press #




Daily Daf Yomi Shiur

Sunday - Friday at 9:30 AM (Sun Mon & Tues Daf given by Rabbi Yisroel Edelman) please call

conference call number 701-802-5216 and then enter the Access Code 5467540 and then press #


R'Mordechai Berkowitz¡¯s Classes

Chumash & Meforshim Mon - Thurs 4:30 PM via zoom

Tanya Tues & Thurs at 10:30 AM via zoom.

Please dial 682-223-1894. enter the Access Code 613 and then press ¡°enter¡±

If you require further assistance, please contact R'Berkowitz at 718-877-9167


Rabbi Yisroel Edelman¡¯s Class

Women¡¯s & Men¡¯s Chumash Class Wed at 11:00 AM

Zoom Info

Meeting ID: 965 1591 1223 Passcode: yidbtorah

OR call conference call number 701-802-5216 and then enter the Access Code 5467540 and then press #


Thank you to this week¡¯s Tikun Sponsors:

Beth & Ruby Blumenthal on the Yahrzeit of his father,

Yitzhak ben Yosef, A¡¯H.

Cost to sponsor a Tikun is $150.00 Please see Irving Katz


Become a sponsor for any occasion for an Aliyah and/or a Shiur. $36 per event or sponsor 2 events in

the same week for $50. Thank you to this week¡¯s sponsors:


Norma & Sid Cohen on the Yahrzeit of his sister,

Yenta Zelda bas Yehuda HaKohain, A¡¯H; Caroline &

Rabbi Dr. Martin Schloss, L¡¯Zaicher Nishmas his

mother, Masha Leba bas Yitzchok Halevi, A¡¯H; Roz &

Hershel Goldwater, on the Yahrzeit of her father,

Mordechai Mendel ben Chaim, A¡¯H. Also recognizing

our President Marty Schloss for his financial and

enthusiastic personal support for our Daf Yomi;

Soshy & Sol Teichman on the Yahrzeit of his father,

Elimelech Yosef ben Shlomo, A¡¯H; Susan & Bob

Rosenfeld on the Yahrzeit of her mother, Esther bas

Yosef, A¡¯H; Betty & Abe Weisel on the Yahrzeit of his

mother, Chaya Maitah bas Ephraim Fishel, A¡¯H; Helen

& Lenny Goodman in memory of his father, Tzvi

ben Yechiel, A¡¯H; Leila Schreiber on the Yahrzeit of

her mother, Esther bas Yosef, A¡¯H; Beth & Ruby

Blumenthal, L¡¯Zaicher Nishmas his father, Yitzchak

ben Yosef, A¡¯H; Dotty Gross on the Yahrzeit of her

father-in-law, Yehuda Arye ben Yitzhok HaLevi, A¡¯H.

Rabbi Yisroel Edelman¡¯s Wednesday Shiur

Beverly Leventer on the Yahrzeit of her husband,

Zeev Shmuel ben Avraham HaLevi, A¡¯H; Barbara

Meyers on the Yahrzeit of her cousins, Louise &

Reyla, A¡¯H; Refuah Shleimah for Eliezer ben Pnina.

Thank you to this week¡¯s Daf Sponsors:

Dotty Gross on the Yahrzeit of her father-in-law,

Yehuda Arye ben Yitzhok HaLevi, A¡¯H; Sheila

Mark on the Yahrzeit of her father, Yechezkel ben

Avraham, A¡¯H; Soshy & Sol Teichman, on the Yahrzeit

of his father, Elimelech Yosef ben Shlomo, A¡¯H.

To become a sponsor, please contact either

Steven Schoenfeld ssschoenfeld@


Marty Schloss mschloss@


Carole & Saul Gold on the birth of a

The Congregation Extends Their Condolences

great-grandson; Charlotte Goldsmith


on the engagement of her

granddaughter, Hanna Erdfarb to Alex

Abe Glickman on the loss of his sister, Shifra

Lev; Elaine & Robert Jacobs on the

marriage of their grandson, Akiva Jacobs to Bracha Weinberg, A¡¯H.

Willig; Phyllis & Shelly Meiner on the

engagement of their granddaughter, Eliana Willner

to Andrew Kadish.


Eva Horowitz (Regents Park (954) 481-5934)

Norman Mintz

Emmy Hoffer (please no calls at this time to either

Emmy or David!)

Only family members and/or the Rabbi can add or remove names

from the Refuah Shleima list.



If you should, unfortunately suffer a loss; please call

Harriet and Howard Drandoff (917) 754-3751

Donations to the Chevra Kadisha are greatly appreciated.



This is to let you know that our Bikur Cholim program

is ready to assist you in various ways. Please contact the


Shabbos Room in Broward North Hospital is on

the 3rd Floor near the Vitas Nurses Station. The

code for the door is ¡°2,3,4.¡± For more information

or to reserve the Shabbos Room, please contact

Rebetzin Gutel Edelman (954) 725-1494 or

Caroline Schloss at (347) 277-1916

For Visitation (Visiting people confined to their homes or

medical facilities.) Phone: Rebetzin Gutel Edelman

(954) 725-1494 or Caroline Schloss at (347) 277-1916

For Transportation (For medical needs only when unable

to transport themselves.) Phone: Larry Levine at

(917) 412-8670 or Celia Rapp at (646) 458-1624

Shabbos Room in Boca Regional, please call

(561) 955-7100 and ask to speak to the Patient


For Food Acquisition (For people who are unable to

prepare meals for themselves.) Phone: Ruth Berger at

(516) 642-1631 or Dottie Gross at (954) 290-3400



Grove Dollars Equals YIDB Dollars!

Aroma Gift Certificates Equals YIDB Dollars

WinnDixie Gift Certificates Equals YIDB Dollars

To purchase any of the above Gift Certificates,

please call Sharon in the Shul office

YIDB Men¡¯s Club

The Pandemic has thrown the Men's Club a curve, but

we are and continue to make the best of this

situation. The Men's Club successfully undertook

selling flowers for Shavuoth, provides Tikuns for those

that hold from this Minhag, and is currently selling oil

for Chanukah. We would like to continue doing other

activities that supports our Shul and provides a social

outlet for our members as well.

We need your support by asking you to join our YIDB

Men's Club. As part of the membership fee, each

member also receives a Discount Card good for selected

restaurants and other establishments. During this

Pandemic some establishments closed or are not

accepting our discounts cards, but we are doing our best

in finding other businesses that will provide this discount

to our members. You can also help us by asking

establishments that you patronize to become part of our

family and accept our discount card.

We are also looking into some new events that we can

all partake while being safe with social distancing and

wearing masks. Our goal is to provide our members

with entertainment. We are open for any suggestions

that you may have. Also, we need volunteers to help

work these events.

Even though we are the YIDB Men's Club, we are

inviting all single women to purchase our Discount

Cards and participate in our activities. We are inclusive

of all our members.

The price list and also a current listing of establishments

were emailed recently. Hard copies are available on the

table outside the shul.

You can pay your membership dues and get our

Discount Card from either Sharon in the office, Irving

Katz or Gene Lerman.

The Presidium

YIDB Men's Club


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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