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Clergy, Wardens and Lay Leaders of the

Diocese of Nebraska

July 15, 2009

Bishop Burnett is at General Convention in Anaheim California this week.

He is joined by our Clergy Deputies: Tim Anderson, Judi Yeates, Ruth Tomlinson, Ernesto Medina and Archdeacon Jim Visger, first Clergy Alternate, as well as Lay Deputies: Woody Bradford, Charles Plantz, David Halsted, Margaret Schaefer and first lay alternate, Shirley White. You can read reports from them on the website, by clicking on this address:  dionebraska.

Running concurrently is the Episcopal Church Women’s Triennial. Nebraska attendees to this event have included: Sandra Squires, Co-Convener of Women’s Ministries in Nebraska, Beth Agar, Media Coordinator for Nebraska, Marilyn Brandt, Altar Guild, Deacon Pat Sheldon Chaplain, and Joan Barton, Nebraska’s UTO Coordinator.

Nebraska Deputies and delegates have been blessed to have a number of visitors to General Convention from the Diocese of Nebraska.

News of the Family

Your prayers are requested for all who are attending General Convention this week. Please pray for wisdom, strength and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to address the issues of the day, and work for the future of the Episcopal Church.

Transition Report

The Rev. J. Chris Roberts has announced his retirement from St. Martha’s in Papillion, effective October 1, 2009. His last Sunday at St. Martha’s will be September 6th. Chris and Linda will be returning to their home in Virginia City, Montana. We are grateful for their ministry here among us in Nebraska. St. Martha’s now enters a time of transition. Canon Yeates is working closely with St. Martha’s Vestry to search for a Priest-in-Charge to continue the vibrant ministry at St. Martha’s.


July - December 2009


July 6-18 Episcopal General Convention, Anaheim, CA

July 26 Bishop’s Report on General Convention, All Saints, Omaha, 8:00/10:30 a.m.

July 27-31 Junior AND Senior Camps Comeca, Cozad

July 31 Bishop at Closing Eucharist, Camp Comeca


Aug 2 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Hilda’s, Kimball

Aug 2 Tri Faith Picnic at All Saints 12:30-3:30 p.m.

Aug 8 North Central Cursillo Meeting 12:30 – 3:30, St. David’s Lincoln

Aug 14-15 Anti Racism Training, St. Peter’s in the Valley, Lexington, 9:00-8:00 on

Friday, 9:00- 2:00 Saturday

Aug 22 Eastern Deanery Meeting – All Saints Retreat Center 9:00-2:00 p.m.

Aug 22 Western Deanery Meeting – St. Francis, Scottsbluff 10:00-2:00 p.m.

Aug 28-29 Executive Commission Strategic Planning Retreat, Camp Joy Holling, Ashland

Aug 30 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Mary’s, Nebraska City


Sept 6 Bishop at Happening Eucharist, St. Stephen’s, Grand Island

Sept 13 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Christopher’s, Cozad (a.m.)

Sept 13 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Joseph’s, Mullen, 3 p.m.

Sept 20 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Mary’s, Bassett

Sept 24-26 Anglican Theological Review Board, Virginia Theo. Seminary, Alexandria, VA

Sept 28-30 Midwest Bishops Family Systems Group, St. Louis, MO


Oct 4 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Peter’s in the Valley, Lexington

Oct 11 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Alban’s, McCook

Oct 15-18 Diocesan Cursillo, Halsey

Oct 24 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Paul’s, Arapahoe

Oct 25 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Elizabeth’s, Holdrege

Oct 28 InterChurch Ministries of Nebraska Board

Oct 31 Ordination/Consecration, Bishop of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, SD


Nov 2-4 Theology Panel/House of Bishops, Pasadena, CA

Nov 6-8 Annual Diocesan Council, Sand Hills Convention Center, North Platte

Nov 15 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Stephen’s, Grand Island

Nov 22 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Charles the Martyr, Fairbury

Nov 29 Bishop’s Visitation, Holy Trinity Lincoln


Dec 1 Bishop and Trustees, Clarkson Center, Omaha, 10 a.m.

Dec 6 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Andrew’s, Omaha

Dec 13 Bishop’s Visitation, St. Matthew’s Alliance

Dec 20 Bishop’s Visitation, Christ Church, Central City

Dec 24 Bishop in Residence, Trinity Cathedral, Omaha


POSITION OPEN AT TRINITY CATHEDRAL: Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Omaha, has an opening for a bass section leader in the Cathedral Choir starting in September. The successful candidate will be a trained, professional singer who can provide musical and personal leadership in the choir. For information or to apply, please contact Ms. Marty Wheeler Burnett, Director of Music, by email at mburnett@. The position will be filled as soon as possible.



Final Call for Campers!

Calling all 4th -12th graders!

Calling all priests, lay leaders and parents!

The Deadline for Camp registration is fast approaching (Friday, July 17th) So get your friends and get on-line at episcopal- to register. Click on the youth tab, then the Camp tab and follow the registration instructions. Payment is due in full at time of registration.

Episcopal Camp at Comeca

Cost $175

Begins at 3pm on Monday,July 27th - Ends at noon on Friday, July 31st

Heaven...don't miss it for the world...and don't miss this deadline

Contact Robin Heller with any questions heller101@



Sunday, August 2, 2009

12:30-3:30 p.m.

All Saints Episcopal Church

9302 Blondo Street Omaha Nebraska

A great time to get reacquainted with friends you met at the Tri Faith Dinner in March, and learn more about Tri Faith. Lots of activities for children and even a health fair. Main dish will be provided. Bring a side dish or dessert to share.

It’s helpful for planning if you can let them know you’re coming – just email Nancy Kirk at nancykirk@, or call 402-934-2955. (888-934-2955 toll free).



The North Central Cursillo district meeting will be held Sat Aug. 8, 2009 at St. David's Episcopal Church in Lincoln NE.  All Lay Directors and Spiritual Directors are invited and urged to attend, and all are welcome.  This will be about a half day beginning with a meeting from 12:30 - 3:30, followed by an Ultreya and Eucharist beginning at 4 pm.


Please let Nancy Benton-Brown know ASAP if you will attend. nbrown5@neb.


Anti-racism training , St. Peter’s in the Valley, Lexington, August 14-15, 2009 To pre-register or if you have questions, please contact Joyce Scheyer at joycescheyer@. Online is available at . Registration will be available beginning July 21st. The training is 14 hours beginning Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and continuing Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A block of hotel rooms will be reserved and carpools are encouraged.



All Saints Retreat Center, Omaha, Nebraska

August 22, 2009 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Please join us for the third Eastern Deanery Meeting of 2009 on August 22nd. All laity and clergy are invited to attend this special meeting where we will learn about the issues and outcomes of the July General Convention. Small group discussions will provide an opportunity to discuss the impacts of issues on the Eastern Deanery and Nebraska. There will be a Moderated Panel Discussion, Table Group Discussions lunch and an Outdoor Eucharist.

Come, meet and greet one another in fellowship and Christian love, learn and grow, let your voice be heard in our Deanery. And be sure to bring a friend.

For more details and to submit questions for the panel discussion please contact the new Eastern Deanery Convener, Robin Sgroi.


robinsgroi@ or 402-778-9380

Happening is a weekend of exploring the Christian faith first-hand in the context of the tradition and worship of the Episcopal Church. The weekend is planned and run by youth for youth!!! It is intentionally structured to bring high school aged youth together to build community, have fun, and to share the Christian faith as experienced in the lives of other high school youth.

It Begins 2:00 pm Saturday, September 5th and will end with Eucharist beginning at 2:00 pm on Monday, September 7th.

Any youth entering grades 9-12 is welcome to attend. Non-Episcopalians are always welcome. Also, a limited number of adults may also be candidates at Happening.

Happening is blessed to be hosted by St. Stephen’s, Grand Island. St. Stephen’s has a great meeting facility with newly equipped showers.

The weekend is structured around short talks written and given by the youth on the Happening Team. There are also small “family” groups that meet to discuss and creatively respond to each talk. In addition there are songs, activities, videos, and times of fellowship.

To experience Happening, register at You may also contact the Diocesan Happening Coordinator at 402-310-1341. Cost is only $25 if registration is completed by August 15th. (For help with on-line registration contact Jan Wadleigh at the Diocesan office jwadleigh@episcopal-.


Dear Rectors and Youth Ministers:

We need help in distributing invitations to the Happening #31 Event over Labor Day Weekend. The youth have told us that they respond best to direct mail. Parents like it too, because they know to ask questions when they see the mailers. You are our link to the Episcopal Youth of Nebraska; especially those that have not yet participated in Diocesan youth events.

Happening Weekend is a vibrant and fast paced weekend. It is constructed to allow a great amount of open and honest sharing of Christ’s love. Youth that have already experienced this weekend are busy planning and preparing the educational talks that they will give to their peers at this year’s event. They will include plenty of fun, food, and music along with their message.

Please help us support our youth spread their enthusiastic sharing of the gospel. Make this opportunity known to each youth going into 9th-12th grades. They are welcome to bring friends from outside the Episcopal Church (as long as they register also).

Above is the Advertisement Flyer and printed version of the Application/Registration forms. Medical release forms are found online or in your Youth Handbook. Please make announcements, put it in bulletins, newsletters, post on bulletin boards, and mail directly to your eligible youth. Registrations will be taken now thru August. Early registration (before August 15th) is encouraged for better planning purposes, and required to avoid a late fee.

Thank you for your time and assistance and especially for the wonderful young people in your care.

Dear Rectors and Lay Leaders, Happening #31 is fast approaching and we need your support. As many of you know by now, Happening is a renewal weekend for teens run by teens which is held over Labor Day weekend. A special part of Happening is the prayer vigil...for every hour the youth are gathered for the weekend, people across the state and even the country are praying that God will be at work in their lives! I believe this is a powerful force for the weekend and we invite you to take part. Please email me at nptomey@ if you are willing and able to sign up for just one hour of prayer over this special and life-changing weekend.



109 North 18th Street

Omaha, Nebraska 68102

(402) 341-5373 (402) 341-8683 (Fax) Toll Free Number (866) 341-5373

email: diocese@episcopal- Web: episcopal-



The Rt. Rev. Joe Goodwin Burnett Email: jburnett@episcopal-

Diocesan Administrator, and Assistant to the Bishop – Ext 118

Nancy Nichols Email: nnichols@episcopal-

Canon to the Ordinary – Ext 119

The Rev. Canon Judi A. Yeates Email: jyeates@episcopal-

Cell (402) 690-4733

Canon for Development and Executive Director, Bishop Clarkson Episcopal Foundation

The Rev. Canon Timothy Anderson Email: tanderson@episcopal-


(cell) 402-699-1670

Christian Formation Consultant and Resource Center – Ext 138

The Rev. Ruth Jaynes Email: rjaynes@episcopal-

Financial Administrator – Ext 127

Sue Renninger Email: srenninger@episcopal-

Front Office Administrator – Ext 114

Jan Wadleigh Email: jwadleigh@episcopal-

Diocesan Regional Youth Coordinators

Eastern Region – Robin Heller Email: heller101@

Central Region – Janet Squires Email: j2squires@. 402-310-1341

Western Region – Andrea Jay Email: ajay@


The Ven. James Visger

402-483-5712 Email: visgermnj@

Nebraska Episcopalian

Don Rabbe, Editor

(402) 483-5528 Email: therabbes@



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