For Immediate Release - Sustainable Jersey



Contact: Kristy Ranieri: info@

Sustainable Jersey to Provide Towns Free Financing Advice on Energy Issues

Robbi Acampora named Financial and Energy Advisor 

Trenton, NJ (May 23, 2012)– Today, Sustainable Jersey announced that it will offer guidance to towns regarding the most effective financing methods for implementing energy efficiency upgrades and alternative energy projects. Robbi Acampora, the new Sustainable Jersey Financial and Energy Advisor, will lead the effort to help local governments take advantage of new financing options to achieve building efficiency upgrades and alternative energy generating projects.

New Jersey’s Clean Energy Programs are available to assist New Jersey local governments implement energy conservations measures. Ms. Acampora will help towns structure the most efficient method of packaging the available financing alternatives. Energy Savings Improvement Plans (ESIPs) are an approved method of financing energy conservation measures at no cost to taxpayers. Sustainable Jersey will assist local entities package the most effective financial incentives.

Municipalities can contact Ms. Acampora for assistance directly by email ( or phone (609-771-2307). She has over 20 years of experience providing financial advice to local governments in New Jersey.


“The ESIP law took effect in 2009, but to date very few local government entities have taken advantage of this financing option,” Robbi Acampora said. “The concept of using an ESIP involves determining the energy savings that will be generated after implementing various energy conservation measures such as window replacement, lighting retrofits and HVAC system replacements. The energy savings are used to repay a loan that pays for the implementation costs.”


The ESIP method of financing is being implemented in cities around the country as local governments struggle to do more with less. In approving the ESIP law in 2009, the State of New Jersey gave its local governing bodies the opportunity to update and replace many facets of its aging infrastructure at no cost to the local taxpayers and ratepayers.


Randy Solomon, Co-Director of Sustainable Jersey said, “The addition of Robbi Acampora further strengthens our ability to assist New Jersey local governments as they work to achieve energy savings and create jobs at no new costs to taxpayers.” Robbi Acampora will help local governments with this financing method and ultimately facilitate group ESIPs which can, through economies of scale, allow for even more projects to be financed.

About Sustainable Jersey

Sustainable Jersey is a certification program for municipalities in New Jersey. Launched in 2009, Sustainable Jersey is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that supports community efforts to reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and improve environmental equity. Sustainable Jersey is empowering New Jersey towns to build a better world for future generations. It provides tools, training and financial incentives to support and reward communities as they pursue sustainability programs.

Sustainable Jersey’s partners include the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, the Sustainability Institute at The College of New Jersey, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU). Program sponsors include the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, BPU, PSEG, New Jersey Natural Gas, Church and Dwight, Covanta Energy, Bay Shore Recycling, EcoMatters, New Jersey American Water, Real Goods Solar, South Jersey Gas, Terhune Orchards, Waste Management of New Jersey, Atlantic City Electric, Citizens Campaign, Concord Engineering and the New Jersey Food Council.



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