Commissioners Meeting 05/07/96






A caucus meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon was convened in the Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM.

Mayor Teague requested all stand for the flag salute

Mayor Teague announced that Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided specifying time, place and agenda. This was done by placing Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Present

Commissioner Foley Present

Commissioner Dougherty Present

Eric Riso, Esq., Greg Fusco, P.E., Jim Stevenson, Mark Cavallo, Martin Blaskey, Darlene Alfonsi and Kate Burns were present.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 26, 2013 be approved, with all members voting in the affirmative.

ORDINANCES (for consideration April 23, 2013)

RESOLUTIONS (for consideration April 23, 2013)

#2013-050 - Bill Resolution

#2013-051 - Authorizing the Tax/Utility Collector to Process Posting Corrections and

Various Other Adjustments and Deductions

OTHER BUSINESS (for consideration April 23, 2013)

• Raffle License RA#07-2013 Haddon Township Performing Arts Guild

• Raffle License RA#08-2013 Santa Maria Council #1443

• Introduction of the 2013 Municipal Budget and W/S Operating Budget

• Introduction of the 2013 Business Improvement District Budget


Greg Fusco, PE reviewed the Engineer’s Report for April 16, 2013.

Public Works, Water/Sewer Department: - Mr. Jim Stevenson reported on the following: that there is in-house concrete repair and sanitary sewer issues to address on Toledo Avenue, the camera is going out for maintenance tomorrow or Thursday, new pumps are scheduled to start being installed at the Crystal Lake Pool Splash Park next week, and Township is depending on funding from the state to address the issues at several intersections and streets that have been reviewed by public works.

Tax Assessor: Mr. Blaskey reported that the Tax Assessor’s Office is concentrating on tax appeals at this time.

BID/Town Events: Mrs. Burns reported that Monmouth University did a best practices for on 540 municipal websites throughout the state. The Township did well with an overall score of 45 with the highest points coming from ease of use. Further reported by Mrs. Burns was that she received an e-mail from the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign which promotes active lifestyles and came up with several ideas, such as a bike program, Westmont Walks, healthy Cooking, and other ideas along the same line. Other programs that were researched were the Freedom Program, free prescription drug discount cards, and U.S. Eye Exams and hearing aids and exams. Upcoming Township Events reported by Mrs. Burns are the Community Breakfast on Sunday May 5th at the high school cafeteria from 8 AM – 12 PM, Wednesday, May 1st, the Westmont Farmers’ Market opens, Saturday, May 11th, the town wide yard sale with a rain date of May 18th, and spring clean up and landscaping was completed last weekend. The Go Green Event is Saturday, April 20th and is headed by Barbara Prince.


• Cost of Living Adjustment Ordinance 2013

• Appointing Michael DePalma, Plumbing Inspector and Subcode Official

• Change Order No. 1 Construction of Garage Addition

• Award of Chemicals for the W/S Department

• Appointment of Derrick Maley to the Shade Tree Commission

• Appointment of Rosa Tanzi to Housing Authority

The following verbal resolutions were approved with a motion by Mayor Teague, seconded by Commissioner Foley, with all members voting in the affirmative:

#2013-052 – Appointing Derrick Maley to the Shade Tree Commission

#2013-053 – Appointing Rosa Tanzi to the Housing Authority

Commissioner Foley brought to the attention of Mayor Teague and Commissioner Dougherty that he met with Jim Stevenson concerning a resident with a really high water bill. The water bills for this resident were averaging around 30,000 per quarter and then the water bill spiked to 210,000. Commissioner Foley explained the reason he wanted the governing body to consider this issue is due to the fact that the only people at the residence are husband and wife. Commissioner Foley further stated that he would present the Mayor and Commissioner Dougherty with information on this issue and asked them to please consider this for next meeting.

Commissioner Dougherty made a brief statement pertaining to his service as Director of Public Safety and responded to a statement made by the Haddon Township Police Department at the last meeting denying their allegations. (See attached)

The following verbal resolution was approved with a motion by Mayor Teague, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative

#2013-054 – Designation of Directors


There being no further agenda business, Commissioner Foley moved to open the meeting to the public, seconded by Mayor Teague, with all members voting in the affirmative.

Tom Cassel, 1017 Belmont Avenue – Mr. Cassel does not feel that appointing Commissioner Dougherty as Commissioner of Finance is appropriate. Mr. Cassel asked Commissioner Dougherty If he returned the money to the Township himself or if someone else returned the money. Commissioner Dougherty responded that he was in court that day and Commissioner Foley requested that the money be brought in by 3 PM. Therefore, Commissioner Dougherty responded that he had someone else return the money for him. Mr. Cassel feels that Commissioner Dougherty went around the internal controls and he should not be running finance. Commissioner Foley assured Mr. Cassel that the internal controls have been reviewed and reviewed again and in his opinion the Township is safe from this happening again.

Edward Bowe, 206 Crestwood Avenue - Mr. Bowe asked Commissioner Foley in his current role as Director of Revenue and Finance if he is signing all checks. Commissioner Foley responded that he does actively sign all checks. Mr. Bowe asked if there is a second signature on the checks. Commissioner Foley responded that the following individuals are able to sign, all three commissioners, Dawn Pennock as Municipal Clerk, and Shirley Johnson as Accounts Payable. Mr. Foley reiterated that there will always be two signatures on the checks.

Frank Monzo, 608 South Park Drive – Mr. Monzo reported that this will be the first time in 6 years that he has spoken at this meeting. Mr. Monzo further stated that the administration that was in office prior to these three gentlemen turned the meetings into a circus and Haddon Township became a laughing stock. In the first couple of years that you took over, things changed dramatically in Haddon Township. Mr. Monzo stated that he was proud he supported the team of Teague, Foley, and Dougherty. He further stated that the Mayor and Commissioners have many accomplishments such as holding the line on taxes and the Civic Celebration. The image of Haddon Township has gone from being a laughing stock to one of the best towns in this area. The majority of residents in Haddon Township believe that you are doing a great job and I would ask that you don’t bring the circus back to town.

Jamie Casey, State Delegate for PBA 257 – Officer Casey reported that when the members of the Haddon Township Police Department came to the last meeting they came as members of the Haddon Township Police Department and not members of PBA 257. Officer Casey further reported that the police have been above reproach and professional from the beginning. Officer Casey stated that the Police Department came to the last meeting because they felt some of the things Commissioner Dougherty was doing were not appropriate. He further denied that the vote of no confidence had anything to do with contract negotiations.

Jason Dement, Haddon Township Police Department – Officer Dement and Officer Casey continued their conversation with Commissioner Dougherty relating to police issues and their contract. Officer Dement also stated that the vote of no confidence and their attendance at the last meeting had nothing to do with contract negotiations. He then discussed conversation with Commissioner Dougherty concerning the contract negotiations.

Mr. Cassel, 1017 Belmont Avenue – Mr. Cassel requested that the code on the website be updated since it hasn’t been updated for around 3 years. Mr. Cassel asked the Mayor and Commissioners if there has been any impact on the town due to the federal sequestering of any funding we might be getting. He further inquired about the Newton Diner, the Westmont Theatre, Fieldstone, and the Energy Audit. The Mayor responded that the Planning Board cancelled their meeting regarding Newton Diner due to the fact that they are working out some issues, regarding the Westmont Theatre the Mayor reported that Veronica Goodman has financers that are looking to get money and she is still working on a plan that will be presented at a public meeting, regarding Fieldstone, buildings have been torn down and remediation should be completed within six months, and finally regarding the Energy Audit Mr. Stevenson pointed out that the underground tank must be removed, a new boiler system installed, new windows, new doors, and some upgrades to the police department and court. Mr. Fusco points out to Mr. Cassel that the individuals from the State will establish the audit/budget for the project.

John Kendall, 120 Washington Avenue – Mr. Kendall reported two potholes on New Jersey Avenue between Washington and Lincoln, one on Washington and Golden, One on Washington near Rexy’s Driveway, and one on the Access Road to the ball field. Mr. Kendall also reported two abandoned houses at 21 Washington Avenue and one on the corner of Washington and Pennsylvania Avenue (little white house). Mr. Kendall inquired as to the status of the bus stop located on Black Horse Pike where the woman was hit by a car and if any action has been taken, whether inexpensive stone can be placed in the parking lot at the walking/jogging track in West Collingswood Heights, and he reported a business on RT 130 North behind the adult book store and What-a-Weiner Building and that they are using make-shift signs that are unsightly and probably not regulation.

There being no further comments from the public, Commissioner Foley made a motion to close the meeting to the public, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty, with all members voting in the affirmative.

There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Mayor Teague that the meeting be adjourned at 8:00 PM with all members voting in the affirmative.




TOWNSHIP CLERK ____________________________________

Randall W. Teague, Mayor


John C. Foley, Commissioner


Paul Dougherty, Commissioner


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