Major Movements and Events in US History before World War II

Major Movements and Events in US History before World War II

The First Two Political Parties Form

|Federalists |Democratic Republicans |

|Leader: Alexander Hamilton |Leader: Thomas Jefferson |

|Philosophy: Strong National Government |Philosophy: Strong State Governments |

|Constitutional Ideas: Loose Constructionist |Constitutional Ideas: Strict Constructionist |

Election of 1800

(First Peaceful Transfer of Power Between Parties)

John Adams

Candidates Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton

Tie in the Electoral College sways election in

Aaron Burr favor of Jefferson

Equation for the Monroe Doctrine

Nonintervention + Noncolonization = US Foreign Policy

Manifest Destiny Begins

New Political Parties

|National Republicans |Jacksonian Democrats |

| Strong National Government |Strong State Governments |

|National Bank |No National Bank |

|Support Internal Improvements |Against Internal Improvements |

The American System

(Developed by Henry Clay)

|Three Parts |Overall Purpose |

|1. Internal Improvements (Transportation) |Connect North, South, and West to make America economically independent of |

| |Europe |

|2. Protective Tariff (Buy Made in USA) |

|3. National Bank |

Election of 1824

(The Corrupt Bargain)

Henry Clay

Candidates John Quincy Adams Henry Clay

Tie in the Electoral College sways election in

Andrew Jackson favor of Adams in

Exchange for Secretary of State position


Reform Movements of the Early 1800s

|Movement |Leaders |Purpose |

|Religious Reform |Charles Finney |To bring traditional Christian values back to |

| |Joseph Smith |America |

|Transcendentalists |Ralph Waldo Emerson |To focus on the individual and self reliance |

| |Henry David Thoreau | |

|Temperance Movement |American Temperance Society |Movement to eliminate the consumption of alcohol |

|Public Education | Horace Mann |Improve public schools and make them available to|

| | |all |

|Prison Reform |Dorothea Dix |To improve prison conditions for the mentally ill|

|Utopian Communities |New Harmony |Created a cooperative and communistic lifestyle |

| |Brook Farm | |

| |Oneida Community | |

| |Shakers | |

|Abolition Movement |Frederick Douglas |Movement to ban slavery |

| |Sojourner Truth | |

| |Harriet Tubman | |

| |William Lloyd Garrison | |

|Women’s Rights Movement |Elizabeth Cady Stanton |Obtain the right to vote for women |

| |Lucretia Mott | |

| |Susan B. Anthony | |

|Writers |Washington Irving |Gain recognition for America as a literary arena,|

| |James Fennimore Cooper |using American themes in writing |

| |Edgar Allan Poe | |

| |Nathanial Hawthorne | |

|Artists |Hudson River School of Art |Focused on the beauty of American landscapes |

Inventions of the Early 1800s

|Invention |Inventor |

|Textile Mill |Samuel Slater |

|Cotton Gin |Eli Whitney |

|Interchangeable Parts |Eli Whitney |

|Steamboat |Robert Fulton |

|Telegraph |Samuel Morse |

|Mechanical Reaper |Cyrus McCormick |

|Steel Plow |John Deere |

|Erie Canal |New York Innovators |

North versus South

|Category |North |South |

|Type of Economy |Industrial |Agriculture |

|Rural or Urban |Urban |Rural |

|Living Conditions |Tenements |Small Farms/Plantations |

|Workers |Immigrants, Women, and Children |Slaves |

|Workplace Problems |Low Wages, Long Hours, Bad Conditions |Harsh Owners, Long Hours, Bad Conditions |

|Ways to Deal With Workplace |Strikes, Collective Bargaining |Slave Revolts |

|Problems | | |

Short Term Causes of the Civil War

1) Wilmot Proviso ( Ban slavery in all territory acquired from Mexico

2) Compromise of 1850 ( California is Free State, New Mexico and Utah use popular

sovereignty, Fugitive Slave Law

3) Nativism/Know-Nothings ( Mainly in North favoring Native born Americans over


4) Kansas-Nebraska Act ( Allowed Kansas and Nebraska to use popular sovereignty

5) Sumner Brooks Incident ( Southern senator’s nephew beats northern senator with cane for

criticizing south

6) Dred Scott Decision ( Slavery is allowed throughout the US and Missouri Compromise


7) Lincoln-Douglas Debates ( Series of debates for senate seat in Illinois centering on slavery

(Douglas – Popular Sovereignty / Lincoln – No Extension)

8) John Brown’s Raid ( Brown raids a federal arsenal to give weapons to slaves; seen as

martyr for abolition movement

9) Election of 1860 ( Abraham Lincoln elected president without any electoral votes

from the South

10) South Carolina Secession ( Form the Confederate States of America with 7 other southern


Reconstruction Plans

|Reconstruction Plan |Planners |Requirements |

|Ten Percent Plan |Abraham Lincoln |Pardons all who swear allegiance to Union and accept policy on slavery |

| | |EXCEPT Confederate military and government officials |

| | |Hold state conventions to get back into the Union with only 10% |

| | |allegiance |

|Presidential Reconstruction |Andrew Johnson |Pardoned ALL southerners who swore allegiance to the Union |

| | |All states could hold conventions to get back into the Union without |

| | |10% allegiance |

| | |States must void secession and abolish slavery |

|Congressional Reconstruction |Radical Republicans |Military rule for South |

| | |African Americans can vote but former Confederates cannot |

| | |Must ratify 14th Amendment |

| | |Ordered to hold state conventions |

Reconstruction People

Carpetbaggers (Northerners moving South)

Scalawags (Southern Republicans)

Former Plantation Owners

Small Farmers

Tenant Farmers

(Rented Land)

Sharecroppers (Farmed others land and paid with crops)


(Former Slaves)


Industrial Revolution

(Late 1800s)

|Invention |Inventor |Impact |

|Oil Drill |Edwin Drake |Made production of oil faster and more efficient |

|Light Bulb |Thomas Edison |Made lighting easier and more accessible; longer workdays|

|Alternating Currents |George Westinghouse |Made light available to rural areas |

|Telephone |Alexander Graham Bell |Allowed more communication around country |

|Transcontinental Railroad |____________ |Connected the country and allowed for trade throughout |

| | |the nation |

|Bessemer Process |William Kelly |Allowed for faster and cheaper production of steel |


| |Andrew Carnegie |John D. Rockefeller |JP Morgan |

|Industry |US Steel |Standard Oil Company |Banker |

|Technique |Vertical |Horizontal Consolidation |Interlocking Directorates |

| |Consolidation | | |

|Explanation |Buy up all phases of production to |Control all companies in the same |Put members of company in every |

| |cut out middle man |industry |branch of business |

|Example |McDonald’s buys up chicken farms, |McDonald’s works with Hardee’s, |The managers of all fast food |

| |cows, wheat fields, and Oreo Company |Wendy’s, and Burger King to keep |businesses work for McDonald’s |

| | |prices the same |corporation |

Factory Problems

Piecework More Production = More Pay

Sweatshops Long hours, low wages, bad jobs

Workplace Problems

Division of Labor Everyone gets different task

Child Labor Children as young as 5 work

|Labor Unions |

|Union |Purpose |

|National Trades Union |First labor union in America |

| |Included all crafts |

|Knights of Labor |Included workers from all crafts |

| |Accepted African Americans and Women |

| |Fought for shorter hours, better conditions, no child labor |

| |Did not fight for higher wages |

|American Federation of Labor |Included only skilled workers |

| |Did not have very many women of African Americans |

| |Led by Samuel Gompers |

|American Railway Union |Worked to unite all railway workers, skilled and unskilled |

| |Led by Eugene Debs |

Labor Union Strikes

Labor Union Techniques


Strikes: Boycotts: Collective Bargaining:

Stop Working Do not buy from Negotiate with

Certain businesses employer


The Populist Movement

(Late 1800s)

Remember: Wizard of Oz

|Who |Farmers |

|Demands |Increase Money Supply (Free Silver) |

| |Decrease Tariffs |

| |Progressive Income Tax |

| |Government ownership of communications and transportation |

|Candidate |William Jennings Bryan |

| |Delivered Cross of Gold speech in Election of 1896 |

| |Lost election to McKinley |

|Political Party |Populists or The Grange |

Immigration to the United States

|Time Period |Immigrant Groups |Problems Arising |

|1840s |Northwestern Europe |Beginning of Nativism |

| |(Irish, French, Germans) |Know-Nothing Party Forms |

| | |Tenements |

|1890s |Central Europe |Crowded Cities |

| |(Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland) |Tenements |

| | |How The Other Half Lives |

| | |Political Machines |

| | |Nativism Grows |

|1920s |Southern and Eastern Europe |Red Scare |

| |(Russia, Italy, Greece, Romania, and Turkey) |Rise of Ku Klux Kan |

| | |Nativism Continues |

| | |Immigration Restrictions |

Voting Restriction for African Americans

Voting Restrictions

Poll Tax Literacy Test Grandfather Clause

Pay to vote Must be able to read to vote May vote if grandfather

voted prior to Civil War

Booker T. Washington v. WEB Dubois

|Booker T. Washington |Similarities |WEB Dubois |

|Raised as former slave in South |African Americans |Raised in the North |

|Blacks should get a vocational education |Leaders at the turn of the century |Blacks should get a liberal arts education |

|Blacks should work to gain equality with whites |Educated |Blacks should be equal now |

|gradually | | |

|Founded Tuskegee Institute |Working for what each believed best for African |Founded NAACP |

| |Americans | |

Progressive Movement

(Early 1900s)

|Who |Middle class Americans, especially women |

| |Muckrakers: Bring problems of society to public attention |

| |Ida Tarbell = Book on the Standard Oil Company |

| |Upton Sinclair= The Jungle on meatpacking industry |

|Demands |Make government accountable to citizens |

| |Curb power of wealthy |

| |Be more active in the lives of individuals |

|Solutions |Direct Primaries |

| |17th Amendment |

| |Initiative |

| |Referendum |

| |Recall |

|Candidates |Theodore Roosevelt (1912) |

|Political Party |Bull Moose Party |

Foreign Policies

(Early 1900s)

| |Theodore Roosevelt |William Taft |Woodrow Wilson |

|Foreign Policy |Big Stick Diplomacy |Dollar Diplomacy |Moral Diplomacy |

|Explanation |Use force and aggression in dealing |Invest money in the economies of |Apply US morals in dealing with other|

| |with other nations |other nations |nations |

|Historical Usage |Panama Canal |China |Mexican Revolution |

|Usage Today |Attack on Afghanistan and Iraq |Investing money in Iraq |Spreading democracy and ridding Iraq |

| | | |of tyrannical dictator |

Path of Imperialism to 1917

Spanish American War Philippines Puerto Rico China Hawaii

Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary Mexican Revolution World War I

The Square Deal

(Teddy Roosevelt)

Election of 1912

William Taft ( Republican

Split Republican Vote

Candidates Theodore Roosevelt ( Bull Moose

Woodrow Wilson (Democrat Wins Election of 1912

World War I

|Overall Causes |Militarism, Nationalism, Imperialism, Alliances, Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand |

|US Entry |Violation of Sussex Pledge and Zimmerman Note (1917) |

|US Leaders |Woodrow Wilson |

|Warfare |Trench Warfare, Tanks, Poison Gas |

|Sides |Central Powers: Austria Hungary and Germany |

| |Allies: Great Britain, France, Russia, United States, Serbia |

|Theatres |All fought in western Europe |

|Winners |Allies |

|Dates |1914-1918 |

|Treaty |Treaty of Versailles: Reparations, Redraw Map of Europe, League of Nations |

Characteristics of Life in the 1920s

|Term |Meaning |

|Isolation |Cutting country off from the rest of the world |

|Prohibition |Banned consumption, sale, and use of alcohol in America ( organized crime |

|Airplanes |The Wright Brothers launched first aircraft |

|Lost Generation |Writers disconnected with America culture (Hemingway, Fitzgerald) |

|Fundamentalism |Interpreting the Bible literally ( Problems with evolution ( Scopes Trial |

|Easy Credit |More goods ( more to buy ( people buying now and paying later |

|Radio |Nationwide stations allowed a common connection and culture in America |

|Harlem Renaissance |Literary and artistic movement among African Americans |

|Jazz Age |Jazz music comes to the forefront and club open |

|Automobiles |Henry Ford begins mass producing his Model T |

|Film |First sound films come out in America |

Warning Signs of the Great Depression

1. Uneven Prosperity (rich getting richer, poor getting poorer)

2. Lack of Savings (80% of families had no savings)

3. Personal Debt (more Americans buying on credit)

4. Buying on the Margin (buying stock for half the price and paying rest when money comes in)

5. Speculation (get rich quick schemes)

6. Troubles for Farmers (crop prices falling)

7. Overproduction (no business regulations ( warehouses overstocked and no one to sell to)

Ripple Effect of the Stock Market Crash

Market investors lose savings and cannot pay loans (

Banks who invested in high risk companies cannot get loans back (

Banks demand money from consumer borrowers (

Borrowers do not have the money to pay banks (

American panic at thought of banks running out of money (

Everyone goes to the bank to get their money (

Banks run out of money and fail (

Savings accounts are wiped out with no insurance (

Companies who lost money have to cut production and jobs (

Rise in unemployment

Herbert Hoover Versus Franklin Roosevelt

| |Herbert Hoover |Franklin Roosevelt |

|Philosophy of Government |Rugged Individualism |Forgotten Man |

| |(People should help themselves as much as |(Government should work for the people) |

| |possible without government assistance) | |

|Relief Type |Indirect Relief |Direct Relief |

| |(Give money to state and local governments and to|(Federal government deals with problem by |

| |businesses and let the benefits trickle down) |creating programs to assist Americans) |

|Dealing with the Depression |Let it work itself out |Relief, Recovery, and Reform |

|Political Party |Republican |Democrat |

New Deal Policies

|New Deal Program |Acronym |Purpose |

|Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |FDIC |Insure bank deposits up to $5,000.00 |

|Securities and Exchange Commission |SEC |Assures that all information about stocks and bonds is accurate |

|Civilian Conservation Corps |CCC |Put young unmarried men to work doing useful jobs |

|Tennessee Valley Authority |TVA |Sought to build hydroelectric power plants on the Tennessee River to |

| | |help poor area and create jobs |

|Public Works Administration |PWA |Relieved unemployment through large scale work projects |

|Works Progress Administration |WPA |Constructed public buildings, bridges, and roads |

|National Recovery Administration |NRA |Reduced hours for factories, set minimum wage, restricted child labor, |

|(Wagner Act) | |guaranteed collective bargaining |

|Agricultural Adjustment Act |AAA |Federal government pays farmers not to farm |

|Social Security |_______ |Provided unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and benefits for the|

| | |disabled |

Major Movements and Events in US History before World War II

The First Two Political Parties Form

|Federalists |Democratic Republicans |

|Leader: |Leader: |

|Philosophy: |Philosophy: |

|Constitutional Ideas: |Constitutional Ideas: |

Election of 1800



Candidates __________



Equation for the Monroe Doctrine

_________________________ + ________________________ = US Foreign Policy

Manifest Destiny Begins

New Political Parties

|National Republicans |Jacksonian Democrats |

| | |

| | |

| | |

The American System

(Developed by __________________________)

|Three Parts |Overall Purpose |

|1. | |

|2. |

|3. |

Election of 1824



Candidates __________




Reform Movements of the Early 1800s

|Movement |Leaders |Purpose |

|Religious Reform | | |

|Transcendentalists | | |

|Temperance Movement | | |

|Public Education | | |

|Prison Reform | | |

|Utopian Communities | | |

| | | |

|Abolition Movement | | |

|Women’s Rights Movement | | |

|Writers | | |

|Artists | | |

Inventions of the Early 1800s

|Invention |Inventor |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

North versus South

|Category |North |South |

|Type of Economy | | |

|Rural or Urban | | |

|Living Conditions | | |

|Workers | | |

|Workplace Problems | | |

|Ways to Deal With Workplace | | |

|Problems | | |

Short Term Causes of the Civil War

1) Wilmot Proviso (

2) Compromise of 1850 (

3) Nativism/Know-Nothings (

4) Kansas-Nebraska Act (

5) Sumner Brooks Incident (

6) Dred Scott Decision (

7) Lincoln-Douglas Debates (

8) John Brown’s Raid (

9) Election of 1860 (

10) South Carolina Secession (

Reconstruction Plans

|Reconstruction Plan |Planners |Requirements |

|Ten Percent Plan | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Presidential Reconstruction | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Congressional Reconstruction | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Reconstruction People


Industrial Revolution

(Late 1800s)

|Invention |Inventor |Impact |

|Oil Drill | | |

|Light Bulb | | |

|Alternating Currents | | |

|Telephone | | |

|Transcontinental Railroad | | |

|Bessemer Process | | |


| |Andrew Carnegie |John D. Rockefeller |JP Morgan |

|Industry | | | |

|Technique | | | |

|Explanation | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Example | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Factory Problems



Workplace Problems

Division of Labor

Child Labor

|Labor Unions |

|Union |Purpose |

|National Trades Union | |

| | |

|Knights of Labor | |

| | |

|American Federation of Labor | |

| | |

|American Railway Union | |

| | |

| | |

Labor Union Strikes

Labor Union Techniques


Strikes: Boycotts: Collective Bargaining:


The Populist Movement

(Late 1800s)

Remember: ___________________________________

|Who | |

|Demands | |

| | |

| | |

|Candidate | |

|Political Party | |

Immigration to the United States

|Time Period |Immigrant Groups |Problems Arising |

| |Northwestern Europe | |

| |(Irish, French, Germans) | |

| |Central Europe | |

| |(Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland) | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Southern and Eastern Europe | |

| |(Russia, Italy, Greece, Romania, and Turkey) | |

| | | |

| | | |

Voting Restriction for African Americans

Voting Restrictions

Booker T. Washington v. WEB Dubois

|Booker T. Washington |Similarities |WEB Dubois |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Progressive Movement

(Early 1900s)

|Who | |

| | |

|Demands | |

| | |

|Solutions | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Candidates | |

|Political Party | |

Foreign Policies

(Early 1900s)

| |Theodore Roosevelt |William Taft |Woodrow Wilson |

|Foreign Policy | | | |

|Explanation | | | |

| | | | |

|Historical Usage | | | |

| | | | |

|Usage Today | | | |

| | | | |

Path of Imperialism to 1917

___________________ ________ ___________ _____ _____

___________ _______________ ________________ _________________

The Square Deal

(Teddy Roosevelt)

Election of 1912

__________ ( ____________


Candidates __________ ( ____________

__________ (________ ___________________

World War I

|Overall Causes | |

|US Entry | |

|US Leaders | |

|Warfare | |

|Sides | |

|Theatres | |

|Winners | |

|Dates | |

|Treaty | |

Characteristics of Life in the 1920s

|Term |Meaning |

|Isolation | |

|Prohibition | |

|Airplanes | |

|Lost Generation | |

|Fundamentalism | |

|Easy Credit | |

|Radio | |

|Harlem Renaissance | |

|Jazz Age | |

|Automobiles | |

|Film | |

Warning Signs of the Great Depression

1. ____________________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________

6. ____________________________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________________________

Ripple Effect of the Stock Market Crash


___________________________________________________ (

___________________________________________________ (

___________________________________________________ (

___________________________________________________ (

___________________________________________________ (

____________________________________________________ (

____________________________________________________ (

____________________________________________________ (


Herbert Hoover Versus Franklin Roosevelt

| |Herbert Hoover |Franklin Roosevelt |

|Philosophy of Government | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Relief Type | | |

|Dealing with the Depression | | |

| | | |

|Political Party | | |

New Deal Policies

|New Deal Program |Acronym |Purpose |

|Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | | |

|Securities and Exchange Commission | | |

| | | |

|Civilian Conservation Corps | | |

| | | |

|Tennessee Valley Authority | | |

| | | |

|Public Works Administration | | |

| | | |

|Works Progress Administration | | |

| | | |

|National Recovery Administration | | |

|(Wagner Act) | | |

|Agricultural Adjustment Act | | |

| | | |

|Social Security | | |

| | | |

Major Movements and Events in US History before World War II

The First Two Political Parties Form

|Federalists |Democratic Republicans |

|Leader: |Leader: |

|Philosophy: |Philosophy: |

|Constitutional Ideas: |Constitutional Ideas: |

Election of 1800



Candidates __________



Equation for the Monroe Doctrine

_________________________ + ________________________ = US Foreign Policy

Manifest Destiny Begins

New Political Parties

|National Republicans |Jacksonian Democrats |

| | |

| | |

| | |

The American System

(Developed by _______________________)

|Three Parts |Overall Purpose |

|1. |Connect _______________________________ to make America economically |

| |_________________ |

|2. |

|3. |

Election of 1824


Henry Clay

Candidates John Quincy Adams ______________

______________________ sways election in

Andrew Jackson favor of _______ in

Exchange for ________________ position


Reform Movements of the Early 1800s

|Movement |Leaders |Purpose |

|Religious Reform |Charles Finney |To bring traditional Christian values back to |

| | |America |

|Transcendentalists | |To focus on the _____________ and self reliance |

|Temperance Movement |American Temperance Society | |

|Public Education | |Improve public schools and make them available to|

| | |all |

|Prison Reform | |To improve prison conditions for |

| | |_____________________ |

|Utopian Communities |New Harmony | |

| |Brook Farm | |

| |Oneida Community | |

| |Shakers | |

|Abolition Movement | |Movement to ban ______________ |

| | | |

| | | |

|Women’s Rights Movement | |Obtain the right _____________ |

| |Lucretia Mott | |

|Writers | |Gain recognition for America as a literary arena,|

| | |using American themes in writing |

| | | |

|Artists | | |

Inventions of the Early 1800s

|Invention |Inventor |

|Textile Mill | |

|Cotton Gin | |

|Interchangeable Parts | |

|Steamboat | |

|Telegraph | |

|Mechanical Reaper | |

|Steel Plow | |

|Erie Canal | |

North versus South

|Category |North |South |

|Type of Economy | | |

|Rural or Urban | | |

|Living Conditions | | |

|Workers | | |

|Workplace Problems | | |

|Ways to Deal With Workplace | | |

|Problems | | |

Short Term Causes of the Civil War

1) Wilmot Proviso ( Ban slavery in all territory _______________________________

2) Compromise of 1850 ( _____________ is Free State, New Mexico and Utah use ______

_________________, __________________________________

3) Nativism/Know-Nothings ( Mainly in North favoring ________________________________

4) Kansas-Nebraska Act ( Allowed Kansas and Nebraska to use ______________________

5) Sumner Brooks Incident ( Southern senator’s nephew ____________________________for

criticizing south

6) Dred Scott Decision ( Slavery is allowed throughout the US and __________________


7) Lincoln-Douglas Debates ( Series of debates for senate seat in Illinois _________________

(Douglas – ____________________ / Lincoln – _____________)

8) John Brown’s Raid ( Brown raids a _____________ to give weapons to slaves; seen as

__________ for abolition movement

9) Election of 1860 ( ________________ elected president without any ____________

from the South

10) South Carolina Secession ( Form the ___________________________ with 7 other southern


Reconstruction Plans

|Reconstruction Plan |Planners |Requirements |

|Ten Percent Plan | |Pardons ________________________ to Union and accept policy on slavery |

| | |EXCEPT Confederate military and government officials |

| | |Hold state conventions to get back into the Union with |

| | |___________________ |

|Presidential Reconstruction | |Pardoned _____________________ who swore allegiance to the Union |

| | |All states could hold conventions to get back into the Union |

| | |______________ allegiance |

| | |States must void secession and abolish slavery |

|Congressional Reconstruction | |________________________________ |

| | |______________________ can vote but former Confederates cannot |

| | |Must ratify ______________________ |

| | |Ordered to hold state conventions |

Reconstruction People

___________ (Northerners moving South)

_________(Southern Republicans)




(Rented Land)

________________ (Farmed others land and paid with crops)


(Former Slaves)


Industrial Revolution

(Late 1800s)

|Invention |Inventor |Impact |

|Oil Drill | |Made production of oil faster and more efficient |

|Light Bulb | |Made lighting easier and more accessible; |

| | |_____________________ |

|Alternating Currents | |Made light available to rural areas |

|Telephone | |Allowed more communication around country |

|Transcontinental Railroad |____________ |______________________ and allowed for trade throughout |

| | |the nation |

|Bessemer Process |William Kelly |Allowed for ____________________ |

| | |______________________________ |


| |Andrew Carnegie |John D. Rockefeller |JP Morgan |

|Industry | | | |

|Technique | | | |

|Explanation | | | |

|Example |McDonald’s buys up chicken farms, |McDonald’s works with Hardee’s, |The managers of all fast food |

| |cows, wheat fields, and Oreo Company |Wendy’s, and Burger King to keep |businesses work for McDonald’s |

| | |prices the same |corporation |

Factory Problems



Workplace Problems

Division of Labor

Child Labor

|Labor Unions |

|Union |Purpose |

|National Trades Union |____________________________ in America |

| |Included all crafts |

|Knights of Labor |Included workers _______________________ |

| |__________________________________________ |

| |Fought for shorter hours, better conditions, no child labor |

| |Did not fight for higher wages |

|American Federation of Labor |Included only ________________________________ |

| |Did not have very many women of African Americans |

| |Led by _________________________ |

|American Railway Union |Worked to unite all railway workers, skilled and unskilled |

| |Led by ______________________ |

| |Trade Union |

Labor Union Strikes

Labor Union Techniques


Strikes: Boycotts: Collective Bargaining:


The Populist Movement

(Late 1800s)

Remember: Wizard of Oz

|Who | |

|Demands |Increase __________________________________________________ |

| |Decrease _________________________________________________ |

| |Progressive Income Tax |

| |Government ownership of ____________________________________ |

|Candidate |_________________________________________ |

| |Delivered _____________ speech in Election of 1896 |

| |Lost election to ____________________________ |

|Political Party |Populists or _________________________ |

Immigration to the United States

|Time Period |Immigrant Groups |Problems Arising |

|1840s |Northwestern Europe |Beginning of ______________ |

| |(Irish, French, Germans) |________________ Party Forms |

| | |Tenements |

|1890s |Central Europe |Crowded Cities |

| |(Austria-Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland) |___________________ |

| | |__________________________ |

| | |______________________ |

| | |Nativism Grows |

|1920s |Southern and Eastern Europe |__________________________ |

| |(Russia, Italy, Greece, Romania, and Turkey) |Rise of ____________________ |

| | |Nativism Continues |

| | |Immigration Restrictions |

Voting Restriction for African Americans

Voting Restrictions

Poll Tax Literacy Test Grandfather Clause

Booker T. Washington v. WEB Dubois

|Booker T. Washington |Similarities |WEB Dubois |

|Raised as ___________ in South |African Americans |Raised in the_______________ |

|Blacks should get a _________________________ |Leaders at the turn of the century |Blacks should get a __________________________ |

|Blacks should work to gain equality with whites |Educated |Blacks should be _________________ |

|_______________________ | | |

|Founded _________________ |Working for what each believed best for African |Founded _________________ |

| |Americans | |

Progressive Movement

(Early 1900s)

|Who |_______________________________________, especially women |

| |____________________: Bring problems of society to public attention |

| |_________________ = Book on the Standard Oil Company |

| |_________________ = The Jungle on meatpacking industry |

|Demands |Make government accountable to citizens |

| |Curb power of wealthy |

| |Be more active in the lives of individuals |

|Solutions | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Candidates | |

|Political Party | |

Foreign Policies

(Early 1900s)

| |Theodore Roosevelt |William Taft |Woodrow Wilson |

|Foreign Policy | | | |

|Explanation | | | |

| | | | |

|Historical Usage | | | |

|Usage Today |Attack on Afghanistan and Iraq |Investing money in Iraq |Spreading democracy and ridding Iraq |

| | | |of tyrannical dictator |

Path of Imperialism to 1917

______________________ Philippines Puerto Rico _____ Hawaii

___________ ________________ _________________ World War I

The Square Deal


Election of 1912

William Taft (

Candidates Theodore Roosevelt (

Woodrow Wilson (

World War I

|Overall Causes | |

|US Entry | |

|US Leaders | |

|Warfare | |

|Sides |Central Powers: |

| |Allies: |

|Theatres |All fought in western Europe |

|Winners | |

|Dates | |

|Treaty | |

Characteristics of Life in the 1920s

|Term |Meaning |

|Isolation |Cutting country off from |

|Prohibition |Banned consumption, sale, and use of alcohol in America ( |

|Airplanes |The Wright Brothers launched first aircraft |

|Lost Generation |Writers (Hemingway, Fitzgerald) |

|Fundamentalism |Interpreting the Bible literally ( Problems with ( |

|Easy Credit |More goods ( more to buy ( people |

|Radio |Nationwide stations allowed a in America |

|Harlem Renaissance |Literary and artistic movement among |

|Jazz Age |Jazz music comes to the forefront and club open |

|Automobiles |Henry Ford begins mass producing his |

|Film |First come out in America |

Warning Signs of the Great Depression

1. Uneven Prosperity (____________________________________________)

2. ______________________ (80% of families had _____________________)

3. Personal Debt (________________________________________)

4. ___________________ (buying stock for half the price and paying rest when money comes in)

5. ________________________(get rich quick schemes)

6. Troubles for Farmers (____________________________)

7. __________________ (no business regulations ( warehouses overstocked and no one to sell to)

Ripple Effect of the Stock Market Crash

__________________________ lose savings and cannot pay loans (

______________ who invested in high risk companies cannot get loans back (

Banks demand money from __________________________borrowers (

Borrowers do not have the money to pay banks (

_____________________ at thought of banks running out of money (

Everyone ________________________ to get their money (

Banks _____________________________ and fail (

Savings accounts are ___________________with no insurance (

Companies who lost money have to _____________________________________ (

Rise in _______________________________

Herbert Hoover Versus Franklin Roosevelt

| |Herbert Hoover |Franklin Roosevelt |

|Philosophy of Government |__________________________ |_________________________ |

| |(People should help themselves as much as possible |(Government should work for the people) |

| |without government assistance) | |

|Relief Type |____________________________ |__________________________ |

| |(Give money to state and local governments and to |(Federal government deals with problem by |

| |businesses and let the benefits trickle down) |creating programs to assist Americans) |

|Dealing with the Depression | | |

|Political Party | | |

New Deal Policies

|New Deal Program |Acronym |Purpose |

| |FDIC |Insure ___________________ up to $5,000.00 |

| |SEC |Assures that all information about _____________________________is |

| | |accurate |

| |CCC |Put __________________________________ to work doing useful jobs |

| |TVA |Sought to build _________________________ on the Tennessee River to help |

| | |poor area and create jobs |

| |PWA |Relieved unemployment through _____________________________________ |

| |WPA |Constructed public buildings, bridges, and roads |

| |NRA |Reduced hours for factories, _________________________________, restricted|

| | |________________, guaranteed __________________________________ |

| |AAA |Federal government pays farmers ________________________________________ |

| |_______ |Provided _____________________________, _________________________, and |

| | |benefits for _____________________________ |



Form in opposition to Jackson

Great Railroad Strike (1877)

Cause: Wage cuts

Strike: Violence Erupts

Solution: Hayes sends federal

troops to restore order

Haymarket Riot (1886)

Cause: Wanted 8 hour workday

Strike: Violence erupts when

anarchists bomb police

Solution: Police broke up strike

Gives people bad

image of unions

Pullman Strike (1894)

Cause: Wage cuts,

Layoffs, Town Rules

Strike: Interfered

with US Mail


Court order forbade all union activity as against Sherman Antitrust Act

Creating Regulations

Conservation of Resources

Controlling Corporations

Consumer Protection


Great Railroad Strike (1877)




Haymarket Riot (1886)




Pullman Strike (1894)





Great Railroad Strike (1877)


Strike: Violence Erupts


Haymarket Riot (1886)


Strike: Violence erupts when

anarchists bomb police

Solution: Police broke up strike

Pullman Strike (1894)


Strike: Interfered

with _______


Court order forbade all union activity as ________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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