Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies Lesson Plan Template

1. Title: American History grade 11, Colonial America

2. Overview - Big Ideas: Enduring Understandings – The Colonial conflicts between Dutch, British, French, and Spanish in 1600-1700’s shaped the future of North America.

3. Essential Questions – How did the Golden Age pf Piracy influence European political and social structures in the New World.

Lesson Objectives: Standards -

(SS.8.A.1.5 Identify with both primary and secondary sources, the author, audience, format and purpose of significant historical documents.

SS.8.A.1.6 Compare interpretations of key events and issues throughout American History

SS.8.A.1.7 View historic events through the eyes of those who were there as shown in their writing, art, music and artifacts

4. Key Vocabulary: Corsairs, Galleons, buccaneer, privateer, and schooner

5. Evidence of Student Understanding (Assessment) in this Lesson: The students will able to understand and identify how the Golden Age of Piracy coincides with the rise of Great Britain’s dominance in the New World.

6. Materials Needed: Smart Board, Internet, the writings of Daniel Defoe, and Textbook.

7. Steps to Deliver the Lesson: The class will engage in a discussion using a Power-point presentation on the Golden Age of Piracy. The students will read primary documents examining events and personalities that changed the political and social structure of the New World. The students then will then break into groups to discuss how these events shaped different regions in North America. The students will present their findings at end.

8. (From Guided to Independent) Class presentation, group work, class presentation.

9. Differentiated Instruction Strategies: visual, collective, and oral based.

10. Technology Integration: Smart board, Power-point

11. Lesson Closure: The students will present group findings in class.


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