Church Two-Edged Sword Office Ephesians 6:17-18; 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5 ...


September 23, 2022 ? Vol 73, No. 37 ? Fayetteville, NC

Church Office Closed

Because of a Church staff retreat held away from the Church, the Church Office will be closed on Thursday, September 22. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday, September 25

Two-Edged Sword Ephesians 6:17-18; 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5

Hill Toppers' first luncheon is on Thursday, September 29, at 11:45am in the Fellowship Hall! Lunch is free - please call the Church Office for reservations by Monday, September 26! All members who have ever helped with our Carpentry Ministry will be recognized! Dennis Bowen, Executive Director, CCCIoA, will provide our program!

Hill Toppers - Fayetteville Downtown Church Tour

Adults are invited to tour our downtown churches conducted by Bruce Daws on Thursday, October 13! We will meet at the church at 9:40am. The tour is approximately 2 hours - walking is involved! We will go to lunch following the tour. Maximum is 24 (including our driver)! Call the church for reservations - if the number is exceeded, your name will be placed on the waiting list.

This year we're looking to expand our Military Ministry Team and - in addition to continuing our tradition of sending cards, letters, and care packages - explore a variety of "hands on" ministries with units on post, the National Guard and Reserve, veterans and Wounded Warriors. If you are interested in considering this opportunity (or if you have questions/ suggestions), please contact Larry Jones at (864) 982-4930 or l.jones. retired@. Thanks!

The Bell ? September 23, 2022 ? Page 2

"Hearts United in Loving God, Sharing Christ, and Serving Others."

Saturday, October 1 10am to 12noon Youth Suite

Join us for a Mother/Daughter Master Piece. It's the perfect mother/daughter/grandma painting event, where our friends at Siplee Art will guide us in a hands-on experience creating a one-of-a-kind masterpiece! The best get to create a long-lasting bond as well!

This event is open to Moms and Daughters of any age. $20 per family. Make your reservation today! Register by going to snydermbc. com and scroll down to Coming Events.

Guys Getaway


October 21 - 23 | Fort Caswell

Retreat begins with dinner on Friday and ends before lunch on Sunday. $165 registration

(includes meals, lodging and materials)

For more information visit guysgetaway. org#retreat. If enough of Snyder's men and young men register then we can arrange for group transportation for the weekend.

NC State Fair Tuesday, October 18

FREE (for those 65+)

Bus leaves at 8:15am No Stops on the way!

Call Lyn at (910) 484-3191 to sign up for the NC Fair trip. Available for 23 fair lovers!

Bojangles' biscuits and coffee will be served on the Dorton Patio near the Waterfall.

Before your Holiday Calendar gets full.... reserve this date!!!


Friday, December 9

Dinner at Captain Benjam?n's after a matinee show

Only $60 per person for dinner and the show!

Come by the Church Office and purchase / reserve your spot(s) with Lyn. Bus space is limited!

Singing Christmas Tree Dates

December 1 - 4, 2022 Tickets will be available on

Thursday, November 10.

Ray's nd Annual

"Hearts United in Loving God, Sharing Christ, and Serving Others."

Run Fayetteville Area Operation Inasmuch 2nd Annual Ray's Run

SASTaURtuDArYd, ay,

Join us in upgrading


The Lodge, helping homeless men get their


lives back on track!


For more information and to register: or scan below



Adults - $30; Youth - $20

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Youth Registthraetiolne: f$t2.0

Flu Shot Clinic

Friday, September 28 Gathering Hall

1:30 ? 6pm

Must make an appointment by calling the Church Office.

Sponsored by Walgreens Pharmacy. Doug Mitchell is the contact person.

Free with most insurances.

The Bell ? September 23, 2022 ? Page 3

Ministry Fair

Sunday, October 9 9:30 - 11am

Sunday, October 9

9:30am - 11am FIND A MINISTRY

that needs your gifts and strengths to help others! There will be no Sunday School on that day to encourage everyone to participate in the Ministry Fair! Find opportunities to serve within the church and outside the church! Infants and preschoolers will go to their Sunday

School classes. Children (1st - 6th grade) will go to the Ministry Fair and have a special treasure hunt

activity. Youth will participate as well!

If you are a Church Member and have not taken the Strengthfinder test, email Susie Reeder at

susier@ for directions.

Welcome New Members

Brandon & Cassie, Alana & Cali




Seth & Victoria


Robert & Angela



WEBSITE: THE BELL (USPS 549-180) is published weekly except Christmas and July 4 weeks by Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, 701 Westmont Drive, Fayetteville NC 28305. Tele: 910-484-3191. Periodicals postage paid at Fayetteville, NC. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BELL, 701 Westmont Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28305.

The Bell ? September 23, 2022 ? Page 4

A Pastor's Perspective

TO: Our Church Family

FROM: Your Church Staff Who Loves You

RE: We Miss You

It's time. You've thought it. You've felt the nudge. The Holy Spirit poked ya' a bit. It's time. We know it's easy to go to church in your pajamas...or sleep in. But isn't it time? For you? For your family? Isn't it time to come back to gather again in person to worship, fellowship, and serve with your Snyder family? Our heartfelt plea is to those who haven't returned, yet are physically able to join us. We've heard some of the reasons. "COVID" (understandable). "We don't have a Senior Pastor." "We've gotten out of the habit." Lovingly, it's time to come back. We miss you...but it's more than that. You need to be here for you and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

You are a vital part of the Body of Christ here at Snyder. You are a part of us. The Body suffers when you aren't here to worship, fellowship, care for one another, and serve ? giving of your time, talents and resources. We suffer, and you along with us, when you aren't here.

Hebrews 10:25 encourages us, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." It's here, with the gathered church, we find encouragement from the Lord and our friends.

We're going to sound a bit selfish here, but here it is. Having navigated this difficult season of ministry through COVID and in our transition to our next pastor, your presence here would encourage us more than you know. We long for you to join us in person for worship, Sunday School, Youth Lifegroups, and Children's LaunchPad. We'd treasure the opportunity to fellowship with you over a meal on Wednesday nights. Hopefully, in the next few months we will welcome a new pastor. We will rejoice together.

It's time. It's time to come back home to Snyder. We miss you and look forward to seeing you soon.

Serving Together,

Susie, Giles, Geron, Richard, Karen, Jon and Bruce

Overseas: James A. Parker

Deacon of the Week: Landon Bentham (910) 580-6487

Hospital: Burton Lawson - CFV Susan McGugan - CFV

Christian Sympathy:

is extended to the family of Todd Lecka.

9/28/22 Menu:

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Green Beans | Garlic Bread

Side Salad

Italian Creme Cake

Chef Salad

Kids' Meal: Quesadillas | Chips & Salsa

Fresh Fruit

MEMBERSHIP September 18

Resident Membership Number Additions to Date Number Lettered Out to Date Loss by Death Moved to Non-Resident/Roll Rev Total Membership

1753 0 0 2 1




Sunday School


840am Worship


11am Worship





As of 09/16/2022

Total Budget Gifts


Amount Needed


Given to Date


Under Budget


Given to date:

Goal: $1,500,000

Balance: $63,256.43


Mission Giving Plans - August

NC Baptist State Convention $4,982.59

NC Cooperative Baptist Fellowship $5,994.59

International Mission Partner Ministries $8,991.76


Interim Pastor


Minister of Worship


Church Administrator


Associate Pastor


Dir. of Children & Family Min. KAREN MCAMIS

Minister with Students


Minister of Missions


Minister of Music



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