Fashion History

Fashion History

B.C. to Present Times


Fashions of this period come from several groups in

existence at this time: Egyptians, Cretes, Greeks,

Romans, and Byzantine.

Most is known about Egyptian fashion due to their burial

procedures. Linen was used exclusively as a textile

with the Egyptians because it was all were able to grow

in their area.

Egyptian Fashions

The Shenti was the

loincloth worn by

Egyptian men.

The Kalasiris was a linen

gown worn by Egyptian


Movies representing the

B.C. Time Period


The Mummy

Anglo-Saxon Fashion AD500-1000

Clothing measures

status and economic


Hard to keep track of the

status of what is ¡°in¡± and



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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