TOWN OF EASTONSelect Board Meeting – Draft CopyJuly 20, 2015Select Board Select Board Secretary Ned Cutler – Chairman - Present Toni Woodruff - PresentZhenye Mei – Present Debbie Stever – Present Town Treasurer Darrell Gearhart –Not Present “These minutes of the Town of Easton Select Board have been recorded by the Secretary. Though believed accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at the next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. The minutes are made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91 – A: 2.” Chairman Ned Cutler officially called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.Minutes: Minutes of the July 6, 2015 meeting were approved with the following amendments:Delete 7th bullet under Paine RoadDelete3rd bullet under MiscellaneousSpelling Correction – Wits End RoadPublic in Attendance: Jim Collier, Barbara Collier, Bob Thibault, Brenda Adam, Kris PastorizaVouchers and Checks: All vouchers were approved for the Treasurer’s issuance of checks with the exception of a bill that was paid through Pay Pal. The Town does not have a Pay Pal account. The SB asked the Treasurer to look into this.Treasurer’s Report – Read by Ned CutlerAccount Balance as of July 20, 2015Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank – Checking Account : $27,826.77Woodsville Guaranty savings Bank – Money Market Account: $337,926.29Total Balance: $365,753.06Ned Cutler made a motion to accept, Debbie Stever seconded. Motion passedSelect Board BusinessGibson RoadDebbie Stever spoke with the DOT in Concord. The DOT will coordinate a meeting with the SB to find the best manner of addressing the traffic concerns presented by Gibson Rd. The SB determined availability the last week of AugustPaine Road Follow-UpThe discussion regarding Paine Road (renaming Northern Section) continuedThe SB will respond to information provided by a Paine Road Resident in opposition to renaming the Road (this information is public record and can be found with the July 6th minutes). All residents and property owners on Paine Road will receive a copy of the response along with a survey regarding the name changeLiability is a concern of the SB since Paine Rd. is identified on the Town’s Haz Mit planThere was a suggestion to look into changing all of Paine Road to a Class V Road. The findings and costs associated would be brought to the Public at the annual Town MeetingBuilding ConcernsA Town resident, who is building a barn on her property, came before the SB to discuss the addition of a cupola to the roof of the barn and to also present updated building plans for a structure with a bit larger footprintEven though the cupola would add to the height of the building, it was determined to be decorative in nature, adding to the aesthetics of the structure.After discussion, it was determined that the Easton Zoning Ordinances do not specifically limit decorative roof accessories or the height of said accessories, thus the height of the building would not exceed the maximum cited in the OrdinancesNed Cutler motioned to allow the cupola, Zak Mei seconded. PassedThe SB made note of the fact that, in the future, any changes to an original building application must be submitted to the SB for approval prior to making the changeJim Collier, Chairman of the Planning Board stated that the Planning Board would undertake the task of “cleaning up” the Zoning OrdinancesThe Board spoke about the railings on the handicap ramp at Town Hall. They are not in compliance, but could be grand-fathered. Debbie Stever found a company in Manchester that will give a free estimate for State/Federal compliance of handicap access. The SB will continue to look into this projectThe lack of lighting outside Town Hall was addressed. It was the majority opinion that lighting should be adequate so that people can see where they are going in the darkKinsman CemeteryA Cemetery Trustee attended to discuss the process for getting work done at the CemeteryThe SB said the Trustees should call for estimates and then come to the SB to see about fundingHarry Burgess of Bath was recommended for survey work that is considered important because of road building being done adjacent to the cemetery. The concern is that the slope alongside the road and parallel to the Cemetery is too steep and trees cut down are possibly laying on Cemetery propertyAlso there is the need to cut down certain trees: if they fall they could cause damage to the CemeteryMiscellaneousDebbie Stever will write a follow-up letter to Eversource regarding the abandoned poles. Eversource was supposed to inform the Town of the pole removal, but no correspondence has been receivedThe Town Website is updated by Selectman Zak Mei. He will look into updating the ECC website alsoThe building application for a cell tower on a Rtes. 112, 116 subdivision was submitted. It was denied by the SB and will be sent to the ZBA as a special exception to our Zoning OrdinancesIt was brought to the Board’s attention that the vegetation on Town Roads is impeding the views of oncoming traffic and pedestrian traffic. It was suggested that Mr. Peckett arrange for the cutting back of the overgrowthETHIC does not want the responsibility of writing the Rental Policy for Town Hall. They will, however, check on Town Hall after a rental to make sure all is in order. Debbie Stever wrote a draft policy. The SB will read through and make comments for the next meeting. The need for insurance for groups using Town Hall needs clarification.Jim Collier brought up the condition of the property next to Town Hall. He feels, for safety reasons, the grass should be cutThe SB briefly discussed the least expensive way to update computer useage and file sharing by the Boards, Treasurer, Tax Collector, and ClerkCorrespondenceThe Town received the map of the Darvid Farm Conservation EasementZak Mei will look into the PLT contract with regard to the contents of the Fire Dept.An application for a septic system on Valley View Road was denied by the State with instructions for the ownerThe SB signed the Wt. Mt. Natl. Forest Reimbursement form. The Secretary will send the form to the NH Dept. of RevenueThe SB will sign the Tax Map Agreement with Cartographics after discussing the agreement further with CSINed Cutler made a motion at 8:55p.m. to close the public session and move to closed session to discuss legal issues. Zak Mei seconded the motion. PassedThe Board returned to public session at 9:30p.m. Ned Cutler moved to seal the minutes of the closed session. Debbie Stever seconded. PassedDebbie Stever made a motion to close the meeting at 9:3p.m.. Ned Cutler seconded. The meeting was closed.Respectfully submitted,Toni Woodruff, SecretaryEaston Select Board ................

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