TOWN OF EASTONSelect Board Meeting – Draft CopyAugust 7, 2015Select Board Select Board Secretary Ned Cutler – Chairman -Not Present Toni Woodruff - PresentZak Mei – Present Debbie Stever – Present Town Treasurer Darrel Gearhart – Not Present “These minutes of the Town of Easton Select Board have been recorded by the Secretary. Though believed accurate and correct, they are subject to additions, deletions, and corrections by the Select Board at the next meeting when the Board votes its final approval of the minutes. The minutes are made available at this time to conform to the requirements of New Hampshire RSA 91 – A: 2.” In the absence of Chairman, Ned Cutler, Zak Mei officially called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.The minutes from the July 20, 2015 Select Board meeting were reviewed and amended as follows:Consideration of the Paine Road Survey is held over until a later dateThere was a suggestion by a member of the public to possibly look into changing all of Paine road to a Class V RoadDebbie Stever made a motion to accept the minutes as amended Zak Mei seconded the motion. PassedPublic in Attendance: Jim Collier, Bob Thibault, Ed O’Brien, Denys Draper, Rich Larcom, Dennis Ford, Bunny Ford, Maria Hynes, Kathy Thibault, John VailIt was decided to always inform those present when a member of the public is taping the SB meeting. A small sign will allow late comers to know that the meeting is being taped. This public session was tapedVouchers and Checks: All vouchers and checks presented at this meeting were accounted for by the Selectmen.There was a question regarding a Fairpoint Bill. Zak Mei will look into the charges prior to payment. The Treasurer’s Report was revised to reflect this.Zak Mei read the Treasurer’s ReportTreasurer’s Report – August 3, 2015Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank - Checking Account: $18,744.82Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank - Money Market Account : $338,588.98Total Balance - $357,333.80Debbie Stever made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Zak Mei seconded the motion. Passed\Select Board BusinessZBA Hearing Dennis Ford, a ZBA member, appeared before the Board to express his concern with regard to Section 501 in the Zoning Ordinances as it related to a decision by the ZBA in granting a resident’s application for a variance.The issue at hand is the interpretation of this Ordinance. Mr. Ford contends that since the residence in question was constructed prior to the Zoning Ordinances going into effect, this resident did not need a building permit from the SB nor a variance from the ZBAThe resident attended this meeting with a building permit application so that he can begin renovation on his buildingThe SB assured this resident they would contact the NHMA immediately after the meeting to determine the correct way to interpret the ordinance which will allow him, in any case, to proceed with his projectStray DogsRich Larcom, Easton’s Animal Control Officer to discuss and develop a plan regarding stray dogs found in EastonHis suggestion is to sign a contract with the Littleton Pet Center who will house strays for $20/day for 10 days. If the owner comes for the dog he is liable for all expenses, if not the Town is responsible. After 10 days, the Humane Society takes the dog, at no further charge to the TownHaving the money from dog licenses go into a fund for this purpose was discussed. Mr. Larcom was made aware that the Town did donate $$ to the Humane Society at Town Meeting. The Humane Society needs to write a letter to our Treasurer asking for the release of those fundsThe Board voted (Debbie Stever motioned, Zak Mei seconded) to allow Rich Larcom negotiate the contract with Littleton Pet CenterKinsman CemeteryThe Cemetery Trustees are employing Harry Burgess to install boundary markers approx. every 30 ft. to ensure there is no encroachment on cemetery propertyThe cutting of certain trees is necessary. Rich Larcom is looking into bidsThe Trustees would like to repaint the Kinsman Cemetery sign, and purchase a historical site marker to attach to the signDenys Draper is researching the cost of a new flag pole (lit at night), and a kiosk to house a map of cemetery burial sitesRich Larcom is also investigating a possible fence for the cemetery (split rail?)The Trustees would like to host a possible fall clean-up of the CemeteryEaston Public LibraryThere is not much more that the Trustees can do with regard to closing the LibraryBunny Ford is in touch with the State Library Director to receive written approval to close the Library. A site visit by the State is unnecessaryAll of the historical documents are stored in one space. The Town voted to keep theseThe Trustees are asking if anyone donated to the Library and want their donations back, please contact one of the Trustees for accessTown Hall Rental and ETHICThe Town Hall Rental Policy is being developed and written by Debbie Stever and Zak MeiThe SB is in charge of all rentalsETHIC will coordinate all events with a before and after checklist for all rentalsPLT will cover insurance for all Town sponsored events. Other rentals will need to supply their own insurance coverage (TULIP)ETHIC will conduct a Rummage Sale on 9/19 (tentative). Set up is indoors with tables in the main meeting room. Set up is the day prior to the sale.Donations will be accepted on Sept.9th and 16th at Town Hall (Meeting Room)MiscellaneousA tree in danger of falling on Paine Road was reported. The letter sent to the residents of Paine Road was briefly discussedDebbie Stever received a letter from Eversource (after contacting them). The abandoned poles are scheduled for removal in fall or early winter. Poles in Easton, Woodstock, and Lincoln are on the removal listDenys Draper reported on Lafayette School events, the most notable- the installation of the new pellet heating system. There is an RFP for new windows, insulation, and doors. School begins on August 31stZak Mei will purchase the firewall necessary to complete work on the State DMV line connection to Town HallIndividuals will have to pay for access to Grafton County Registry of Deeds information. The Towns will continue to have free accessThe Transfer Station and Lafayette Recreation sent an explanation of their administrative feesCorrespondenceAll correspondence was addressed during the meeting ( mostly falling under Miscellaneous)Debbie Stever made a motion to go into closed session at 11:25 a.m. to discuss legal issues. Zak Mei seconded. The Board motioned to return to public session at 12:00. Zak Mei made the motion to seal the minutes. Debbie Stever seconded.The meeting was closed at 12:10. p.m. Motioned by Zak Mei, seconded by Debbie SteverRespectfully submitted,Toni WoodruffSecretary to the Easton Select Board ................

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