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hey guys


what's up albirhiza


bioshock is fun

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bioshock is the game club


Here's hoping that the Warcraft movie wil break the negative conitation of bad video game movies.


golf claps!

do you dare stop, i know what country you live in!!!!


looks like being the #1 show of the week has gone to Spydersvenom's head. :D

can the show maintain its #1st place ranking.


i like the teaser idea, if i miss a show sometimes i don't catch up for a while


Hey its a small world, or so people say.


yeah, When John screams that, I had to turn the volume down on my headphones because I have sensative hearing.

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Spydersvenom: So its not pronounced as Tit us.


what about Ryu?

Its pronounced Ry U. Some people tend to say Ree U


Here's a tricky one - depending on which version of FFVII that you got, there is 2 spellings for a certain character's name. It can be Aerith or Aeris.

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Only one spelling for that game though


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* Rageinator slaps the living shit out of billyok


its like the whole thing with Ubisoft


Tie-dus is not grammaticaly correct though

silly japanese

tee-dus I mean -_-


didn't the devs say Shattered memories was replacing old canon?

I may be wrong

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The problem Kojima's writing is, It has way way way too much dialogue.


which is why MSG has long cutscenes


Do you suppose that any of the Silent Hill games will be released on PC, preferably Steam?


you think p.t will have alot of dialogue?


Kojima has a problem with show don't tell

He actually really got better at it with MGS3 but then fell back into his old hole with MGS4


Konami can release anything they can? or anything they dont have rights to like TMNT or Simpsons arcade?


Tigerclaw: Yeah, I'd love to see those on Steam too. Hell, I'd take virtually ANY classic Konami game at this point

Same goes with classic Capcom games



still cant believe the fighters and capcom brawlers from the past didnt get ports

capcom owns those rights


no middleman


Exactly. Hell, I'd even like to see some classic SNK fighters too, like the Samurai Shodown series (esp. #4)

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Right? So the Wii gets the Samurai Showdown Collection and PC doesn't?


rage you have 400 unplayed games

you don’t need any more classics right now




I can't even begin to fathom how many paychecks I pumped into the Samurai Shodown IV arcade cabinet at my alma mater back in the day


it is actually form of story telling, keeping details as much open, thus allowing them free interpretation, thus making them more accesible to readers, so they are bound to translate better, however later on different adaptions are harder to create as first one creates stronger imprint

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order 1886: "we can't do 60fps so uhh cinema and stuff"


that's great


Fort makes a good point, but making a relatable suffering game wouldn't be very fun.


yeah, in fact if you succeed your game fails


good point

the game would be Dark Souls: Gaza strip edition


Kinda justifies the cancellation of six days in falluja - having not played the demo myself

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Double Dragon is a lesson on how not to make a movie. It's SOOO bad it demands to be watched, just to see how bad a movie can get


the mario bros film is incredible

it might not resemble mario very well but on its own merits its a crazy, funny, surreal film

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it was bob hoskins only professional regret :(


RIP Bob Hoskins


that's true

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pouring one out for him as we speak

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litterally just finished a TVC directed by Rocky Morton a couple of weeks ago


Legend of Chung Li was awful


Let's face it, Its very difficult to translate Street fighter into a live action movie. It only works when its anime.

there's a street fighter web series that i heard good things about


I'm not sure it could be adapted even as an anime, its just not that interesting

now Blazblue as an anime?

that's something I could get behind


Even the late Dennis Hopper shit on the movie

and he played Bowser


this is very true


there is a blazblue anime

apparently it's pretty bad though


I did not know that

sucks if its bad

I was hoping they'd release a really good one some day


Mortal Kombat was very cheesy but good. Just don't talk about the abomination that was the second mvoie though.


oh yeah, Robin Shou also appeared on the Legend of Chun Li


Wow, he gets around


The DOA movie was fun. I enjoyed it. Have it on DVD


and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa appeared in another video game movie, In Tekken as Heihachi Mishim


Wrong...Gina Carano was an american Gladiator and she's a passable actress

Wing Commander didn't have a followable plot

Chris ROberts wrote and directed it. He had no idea what he was doing.


lolz, great point about Roberts


WC3 does -not- hold up. go try to play that thing

porn actress Ginger Lynn was also one of the stars of Wing COmmanfer

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spydersvenom: you never played Wing Commander 4?


Derrick, I think I'm gonna have to play my 3DO copy of WC III next Retro Game Night


nor Wing Commander Prophecy


@TigerClaw: No I haven't, does it hold up?


it's free on Origin

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I have Origin!



spydersvenom: I dont know, I played it a long time ago, The version I have was made to support a DVD Decoder card I uses to have, Because the cutscenes were formatted in DVD Quality

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,leaving earth now, bye

Bronies! The Musical by Oddbird Theatricals — Kickstarter


and it had the whole interactive story thing where you had the dialogue trees




whats interesting about this version is all the cutscenes are in the .vob format, So you can play those files and watch every scene.


It looks like he used the same type of puppets for the Kilrathi as he did in the movie. Not realizing that you cant get away with stuff on film that you can get away with on a super low res, 10fps mpeg from a game

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FifthDream: I'm in


mine was MK too

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aint nothing wrong with the Tomb Raider movies

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I understood FF:Spirits Within. that doesnt make it good.

FF:SW was sold as an action movie when it really was a spiritual CGI animie


Spirits Within was one of my biggest dissapointments


Simon West directed the 1st Tomb Raider movie, And he was the director of Con Air, And most recently was the director of The Expendables 2


Derrick, you are right, but take away the FF and watch the flick, it is ok

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I'm going to rip the chat and paste it in the show notes. It's too good and we didn't get to a fraction of it

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No reason but sale to attach FF to that movie

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Aint nothing wrong with the RE; Movies. The source material was ridiculous and the movie attempted to make sense of it.

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ⓘ DoomPlague|2 is now known as DoomPlague

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AND, they've actually attempted to keep one storyline between all the movies. RE hasn't had a reboot yet

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the RE games are horror schlock and the movies are action schlock

I don't play the RE games for the plot anyway


Filming of the final Resident Evil got delayed because Paul WS Anderson knocked up Mila Jovavich


that sack


if the caller high? he's bouncing all over the place like his brain can't focus.


I also like the RE movies, not as RE IP game movies, but good series


if = is


Fort is probably a bit drunk


Just been informed by Michelle in the VGO forums that John will be 15 minutes late for the show


I don't like the RE movies I think they're completely complacent


well we still promise to be done by 9 est



The only part in that Doom movie that was aqurate was that FPS scene.

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Oh my fucking god forget the games were ever made, Doom as a movie on its own is shit


that scene captured what Doom is all about


didn't mind Doom either. Have it on HD-DVD


Aw... i wanted to explode.


It made the RE movies look totally awesome


Again, the plot in Doom is non-existantm, so the movie at least tried to make it watchable

Carmack gave it his blessing


the only problem with the Doom movie was that it didn't use the Hell storyline

instead of demons from hell, they were fighting mutants


they kind of did use the hell story line. The went to Mars, and they found that the previous martians had opened a gateway to Hell.


You shouldn't view video game movies as adaption anyway, you should view them as movies that throw references at the source games

that said most video game movies will still be shit

not that you can't like shit though, I like a ton of shit games


allgames|13351: It do that and Doom is still shit





yeah agreed


HAHA "juggies mode"


we called that Jägermeister in college




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