March 17, 2020


Beverly L. Hackenberg, Council President X

Tod M. Steese, Vice President X

Paul E. Bottiger, Council Member X

Richard J. Fry, Council Member X

Linda L. Lewis, Council Member X

Duane L. Zimmerman, Council Member X

David M. Cooney, Mayor X

Jeffrey L. Hackenburg, Chief of Police X

Allen P. Page IV, Solicitor X

Margaret A. Metzger, Borough Manager X

Robert M. Rowe, Borough Project Manager X

Misty L. Ross, Assistant Secretary X

The regular meeting of Mifflinburg Borough Council was called to order at 6:30 PM.

There was one (1) visitor present at this meeting which was Jim Emery.

Motion by: Tod M. Steese

Second by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To approve the minutes of the Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular meeting of Mifflinburg Borough Council.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Motion by: Linda L. Lewis

Second by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To approve payment of Bill List # 2020-03 in the amount of $919,702.12.

Yes – Mr. Bottiger, Mr. Fry, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Steese, Mrs. Hackenberg

No – None

Mr. Jim Emery, Codes Enforcement Officer for the Central Keystone Council of Governments (CK-COG), informed Borough Council that he is present at tonight’s meeting to discuss the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Outdoor Warning Siren System. A copy of the SOP has been forwarded to Mrs. Metzger.

Mayor Cooney announced that the Outdoor Warning Siren System will be tested on Saturday, March 28, 2020 at 12:00 PM, which will consist of a one (1) - one (1) minute blast. Upon discussion, the test date was changed to Saturday, April 4, 2020 at 12:00 PM, with a rain date of Saturday, April 11, 2020.

Mrs. Metzger inquired if the SOP for the Outdoor Warning Siren System would have to be adopted by resolution. Mr. Page advised that a resolution would be required to adopt the SOP for the Outdoor Warning Siren System and stated that he would draft a resolution for Borough Council consideration at the Tuesday, April 21, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting.

Ms. Lewis inquired where the notice would be posted subsequent to adoption. Mayor Cooney clarified that the notice would be released to the public through local news media via The Union/Snyder County Times, The Daily Item, published in Mifflinburg 'News & Views', and/or announced on social media via Facebook, the Borough’s website, and the Swiftreach System.

Mr. Steese made a correction to the SOP for the Outdoor Warning Siren System. Mr. Steese stated that the SOP indicates that sirens sound a steady tone for three (3) minutes; however, that should be one (1) minute. Mr. Emery stated that originally the sirens were going to sound for three (3) minutes; however, this can be changed.

Mayor Cooney clarified that sirens will be activated for one (1) minute during testing and three (3) minutes during an actual tornado or thunderstorm warning. Mr. Steese expressed that he thinks if we’re going to show the public what the sirens sound like, then we show them what it is, not 1/3 of what it is. A discussion was held; it was the consensus of Borough Council that during testing, the sirens would be activated for three (3) minutes, the same as during an actual warning.

Mr. Jim Emery, Codes Enforcement Officer for the Central Keystone Council of Governments (CK-COG), informed Borough Council that he is also present at tonight’s meeting regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Mr. Emery reported that in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Union County has asked every municipality to ratify a Declaration of Disaster Emergency. A copy of a Declaration of Disaster Emergency was present at tonight’s meeting for Mayor Cooney and Borough Council to sign.

Mr. Page reviewed the Declaration of Disaster Emergency as presented and advised Borough Council that he was fine with the declaration as presented. Mr. Page indicated that such declaration of a local disaster emergency shall not be continued or renewed for a period in excess of seven (7) days, except by or with the consent of Borough Council. This declaration shall expire in seven (7) days. Should it be felt that this declaration needs to be extended, Borough Council will have to reconsider extending the Declaration of Emergency for more than seven (7) days. Mr. Page suggested that Borough Council could authorize Mayor Cooney or the Chief Executive Officer to act as necessary to implement this disaster to continue with the State or County emergency declaration.

Mr. Emery clarified that similar Declarations of Disaster Emergencies have been signed in the past for things like severe weather events.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To authorize ratification of a Declaration of State of Emergency for the Borough of Mifflinburg to coincide with the State’s declaration in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as recommended by Union County.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Motion by: Tod M. Steese

Second by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To approve the Mifflinburg Borough Zoning Report for February 2020 and authorize payment to the Central Keystone Council of Governments (CK-COG) in the amount of $2,746.70.

Yes – Mr. Fry, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Steese, Mr. Bottiger, Mrs. Hackenberg

No – None

Mrs. Hackenberg announced that Borough Council consideration is requested for Resolution No. 2020-09; Appointing members and alternate members of the Zoning Hearing Board. Mrs. Metzger clarified that this resolution is to add Mr. Jarred Fry to the members of the Zoning Hearing Board. A copy of the resolution has been included in the information tonight. Borough Council action is requested to adopt this resolution.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 2020-09; Appointing members and alternate members of the Zoning Hearing Board.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Hackenberg announced that Borough Council consideration is requested for Resolution No. 2020-10; A resolution for Plan Revision for New Land Development Sewage Facilities Planning Module for 247 Chestnut Street Building Renovation. Mrs. Metzger stated that this is a standard form that was overlooked in the initial DEP submission for 247 Chestnut Street; however, this form is required to be filed with DEP. A copy of the resolution has been included in the information tonight. Borough Council action is requested to adopt this resolution.

Motion by: Linda L. Lewis

Second by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 2020-10; A resolution for Plan Revision for New Land Development Sewage Facilities Planning Module for 247 Chestnut Street Building Renovation.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Hackenberg announced that Borough Council consideration is requested for Resolution No. 2020-11; Authorizing Borough Council’s remote attendance at meeting via electronic methods. Mr. Page reported that he just prepared this resolution today. In accordance with 35 Pa.C.S. §7501 of the Borough Code, Borough Council may implement a policy which outlines additional provisions and/or procedures regarding Council’s remote attendance at meetings via electronic methods. A copy of the resolution has been included in the information tonight. Borough Council action is requested to adopt this resolution.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To adopt Resolution No. 2020-11; Authorizing Borough Council’s remote attendance at meeting via electronic methods.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that included in the information tonight they received a packet of information from Ms. Janice Butler, a local U.S. Census Bureau Recruiter. Ms. Butler was supposed to be present at tonight’s meeting to discuss 2020 US Census Bureau participation; however, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic she opted to provide written materials instead. Ms. Butler asked that the following message be relayed to Borough Council Members:

Mayor Cooney and Council Member,

Although I can’t be there in person, I thank you for your service to the community. I hope these packets will help you educate others about the importance of the 2020 Census and jobs available for those who may need work in the weeks ahead.

Janice Butler

Mrs. Metzger reported that Ms. Carol McJilton, a resident of Walnut Street, was also supposed to be present at tonight’s meeting to express her concerns with the cost of utilities for apartments; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic she also opted not to attend tonight’s meeting. Ms. McJilton is concerned with the way the Borough bills for water and sewer without considering the difference in usage between an apartment and a house. Ms. McJilton thinks there should be some kind of accommodation in the policy. Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that she explained to Ms. McJilton that Borough Council looked at the billing process previously and have been advised that they have an obligation to treat everyone the same, they can’t make exceptions for certain groups of individuals; however, Ms. McJilton thinks Borough Council can do better than that. A discussion was held regarding the Borough’s billing process. Mrs. Metzger clarified that she informed Ms. McJilton that she would pass her concerns on to Borough Council and that Borough Council would discuss this matter at a subsequent Borough Work Session.

Mrs. Metzger reminded Borough Council that they took action at the Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to authorize the Solicitor and a Borough Representative to attend and bid on 1 Oak Avenue at the Judicial Sale. Mrs. Metzger reported that she and Mr. Page attended the Judicial Sale for 1 Oak Avenue and purchased the property for $7,000.00. Borough Council action is requested to approve the amount of this transaction. Mr. Page interjected that Borough action is not required since they authorized him to attend and bid on 1 Oak Avenue at the Judicial Sale.

Mrs. Metzger reminded Borough Council that they took action at the Tuesday, January 21, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to approve the submission of a 902 Recycling Grant application for the purchase of a new Chipper for the Borough of Mifflinburg. Mrs. Metzger updated Borough Council that subsequent to the preliminary review by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), she was informed of additional requirements for the 902 Recycling Grant application. Due to these additional requirements, it’s not possible for the Borough to meet the grant application deadline. Borough Council action is requested to rescind the motion regarding this application.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To rescind the motion to approve the submission of a 902 Recycling Grant application for the purchase of a new Chipper for the Borough of Mifflinburg.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that the Field Use Agreements between the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Little League Association, the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Harry F. Haney Memorial Park Association, and the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Area School District; the Field Lighting Agreements between the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Little League Association and the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Harry F. Haney Memorial Park Association; and the Athletic Use Agreement between the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Swim Team were reviewed at the Tuesday, March 2, 2020 Borough Work Session and are recommended to be renewed without significant changes. Borough Council action is requested to approve these agreements for the 2020 Season.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To approve the Field Use Agreements between the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Little League Association, the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Harry F. Haney Memorial Park Association, the Field Lighting Agreements between the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Little League Association and the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Harry F. Haney Memorial Park Association; and the Athletic Use Agreement between the Borough of Mifflinburg and the Mifflinburg Swim Team.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that the admission rates for the Mifflinburg Community Pool passes for the 2020 season were also reviewed at the Tuesday, March 2, 2020 Borough Work Session and an increase of $5.00/pass is recommended. Borough Council action is recommended to approve the new admission rates for the Mifflinburg Community Pool passes for the 2020 season with the recommended increase.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To approve the new admission rates for the Mifflinburg Community Pool passes for the 2020 season with the recommended increase of $5.00/pass.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger reminded Borough Council that they took action at the Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to approve the dates for the Annual Spring Drop-Off event for April 22-24, 2020 (12:00-8:00 PM) and April 25, 2020 (8:00 AM-12:00 PM) and to authorize Mr. Jason Mitchell, the Borough Public Works Supervisor, to obtain quotes for the hauling of this refuse. Mrs. Metzger reported that Mr. Mitchell has solicited quotes for hauling fees for this project. The quote opening was held on Friday, March 13, 2020 at 1:30 PM. There were three (3) quotes received and are as follows (based on last year’s quantities):

B&W Hometown Waste Management Disposal Disposal of Coal Township

Roll-off load hauled $ 255.00 $ 240.00 $ 225.00

Total price per ton for disposal $ 48.05 $ 48.05 $ 53.00

Cost for return of unused roll-off $ 235.00 $ 175.00 $ 75.00

Cost based on 2019 quantities $8,880.76 $8,550.76 $8,557.71

A copy of the quote tabulation has been included in the information tonight. Borough Council action is requested to award the Annual Spring Drop-Off event to the lowest quote received for the unit price amounts as listed on the tabulation.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To award the Annual Spring Drop-Off event to Hometown Disposal for the unit price amounts of $240.00 per roll-off load hauled; $48.05 for total price per ton for disposal; $175.00 for cost for return of unused roll-off.

Yes – Ms. Lewis, Mr. Steese, Mr. Bottiger, Mr. Fry, Mrs. Hackenberg

No – None

Mrs. Metzger reminded Borough Council that they took action at the Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to authorize her to advertise the availability of the five (5) sewer EDUs that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) granted in accordance with Resolution No. 2019-04; A resolution establishing and adopting a policy for the distribution of connection permits under state, federal, or other regulatory limitations. Mrs. Metzger reported that the availability of the five (5) EDUs has been advertised and the deadline to submit applications was Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 1:00 PM. There were two (2) requests received which are as follows:

Applicant # of EDU’s Location for

Name/Address Requested EDU Request

Mr. Dave Gutelius 2 EDUs Lot #22 & Lot #23 Oak Avenue

Mr. Vincent J. Romanini 7 or 8 EDUs North 8th Street

A spreadsheet has been prepared which illustrates the ranking for the EDU requests and a copy of the spreadsheet has been included in the information tonight. Based on the score achieved using the point scale as established per Paragraph III of the allocation policy resolution, two (2) EDUs will go to Mr. Dave Gutelius and three (3) EDUs will remain undistributed.

Mrs. Metzger pointed out that Mr. Romanini’s request is for a connection permit that requires multiple EDU’s; however, there are insufficient EDU’s available to fulfill his request. In accordance with Paragraph VII of the allocation policy resolution, Potential non-residential candidates that have requested connection permits that require multiple EDU’s shall only be extended a written offer if sufficient EDU’s are available to fulfill the full project request. If insufficient EDU’s exist to fulfill a candidate’s request, the next candidate, as determined under Paragraph IV, will be offered the connection. Since there were no other requests submitted, Mrs. Metzger asked Mr. Page how the remaining three (3) EDUs should be handled: would they have to be re-advertised or distributed first come, first served. The resolution doesn’t address this matter.

Mr. Page advised that he would review the EDU allocation policy resolution, as well as the advertisement for these EDUs, and make a recommendation for a path forward.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To award two (2) of the five (5) available sewer EDUs to Mr. Dave Gutelius for Lot #22 and Lot #23 Oak Avenue.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Motion by: Linda L. Lewis

Second by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To re-advertised the remaining three (3) EDUs with different language and to advertise on the Borough’s website if advised by the Solicitor.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger provided Borough Council with an update on the status of the Mifflinburg Dewatering Upgrade Project. Mrs. Metzger reported that Mrs. Erin Threet, HRG, Inc., has prepared the Permit Application for the new Dewatering Equipment. Borough Council action is requested to approve the submission of this application to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Motion by: Linda L. Lewis

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To approve the submission of the Permit Application for the new Dewatering Equipment for the Borough of Mifflinburg to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger reported that Borough Management and Mrs. Erin Threet, HRG, Inc., are working to prepare the Corrective Action Plan that is due to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) by Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Borough Council action is requested to approve this submission.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To approve the submission of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger announced that Mrs. Erin Threet, HRG, Inc., has prepared the Borough’s Annual Chapter 94 Report and it’s ready for submission by the Tuesday, March 31, 2020 deadline. Borough Council action is requested to approve this submission.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To approve the submission of the Borough’s Annual Chapter 94 Report.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger reminded Borough Council that they took action at the Tuesday, January 21, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to authorize Borough Management to advertise for bids for a used Vactor Truck. Mrs. Metzger reported that Mr. Rowe has solicited bids for a used Vactor Truck as directed; however, there were no bids received. Borough Council direction is requested regarding what the Borough’s next step should be. Mrs. Metzger clarified that $150,000.00 has been included in the 2020 Budget for the purchase a used Vactor Truck.

A lengthy discussion was held regarding the bidding process for a used Vactor Truck. Mr. Page advised Borough Council that they should re-advertise for bids for a used Vactor Truck and if no bids are received the 2nd time, the Borough may proceed with purchase. Mr. Page clarified that in accordance with the municipal bid requirements, when competitive procedures have been followed but only one bid is received or no bids are received; in such a case, the manager may proceed to negotiate with the single bidder as to price, scope of work or other terms or conditions or, if no bids were received, to have the supplies, materials, equipment, construction or contractual services purchased or performed without further competitive bidding or quotation.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that Chief Hackenburg has requested permission to apply for a credit card for the Mifflinburg Police Department through the Mifflinburg Bank & Trust Company’s carrier in his name. Borough Council action is requested to authorize her to submit a credit card application.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To authorize Mrs. Metzger to submit a credit card application for the Mifflinburg Police Department through the Mifflinburg Bank & Trust Company’s carrier in Chief Hackenburg’s name.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mrs. Metzger reported that the payroll rates for the hourly Mifflinburg Park/Pool employees were reviewed and discussed at the Tuesday, March 2, 2020 Borough Work Session. A $0.10/hr. increase was recommended for the hourly Mifflinburg Park/Pool employees for the 2020 season. Borough Council action is requested to approve this raise.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To approve a $0.10/hr. payroll rate increase for the hourly Mifflinburg Park/Pool employees for the 2020 season.

Yes – Mr. Steese, Mr. Bottiger, Mr. Fry, Ms. Lewis, Mrs. Hackenberg

No – None

Mrs. Metzger provided Borough Council with an update on the status of the design services for the 2020 projects: the two (2) design only Storm Water Projects, and the architectural design for the Borough Equipment Center located at 6 Industrial Parkway and the Mifflinburg Hose Company Building located at 325 Chestnut Street. Mrs. Metzger reported that Mr. Rowe is preparing a Request for Proposals for design services for the two (2) design only Storm Water Projects. It’s anticipated that proposals will be received for Borough Council consideration at the Tuesday, April 21, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting. Mr. Rowe has also solicited a Request for Proposals for design services for the architectural design for the Borough Equipment Center located at 6 Industrial Parkway and the Mifflinburg Hose Company Building located at 325 Chestnut Street. A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 2020.

Mrs. Metzger reminded Borough Council that they took action at the Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to make a contingent offer of employment to Mr. Chad Wolfe under the terms of the AFSCME employment agreement, as a Maintenance Worker II, at a rate of $17.50/hr., contingent upon successful completion of the required pre-employment testing and criminal, child abuse and FBI clearances. Mrs. Metzger reported that Mr. Wolfe did not accept the offer of employment and stated that she would re-advertise the position locally, as well as look into some online job posting options in the future.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that she has received correspondence from the Central Keystone Council of Governments (CK-COG) regarding a new program that they are offering called the Vacant Property Registration program. Copies of this information is included in the information tonight for consideration and discussion at the Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Borough Work Session.

Mrs. Metzger requested an executive session to discuss potential litigation and personnel matters.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that she has received numerous questions concerning the Borough’s Plan for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Borough Council action is requested to set policy regarding staffing and other items.

Mrs. Metzger stated that she has been closely monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 information, and the actions of multiple state, federal and local agencies and groups. To ease the financial burden of people in the community struggling amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, she is recommending that Borough Council take the following actions to support our residents and businesses:

1. Waive late fees for March for all utility bills.

2. Defer termination for past-due customers until May 2020.

Mrs. Hackenberg expressed that her issue with deferring termination is with regard to past-due customers that went all winter without paying their utilities which had nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Bottiger interjected that from a landlord’s perspective, if the tenant is not paying their utility bill, that’s just longer that they get stuck with the bill.

Mrs. Hackenberg clarified that she would be okay with deferring termination for customers that are unable to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as long as the affected customer provides proof that “nonpayment is the result of the COVID-19 pandemic”. As for past-due customers on termination that went all winter without paying their utility, she feels they should still be terminated. Ms. Lewis agreed that deferring termination should be on a case by case basis.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Linda L. Lewis

MOTION: To waive late fees for March for all utility bills.

Yes – Mr. Bottiger, Mr. Fry, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Steese

No – Mrs. Hackenberg

Mrs. Metzger reported that in light of the measures recommended by the Federal Government and Governor Wolfe and with an abundance of caution, she is recommending the following precautions be implemented to reduce risk to Borough employees, the public and our operations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

* The Borough Office and other facilities be closed to public access for the next two weeks, reopening April 1, 2020. The Borough staff will be accessible by phone or email only during normal business hours. Any updates to this schedule will be posted on the Borough’s website: .

* Customers be asked to either mail utility payments or to drop their payment into the locked box located in the entry to the Municipal Building.

* Recycling be cancelled for Saturday, March 21, 2020 and is tentatively scheduled to resume on Saturday, April 18, 2020.

* Public Works Crews continue to maintain all required utility operations and remain ready to handle any emergencies.

* Police remain on duty and utilize precautionary measures in dealing with the public and other agencies.

Mr. Bottiger detailed the guidelines for what is considered to be a non-essential business operation. Mr. Steese expressed that as far as he’s concerned, he thinks Mrs. Metzger is handling the COVID-19 pandemic very well and that she is going above and beyond. The only thing the Borough can do is close the Borough Office and other facilities to public access. A lengthy discussion was held; Mrs. Metzger clarified that Borough Employees will be encouraged to stay home if they are sick. The Borough will follow contracts as well as continue to monitor state and federal guidelines; with proper documentation it shouldn’t count against the Borough Employees.

Motion by: Tod M. Steese

Second by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To approve the implementation of the precautionary actions as detailed and listed above for the Borough of Mifflinburg in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and to authorize Borough Management to follow recommended state and federal guidelines.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Cooney informed Borough Council that they received a copy of the Monthly Police Report for December 2019 included in the information tonight.

Mayor Cooney provided Borough Council with an update on the status of the Mifflinburg Christkindl Market. Mayor Cooney reported that prior to tonight’s meeting, he hand delivered the letter outlining the requirements for the 2020 Christkindl Market to Mr. Matthew Wagner, Christkindl Market of Mifflinburg, Inc. President.

Mayor Cooney announced that with regard to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, he has been staying in contact with Chief Hackenberg, Mr. Steve Walter, Fire Chief for the Mifflinburg Hose Company No. 1 located at 325 Chestnut Street, as well as Evangelical Regional Mobile Medical Service (ERMMS) to ensure contingency plans are in place.

Chief Hackenburg presented Borough Council with some Monthly Highlights for the Mifflinburg Police Department for February 2020.

Chief Hackenburg provided Borough Council with an update on the status of the purchase a new police vehicle for the Mifflinburg Police Department. Chief Hackenburg reported that subsequent to Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting, he contacted Mr. Bottiger to discuss the options available for a new police vehicle. Upon discussion, he and Mr. Bottiger were in agreement that they don’t foresee the need for a 3.0 Turbo Engine; that a 3.3 Non-turbo Engine would be sufficient, not to mention the cost of the 3.3 Non-turbo Engine is about $4,000.00 cheaper.

Chief Hackenburg informed Borough Council that he and Detective Mark Baily test drove a Dodge Durango. While the Dodge Durango was very nice and its acceleration was equally impressive, they didn’t like the interior layout and they both agreed that this vehicle wouldn’t work for the Mifflinburg Police Department. Chief Hackenburg clarified that he is seeking permission to proceed with pursuing options for a new police vehicle for the Mifflinburg Police Department and trade-in the 2015 Dodge Charger. Chief Hackenburg inquired if there is a minimum amount that Borough Council will accept for the trade-in of the 2015 Dodge Charger. A lengthy discussion was held; Mr. Bottiger stated that he thinks the Mifflinburg Police Department should be able to get around $8,000.00 for the trade-in of the 2015 Dodge Charger; however, at the very least accept no less than $6,000.00.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To authorize Chief Hackenburg to proceed with the purchase of a new Police vehicle for the Mifflinburg Police Department, as long as it’s within the $45,000.00 Budget.

Yes – Mr. Fry, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Steese, Mr. Bottiger, Mrs. Hackenberg

No – None

Mrs. Metzger provided Borough Council with an update on the possibility of the Borough hosting a site for the American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP), R.I.C.E. Project generation facilities. Mrs. Metzger reported that Mr. WJ Sandell, Vice President of Generation Development and Optimization at AMP, and Mr. Robert Tugwell, Vice President Public Utilities at PowerSecure, met with her, Mr. Craig Lewis, the Borough Electrical Foreman, and Mr. Norm Baron, of Utility Engineers, PC, to explain how the Behind the Meter (BTM) Generation Project would work. Following the meeting, they also visited both potential sites located near the substation to see which site may work best. Mr. Sandell and Mr. Tugwell expressed that the Borough’s substation site has the most potential and could even possibly house two (2) generation units there if the Borough agreed. It’s anticipated that Mr. Sandell and Mr. Tugwell will prepare a report and present the information to Borough Council at the Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Borough Work Session.

Mayor Cooney presented Borough Council with an update for the Mifflinburg Regional Economic Development (MRED) Alliance. Mayor Cooney updated Borough Council on the following businesses in the Borough:

• Brookside Bikes, located at 600 Conley Road, will be relocating to 170 E. Walnut Street. An opening date has not been set.

Mrs. Metzger informed Borough Council that there is not an Engineer’s Report for March 2020 included in the information tonight. Mrs. Metzger stated that she told Mrs. Erin Threet, HRG, Inc., that due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic she didn’t have to attend tonight’s meeting or provide a report.

Mr. Page requested an executive session to discuss potential litigation.

Mr. Page reported that he and Mrs. Metzger attended the Judicial Sale for 1 Oak Avenue on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. Mr. Page reiterated that as previously reported by Mrs. Metzger, Borough Council took action at the Tuesday, February 18, 2020 regular Borough Council meeting to authorize him and a Borough Representative to attend and bid on 1 Oak Avenue at the Judicial Sale. The executive decision amount discussed was $17,923.20, representing the Boroughs municipal claims totaling $12,201.20, and the unpaid taxes cost and expenses which were lumped together by the Union County Tax Claim Bureau totaling $5,722.00. At the Judicial Sale, the opening bid was for costs at $800.00. Ultimately, the Borough was the successful bidder and purchased the property for $7,000.00. The Borough should receive the deed to the property within the next four (4) to six (6) weeks. Once the deed has been received, then Borough Council can determine whether or not they still want to relinquish the property through open bids.

Mayor Cooney informed Borough Council that he participated in or will be participating in the following meetings or events:

• Attended the League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area (LWVLA) celebration that was held on Sunday, March 8, 2020 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM at the Campus Theatre (located at 413 Market Street, Lewisburg) to commemorate the founding of the League of Women Voters and the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Ms. Ms. Lewis was also in attendance at the celebration. Mayor Cooney announced that at the celebration he made a Toast to Tenaciousness to all the women who have paved the way for the utilization of women voting.

• Will be speaking with Mr. Mark Lawrence, Program Director at Newsradio 1070 WKOK, tomorrow morning about the Borough’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

A motion was made by Mr. Bottiger to enter into executive session at 8:24 PM. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Mr. Bottiger to reconvene the meeting at 8:33 PM. The motion carried unanimously.

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

Second by: Tod M. Steese

MOTION: To authorize the Solicitor to offer Windstream Communications up to $1,000.00 for the Walnut Street Parking Lot.

Yes – Ms. Lewis, Mr. Steese, Mr. Bottiger, Mr. Fry, Mrs. Hackenberg

No – None

Motion by: Paul E. Bottiger

MOTION: To adjourn the Mifflinburg Borough Council meeting.

Approved via unanimous voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Misty L. Ross

Assistant Borough Secretary


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