Chapter One Concept Checks

Chapter Two Concept Checks

Concept Check 2.1

Theorists have abandoned the notion that any one factor alone can explain abnormal behavior, in favor of an integrative model. Match each of the following scenarios to its most likely influence(s): (a) behavioral, (b) biological, (c) emotional, (d) social, and (e) developmental

1. The fact that some phobias are more common than others (e.g., fear of heights and snakes) and may have contributed to the survival of the species in the past suggests that phobias may be genetically prewired. This is evidence for which influence? ____________

2. Jan’s husband, Jinx, was an unemployed jerk who spent his life chasing women other than his wife. Jan, happily divorced for years, cannot understand why the smell of Jinx’s brand of aftershave causes her to become nauseated. Which influence best explains her response? ____________

3. 16-year-old Nathan finds it more difficult than his 7-year-old sister to adjust to his parents’ recent separation. This may be explained by what influences? __________

4. A traumatic ride on a Ferris wheel at a young age was most likely to have been the initial cause of Jennifer’s fear of heights. Her strong emotional reaction to heights is likely to maintain or even increase her fear. The initial development of the phobia is likely a result of ____________ influences; however, _________influences are likely perpetuating the behavior.

Concept Check 2.2

Determine whether these statements relating to the genetic contributions of psychopathology are True (T) or False (F).

1. ___ The first 20 pairs of chromosomes program the development of the body and brain.

2. ___ No individual genes have been identified that cause any major psychological disorders.

3. ___ According to the diathesis-stress model, people inherit a vulnerability to express certain traits or behaviors that may be activated under certain stress conditions.

4. ___ The idea that individuals may have a genetic endowment to increase the probability that he/she will experience stressful life events and therefore trigger a vulnerability is in accordance with the diathesis-stress model.

5. ___ Environmental events alone influence the development of our behavior and personalities.

Concept Check 2.3

Check your understanding of the brain structures and neurotransmitters. Match each with its description below: (a) frontal lobe, (b) brain stem, (c) GABA, (d) midbrain, (e) serotonin, (f) dopamine, (g) norepinephrine, and (h) the cerebral cortex.

1. Movement, breathing, and sleeping depend on the ancient part of the brain, which is present in most animals. ____________

2. Which neurotransmitter binds to neuron receptor sites, inhibiting postsynaptic activity and reducing overall arousal? ____________

3. Which neurotransmitter is a switch that turns on various brain circuits? ____________

4. Which neurotransmitter seems to be involved in your emergency reactions or alarm responses? ____________

5. This area contains part of the reticular activating system and coordinates movement with sensory output. ____________

6. Which neurotransmitter is believed to influence the way we process information, as well as to moderate or inhibit our behavior? ____________

7. More than 80% if the neurons in the human central nervous system are contained in this part of the brain, which gives us distinct qualities. ____________

8. This area is responsible for most of our memory, thinking, and reasoning capabilities, and makes us social animals. ____________

Concept Check 2.4

Check your understanding of behavioral and cognitive influences by identifying the descriptions. Choose your answers from (a) learned helplessness, (b) modeling, (c) prepared learning, and (d) implicit memory.

1. Karen noticed that every time Don behaved well at lunch, the teacher praised him. Karen decided to behave better to receive praise herself. ____________

2. Josh stopped trying to please his father because he never knows whether his father will be proud or outraged. ____________

3. Greg fell into a lake as a baby and almost drowned. Even though Greg has no recollection of the event, he hates to be around large bodies of water. ____________

4. Christal was scared to death of the tarantula, even though she knew it wasn’t likely to hurt her. ____________

Concept Check 2.5

Fill in the blanks to complete these statements relating to the cultural, social, and developmental factors influencing psychopathology.

1. What we ____________ is strongly influenced by our social environments.

2. The likelihood of your having a particular phobia is powerfully influenced by your ____________!

3. A large number of studies have demonstrated that the greater the number and frequency of ____________ relationships and ____________, the longer you are likely to live.

4. The effect of social and interpersonal factors on the expression of physical and psychological disorders may differ with ____________.

5. The principle of ____________ is used in developmental psychopathology to indicate that we must consider a number of paths to a given outcome.

Answers to Concept Checks


1. b 2. a (best answer) or c

3. e 4. a (initial), c (maintenance)


1. F (first 22 pairs) 2. T 3. T 4. F (reciprocal gene-environment model)

5. F (complex interaction of both nature and nurture)


1. b 2. c 3. f 4. g 5. d 6. b 7. h 8. a


1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c


1. fear 2. gender 3. social, contacts 4. age

5. equifinality


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