Unit 1: Collection 2

Unit 1: Collection 2

Selection Test Reading and Literature

Everyday Use Alice Walker

Comprehension Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following items.

1. Maggie’s shyness arises mainly from—

A) her fear of her sister

B) the sudden attraction she feels toward Hakim-a-barber

C) a trauma she suffered when the house burned down

D) the ridicule her family heaps on her

2. The mother is reluctant to let Dee have the quilts because the mother—

A) has promised them to Maggie

B) distrusts Hakim-a-barber

C) knows the quilts have great monetary value

D) is angry with Dee for leaving home

3. Why does the mother finally decide to give the quilts to Maggie instead of to Dee?

A) She thinks Dee will sell them.

B) Hakim-a-barber makes insulting remarks about the quilts’ designs.

C) Dee changes her mind about wanting them.

D) She is touched by Maggie’s vulnerability and deep sense of family.

4. Which of the following statements best describes the story’s main conflict?

A) Dee argues with her mother over the butter churn.

B) The mother wants Maggie to be more outgoing and confident like Dee.

C) Dee wants the quilts, but her mother has promised them to Maggie.

D) The mother does not approve of Dee’s choice of men.

5. When Dee tells her mother “you just don’t understand” the statement shows the reader that—

A) it’s actually Dee who doesn’t understand

B) Dee is more clever than her mother

C) Dee thinks her mother is being mean

D) Dee understands her mother and Maggie

Unit 1: Collection 2 Selection Test continued

Vocabulary Development Match the definition on the left with the vocabulary word on the right. On the line provided, write the letter of the correct vocabulary word. You will use one word more than once.

6. secretive

7. crouching or hiding in shame or fear

8. to hold down unjustly; to burden

9. to move in a slow, sideways manner

10. trying not to be seen

A) sidle

B) furtive

C) cowering

D) oppress

Vocabulary Skill Choose the best meaning of the underlined word. Look for context clues in the sentence to help you determine the word’s meaning.

11. The two men cursed out and insulted each other.

A) made rude remarks

B) cured

C) complimented someone

D) calmed someone

12. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man.

A) kindly

B) helpfully

C) pitilessly

D) correctly

13. They were impressed with the hard work he put in his project.

A) indifferent

B) awed

C) frightened

D) upset

14. But even the first glimpse of leg out of the car tells me it is Dee.

A) exhibit

B) inspection

C) peek

D) gawk

15. Her face had a kind of dopey, hangdog look.

A) lethargic

B) angry

C) sour

D) ecstatic

Unit 1: Collection 2 Selection Test continued

Literary Focus Circle the letter of the best answer to each of the following items.

16. Which of the following sets of character traits best describes Dee?

A) Big boned, awkward, sentimental

B) Shy, uncertain, homely

C) Attractive, educated, independent

D) Pretty, kind, modest

17. Which of the following statements is the best example of how a character’s traits are revealed in the story?

A) “When she comes, I will meet—but there they are!”

B) “I can kill a bull as mercilessly as a man.”

C) “Cows are soothing and slow and don’t bother you.”

D) “Well, soon we got the name out of the way.”

18. When Dee compares Maggie’s brain to an elephant’s, she means that Maggie—

A) is like an animal

B) thinks only of food

C) has a big brain

D) has a good memory

Reading Focus Circle the letter of the best answer.

19. Dee probably changes her name because she—

A) wants to hurt her family

B) wants to connect with her African roots

C) never liked the sound of it

D) thinks a new name will enhance her career

20. Which of the following lines of dialogue best shows how Dee feels about herself?

A) “How do you pronounce this name?”

B) “You know as well as me you was named after your aunt Dicie.”

C) “She did all this stitching by hand. Imagine!”

D) “I couldn’t bear it any longer, being named after the people who oppress me.”

21. When Hakim-a-barber does not eat the collards and says that pork is unclean, you can infer that he—

A) comes from a different background than Dee

B) is allergic to vegetables

C) says this to make Dee angry

D) is generally hard to please

Constructed Response (4 points)

22. Before Dee comes, the mother dreams about a television show and contrasts the dream with the reality of what she and her daughter Dee are like. What does this passage tell you about the mother’s character? Provide specific details in a paragraph on the reverse of this test.


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