Study interview guide

Study interview guide

1. Please list 10-15 people who are important to you. For each person that you list, please also indicate whether they are older, younger, or the same age as you; whether they are male or female; their relationship to you; and how you know them.

2. What in your everyday life makes you anxious?

a. We are trying to find out how people deal with different problems and stresses not related to their illness. Think about a situation that has bothered you during the last month, and describe it to me, please.

3. How much (on a scale of 0-10) do these things worry you?

4. What do you do about the things that worry you in your everyday life?

a. Does anyone on your list of important people help you out when you worry about things in your everyday life?

5. What about your (child’s) illness makes you anxious?

a. We are trying to find out how people deal with different problems related to their (child’s) illness. Think about something related to your (child’s) illness that has been difficult for you in the last month, and describe it to me, please.

6. How much do these things worry you?

7. What do you do about the things that worry you about your (child’s) illness?

a. Does anyone on your list of important people help you when you worry about things related to your (child’s) illness?

8. Would you consider yourself an anxious person, one who worries a lot?

9. What about your parents (adolescent child)? Do you think they worry a lot?

10. Going back to your list of people who are important to you, I’d like to find out a few more things about the relationships you have with these people. For each question, please let me know who on your list comes to mind.

11. Which people on your list help you with things if you are sick, or if you need some extra money, or a ride somewhere?

12. Which people on your list would go out of their way to help you in a crisis situation?

13. Is there anyone you could not count on to help you out if you were in a crisis situation?

14. Which people on your list support you emotionally?

15. Is there anyone who doesn’t support you emotionally?

16. With which people on your list do you feel close?

17. Is there anyone on the list with whom you do not feel close?

18. With which people on your list do you feel comfortable sharing your feelings?

19. Is there anyone with whom you are not comfortable sharing your feelings?

20. With which people on your list can you totally be yourself?

21. Is there anyone on your list with whom you frequently lose your temper?

22. Of the people on your list, whose advice do you take?

23. If you had questions about your (child’s) illness, who on your list would you ask?


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