The Wellworks For You e-Learning Series, available on the Wellness Portal, are self-study programs designed to educate, inform, and inspire behavioral change. Each e-series includes educational videos and quizzes.

NEW! Healthy Living with a Chronic Condition

According to the National Health Council, 133 million Americans are living with a chronic condition and more and more people are now living with multiple chronic conditions. We understand that living with a chronic condition can be overwhelming and sometimes scary. In this series, you'll learn what it takes to be a positive self-manager of your chronic condition. You'll acquire knowledge and skills in healthy eating, physical activity, weight management, how to communicate with your healthcare team, how to find resources, and how to plan for the future. You can learn how to live your best life while managing your chronic condition.

Session 1: Self-Management Session 2: Managing Symptoms Session 3: Nutrition Session 4: Exercise Session 5: Weight Management Session 6: Communication Session 7: Resources and Support Session 8: Planning for the Future

NEW! Living Well with Diabetes

The Wellworks For You Living Well with Diabetes e-Learning Series is an interactive program to help participants navigate a prediabetes or diabetes diagnosis. Participants will receive education on nutrition, exercise, the importance of mental health and support, following their doctor's care plan, and staying on track with tests, exams, and immunizations that will help them live a healthy and fulfilling life with diabetes.

Session 1: Understanding Diabetes Session 2: Nutrition and Diabetes Session 3: Exercise and Diabetes Session 4: Treatment and Care Session 5: Mental Health, Stress Management, and Finding Support Session 6: Self-Management

NEW! The Meaning Behind Your Biometrics

Are you curious about what a biometric screening is and why certain blood values and body measurements are taken? Or maybe you're interested in what your values each year really mean and the simple steps you can take to keep them on track or start to improve them. In this 6-session e-Learning Series, we will discuss the basics of a biometric screening, how to prepare, and what to do with your results. We will also dive into what each of these values mean, how it impacts your overall health, and what you can do to make a positive change.

Session 1: What is a Biometric Screening Session 2: Cholesterol and Triglycerides Session 3: Fasting Blood Glucose Session 4: Blood Pressure Session 5: BMI and Waist Circumference Session 6: Your Results

800.425.4657 info@

1615 West Chester Pike Suite 104 West Chester, PA 19382

NEW! Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby

Pregnancy, childbirth, and the months that follow are filled with excitement, anticipation, and lots of new information to learn. This series is a 6-session course designed to help educate you on the basics of a healthy pregnancy.Learn about proper prenatal care andlifestyle factors, such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Additionally, we will talk about common pregnancy discomforts, how to prepare to bring your baby home, and tips, tricks, and strategies for successfully returning to work.

Session 1: A Healthy Start Session 2: Lifestyle Factors Session 3: Lifestyle Factors Continued Session 4: Common Discomforts and Possible Complications Session 5: Preparing for Baby Session 6: The 4th Trimester

NEW! Nutrition For Healthy Living

Learn everyday tips, tricks, and strategies for making healthy eating a part of your everyday life. We will talk about building balanced meals, meal preparation, meal planning, reading the food label, and culinary strategies for healthy eating.

Session 1: The Basics Session 2: Building a Balanced Meal Session 3: Meal Planning and Meal Preparation Session 4: The Nutrition Facts Label Session 5: Special Topics in Nutrition Session 6: Culinary Skills for Healthy Eating & Nutrition Resources

NEW! Sleep and Your Health

Sleep affects our physical and mental health. By practicing good sleep habits and a relaxing bedtime routine, we can increase the quality and quantity of our sleep helping us to feel better overall. We will address a variety of strategies and lifestyle behaviors to assist us in getting restful nights of sleep on a regular basis.

Session 1: Understanding Sleep Session 2: Sleep Environment Session 3: Mastering Sleep Session 4: Sleep disorders and Tips for Shift Work Session 5: Stress and Other Effects on Sleep Session 6: Creating Healthy Sleep Habits

NEW! Ergonomics

Did you know that proper ergonomics, both at work and at home, are important for good, long-term health and well-being? Follow along in our 4 session e-Learning Series to learn important aspects of proper ergonomics. We will focus on why ergonomics is important, the benefits of proper ergonomics, signs and symptoms related to ergonomic injuries, and how you can set up your work space to be safe and comfortable all day long.

Session 1: What is Ergonomics? Session 2: Musculoskeletal, Vision, and Hearing Problems Session 3: Strategies to Improve Your Work Station Session 4: Proper Ergonomics Strategies

800.425.4657 info@

1615 West Chester Pike Suite 104 West Chester, PA 19382

NEW! Physical Activity

Whether you are looking to enhance your physical fitness, or have been needing a push to get more active, the Wellworks For You Physical Activity e-Learning Series will prepare you with the tools you need to create an action plan to get moving! We will review the different components of fitness and how they will benefit your health and well-being. In addition, you will learn how to choose the correct equipment, use technology to track your progress, and set a specific plan to reach your goals.

Session 1: The Components of Physical Fitness Session 2: The Benefits of Physical Activity Session 3: Choosing the Correct Equipment Session 4: The FITT Principle Session 5: Setting SMART Goals for Physical Activity Session 6: Physical Activity Organizations and Resources

Weight Management

The Weight Management e-Learning Series is a 6-week video series focusing on healthy weight management. This series encourages employees to reevaluate the way they look at their weight, the scale, and gives them the foundation to begin making healthier choices.

Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Overview of Weight Gain, Loss, and Maintenance Week 3: Tips For Safe and Healthy Weight Loss Week 4: Nutrition Guidelines For A Healthy Weight Week 5: Physical Activity For A Healthy Body Weight Week 6: Behavior Change For Weight Loss

Heart Health

The Heart Health e-Learning Series focuses on disease prevention and tips to maintain a healthy heart. This comprehensive overview is a 6-week video series to uncover the risk factors associated with heart disease. In Week 1, gain a better understanding of what heart disease is and how to recognize the warning signs. Week 2, we will review in detail what biometric numbers are and why these are important for you to know. Dive into the fascinating world of heart health by gaining knowledge to impact modifiable risk factors such as diet, exercise, weight, and stress. Explore how a heart healthy lifestyle can be the secret weapon to reducing the risk of heart disease in Weeks 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Week 1: Introduction Week 2: Know Your Numbers Week 3: Weight Management Week 4: Heart Healthy Diet Week 5: Exercise and Stress Week 6: Other Risk Factors

Stress Management

In this Stress Management e-Learning Series, you will enjoy exploring skills to identify the physiological, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms of stress. The goal of this program is to learn strategies to recognize, reduce and relax when dealing with situations beyond our control. We will then look at several relaxation techniques available to balance out the inevitable stress we all feel from time to time. Help yourself feel happy and self-confident while improving your joy and vitality to become your best self!

Week 1: Stress Management Introduction Week 2: Symptoms of Stress Week 3: Physical Responses to Stress Week 4: Chronic Stress Week 5: Managing Stress Week 6: Stress Management Techniques

800.425.4657 info@

1615 West Chester Pike Suite 104 West Chester, PA 19382


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