Answer the questions in complete sentences.

WonderComprehension Questions Part 1Answer the questions in complete sentences. OrdinaryIf you found a magic lamp and could have one wish, what would you wish for?If I had a magic lamp the one wish I would wish for is for there to be a cure to every disease. What would August’s one wish be?If August could have one wish he would wish for a normal face (which would make everyone except him and like him for who he is without his hideous face). August says, “The only reason I’m not ordinary is because no one else sees me that way.” Explain this statement.The statement “The only reason I’m not ordinary is because no one else sees me that way.” Means that August sees himself as an ordinary kid, but because of the deformities of his face no one else sees him the way he sees himself. Why I didn’t go to schoolExplain why August has not been to schoolAugust hadn’t been to school because his parents and August were worried about how other kids would react to his deformities. How I Came to LifeWhat does the expression, “a walk in the park” mean? The expression “a walk in the park” means an easy life. Why was the night August came to life so funny? The reason why the night August was born is so funny because the nurse that was in the room kept farting. Research cleft Palate. What does it mean? Cleft palate means- “a congenital split in the roof of the mouth.”Christopher’s HouseDo you think Auggie should go to school? Why or why not? I think August should go to school because he needs to get people use to his face and make friends. (Get more confidence).DrivingHow do you think Auggie feels when his parents tell him about touring a school? When his parents told August about touring a school he would feel angry (because they told him after they had already agreed on it). Annoyed (because he didn’t want to go). After joking about Mr. Tushman’s name, how does Auggie’s feelings toward going to school change? How do you know? After joking about Mr Tushman’s name, august felt a little better about going to school because he could joke about the principles name. Paging Mr. TushmanWhy was Auggie upset when he ?rst visited the school? August was upset because when he first visited the school there were kids there that would take him on a tour. And of course when they first saw his face their reactions were the same as everyone else’s. Mostly hidden but they were shocked. Nice Mrs. GarciaWhat happened that Auggie has seen happen a million times before? The thing that happened that August had seen a million times before is the expressions on the peoples faces. Hit by HORROR!_____________________________________ _____________________________________Jack Will, Julian, & CharlotteWhy did Auggie grow his hair long last year? August grew his hair long because he wanted to hide his face from others. Why was music Auggies least favorite subject in school? August liked music the least because he technically has no ears. The Grand TourWhat two questions did Auggie ask during the grand tour? The two questions that August asked during the grand tour was: Is your name Jack or Jack Will? And. Anyway can we go now? What is a home room?The Performance SpaceHow can Auggie sometimes tell when someone is staring at him? Auggie can tell when people are staring at him by the way their head is tilted. How do you think Auggie feels about Julian now that they have visited the performance space? I think that now that August and Julian have visited the performance space, that August is angry and upset about what Julian said. The Deal How do you think Auggie felt throughout the entire tour of Beecher Prep? How do you know? I think that August felt very tense throughout the entire tour of Beecher Prep because he didn’t say much and if so only answered with yeah. HomeExplain why Auggie felt a little happy and a little sad at the same time when he got home. I reckon that August felt sad and happy at the same time when he got home he was sad that Julian was rude and happy because he had made two new friends. How has Auggie’s feelings towards school changed? How do you know? August’s feeling has changed towards the school as he has become more familiar with all of it and gotten use to the idea. How does Auggie’s mom feel about taking him to Beecher Prep? August’s mum feels it would be good at first that August was going to school, but after the incident with Julian she is not so sure anymore if he should still go. First-Day JittersWhat is a simile? ” a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g.?as brave as a lion?).”Explain this simile: I was so nervous that the butter?ies in my stomach were more like pigeons ?ying around in my insides. What does this tell you about how Auggie is feeling? This simile “I was so nervous that the butter?ies in my stomach were more like pigeons ?ying around in my insides.” Meaning that he was so nervous that he felt is stomach turning inside out. LocksWhy did Auggie not offer to help Henry? August didn’t offer to help Henry because Henry had put his bag on the desk in between them. What two things does Julian share about himself? Around the RoomThe two things that Julian told everyone about himself is 1. He just got Battleground Mystic multiplayer on his WII. 2. He got a ping pong table over the summer. Lamb to the SlaughterWhat does lamb to the slaughter mean? Lamb to the slaughter means “Something that you say about someone who goes somewhere calmly, not knowing that something unpleasant is going to happen.”What second question did Julian ask Auggie? Do you think he was being mean? The second question Julian asked was “Who’s your favourite character?” Do I think Julian was being mean? Yes of course. Choose KindWhat is a precept? A precept is rules about really important things. What is Mr. Browne’s September Precept? Mr. Browne’s September Precept is when given the choice between being right or being kind. CHOOSE KIND. Explain Mr. Browne’s September PreceptMr Browne’s September Precept is about whenever he is given a choice to choose being nice to someone or being right, he will choose being nice over being right. LunchWhy does Auggie hate the way he eats? August hates the way he eats because of the way he looks when he eats. When he was little he had a cleft palate, so he had a surgery to fix it but he still has a whole in his mouth. What does Auggie compare the way he eats to? August compares himself to a tortoise when he eats. The Summer TableHow do you think the “summer table” made Auggie feel? I think the “summer table” made August feel grateful due to the fact that summer made August feel wanted. Not just an animal that was stared at, at a zoo. Did the way Summer treated Auggie surprise you? Why or why not? The way summer acted surprised me because I thought she would just be one of those stuck up girls, staring. But no she was nice and sat with August. How did Summer treat Auggie during lunch? Summer treated August very nice during in lunch times. As if he were her best friend. One to TenOn a scale of one to ten, how was Auggie’s ?rst day of school for him? On a scale of one to ten, August rated his first day of school a five. What did Auggie compare his friendship with Summer to? August compared his friendship with Summer to the Beauty and the beast. PadawanWhy do you think Auggie cut of his padawan? I think the reason why August cut off the padawan thing is because of the comment Julian made at school that day. Why do you think Auggie all the sudden started to cry? I think August started to cry because he was all overwhelmed by the whole “first day” situation and how everyone reacted to his face. Wake Me Up When September EndsHow long did it take all of the kids at Beecher Prep to get used to Auggie’s face?It took about a month for all the kids at Beecher Prep to get used to August’s face. Jack Will Answer the questions in complete sentences. What did Jack Will think that Auggie should do when kids stared at him? Jack Will thinks that the next time a kid stares at August he should: “I think you should get a secret squirt gun or something and attach it to your eyes somehow. And every time someone stares at you, you would squirt them in the face.” What made Auggie and Jack laugh so hard that the teacher switched their seats? The thing that made Jack Will and August laugh so hard was Jacks idea for people to stop staring at August. Mr. Browne’s October PreceptWhat was Mr. Browne’s precept for October? What does it mean? Mr. Browne’s precept in October; your deeds are your monuments. Auggie wrote, “Your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of stone.” What does he mean by this? The precept Auggie wrote- “Your deeds are like your monuments. Built with memories instead of stone.” Meaning we should be remembered for the things we do. Do you think Auggie can relate to the precept? If so, how? I think August can relate to the precept because of that he will not be remembered by his face, but by the things he does in life. ApplesExplain why this chapter is titled Apples. This chapter was called apples because August was trying to talk to his mum about his party. And his mum was a bit embarrassed about how many people didn’t turn up so she tried to focus on the apples she was cutting up. HalloweenWhat does Summer want to be for HalloweenSummer wants to be a Unicorn for Halloween. What does Summer like best about Auggie? I think the thing Summer likes best about August is his sense of humour. What does the word aversion mean? The word aversion means; “a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy?“. School PicturesThe Cheese Touch What was Ximena Chin’s reaction when she was told she had to be Auggie’s dance partner in dance class? Ximena Chin’s reaction to having to be August’s partner for dance was a plane old PANICK ATTACK. What does Auggie mean when he says, “I”m the old moldy cheese?” When August says “I’m the old moldy cheese?” he means he’s the one no one anyone wants to touch. CostumesWhy does Auggie like Halloween so much?August like Halloween because it’s the one day he can been seen as normal, the one day he fits into society. Why did the mummies and Darth Sidious keep talking when Auggie sat down near them? Darth Sidious and the mummies kept talking when August sat next to them because they didn’t know he was there because his mask hides him. The Bleeding ScreamWhy did Auggie want to crawl into a little black hole that would eat him up? August wants to crawl into a little black hole that would eat him up because of what the mummies and dark Sidious were talking about. NamesHow was Auggie able to get out of class and go home? August was able to get out of class and go home because he faked a stomach ache and headache. Why is Auggie pretty sure that he will never attend school again. August is pretty sure he will never attend school again because of the bad experiences he has had there. Write a letter to Jack Will from Auggie’s point of view. Explain to Jack what you heard and how it made you feel. Point of ViewDear Jack Will, I haven’t spoken to you for a long time now and I know you’re confused why. As it is obvious you have no clue. On the day at school when we had to dress up in Halloween costumes, I came into the class room like I normally do and just happened to sit next to you and Julian. Obviously you didn’t see me because I was dressed up. You know that Bleeding Scream sitting next to you that was me. I heard every word you said. I know that I have problems with my face and that’s why not many people like me. But if your just sitting next to me because you had to. You should have just told me at the beginning that you didn’t want to be my friend. And the reason why I am not at school. Is because of you, Julian and those jerks. So if you think I am ok with all this no, I am hurt more than ever. I thought I had a real friend. This is my big reasoning for not talking to you. So please don’t talk to me. Ever, ever again. Sincerely, August A Tour of the Galaxy What does Via compare their family to? Explain the comparison and why Via feels this way? Via compares family, to the galaxy August being the sun and the other family members the planets. Friends being comets and orbits. This comparison is because Via see’s August as the sun, being the main centre of attention. While everyone revolves themselves around him and his problems. What was the ?rst thing that Via said about Auggie? The first thing Via said about August is “August is the Sun”. Before AugustWhy does Via’s mom and dad say that she is the most understanding little girl in the whole world? Via’s Mum and Dad say she is the most understanding little girl in the world because of the way she understands of August’s situation. How she doesn’t mind revolving everything around him.Seeing AugustWhat feeling does Via experience when she comes home from her grandmothers and sees Auggie for the ?rst time in four weeks? The feeling that Via experienced when she came back home from her grandmothers and see’s August for the first time was horrified, sickened, scared. What does Via mean when she says, “ I held on to that secret and let it cover me like a blanket.” When Via said “I held onto that secret and let it cover me like a blanket” she means she never told anyone about it and that she let it haunt her for the rest of her life. Because she could feel suck a sick way about her brother. August Through the Peephole In this chapter Via tells us details about August. Describe him.August’s appearance:August’s eyes are located an inch below where they should be, almost half way down his cheeks, they bulge out wards. His eye lids are half closed. He doesn’t have eye brows or eye lashes. He has no eyes but only holes. And his nose is pinched to a side. Via thinks the family has spent so much time making Auggie think he is normal that he actually thinks he is normal. Do you think this true? Via thinks the family has spent so much time making August think he is normal that he actually thinks he is. This is true because everyone around him has been there so long they don’t know any different on the way they treat him. Major TomHow does Miranda come back to school? Miranda comes back to school with a super-cute hair bob dyed pink and a striped tube top. Why does Via’s voice quiver as she says, “See you later.” Via’s voice quiver’s as she says, “see you later.” Because she felt stupid and played for not being inboxed about any of this. After SchoolWhat lie did Via tell her momThe lie that Via told her mum was about why she didn’t get driven home with Miranda. The Padawan Bites the DustWhy do you think Via gets so upset when Auggie cuts off his Padawan? Via gets so upset when August cut of his Padawan, because she suspects that peer pressure was the reason why he cut it off. Suspecting someone did or aid something mean to him. Do you think Via’s mom has ever stood outside of her door that way? Why or why not? I think Via’s mum hasn’t stood in the door that way before because she has never had a problem with both Via and August at the same time. An Apparition at the DoorWhy do you think Auggie’s mom was standing outside of his door with her forehead leaning against the door? I think Augusts mom was standing outside of his door with forehead leaning against the door because she was so overwhelmed with the whole situation. BreakfastWhat reason does Dad give for why Via is old enough to ride the subway home from school? The reason why Via’s Dad thinks Via can ride the subway is because she is old enough.Genetics 101Explain what “made war ” on August’s face means. “Made war” on August’s face is a comparison to August’s face. Meaning August’s face looks as messy and ugly as if something had a war on it. The Punnett SquareExplain why Via does not want to have a children. The reason why Via doesn’t want to have children because it is very likely that she could have a deformed child like August. Out With the OldWho had Via now become friends with? Who did she have an instant crush on? Via’s new friends are Elinor and a few techie guys and girls. She had an instant crush on Justin. October 31Why did Mom allow Via to stay home from school? Mom allowed Via to stay home from school because they were both depressed.Were you surprised that August actually threw up when he got home from school? I wasn’t surprised that August threw up because he was making himself feel sick at the time. Trick or TreatWhy did Auggie think that Jack pretended to be his friend? I think August thinks that jack pretended to be his friend because of what he said to Julian.What did Via convince Auggie to do? Time to ThinkVia convinced August to tell her what happened.Why do you think Auggie decided to go back to school? I think August decided to go back to school because he wanted to face Jack Will again.Name: SummerWeird KidsAnswer the questions in complete sentences. What is Summer’s response when people ask her why she hangs out with the “freak” so much? When people ask Summer why she hangs out with the “freak” she response with “I hang around him because he is my friend.”What nickname had everyone at Beecher Prep given August?The nickname for August that everyone at Beecher Prep has chosen is Zombie Kid.The PlagueWhy does Summer keep sitting down with August at lunch? Summer keeps sitting down with August at lunch because she thinks he’s fun, not because she feels sorry for him. What is “the plague”? “The plague” is a game, it is where anyone who touches August has only thirty seconds to wash their hands before they catch the plague.The Halloween PartyWhy did Summer call her mom from the party and ask her to pick her up early? Summer called her mom from the party and asked her to pick her up early because she didn’t want Julian to ask her out. November Answer the questions in complete sentences. Why could Summer not be upset for long after Auggie accused her of being friends with him only because Mr. Tushman told her to? Summer could not be upset for long after Auggie accused her of being friends with him only because Mr. Tushman told her to because of what August told her what Jake said. Warning: This Kid is Rated RHow did Summer’s mom react to August even after Summer had warned her? Summer’s mom reacted to August’s face even after Summer warned her. She reacted as if she was watching the news and some horrific event had happened. What is the main thing that August has that causes him to look the way he does? The main thing that August has that causes him to look that way is this thing called Man-di-bu-lo-facial Dys-so-tosis. The Egyptian Tomb1. What did August and Summer dress up as for the Egyptian museum? Summer and August dressed up for the Egyptian Museum as mummies. Do you think it was right for Summer to whisper, “bleeding scream” in Jack’s ear? Explain why or why not. Yes I think it was right for Summer to whisper, “bleeding scream” into Jacks ear because he had a right to know what he had did wrong, so he can fix it. Name: Jack WillThe CallAnswer the questions in complete sentences. Why did Mr. Tushman call Jack’s house? 2. At ?rst, did Jack want to be a ‘welcome buddy’ to August? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Carvel1. What does Veronica mean when she tells Jack, “Sometimes you don’t have to mean to hurt someone to hurt someone.” _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why did Jack change his mind? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Why I Changed My Mind1. What does sympathetic mean? Why wasn’t Jamie being sympathetic? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why was it hard for Jack to act normal when he saw August? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Four ThingsAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What were the four reasons why Jack liked August? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Ex-Friends1. Why is it bad that Jack can hang out with whoever he wants? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why do you think Jack was feeling this way? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Snow1. How was Jack feeling on his ?rst day back to school after the snow? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Fortune Favors the Bold Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What writing assignment did Mr. Browne give to the class? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Private School1. Why did Jack want to get away from Julian and Miles so quickly? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Once he realized this, how did he feel? _____________________________________ _____________________________________In Science1. What did Jack realize when he was in science class? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What did Jack want to write about? Why did he choose not to? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ PartnersAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What did Julian try to do when Jack was assigned to be August’s partner? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Detention1. Why do you think Jack didn’t want to tell Mr. Tushman why he punched Julian? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. How do you think Jack’s mom felt when he told her everything about why punched Julian? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Season’s Greetings1. What did Julian’s mom do to the class picture? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why did Jack punch Julian right in the mouth? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Letter, Emails, Facebook, Texts Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Does Julian’s mom’s reaction to the whole situation surprise you? Why or why not? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Back From Winter Break1. What happened to Jack when he came back to school after winter break? _____________________________________ _____________________________________The War1. What did Charlotte tell Jack in room 301 after school. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. How did being at a lunch table by himself make Jack feel? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Switching Tables1. Who asked Jack to sit with them at lunch after other boys had left his table? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Why I Didn’t Sit With August the First Day of School Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What is a hypocrite? Why was Jack a hypocrite? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Sides1. Who was on Jack’s side? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What made Jack, Summer, and Auggie totally crack up? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ August’s House1. What did Via’s boyfriend say that made Auggie want to laugh? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why did Auggie say, “Ya think? Welcome to my world!” _____________________________________ _____________________________________The Boyfriend1. Why was Jack worried when he went to August’s House for the ?rst time? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Olivia’s BrotherAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why did Justin tell Auggie that he had a cool room? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Valentine’s Day1. What makes Justin think that Olivia believes him when he says he wasn’t freaked out or scared by Auggie? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. What do you think Olivia wished for? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Our Town1. Why wasn’t Olivia all that upset when she didn’t get the female lead in the play? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. What does Olivia want to be when she grows up? _____________________________________ _____________________________________LadybugName: _________________ The Bus StopAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What does Justin do the next time he sees Julian and the other boys? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Rehearsal1. What does Justin mean when he says, “The universe takes care of all its birds.” _____________________________________ _____________________________________Bird1. Why does Olivia think she is an awful person? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. Why do you think Justin lies when Miranda asks if Via told him that they used to be friends? _____________________________________ _____________________________________The Universe2. Why does Olivia remind Justin of a bird? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ North PoleAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why does Auggie compare himself to the North Pole? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The Auggie Doll1. What joke did Auggie tell Maya? How did Maya respond? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Once the doctor turned on Auggie’s hearing aids do you think he felt differently about them? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Lobot1. Why did the doctor have to put Auggie’s hearing aids on a headband? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Hearing Brightly Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What did Auggie expect would happen when he ?rst showed up at school with his hearing aids? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Via’s Secret2. What actually happened when he showed up at school with hearing aids? _____________________________________ _____________________________________My Cave1. Why did Auggie get really upset? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. How did mom react to Via’s secret? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Goodbye1. Who did Auggie have to say goodbye to? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________Daisy’s ToysAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What did Auggie and Via do with all of Daisy’s toys? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Heaven2. How did Auggie fall asleep the night that Daisy died? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What does Auggie wonder about Heaven? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. What does mom mean when she says, “You don’t need your eyes to love?” _____________________________________ _____________________________________3. Why do you think Auggie missed Daisy so much? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________The EndingAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Who found Auggie when he was lost in the crowd? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Understudy2. Why do you think Via decided to let Auggie come to her high school play? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. Who ended up playing the part of Emily in the play? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Camp LiesAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What did Miranda blurt out at camp? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 1. What really annoyed Miranda? Why do you think it annoyed her so much? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why do you think Miranda told this lie at camp? _____________________________________ _____________________________________School3. Why did Miranda not call Via when she got home from camp? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why did Mr. Davenport change the play from The Elephant Man to Our Town? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ What I Miss Most Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What does Miranda miss most about Via’s friendship? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Extraordinary, But No One There to SeeThe Performance1. When was the only time Miranda felt a little bit of regret for letting Via have the part? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. Why do you think Miranda wanted Via to play the part of Emily in the play? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________After the Show1. Why do you think, for the ?rst time in a very long time, Miranda felt absolutely happy? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ The Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why is Auggie a little nervous about the ?fth grade nature retreat? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Known For1. What does Auggie mean when he says, “In middle school you kind of get known for what you’re into, and you have to be careful about stuff like that.” _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. How do you think Mom felt about Auggie going away on the nature retreat? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. What did Auggie pack at the bottom of his sleeping back to comfort him if he couldn’t sleep? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What does Auggie know he’s really known for in middle school? _____________________________________ _____________________________________PackingName: _________________ DaybreakAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why did Daisy’s ghost make Auggie feel super strong? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 2. What did Auggie do with Baboo? Why do you think he did this? _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. How does Auggie describe the way it looked when the sun set. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. Describe Auggie’s ?rst day at the nature retreat. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________The FairgroundsDay OneName: _________________ Be Kind to Nature Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. What movie was played at Movie Night? Why was Auggie excited about this movie? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 1. Who came to help Auggie and Jack when Eddie and his friends were being mean to them? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________1. What did Jack and Auggie smell when the went into the woods? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Alien The Woods Are Alive2. Amos ran into the Eddie guy like a monster truck and they both fell down to the ground. What type of ?gurative language is this an example of? How does it make this scene more descriptive and interesting? _________________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ Voices in the Dark Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why did Auggie feel like he was underwater? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 1. Why do you think Auggie didn’t want to report the boys? What would you have done? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Sleep The Emperor’s Guard2. How did not having his hearing aid make Auggie feel? _________________________________________ _____________________________________1. Explain why Auggie ?nally understood the saying like a lamb to the slaughter. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ AftermathAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why did Auggie think might have happened to his hearing aids? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 1. Do you think that Auggie’s mom is right when she says that there are more good people on this earth than bad people, and the good people watch out for each other? Explain. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What did Dad and Via bring home with them? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What did some of the kids who normally don’t talk to Auggie do? _________________________________________ _____________________________________HomeBear1. Why did Auggie want to call the dog Bear? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ The ShiftAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Explain the shift that had happened. Was it a good shift? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Ducks1. Why did Mr. Tushman think that Auggie had drawn himself as a duck? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What did Mr. Browne ask the students to do during their summer vacation? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. Why had Auggie actually drawn himself as a duck? Why did this make Mr. Tushman laugh? _____________________________________ _____________________________________The Last Precept1. What was Mr. Browne’s last precept? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________ The Drop-OffAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why did Auggie’s dad throw out his astronaut helmet? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Take Your Seats, Everyone1. What did Auggie realize about Jack and Summer? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What does Mr. Tushman think that everyone should do to make the world a better place? _____________________________________ _____________________________________A Simple Thing1. What does the line, everyone should be little kinder than necessary, that Mr. Tushman read in his speech mean? _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________AwardsAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. Why was Auggie so happy for Summer? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 1. What is all that Auggie saw as he walked up the aisle to the stage to accept his award? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What did the audience do when Auggie went up to accept his award? _____________________________________ _____________________________________2. What is the Henry Ward Beecher award? Who won this award? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________Floating3. Do you think Auggie deserved this award? Explain why or why not. _____________________________________ _____________________________________Name: _________________PicturesAnswer the questions in complete sentences. 1. How did Auggie feel when everyone was taking pictures with him? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 1. What do you think Auggie’s mom was thinking about when they walked home after the graduation reception? _____________________________________ _____________________________________The Walk Home2. What did Auggie’s mom thank Auggie for? _____________________________________ _____________________________________3. What do you think Auggie’s mom meant when she told him he really is a wonder? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________4. Is Auggie glad that his mom made him go to school?How has his life changed because of this decision? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ................

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