Interactive Read Aloud Sample - Greenwood School District

Interactive Read Aloud

4th Nine Weeks - 1st Row

2-1.8 Classify works of fiction (including fables, tall tales, and folktales) and works of nonfiction (including biographies) by characteristics.

2-2.3 Distinguish between facts and opinions in informational text.

(Non-informational book, but offers several fact/opinion discussions.)


2-5.1 Identify examples of markets and price in the local community and explain the roles of buyers and sellers in creating markets and pricing.

Book: Grandpa’s Corner Store by: Dyanne Disalvo-Ryan

Book Introduction: Our read aloud today will help us think about an idea that we are studying in social studies – what buyers/consumers are willing to pay for goods. Sometimes our moms buy groceries at a big store “Wal-Mart” (or another store your students frequent). But sometimes our moms stop at a small store like “Corley’s” (or another convenient store your students know). What are the advantages/good things about going to a big store? What are the advantages/good things about a smaller store?

In the fictional story we’ll read today, Lucy’s Grandpa has a small store and she is worried about the business he’s going to lose when the brand new BIG supermarket opens.

Day 1 Questions:

|Interactive Read Aloud Questions |Correlation to Standard |Testing as a Genre Item |

|Read “Mr. Butler sold…” to the end of “I know, I |2-1.9 Explain cause and effect relationships in |(Use after Day 2) |

|know…” |literary texts. |The text, Grandpa’s Corner Store, is an example of |

| | |________. |

|Did we hear anymore reasons why people might enjoy a | |fairytale |

|small store? (Be sure to include the idea - | |poetry |

|Customers are known and valued individuals – example | |realistic fiction |

|Mrs. Kalfro knows what everyone will order, etc.) | |biography |

| | | |

| | |OR |

| | | |

| | |Which of the following characteristics makes |

| | |Grandpa’s Corner Store an example of realistic |

| | |fiction? |

| | | |

| | |The characters were important in American history. |

| | |The characters had magical powers. |

| | |The characters act and talk like real people. |

| | |Lines spoken by the characters were written in |

| | |stanzas and rhyme. |

| | | |

| | |Test Strategy: Some test questions will require us |

| | |to know several definitions. |

| | | |

| | |2-1.8 Classify works of fiction and works of |

| | |non-fiction by characteristics. |

| | | |

|Read “On Monday morning…” to the end of “I can’t even|2-1.6 Explain the effect of the author’s craft the | |

|talk on the way home…” |meaning of a given literary text. | |

| | | |

|What does the writer do to let us know how worried | | |

|everyone is? | | |

|(She can’t talk on the way home, concerned about | | |

|where grandpa will live, Mrs. Kalfro’s fluttering of | | |

|hands, etc.) | | |

|Read “The next, on the way….” to the end of “The |2-2.3 Distinguish between facts and opinions in | |

|Saturday the roof…” |informational text. | |

| | | |

|It’s obvious that Lucy and Steven have very different| | |

|opinions about this grocery store. Talk about Lucy’s| | |

|opinions and then talk about Steven’s opinions. Try| | |

|to come up with three statements for each character. | | |

| | | |

|Turn and Talk | | |

|Now let’s see if we can come up with some facts about| | |

|the grocery store. | | |

|Discuss | | |

|Read “Be there Saturday…” to the end of “It snows |2-1.6 Explain the effect of the author’s craft on the| |

|every single day…” |meaning of a given literary text. | |

| | | |

|At this point the author has to make a choice about | | |

|Grandpa’s future. Tomorrow we will read to find out | | |

|which way the author decides to go. | | |

Day 2 Questions:

|Interactive Read Aloud Questions |Correlation to Standard |Testing as a Genre Item |

|Reread “It snows every single day…” to the end of |2-2.3 Distinguish between facts and opinions in |What was the author’s main purpose in having it snow |

|“That’s when the old front door…” |informational text. |every single day before the neighbors meet to support|

| | |grandpa? |

|What is grandpa’s opinion of his own store when Lucy | |The writer wanted to show they liked the cold. |

|arrives? (“Grandpa says, ‘Who needs this place | |The writer wanted to show they were making a big |

|now?’”) | |effort. |

|What causes his opinion to change? | |Mrs. Duffy wanted to use her sled. |

|Reread the last two lines “Do you still want this?” I| |This lets the reader know it is winter. |

|ask Grandpa, taking down the FOR SALE sign.” | | |

|What is the author telling us about Lucy and her | |Test Strategy: |

|thoughts? Turn and Talk | |If the word main is in a question this tells us |

| | |another answer may seem kind of right. As you read |

| | |the answer choices keep asking yourself is this the |

| | |main purpose. |

| | | |

| | |2-1.6 Explain the effect of the author’s craft on the|

| | |meaning of a given literary text. |

|Read “Grandpa looks around his store…” to the end of |2-5.1 Identify examples of markets and price in the | |

|“Well, the grand opening….” |local community and explain the roles of buyers and | |

| |sellers in creating markets and pricing. | |

|Lucy says, “Bigger is not better.” What does she | | |

|mean by this statement? | | |

|Reread page one. |2-5.1 Identify examples of markets and price in the | |

| |local community and explain the roles of buyers and | |

|From this page we know many types of small businesses|sellers in creating markets and pricing. | |

|face difficulties when larger stores open. Let’s see| | |

|if we can think of large businesses in Greenwood | | |

|(T-Chart students’ responses on one side). | | |

| | | |

|Now let’s see if we can think of small businesses in | | |

|Greenwood (T-Chart students’ on left side). | | |

| | | |

|Which of these large businesses might affect some of | | |

|our small businesses (Draw lines connecting the | | |

|businesses that affect one another)? | | |

| | | |

|How is what we are learning in social studies taking | | |

|place right here where we live? | | |

|Turn and Talk | | |

|(A large store like Wal-Mart can effect small | | |

|grocery, florist, clothing, hardware, and pharmacy | | |

|stores.) | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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