HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION (2018-19)CLASS-VIISUBJECT-ENGLISH (SET-A)TIME: 3 Hrs. M.M.80General Instructions:This question paper consists of four sections:Section A- Reading (20 marks)Section B- Writing (20 marks)Section C- Grammar (15 marks)Section D- Literature( 25 marks)There are 15 questions in total.All the questions are compulsory.All the questions of the same section must be attempted together.___________________________________________________________________________________SECTION–A (READING) (20 Marks)Q.1 Read the following passage carefully. Animals in Medical Research A subject which always arouses strong feelings on both sides of the argument is the use of animals in medical research. I believe that , though this may have been necessary in the past, other ways can be developed to test drugs and , in the future, animals should not be used.One of the main reasons for saying this is that living tissues can be grown in test tubes and new drugs can be tested on these. Computers can also be programmed to show how medicines will react in the human body.Moreover, animals are not always like humans. They do not suffer from all human diseases, so scientists have to give them the illness artificially. The joints in rabbit legs are inflamed with chemicals to help research in rheumatism. These tests do not always work because animals do not react to drugs in the same way as humans. Arsenic, which is a deadly poison for humans, has no effect on sheep ; while penicillin, which is so valuable to humans ,kills guinea pigs. In addition, I believe that animal experiments should not be used because of the unnecessary pain that they cause to animals. The government had introduced new rules about the use of animals in experiments in 1986. Scientists claim that these rules safeguard animals because they state that discomfort must be kept to a minimum and that painkillers must be used where necessary and appropriate. Surely this means that scientists can still decide not to use painkillers in the animal experiments because they do not consider them appropriate.On the other hand, scientists claim that some experiments are so small, for example giving an injection , that painkillers are not needed. They also argue that experiments on animals have been very useful in the past. For instance, the lives of ten million human diabetics have been saved because of experiments with insulin on dogs. Dogs are also benefitted , as the same drug can be used on them. In fact, one third of medicines used by vets are same as those used by doctors.It is argued by researchers that the use of animals in experiments cannot be replaced by methods using living tissue which has been grown in test tubes. These tests do not show how the drugs work on whole animals and so they only have limited effectiveness.Although I accept that some drugs can be used on animals and humans , this does not mean that they have to be tested on animals in the first place when alternative methods are available. Alternative methods do work. Various groups have been set up to put money into other ways of researching. For example, the Dr Hadwen Trust has shown how human cartilage can be grown in test tubes to study rheumatism. Similar research is being done into cancer and multiple sclerosis. Tests can be done on bacteria to see whether a chemical will cause cancer. There is even a programme of volunteer human researchers ,where people suffering from illnesses offer to help in research.In conclusion, I accept that animal experiments have brought benefits in the past, but now money needs to be spent on developing other methods of testing drugs and medical procedures, so that the use of animals can be phased out altogether. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions. Why , according to the researchers, experiments on animals cannot be replaced by living tissues grown in test tubes? 2How do scientists justify not using painkillers in animals? 1Animal experiments should not be used for research. Justify. 2What effect did arsenic and penicillin have on sheep and guinea pigs, respectively? 2According to the Dr. Hadwen Trust, how can animals be spared from getting used for medical experiments? 1Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following: 2 Awakens (para 1) To protect (para 4)Q.2 Read the following poem carefully. A BAREFEET BOYA barefeet boy! I mark him at his playFor May is here once more, and so is he,His dusty trousers, rolled half to the knee And his bare ankles grimy , too, as they :Cross-hatchings of the nettle, in arrayOf feverish stripes, hint vividly to me Of woody pathaways winding endlessly Along the creek, here even yesterday He plunged his shrinking body gasped and shookYet called the water ‘warm’ , with never lack of joy. And so, half enviously I lookUpon this graceless barefoot and his track,His toe stubbed – ay, his big toe-nail knocked backLike unto the clasp of an old pocket book.On the basis of your reading of the poem, choose the correct option. 5The barefeet boy comes to play in Summer WinterAutumnSpring The line , ‘Yet called the water “warm” , depicts thatThe water was dirtyThe river was shallowThe water was coldThe boy was feverish The boy’s toe nail was hurt becauseIt had stubbed against something hardHe had been hurt by the nettleHis friend had stamped on his footHe had hurt himself while in his sleep The poet is envious of the boy because he Is playing all the timeDoesn’t have to look neatIs enjoying and doesn’t have a care in the worldIs playing with his many friends The nettles remind the poet ofWoody pathwaysCreekFeverish stripesBare anklesQ.3 Read the passage carefully. MALALA – THE VOICE OF JUSTICEIt was a day like any other for millions of school children around the world – cramming books into satchels, looking for lost homework and running for the school bus. Except for one young girl, whose routine school day ended with her life shattered and changed forever.Fifteen year old Malala Yousafzai from the Swat Valley in Pakistan was on the school bus returning home when a gunman attempted to murder her by shooting her in the head. The single bullet entered her head, passed through her neck and lodged in her shoulder close to her spine. She wasn’t expected to live.Malala’s ‘crime’ was speaking against the denial of education, particularly to girls. In the Swat Valley, where the fanatics had blown up schools and had banned girls from attending schools, Malala, with her blog and passionately held views about the right of girls to be educated , stood out and she had to be silenced – permanently. Malala was just fifteen then.The global reaction to this extreme cruelty was a mixture of outrage, horror and disbelief. How could an activity so innocent, so normal like going to school attract the murderous intent of a pack of callous cowards- grown men who think that gunning down children is ok?Fortunately, Malala survived and has become an internationally recognized and respected educational activist and an unceasing campaigner for the education for girls. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.5a) Write two character traits of Malala.b) Why was Malala attacked?c) What was the reaction of the people across the world on Malala’s attack?d) How has the unfortunate happening in Malala’s life proved to bring a positive result?e) Find a word from the passage which means cruel , indifferent to the suffering/feeling of the others (para 4) SECTION–B (WRITING) (20 Marks)Q.4 The Students’ Council of Pragati School, Mumbai has organized an excursion to Goa for the students of classes VII and VIII during the winter break. As Vidit / Vidya, the President of the Council ,draft a notice to call a meeting of all the interested students. Give relevant details like date, time, venue and purpose of the meeting. 4 ORRead the following telephonic conversation between Anjali and Mrs Roy. Anjali is about to leave with her friend and won’t be able to meet her mother. So, she leaves a message for her. Draft her message in not more than 50 words. Mrs Roy : Hello! Anjali, is that you? Can I speak to your mother?Anjali : My mother has gone to the market, aunty. Would you like to leave a message for her?Mrs Roy : Thank you, Anjali. Please tell her that I am expecting guests who will be staying with us for the next few days. Hence, I will not be able to accompany her on the trip that we had planned. Also, inform her that I’ve collected the important documents from the agency on her behalf so she needn’t worry anymore. Anjali : I will convey the message to her.Mrs Roy : Thank you, dear. Q5 Given the present scenario of nuclear family system, dual- incomes and preoccupied parents, grandparents can be the perfect role models, caregivers and nurturers .They not only provide intergenerational learning opportunities but also facilitate balanced upbringing of their grandchildren. Taking ideas from the unit - ‘Relationships’ and using your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘Role of Grandparents in our life’. You are Ishan/Ishaani (120-150 words) 8 OR One cannot control what happens to him but one can control one’s attitude towards what happens to him. Positive thinking teamed with diligence and determination can help us overcome any obstacle in life. Taking ideas from the unit ‘Attitude’ and using your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic- ‘Positive attitude is the key to success’. (120-150 words) Q6. Nature has enough for man’s need but not enough for man’s greed. It is imperative to understand that the earth is our home and it is our responsibility to take care of it for ourselves and the generations to come. Using the hints given below, prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly highlighting the ‘Role of Students in Conservation of Environment.” HintsReduce wasteAvoid wastage of paperConserve existing resourcesTurn off electrical appliances when not in useUse non-toxic cleanersUse biodegradable productsSECTION-C (GRAMMAR) (15 Marks)Q.7 Complete the passage by choosing the correct options given below. (? ×6 = 3)Village refuse a) ________ money in Sanwala, a village in U.P. That’s why the village with a 1000 plus population b) ________ to commit itself to total sanitation. No surprise that Sanwala c)_______ a clean and green look - no polythene bags d) ________ in open spaces , no garbage heaps and no flies to e)_______ visitors. The garbage f)________ collected and dumped near the village pond. (a) (i) meaning (ii) means (iii) meant (iv) mean(b) (i) decided (ii) has decided (iii) had decided (iv)will decide(c) (i) wore (ii) has been wearing (iii) wears (iv) has worn(d) (i) littering (ii) littered (iii) are littering (iv) have littered(e) (i) greeting (ii) greeted (iii) great (iv) greet(f) (i) was (ii) are (iii) has been (iv) isQ.8 The following passage contains an error in each line. Find the error and write it along with the correct word in the space given below. ErrorCorrectionIf you wanted to keep common cold Eg wanted wanton bay, eat almonds every day, for a a) ________ _______recent study had found that eating the b)________ _______nuts could help the body to fight of viral infections. c)________ _______The study reveal that almond skins d)_________ _______improved the ability of the white blood cells e)_________ _______to detect virus in the body. f) _________ ________Q.9 Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. 3Eg i) you are/ there are/ if/ planning/on a / to go/ vacation/ to remember/ important things/ some If you are planning to go on a vacation , there are some important things to remember. ii) a safe/ your/ must always / be kept/ place/ money/ and passport/in iii) call your/ if/ you/ embassy/happen/ to lose/ immediately/ these items iv) hotel/ are in a/ feel uncomfortable/go back/if you/to your/in a taxi/situation/and/that/makes you / getQ.10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals. 3 She asked me if I i)_________ be attending the seminar in the evening. I told her that I wasn’t very sure and that I ii)__________ , as my programme depended on my work. I further told her that if I was able to pack up early, I c)________ make it in time. Q.11 Read the instructions given below and complete the paragraph that follows . 3 HOW TO MAKE SOAPTake 20 ml castor oil in a beaker.Prepare sodium hydroxide solution by dissolving half teaspoonful of caustic soda in 20 ml waterMix oil and sodium hydroxide solution.Boil the mixture for 8-10 minutes and stir continuously.Add a teaspoonful of salt to the beaker to separate soap from the mixtureOn cooling, solid soap separates out as a crust on the top of solutionTo make soap, 20 ml castor oil a)__________. A solution of sodium hydroxide was prepared by dissolving half a teaspoonful of caustic soda in 20 ml water. The oil and solution of sodium hydroxide b)_________ . The mixture c)___________ for 8-10 minutes and d)___________ continuously. To separate soap from the mixture, a teaspoonful of salt e)___________ to the beaker. Solid soap crust f)_________ out on the top of solution on cooling. SECTION – D (LITERATURE)Q.12 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 4Where wretchedness will hang its head,And joy, like a pearl,Attend the needs of all mankind.a) Explain-‘wretchedness will hang its head’. b) What is the significance of the comparison between joy and pearl? c) Identify the figure of speech used in line 2. d) Which poem have the above lines been taken from?Q.13 Read the extract given below and choose the correct option . 4 Birdie, Birdie, will you pet? Summer time is far away yet You’ll have silken quilts and a velvet bed, And a pillow of satin for your head.Which season is going on in the poem?SummerWinterAutumnSpringWhat does the poet offer the bird?Silken quiltsVelvet bedSatin pillowAll the above Why does the poet offer all the comforts to the bird? Because :The bird was feeling sickIt was summer and the bird needed comfortShe wanted to pet the birdThe bird was materialisticThe rhyme scheme of the given extract is :AbabAabbAbccAcab Q.14Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. 3 X4=12 What role did Amol play in reinstilling courage and confidence in Manjula?Describe how Swami caught hold of the house-breaker.Why did Tutu follow the narrator to the market? What trouble did she create there?‘Sooner or later the man who wins, is the man who thinks he can.’ Justify in context of the chapter- Fight, Manju, Fight.Q.15 Imagine yourself to be Manjula’s mother. Write a diary entry expressing your pride and joy after Manjula won ‘On the spot painting competition’. 5 ORAs Swami, you feel overwhelmed at the appreciation you received for catching the burglar. Write a letter to your friend sharing your moment of glory. HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION (2018-19)CLASS-VIISUBJECT-ENGLISH (SET-B)TIME: 3 Hrs. M.M.80General Instructions:This question paper consists of four sections:Section A- Reading (20 marks)Section B- Writing (20 marks)Section C- Grammar (15 marks)Section D- Literature( 25 marks)There are 15 questions in total.All the questions are compulsory.All the questions of the same section must be attempted together.___________________________________________________________________________________SECTION–A (READING)Q.1 Read the following passage carefully. BULLYING ISSUEIf you saw bullying, what would you do to stop it? Would you stand by and let it happen, take part in it or try to stop it? Not many students think about this, and that’s a part of the problem.‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ That’s the golden rule and it should be followed in every aspect of your life. If someone was in a position to stop you from being bullied and did nothing, how would you feel? If you find that unacceptable , you must do everything you can to stop others from hurting people.Are you even remotely aware of how much pain these victims feel everyday? They go to school knowing they’re going to be hurt and they see no way out. This is because people like you and many others stand by and let it happen without contemplating how much pain this is causing people. Ask yourself this : How would you feel if you were in the victim’s position and could see no end to your pain?When the victims see no way out, they may even choose to tragically end their life, leaving more hurtful experience behind for those who were unable to stop it. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for the people aged 10-24 after accidents.If you condone bullying in any way, shape or form, you are taking part in it. Bullying is everyone’s responsibility and the option of doing nothing is unacceptable in a civilised society. Some people may consider mocking someone, even though it is anything but funny to the victim. Small jabs taken every day can add up to a lot of pain and suffering. While it may seem innocent to the person taking the shots, the cumulative effect of these daily jabs could be devastating . In addition to that , as the pain increases, each jab cuts a little deeper.Bullying can happen in school, so it is the responsibility of students to protect their classmates and to show everyone the dignity and respect they would like to be treated with. The first line of defence in bullying is a student’s own behavior. When that fails, it must be brought to the attention of someone in authority, like a teacher. The concept of someone in authority failing to address the problem is simply not acceptable. This is why you must speak to a teacher you trust and know will do something to stop the bully.The only way to end bullying is to talk about it rather than making it a taboo issue. If someone is hurting another person, they will not stop unless someone (either a fellow classmate or someone in authority) stands up for the victim and tells their tormentor to stop. Bullying is everyone’s problem ; therefore everyone has to be a part of the solution.On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.How can mockery add up to pain and suffering for the victims of bullying? 2In what way can the classmates of the victim help in dealing with bullying issues at school? 2What do you understand by ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated’ in the context of the passage? 2 Why is it necessary to talk openly about bullying rather than making it a taboo subject? 2Find words from the passage which mean the same as 2To accept wrong behavior (para 5)A person who inflicts severe mental or physical suffering on someone (para 8)Q2 Read the given poem carefully. A GREEN CORNFIELDThe earth was green , the sky was blue :I saw and heard one sunny mornA skylark hang between the two,A singing speck above the corn ;A stage below, in gay accordWhite butterflies danced on the wing,And still the singing skylark soaredAnd silent sank, and soared to sing.The cornfield stretched a tender greenTo right and left beside my walks ;I knew he had a nest unseenSomewhere among the million stalks :And as I paused to hear his songWhile swift the sunny moments slid,Perhaps his mate sat listening long,And listened longer than I did.On the basis of your reading of the poem, choose the correct option. 5i) What did the poet see one morning? a) the green earth b) the grey sky c) a skylark d) a corn field ii) Where, according to the poet, is the nest of the skylark? a) On the tree b) Among the million stalks in the cornfield c) On the ground d) None of these iii) ‘While swift the sunny moments slid’ means : a) The poet was enjoying the song of the skylark b) The time passed quickly c) It was a sunny day d) Both a) and b)iv) Who does the poet think might have listened to the skylark’s song longer than she had ?The skylark’s mateThe poet’s friendThe passers-byThe skylark’s friends Which of the following words from the poem mean the same as ‘rose high in the air’ ? a) Speck b) Soared c) Slid d) mornQ3 Read the given passage carefully. COUNTING ON CAMOUFLAGEMany animals have evolved to exhibit some form of camouflage, which is an adaptation that allows animals to blend in with certain aspects of their environment. Camouflage increases an organism’ s chance of survival by hiding it from the predators.One animal that uses camouflage to hide in its surroundings is the stone flounder, a flat fish that lays on the ocean floor as it searches for prey. It is advantageous for these fish to blend in with the gravel or sand found at the bottom of the sea to avoid predators. This camouflage also hides them from prey that may move close enough for them to catch.On the vast savannas of Africa, leopards use their colouration and spots as a hunting tool, because it enables them to blend in easily with the tall grasses as they stalk their prey. Various species of insects, reptiles and amphibians have evolved camouflage that enables them to mimic the plants that they live on or where they spend most of their time.One true master of disguise as a plant mimic is the mossy leaf-tailed gecko. This gecko’s colouration and body shape enables it to blend in remarkably with the stems of trees found in its habitat.The longest species of insect is Phobaeticus chain. These insects use both their body shape and colouration as a form of camouflage. The long stick-like appearance of their bodies allows them to blend in with the trees and plants they crawl on. On the basis of the passage read, answer the following questions.5How does the stone flounder fish use its camouflage?In what way does ‘camouflage’ helps to the animals?What do you understand by the phrase ‘ true master of disguise’ that has been used for gecko?State what’s special about the camouflage technique of the ‘Phobaeticus chain’. Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘animals that naturally prey on others’ (para 2) SECTION – B (WRITING)Q4You are the President of the Students’ Council of Queen’s Valley Senior Secondary School, Mangalore. You have invited a Russian Ballet Troupe to give a performance in your school on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Draft a notice in about 50 words , informing the students about this event. Sign yourself as Gauri/ Garv. 4 ORRead the telephonic conversation given below and draft a message as Farhan in not more than 50 words. Farhan : Hello! Mr Raichand : Hello ! Can I speak to Hrehaan? Farhaan : I’m sorry but he’s not at home. This is his brother Farhaan. Would you like to leave a message for him? Mr Raichand : Thank you. This is Mr Raichand calling from the ‘Writer’s Retreat Programme’ that Hrehaan had applied for. Please inform him that he has been selected . As a part of the programme, we are offering him a chance to attend a workshop for writers which will be held in Kerala. All expenses will be borne by the organisation itself. Frahaan : Thank you for this great news Mr Raichand. I will convey the message to Hrehaan. Q5 Our siblings are the first friends we meet in our life. They are our biggest support system. Even more than the friends or parents, they have been right by our sides through the awkward, embarrassing , joyous and miserable times of our lives. Taking ideas from the unit - ‘Relationships’ and using your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘Importance of Siblings in our life’. You are Isha/Ikshit. (120-150 words) OR In the era of cut throat competition and high expectations, failures are inevitable. In the light of such a situation, a positive outlook is necessary for survival. Taking ideas from the unit- ‘Attitude’ along with your own, prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic – ‘ Optimism is the key to peaceful living’ . 8Q6 Cruelty towards animals ids often heard and read about , in the newspapers. It is unfair to be inhuman towards animals as they are helpless, poor creatures who can’t even speak out their agony. Using the hints given below, prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic – ‘Stop Animal Abuse’ (120-150 words) HintsCats , dogs, horses, livestock animals are abusedSensitivity towards animals requiredTake the needy animals to a vet/ inform concerned authoritiesBe kind towards animalsRespect themAdopt stray animalsSpread awareness SECTION-C (GRAMMAR) Q7 Complete the passage by choosing the correct options given below. (? ×6 = 3) Wholesaler traders in Delhi a) ________ The Tribune Times that the flow of vegetables to the Mandi b)________ down, as vegetables c) _________ in Himachal, Maharashtra and Karnataka d)_________ damaged because of the rains. As a result, the prices e)_______ up. The wholesale price f) _______ up for all vegetables. i) have informed ii) informed iii) will inform iv) will be informingi) has gone ii) will go iii) will be going iv) i) growing ii) grown iii) have grown iv) will be growingi) are damaged ii) have been damaged iii) damaged iv) has been damaged i) shot ii) have shot iii) has shot iv) are shoti) trickling ii) trickled iii) has trickled iv) will be trickling Q8 The following passage contains an error in each line. Find the error and write it along with the correct word in the space given below. 3 Error CorrectionOne of the peculiarities on cricket is that a Eg on ofTest match should go on for five days and a) _______ ________still end in a draw. No another modern b) ________ ________team sport takes even half so much time c) ________ ________to complete. A football match has generally d) ________ ________over in a hour and a half. Even baseball e) ________ ________completes nine innings in lesser than f) ________ ________half the time that it takes to play a limited overscricket match. Q9 Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. 3Eg i) the first/ invented/ an Italian/ in 1609/ telescope/ called GalileoAn Italian invented the first telescope called Galileo in 1609.ii) through/ as he/ his homemade/ peered/ instruments/ many new things/ the universe/ learned/ he/ aboutiii) and found/ he saw/ it was a /high mountains/ of/ the moon/ deep valleys/ and/ solid worldiv) the moon/ the stars/ their distance/he saw/small/and planets/because of/from/that seemedQ10 Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals. 3Friends are a vital part of our lives. We a) _______ look for honest and reliable persons . It is essential that our friend b)________ be optimistic as such people will keep us inspired and constantly make us realize that we c)_______ do great things in life. Q.11 Read the instructions given below and complete the paragraph that follows:3 HOW TO PLANT A SAPLINGChoose a sapling with roots.Dig a hole where the sapling is to be planted.Prepare the soil by mixing manure to it.Carefully lower the sapling into the dug hole.Cover the roots with the prepared soil. Pour some water on the plant.First, a sapling a)________. Then, a hole is dug where the sapling is to be planted. The soil b)______ by mixing manure to it. The sapling c)_________ into the dug hole carefully. The roots d)_________ With the prepared soil. The plant e)________ and f)________ to take roots. SECTION-D (LITERATURE)Q12 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 4I’d rather sleep in the ivy wall;No rain comes through , tho’ I hear it fallThe sun peeps gay at the dawn of the day,And I sing, and wing away, away!The above excerpt has been taken from the poem –Birdie, Birdie, Will you pet?Birdie, Will you pet?Birdie, Will you become my pet?Birdie, become my pet!Which figure of speech has been used in line 3?SimileMetaphorPersonificationAlliteration‘Ivy’ in line – 1 is the name of a WallPlantPoetBird‘Dawn’ in line- 3 refers to :The first appearance of light in the sky before sunriseThe time before night when it is not yet darkUnhappy, depressedTowards a lower positionQ13 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. 4A world I dream where black or whiteWhatever race you beWill share the bounties of the earth,And every man is free.Name the poem and the poet?What kind of world does the poet wish for? ‘Bounties of the earth’ refer to _________.In poet’s dream world, there shouldn’t be any ____________ on the basis of race. Q14 Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. 3X4=12 In what way did Amol lend support to Manjula and helped her regain lost motivation? Swami didn’t like the strain of cruelty in his father’s nature. Why did Swami call his father as cruel?What kind of monkey was Tutu? What mess did she create in the market?‘Courage is everything, strength and age are not important.’ Justify in context of the chapter- A Hero.Q15 Imagine yourself to be Swami’s father. Write a letter to your friend sharing with him Swami’s heroic gesture of catching the notorious house-breaker. 5 ORImagine you are aunt Ruby. You had to face a lot of embarrassment because of Tutu. Write a diary entry expressing your anger and disgust at Tutu for the chaos she created. ................

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