ENG101 Grammar Final

ENG101 Grammar Diagnostic -- Final

Do not write on the test. Record your answers on the answer sheet provided or the Scantron card.

Sentence Body Parts

1. Identify the subject of this sentence. – Building infrastructure requires a commitment by the federal and state governments.

A) Building infrastructure C) commitment

B) requires D) governments

2. Identify the indirect object in this sentence. – The judge of elections provides the county seat the ballots from the primary election.

A) judge C) elections

B) provides D) county seat

3. Identify the predicate nominative in this sentence. -- Rachael Blackman is the favored candidate in the race for mayor.

A) Rachael Blackman C) race

B) candidate D) mayor

4. Identify the verb in this sentence. -- Answering the phone is an important duty for the candidate’s staff.

A) Answering the phone C) duty

B) is D) important

5. Identify the direct object in this sentence. -- Since the beginning of time, elections have created enthusiasm in the masses.

A) Since the beginning C) elections

B) have created D) enthusiasm

6. Identify the subject in this sentence. – To find qualified candidates requires diligence on the part of political parties.

A) To find qualified candidates C) diligence

B) part D) political parties

7. Identify the direct object in this sentence. -- In times of grave danger, the people will often elect military leaders to serve as figureheads.

A) In times C) grave danger

B) leaders D) figureheads

8. Identify the subject in this sentence. -- There is never enough clear information to select the best candidate.

A) There C) never

B) information D) best candidate

Subject and Verb Agreement

Choose the sentence with correct subject and verb agreement.

9. A) Not only the players but also the coach is happy to play at a neutral site.

B) Not only the players but also the coach are happy to play at a neutral site.

10. A) At almost any location, Walgreen’s make a large profit from cosmetics.

B) At almost any location, Walgreen’s makes a large profit on cosmetics.

11. A) Each mascara kit, lip stick tube, and foundation applicator cost less at the chain store.

B) Each mascara kit, lip stick tube, and foundation applicator costs less at the chain store.

12. A) It is a generous company policy that the store manager, along with all workers, receive quarterly bonuses.

B) It is a generous company policy that the store manager, along with all workers, receives quarterly bonuses.

13. A) An innovative product and skillful marketing bring profitable results.

B) An innovative product and skillful marketing brings profitable results.

14. A) A low percentage of mom and pop stores share success with big business.

B) A low percentage of mom and pop stores shares success with big business.

15. A) Everyone of the retail service workers need to think of the customers first.

B) Everyone of the retail service workers needs to think of the customers first.

16. A) Some of the customers like to be pampered by the store’s employees.

B) Some of the customers likes to be pampered by the store’s employees.

17. A) Either the pharmacist or the clerks need to provide the customer the correct over the counter drug.

B) Either the pharmacist or the clerks needs to provide the customer the correct over the counter drug.

18. A) One of the women who is in the line need immediate help.

B) One of the women who are in the line needs immediate help.

Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement

Choose the sentence with correct pronoun antecedent agreement.

19. A) The family spent its vacation at Ocean City.

B) The family spent their vacation at Ocean City.

20. A) Either the pack mother or the scouts found their way to the camp.

B) Either the pack mother or the scouts found her way to the camp.

21. A) Either of these novels will capture your heart with their tragic final chapter.

B) Either of these novels will capture your heart with its tragic final chapter.

22. A) Tyler College is famous for their excellent writing lab.

B) Tyler College is famous for its excellent writing lab.

23. A) Each old car, truck, SUV, and bus found their way to the scrap yard.

B) Each old car, truck, SUV, and bus found its way to the scrap yard.

24. A) Students in the biology major know that you must study regularly.

B) Students in the biology major know that they must study regularly.

Pronoun Case

Choose the sentence with correct pronoun case usage.

25. A) Their constant gossiping inspires Mrs. David to look extra hard for points to

deduct when she grades their essays.

B) Them constant gossiping inspires Mrs. David to look extra hard for points to

deduct when she grades their essays.

26. A) I’ve shown you my A+ essay; now let’s see your’s.

B) I’ve shown you my A+ essay; now let’s see yours.

27. A) Just between you and I, this algebra class is snore city.

B) Just between you and me, this algebra class is snore city.

28. A) Professor Kerry congratulated we students on bombing the calculus exam more

horribly than any class he had ever taught.

B) Professor Kerry congratulated us students on bombing the calculus exam more

horribly than any class he had ever taught.

29. A) It is he who will spray an avalanche of whipped cream onto the finished drink.

B) It is him who will spray an avalanche of whipped cream onto the finished drink.

30. A) Grandma asked my brother and I to buy cherry cough drops while we were at the


B) Grandma asked my brother and me to buy cherry cough drops while we were at the


Identifying Fragments

Write the letter of the word group which is a fragment.

31. A)Horrified, Sherri stared at her reflection in the mirror. B) Hair sticking out in seventeen

different directions, a spot of whipped cream on her chin, and a green pen mark across her nose.

C) Why hadn't her friends at the table mentioned her disarray?

32. A) Lying awake in the dark room, staring up at the shadows that danced across the ceiling.

B) Jason worried about the shuffling and thumps that he heard outside. C)Raccoons—not hungry

zombies with grabbing arm—were prowling behind the house.

33. A) Like amber honey, Helene's long hair dripped over her shoulders and spilled down her

back. B) Styling products, moreover, made the tresses as sticky as pancake syrup. C) Catching pieces of thread, feathers, dust, and even an occasional insect that buzzed too close.

34. A) While eating the plate of sesame chicken, Maria was thankful for her skill with chopsticks. B) Eating utensils that required only one hand to use. C) Maria's left hand was pinned to the booth by Hunter, her five-year-old son who lay sleeping after a long day of shopping at the mall.

35. A) To stay awake for a long evening of chemistry homework. B) Beth made a huge pot of

coffee. C) Unfortunately, her heart beat so fast and her legs jiggled so violently that the poor

girl couldn't concentrate.

Major Sentence Errors

Correctly identify the following word groups as: A) complete sentence; B) fragment; C) run-on, comma splice, or fused sentence.

36. Some people enjoy swimming others like water-skiing.

37. After the long distance was covered by the exhausted truck driver.

38. Many foreign visitors want to see the Empire State Building.

39. It has been a long time since I last saw you, you look great.

40. Sweeping through the levels of Super Mario at full speed.

41. Like most teams, the Bearcats follow a strict regimen they only eat Lucky Charms for brunch.

42. As soon as we found the dead cat under the rain gutter.

43. Maple trees have beautiful colors in the spring and in the fall.

44. Questions arise when precautions are not taken, we better follow the protocol.

45. Amateurs should not try to tame wild animals.

Fixing Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices

Label (A, B, or C) the word group that shows correct sentence structure.

46. She wants to continue her education she is not sure which courses to take.

A) She wants to continue her education and she is not sure which courses to take.

B) She wants to continue her education, is not sure which courses to take.

C) She wants to continue her education, but she is not sure which courses to take.

47. Iowa is one of the great hunting states however its population has few archery hunters.

A) Iowa is one of the great hunting states, however, its population has few archery hunters.

B) Iowa is one of the great hunting states, however its population has few archery hunters.

C) Iowa is one of the great hunting states; however, its population has few archery hunters.

48. Average Americans think baseball is an exciting national sport others think it is boring.

A) Average Americans think baseball is an exciting national sport while others think it is boring.

B) Average Americans think baseball is an exciting national sport, others think it is boring.

C) Average Americans think baseball is an exciting national sport but others think it is boring.

49. There is a red sky in the east it will be stormy today.

A) There is a red sky in the east but it will be stormy today.

B) There is a red sky in the east, so it will be stormy today.

C) There is a red sky in the east, however, it will be stormy today.

50. Holiday spending helps to lift the economy it can cause unwise people to go into debt.

A) Holiday spending helps to lift the economy, it can cause unwise people to go into debt.

B) Although holiday spending helps to lift the economy, it can cause unwise people to go into debt.

C) Holiday spending helps to lift the economy, however, it can cause unwise people to go into debt.

51. Manny plays a sweet guitar, he sings like an old hoot owl.

A) Manny plays a sweet guitar, sings like an old hoot owl.

B) Manny plays a sweet guitar, but he sings like an old hoot owl.

C) Although Manny plays a sweet guitar. He sings like an old hoot owl.

52. The Baxter’s vacation was cut short, they ran out on money in Las Vegas.

A) The Baxter’s vacation was cut short. Because they ran out on money in Las Vegas.

B) The Baxter’s vacation was cut short, ran out on money in Las Vegas.

C) The Baxter’s vacation was cut short because they ran out on money in Las Vegas.

53. Patients at Fernwood Rehabilitation enjoy the gourmet meals they are lucky to have a chef who works cheaply.

A) Patients at Fernwood Rehabilitation enjoy the gourmet meals. They are lucky to have a chef who works cheaply.

B) Patients at Fernwood Rehabilitation enjoy the gourmet meals, they are lucky to have a chef who works cheaply.

C) Although patients at Fernwood Rehabilitation enjoy the gourmet meals. They are lucky to have a chef who works cheaply.

54. Spider bites account for a large percentage of emergency room visits in Arizona the dry climate supports several poisonous arachnids.

A) Spider bites account for a large percentage of emergency room visits in Arizona for the dry climate supports several poisonous arachnids.

B) Because the dry climate supports several poisonous arachnids, spider bites account for a large percentage of emergency room visits in Arizona.

C) Spider bites account for a large percentage of emergency room visits in Arizona, the dry climate supports several poisonous arachnids.

55. Macintosh apples are sweet and delicious they not make good pies.

A) Macintosh apples are sweet and delicious, however, they not make good pies.

B) Macintosh apples are sweet and delicious, they not make good pies.

C) Macintosh apples are sweet and delicious, but they not make good pies.

Independent and Dependent Clauses

Identify the underlined word group as either an independent clause(A), a dependent clause (B), or not a clause(C).

56. After the gunfight at the O.K. Corral was over, the real range war was to begin.

57. Drifting out to sea with a tiger, Pi may not have felt alone, but he certainly could not have been comfortable.

58. Although most movies today cannot compare to the old black and white films for gritty performances, today’s special effects create blockbuster results.

59. Sandra Bullock is excellent in Gravity, but Spencer Tracey filled the screen by himself in The Old Man and The Sea.

60. Clint Eastwood has created many memorable characters; however, he has never received an Academy Award for acting.

The Apostrophe

Select (T) for true if the apostrophes are used correctly or (F) for false if they are used incorrectly in each sentence.

61. The spider’s web glistened in the morning dew.

62. The angry joggers’ discovered Mike and Dave’s shoes were filled with podiatrists’ cushions.

63. Although researchers find experts’ evidence on web sources, journal articles contain juried reports written by leaders’ in their fields.

64. Nobody’s answer will solve everyone’s problems.

65. Darrel’s foraging ability and Sally’s home cooking are the causes of everyone’s satisfaction at the wilderness dinner table.


Note the use of commas, semi-colons and apostrophes. If the sentence is punctuated correctly, mark (T) for true; if the sentence is not punctuated correctly, mark (F) for false.

66. Swimming across the current, the puppy lost it’s strength and drowned.

67. The SPCA doesn’t keep unwanted pets for more than three weeks, however, they try to place as many as possible.

68. Into the nest of assassins, the hero swung his sword, but there were too many evil doers to slay.

69. Most people take what life gives them; visionaries accept what life gives them and create a better world.

70. Mary and John’s house was decorated for the holidays, but the death in the family created a somber mood.

71. In fact, on December 20, 2011, the ice and snowstorm cut off electricity to 125,000 people in the valley.

72. Mr. Robbins, who is the contractor; Mr. Jones, who is the lead carpenter; and Ms. Carter, who is the plumber, have different interpretations of the blue prints.

73. Everyone’s curiosity was piqued by college president’s decision to halt the memorial service for the respected professor, it didn’t seem in character.

74. To break in a new baseball glove a player needs to be confident, placing the expensive leather in water.

75. A mother believes the duty of child rearing is her’s, but the father shares his responsibility to be his son’s role model.

76. My great uncle lived in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, until he died of lung cancer.

77. Bold, vibrant colors will not make the actors’ voices project to the audience, and being seen but not heard is not good theater.

78. If you’ll only pay attention for one minute, I’ll show you how its done.

79. My cousin Herb, who lives in Detroit, hates ice hockey almost as much as I do, but he still reads Albom’s column like it’s the Bible.

80. Let’s go to Martha’s house; she’ll always make us a hamburger.

Irregular Verbs

Write the letter of the correct verb form.

81. Earlier in the morning, the angler _________ his buzz bait near the shoreline.

A) cast B) casted

82. The Five Hour energy drink was __________ by the college student who decided to cram for the nutrition final.

A) drank B) drunk

83. The poor traveler __________ for a ticket to Boston, but the bus only took him to Hartford.

A) payed B) paid

84. On Halloween night the full moon __________ brightly over the broken tombstones.

A) shined B) shone

85. The salmon had _________ up the river to spawn.

A) swam B) swum

Correct Usage/Spelling

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

86. It is never _______ to let your car unlocked on the street.

A) alright B) all right

87. Ocean City was very uncomfortable; the _______ of people on the beach was ridicules.

A) number B) amount

88. After a fantastic meal, a sweet _________ is satisfying.

A) desert B) dessert

89. Max was frequently __________ down the wrong path by his pals.

A) lead B) led

90. Late at night the fog began to _______ the vessel.

A) envelop B) envelope

91. It is necessary to move your arm _________ parallel to make a good swing.

A) past B) passed

92. This __________ our bet chance to win the game.

A) maybe B) may be

93. I would rather lose fairly _________ win by cheating.

A) than B) then

94. It always seems like you _________ here on the wrong day.

A) were B) where

95. The sunset was quite a _________ ; the change in the colors would not stop.

A) cite B) sight C) site

96. When Alex was hit in the belly, he could not ________.

A) breath B) breathe

97. Misers tend to overvalue _________ money.

A) there B) their C) they’re

98. If you let that pepperoni _______ in the sun, it will spoil.

A) lie B) lay C) lain

99. If you stop the run, ________ they throw the pass.

A) than B) then

100. One more question would be ________ many.

A) to B) too C) two


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