Review of Salford’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

|Review of Salford’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy |

|What is the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy? |

|It is information put together by Salford City Council and the NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group. |

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|It talks about ways to support Salford people’s health and wellbeing needs. This is so that Salford people have happier, healthier lives. |

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|Salford Health and Wellbeing Board uses the information to do things to make things better for local people. |

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|The Strategy is there to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Salford |

|The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy now needs to be reviewed because: |

|it was developed in 2012 – 2013 |

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|people’s health and wellbeing has changed since then |

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|the health care system has also changed ( we need to link up with what else is going on across Greater Manchester, for example) |

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|there have been big cuts to local public budgets |

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|we have learned from what has happened over the last 3 years and might want to improve the Strategy |

|Salford’s existing Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy aims to: |

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|Make people in Salford happier and healthier. |

|Make sure that everyone has the same levels of good health |

|Find ways for organizations like the council and the NHS to work together in ways that make things better for Salford people. |

|It believes that |

|Prevention is better than cure |

|Finding ways to help people take control over their own lives |

|Makes their lives better. |

|Makes the places they live better |

|Helps people make better choices about how they live their lives |

|The strategy hopes to do things which mean that: |

|People in Salford live as long as people who live in other parts of the UK. At the moment people in Salford die younger than people who live in other |

|places. |

|People are happier and healthier throughout their lives. |

|Everyone in Salford gets happier and healthier and that how happy and healthy you does not change depending on where in Salford you live. |

|Find ways for organizations like the council and the NHS to work together in ways that make things better for Salford people. |

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|The Strategy wants to make sure that we work in the following ways: |

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|Valuing the assets (the skills, experience, knowledge and resources) the people of Salford bring |

|- Everyone has things that they are good at or know a lot about that. |

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|Supporting strong and vibrant neighbourhoods that promote health and wellbeing |

|- Places in salford being safe, friendly and having lots to do means people who live there are happier and healthier. |

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|Health and wellbeing will be everyone’s responsibility |

|- It is part of everybody’s job to help people be happier and healthier. |

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|Partnership and joined up ways of working |

|- Organisations like the council and the NHS finding ways of working together. |

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|Prevention and early intervention throughout life |

|- Working in ways to help people not get poorly in the first places and if they do that helps them right at the start. |

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|Quality, Innovation and Evidence-based |

|- All services should be good enough to do what they are supposed to do, should try new ways of doing things so they get better and should make |

|sure they know what they are going to do will work because it has been tried before. |

|QUESTION: Does this seem a good way to make the things the strategy says should happen, happen. ? |

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|The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy thinks these 3 things are the most important things to make happen: |

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|START WELL – making sure that all babies and children get a good start in life. |

|There are 3 things they want to happen: |

|Children at Primary school (aged 5 – 11) are a healthy weight – not too fat or too thin. |

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|More babies are breastfed. |

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|Fewer teenagers get pregnant. |

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|LIVE WELL – Salford people choose to live healthy lives. The places they live make this easy to do by being great places to live. |

|There are 3 things they want to happen: |

|If people have been victims of a crime and need some extra help they should get the help they need. |

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|People are drinking less alcohol |

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|Individual communities have ways to make sure the people who live there can be happier and healthier and can deal with things that go wrong. |

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|AGE WELL – Salford people can use services to help them be healthy in the right way. |

|There are 3 things they want to happen: |

|People can get health checks at certain times in their lives. |

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|People feel they have the right support to look after themselves. |

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|Carers – who look after someone because they love or like them, have good lives. |

|QUESTION: Are these still the most important things to do something about? (Are these things as important as they were 3 years ago?) |

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|QUESTION: Is there anything else that you think is more important to do something about? |

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|Responses will be fed back to the Health and Wellbeing Board |

|A refreshed strategy will be prepared in autumn 2015 |

|We will consult stakeholders on the draft new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy in late 2015 |

|The final version of new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be published in spring 2016. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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