IB Team ECARE Goal: Get to know, value, and respect ...

Team OLWEUS Goal: Get to know, value, and respect everyone on our team!


This year, during specific Pride Times, we will be spending the period getting to know a few of our teammates very well. Each rotation, three of your classmates will be selected to do their “Focus On” presentation. If you are chosen for that week, you will be expected to construct a powerpoint or google presentation or a poster that represents you, your life, and your interests. The presentation should include photographs, cut-outs, computer graphics and more (be creative). Some people have even chosen to do their presentation on video/DVD! You will also be expected to plan to speak (not read or mumble) to the class about yourself. This will be your big moment in the spotlight and should be taken seriously. This gives your classmates and teachers, who may not know you very well, a chance to see what you are all about.

Listed below are the things one should think about and include in her or his “Focus On:”

• Prepare a presentation about you that lasts 8-10 minutes and look your best!

• Speak TO the audience- eye contact, speak loud and clear, etc. (Practice at home in front of the mirror, family, or pets.)

• Checklist of things you should share about yourself:

~ OLWEUS: Your personal OLWEUS Goal for this year. How do you plan to make the social environment of our team better for everyone?

~ Why should everyone on our team value you as an individual (personal strengths)

~ favorite birthday memory (since we are celebrating you)

~ “This Date in History” events (special events that occurred on your birthday historically)

~ family background (parents and their jobs, brothers, sisters, relatives, pets, etc.)

~ extra-curricular activities (sports, instruments, dance, clubs, etc.)

~ list of favorites (foods, movies, school subject, music, cars, TV shows, celebrities, etc.)

~ your dislikes (foods, movies, school subject, music, cars, TV shows, celebrities, etc.)

~ where you have traveled or lived

~ what you enjoy doing in your free time

~ funny, interesting or strange stories that involve you

~ anything you feel is important for the audience to hear in order for them to really know you

~ bring things to show (awards, prized possessions, something you’ve made, etc.)

• Prepare to speak extensively about your ideas. Can you figure out which idea is more well thought out in the example below?

“Here is a picture of me at Myrtle Beach.” VS. “In this picture, I’m swimming at Myrtle Beach. We

go there every summer. I usually take a friend with us

and last summer Joe and I were in a water balloon throwing

contest and we won! It is my favorite vacation spot

because of the huge waves.”

• It is a good idea to have notecards to guide you but DO NOT READ!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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