Center of Geriatric Nursing Excellence

Who Am I, Why Am I Here? —Worksheet480060179705What is my motto?0What is my motto?What values are tied to my motto? How does my motto and the values I have identified inform my work as a professional?When you have completed the worksheet, be ready to share with others.Who Am I and Why Am I Here????Have you ever taken the time to think about who you really are? Why you are here, at this time and in this place? And how that impacts you as a professional? This exercise on mottos and values asks you to take some time now to do just that.Find a comfortable place away from distractions. (e.g., TV, the family, electronic devices)The only equipment you will need is a pen or pencil and possibly an eraser (to allow you to change your mind) …and this packet.???What Is Your Motto?We all live by a set of guiding principles. We believe that a certain set of truths or rules apply to life. (1)You can think of them as personal mottos or ethical codes.They are the foundation for your actions. For example, if you treat others fairly and expect to be treated fairly, the foundation for your actions is a well-known motto, the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”Your own personal motto should reflect how you want to live.Here is an example of a motto to start you thinking. Example:What is my motto?Keep your ducks in a row.Select a motto that you feel especially represents you from the sample list or come up with your own. Write it in the box at the top of your worksheet. Note: People have more than one motto they live by. For clarity sake, use only one motto in this exercise. What is Your Motto?Ten percent of life is what happens, while ninety percent is how you react to it. You reap what you sow. Put first things first.Anything worth doing is worth doing well.Move in the direction of what you love doing. Pay it forward.Honesty is the best policy.Choose to be happy.Life is what you make of it.Waste not, want not.Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.Be responsible for your own actions.Accept the consequences of your decisions.Everything happens for a reason. There is no failure, only lessons learned. Take time to stop and smell the roses.Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.The grass is always greener on the other side.Go for the gold.Play it safe.Follow your own path.Work hard, play hard.Seize the day!Life is short, eat dessert first.Love with your whole heart.Be a lifetime learner. Use only what you need and leave it better than you found it.Grow your dreams.Expect the best, prepare for the worst.Little things in life make all the difference.Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change.Stay the course.Turn the other cheek.Be the change you wish to see.Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.Honor your father and mother.Strengthen the ties that bind.Do not let yesterday take up too much of today.If you hate the roots of a tree you hate the tree.Beauty is only skin deep.Keep your eye on the ball.Everything in moderation.Keep your ducks in a row.Always put your best foot forward.For better or for worse.In God we trust.Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.To understand someone, walk a mile in his shoes.Take each thing as it is, without prior rules about what it should be.Living a Values-Driven LifeHaving a motto is the first step in identifying your values. Values are the personal characteristics you deeply care about.Values guide how you approach and deal with challenges. Acting based on your values helps you make difficult choices. (2)Practicing your values everyday helps you live by your motto. Look at your motto. Then read through the list of values. What values do you associate with your motto?Choose all that relate or think of your own. Then review and chose your top three values and write them down. Example:What is my motto?Keep your ducks in a row.What values are tied to my motto? DUTY –to carry out my duties and obligationsACCURACY –to be accurate in my opinions and beliefsINDUSTRY –to work hard and well at my life tasksList of Values (2)ACCEPTANCEto be accepted as I am ACCURACYto be accurate in my opinions and beliefs ACHIEVEMENTto have important accomplishmentsADVENTUREto have new and exciting experiencesATTRACTIVENESSto be physically attractiveAUTHORITYto be in charge of and responsible for othersAUTONOMYto be self-determined and independentBEAUTYto appreciate beauty around meCARINGto take care of othersCOMMITMENTto make enduring, meaningful commitmentsCOMPASSIONto feel and act on concern for othersCOMPLEXITYto have a life full of variety and changeCONTRIBUTIONto make a lasting contribution in the worldCOURTESYto be considerate and polite toward othersCREATIVITYto have new and original ideasDEPENDABILITYto be reliable and trustworthyDETACHMENTto emotionally let go of anger, jealousy, guilt and desire for material wealthDUTYto carry out my duties and obligations ECOLOGYto live in harmony with the environmentFAITHFULNESSto be loyal and true in relationshipsFAMEto be known and recognizedFAMILYto have a happy, loving familyFLEXIBILITYto adjust to new circumstances easilyFORGIVENESSto be forgiving of othersFRIENDSHIPto have close, supportive friendsFUNto play and have funGENEROSITYto give what I have to othersGENUINENESSto act in a manner that is true to who I amGROWTHto keep changing and growingHEALTHto be physically well and healthyHELPFULNESSto be helpful to othersHONESTYto be honest and truthfulHOPEto maintain a positive and optimistic outlookHUMILITYto be modest and unassumingHUMORto see the humorous side of myself and the worldINDEPENDENCEto be free from dependence on othersINDUSTRYto work hard and well at my life tasksINNER PEACEto experience personal peaceINTIMACYto share my innermost experiences with othersJUSTICEto promote fair and equal treatment for allKNOWLEDGEto learn and contribute valuable knowledgeLEISUREto take time to relax and enjoyLOGICto live rationally and sensiblyLOVEDto be loved by those close to meLOVINGto give love to othersMASTERYto be competent in my everyday activitiesMODERATIONto avoid excesses and find a middle groundMONOGAMYto have one close, loving relationshipORDERto have a life that is well-ordered and organizedPLEASUREto feel goodPOPULARITYto be well-liked by many peoplePOWERto have control over othersPURPOSEto have meaning and direction in my lifeREALISMto see and act realistically and practicallyRESPONSIBILITYto make and carry out responsible decisionsRISKto take risks and chancesROMANCEto have intense, exciting love in my lifeSAFETYto be safe and secureSELF-CONTROLto be disciplined in my own actionsSELF-ACCEPTANCEto accept myself as I amSELF-KNOWLEDGEto have a deep and honest understanding of myselfSERVICEto be of service to othersSIMPLICITYto life live simply, with minimal needsSPIRITUALITYto grow and mature spirituallySTABILITYto have a life that stays fairly consistentSTRENGTHto be physically fit and strongTOLERANCEto accept and respect those who differ from meTRADITIONto follow respected patterns of the pastVIRTUEto live a morally pure and excellent lifeWORLD PEACEto work to promote peace in the worldWhere Your Motto and Values IntersectMost of the time, we never really connect the dots between our mottos and values and the many decisions and actions we take everyday.But who you are and what you do play a major role in how you go about your daily work. Think about your work activities over the last few days. What decisions did you make? How did you prioritize your time? How did you approach patients and your co-workers? If something unusual came up, how did you handle it?Now think about the motto and values you have written down on the worksheet.Can you see a connection between who you are and what you value and the actions you took during the past few days? Now that you have identified your motto and values, can you think of something in your work that might benefit from you being more aware of your motto and values?Example:What is my motto?Keep your ducks in a row.What values are tied to my motto? DUTY –to carry out my duties and obligationsACCURACY –to be accurate in my opinions and beliefsINDUSTRY –to work hard and well at my life tasksHow does my motto and the values I have identified inform my work as a professional?I review and prioritize all of my tasks for that day before starting on my rounds.I report any new symptoms or pain/discomfort a patient is having ASAP to limit the time that patient must put up with the problem.I make sure I accomplish every task I am assigned in a timely manner and to the best of my ability.Notes Covey, S. (2004). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Free Press. Based on W.R. Miller, J. C’de Baca, D.B. Matthews, P.L. Wilbourne. (2001). Personal Values Card Sort. Retrieved from ................

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