1.6 The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on al-Qadar and human freedom5377815279400Al-Qadar: Allah’s control of future events Belief in al-Qadar is very important for Muslims. Muslims believe that everything that happens to us in life is because Allah is in control and knows what will happen in the future. That means both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things. Muslims should accept that Allah decides what is best for them.Al-Qadar is important because:It is stated in the Qur’anIt was taught by the Prophet MuhammadSubmitting to the will of Allah is at the heart of being a MuslimIt helps Muslims make sense of the world – knowing that everything that Allah has knowledge of everything (omniscient) and is in control of all events must mean that everything happens for a reasonWhen Muslims plan anything in their lives, they often say, “insh Allah”, which means ‘if Allah wills it’. Muslims accept that our lives are predestined and that the choices that they make are all within Allah’s knowledge. Free will-24701510160Muslims believe that everything that happens in this world and in our lives is under the control of Allah because Allah is all-powerful (omnipotent) – there are no limits or restrictions on what He can do. At the same time, Allah has given all human beings free-will, which means that they are free to choose whether to act in a good or evil way. This is one the one thing that makes humans different from animals. On Judgement Day, Muslims believe they will be judged by Allah on how they have lived their lives. Without free-will, the judgement would be unfair –it would not be just to reward or punish if they were simply robots, unable to think for themselves. This means, therefore, that humans are responsible for all their actions – they must give an answer to Allah on the Day of Judgement for what they have done, good or evil – and because Allah knows all, Allah cannot be deceived. Muslims generally do not try to resolve the apparent conflict between al-Qadar and free-will. However, they do believe that Allah knows best, and that Allah will always be fair. Exam Question (d) ‘Muslims are free to do what they like with their lives.’ In your answer you should refer to Islam.(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion.(3)Yes:It is stated in the Qur’an that Allah has given people free will and so people are able to choose whether to act in a good or evil wayWithout free will, Allah’s Judgement would be unfair – it would not be just to reward or punish human beings if we are simply robots, unable to think for ourselves Human beings are unique from animals because we have the ability to make decisions for ourselves. We experience free will when we choose to act and rise above our instinctive nature(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you.(3)No:Muslims believe in the concept of al-Qadr - that Allah is in control and knows what will happen in the futureAlthough Muslims accept that Allah has given us the gift of free will, God is omniscient (all-knowing) and everything there is a reason for everything that happens to usAlthough there is an apparent conflict between al-Qadar and free-will, Muslims put their complete trust in Allah and believe that He knows best, and that God will always be fair. ................

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