PCBH Intervention Quick Guide

PCBH Intervention Quick Guide

This list includes a variety of evidence-based interventions for common psychological problems. It is intended to give PCBs ideas for intervening with problems on the Referral Checklist, but not to include all possible interventions.

|Referral Problem |Possible Interventions |

|Attn-Focus-Hyper |With PCP, assess using Vanderbilt system |

| |Address social skill deficits |

| |Address parenting issues |

| |Homework plan |

| |Address related behavioral problems |

| |Teach focusing skills |

|Adherence |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

|Handout: Using Medications |Explore beliefs, world view regarding treatment plan |

|Successfully |Address barriers |

| |Build in social support, if possible |

|Alcohol / Drug |Motivational interviewing |

| |Harm reduction strategies |

| |Mindfulness and value-based behavior change planning |

|Anger |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Teach present moment skills |

| |Explore triggers and address |

| |Teach strategies for low cost / no cost expression of anger |

| |Explore possible deficits in assertion skills and address |

| |Explore cost / benefits of angry expressions |

| |Explore values as they relate to others impacted by angry behavior |

|Anxiety |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Teach present moment skills |

| |Teach relaxation skills |

| |Develop exposure plan based on pursuit of valued actions |

| |Explore cognitions (catastrophizing) |

|Behavior Problem |Behavior Modification |

|Chronic Pain |Shift focus from pain avoidance to pain acceptance |

| |Shift focus from pain elimination to pursuit of a higher quality of life |

| |Values Clarification |

| |Skills for pain management (for example, pacing) |

| |On-going support of behavior change directed by patient’s values |

|Cognitive Impairment |Assessment |

| |Safety and social support planning |

| |Health care access and support plan |

| |Support and planning with caregiver(s) |

|Depression Symptoms |Behavior Activation Plan |

| |Social Plan |

| |Exercise Plan |

| |Active (vs. avoidant) problem solving |

| Develop. Disability |Planning consistent with outcome tool results (Duke or PSC) |

| |Coordination with resources (schools, voc training, case managers, etc.) |

| |Health care access and support plan |

| |Support and planning with caregivers |

|Diabetes |Assess strengths and weaknesses in regards to self-management |

| |Target area where patient has greater level of readiness for change |

| |Address psychosocial stressors |

| |Address barriers to adherence to treatment |

|Eating |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Behavior Modification |

| |Healthy Lifestyle Coaching |

|Exercise |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Behavior Modification |

|Family Health |Relationship strengthening plan (for example, play time, Caring Days, parent skill training) |

| |Behavior Modification (Star Chart) |

| |Listening skills |

| |Mindfulness skills |

|Fatigue |Functional Analysis (Three Ts) |

| |Behavioral Modification |

| |Assess sleep, relaxation skills |

|Gambling |Values Clarification |

| |Behavior Modification |

| |Harm Reduction |

| Gender Identity |Functional analysis (Three Ts) |

| |Values clarification |

| |Problem solving |

| |Lifestyle planning |

| |Social skill training / social support planning |

|Grief |Listening and support |

| |Information |

| |Encouragement of active experience of grief |

| |Connection with others (for example, grief group or friends and family members) |

|Headaches |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Address contributing factors (for example, hydration, high stress, poor sleep, inadequate relaxation |

| |skills) |

| High Risk Behaviors |Follow protocols of Your Clinic |

|Hypertension |Teach relaxation skills (particularly progressive muscle relaxation) |

| |Encourage increase in playful and restorative activities |

| |Problem solve barriers to improved diet |

| |Support gradual support of an exercise program, as approved by PCP |

| |Explore barriers to medication adherence |

|Occupational |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Problem solving |

| |Skill training as indicated |

|Parenting |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Teach relationship building skills |

| |Teach stress reduction activities |

| |Assist with creation of daily schedules |

| |Teach behavior modification skills |

| |Teach mindfulness skills |

| |Teach communication skills |

|Relationship |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |(see Parenting Stress) |

| |Caring Days Plan |

| |Train on steps of effective problem solving |

| Safety |Follow protocols of Your Clinic |

| School |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Coordination with teacher (special programs) |

| |Explore homework, tutoring, social concerns |

| |Enhance motivation (e.g., career direction, tour of clinic) |

|Sleep Problem |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Address identified sleep hygiene problems |

| |Stimulus control |

| |Relaxation training |

|Social Problem |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Address social skill deficits (for example, effective assertion, playful interactions, guides for |

| |productive disagreements, optimal rate of engagement in social activities) |

|Stress-related Illness |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Stress reduction training |

| |Relaxation training |

| |Active approach to solving life problems |

|Tobacco Cessation |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Motivational Interviewing |

| |Cognitive behavioral interventions one-to-one or in groups |

| |Quit Line |

|Substance Misuse |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Motivational Interviewing |

| |Harm reduction |

| |Cognitive behavioral interventions |

| |Values clarification |

|Weight Management |Functional Analysis (Three T’s) |

| |Address identified unhealthy lifestyle habits (including diet, exercise, and restful/restorative |

| |activities) |

| |Cognitive behavioral interventions one-to-one or in groups |


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