University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Scipt to Power Point Presentation on “The Flood”

November, 2004

[Title slide]

In this talk I will discuss the world before the flood, evidences of ancient giants, evidences of ancient technology, how the flood happened, and the ice age after the flood. According to the Bible, instead of evolving and progressing, mankind is degenerating from the state in which he was created. But the truth about the history of mankind is being suppressed. Because of man’s hostility to the truth, a false history of the world is being promoted and the evidences of the truth are often ignored or covered up.

[Diagram of continents]

It is reasonable to believe that all the continents were part of one super-continent before the flood, and that during or soon after the flood, the continents separated. This slide shows one person’s idea of how the continents may have fit together.

[Another diagram of continents]

This gives another possible way in which the continents may have fit together before the flood.

[A third diagram of the continents, from Origin by Design, by Harold Coffin, 1983, page 105]

[Diagram of proposed distribution of life forms before the flood, from Origin by Design, page 81]

[Diagram of conventional geological periods and their accepted ages, from Origin by Design, page 56]

[Comparison of geological periods with ecological zonation concept, from Origin by Design, page 73]

[Proposed sequence of events during the flood, from Origin by Design, page 74]

[Life spans]

Men lived much longer before the flood. This shows that they were much healthier and undoubtedly taller and more intelligent as well. With such intelligence and long life spans, they would have advanced rapidly in technology.


There are many evidences of ancient giant human beings. We will review a few of them. Some of these evidences are more well-established than others, but with so many different evidences, there must be some truth behind them. In addition to the following quotations, a friend of mine mentioned that the Greeks referred to a race of giants that may have been the Hittites.

[Josephus quote]

[giant human teeth]


There is some controversy over whether Gigantopithecus was a human or an ape.

[Giants in Thailand]

[Missionary’s wife]

[Meganthropus, 3 slides]

[Picture of unusual skull]

This is one example of an anomaly. We do not know what it means.

[Picture of large jawbone]

[New Zealand testimony, 4 slides]

There is no way to verify this testimony. But this is not the only testimony of anomalies being stored in museums and forgotten. A similar situation exists with the ark; there are many accounts of pictures being taken of the ark, but all have been lost. Some people who saw the ark were made to promise that they would never reveal what they saw. It appears that there is an organized effort to suppress the truth. If this is so, then it is only reasonable to believe that evidence of ancient giants is also being suppressed.

[Many more accounts]

[Plato and Atlantis]

Note that Plato apparently knew of Noah and believed that the Biblical flood was a real event. Also, the destruction of Atlantis parallels the destruction of the pre-Flood world. Plato got his accounts during travels in Egypt, where they had been passed down for generations. It seems likely that these accounts, at least partially, describe the world before the flood. And even without these accounts we know that the world was fruitful before the flood and that the wealth of the people was devoted to the worship of false gods. The climate was temperate all over the world before the flood, and very large animals and insects existed, suggesting that food was abundant. The fact that the people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage also suggests that food was abundant, as well as their long lives. Also, the world would have been very beautiful, because it was still largely in the form in which God created it. The people were not worshiping the true God, so that as today they were undoubtedly worshiping idols and building temples to them and lavishing their wealth on these temples and idols, but with much more skill than men today.

[14 slides from Plato]

[Ancient technology]

There are many evidences that the ancients were more technologically advanced than we have supposed. Some of these evidences are more firm than others, but with so many evidences, there has to be some truth behind them.

[7 slides]

[ancient maps]

[3 slides]

[Gurkha, 2 slides]

This sounds like an ancient atomic weapon. Of course the date given is in error.

[Sewers in Crete and Thera]

[Ellen White comments, 2 slides]

[Noah’s Ark, 9 slides]

Comment on the ark formation seen by Ron Wyatt and mention that many dispute that this is the ark.

[The Flood in Genesis, 4 slides]

[How the Flood happened]

Some people think the flood began when an asteroid hit the earth. It also could have been started by an increase in the rate of decay which would heat the earth and cause water to become steam and escape from the earth. There may be other explanations, as well.


We will now review one theory of the flood. Of course, there are many others. Here is a diagram of water under the earth under tremendous pressure before the flood.


This theory, from Walt Brown’s web site, specifies one giant crack being the source of the flood waters. It is also possible that the flood waters came out of many locations at the same time, including places in the ocean. According to Walt Brown’s theory, a crack forms in the crust of the earth due to the pressure created by heating the water or an asteroid impact or some other cause.


The crack widens

[Water spurting]

Water, under tremendous pressure, shoots up through the crack high into the atmosphere, possibly as steam, and comes down as rain.


The ark is borne up by the rising water.

[Men trying to escape the flood]

As the flood waters rise, men and animals climb to the top of the highest mountains, trying to escape.

[Lots of water spurting up]

The flood becomes more and more intense, and all mountains are submerged and men and animals drown.

[Picture of the earth]

The flood waters increase and cover the continent.

[Earth buckles]

Beneath the crack, the crust of the earth rises because the pressure there is less than under the land mass. This causes the land to split and move apart in both directions.

[Earth buckles]

[Mid Atlantic ridge]

Here is a diagram of the mid-Atlantic ridge. The land slid away to the east and west. Great mountain chains were raised up on the leading edges of the continents.

[Mid Atlantic ridge]

[Colorful diagram of earth’s topography]

Here we see the mid-Atlantic ridge as well as the great mountain chains on the continents.


Perhaps the continents split after the flood, because of the way the ice age happened. Perhaps the continents were separated during creation week.

[Three pictures of continents]

This is another diagram of how the continents may have moved apart. This is just one person’s interpretation.

[Where did the water go, 2 slides]

The extra weight of water in the oceans may have pushed the oceans down and raised up the land masses, causing the waters to flow from the land masses into the oceans and causing the end of the flood.


Finally the waters receded from the earth.

[Genesis 10:25]

In the days of Peleg it could be that the continents separated.

[Book of Jasher]

The Book of Jasher gives the Biblical account of the creation and flood and later history but with a few extra details added. It implies that there were two separations in the days of Peleg. The second separation could have been the moving apart of the continents. It may also have been caused by water filling in the spaces between the continents.

[Genealogies, shorter life spans]

[Jesus and the flood]

[Gilgamesh epic, 3 slides]

[Genealogies from Noah, 4 slides]

Many of the nations of Europe have traced their royal ancestry back to Noah.

[Two pictures of glaciers]

[Map showing extent of the ice age]

After the flood there was a great ice age and glaciers covered much of the earth.

[After the flood]

This is how the ice age probably happened.

[Diagram of how warm oceans and cold land probably caused the ice age]

[2 Peter 3, conclusion]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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