Ancient Mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamia Rubric Name ___________________________

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |Score |

|You Be the |All 8 Situations have been answered in |7 Situations have been answered |6 situations have been |5 or less situations have | |

|Judge |complete sentences and are reasonable |in complete sentences and are |answered. |been answered. | |

| |solutions to the situation. |reasonable. | | | |

| |Correct capitalization, punctuation and |1 – 2 errors in capitalization, |3 - 4 errors in |More than 5 errors in | |

| |spelling. |punctuation, or spelling. |capitalization, |capitalization, | |

| | | |punctuation, or spelling. |punctuation, or spelling. | |

|Letter |Letter is in the correct format, clearly |Letter is in the correct format,|Letter is in the correct |Incorrect letter format, | |

| |gives your opinion and reason(s) why. |opinion stated but is not clear |format, but opinion not |opinion not supported. | |

| | |to the reader. |supported. | | |

|Where Are We? |Created 10 Questions and answered all 10 |Created and answered 10 |Created and answered 10 |Did not create and/or | |

| |questions. Questions reflect content taken |questions. Questions reflect |questions. Questions are |answer 10 questions or did | |

| |from the maps provided and are quality |information taken from the maps.|not relevant to the |not use maps to help guide | |

| |questions. Questions are thought provoking. | |different types of maps |the questioning process. | |

| |Answers include all the information obtained|Complete answers are given using|Answers are not complete. |Answers are not supported. | |

| |from the maps and are supported by the |information obtained from the |Some answers are supported | | |

| |information located on the map |map. |by information obtained | | |

| | | |from the map. | | |

| |Problem solving skills have been used to | | |Did not hypothesize why | |

| |hypothesize why these areas were chosen by | | |these area were chosen | |

| |the Ancient Mesopotamians to build their | | | | |

| |cities. | | | | |

|Timeline |Includes 12 important events about Ancient |Includes 12 important events. |12 events are included but |Less than 12 events are | |

| |Mesopotamia. Events are detailed and |Events include some details. |they are not important |included in the timeline. | |

| |contain accurate information. |Information is accurate. |events in the history of |Information is not accurate| |

| | | |Mesopotamia | | |

|Wheel of Fortune |Six inventions are included. Each fact is |Five inventions are included. |Four inventions are |Three or less inventions | |

| |well stated and provides the who and the |Facts are provided about the |included or Facts are not |are included. | |

| |when. |invention. |supported | | |

|Compare/Contrast |Ziggurats and Pyramids are both included. |Ziggurats and Pyramids are both |Ziggurats and Pyramids are |Compare/Contrast is not | |

| |Items included are of great significance to |included. Items are significant.|both included. Items are |complete. | |

| |each structure. Well thought out, shows | |not significant | | |

| |evidence of using multiple materials to | | | | |

| |compile the list. | | | | |


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