Scriptures to Stand Upon: Isaiah 28: 14-19; Isaiah 10:27; Numbers 23:23; Matthew 15:13; Galatians 3:13; Hebrews 8:7-13.

Please note: When we use the word “us / we” in our prayers, it refers to myself, my family, others with me and the entire Heavenly realm.

There is POWER in a Name—therefore I use the AUTHENTIC, SET-APART, and COVENANT Names of Father and Son as used in the very 1st translation of the Bible—ancient Hebrew!

YAHUSHA is the authentic Hebrew name of our Messiah that His parents and disciples called Him by.

(Since I started praying in His authentic Name, my prayer life changed) . . . to make it easier to pronounce His Name, you can do the following: YA HU SHA

Our FATHER’S Name is NOT “GOD” or “LORD” (these are pagan names of false deities (gods) as can be proven by many reputable resources, most notably Scripture)!

His Name is YHUH/YHWH, pronounced YaHUaH or YaHuWaH.

The Hebrew title for “YHWH” is ELOAH or ELOHIM!

Qodesh Ruach = Set-Apart Spirit of YHUH/YHWH

Father YAHUAH, I willingly come before You in the Name of YAHUSHA on behalf of myself and all my family members (name their names), including my children (name their names) and I ask You to help me/us deal with my family curses and demonic covenants. Thank You for the Blood of YAHUSHA that has the final Word in my/our life/lives and for giving me power and authority over all the works of darkness.

In the Name of YAHUSHA, through His perfect blood sacrifice, by the authority I have in His Name, according to Luqas 10:19, by the power of the Ruach (Spirit) of YAHUAH, I break the demonic seals over my life, as well as the lives of all my family members (name their names) and bind and rebuke the sealing demons keeping all demonic covenants in place over my life and the lives of my loved ones (name their names). We ask You Father, to assign Your warring messengers to remove every evil spirit and to place them under the Feet of YAHUAH Messiah according to Psalm 110: 1.

I/We renounce, reject, break and demolish every evil oath, vow and covenant on my life, including the lives of all my family members (NAME THEIR NAMES) in the Name of YAHUSHA Messiah.

I/We reject and loose myself and all my family members (NAME THEIR NAMES) from every evil curse in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/We break every covenant between me (us) and any evil spirit in the Almighty Name of YA HU SHA.

All contracts made on my behalf by my parents or forefathers and/or mothers with any evil mediator is hereby nullified and cancelled in the Almighty Name of YA HU SHA Messiah. I am a child of YAHUAH. I/we dissociate myself from any demonic covenants and contracts in the Name of YA HU SHA.

I/we apply the Blood of YA HU SHA upon any evil oath, vow, covenant and curse upon my (our) life (name the names of your family members). Let this Blood of the Everlasting Covenant destroy and dissolve any evil blood covenant with the dead and the living in the Almighty Name of YAHUSHA.

In the Name of YAHUSHA, I/We nullify every confession, agreement, promise or oath I or my family members (name their names) have made to the devil or any evil spirit in the past – whether verbal or written.

I/We revoke all curses pronounced by evil people over my life and the lives of all my family members (name their names) in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/We break and cancel every evil mark and incision on my/our body as a result of a covenant with an evil spirit in the Almighty name of YAHUSHA.

I/We command all evil spirits in my/our life/lives associated with any curse or covenant to leave me/us now in YAHUSHA’S Name!

By the authority of YAHUSHA my Master, I/we render to naught every curse coming from the following in the Almighty Name of YAHUSHA:

In the Name of YAHUSHA I/we destroy every altar that has been erected anywhere, by any person in my/our bloodline to service any form of covenants and curses emanating from:

a) Evil dedication before conception, while in the womb and at the naming ceremony;

b) Handling of cursed objects;

c) Contact with satanic agents;

d) Living in a cursed home or land;

e) Being born in/on a satanic altar/shrine;

f) Drinking of blood or unholy water;

g) Receiving strange money or cursed gifts;

h) Involvement in a demonic ritual;

i) Involvement in witchcraft and other ancestral sins;

j) Participation in village, compound and township satanic festivals.

I/We command all evil spirits associated with any curse to leave me and all my family members (name their names) now in YAHUSHA.

I/We take authority over curses from evil dedication, handling of cursed objects, contact with satanic agents, living in a cursed house or land, being born in/on a satanic altar, drinking of blood or unholy water, strange money or cursed gifts, partaking in food and blood sacrifice to idols and performing demonic rituals, ancestral sins, witchcraft, curses and spiritual ignorance.

I/We command all of you to be broken and crushed right now in YAHUSHA’S Name.

I/We speak disunity between all the priests at those altars of affliction in the Name of YAHUSHA.

All you ancient gates and everlasting doors shut against my life and the lives of my family (name their names) lift up your heads now for me to enter into my divinely given inheritance in the Almighty Name of YAHUSHA.

In the Name of YAHUAH and by faith in Your Word, my family members and I enter into our inheritance and possess our possessions.

I/We destroy every evil covenant and initiation made with me through dreams in the Name of YAHUSHA.

Every agreement reached with the so-called spirit husband and spirit wife in my/our dream is nullified in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/We break ourselves loose from every personal and collective curse and covenant in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/We revoke and destroy by the Blood of YAHUSHA every blood and soul-tie covenant attached to any satanic agent in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/We cancel every foundational covenant that is affecting my/our life or any new covenant, oath, allegiance and obligations made for me/us or by me/us consciously or unconsciously in the Almighty Name of YAHUSHA.

I/we release myself and all my family members (name their names) from any collective captivity of family, community and neighborhood in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/we receive a clean break and release from all yokes and burdens other than those of YAHUSHA.

I/we immerse myself and all my family members (name their names) body, soul and spirit in the precious Blood of YAHUSHA.

I/we release myself and all my family members (name their names) in the Name of YAHUSHA from the sin and curses from paternal and maternal sides up to ten generations of both sides in the Almighty Name of YAHUSHA.

Father YAHUAH, send now Your holy fire, thunder and lightning to destroy and burn into ashes all satanic materials deposited in any part of my body and the bodies of my loved ones (name their names) in the Name of YAHUSHA!

I/We cancel by the Blood of YAHUSHA all handwritings and ordinances written against me/us and contrary to me/us now.

I/We command that the thunder and lightning of YAHUAH should strike and uproot and destroy all covenant tokens made on my/our behalf wherever they may be buried, immersed or hung in the Name of YAHUSHA.

I/We bind, and command all spirits (and any agents associated with them) of: rejection, self-doubt, inferiority, failure, servitude, defeat, depression, stagnation, affliction, death, delayed blessing, limitations, confusion, frustration, anger, fear and doubt – to leave us NOW in YAHUSHA’S Name and to go to where YAHUSHA sends you.

Thank You FATHER YAHUAH for filling us afresh with the fullness of Your RUWACH, SO THAT THERE WILL BE NO VOIDNESS or EMPTINESS FOUND IN US.

I am an individual single person, I am not a twin or triplet, and therefore I disown any form of duplicate representing me. I reject and cut myself loose from any representation that was made of me, in YAHUSHA’S Name.

I/We command the thunder and lightning of YAHUAH to break into pieces and burn to ashes all forms of imagery, effigy, symbols, pictures and statues representing my person and the persons of my family members (name their names) at any shrine or altar in YAHUSHA’S Almighty Name.

I/We reverse all satanic arrows of failure-at-the-edge-of-success and breakthrough, in YAHUSHA’S Name and change all curses into blessings.

I/We cut off all spiritual umbilical cords through which evil has been flowing into my life, as well as the lives of all my family members (name their names), in the Name of YAHUSHA.

Father, I thank You for making me/us victorious over all my/our enemies.

From henceforth no weapon formed against me and all my family members (name their names) as a result of former covenants and curses shall prosper in the Name of YAHUSHA. My profiting in the Kingdom of YAHUAH shall appear unto all, in YAHUSHA’S Name.



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