Prayer -

The devil and demonic world

In this part we take a look at the other side (dark side) of the spiritual battle lines. In the previous

sections on salvation we have made reference to the devil many times. It amazes me that many

people wonder if this guy really exists. Though he may have cloaked himself well, his devices

are well documented in the world. Much has been written on this subject, whole books on demon

world, etc.

A] I Peter 5:8, satan as a roaring lion seeks whom he may devour. Is there really an adversary

the devil. The Word of God declares it is so. He has many names or alias’ such as satan, lucifer,

beelzebub, belial, dragon, serpent to name a few. The Word of God has 174 references ascribed

to him. So how does he/this effect us?

1] Ephesians 2:2, he is the prince of the powers of the air, (1st,2nd heaven)

2] II Cor 4:4, he is the god of this world (age) world systems. satan runs the world

“system” he is ruler over his kingdom- kingdoms of the earth. note; The earth is the

Lords and the fullness thereof. Psa 24:1. God is the Sovereign Ruler.

3] Eph 6:12, he is also the ruler over powers of darkness, spirit world.

B] Origin of satan, much of what we know can be found in Ezekiel 28:11-19 and Isaiah 14:12-20

Note; below is what many Bible Scholars and myself believe to be the origin of satan.

However, there are some brethren that think this account is of just some Old Testament King.

1] From Ezekiel, 28:12, he was full of wisdom, perfect in beauty

a] V-13, he is a created being, every precious stone was his covering,

b] V:14 the anointed cherub that covereth. (protector of the throne of God). Humans are not Angels and Angels are never man.

c] V-15 created perfect at first, then sin was found in him

d] V-16 he was cast out of the mountain of God. (3rd Heaven). To my knowledge earthly Kings don’t get cast of Heaven in bodily form..

e] V-17 fell because of his beauty, (pride) cast down to the ground

2] More on satan’s fall, Isaiah 14.

a] V-12 fallen from Heaven, Why? Because of, see “b” below.

b] The five (5) I will’s

1] V-13 I will ascend into Heaven,

2] V-13 I will exalt my throne above the stars of Heaven.

3] V-13 I will sit in the midst of the congregation.

4] V-14 I will ascend above the clouds

5] V-14 I will be like the most High

6] The 5 “I wills” will anybody kicked out of Heaven.

3] Fallen Angels, Psalm 148:2,5 Angels were created beings, most are good, some went bad.

a] II Peter 2:4 and Jude 6, Some Angels that sinned were put into hell and kept in chains of darkness.

b] Dan 12:12-13, All fallen angels at some point try to oppose and hinder God’s plans. In this case they hindered an answer to prayer for Daniel.

4] Demons, fallen angels, some say yes, I don’t, (more details on these guys in other studies within this site). However Zondervan’s Bible dictionary says, refer, Math 8:16, Luke 10:17,20 evil spirits, invisible, incorporeal (having no body or form). Ep 6:10-12, they form a hierarchy. They have superhuman intelligence, (they know things the host doesn’t know). Take possession of people, in so doing they can bring on blindness, dumdness (Math 12:22), insanity as in Luke 8:26-36, and suicidal mania as in Mark 9:22. Super strength as in Mark 5:4.

5] The Power structure, Ephesians 6:12 This refers to the multilevel power in the chain of command in the santanic/demonic realm. (copied from the Lord’s good Angel pattern)

a] principality = refer to Greek 746, arche’- first ruler or power, position of authority, domain, (satans level)

b] Powers, Greek refer to #1849, exousia, the right to control or govern, dominion, the area or sphere of jurisdiction, a ruler, human or supernatural

c] Rulers of darkness, refer to #2888 Powers of this world rulers, the master spirits who are the world rulers of this present darkness.

d] Spiritual wickedness in high places. refer to # 4189, wickedness-evil, some translate evil spirits.

6] Does satan have an end? Rev 20:7-10, Math 25:41. The devil and all his gang will be

cast into the lake of fire. This place was prepared for him and his bunch, it was never

intended for the eternal judgement place for mankind, he (man) has a choice, choose this

day whom you will serve. Romans 6:23. Hebrews 4:7.

7] It’s easy to see why satan has a grudge against God, The Lord and His Church. He was

a big shot in Heaven for a long time before he was cast out. Think about this, he was

watching God getting all the praise, honor and glory. He got to where he wanted some of

that as well for himself. He was the highest angel at the time, over all angels. Ultimately

there was a war in Heaven and satan persuaded one third of the angels to rebel against

God also. It has been said that satan thought they could overthrow the other angels and

thereby take over in Heaven.

As you may know, there is a satan church in the world, with a large following and they

admit that satan may have lost the battle at the Cross, but they hold fast to the idea that

they will win in the end. The battle of Armageddon will be the battle of battles, it will not

be just flesh and blood men against men, but a spiritual battle as well. The armies of the

Lord against the armies of the antichrist for one final cataclysmic showdown. The Lord

must put down all rule and governments and authority under His Kingship. Hence the

title, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

For reference see Rev. 19:14-16.


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