Murrieta Valley Unified School District

“Night” by Elie WieselCentral Question of this Unit:What is the relationship between our stories and our identity?To what extent are we all witnesses to history and messengers to humanity?What happens/what are the dangers when our message is not accurate?Night - Part ISurvivor Testimony:Describe Kurt’s life as a youth in Berlin. What does he say about his identity? How did his identity change? How did others define him by his identity?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In your groups answer the following questions. Be ready to present the answers to the class.Explore the factors that shape Eliezer’s identity.? How does Eliezer describe himself?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Describe Elie’s family.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What role does Moshe the Beadle play in Eliezer’s life?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How important is religion to the way Eliezer defines his identity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider why no one believed Moshe the Beadle.? How does Eliezer view Moshe at the beginning of the book? How do others in Sighet regard him?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why were Moshe and other foreign Jews expelled from Sighet? How do other Jews in the community respond to the deportation of foreign Jews?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What did Moshe witness when he was shipped to Poland? Why does he want the Jews of Sighet to know what he saw?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why is it so important to Moshe that he be believed?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explore the relationship between Sighet and the outside world between 1941 and 1944.? What do the Jews of Sighet know about the outside world in 1941? How do they respond to what they know?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why do you think they refuse to believe Moshe when he returns to Sighet?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Do you think people really believe that Moshe is lying to them? What is the difference between saying that someone is lying and saying that you cannot believe what he or she is saying?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How do the Jews of Sighet react to the arrival of the Germans? The creation of the ghettos? Their own deportation? How do you account for these responses?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Discuss the way the author tells his story.? Why do you think Elie Wiesel begins Night with the story of Moshe the Beadle?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What lessons does the narrator seem to learn from Moshe’s experiences in telling his own story?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why do you think Elie Wiesel tells his story in the first person perspective? If Night were written in the third person, would it be more or less believable?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Night - Part IISurvivor Testimony:Describe Kurt’s arrival in the concentration camp.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Describe Iboyla’s arrival in the concentration camp.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In your groups answer the following questions. Be ready to present the answers to the class.Explore the relationship between knowing, madness, and belief.? Why does Madame Sch?chter scream? Why does she later become silent and withdrawn?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How do people react the first time she screams? How do they respond when her screams continue?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Is she a madwoman? A prophet? Or a witness? What is the difference between the three labels?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What does it mean to know but not acknowledge what you know? When do people do it?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider how the Germans created terror at Auschwitz.? How do the Germans orchestrate the arrival of newcomers to the camp?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why don’t they tell the new arrivals what to expect?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why do you think the Germans take away the inmates’ personal belongings? Their clothing? Why do they cut off their hair? Tattoo a number on each person’s arm?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why does much of this section of the book seem to take place at night?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explore the relationship between Eliezer and his father.? Eliezer tells the reader, “Eight words spoken quietly, indifferently, without emotion. Eight simple, short words.” (page 19) What are those words and why is Eliezer unable to forget them? How do they help explain why Eliezer and his father cling to one another in Auschwitz?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How does Eliezer respond when his father is beaten for the first time? How does that response affect the way he sees himself? What does he fear is happening to him?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What advice does Eliezer’s cousin from Antwerp give his father? How is it like the advice the Polish prisoner offers? What do both pieces of advice suggest about the meaning of a word like family in a place like Auschwitz?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider the way the Germans systematically strip Eliezer and other prisoners of their identity.? Wiesel, in recounting the first night in the concentration camp says,“Never shall I forget that night, the first night in the camp, that has turned my life into one long night.…” What does it mean for a life to be turned into “one long night”?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Night - Part III Identity and IndifferenceSurvivor Testimony:How did Kurt survive and how did he maintain his humanity?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Journal:Wiesel explores in this part of the book and in many of his speeches and other writings: the opposite of good is not evil but indifference. He explains this idea in the last section of his book The Town Beyond the Wall:To be indifferent—for whatever reason—is to deny not only the validity of existence, but also its beauty. Betray, and you are a man; torture your neighbor, you’re still a man. Evil is human, weakness is human; indifference is not.In a well-developed paragraph agree or disagree with Wiesel’s definitions of evil and indifference? (5 sentences)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider the relationship between Eliezer and his father.? Give examples of the ways Eliezer’s relationship with his father is changing. What is prompting those changes?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What does Eliezer mean when he refers to his father as “his weak point”? Why has he come to view love as a weakness?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How do the changes in his relationship with his father affect the way Eliezer sees himself as an individual? The way he views his father?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider how the process of dehumanization affects Eliezer and his fellow prisoners.? How do words like soup and bread take on new meaning for Eliezer? Why does he describe himself as a “starved stomach”? What did it mean to see bread and soup as one’s “whole life”? (page 52)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Eliezer describes two hangings in this section. He tells the reader that he witnessed many others. Yet he chose to write only about these two. Why are these two hangings so important to him? How do they differ from the others?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why do you think Eliezer and the other prisoners respond so emotionally to the hanging of the child?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why do you think the Germans chose to hang a few prisoners in public at a time when they are murdering thousands each day in the crematoriums?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? When the young boy is hanged, a prisoner asks, “For God's sake, where is God?” Eliezer hears a voice answer, “Where He is? This is where–-hanging here on this gallows.…” What does this statement mean? Is it a statement of despair? Anger? Or hope? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Night – Part IV: Faith and Survival at AuschwitzSurvivor Testimony:What kept Kurt and Iboyla alive?Kurt IboylaConsider how Eliezer struggles with his faith.? On Rosh Hashanah, Eliezer says, “My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now.…” (page 68) Eliezer is describing himself at a religious service attended by ten thousand men, including his own father. What do you think he means when he says that he is alone? In what sense is he alone?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why does Eliezer direct his anger toward God rather than the Germans? What does his anger suggest about the depths of his faith?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? At the beginning of Night, Eliezer describes himself as someone who believes “profoundly.” How have his experiences at Auschwitz affected that faith?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Discuss Eliezer’s relationship with his father.? Why does Eliezer describe himself as “afraid” of having to wish his father a happy New Year?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Describe the encounter between father and son after the services. Why does Eliezer say that the two of them “had never understood one another so clearly”?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How does Eliezer respond when he fears his father has been “selected”? When he discovers that he has indeed been “selected”? When he learns his father has avoided the “final selection”?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why did his father give him the spoon and the knife as his inheritance? What is the significance of such a gift in Auschwitz?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How has the relationship between Eliezer and his father changed during their time at Auschwitz? What has each come to represent to the other?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider how Eliezer and his father make a decision that will decide their fate.? What choices are open to Eliezer and his father when the camp is evacuated?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How is the decision to leave made? Who makes the choice?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Is it the “right” choice? Or is it an example of a “choiceless choice”?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How does the decision help us understand why many survivors attribute their survival to luck?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Night – Part V: The Importance of MemorySurvivor Testimony – While watching Kurt and Iboyla’s testimonies, please answer the following question:Why is it important Kurt and Iboyla to remember and to tell their stories?Kurt: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Iboyla:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Consider how prisoners struggle to maintain their identity under extraordinary conditions.? In this section of the book, Eliezer tells of three fathers and three sons. He speaks of Rabbi Eliahou and his son, of the father whose son killed him for a piece of bread, and finally of his own father and himself. What words does Eliezer use to describe his response to each of the first two stories? How do these stories affect the way he reacts to his father’s illness? To his father’s death?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? What does Eliezer mean when he writes that he feels free after his father’s death? Is he free of responsibility? Or is he free to go under, to drift into death?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Eliezer later states, “Since my father’s death, nothing mattered to me anymore.” What does he mean by these words? What do they suggest about his struggle to maintain his identity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Think about what it means to describe one’s image as a “corpse contemplating me.”? In the next to the last sentence in the book, Eliezer says that when he looks in a mirror after liberation, he sees a corpse contemplating him. He ends the book by stating, “The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me.” What does that sentence mean?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? Why is it important to Eliezer to remember? To tell you his story?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________? How has he tried to keep you from responding to his story the way he and his father once responded to the one told by Moshe the Beadle? How successful has he been?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Discuss why Wiesel titled his autobiographical story “Night.”? What did the word night mean to you before you read the book? How has the meaning of the word changed for you? How did it change for the author?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS1.) Complete the quotation from the beginning of the movie:“Childhood is measured out by _______________ and _______________ and _______________, before the _______________ hour of _______________ grows.” John BetjemanAfter you finish watching the movie, explain why you think the director chose to use this quotation at the beginning:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.) Why and how does little Bruno’s life change so drastically at the beginning of the movie?3.) What does Bruno’s dad do for a living?4.) What does Bruno’s father warn his grandma about at the party? As you keep watching the movie, how would you characterize their relationship?5.) Describe Bruno’s new home in the countryside of Poland with their house in the city of Berlin.House in BerlinHouse in Poland6.) What does Bruno call the Jews from the nearby concentration camps who work in their yard and kitchen?7.) What is his father’s explanation for why the farmer’s wear pajamas?8.) Why is Bruno’s mother upset about the concentration camp being so close, and why does she forbid him to explore in the backyard?9.) How is the Jewish servant, Pavel, treated? How does Pavel treat Bruno when he hurts himself?10.) What do we find out about Pavel’s life before the concentration camp?11.) Whom does Bruno meet on one of his explorations beyond the backyard gates? As you watch the movie, what else do we find out about his new friend?12.) What is Bruno being taught about the Jews by his tutor?13.) How does his father explain the smell from the chimneys? What is the smell really?14.) How and why is the relationship of Bruno’s parents changing?15.) Why and how does Bruno betray his new friend?16.) What is Bruno’s plan to make up for letting his friend down?17.) What happens to Bruno and his friend at the end of the movie?Discussion Questions after Watching the MovieFor this part of the discussion, you will be divided into five groups. In your groups answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Then be prepared to share your answers with the class. It would be helpful if one group member could write or type the answers to the questions on a piece of paper that we can put on the projector to give your classmates a visual aide, for they need to copy down/summarize the answers of your group during your presentation. Innocence Perspective (Group 1) – The story includes an interesting contrast of an innocent child’s perspective in a setting with circumstances far from innocent. This section explores the meaning and value of an innocent perspective and how it enables this story to unfold.? What do “innocent” and “na?ve” mean when used to describe children?? Can adults be na?ve? In what ways can they be na?ve? What adults in the movie seemed na?ve?? Does Bruno and Gretel’s tutor take advantage of the children’s innocence in what he teaches them? How? What were these ideas?? What events and experiences lead Bruno to gradually give up some of his innocence and see things differently?? Why was it so hard for him to believe that his father could be involved in hurtful acts?? Why do you think the movie ended the way it did?The Essence of Friendship (Group 2) - Friendship is a central theme of this story, and this section explores the reasons, depths and meaning of friendship explored in this story.? Why do you think Bruno and Shmuel become friends and stay friends?? Why doesn’t Bruno try to protect his friend when Shmuel is attacked by Lieutenant Kotler?? Have you ever done something to a friend that made you feel bad or ashamed? How does shame and remorse figure into the friendship between Bruno and Shmuel? How does Bruno show his remorse?? Why does Shmuel forgive Bruno? ? How does Bruno justify continuing his friendship with Shmuel despite what his father, sister, and tutor have said about Jews?? How do Bruno and Shmuel demonstrate the essence of friendship despite their many differences? What are their differences?? How can people use the power of friendship to cross boundaries of race, religion, and culture?Acts of Humanity (Group 3) - The author of the book and the creators of the movie crafted the story as a fable. A fable is story with a moral, one that teaches a lesson about humanity. The section explores the depths of humanity that are possible in the most trying of circumstances.? Think about fables you know and the lessons associated with those fables. What are the lessons to be learned from this fable, and the moral of this story?? Contrast Pavel’s treatment of Bruno when the boy fell from the tire swing with the way Pavel is treated by Bruno’s family.? Mother saying “thank you” to Pavel for treating Bruno is an important turning point for her. What has changed for the mother at this point?? At times, Father is shown as a loving parent and husband. How is that possible given his role as a Nazi officer giving orders to treat people inhumanely?? Bruno tried to help Shmuel find his father despite being frightened and wanting to go home. Why?? Have you ever been in a situation where a person was mistreated? What actions did you take? How did you feel after acting or not acting?? What do you think causes people to treat others in such horrific ways as was done during the Holocaust? Understanding Obedience and Conformity (Group 4) - This section explores the value of thinking and acting for the benefit of others, and how that can sometimes mean going along with everyone else, and other times not.? What is peer pressure? Have you been in situations in which you felt compelled to go along with a group? Describe those situations and why you acted as you did.? What is propaganda? How is propaganda used to “sell” people on a viewpoint?? The short film shown by Father in the movie to his soldiers is considered propaganda. What was the purpose of this propaganda?? When Mother learns that Jews are being exterminated at the camp, she questions her husband. “How can you?” she asks. He responds: “Because I’m a soldier.” Contrast these two perspectives.? Gretel believes the viewpoints of Lieutenant Kotler, the tutor Liszt, and Father about Jews. Although Bruno is younger than his sister, he questions their viewpoints. Why?? How is obedience constructive and how can it be destructive? Give examples from the story of each.? What are ways of advancing peace and harmony in life through constructive disobedience?Exploring Prejudice and Discrimination (Group 5) - The story takes place during a traumatic period in the world’s history. This section explores the damage to humanity that prejudice and discrimination have, and how and why it’s important to fight against them.? Have you ever been discriminated against? When have you witnessed discrimination against other people or discriminated against someone else?? What is a stereotype? Why do people stereotype groups that are different from them? How does the movie depict Nazis stereotyping Jews?? A scapegoat is blamed for things they are not responsible for. During the Holocaust, Jews became scapegoats, blamed for all the troubles in Germany. Why were they made scapegoats?? What happens to cause Mother to question her own prejudice against Jews?? When Bruno first finds out that Shmuel is Jewish, he says: “You’re a Jew. You can’t be. I think I should go now.” Why does Bruno react that way at first?? When you hear someone make a biased comment about a group of people, what do you usually do? How hard is it to stand up to prejudice and discrimination? Why?? In the story, who fights against prejudice and discrimination? Give examples of people in history who fought against prejudice and discrimination.? In your opinion, what does the end of story symbolize? Why?FINAL QUESTION (Every Group) – Read the following book review and respond Rabbi Blech’s claim that this well-meaning book ends up distorting the Holocaust in a well-developped paragraph.This well-meaning book ends up distorting the Rabbi Benjamin BlechSoon there will be no more eyewitnesses. The Holocaust is inexorably moving from personal testimony to textual narrative.Survivors, those who clung to life no matter how unbearable so that they could confirm the unimaginable and attest to the unbelievable, are harder to find after more than half a century. It is the written word that will have to substitute for the heart-rending tales of woe shared by those who endured hell on earth. That is, after all, all that will remain of six million victims.Holocaust authors have a daunting responsibility. They must speak for those who cannot, but whose suffering demands to be remembered and whose deaths cry out for posthumous meaning. Their task transcends the mere recording of history. It is nothing less than a sacred mission. Holocaust literature, like the biblical admonition to remember the crimes of Amalek, deservedly rises to the level of the holy.For that reason I admire anyone who is courageous enough to attempt to deal with the subject. No, there will never be too many books about this dreadful period we would rather forget. No, we have no right to ignore the past because it is unpleasant or refuse to let reality intrude on our preference for fun and for laughter. And John Boyne is to be commended for tackling a frightening story that needs to be told to teenagers today in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas -- a fictional account of the Nazi era that uses the powerful device of a tale told from the perspective of its nine year old hero.I came to this book fully prepared to love it. Although the publisher insists that all reviewers not reveal its story, the back cover promises "As memorable an introduction to the subject as The Diary of Anne Frank." And indeed the writing is gripping. The style, sharing with Anne Frank the distinctive voice of youth, is extremely effective. One can readily understand why the book has had such a strong impact on countless readers, become required reading in high school Holocaust courses round the country, and is about to be released as a major motion picture.And yet…How should one react to a book that ostensibly seeks to inform while it so blatantly distorts? If it is meant as a way of understanding what actually happened -- and indeed for many students it will be the definitive and perhaps only Holocaust account to which they will be exposed -- how will its inaccuracies affect the way in which readers will remain oblivious to the most important moral message we are to discover in the holocaust's aftermath?Without giving away the plot, it is enough to tell you that Bruno, the nine-year-old son of the Nazi Commandant at Auschwitz (never identified by that name, but rather as "Out-With" -- a lame pun I think out of place in context) lives within yards of the concentration camp his father oversees and actually believes that its inhabitants who wear striped pajamas -- oh, how lucky, he thinks, to be able to be so comfortably dressed --spend their time on vacation drinking in cafes on the premises while their children are happily playing games all day long even as he envies them their carefree lives and friendships! And, oh yes, this son of a Nazi in the mid 1940's does not know what a Jew is, and whether he is one too! And after a year of surreptitious meetings with a same-aged nine-year-old Jewish boy who somehow manages every day to find time to meet him at an unobserved fence (!) (Note to the reader: There were no nine-year-old Jewish boys in Auschwitz -- the Nazis immediately gassed those not old enough to work) Bruno still doesn't have a clue about what is going on inside this hell -- this after supposedly sharing an intimate friendship with someone surrounded by torture and death every waking moment!Do you see the most egregious part of this picture? As Elie Wiesel put it, the cruelest lesson of the Holocaust was not man's capacity for inhumanity -- but the far more prevalent and dangerous capacity for indifference. There were millions who knew and did nothing. There were "good people" who watched -- as if passivity in the face of evil was sinless. If there is to be a moral we must exact from the Holocaust it is the "never again" that must henceforth be applied to our cowardice to intervene, our failure to react when evildoers rush in to fill the ethical vacuum.Yet if we were to believe the premise of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, it was possible to live in the immediate proximity of Auschwitz and simply not know -- the very defense of all those Germans after the war who chose to deny their complicity.True, Bruno in the story was but a boy. But I have spoken to Auschwitz survivors. They tell me how the stench of burning human flesh and the ashes of corpses from the crematoria filled the air for miles around. The trains traveling with human cargo stacked like cordwood screaming for water as they died standing in their natural wastes without even room to fall to the ground were witnessed throughout every countryside. Nobody, not even little German children who were weaned on hatred of the Jews as subhuman vermin could have been unaware of "The Final Solution." And to suggest that Bruno simply had no idea what was happening in the camp his father directed yards from his home is to allow the myth that those who were not directly involved can claim innocence.But it's only a fable, a story, and stories don't have to be factually accurate. It's just a naive little boy who makes mistaken assumptions. However that misses the point. This is a story that is supposed to convey truths about one of the most horrendous eras of history. It is meant to lead us to judgments about these events that will determine what lessons we ultimately learn from them.So what will the students studying this as required reading take away from it? The camps certainly weren't that bad if youngsters like Shmuley, Bruno's friend, were able to walk about freely, have clandestine meetings at a fence (non-electrified, it appears) which even allows for crawling underneath it, never reveals the constant presence of death, and survives without being forced into full-time labor. And as for those people in the striped pajamas -- why if you only saw them from a distance you would never know these weren't happy masqueraders!My Auschwitz friend read the book at my urging. He wept, and begged me tell everyone that this book is not just a lie and not just a fairytale, but a profanation. No one may dare alter the truths of the Holocaust, no matter how noble his motives.The Holocaust is simply too grim a subject for Grimm fairytales.Answer the following questions with your group – Now after reading the movie/book review, please respond to Rabbi Blech’s claim that this well-meaning book ends up distorting the Holocaust.What reasons does Rabbi Blech give for his opinion?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why is the task/responsibility of the Holocaust author?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the moral we must exact from the Holocaust according to Rabbi Blech?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does this book distort the moral?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you agree with Rabbi Blech? Why or why not?Topic Sentence:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Concrete Detail:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Concrete Detail:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Commentary:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Concluding Sentence:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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