Grade 12 Exercise Science - Resurrection C.S.S.

Grade 12 Exercise Science

PSE 4U Course Outline

Teacher: Mrs. Tonya Reesor Student:

|Course Description |

|This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems, factors and principles involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects|

|of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sports, and the factors that influence an individual's participation in |

|physical activity. The course prepares students for university programs in physical education, kinesiology, recreation, and sports administration. Please |

|note: this is a UNIVERSITY level course. |

|Key Understandings |

|Upon completion of this course, students should be able: |

|To describe the structure and function of the human body and of the physiological principles relating to human performance; |

|To demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which nutrition and training principles affect human performance; |

|To use the principles of motor learning to analyze or teach a skill; |

|To analyze the relationship of society and culture to sports and physical activity; |

|To develop an appreciation for God’s creation of the human body. |

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning

|Categories of Evaluation |% of Term Mark |% of Final mark |

|Knowledge and Understanding |30% | |

|Thinking and Inquiry |20% | |

|Communication |20% | |

|Application |30% | |

|Final Evaluation: Portfolio | |10% |

|Final Evaluation: Exam | |20% |

|Breakdown of Final Mark |70% |30% |

|Units of Study |Assessment strategies include: |

| |Active participation |

| |Observation/ Conferencing |

| |Paper and pencil tests |

| |Written reports |

| |Self evaluation / Reflection |

| |Oral and Visual Presentations |

| |Independent learning assignments |

|Strand 1: The Basis of Movement | |

|Anatomy and Physiology/ Biomechanics | |

|Strand 2: Motor Development & Human Performance | |

|Growth and development/ Motor Learning/ Human Performance | |

|Strand 3: Physical Activity and Sports in Society | |

|Physical Activity and Sport Issues/ Society and Culture | |

Learning Skills and Work Habits

The development of learning skills and work habits is an integral part of a student’s learning. Beginning in September 2010, students will be evaluated in six areas. Under the Health and Physical Education curriculum, “a student’s demonstration of those skills and habits is to be evaluated as part of the evaluation of the overall expectations in the three strands of the curriculum” (Growing Success, p. 10). This is significantly different from past practice.

|Learning Skills and Work |Example Behaviours |

|Habits | |

|Responsibility |Commitment within the learning environment; complete and submit class work, homework, assignments according to agreed upon |

| |timelines; manage own behaviour |

|Organisation |Devise and follow a plan; establish priorities & manage time to achieve goals |

|Independent Work |Independently monitor, assess, and revise plans to complete tasks & meet goals; follow instructions with minimal supervision |

|Collaboration |Respond positively to ideas, opinions, values and traditions of others; build healthy relationships with others; work with others to|

| |resolve conflict and build consensus |

|Initiative |Look for/act on opportunities for learning; curiosity & interest in learning; positive attitude |

|Self-Regulation |Set own individual goals and monitor progress toward achieving them; assess and reflect critically on own strengths, needs, and |

| |interests; make an effort when responding to challenges |

Department and School Policies

Each of the policies listed below is clearly linked to the Learning Skills and Work Habits previously mentioned. It is imperative that students and parents take the time to read through the following information, and speak with a Phys Ed teacher if you have any questions.

1. All assignments are due by the assigned date. If an assignment is not completed by the assigned date, the student will be given a Late and Missed Assignment Tracking Sheet with a clear indication of the revised date (most likely the next school day). One third of a level will be deducted from the assignment for each school day up to the full value of the assignment. The best practice is to submit your best work by the assigned date.

2. This course requires a two (2) hour written final examination that will be scheduled during the examination period.

3. Regular attendance in this course is essential for success. In order to demonstrate achievement of course expectations you must be present in class, and fully participate.

4. Please be prompt for each class. Lateness for class will be balanced with a detention on your lunch, or before/ after school.

5. You must be in an acceptable PE uniform at all times when participating in PE class. The following points are considered “acceptable":

• The RCSS PE t-shirt and shorts (sold in PE office);

• Athletic shorts (minimum inseam of 5 inches, not cargo shorts, beach shorts, boxers, "short shorts", etc.)

• Athletic pants (sweats, windpants, yoga pants)

• Athletic fitting t-shirt (logo must be appropriate for school wear). This does not include a fashion fitting t-shirt that says “Athletics” on it.

• Athletic socks and running shoes. Shoes MUST be tied correctly.

• RCSS “spirit wear” is acceptable, provided it is still a t-shirt or athletic pants.

• Warm clothing must be worn when we go outside for classes (pants, mitts, hat, jacket, sweater, etc.).

6. The following safety expectations are in accordance with the Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA) Safety Guidelines:

• Hanging jewellery must not be worn. Jewellery which cannot be removed and which presents a safety concern e.g. Medical Alert identification, religious/ cultural jewellery, must be taped. Students must provide their own athletic tape for this purpose.

• Long hair must be secured so as not to block vision. This applies to both males and females.

7. When participation in a physical activity class is not possible for a valid reason (funeral, court appearance, student activity, medical necessity), please provide an explanatory note from your parent/guardian. If a medical condition prohibits participation in physical activity classes for an extended period of time, a note of verification from your physician will be required. Depending on the circumstances, alternate arrangements may be made at this time to earn the credit in this course including course change or deferral of credit.

We have read and understand this Course Outline.

Student: Parent/ Guardian:

Date: Date:

We encourage you to contact your son/ daughter’s Physical Education teacher at 741-1990 ext. 448/449 throughout the semester with any of your concerns or questions. We will be contacting you if your child is persistently late, absent, and/or experiencing academic difficulty.

We look forward to a great semester developing healthy active living habits…for life!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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