Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design

Classroom Resources on Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design

Books and Articles

Alters, Brian J. and Alters, Sandra M., 2001, Defending evolution in the classroom: A guide to the creation/

evolution controversy: Boston, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 262 p.

Crow, Linda, 2004, Lamarck is sitting in the front row: Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 34, n. 1,

p. 64-66.

Dutch, Steven I., 2002, Religion as belief versus religion as fact: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 50, n.2,

p. 137-143

Moore, Randy, 2005, Nature, vanity, and the teaching of evolution: Journal of College Science Teaching, v. 34,

n. 4, p. 8-11.

National Academy of Sciences, 1999, Science and creationism: A view from the National Academy of Sciences

(2nd edition): Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 35 p. Online at:

Orr, H. Allen, 2005, Devolution: The New Yorker, May 30, p. 40, 48-52.

Rennie, John, 2002, 15 answers to creationist nonsense: Scientific American, p. 78-85.

Skehan, James W. and Nelson, Craig E., 2000, The creation controversy & the science classroom: Arlington,

VA, NSTA Press, 56 p. Available from National Association of Science Teachers at


Strahler, A.N., 1999, Science and Earth history: The evolution/creation controversy: Buffalo, NY, Prometheus


Working Group on Teaching Evolution, National Academy of Sciences, 1998, Teaching about evolution and

the nature of science: Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 140 p. Online at:

Wise, Donald U., 1998, Creationism’s geologic time scale: American Scientist, v. 86, p. 160-173.


Learning and Teaching Evolution – four 15-minute videos that highlight a range of strategies for teaching evolution; available for purchase from WGBH Boston or can be viewed online at .

Evolution Library – several hundred video clips and Web activities dealing with a multitude of topics related to evolution; most clips are from the PBS Evolution series and are 2 to 6 minutes long viewed with Quick Time or Real Player plug-ins in your Web browser. View online at .

Evolution - the 8-hour Public Broadcasting Series on evolution that was first broadcast in Fall 2001; available on VHS or DVD from WGBH Boston at .

Web Resources

Teaching Science to Creationist Students: - from Starting Point; Teaching Entry

Level Geoscience

Evolution Resources: - from the National Science Teachers Association

Science and Creationism: - from the National Academy of


Understanding Evolution; An Evolution Website for Teachers: - from the

University of California Museum of Paleontology

National Center for Science Education; Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public Schools

- extensive lists of references, articles online, and links regarding teaching

evolution, creationism, and intelligent design


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