Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science Prof. Randolph ...

"Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science" Prof. Randolph M. Nesse

"Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science"

Randolph M. Nesse, M.D. The University of Michigan



Medicine Uses Some Evolution

? Anti bi oti c resi stance ? Evoluti onary geneti cs ? Human phylogeny


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements


"Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science" Prof. Randolph M. Nesse

But Much Is Missing

? Co-evoluti on and arms races ? Subtle evoluti onary geneti cs ? Evoluti on and behavi or ? Evoluti onary epi demi ology ? Aski ng w hy natural selecti on has left the body

so vulnerable


Some General Principles?

? Imperfections cannot be eliminated because natural selection is too weak and random

? Selection shapes traits to benefit the species ? Pathogens evolve to co-exist with hosts

They are all false ? Natural selection shapes health and longevity

? Genetic disease results from mutations that natural selection can't eliminate

? Aging results because body parts wear out ? Natural selection cannot influence anything

after reproduction ends


General Principles Corrected

? Imperfections are present for 6 reasons ? Natural selection shapes traits for genes ? Pathogens evolve to maximize replication ? Natural selection shapes the body

to maximize reproductive success ? Common genetic disease results mainly

from quirks interactin g with novel environments ? Aging results because of pleiotropy ? Natural selection continues after reproduction


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements


"Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science" Prof. Randolph M. Nesse

Percent of schools that include t opic in medical curriculum (n = 55) Nesse & Schiffman, 2 000

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

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Evolutionary Biology Faculty in Medical Schools



Std. Dev = 1.76

Mean = 1


N = 33.00

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Gertrude Stein on Her Deathbed

" The answ er, the answ er, w hat i s the answ er? The answ er, the answ er, w hat i s the answ er?... No, no that' s not i t What is the question?"


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements


"Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science" Prof. Randolph M. Nesse

Why Has Natural Selection Left the Body So Vulnerable?

Parts of the body are exquisite

Others are botched



The Old Answer: Natural Selection Is Just Too

Weak to Make the Bodily Machine Better

Flaws are inevitable because natural selection is a random process of limited power


The New Answer

There are six reasons w hy natural selecti on leaves the body vulnerable to di sease


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements


"Evolution: Medicine's Missing Basic Science" Prof. Randolph M. Nesse



Disease and Evolution

Di sease i s not shaped by selecti on But vulnerabi li ty to di sease i s

Natural selection can help explain maladaptation as well as adaptation


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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