Faculty of Political Science – Lingua Inglese …

Department of Social and Political Science

Degree Courses

Political Science and International Relations (LM-52 / LM-62)

Cooperation and Development Sciences (LM-81)

English for Academic Purposes and Academic writing

Prof.ssa Carmen Argondizzo

Tutorials: Teresa Gencarelli

Sayuri Kusumoto

2nd semester


a.a. 2014-2015

Course description

The course focuses on the development of academic skills in L2 with the support of authentic materials related to the students’ field of study. The teaching approach is communicative and learner-centered. The lessons will be dynamic and will include the use of videos and constant collaborative group work. Moreover, students (both International and Italian) will be asked to give brief oral presentations in class in order to share cultural backgrounds. Academic writing is also introduced with specific focus on the development of a research proposal.

Course objectives and skills

Knowledge and understanding

Students should approach the course with the objective of:

• expanding knowledge of the main elements of spoken and written discourse in English;

• being able to follow presentations and academic lectures in their field of study;

• developing critical and creative thinking, while being exposed to communicative and collaborative group experiences, both in class and in everyday academic contexts.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Students should be able to develop and apply their knowledge in the following language skills and communicative functions:

Reading and textual skills

• understanding and reflecting on the content of academic texts with focus on specialized language in the field of socio-economics and political science;

Listening skills

• understanding the main ideas and a certain range of details of most spoken language in the academic context as long as it is delivered at normal speed;

• understanding and reflecting on the content of video presentations (e.g.: academic seminars, hints on oral presentations).

Speaking skills (oral production and interaction)

• explaining the main points in an idea with reasonable precision, evaluating situations, expressing opinions on a range of topics, specifically related to economic and political science issues, while using appropriate business vocabulary;

• delivering a well-developed oral presentation, highlighting significant points and relevant supporting details;

• participating in discussions related to topics in the field of Socio-Economics and Political Science.

Writing skills

approaching academic writing with specific focus on the development of a Research Proposal.

Dates Content

February 24th--26th

Topic 1 Introducing Autonomous Learning and the CLA website:

Topic 2 Placement Test

Main objective: assessment of learners’ language competences; meeting learners’ needs.

Tutorials Assessing your competences in the English Language using as reference the self-assessment grid provided by the Common European Framework (Council of Europe); awareness of study tasks.

March 3rd- 5th

Topic 1 Opening video

Dream Baby Dream: meet their expectations.

Topic 2 Approaching the module: course program.

Topic 3 Getting to know each other: feedback about ‘triennale’ English courses.

Topic 3 Video 1

Ted Talks: The puzzle of Motivation

Reflection on listening strategies: words, concepts, repetition, subtitles. Extensive and intensive listening.

Tutorials What is a research proposal? Features and Layout.

March 10th- 12th

Topic 1 Feedback about Tutorials: 5 new things students have learned.

Self-Study: CMC_E Project cmceproject.it

Topic 2 Video 1

Ted Talks: The puzzle of Motivation (2nd part)

Topic 3 Socio-economic Sciences, Economics, Human Rights: a Wikipedia perspective. Read and report on interesting words and concepts.

Tutorials Outlining a research proposal: Brainstorming on possible ideas.

March 17th-19th

Topic 1 Feedback about Tutorials: 5 new things students have learned.

Topic 2 Gender Issues: a Wikipedia perspective;

Topic 3 Video 2

Your world off-line

Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words. Messages conveyed.

Topic 4 Video 3

Emma Watson: He for She campaign

Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words. Messages conveyed.

Tutorials The Research Proposal:

Focusing on the Topic and the Title

The Rationale of the Research

March 24th-26th

Topic 1 Feedback about Tutorials: 5 new things students have learned.

Topic 2 Political Science and International Relations: a Wikipedia perspective;

Topic 3 Video 4

Heineken: The Candidate

Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words and concepts. Messages conveyed.

Tutorials The Research Proposal: Plagiarism - what it is, and how to avoid it.

Video. Business Focus. The Candidate: Heineken.

Listening and note-taking tasks. Extensive and intensive listening. Reflection on listening strategies.

Easter break

April 9th

Tutorials The Research Proposal: Focusing on the “Literature Review”

April 14th - 16th

Topic 1 Feedback about Tutorials: 5 new things students have learned.

Topic 2 Video 5

Dove Evolution

Message conveyed.

Video 6

Dove beauty sketch

Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words and concepts. Messages conveyed.

Tutorials The Research Proposal: Focusing on the “Questions to be answered”

April 21st (no class) 23rd

Topic 1 International Students’ space

Egypt, culture and beauty by Mohamed Tamir

Indonesia, culture and beauty by Ratna Pujaningsih, Pepe Kartika Wahyu, Siti Maskoratul Ainia, Patricia Iriana Puspitaloka.

Paraguay, culture and beauty by Duarte Maidana Santiago Ramon.

Listening, note-taking, questions from audience.

Topic 2 Video 7

San Pellegrino: commercial

San Pellegrino: interview with Pierfrancesco Favino

Extensive and intensive listening: searching for words and concepts. Messages conveyed. Opinions on Emotional branding.

Tutorials Research Proposal: Focusing on the “Questions to be answered” (review) and “Design of the study”.

April 28th 30th

Topic 1 International Students’ space

Poland, culture and beauty by Krzysztof Pisula

Listening, note-taking, questions from audience.

Topic 2 All Students’ space: Research Proposals topics

Group work.

Tutorials Research Proposal: Focusing on the “Timeline” and Bibliography

May 5th -7th (DES Students)

Topic 1 Video 8

Hints for a good oral presentation.

Topic 2 Language for oral presentations: expressions students like to use.

Topic 3 Course wrap up: awareness of competences achieved.

Topic 3 Closing video (watching and listening)

Dream Baby Dream by Bruce Springsteen: recalling key-concepts elicited at the beginning of the course; pre-watching expectations of what they expect to see in the video; watching video; wishing students to keep on studying English efficiently and keep on dreaming.

Tutorials Research Proposal: Putting it all together: formatting etc.

Students’ feedback.

Home Assignments

Extensive reading of books and articles based on selected topics (for all).

Exam assignment

Students will be asked to prepare a Research Proposal on a topic related to their field of study (academic writing task). Discussion on their proposal will follow (academic talk task).

Dates for paper submission and presentation will be provided at the end of the course.

For further readings visit and cmceproject.it

Enhancing learner autonomy through Self-study: We remind you that materials and facilities provided by the CLA are resources available to every student.

Dates for the exam will be given in class and on uniwex.

We are available for any help or support during office hours. Keep in touch.


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