Rubric for assessing your work

|Year 10 |Domain: The Arts - Media |Date Assigned - |Due Date - | |

|Assessment Task Title: Evolution of Photography | |

|Student’s Name | |

Assessment Task


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|Section 1 – Timeline of the evolution of photography |

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|Create a timeline to represent important developments in photography from its beginnings until today. The timeline may be created with computer software or done by hand, however all text should be typed. |

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|Section 2 – Construction/diagram of a camera |

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|Create a diagram of an SLR or digital camera and annotate it, showing the parts and features. Write step-by-step instructions on how it works. |

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|Evaluation |

|Produce a written evaluation of the type of camera that you chose to focus on. |

|What you should include in your evaluation: |

|How it is similar / different to other types of cameras |

|Evaluate its importance in the development of photography |

|The impact this camera had on the development of photography |

|The implications this technology had/has on society |

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|Section 3 – Study and replication of photographs |

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|Choose 3 famous photographs – one from early times, one from modern times and one from somewhere in the middle of your timeline. You need to print each photograph and annotate it, showing the stylistic features and meaning that is|

|communicated. |

|You now need to try to replicate the photos in a medium of your choice – you can replicate the photos using any type of camera you wish (pinhole camera, SLR, digital SLR, 35mm or digital autofocus camera etc) |

|What you are trying to replicate are the features of the photograph – composition, lighting, angle etc. |

|Evaluation –This should also focus on strengths and weaknesses encountered in the replication of photographs. |

Rubric for assessing your work

|Rubric Description |< |Below the expected standard |Meets the expected standard |

|Comments: |

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A+ - 90-100; A - 80-89; B+ - 75-79; B – 70-74; C+ - 65-69; C – 60- 64; D+ - 55-59; D – 50-54; N – 0-49.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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