Practice Final Exam – Biology 30

Multiple Choice. Please select the BEST response. (1 mark)The plasma membrane (cell membrane) is:Single layered membrane that surrounds the nucleus of the cellA double-layer of protein enclosing the plasmaA phospholipid bilayer surrounding the cellA membrane composed of tiny shelves or cristaeMitosis isformation of sex cellscell replicationto create diversity in genetic potentialall of the above are correctMitochondria:contain their own DNAcontain structures for photosynthesisare involved in the breakdown of ATPsynthesize proteins for use outside the cellDNA replication:can also be called mitosisis spontaneous, not requiring enzyme actiontakes place during interphase of the cell cycleoccurs only outside the nucleusWhich of the following is a concept of the cell theory?Simple cells can arise spontaneously form rotting vegetationA cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organismsThe subcellular organelle is the basic unit of lifeOnly higher organisms are composed of cellsWhich of the following occurs in meiosis but NOT mitosis?Crossing overSegregationFormation of gametesAll of the aboveOnly A and CDuring which stage of cell division does cytokinesis occur?TelophaseAnaphaseMetaphaseProphaseWhen can nondisjunction occur?Prophase IAnaphase IAnaphase IIAll of the aboveWhat is the function of DNA helicase?Unwinding the parent strandsPlacing RNA primers on the parental strandsSynthesizing the daughter strandsRepairing broken bonds along the DNA backboneThe DNA of a certain organism contains 17% adenine. What percentage of its bases would be cytosine?8.5%17%33%66%Each DNA nucleotide is composed of the following EXCEPT:a sugar moleculea lipid moleculea phosphate groupa nitrogenous baseThe RNA responsible for bringing the amino acids to the “factory” site for protein formation is the:rRNAmRNAtRNAmtRNA The function of centrioles include:organizing the mitotic spindle in cell divisionproviding a whiplike beating motion to move substances along cell surfacesserving as the site for ribosomal RNA synthesisBoth A and B are correctWhich of the following statements is correct regarding RNA?Messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA play a role in protein synthesisIf the base sequence of DNA is ATTGCA, the messenger RNA template will be UCCAGUThere is one specific type of mRNA for each amino acidAll of the above are correctIf the nucleotide or base sequence of the DNA strand used as a template for messenger RNA synthesis is ACGTT, then the corresponding sequence of mRNA would be:TGCAAACGTTUGCAAGUACCHow many chromosomes are in a human cell in Prophase I?11.5234692A silent mutation could result in:the same amino acid placed in the chaina completely non-functional proteina similar-shaped protein, but slightly different functionallynone of the aboveIf a DNA sequence had one thymine switched with a cytosine, what type of mutation would that be?Insertion mutationSubstitution mutationDeletion mutationAll of the aboveBoth A and BThe results of a test cross reveal 50% of offspring resemble the unknown parent and 50% resemble the known test parent. This parent would then be:Homozygous dominantHomozygous recessiveHeterozygousNone of the aboveIf a true-breeding dominant is crossed with a true-breeding recessive, the F1 offspring will all be:Homozygous dominantHomozygous recessiveHeterozygousNot enough information to answerWhich of the following statements is TRUE?A gene may produce differences in the function of a given alleleMutations in DNA do not lead to genetic variabilityEvery gene in the human species has a maximum of only two potential allelesHomologous chromosomes carry the same genes at the same lociWhich statement is most correct regarding transcription/translation?Nucleotide sequence in mRNA codon is an exact copy of the DNA triplet that coded for itNucleotide sequence in mRNA codon is an exact copy of the DNA triplet that coded for it, except U replaces TNucleotide sequence in a tRNA anticodon is an exact copy of the DNA triplet that coded for itNucleotide sequence in a tRNA anticodon is an exact copy of the DNA triplet that coded for it, except that U replaces TIf tRNA had an AGC anticodon, it could attach to a(n) __________ mRNA codon.AUGUCGTCGUGAA type of muscular dystrophy shows sex-linked inheritance. Suppose a boy with the disease lives long enough to marry a woman who is a carrier for the trait. If they have a son, what is the chance their son will have the disease?25%50%75%100%If a gene has alleles that are incompletely dominant, a heterozygous individual will have characteristics that are ___________________________.the same as homozygous dominant individualsthe same as homozygous recessive individualsintermediate between homozygous recessive and homozygous dominant individualsnone of the aboveIn a breed of cattle that shows codominance, a “roan” bull is crossed with a white cow. What is the expected phenotype ration of the offspring?all roanhalf roan : half whiteall whitehalf red : half roanShort pea plants are recessive to tall. If 22 out of 138 plants are short, how many pea plants are heterozygous?16364066In a large population of robots, 9% has flashing yellow eyes. Flashing red eyes are dominant. What is the frequency of heterozygous robots?9%21%30%42%84% of a population of bison has brown eyes, the dominant trait. In this population of 375 bison, how many are heterozygous?4890180260An individual who is heterozygous for a particular trait, yet expresses both alleles of that trait, is an example of:dominancecodominancesex-linked dominance incomplete dominanceWhich of the following hormones controls the release of anterior pituitary gonadotropins?ADHGnRHFSHLHThe primary function of the uterus is to:regulate the ovarian and menstrual cyclesreceive, retain, and nourish a fertilized ovumprotect the ovariessynthesize female hormonesThe corpus luteum is:the ruptured follicle following the ejection of an oocyte from the ovarythe ovarian ligament that anchors the ovary to the uterusthe myometriumpart of the fallopian tubeHuman egg and sperm are similar in that:about the same number of each is produced per monththey have the same degree of motilitythey have the same number of chromosomesthey are about the same sizeWhich of the following statements about spermatogenesis is NOT TRUE?the spermatogonium forms the primary spermatocytethe primary spermatocyte forms two secondary spermatocytesthe secondary spermatocytes each form two spermatidsEach spermatid forms two spermA low secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the normal male adult would cause:decreased testosterone secretionexcessive beard growthincreased spermatogenesisshrinkage of the anterior pituitary glandWhich of these statements about STI’s is FALSE?Chlamydia is caused by bacteria that can bring on a wide variety of nonfatal but uncomfortable symptomsGonorrhea is caused by a bacteria that can bring on very painful dischargesSyphilis is caused by bacteria that may lead to death if untreatedGenital herpes is caused by a virus that may lead to cervical cancerWhich of the following strategies (methods) of birth control does NOT prevent ovulation?Birth control pillCondomPatch worn on skinDepo provera shotWhich of the following STI’s is curable?HPVHIVHepatitisSyphilisThe first step of embryonic development after fertilization, where the cell divides, but does not grow is called:MorulationGastrulationCleavageMeiosisWhich extra-embryonic membrane has little function in humans, except to produce red blood cells?Yolk sacChorionAmnionAllantoisThe third trimester of pregnancy:is when gastrulation and neurulation happenis when the corpus luteum is releasing estrogen and progesteroneis mostly just for growthis mostly just for organogenesis_______________ is/are the local birth hormone(s) that is stimulated by uterine contractions to maintain contractions.RelaxinProlactinOxytocinProstaglandinsWhich of the following assisted reproductive technologies involves combining gametes in a petri dish, then implanting the embryos?IVFGIFTArtificial InseminationAn action potential:moves from terminal to dendritesinvolves impulse propagation dependent on chemically gated ion channelsinvolves the influx of negative ions to depolarize the membraneis initiated by potassium ion movement Neurons transmit information in the form of:EnzymesHormonesKinetic energyElectrochemical impulsesA second nerve impulse cannot be generated until:the membrane potential has been reestablishedthe Na+ ions have been pumped back into the cellproteins have been resynthesizedAll of the above are correctWhich of the following is not a structural feature of a neuron?Synaptic cleftAxon terminalDendritesAxonThe central nervous system refers to the:autonomic nervous systembrain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervesbrain and spinal cordspinal cord and spinal nervesA neuron that has its primary function the job of connecting other neurons is called a(n):motor neuronsensory neuroninterneuronglial cellSaltatory conduction is made possible by:the myelin sheathlarge nerve fibersunmyelinated axonsinhibitory neurotransmittersWhich of the following is NOT a hindbrain structure?ponsmedullacerebellumBroca’s areaThe blood-brain barrier:circulates cerebrospinal fluidis a tough, leathery tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cordprovides a hard “armor” for the brainis selective about what can enter the brain from the blood Problems with balance may follow trauma to which part of the ear?TympanumVestibuleOssiclesNone of the aboveControl of temperature, endocrine activity, and thirst are functions associated with the:medullathalamuscerebellumhypothalamusWhich structure regulates the amount of light passing to the visual receptors of the eye?aqueous humorlenscorneairisMineralocorticoid is to aldosterone as glucocorticoid is to:estrogencortisoladrenalintestosteroneIndividuals with Type II diabetes mellitus:have an absolute requirement for insulin injectionsmay often control their disease by diet and exercisecannot produce insulinBoth A and C are correctTropic hormones:include ACTH and TSHregulate the function of other endocrine glandsexert their effects on cells directlyBoth A and B are correctOxytocin:release is an example of a positive feedback control mechanismis released by the anterior pituitaryexerts its most important effects during menstruationcontrols milk productionShort Answer. Please answer EITHER A or B for each unit (5 marks). Clearly indicate which question you do NOT want marked by crossing it out. The first answered question in each section will be marked.UNIT ONE PART AWhat are two differences between plant and animal cytokinesis? (2 marks)Provide the correct function for the following enzymes of DNA Replication: (3 marks)EnzymeFunctionDNA helicaseRNA PrimaseDNA LigaseUNIT ONE PART BProvide the functions for each of the following cell structures and state whether or not it is present in Bacterial/Prokaryotic, Plant, and Animal cells. (2 marks)StructureFunctionBacteria? (Y/N)Plant? (Y/N)Animal (Y/N)NucleolusCytoplasmDescribe nondisjunction and outline the difference between monosomy and trisomy. When can nondisjunction occur? (3 marks)UNIT TWO PART A Provide the correct function for the following elements of Protein Synthesis: (3 marks)EnzymeFunctionRNA PolymerasemRNAAmino AcidIn a population of 93 elephants, 79% have long tusks, which is the dominant trait. How many elephants are heterozygous? ( 2 marks)UNIT TWO PART BIn border collies, long hair is dominant to short hair, and black & white fur is dominant to brown & white fur. If a homozygous long-haired, homozygous black & white border collie was crossed with a heterozygous long-haired, brown & white border collie, what would be the phenotypic ratio of their offspring? Use a Punnett Square and show all of your work. (3 marks)457200010477500For this pedigree, determine:The type of inheritance: (1 mark)Genotype of individual II-2: (1 mark)UNIT THREE PART AWhat would be an appropriate method of assisted reproductive technology for a couple trying to have children if the father has a healthy sperm count, but the mother’s life would be endangered if she carried a pregnancy to term? Why wouldn’t superovulation work? (2 marks)For the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, describeOne hormone that is secreted (1 mark)The gland or tissue that secretes this hormone (1 mark)The immediate effect of this hormone (1 mark) UNIT THREE PART B617601041275J0J5715000186690000514350038100AA59436003810004000500129540006286500129540004914900381006515100723900571500020955003886200163830040005002095500411480038100038862003810000Label the following structures indicated by the letters below: (2 marks)434721027305B0BC._________________________________________640461012700I0IE._________________________________________629031048260H0H446151048260C0CG._________________________________________411861033655D0D5718175262890G00G4232910453390E0E53721008305800I.__________________________________________571881024765F0FName an STI we discussed in Biology 30.Describe what type of infection (bacterial/viral/parasitic) it is. (1 mark)Is it curable or treatable? And with what? (1 mark)List a successful preventative measure to avoid this type of infection. (1 mark)UNIT FOUR PART ADescribe the complete pathway of vision and how someone with myopia would have their vision corrected. (3 marks)After riding the Zipper or Tilt-A-Whirl at an amusement park, people are often dizzy. Which of the structures of the ear are being stimulated to cause dizziness, and how is this happening? (2 marks)UNIT FOUR PART BSerotonin is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter that plays am important role in a person’s mood and emotions. A shortage of serotonin has been associated with phobias, schizophrenia, aggressive behavior, depression, uncontrolled appetite, and migraine headaches. Synthetic drugs have been developed to enhance or hinder the performance of serotonin in the brain. Some of these drugs include:Prozac and Zoloft, which cause serotonin to remain in the brain for longer periods of timeDrugs, such as Clozapine, that prevent serotonin from binding to post-synaptic membranesDiet drugs, such as Redux and Fenfluramine, that stimulate nerve cells to release more serotoninHallucinogens, such as LSD and Ecstasy, that react directly with serotonin receptors to produce the same effect as serotoninWhich groups of these drugs would compete with serotonin for binding sites and slow down the rate of removal at the synapse? (2 marks)If a person were suffering from clinical depression, which of the drugs would not reduce the symptoms of depression? (1 mark)UNIT FOUR PART B continued…For the following hormones, list the inhibition (what makes it stop), one target tissue, one effect of the hormone, and the name of a hyposecretion disorder of this hormone. (2 marks)HormoneOverall Effect on BodyHyposecretion DisorderThyroxineInsulinThis is the end of the exam. 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