the life and death of sarah

Genesis 23:1-20

1. Think about Sarah's life of faith. What were her weaknesses? Her virtues? How was her life an example of what a godly woman should be? (Isa 51:1-2; 1Pe 3:3-6)

2. How long was Sarah married to Abraham? How did Abraham react to her death? (2) Why do you think he wept over her even though he did not weep when God told him to sacrifice his one and only son?

3. What shows that Abraham got on with the business of living after his mourning? How was the reality of his situation different from the promises he believed? (12:7; 13:14-17; 15:18-21)

4. What can you learn from Abraham's dealing with the Hittites? What does the long account of a business transaction show how a Christian is to do business with the world? (Php 2:3; Prov 20:14; 23:16-18)

5. How was Abraham's buying of Ephron's field not only for Sarah's burial but also for an expression of his confidence in God's promises concerning the land and the future? How do his words, "I am an alien and a stranger among you," show that Abraham's hope went far beyond the land of Canaan? (Heb 11:13-16)


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