Department of Psychology Doctoral Program: Clinical Psychology


This document has three separate prompts (the first two are required; the third is optional). This completed form must be uploaded to SlideRoom as a pdf file during your application process.

APPLICANT’S NAME: ___________________________________________

Prompt 1: Statement of Purpose (Required)

Please state your purpose in applying for doctoral study. Describe your scholarly and research area(s) of interest, experiences that contributed to your preparation in the field, and your plans for your future occupation or profession. Briefly describe experiences that have prepared you for research, and provide any additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for doctoral study. You are encouraged to indicate specific research interests and potential faculty mentors. For guidance on preparing this statement, please click here: . Please address in 800 words or less.

Prompt 2: Diversity Essay (Required)

Arizona State University is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom we exclude, but rather by whom we include. Applicants are required to include an essay describing how their educational, professional, clinical, or personal (e.g. cultural, economic, or social) experiences prepare them to contribute to Inclusive Excellence during their graduate career at ASU. Contributions to Inclusive Excellence may come in the form of research topic, research population, clinical work (if applicable), professional service, personal perspective, and more. Please address in 600 words or less.

Prompt 3: Other Aspects Essay (Optional)

Please describe any aspects of your personal background, accomplishments, or achievements that you feel are important in evaluating your application for graduate study. For example, please describe if you have experienced economic challenges in achieving higher education, such as being financially responsible for family members or dependents, having to work significant hours during undergraduate schooling or coming from a family background of limited income. Your response to this question is optional. Please address in 600 words or less.


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