20.2 Adverb Clauses • Practice 1



20.2 Adverb Clauses ? Practice 1

Recognizing Adverb Clauses An adverb clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.


Modifying Verbs I will leave when I am ready. (Will leave when?)

Modifying an Adjective

Modifying an Adverb

The child acted as if he were unhappy. (Acted in what manner ? ) George spoke loudly so that he could be heard. (Spoke loudly why ? ) She was late because her train was delayed. (Late why ? ) He understands less than you think. (Less to what extent ? )

Exercise 1 Recognizing Adverb Clauses. Underline the adverb clause in each of these

sentences. Circle the word it modifies. EXAMPLE: We met friendly people wwhheerreevveerr we traveled.

1. We will drive into town after I finish lunch. 2. Although we set out early, we didn't arrive until dark. 3. Before James Madison became President, he served as Secretary of State. 4. If the South had won the Civil War, our nation's history would have been quite different. 5. When Charles de Gaulle became president of France, the country faced a grave crisis. 6. He is better prepared to lead our country than most other politicians. 7. Many things have changed while you were gone. 8. I feel sad because we have to say "good-bye." 9. She can't graduate until she passes this course. 10. Since you left, the baby has grown.

Exercise 2 Identifying Adverb Clauses and the Words They Modify. Underline the adverb

clause in each sentence. Circle the word or words it modifies. EXAMPLE: We ccaann eeaatt whenever you are ready.

1. This dish tastes delicious because it has so many spices. 2. The Texans defended the Alamo until the last man was dead. 3. If we hurry, we can still catch the first act. 4. She taught us more than the other teachers did. 5. Since you insist, I will tell you my secret. 6. America was still a young country when Andrew Jackson became President. 7. Bob will be happy if you choose him for your team. 8. After the Roman Empire fell, Europe entered the Middle Ages. 9. While we're in Virginia, we should visit Williamsburg. 10. Debby worked carefully so that the project would be done correctly.

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Adverb Clauses ? 81


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